Showing Posts For GreyWolf.8670:

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Seems to me the easiest way to fix loot bloat would be to drop less of it and increase the amount of gold you get instead. The problem is that there’s too much trash loot. Reduce it and then getting even blue/green might be more meaningful as it could be a skin you haven’t collected yet.

Is this game really just about who tags more?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


HoT/LS maps I generally focus more on killing the boss as opposed to tagging things.

This problem is much bigger than simple tagging. The game doesn’t reward you for your effort at all. I can hit that boss once and get the same rewards as you. I can hardcore solo one of the lanes in the meta, but will ultimately fail because it’s a dead map and get nothing, vs I can taxi into a full one, AFK and get the max rewards.

This will never change because requiring actual contribution is too complex, can be unfair and discourages helping. As is however, it heavily rewards leeching, which increases the burden on others.

Event rewards are based on participation. If you whack a boss then stop you’ll get something, but not much.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Well this thread has been informative.

From reading it, so far I’ve found that if I play female chars then it’s because of feminine aspects of my personality and if I play male chars is because of masculine aspects of my personality.

What this all means that a female playing female chars I’m expressing female personality traits. But I’m spending my time staring at female butts, so… I’m expressing male sexuality? I’m exhibiting latent lesbian traits? But if I play male chars, while I’m now being sexual normative by staring at male butts I’m expressing masculine personality traits.


Nowhere in all this contradictory mess am I allowed to play which gender I want based on nothing more than aesthetics.

To all the deep psycho analysis some have made I say, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar (that is, you’re looking too deep into a shallow choice).

I like to set things on fire indoors and swing my weapon at ambient creatures. . Isn’t that what people do in real life too?

Pfft… I do that all the time. I’m also partial to teleporting straight to the kitchen when I don’t feel like walking there. :P

Customer appreciat-GONE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Why not mail stuff like this so everyone with an active account is “appreciated?”

Is the game badly optimized/outdated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I play on a quad core AMD X4 that someone threw in the garbage (really!) and an nVidia 9800GT that I’ve had since it was new. I don’t have any framerate or performance issues unless there are tons of players around and even that is fine if I turn down the number of characters displayed when it’s overpopulated.

Thank You ArenaNet - Happy Anniversary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


. I’m also happy to see people get a chance to to check out the VIP areas for ‘free’.

I insta deleted it, I do not appreciate them trying to coax me into buying something and calling it a birthday present…

Amazing 5th birthday rewards, thank you for everything you do, you guys are 2nd to none.

They are 2nd to Blizzard.

Hmm… ANet is still getting my custom. Blizzard is not.

What goes well with Aurene?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Assuming she’s reptilian, maybe a marinade with a vinegar-base and something like asparagus and some shallots? No deep-frying, though. Too greasy.

The Mounts are Useless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


4) They don’t fly.
Really if we got a mount that flies that would not only be far more exciting, but that mount would be able to get around all the obstacles the other ones can.

So no I’m not excited for the mounts, I’m just really curious why would ANET give in and listen to the community on this one? Because there is really no point in this game for them.

Flying is one of the worst things they ever added to WoW, I much prefer ground mounts instead of just flying over everything and feeling disconnected from the world. Anet has been reducing the amount of way points of maps since Dry Top.

It’s funny you say that. Removing flying except after content is depleted is why I no longer play WoW, and I played it since before release.

UGLY Launcher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I don’t mind the appearance at all but it would be nice if it opened in the center of the screen. :P

DPS meter really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Second of all you have feelings – sure – (although personally I don’t particularly care about them nor am I obligated to do so) there’s the issue of their feelings as well.
You have feelings that get hurt if you get kicked or told you’re bad?
Well guess what – I have feelings that get hurt and a play experience that is ruined if I have to play with a bad player that’s not bothering to pull his weight and wants to leech off my run.
When did your feelings become more important than mine?

Therein lies the problem: caring about peoples feelings is something that normal people do. There’s a reason why we call people who don’t care about other’s feelings a sociopath. Other players are not tools with varying degrees of insolence. You’re going to spend endless hours arguing with people on this because you are a stone trying to convince water that indefinite form isn’t real. The best thing you can do is a person is realize that your lack of caring is abnormal, and thus your actions and decisions are going to be warped due to a selective sociological blind spot.

So let me get this straight – if a person cares more about their feelings than the feelings of another that person is a sociopath?
Because I would argue that a person that cares more about the feelings of others than he does about his own is pathologically altruistic.
People care about others – yes – but ultimately people care more about themselves. That’s not begins a sociopath – it’s being a normal human being. People put themselves first. Normal people at least.

There are very niche situations in which people don’t – but those situations arise from complex and long-term human-human interaction (camaraderie in the field of battle, sacrificing yourself for your partner or child). You can’t expect this level of selflessness in a game – which I would argue isn’t even human contact at all. Or if it is it is the barest minimum.

Your view that my lack of consideration for other players in a video game is a testimony of sociopathy is in itself a testimony of how warped you perceive things to be.
People in this game ( the majority of them and almost all pugs) are not my long-term peers, they’re not my friends, not my neighbors.
Honestly – there’s no way to even prove they’re people at all if you want to get all crazy – how do I know they’re not sophisticated AI?

Crazy ideas aside – what makes you think it’s normal to exhibit a complex behavior such as selflessness in a setting that’s so far removed from the normal circumstances in which this behavior appears?

Within this realm of feelings is the joy gained by playing a particular class, and this is yet another thing that elitism punishes. People feel rewarded for playing their class the way they want, and don’t when they aren’t. With rare exception, this feeling is ubiquitous across the player base. As an addition to tolerance and forgiveness where people have agreed to have competent performance, we have the agreement that parties involved are going to be having fun. This agreement is not taxing, because if everyone is having fun playing the class the way they want, then the time for completion is not a factor. Any additional time spent on content due to inefficiencies is merely time spent having fun.

Of course everything you state is hinges entirely on how you define fun. If the act of playing itself is fun for you then some of what you said stands true.
However – for a great number of MMO players the fun is in the rewards. Most MMO content is a “grind” that you wouldn’t do unless you wanted a reward.
Thus – most MMO players want their reward as quickly as possible because that’s the fun for them.
You’re saying it’s the journey and not the destination – I’m saying it’s the destination and not the journey. At least to me and to others.

So then – the time of completion is always a factor because you want it as short as possible.
The problem is that you only see things from your side and refuse to see the other side. To me doing T4 fractals isn’t fun – opening T4 fractal loot is fun.
Grinding for gold isn’t fun – what’s fun is buying rare skins and crafting legendaries.

It follows naturally that I’d want to spend as little time as possible doing the un-fun part.

This expectation is not selfish. The unspoken agreement is that if one player plays how they want, another player can play how they want regardless of that manner of play. Other teammates are allowed to change their class or min-max their build however they want. There is no expectation to carry or be carried, and there is no debt of performance that demands to be filled.

And what happens when your method of play is incompatible with mine?
If we group together and you want to run your build and “fight all the mobs” while I want to clear the dungeon ASAP and just get out. Who’s right?
The line is drawn when the majority decides. If we decide that we want the end reward quickly and you want to take your time and enjoy the journey – we’re going to kick you because ultimately we’re supposed to group up based on common goals. If we don’t have those then we shouldn’t be playing together.

That is basically what “sociopath” means. Why are you being so hostile towards everyone?

DPS meter really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


When you see a group that says the simple: “T4 dailies” what do you expect?
A group that will teach you the details and mechanics of each encounter, or a group that is already experienced with it and wants to finish the daily quickly?

Just “T4 dailies”? I would expect they do not mind who joins.

Although when you type “T4 dailies” you shouldn’t distinguish between professions and take any that might join, that doesn’t mean you will teach anyone the mechanics of any fight. That’s what groups with “training” in their name are for.

Then put “no newbies” or something in your listing. If you just put “T4 dailies” it’s assumed that’s what you want. If you do not want people that like hazelnut then put “no hazelnut fans” in your listing, otherwise you’re being disingenuous.

why no duel?

in PvP

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


You’re going to get the same responses since the game came out. The PvE players are frightened and literally shake at the thought of having someone send them a duel request.

Every major MMO that features dueling has an option to ignore duel requests so this is not an excuse.

Their other excuse is “I don’t want duels to clutter my precious Lions Arch!” but they’re the FIRST ONES to fill LA with dumb halloween costume fights.

There’s zero reason not to have dueling in the game. It’s a fun way for friends to test builds against each other while you wait to start a dungeon.

Stop taking the game so seriously. Who cares if people duel near you.

You think people are shaking because they don’t want to participate in something they’re not interested in? Seriously?

DPS meter really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


It’s a game not a job… Some of us like to take our time, if you’re not one of them please put it out there up front so we all don’t waste each others time.

When you see a group that says the simple: “T4 dailies” what do you expect?
A group that will teach you the details and mechanics of each encounter, or a group that is already experienced with it and wants to finish the daily quickly?

Just “T4 dailies”? I would expect they do not mind who joins.

Can't use desired name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


It’s more likely that’s it is a copyrighted name than any “SJW” nonsense or partial matches to another word.

So much new tech for the engine

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


May I ask what’s in DX11/12 that’s not in DX9 that you think would make a difference?

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


It’s quite a surprise that no1 mentioned the big big QoL update anet released last spring. B4 that all the wp in the HoT maps were locked until u did all the events, same went for adventures as most were locked until u did the whole meta and then had mb 10min to do the afdventures and u had the participation system were u had to reach 200% to get the most rewards. U basically had to invest 1+ hour in a single meta while now u can just hop on and reap all the rewards.

No1 also talked about the locked merchants that also got unlocked after the update. I remember having to do a whole cycle of ds just to talk to the merchant to get a gift or a machined sword or an insignia/inscription. Anet does remember the casuals and this was the biggest proof there ever was. And u literally couldnt progress on a map with no 30 people doing all the events so if u were playing on odd hours that was a nightmare.

Mind u that was pretty early and came due to the outcry that everything run on a very strict clock making it feel like a job instead of a game. In OP’s mind HoT might still not be casual friendly, the bigger picture however suggests otherwise.

They were not. No waypoints were locked in HoT except for Dragon’s Stand. All others were always available unless they were contested.

Has Anet Remembered the Casuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Anet takes both the hardcore and casuals into account. You are very wrong on many points by the way.

How do they do that on either count? I’d be interested in hearing your explanation.

PAX Weekend: Party VIP Opportunity!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I live in SE US. No Pax here? Where is the love for the rest of the planet?

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


While i understand that this is not the “official” feedback thread, can we get some acknowledgment that someone from Anet is reading this thread and hopefully taking what is being said here into consideration?

Don’t count on that. They’ll address it after the people that hate it have already left.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


This mechanic saves bag space.
I don’t see a downside.

No, it doesn’t. It just turns bags into bags you have to pay to open. It’s a cash grab.

DPS meter really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


So today I have been kicked out of a fractal party cause my dps was not maked out, they confirm using dps meter. So now people can use dps meter? So arenanet you change your mind? Can I ask a refund of my entire account cause I clearly remember back a couple year ago dps meter was illegal and thats was one of the reason I started playing this game. To avoid kittens players. If I recall the user agreement speak of this? Did anet change the user agreement without notice or I miss something?

the game is trying to become more WoW clone like I guess. complete with add-ons, 2nd jobs (raiding job after you come home from work), toxicity, hamster wheel gear tiers etc. etc.

I would really like the CEO of A-Net to come and comment on the general game direction, specifically the degredation of its original vision and how it was marketed and sold.

They messed up so many things and alienated the fanbase with Hot. And also Dugeons died for this.

This. They do not need to do anything that will alienate more customers. I cannot get any of the people I know to play MMOs anymore so unless they want an exponential loss in customers they need to address stuff like this.

DPS meter really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Every MMO in history has gone down the same path and there are always people claiming it’s needed to ensure they can do the most difficult content etc. and that only certain people abuse it. All rubbish as every MMO in history has proven out, it’s a tool used that propagate elitism and it absolutely has far more negative effects than positive.

It’s a shame we’re already back to elitism vs. playability and enjoyment. It’s the same old song and dance that happened after HoT dropped.
This is a subculture

It’s worse in GW2 though since GW2’s dps balance is actually really bad compared to other games. For most classes if you haven’t farmed full vipers or do not like DoT play-styles, good luck.

I have at least one character of every profession. Which ones do you think are failing and have you opened tickets about them being unbalanced or wanting?

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I think it just adds an unnecessary step. How does this improve the game?

It doesn’t. It just makes you pay for the one thing the game gives you as a reward.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Why would changes like this not be mentioned before you start accepting money for the product? This seems purely to make you spend more gold, which is already scarce but can be bought with gems. Shame on ANet.

There are plenty of players who would want to buy it right away after it’s announced. Myself included.

The announcement stated there would be a preview weekend for everyone to try it. So the question should be, if your decision to purchase could be swayed by changes in the game then why would you not wait to play the preview before purchasing?

Edit: Also, gold is certainly not scarce in the game. Not in the least.

I’m not sure if you didn’t actually read my brief post or chose to ignore it. I also bought it shortly after it was available but this annoys me. Things like this that make fundamental changes to core parts of the game should have been announced before they accepted money for it. This thread shows that. I hate unidentified loot. I threw it away in GW1.

The PoF Beta... what do you think so far?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Played it for about 20 minutes. Not impressed with that sample.

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Why would changes like this not be mentioned before you start accepting money for the product? This seems purely to make you spend more gold, which is already scarce but can be bought with gems. Shame on ANet.

(edited by GreyWolf.8670)

Why does raiding feel so unfriendly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Does that mean there are no new raids coming with PoF in favor of open world content?

I hope it’s the former. There is no point to raids in this game and HoT should have proven that.

Well, looks like ANET thinks otherwise though.

Yay? They’re paying an entire team to produce content 1% of their customers want.

Why does raiding feel so unfriendly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


i’m glad it’s there for those who need that experience as it retains quality hardcore players.

Not sure how the presence of an elite who are often openly hostile to people trying to start off raiding (as the OP has accurately commented on) is an asset to the 95+% of players who can’t get in or don’t want to get into this small niche content; the vast majority will never interact with this elite in any way that advances their [the majority] game experience.

As a non-raider myself all raiding means to me is scarce dev. resources being used to create content I’ll never get a chance to see, as won’t the vast majority of players: only WOW of all the major MMOs has a ‘raiding’ community above single-digit percentage and that’s because of the tiered raiding system, which the vocal elites shout down in most other MMOs when the subject is raised.

And where can we look up the percentage for GW2?

Oh wait, again someone who makes up percentages to proof his point.
If the raid population is so low, why do they still develop raids?

You are proving his point for him, man.

Why does raiding feel so unfriendly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Does that mean there are no new raids coming with PoF in favor of open world content?

I hope it’s the former. There is no point to raids in this game and HoT should have proven that.

Client -autologin broke with new launcher

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


The “-autologin” CLI parameter isn’t working for me, either.

Inb4 they make us buy all new mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


They don’t make anyone buy anything from the gem store.

Also, I’m ok with buying things voluntarily if they look good since I don’t have to pay $15 a month to rent access to the game. :P

A Compromise for Others Who Don't Want Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


How are there no horses in Tyria?

Different planet and evolution chain? There are no smokescales or jade constructs on Earth, either. (thankfully!)

Wait What? A new Expansion? But But But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I would say this followed by O’Brien’s update implies they were part of HoT.

Defeating Self Doubt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


lol, yeah I agree it’s not obvious at all. Probably the most difficult LS fight that I can remember in terms of figuring out what to do.

It’s just terribly designed. Just like the boss fights in every episode this season. :/

The meaning of "Game"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


It definitely fits the definition of a game. What you’re describing is a “casual game.” GW2 can be that, too, but if you’re looking for it in PvP you will not find it.

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


How many people expecting a discount on the next product release because they bought the last give their employer a payroll discount on this year’s pay because they were paid last year?

That’s an inane-sounding analogy so maybe you could ’splain it?

Will the next expansion be discounted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Some of you need to stop begging for more freebies and discounts on a game that has $0 in monthly access fees.

If some of you want some super deal then wait a year after the next xpac launches.

It’s like nobody buys anything on the gem store to support the game, right?

The expansion should not cost the same for existing players as it does for new players if the new players get everything existing players paid for. There’s not really any ethical way around that. And yes, new customers should get LS unlocked. It’s a big part of the content.

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Your list is fine. I reviewed my bank and my mule toons, I do have some things I would like to raise as an appeal. Please…..please…….make a slot for:

1. Tomes of Knowledge. I don’t want to consume them all because I want to save them until I know I need spirit shards, but can retain them to insta level a new toon if I want to.

2. Rare Crests (Rabid, Shaman, Soldiers, etc.) These work the same way as orbs for making amalgamated gemstones and should store where orbs store currently

3. I am drowning in Luck. I am maxed out so consuming it is a waste. I save it for the new year thing for guild hall deco so I need a mega place to hold it. Or you need to come up with a trader where I can turn it into something useful. If no mega slot, I’d take a slot and then also a thingy to consume it (like Mawdrey)

4. I may have missed it on your list. Unidentified Dye and Boxes of Fun need a slot. These are truly crafting items and They are very slow to get while you are saving them up for high level crafting.

With these additions, I think we’d have everything we need. Thanks so much, this update to storage is so very much needed!

I also would like Luck to be store-able.

What to do with Dungeons.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Dungeons still need a single-player story mode or just be completely removed.

Game Crashing upon New Update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Update seems broken. Just got the repair dialog, too. No patches/hacks at all. Been on Win 10 CU for over a month with no problems. Killing the repair task and restarting does NOT trigger the repair dialog again.

Legendary Armor: Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Yeah, fully agreed. This is so utterly disappointing. Come oooon. This is the best your team can do? Then you need a new team

Especially if this mess took 2 years to cough up!

It seems like their answer will be no team at all instead of a new one, meaning they don’t plan to create more Legendary Armor sets ever again


So… already deprecated to the recycle bin.

Official Episode 5 Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I’ll just state my one technical issue and my suggestion for a minimal fix.

I found the final battle extremely frustrating (again) for one that’s going to attempted by mostly solo players. Yes, it’s difficult and challenging, but increasing the amount of time the hounds are downed would fix it without changing the challenge level. I was able to dodge fire, etc. fine but getting the orbs and all within the time they were incapacitated was a bit much.

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


This thread is still boiling down to Raid Hate. I will bet you if they did add an “easy mode” to raids but that mode prevents you from working toward legendary armor the argument will no longer be “but I wanted to experience the story” but “but I wanted to get legendary armor”.

What’s wrong with that? Just make the premade one drop more materials. Why does it require watering down the experience? There doesn’t need to be an “easy mode.” They can already design world bosses for random groups, why can’t they apply the same to the raids for a story mode with 10 randomly grouped players?

My problem with raids is exactly what I see in this thread: “I want something that others can be excluded from.”

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


Completing something with minimal effort?

I get that people want to be rewarded but kitten . Is that really what the gaming industry has come to?

Then do them in challenge mode and leave the rest to ragtag groups.

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


It’s funny how everyone says that a very small percentage of the playerbase raids. Just one look at the lfg and you will find that raids are the most popular thing after fractals and i’m not even talking about weekends. Rest is usually map metas, hot/sw/dt etc.

Not to mention the guild runs that dont appear on lfg….

The people you see listed in LFG are by no means a majority of the players. The majority are still stuck not doing even dungeons because there is still no matchmaking. GW2 needs automated group formation for instanced content, period.

Minimum System Requirements is way outdated !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I have a 2nd gen i3 with only Intel HD 2000 and I can play fine with it set on “best performance.” I do have 4GB of RAM, though.

Gem Store Suggestion - Organize my bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


I’d be happy with just a drop-down to select what kind of items you want in each bank slot and an option to compact to them, but not as a gem store item. If they start microtransacting the game to death we’ll end up buying waypoints for $1.00 and the game will be over.

Watchers Hollow Jumping Puzzle - BAD

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


The second pillar on the second crossing of the stream is the problem. If your connection lags at all or you don’t maneuver just right you don’t get enough height to land on the pillar. It’s a bit to far away and high to compensate for latency.

Thank you for final fight changes

in Living World

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


This fight needs to be be detuned more. It’s absolutely awful. A small room full of explosions and that jade construct while having to throw crap at the boss? Who thought this would be enteraining?

4k when?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreyWolf.8670


As for this old discussion…

A-Net uses an old engine which was used for gw1, which was based upon an old (directX 7 FPS Engine (Unreal (2?) engine).
They modified the engine so far they were using only a couple of basic components ad dthey now had it running and were eventually allowed to use without paying COMMISION.

Then gw1 was released 3 games and 1 expansion on the 3 base games were supplied, without monthly fees.

Eventually GW2 was developed on a slightly modified version of the original gw1 engine. Now running Direct X 9.0c

This engine is property of ArenaNet. as as such it doesn’t cost them much to have you play on it.

IF Arenanet would buy the latest version of the unreal engine and do the project to get it running like this present engine they still own the owners of the engine 25% of all REVENUE made from this game, that’s 25% less updates, 25% less personell and 25% less servers. OR A MONTHLY FEE.

Even then all code needs to be rewritten, and the project would take years. I doubt gw2 as a game could afford the investments. also after these investments it would not be a new game. it would be the sma game just with a litlle more fluent gameplay, IF it works out.

Yes it sounds easy, but can this game afford no content updates for 2 years while the code is made to get this game refreshed? After 6 months of coding for HoT this game felt dead. I doubt this game would survive a DX12/ multi CPU update…

It will take time to rewrite the game (which is likely heavily spaghetti-ed due to 2 big code updates to the engine and the fact the base engine is so old.)
It will take resources (cash/manpower)
It will take commision (loss of revenue for the game)
It will change the minimum requirements of the game (even though most GPU’s should work with DX11 or 12 and most PC’s have 4 or more cores or threads nowadays)
Why? \\to make a 4+ year old game look a little more fluent, on high end systems only.
This game works on 4K screens (though the UI gets really small) it works on lower end laptops (i3’s and i5’s) without real problems except maybe for the fact it was made for 5 vs 5…

That is completely FALSE

The reason Anet made Guildwars2 was because the old Guildwars engine could not do what they needed. For example jumping the old engine characters could not jump. The new one they can. There are other things that the old engine could not do either that was just one example.

Anet uses the Havok engine for GW2 so they have a lot of freedom in how the game is designed. The Havok engine is not designed by Anet but the game and artwork is

Now yes GW2 can run in 4k as long as your monitor can handle it, or you have a video card that can make your monitor run in 4k. 4k is not some kind of gaming mode its a monitor or television mode. I have an XFX RX470 4 GB video card that can use virtual super resolution on any 1080p monitor or tv to bring it to 4k, or anything in-between.
I have used it on GW2 myself and no the window does not go really small you still get a full window screen every thing is smaller putting more of everything you can see in the scenes. It also works in full screen mode gives you those choices in the game and yes everything is more vivid and sharp in 4k. The UI does get smaller that is normal every time the resolution is higher. For example an 800×600 UI is way bigger than 1080p is. So the smaller UI should be expected.

Havok is only a physics engine. It’s not the 3D engine the game runs on.