I don’t know how I forgot about this..
Although I find this image the most interesting
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
To me this “Our designs are inspired by all the feline variety that exists in nature.” does not go with Rox .
Well duh, you’re not the lead designer so I can understand that.
I don’t have to be the lead here to:
*Understand and know when to use whimsical or natural features and all the myriads in-between.
*Know how to concept, draw, and render proper animal/human anatomy and skull structure.
*work within the confines of an already established franchise art style.
*know how the ups/parent company might want something in a product which does not “fit” and then having others rationalize it to the customers…
since my last post got infracted its the last thing I will say.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
It’s fine to discuss about the eyes, but how deep people needs to go with it like sheesh. It’s not that serious..
I hope I can get those eyes, but I probably won’t cause a certain crowd doesn’t wish it
. Makes me want to say
- We never get good stuff if they’re around
I hope you can get them also …. I just don’t like them on Rox.
I think Anet needs a test server.
My charr is dying of laughter
She is even worse looking in game. This charr should get a redo.
At least her voice was not as annoying as her face.
Same here, had to pay for the waypoint.
9/10 for Mikalash Gunforge, sounds strong.
My Ash Legion Charr thief ,Vadim Greyfur of the Grey Warband (based off of Grey Ranks ) who specialize in sabotage, armed resistance, and assassinations.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
So did the entire original anet design team get fired or something? This is seriously disgusting and insulting to me as a serious charr player. I used to be able to point to this game as one of the only examples of making a beast race female right, but not any more.
They are looking for
Character Artist
*Able to match the Guild Wars art style and quality level
and it is not unusual after a successful launch the original art team moves up to different roles or goes to other projects altogether, letting new artist come up but the art lead is not having much QC.
In my opinion Braham doesn’t look like a norn at all. He looks like he is a character from another game with another universe. And his hair style is breaking my heart.
But I guess I’m just “old fashion”. The younger audience might like such “norn” (like charr Rox, which made me laugh and cry at the same time).
After a second look I have to agree with you.
Looks like she is not an April fools joke.
Big differences from the original faces
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
Actually, no, you can’t create a character as freakish as Rox in character creation. Someone tried—this was as close as they could get. Even on max settings, the eyes are still significantly smaller and much more realistic. While the charr in this picture is cute, she is still clearly a charr who belongs to the race. Rox, on the other hand, looks like a badly-drawn chibi cartoon.
That would be a nice version of Rox , Weindrasi.
Forgot a teen charr concept already existed
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
@ Greyffur… Time changes and so does designers minds on how they want to design their model.
You are correct. Time changes but designers minds not that much; and that got me thinking, if Perry, Kotaki and Hargrove are still involved in the ArenaNet design team. A change like this has to come from the outside either a new artist or maybe NCSoft wants something closer to the aurin of Wildstar or lyn of Blade and Soul (but this is just speculation)
If it was one of my concept artist bringing this to me, as art lead It would not get pass the concept stage.
The last thing I will post on this subject:
I don’t give two copper if and when ArenaNet decides to add this face to players character creator. The fans of it can use it and it wouldn’t affect anything. In my opinion It just doesn’t go with what the charr are supposed to be and should not be used for a main character.
Now I will retire from this post.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I’m too closed minded to want Anet to make their charr look like charr?
I’m sorry, and you are the leading authority on Charr designs since when exactly? – An elephant eared human would be stupid because you don’t get elephant eared humans, but Arenanet created the Charr. Where they take the charr design aesthetic is theirs to decide.
Personally I like Rox and hope we see the eye option extended to the makeover kit :p
from Arenanet , designers of the charr
“Trying to add a more human-like feminine appearance to the Charr in an effort to gain the best of both worlds wound up watering down the entire design too much: “The human part of our Charr catgirl wasn’t human enough to be cute, and the Charr part of her wasn’t Charr enough to be fierce, let alone look like a female of the same species. So while this experiment was very important for visualization, in the end it didn’t give us the result we wanted.”
“Above all else, we needed to be true to the race, of course!”
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I wonder if she has any relation to Rox Ashreign, horns have the same vibe.
This type of stuff always happens when it enters anthro mythology art xD. You make it cutesy and then you get shun by that certain community. Priceless….
I know the eyes are big, but remember those can be adjusted. I think people are forgetting if this becomes a options to the character selection. You can shrink the eyes.
Anyways if it happens it happens I’m cool with it either way cause it’s just one more model adding to the charr selection.
Beats a blank right?
I would not complain if this was for character creation but for one of the main characters in the upcoming story line? I have to voice my opinion and displeasure.
I disagree, I believe that there is quite a bit of constructive criticism in this thread, particularly with what Greyfur did by showing how she would look with properly scaled eyes. What sort of criteria are you holding that makes this thread irrelevant, other then the fact you disagree?
Greyfur’s simple photo manipulation is hardly constructive. There are numerous factors you have to consider before simply downsizing the eyes.
For example, what is the proper anatomy? Do you really believe that the creators of this creature don’t understand what they’re doing? You think we do? Realistically, I’d say it’s entirely possible for a creature of that size and spec to be born with eyes that size. Why deny the possibility?
Being a paid character artist gives me the insight into proper anatomy of many different creatures. Yes there are variation on ever type of animal, plant etc. but Rox is an (ugly) anomaly charr; when compared to everything ArenaNet said the charr were supposed to be from before BETA.
Doubt it, charr cubs look “normal” and we all know what adult and old charr look like, so you are proposing that in the transition years between them they look this odd? No its look is deliberate; for what reason? I don’t know.
Current ingame cubs are not cubs actually, they are scaled down adults. So Rox can be first step to change that.
like actual big cats?
while she does look a little silly so do most young animals, example, my puppy i have has huge eyes that dont fit his head either, in fact they looked slightly similar(minus the horns of course)
so maybe the char mid teens look slightly like weird, not like we usually see the whole maturing process for the charr anyways.
Doubt it, charr cubs look “normal” and we all know what adult and old charr look like, so you are proposing that in the transition years between them they look this odd? No its look is deliberate; for what reason? I don’t know.
I gave my opinions on here:
I have to agree with everyone. That mace is absolutely amazing! Kudos to the designer and or artists. Such a great job was done with it!
Ditto; this is a great design, they got this one on the mark.
The weapon and gear are a great design.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I decreased the eyes just by 15% and I think it looks alot better imho (although I would go with a 50% reduction)
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
It may be the hard truth, but what the Charr look like is up to Anet to decide and expand on, not us. I personally perceive her as a little wild cat more so than a house kitten. That is just my opinion of course.
Edit: I compared her to some wild cats and she actually resembles a lynx quite closely. Not in ears, however the side tuffs and facial structure do look somewhat inspired by one.
Eyes are still to big for a proper lynx look.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
Eww! Talk about Bright-eyed and bushy – tailed.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
Very Nice!, I shared the link on the G+ GW2 community page to give you more exposure, Keep up the good work.
Odd, I didn’t see a change when I witnessed Gullik’s visit.
Here are a pic before and after he shows up.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
Does anyone know or have an idea why these flowers only bloom when Gullik visits the burial site of Killeen?
He is shallow and uninspiring; plus his voice is annoying.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I also have that issue, It wont properly scroll down. Forgot about it since I finished “my” story and hadn’t look at it in a while.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I like the hoodies, but I’m pretty disappointed that they’re useless town clothes. I have seriously never even seen someone wearing town clothes. Only time was when a few people had the mad king/phantom stuff during halloween, and even then it was just for the costume brawls.
They need to make them work like in GW1, where you can use them anywhere except in PvP. I personally wouldn’t even care if they worked there, but I know others would.
This is my opinion also I see no point to them I spend most of my time out in the world. If I was able to use the town clothing out there I probably would be spending more money into this game, so far since paying for the game before head start I have spent 0 dollars, Its too bad because the hoodies would look good as med. armor for a Charr.
Around 38-40 range.
I found it on my server but needed this for the cup
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I didn’t have this particular problem prior to yesterdays patch, so something changed on ANet’s end.
Same here, glad its not only me.
Its a shame its not, Arenanet needs to take a page from Paragon Studio and show it, but having to buy before you can make the character.
Greyfur – Not sure if you checked but it might be a different tier of asura culture armor. I know people like to mix up the sets to give themselves a unique look.
I looked everywhere I can think of in game and also here argos-soft.net/GW2ArmorGallery
no luck.
Sorry Egon Vidar, I have not seen it either
Does anyone know if this chest piece is available in game ? I cant seem to find it, I know the gloves are heavy asuran cultural (which sucks)
Edit: found another character using it.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I would like to see this in game , I don’t even mind having to go to the contact and pay every time I just want to be able to select a build and go. In City of heroes the change could only be done every 15 Min and you could not switch during a Task Force or Trial, which are the equivalent of dungeons. Something similar to this would be great!
Do you mean this?
for example : Damag Deathspike
if you are asking about the Deathspike part you need to add it when you name your charr.
Thanks Saved me alot of time going from zone to zone =)
I would be glad to help you out , I play on GoM (which I help people as much as I can) but with guesting I should be able to help you. Look me up.
Can we have a forum for each server please.
This would be a great in helping people complete Victory or Death.
Edit: or any story mode!
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I had to have him send me a mail then I was able to reply to his.
I got this and only posted 3 messages all different. Can’t post anything now
Same here and I was just trying to preview items since you cant preview on the Black Lion Trading Co. window.
Tried both already; had the same issue.
(edited by Greyfur.1082)
I get this message every time I try to mail my friend. Does it not work if the other person is not online?