I’ve just recently started to play around with differnt warrior build after my long break. I’m currenly looking at a well rounded warrior with decent power, condidtion and CC. I’m not sure if anyone have given it a try and since it would take me a while to collect the materials required for celestial gear I’d like some advice/discussions.
I am mainly looking for a WvW build that is well rounded for small group and zerg play. Currently I am thinking Sword/Mace(Bloodlust/Hydromancy) + Hammer(Force).
Idea is to do damage steadily via avg power and bleeds, then CCing to add confusion. I understand Knockdowns and Stuns are generally not optimal for confusion play but it acts as a “bonus” to the CC, and hopefully kill a few people who are not paying much attention to their conds.
(edited by Keiel.7489)
There are “hackers” out there, Me and my guild ran into a few of these during the new WvW match up. I mostly saw the Warrior doing it. I understand the mobility and speed at which a warrior can run away from a fight, however outside of their skills there is no “speed boost” (not talking about swiftness).
I was chasing one warrior (as a warrior) he was down to about 5% and did the normal rotation to run (WW, Charge, Bull rush) I notice swiftness on him, but I was catching up hitting him with a few snares (was using sword mainhand) then suddenly his character animation “sped up” no skill was used, not dodge, it just moved just out of reach, and each time I caught him with a snare, the same would happen.
Speed hacks are relevant in every game, I only wished I had my fraps on and ready.
4. Map Capacity adjustments
This one I was kind of adverse to at first but once I thought about it, it makes sense. Currently the capacity is unknown but there are really only maybe 6-9 servers that can reliably queue all 4 maps on reset night and even less servers that can maintain this in NA primetime throughout the week. Most servers end up with queues on their home Borderland and Eternal Battleground. Lowering that map cap could be extremely detrimental to these servers that have very large WvW populations but it would force servers with lower populations to spread themselves out among the maps better.
No one knows the numbers behind the caps except you Anet guys, but judging from the current cascade of imbalance from Rank 1 to Rank 24, it is definitely something worth looking at. It could also potentially help a lot with the skill lag. Most of the time, this is only in 1 map because one major objective is being contested by 2 large forces that comprise of most of the maps forces in a small location. I know I have left a map just to avoid skill lag so it stands to reason that lowering the map cap would both facilitate a better combat experience and spread a server’s team out better, forcing them to fight on more maps.
In closing I would like to keep this list updated and eliminate any suggestions that have been answered for and deemed impossible by developers. I would also like to add any future or past suggestions that seem intuitive and workable based on the same criteria.
I like most of your ideas, but specifically for #4 I think would be the best as far as population balancing, we still won’t be able to work out the whole OCX/SEA/NA/EURO time difference this way but limiting the cap based on server/tier ranking would help lots and should eventually level out the playing field. Along with cap I think there should also be a limit to the number of maps or at least scaling the map down. IE cutting the BLs up, on lowest tiered servers Green BL will have Bay, Red BL will have Garrison, and Blue will have hills. each map will retain 2 towers and 3 camps. I would say leave EB the way it is as usually pugs and people casual to WvW will que there first.
As a fan of GvG I have to disagree with people stating it is the ultimate or most dedicated form of WvW. It’s not, you are warping the way WvW is meant to play and ultimately carving out a piece of it for your own ends. You are not playing WvW when you are GvGing. You are intruding on the WvW game mode, thus disrupting it, though I highly doubt any of the lower tier servers would be affected by pop cap, but the fact remains.
As for others saying the dev could have not known what was going on, that goes past ignorange right into stupidity. I believe he was within his bounds being there, it’s an “open world” envirorment and he has the same right as anyone to be there, you could’ve easily tell the other team to kill him real quick. Some would say demanding a person to leave an area for open play is harassment.
Just make an Ele and you can have volcanus for free whenever you want and will help on tons of content…
Price of infusions are a bit steep. Somewhere in the future though I hope they have better options of getting them or make Laurels a bit easier to access. ether way it makes little to no difference unless you are hardcore into FotM, everything else is just flavor so no rush getting them in my infusion slots.
Very good post, I agree with rewarding loyalty vs winning. For me having the bragging rights is good enough, and I rather not have the minimum standard of participation in place to give reward because I don’t want people who aren’t in it for the WvW to join WvW simply to meet minimum. It clogs up the que and more or less we have useless players running around.
As for population balancing, I think its a bit harder than everyone thinks, this isn’t just an issue of pure numbers. You can have a stackd NA server and still be bored out of your mind and possibly lose due to the other server having mediocre time coverage in all time zones. This leads to boredom and PvDoor on all servers in that tier.
Quite honestly the only thing I like more than anything else in WvW is the removal of the point system, everytime I see LA’s /m chat is PPT and overall points being the reason why people don’t bother to WvW in a particular week. I remember in DAoC, our server would be outnumbered by the Albion “zerg” 3-1 and we’d still go RvR and figure some way to get our orb back.
Update. Bought some yellows to try my luck, told myself it’ll be the last time I’ll gamble on Dusk (or dawn). Had a high return on exotics, usually I break them down or resell them for more chances but this time I was like “Oh what the heck” I put in 4 random exotics and…
I have Zap and Give of Twilight + all other mats for Twilight. Still want dusk but not ready to give up Zap. I got Dusk on a buy order of 600g (wishful I know) but maybe Ill get lucky. I’ve been putting in a few weapons every now and then, and all 76+ rares I find.
I agree this should be an instanced thing not restrained to each world. LFG is up and running, a good time to have them enable World Boss Instancing… which I know would take the whole “world” out of world boss. At this point most people are wasting 90-120mins to attempt tequatl, not something anyone wants to do and definitely not part of the challenge. Unkitten redom is the intent.
I count 12 friendies on your side against their 10. It is your fault as commander that 1 decided to go ahead to scout and get creamed while rest randomly spreaded.
It doesn’t matter! they should all be able to play however they want and be on equal footing! BG group should have stopped everything and debate on which one of their members gets to take on who so it’s fair!
As far as I know, every server suffers from it. It kind of just even itself out. Every Match up there seems to be claims of “spies”. Honestly if there is no WvW or PvP, there are AH’s who will always do things like this. Get over it and play the game.
I don’t get it.
The 10 guys there is only getting their loot bag.
Seems like you people cry over anything. If they roam in 5-10 “OMG they are ganging up on 1-9 guys”.
At this point I’m sure the only way to make you happy is if they cap the map to 1 pop.
Complaining is the only gw2 endgame.
So far it’s the only end game for any MMO forums.
I read the Manifesto mainly to reinforce my memmory of people claiming it said there would be no gear treadmill. I first read it when someone linked it in a complaint thread about Exotics being to hard to get and it was unfair in WvW (I know it’s laughable now, but it was a serious issue in the early stages of the game). I read the Manifesto and didn’t see a single thing stating the no tradmill, only 2 parts that if taken into extremeties could make people believe they had said that. However I believe most people never even read or watched the video and only made those assumptions based on what they have heard others say, what passed down orally through VOIP and paraphrased on forums.
Regarding the Manifesto itself, I think Anet has done a really good job in heading in that aim. They are by far not perfect in their execution, and great ideas are harder to make reality than some kid screaming out “oh this should be SO easy to implement, it’s just a few lines of code!”. I’m sure GW2 will do ine for years to come, despite people screaming sinking ship. The business model is the few people who wants the premium stuff paying for the others in place of a monthly fee. I can stop and start anytime without worrying about wasting cash every month. No matter how much you update a game, eventually it will just be the same “old” thing. Unless it’s SWG…. but we all know how that worked out.
Just because it is the most balanced so FAR to date… does not mean we should not always and continue to try and get more balance.
If you buy a car that gets only half the listed gas mileage, then buy another car that gets 3/4 of the listed gas mileage… you would STILL want that full gas mileage right?
I completely agree, we shoould always push for improvements in every aspect of the game. But when 80%+ of the post on gear is basically screaming like it’s the worst system ever and starts cherry picking from other games to “prove” their points. It’s pretty lame. Gear right now doesn’t affect much unless you are literally 1v1 with the same exact builds, skill and communication still is king for wins. even in WoW a well played team can dominate much of the Arenas to get gear faster, none of those guys bother to complain or cried.
I’m not worried about Ascended, because I know eventually those gear will be implemented in WvW and a year down the road people will complain about lack of end game content.
Only problem with karma trains is that it makes the lopsided that much more lopsided as the pve crowd comes over in droves.
Cause that matters? the point is all offense, no defense generally on the last day. Unless you are very close pointwise, but then the point you brought up is moot. If you are on the losing side, you still get the same karma cause no one is defending those towers/keeps.
It’s casual cause I took a 5 month break, got back into the game. Took me 5mins to remember how to press the 10 or so buttons to play. Got my dailies done in 10 or so mins, my monthly done in 5 days, ran a fractal with my buddy and got a ascended ring. Went to WvW and noticed I can buy more gear there with just badges.
If it were WoW or other games it would be. I took a 5 month break and logged back in and implode.
So you would rather have no progression what so ever?
I do not have ascended weapons yet, and I run a D/D elementalist, which apparently the majority feels are weak to begin with, and I can still compete with guys rolling with ascended weapons. Any other MMO I would have no chance.
I would rather have no progression whatsoever.
Do you have Guard Leech and Applied Fortitude? With all these forms of vertical progression combined, the difference becomes quite significant.
In which aspect?
I came back after a 5 month break, no Ascended gear that matched my WvW build. WXP rank 1. I still managed to play and be competitive. Is the aspect of competitiveness comes from comapring identical builds and gear, but one person have a few more stat points? are both players equally skilled and it’s absolutely certain that the 100 extra power from Guard Leech is the reason why one won over the other. The negativity from every post on gear progression is similar to the one on SWTOR, they basically put into assumption that every player on side A has all the best gear (approximately 10% total better stats if you have full ascended), and every player on side B has the tier lower gear (aka the crappiest gear the game has to offer) and that basically everyone on side B is so much more skilled and the only reason they lose is because they don’t have the top gear like everyone else on the other team.
At this point 5/6 trinket slot is available to WvW. That leaves a weapons and a back piece, so no way are you even close to being 10% underpowered. Further more WvW is not a 1v1. No game will be even, GW2 is most evenly matched I’ve seen, if you know of another, then tell me and then go play that game.
T1 and T2 servers has numbers for coverage. I won’t speak for everyone, but most of the T1/T2 guilds who transfered off of it cause there were too many people. There are those who have been there since the start as well. Some might go there for the win, but not everyone is welcome. You assume way too much without even knowing anything, sit in a T1 or T2 server VOIP, we don’t jump for joy everytime there is a guild wanting to join us, we rather not wait in que to get in on the WvW action.
As for who is the superior PvPers, those would be the SPvPers, WvW is a different game, a game of communications. Lower tier players lack communication and any form of discipline, not saying top tiers don’t but I see it all the time from the lower tiered servers. I see in our server forums about lack of discipline because we have 3-4 commanders tag in a map and spreading our forces too thin at some hours. Then I laughed to myself and think about the 7+ tags you see on lower tiered servers. And for no good reason at all. In fact most of the time our “commander” prefers to run tagless.
As for your points:
1 – I’m fine with it, lock us into our own death match. you are right the T1 and T2 servers need to stick to fighting each other since it doesn’t demoralise us to get into a BL and see that everything is flipped, doesn’t demoralise us when we get outnumbered(contrary to popular belief we do not have full qued maps all the time, in fact it’s pretty rare).
2 – I agree with this point, but rather of stats. Should be more of rewards even if its slight bonuses to gold/karma/WXP ect.
3 – Seems pointless to me, the scoreboard is a waste of time. In DAoC you RvR to fight, zergs or groups, not for points. One thing I’d like to see remove from the game entirely. People will just shift their times to optimize the 12 hours. But part of me want to see it happen, I do realize some of the mid tiered servers will be rank shuffled, but I want to see what new excuses people come up with after they still get wrecked by the better coordinated “zerg” servers.
I could care less about the rank. But with the current system if you played enough yoou would have enough rank points to get everything and then more. I would like them to just have the rank point as account bound rather than the ranks. Or at least add in other things we can do with rank points.
What else are you supposed to do the day after reset when the match is already decided?
Thanks for posting this. I never understood pure support characters, you contribute a lot when providing water fields, boons and CCs. But you do even more if you also provide meaningful DPS. I just think pure support is fore people too lazy to multi task roles.
I can only assume you are a zerglet that is too lazy to leave the zerg and certainly too lazy to work with a small team in a way that creates synergy.
You can assume anything you want. I play WvW as a whole and will scout, solo roam, small group, and zerg. I’ve played shout/boon warriors for my previous guild and I got kills just fine. I don’t play Ele, but our main support ele in my previous guild had the highest kill count and she was specced for “support”, and from how she was talking on vent, I didn’t get the impression it was a hard feat. So that is what my assumption was based on.
Most of the replies here are extremely ignorant. Most WvWers also PvE, just because you can’t fathom it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. There are very few Pure WvWers, the large population of PvEers help those who WvW when they PvE. When I do dungeon runs for the first few times, it ran a lot smoother cause guildies who PvEed mostly helped, those bonuses also helps me get better things while PvEing.
I never saw the movie, but I imagine this is very much what it’s like. I thought it was just a few servers, then did some reading. Lol, wow. I don’t think this is all entirely the bloodlust b/s though. I get the feeling many players were already frustrated, and took this as a reason to jump ship.
I think you guys should sit back and enjoy the show. It’s really funny if you watch what’s happening. Anet’s continuing with their excuse for not working on wvw (the league system “oh we can’t change it for 7 weeks, sorry guys”). Pfft, everyone has seen through that nonsense.
So you guys should stop with the angry letters. They’ve already said they don’t care, and they are going through with it their way. The only way you have to express your opinion is to not log on.
Exactly. Stop playing cuz they don’t give a crap about what we say on forums. Devon said so in this forum post. Only way Anet listens is if you quit playing their game.
What he says is true though. The most activity a forum is going to get is always during the launch, and even then it’s a fraction of the actual user base. If that “Other” game that boasted 11Million Players had 11Million players regularly appear and discuss opinions on the forums you would see much much more post, even if you take into account inactives and multiple accounts.
Basically everything the dev says unless it’s totally agreeing with you, you’ll turn it around and twist their words like so. Generally speaking most people content with the game won’t bother going to the forums unless they are at work, like I am now. I might visit the forums to look at builds and such here and there but aside from that I stay away form it, as the forums is pretty much the worst part about any game out there. While there are great people who enjoy the forums, it’s generally populated by the loud, obnoxious minority of the game who does nothing but bring negativity unless they have things there way.
i also play elementalist for my guild. i do get tons of loot. why? because i don’t play only support. staying whole time in water is just playing a bad ele. you have tons of cc while using your staff and since water-blastfinisher rely on the healpower of the person blasting it, there is no point in speccing your ele with healpower.
… and to the ppl saying ele is op…try playing ele vs a retaliation zerg…you die instant no matter how hard you heal.
Thanks for posting this. I never understood pure support characters, you contribute a lot when providing water fields, boons and CCs. But you do even more if you also provide meaningful DPS. I just think pure support is fore people too lazy to multi task roles.
On top of being awesome at WvW, I heard they lead their server to a overwhelming victory against Tequatl, is this true?
At one point before my hiatus 5 months ago, I was looking through Legendaries and thought to myself maybe I should stok up on some of the mats. I passed over the Silver Doobies and cause I thought to myself “these will never make money, they are probably super easy to farm and no one wants that ugly hammer”.
I wish I could turn back time.
I do them by 10s, I would do them by 100s if I could.
I don’t mind capping my weapon stats at exotics, as long as Anet also cap levels at 2, and randomly “phase” people out of combat in WvW as soon as combat starts so that there is the EXACT numbers of players in the fight, and only phase in the other amount once the battle is over and everyone on the winning side has restarted their HP/skills. Also to make things absolutely fair there will will be no terrain, just a flat even out space, traits will be taken away and everyone will have just generic roles (Melee DPS, Range DPS, Tank, Healerish, Buffer). Once one of them prove to be too “superior” we’ll just remove that option from the players, until only the lowest, most dumb down class is left, when that proves too difficult, Anet should all skills and replace it with one button that does everything for you. Also they should start banning the use of VOIP cause that’s the truely OP tool that no one should take advantage of, it’s unfair to allow a few people PAY for an external service to get a unfair advantage. Pay to Win anyone?
Or we could just add a linear progression in WvW so people can attain Ascended gear playing WvW only, albiet still getting the gear slower than if they wanted to spend extra time to do PvE, but not rely completely on chance. Give us the option to spend WXP to buy Ascended gear or something.
Excited For World 3/4/5? Comments to World 2?
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Keiel.7489
Or challenging and not time consuming…
As in, not having invisible traps that instantly kill you… It’s basically just a frustrating way to making us repeat old content. It’s not a challenge.
anet is trying to cater to the vocal majority, which is 3 servers of people desperate to win and have an unfair advantage.
Lock them in their own fights and ignore them.
You’re ignorangce is overwhelming. I use “ignorance” instead of the other word because I rahter not have my post deleted.
If you listen to my server’s voip, you’ll know that we rather not inflate our populations. Quantity is nice, quality is better.
Thanks for posting this, I am one of the people who would like to do it again (maybe not everyday) but it’s not a bad content. The problems you listed are my main concerns.
A few of our WvW guilds decided to leave WvW and try our hand as a whole on the Big Bad Dragon, and we finished it after two tries, the first being a close one but we pulled off north charging station too soon (by a fraction of a second) and we wiped.
Second time we finished with 2:30 left on the clock. I myself have done the event before without the WvW group’s participation but I’ve notice the huge difference in attitude even with the painful close failure we still had a lot of laughs. We even plan on doing it nightly now until people get tired of it.
I probably won’t go for randoms, but I don’t mind going to it. Ascended gear drop rate is abysmal, but someone did get a drop on our first kill so we’re looking forward to arming a few of us with ascended gear if possible, if not maybe a new pet we can sell to craft up to ascended.
“I have , but not because it is too hard, mostly because I prefer to spend that 15 minutes doing something far more profitable”
As for this, I think the statement is untrue, but the same line of thought for me, but I hate wasting the 1.5-2 hours between event failures, the 15min is nothing.. maybe 1-2 champ run cycles.
If they are dying to thieves spamming the same skill. They probably would’ve died to another one doing the same thing. Last I checked spamming cloak and dagger kills no one.
Warriors can hit that hard, they can’t stealth. But only cause they don’t need too. Thieves have been nerfed multiple times already. Each time we just learn to play differently. I find it funny that you think thieves are so op. Considering they are probably one of the least wanted class in terms of team play. Which in WvW most people play as. But if you are talking about your solo roaming experience in full seekers gear, and you think there should be no reason for you to change your spec or armor so that you can have a “fair” chance against every class/spec/gear and abet should dumb everything down to your level of play. Then sure, you are right.
I play a thief. But I also play a guardian, engineer and a warrior. Thieves are pretty much at the bottom of my worry list.
I tend to agree that the coordination part of it is why BG managed to take Tequatl down. Extra Players always help, expecially to Push DPS. But without coordination it’s just 50 more dead bodies.
Nice, thanks for the info
So the problem you have isn’t the fact that items are in the gem store, but they’re hard to get then?
Because what you describe (not wanting to farm “endlessly” for rewards) can easily be applied to many things in-game and isn’t restricted to the cash shop itself.
EDIT: Which is a perfectly legit complaint, but the title’s a bit misleading.
No, the fact that the content is in the cash shop is a problem. The fact that they are in there means that the only way to get them is to farm gold endlessly for gems or to pay real money. Neither of those things reward any sort of skill or talent or are fun.
Farming isn’t content, yet its the only way to get the stuff that could be nice endgame content. I don’t care if it costed less gems to get them, I don’t care if it costed me 5 cents to get. I don’t want to buy armor, I want something to earn.
After rereading my last post, I can definitely see the confusion.
So it would be better if they took away the gold and gem purchase for the “end” game content, and make it a badge content where you endless farm badges, which is totally not a form of currency at all right?
You do realise that there are different departments in Anet and the people creating end game content and the people greating gem store items are probably 2 seperate groups of people right? You do realise by now, that the 60 bux you, me, and everyone else spent on the game doesn’t buy you anything new aside from what the devs already made at launch, and that the having things people actually want to spend cash on is how the game survives right? because you can’t pay people with demands. Don’t like how the game is being updated? don’t buy any gems… oh wait.
I recently came back from a hiatus and still catching up on things. I am wondering if it’s possible to unbind a ascended trinkets or legendary weapon by means of the Mystic Forge? I remember discussing this with my guild on vent and /g and someone said if you infused the trinkets or transmute the legendaries they become Bind to Account again. Is this true?
I take it you haven’t read any thread related to As gear, then. You’ll even find one such quote on a thread participant’s signature. So you might want to read the thread in its entirety, as well.
I’m also curious as to what SPvP map allows dozens and dozens of players to duke it out in a giant, open battlefield over castles and keeps. Could you give me some directions?
There will be more ways to acquire the ascended mats as part of the season and we will look into adding yet additional ways after that.
I’m guessing you will still expect us to sit around crafting items instead of playing WvW before getting an As weapon, correct? Because that doesn’t sound too exciting, as opposed to using all those Badges of Honor that are piling up after killing people and taking keeps and doing active victory related stuff.
I haven’t read any thread on gearing since As came out, but before then the same complaint was made against Exotic gear, no video, no links, no screenshots provided. I read the manifesto, nothing to the effects of what people are claiming, when I brought it up no one pointed out to me where I missed the part where they said that there are absolutely no gear grind requirement. I do believe it when people say Dev’s told them that if you didn’t want to grind for gear you could chose not too, that option is called SPvP. As for directions, it’s non-existent, just like a open world full on pvp that I want. I WvW because it’s the closest thing to it I can have until another game comes out.
I vote No.
WvWvW is a fusion of PvP and PvE. It’s a game of number AND tactics. If you aren’t complaining about gear grind you are going too(already have actually) complain about something else. If you want ready to play characters then go SPvP, don’t want to because it lacks the customizations WvWvW has to offer? then go complain to make sPvP more customizable. WvWvW is not meant to be a larger SPvP, I keep hearing people say that the Dev’s stated there would be no gear grind before release, however I have yet to see anyone produce a screenshot, link, or video of such. I asssume most people are just misquoting or misinterpreting things.
If you loved me you would give me your Dawn.
but I know you don’t.
Sometimes, it’s not the class that is the problem. Even when 4 Warrior+Mesmer was the “in” thing, I never really saw any other class getting kicked, unless the player is just terrible, in which case just blame it on clkitteners.
I don’t even know how people find the time to level 4+ alts and actually enjoy the game at the same time. If Anet stay true to their words then it’s a good thing Ascended is much harder to get than Exotic, cause while it may be a challenge to those who wants 1 of each profession and gear to play every spec possible. It’s still a reasonable goal for a casual who can only manage to play 2-3 character tops. Otherwise we’ll just have completely geared out toons and complain about lack of end game goals.
I preffer soldiers over cleric, namely for the extra power it gives me.
Higher critchance might’ve been worth it in some builds before they nerfed some of the on crit food buffs. 50-60% Crt% is usually where I stay at and feel it’s plenty for any build.
I know what you’re getting at, and I do agree. I normally don’t have a performance issue but in large Zergy events, the disconnect comes from the lack of challenge and accomplishment feel. Regardless if you are running on a low end rig or a high end one, most people could just slam their face into the keyboard and be done with these events. The only thing it adds to the game is a 1-3 hour fight. Adding tedium, not challenge.
I haven’t read most of these post, and I think most of the subjects for it has been covered, but I’d like to voice my opinion as well. I do enjoy the Living World Content, having something new to do is always enjoyable, much better than the “other” game which every year we have the same old repeatable content for the particular month/time frame. However the negative side is that if you missed TLW content for that particular time, you can’t do them ever (at this time anyways). While I understand that none of these content would give me a leg up in terms of gameplay, part of me is annoyed at not being able to complete these event as well.
My job sometimes require me to be away from a gameable computer months at a time, and even when that is not the case I have other things to deal with. Having TLW/events rolling out every month does put a bit of pressure for me to do them and not relax and enjoy the basic parts of the game (just WvW, SPvP, run some dungeons). Because of the limited time I feel as if I am “forced” to prioritize TWL content over the other aspect, and sometimes doing those events I feel rushed rather than entertained. I do know that this is mostly my peronality that cause this, I could easily jump between the WvW/SPvP/PvE anytime and enjoy the aspect of the game as I wish, but I’d like to see everything the dev’s have to offer, plus I might regret not doing the contents later simply because I can do the basic things “any other time”.
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