Showing Posts For Immortal.3647:

/Age and precursor drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


a bit over 2k hours, 1pre

Did I just get rolled back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


it’s a timetravel feature !

though i wish they would remove it pls, i’d much rather do lvl ups instead of having random time travels every 10minutes and having to redo quests, vistas, WPs, PoIs all over again !

no presents delivery in winterwonderland JP ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


why not carry a present to the other side, like in 2012, for the kids ? in 2013 the present had a usage for yourself if i recall right (for the checkpoint ? idk). but this year that function has been removed and we are not carrying anything, its just a meaningless JP !

I need a reason to jump !

just kidding, i don’t like how my character is running around with combat animation without carrying a weapon. carrying a present looks better !

earmuffs not dyeable ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


thx, didnt know that trick ! works

earmuffs not dyeable ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


i can dye all my gear except for the earmuffs. is that a bug or intended ?

[Suggestion] Invisible Dye

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


I foresee only one thing if they implement this.

*female norn


Silverwastes Map and Music Is

in Living World

Posted by: Immortal.3647


couldn’t agree more!

love it !

in Living World

Posted by: Immortal.3647


great stuff ! because of the HUGE break in LS, my friends and i had taken a break from gw2 and started with FFXIV. on halloween we logged into gw2 like once, did the mad king jp, bought some costumes from gemstore but that was it, we went back to FFXIV the next day.

then today new LS chapter and kitten , all my friends from all the games they had emigrated to and me, we came crawling back like little golums, soaking up that PATCH and immediately exploring the new map together, the hype is real. and its been like this for the entire s2 LS so far. the moment patch hits, everyone abandons whatever they just did and we explore the new chapter together. i just LOVE this and i want this to continue forever, i cant wait for the next episode great job anet!

besides that, i really liked the new map, mobs kinda hit hard for a change but thats good. story was nice. the open world pvp was very random and we had a great laugh when one of our party members was put into the opposing team (and was killed by the rest of us within 1second before any of us realised what just happened)

Character Selection - Portraits are weird !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Immortal.3647


after feature pack i noticed that the hair colors on the portraits are totally wrong !

pre feature pack:

post feature pack (weird white hair):

also the preview in characterselection is often wrong. i change my gear often from zerker to soldier or i put on a costume for a while and take it off again. the previews in character select often aren’t what i had put on last but what my character was wearing when i logged in on the current session.

Misconceptions regarding Level gating.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


just revert this kitten to how it was before…. why would you destroy a running system

I have one word for you ANet...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


Don’t know about you guys, but the one thing I like about this update are the new collectables achievements. But that’s just me.

i like those too + the faster TP. but that are just 2 positive things, there are way too many negative things in this feature pack where i just wish the feature pack hadn’t been released at all !

Miniatures Have Been Hidden...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


wow…. if i had known, i wouldnt have used the accbinding feature on ALL my minipets…. doubleclicking them from inventory should bypass this miniature disabling system right ?

I have one word for you ANet...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


i can just pray that they revert this…. i am certainly NOT going to level any new character and therefor not going to buy new character slots either. i had so many alts planned but i won’t play this game’s <lvl80 stuff the way it has been changed into with the feature pack.

Minis hidden on empty maps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


the screenshot makes me sad ^^ “do you want to leave empty map” and at the same time “map is too full for minipets” in the chat hahaha ogod anet pls. just revert this whole feature pack (new TP can stay though), everything will be better that way

"a orb"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Immortal.3647


AN orb please !

bloodstone shard is the item and the missing n in the description drives me crazy


On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Immortal.3647


Well for me its bugged… I have run it at least 5 or 6 times, each time rescuing Lindsay, then speaking to all 7 of the Vigil soldiers and getting them to retreat. Each time the buff icon is active detailing the achievement is .. achievable, but every time nothing happens then go finish the story event.. still nowt… done this solo and in alternating group instances… its borked and I wont be wasting anymore time running it till it gets sorted.

Add to that the story often bugs out after clearing Concordia as it wont progress onto to rescuing Lindsay.. imo its a mess.

same for me, its bugged for sure.
defended each of the 7 npcs and told each to retreat. none died. after i had talked to all 7 i still had the achievment buff on the bar.
but the moment i start the next event the buff is gone….

blur depth bug at timberline falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Immortal.3647


Its the option i marked in the attached image. Disable it.
If it always autmatically enables itself again delete your local.dat file.

At least that fixed the problem for me that i had after i installed a new graphics card.

haha thats not the proper way of solving problems the devs should fix the bug, depth blur is awesome if it works !

blur depth bug at timberline falls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Immortal.3647


has already been mentioned years ago but with the current LS taking place in timberline falls, the bug occurs again to many ppl.

in the video i start near the mission point where the blur bug is active. when having zoomed out, all characters are blurred.

i walk a bit away from the mission point and there seems to be a border where the bug suddenly stops to be active and everything goes back to normal -> character is not blurred.

i then walk back and forth to point out the border of blur bug.

perhaps its not very clear in the video but you get the gist.
the border of the bugged area runs around the mission start i think

(edited by Immortal.3647)

Liadri 8 Stack Achivement

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Immortal.3647


i tried it about 100 times on mesmer, was really hard and in the end i never pulled it off though i got really close.

then today i tried it as warrior, took me about 5 tries. its SUPER easy if you use the right runes + rifle. i fraps’d it, link to the gear etc is in the video description

The Blazing Light Thread

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Immortal.3647


[Message Body length must at least be 15.]


Mask of the Night Skin

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Immortal.3647


it is unlocked in wardrobe aswell

how to farm gauntlet chances as mesmer video

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Immortal.3647


easy peasy

use 5 gambits and facemelt halmi hammerfell. idk why ppl watch me do it in arena and ask me how it works… just take some interupts (GS5, pistol5, interupt mantra) or blinding (signet of midnight), add iDefender and then just hit him in the face !

30 seconds per run, at night you can just spam the runs and convert your tickets into gauntlet chances, gl !

Triple Threat Achi as Mesmer Video

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Immortal.3647


incase any of you need help
just roll mesmer, GS + S/F, use warden’s feedback trait.
go vs deadeye dunwell, gambits: burning, crippling, less dmg output

Love The New LA Background Music

in Audio

Posted by: Immortal.3647


whoever (afaik not jeremy soule but someone else) composed the new theme for LA, its BRILLIANT !!!

if it is the same person/group that also composed the OSTs for bazaar of the four winds and wintersday, ANET, KEEP HIM/THEM, the newer OSTs are as brilliant as the ones by jeremy soule !

(edited by Immortal.3647)

Remember, Liadri was horrible

in Living World

Posted by: Immortal.3647


liadri was an awesome challenge last summer and i love my mini liadri, it just feels good to have a nice reward for such a win. i just hope they have different rewards this time, i am eager to challenge her again !

Tequatl The Sunless still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Immortal.3647


anet pls fix it, this bug has been around for way too long ¬.¬

its not easy to do less than 25% dps in 1 stun. even with commanders on TS yelling “stop dps, stop dps”, some nutters won’t stop and will trigger the bug -> gg, 1 or 2 chests gone.

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


but they make 0 sense in the gw universe ^^
go back to Wow or whatever ^^

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


mounts are for little girls

So are pokemon. Still like them as well. At least he first 250

mounts are st00pid

[Suggestion] Mounts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


mounts are for little girls

How to gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


dungeons, worldbosses, …

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Immortal.3647


+1 on the missing chest, i miss mine too from today.

also 80% of our clients crash when the escort starts. fix that aswell pls ^^

Guild Alliances on Upcoming Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


I agree on everything agent said!

Please anet:
keep the current pre-patch timers for world bosses…
find a solution for cross-server alliances to create an instance for bosses like teq and wurm

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


head: svanir
shoulder: exalted
chest: embroidered
hands: svanir
legs: embroidered
boots: cabalist


What are the lines you hear the most?

in Audio

Posted by: Immortal.3647


there’s something in the waaaateeeer !!!

Tequatls Weapon Chest...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


i used to kill teq 2-4 times from october – december. i slowed down by now, only 1-2 kills per day + 1 wurm kill per day but wurm loot is kitten, from 10 wurm kills i had 1 rare item + green loot, i can not recommend doing wurm for money, they should either boost his loot or make a token system. tequatl loot on the other hand is REALLY good, you always get rares. but yeah, if you try to get ascended chest or mini teq you need random numbers in your favor

What got me into Guild Wars 2

in Living World

Posted by: Immortal.3647


-the new playable races in gw2 are unique and not the same boring orc,elf, troll kitten.
-the artstyle. ever since they showed us the first footages and screenshots (was it 5 years ago ? or 4 ? well long ago !) i fell in love with the graphics and the overall art style it has.
-classes and the weapons they can wield. for example that mesmers are magicians that can also use swords, greatswords, pistols, and not just magic weapons like staff, scepter or focus. same for guardian, they are heavy armor class and use swords, shields and greatswords BUT they can also use magic weapons like staff, scepter and focus. i LOVE this! and warrs that can use longbow or rifles. rangers that can go melee with swords.
-character creation. its not natural that mmos have THAT much of character creation options. (the only other mmo that had alot of choice was aion if i remember right but other than that you can usually only change a little bit).
-personal story that branches out
-living story. at first i was suspicious and i ignored the first couple of chapters (i regret by now) bazaar of 4 winds totally got me and the later scarlet chapters (those invasions during august) reaaaally caught me ! its like a monthly tv show by now where the player himself gets to play a mainrole. i love it.
-the fact that skins do not represent stats. this way everyone can enjoy their own style without missing stats. i remember other mmos where everyone with super awesome stat gear looked EXACTLY THE SAME. for my mesmer i have a zerker gear that has mixed skins that go together, and a soldier gear that has the lvl 25 embroidered skin i look like a low lvl character when i wear the soldier gear but i just like the pyjama style! and since i dont miss any stats, noone can complain and i can have the looks that i want

Tequatls Weapon Chest...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


its called RNG and you are just having bad luck, keep trying.

i killed tequatl more than 450 times and i got 3 tequatl hoards. basicall i could cry aswell because for me those 3 chests are accountbound and kittening useless since they have rabid stats and i dont play necromancer. i just want the mini tequatl. but yeah, thats what random numbers are about, i can still be happy that i got some nice decoration for my bank, while others, like you, had even less luck.

just keep trying or pray that they invent a token system for tequatl / wurm.

Vigil Keep Laurel vendor

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Immortal.3647


you can go to any town for crafting… try ebonhawke, its best imo.

Vigil Keep Laurel vendor

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Immortal.3647


WvW has always got queues… i’d rather just go to some other big town like hoelbrak or whatever

So, new content! Aaaaaaaan...

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Immortal.3647


hahaha wooow you spend way more time on this game than the avg player and then you complain that there is not enough content ? XD

the content is made for avg players who dont manage/have the time to get all the achievs in 1 day

good job on the cinematic anet

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Immortal.3647


srsly i would have never expected such an epic introduction to a living story part but this cinemativ was SUPER EPIC ! i
super awesome job, i would have never expected such cinematics

What is the best looking armor in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


human t3 light armor on female norn

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


new flamekissed makes me wanna cry…

please anet fire your armor designers and hire ppl that actually do design armor and not just copy paste.

the new flamekissed...

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Immortal.3647


…is just sad.

is this entire flamekissed story some kind of bad joke ? first you release the t3 human for all races (i was totally cool with that, it looks awesome on female norn). then you take it back… and release FEATHERED SET IN SHINY?
don’t get me wrong, my norn mesmer is wearing the feathered leggins since october 2012… but it’s just that i was expecting something special to come and in my opinion this shiny feathered set isn’t THAT great compared to the regular feathered set… i can’t tell you how much of a disappointment this is to me, i was eagerly awaiting the new flamekissed design more than any of the living story updates or whatever else you release, and then you just throw out the feathered armor set…

Subscription-based Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immortal.3647


i hate pay 2 play. it gives you the feeling that you HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME RIGHT NOW otherwise you wasted money… i hate that feeling. i think gw2’s model is perfect as it is

Here is why Guild Wars 2 needs Mounts

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Immortal.3647


mounts are for little girls

i am happy that gw2 doesnt have that childish kitten

TxS Wurm 0:20 sec! Record, First Guild&OF!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Immortal.3647


Well we do have a naked Teq kill…

…naked wurm kill next ? XD

TxS Wurm 0:20 sec! Record, First Guild&OF!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Immortal.3647


TxS forver ! :p

TxS Wurm 0:20 sec! Record, First Guild&OF!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Immortal.3647


@ spiky: wurm loot is really really bad ^^


New Title for Triple Trouble Wurm Meta

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Immortal.3647


legendary decapitator