call of duty is also an MMO, MMOFPS
If you consider 64 massive, sure.
This thread…. What are you serious????!! It’s a tiny fraction on top right of screen and one piece of text on loading screen. It’s like saying I don’t care about story instance so Anet have to remove it from my ui. Honestly anyone QQ about this might as well rage at every thing in life. Forum once again has blown my mind with how whiny people can get over nothing.
Then why post? This thread is not for you. Never use the hypothetical future option to turn off PvP announcements.
I don’t want to see it either. It’s in the way.
The latest patch notes indicated memory usage was reduced for 32-bit clients. Perhaps the border was removed in that patch as part of the reduction?
This “border” use less than the memory required to render your character’s eyes.
It depends on how it’s being rendered.
Besides, if the new maps are maxing out 32-bit address space any amount that can be trimmed without changing the way the game works is good. Not having any eyes would be a lot more distracting than a missing window adornment.
The latest patch notes indicated memory usage was reduced for 32-bit clients. Perhaps the border was removed in that patch as part of the reduction?
Yes, I’m reminded on a daily basis of why John Smith was added to Anet. He seems to have played a larger impact in HoT than actual game designers. This seems to be the direction Anet is going though; make money without actually giving content/enjoyable gameplay.
I don’t understand that either. Economics is work, not fun.
You are just way off base.
The problem is that small guilds had everything they ALREADY HAD EARNED taken away and put behind massive grind / pay walls that only a large guild can afford.
Guild halls are another issue to be sure. But the theft by ANET of all the work done already is total BS.
This is the crux of my issues. ANet made big changes. Some players don’t like them but the company remains utterly silent about those issues. If they do not address it I will assume they have gone the way of the WoW devs and do not care what I think anymore. That will be the end of my money for this game. I already feel I’ve wasted the money I’ve paid in the past two months.
They aren’t doing themselves any favors to the F2P players like me that they converted into customers. No more BL purchases for me until they say something and address the complaints.
In the end we all have to realize that this is an MMO. Massively-Multiplayer-Online. I’m sure there’s plenty of games where you can have a great time and be able to do everything with 2-3 people. In the end there’s nothing ANet can do. Scaling won’t work well with a guild hall because it’s too easy to get around- lower mats required for a guild with less people? Sure, everyone leave the guild, wait a few days, and rejoin. The reality is that people will complain no matter what they do. You can not make everyone happy. And I don’t see how this is no longer casual friendly because of these few changes. This is hardly even 5% of the game, and nothing in the core world has really changed.
Again, MMO does not mean everyone has to play as an amalgamation. It simply means the game supports a large number of players in the same world.
I, as a recently new player and purchaser, would say No. Wait about 6 months and see if they’ve fixed any of the conversions to a WoW clone they’ve made.
Adding raids was a terrible decision without creating random grouping and the content is way too overtuned.
If what was released on launch day is all the new content other than raids? Yes.
MMO == many people online in the same game at once, not many people required to even play.
I’ll say it again: this has caused ANet to lose potential customers. My friends will no longer be relocating here because the 4 of us can’t do anything useful as a guild with the HoT changes.
No, I don’t care what you think a guild should be comprised of.
If you dont care what I think, why should I care what you think?
I’m not asking you to.
We’re complaining because HoT introduced a lot of systems that make the game not the same as it was before the expansion released.
It is no longer “play how you want.” It is now “you must play with a huge glob of people you don’t know and do instanced content.”
MMO == many people online in the same game at once, not many people required to even play.
I’ll say it again: this has caused ANet to lose potential customers. My friends will no longer be relocating here because the 4 of us can’t do anything useful as a guild with the HoT changes.
No, I don’t care what you think a guild should be comprised of.
Are they taking karma or loot away from you?
Specs? We can’t see your computer from here. It runs slowly but without crashes on my Core i3 2nd gen PC with integrated Intel graphics.
What’s with “megaservers” definitely don’t remember those
Everyone appears to be in the same world. Your world choice only really matters for WvW battles.
Automatic grouping is much needed with the way the game has turned, and single-player story mode, please.
We all paid money for the game, and equal access to all benifits should be provided.
Just because a guild is small, is no excuse…………. Guilds Matter……….That is the same as saying all raids should be able to be done alone.
No, it’s not at all. The argument with small guilds would be closer to “you get no experience except in raids” because that’s exactly what it is.
Stopped reading at: Me and my wife did it so the rest of you need to shut up.
Another thinly veiled Braggart Post. So Sad.
Yeah, this “I got mine so screw you guys” has got to stop. Also, AN needs to address this publicly.
Fixing the terrible decisions they made with the guild changes will end the complaints.
It worked with the new hero point requirements, did it not?
There needs to be a scribe trainer in the GIHQ if that’s going to be the intended location for people that can’t capture a guild hall. There is no way to learn the trade and craft without one.
That would be a start.
@PopeUrban: That argument is very tired. I could make banners two weeks ago. Now I cannot. I’m done with this as far as you’re concerned.
It doesn’t matter how many people are in a guild. They should all have access to the same content. As it is they do not.
This is not about Ferrarris or the game economy or how easy it was for someone else to blow through guild hall requirements. This is about smaller groups of people not only not having access to features they earned and could use a few weeks ago, but also cannot earn new ones because of seemingly unnecessary and arbitrary changes that were made.
I was in the same situation a few weeks ago and I finally just turned off all the event/story notifications and ported from zone to zone until I got the “There’s an unexplored area in this direction” notice.
Would everyone be happier if all the influence they ever spent was refunded to spend on favor? Or just turned into favor directly?
Just curious. This would obviously help large guilds as well, not just small ones.
That wouldn’t fix the issue. A small guild would still not be able to generate any more favor after that. The problem is the gap between the one person required to start a guild and the ~10+ that they seem to be intended for now.
Starting a new guild now stinks. Who wants to join a guild that has zero perks and won’t have them for months because it requires a set amount of players before you can even generate resources?
@PopeUrban: You keep saying that as if it were true.
How is it more beneficial for a small guild now than the old system when I could get banners before but I cannot now? Where can we teleport to from anywhere when we cannot get a guild hall?
Please stop complaining about something that doesn’t hurt your gameplay. This hurts ours. I now have almost zero likelyhood that my friends will join me in this game now because of the guild changes. That’s 3 sales ArenaNet won’t be making until they fix this.
Enjoy your guild hall and stop telling other people they can’t have one.
I have had this same problem happen. It would be nice if “retry” didn’t start the fight over from the beginning.
L2P… by standing in midair? I think not.
Anyone know where this installs to by default? Its not in my Normal GW2 directory, And its taken up a lot of much needed space on my SSD
It doesn’t install itself. Just drop the file in your existing GW2 install folder and run it from there.
Tired of loot? That’s just crazy talk. Loot is Life.
Every double-click might bring that thing you have always dreamed of, or something you can sell for more gold than you have ever owned, or, oh wait, it’s another green.
Ah yes! But here is another bag. Just think what it might contain…
I think this is the feeling it is supposed to give. (and the guy who mentioned it was to cut out magic find is also right. That was also a reason for bags and chests)
But with 100 bags that are mainly filled with junk this does not work. A boss that can have a rare drop does have this effect of “Will it drop”, but opening 100 bags does not.
You know what is also bad. When your characters screams it’s something rare, and it’s some junk like ascended mats that are already filling up your bags.
My character: “That looks valuable.”
Me: “What, the blue mace you can’t use?”
I did the rolling alligator HP last night in Auric Basin and got credit for completing it but did not get the 10 points. Should’ve been the last 10 points I needed to finish my Druid track. :/
@Wildkitten: Sorry, I have no interest in discussing this with you anymore.
Wait, I’m not sure I understand. Can the Scribe profession not be learned by anyone who can’t access a guild hall?
It’s very strange ArenaNet has addressed other complaints and not this. I just decided to ask for a refund.
Nooo. I had just assumed I couldn’t find the NPC. This has to be an oversight. I wonder if Anet is aware.
How is it an oversight? The point of a scribe is to make guild items. Had to have the guild earning influence before to train banners, now you have guild leveling the guild so can make the banners through crafting.
I had some banners unlocked all by myself before HoT launch. Now I cannot do anything else.
Honestly, you’re not helping.
if you have 100% Tyria map completion it’s still bugged. I"m holding off on getting that last hero point I need until I know for sure that it’s fixed.
You’re supposed to get map completion rewards for Silverwastes, Dry Top and Southsun too, but that’s bugged too. >.<
I also got rewards for both Silverwastes and Dry Top this weekend. Maybe a recent patch broke it? I just finished world completion yesterday.
Wait, I’m not sure I understand. Can the Scribe profession not be learned by anyone who can’t access a guild hall?
It’s very strange ArenaNet has addressed other complaints and not this. I just decided to ask for a refund.
I fully understand if guilds at 5+ and slightly over are having difficulties, that is a problem that does need to be sorted.
Complaining thou that your guild is below the party of 5 people required to initiate it, and you cannot join in guild activities. That is practicaly saying I can no longer play Guild Wars 2 because I removed my video card.
Are you actually playing this game? It still requires only one person to create a guild.
…Are all guild missions going to require at least 3 people? Are guilds with just two people not going to be able to have any perks to playing together and be forced to join larger guilds?…
Missions have ALWAYS required more than 3 people to get through.
I just really don’t understand why people are complaining about this unless they are just using it as a way to bash the expansion. No way you and one other person earned enough influence, through normal gameplay, to make a lot of guild items. If you were buying influence then you were already doing the “paywall” so many complain about.
This is completely nonconstructive and almost seems like a personal attack. What exactly are you implying? That we lied about being able to advance guilds with only a few players before Friday?
As I said in the other thread, I spent about 5 gold on commendation letters. The rest was just playing for about a month.
I am in a small guild myself. We have maybe 8 to 10 active players and not very many inactive players as we are all friends that have met each other while playing the game (though 1 or 2 were friends separately before that). This system is in no way unfair to small guilds. It is also not a “cash cow” as some have called it. The content is gated so not even large guilds can finish that quickly.
We are only 6 days into the expansion, less than a week, and it seems many are complaining they don’t have fully functional guild halls yet. What’s coming next, complaints that some people put more time into the game than others and that Anet should take the time to make a system that figures out what things should be on a per capita basis based on an hour of play time? Because that is the logical next step to this argument.
The point of the matter was that before the expansion and the guild changes the fact of having a small or large guild didn’t matter. We all understand that large guilds will get things faster, that is a given. And yes your guild isn’t very big, but for my friends in game which their are only 4 of us actively playing now since most of them left the game, we spent all the time since launch acquiring the guild guild buffs/levels. And now we can’t do things such as claim wvw structures, produce banners/upgrades and have pretty much lost all guild functions. Overnight we lost all that hard work. Its not that we want things given to us. Just pointing out that this system caters to large guilds and disregards the smaller guilds. Guilds were fine the way they were.
Wrong, this new system is actually easier for smaller guilds. There were some upgrades that could be done without ever running a single guild mission, but to get a lot of items that were the desirable items you had to have merits. To get merits you couldn’t do it with just 3 or 4 people.
As I pointed out above, to get to guild puzzles you had to do more than one bounty within 15 minutes. You didn’t do that with 4 people. To do puzzles you HAD to have more than 4 for all but one puzzle, and that one puzzle was a bare minimum of 4. There is no way you did the challenges with only 4 people.
your right, we didnt do the puzzles with just 4 people, and if u look at my previous posts i also stated that i got my guild tiers to level 5 out of the 6. Never said that i was able to do those missions. But i was able to upgrade and get guild influence by myself when my other friends weren’t online. I wasn’t restricted by a body count or guild level. The point of the matter was that we as a small guild we were able to unlock the guild tiers at our own pace and were able to use the guild functions. After the patch, we lost all guild functions. Yes larger guilds will always have the upper hand, once again that is a given, but for smaller guilds that worked since launch to get to where they were only to lose all of it and to only hear that “oh your not considered a guild because you don’t meet so and so body count requirements” is terrible on the developers part.
As a solo player you didn’t earn influence at any rate fast enough to be able to do much whatsoever. So yes, you were restricted by a body count unless you took a lot of gold and bought influence. And how would that be a guild activity?
I personally like the fact that the new system actually makes doing things as a guild needed to improve the guild. The entire point of a guild is to have people work together to accomplish something.
But let’s look at some facts here. As a guild of 1 or 2 people you were not earning, through gameplay, much influence whatsoever. In a day you may have earned enough influence to train a single banner, a banner which didn’t give much of a boost and was only good for 30 minutes. So really, not much point. All of the best upgrades were put behind the merit system which required more than 2 people as well.
Yes, we have lost guild functions for the moment until the guilds are leveled up, but this a total revamp of the guild system. All previously trained upgrades are still available for use. The new system upgrades are very logical in what is required for upgrading.
Oh? I was able to upgrade my placeholder guild in a month to having all of the upgrade tracks at a least level one, politics to level 2, a bank and either guild weapon or armor (I can’t remember which.) I think I may have spent about 5 gold on commendations. Now I can do pretty much nothing. I get no guild experience playing by myself where before I got influence every time I played even though it was slow.
How is this system better for smaller guilds? By saving them time by not playing?
I don’t think small guilds should get guild halls, but I do think that they should have an alternative that scales to them.
Why not? We paid the same for the game as everyone else.
You’re right, small guilds should have the option to get guild halls, but they still shouldn’t have reduced goals simply because they have fewer members. If a guild wants to put in less total resources, the results should reflect that; I just think there should be smaller alternatives that you can finish for less resources (so you can finish with a small, luxurious office instead of a sprawling, crumbling ruin with a hobo tavern in the middle of it).
If it’s just a matter of how much real money you paid, I would say it’s unfair for two people who paid a combined amount of $100~$200 to get the same prize as quickly as 30 people who paid a combined amount of $1,500~$3,000.
I personally am not asking for reduced costs on anything. My problem is that currently that cost is infinite as there is no way to accrue anything without a minimum amount of bodies.
Now, it looks like we’re done. It seems there is no way to progress our guild, no matter how slowly.
Make some friends? There are tens of thousands of other players out there willing to help you. The only reason why you don’t have a way to progress is because you don’t want to (invite other people, make friends, etcs). It’s called an MMO for a reason.
Yes, and in some games, we join other guilds for that reason. However, we liked our little two-person guild,
WoW requires 10 people to create a guild. Yet my now unsubbed account has a 1 person guild.
- Meet some people who are willing to help you with the needed challenges to get a guild hall, and then leave. In WoW: its quite common for people to offer others coin in game to help start a guild and then leave it.
Acutally WoW has only required 4 players to sign the charter for about 4 years. There is also a guild recruitment tool built into the game where you can list your guild and players can browse for one they’re interested in joining.
That addition would help here, but ArenaNet didn’t do that. They just raised the requirements for guilds with no way of compensating for the changes. I would imagine starting a new guild would be quite tedious now as you would have absolutely nothing to offer prospective members over a large guild that was able to upgrade everything within a few days of the HoT release.
There is no justified reason letting a guild of 2 people achieve the same as a guild of 200 or more. What would be the point of even joining a big guild then? You’re just complaining because you can’t get over your anti-social behavior.
Not everyone is fixated on ‘achievements’ as you seem to be, some people od things for the fun not for the supposed kudos they [vainly] think it gives them.
Get over your elitist attitude.
You’re avoiding the question. What would be the point in joining big guilds if you could do everything already as two people.
The elitist argument is dumb. Wanting to be rewarded for bigger effort is sheer logic.
Why must people be forced to join bigger guilds just to enjoy the game? In any case smaller guilds need to put in that “bigger” effort u keep preaching about in order to get things, as their aren’t as many members to provide income or resources so your way of thinking IS elitist and not very valid. Yes bigger guilds will get things faster and will have the resources and numbers, but how to accomplish the same things as a small guild is much more rewarding as the struggle is much harder….
This. I’ll just tell my friends to stay where they are in their other game for now until this gets resolved. This is the only game that I’ve ever played that now forces you to pad a guild to use it.
I don’t think small guilds should get guild halls, but I do think that they should have an alternative that scales to them.
Why not? We paid the same for the game as everyone else.
It’s like political parties. I’ll bet anyone here who is registered belongs to a single party. You can’t be in the Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green Party, Peace & Freedom, etc. all at once. You pick the one you most closely identify with.
Groups are for people to get together for various activities they enjoy, not guilds. Some people don’t know a guild is, I suppose.
Thanks for the responses, especially those who do get it.
You can absolutely join as many political parties as you wish. You just can’t vote in multiple primaries in some states. However, this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.
A “group” of people has no set size definition other than not one. Some historical guilds only had a few members because of trade secrets. This also has nothing to do with this topic as we’re not forming historical merchant and artisan guilds.
Again, how would my 1-4 player guild damage your gameplay experience?
My view on it is simply this: does it harm a larger guild for there to be smaller ones, even if they’re only 1-4 people? If not, then there is no reason for this artificial restriction.
My friends that were planning on joining me here (there are only 3) are now holding off until they see if this is remedied. Two weeks ago we would have been fine. Now there would be no point in being in our own guild.
My guild got 5 members and we are all real live friends.
We made the same guild/clan over in every online game we’ve played.
Due to real life issues, getting married, having baby, looking for better jobs etc.
We are now down to 2 active members, and looks like we will never have our own guild hall. We don’t ask for being a powerful guild, we just want to enjoy every guild functions like other big guild.
The core of being a guild is to grow in size. Two members isn’t a guild. It’s barely even a party. You’re complaing about something that exists in any mmo.There should be some kind of a reward for being bigger. If two people could achieve the same as 200 people, then what is the point of even joining a big guild?
I have built my guild a guild hall back in GW1 by myself. I never complain about the cost, i don’t mind it took me 3 years or 5 years, just cut the guild mission player requirement and i am good as is.
My guild have 6 members all together, Destiny’s edge is a guild of 5 at the moment, they are a guild. Even down to 2 active players, it is still a GUILD.
I don’t see how you upgrading it all by yourself proves anything. Big man took on the world using the guild system,good job. Sorry to break it to you, you aren’t a guild by yourself. And a system that allows it is insulting itself.
You aren’t being able to gather THREE people in an MMO to do a 15 minutes mission proves how stupid your point is.
Just because Anet decided that DE are a guild ( they were technically 6/7 members not 5) Doesn’t mean its the definition of guild size. 5 or below people are a party. There is no justified reason letting a guild of 2 people achieve the same as a guild of 200 or more. What would be the point of even joining a big guild then? You’re just complaining because you can’t get over your anti-social behavior.
Question: Why is it ok that elite specializations and the Mentor tag be “fixed” (neither of which I had any issues with the way they were) and others’ complaints about the new guild system shouldn’t be addressed? That’s not exactly fair. I don’t want to join a huge guild full of people I don’t know. Will they let me take whatever I want from the bank? Doubtful.
I spent considerable time and game resources building up the one I have in anticipation of a few friends coming to play with me. Now there’s no point as the four of us still won’t be able to progress.
Or use a landline. Even dinosaurs have landlines, I believe. ; )
A lot of landlines are VOIP now and won’t work with it. Mine doesn’t so I have to use WinAuth.