Showing Posts For Keirion.9105:

Best downed skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Thief 2+3 can get you out of situations in pve no one else would survive. In pvp their skills are basically only good for griefing those trying to finish you off… which can be hilarious, by the way.

January Teaser?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Colin did say in his 6 month overview thing that the January update would set up the `story` for the Feb update which implies that there will be at least a small amount of story.

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


1. There are a couple of posts sort of asking about this already, but:

Could you elaborate at all on the plans for guild upgrades. You said in the first part of the livestream that you would be adding higher tier upgrades, can you say more? Is there an intention to connect this to what is probably the most desired system to be added to the game (guild halls)?

2. Could you elaborate on how the story will be moving forward? Colin mentioned that the January update would bring the set up for the next stage of the story. Will you be using more PS quests, open world activities/events, something completely different?

3. Is there any plan for more open world bosses? I know Colin mentioned upgrading the 3 dragons, but man would it be awesome to have twice that number of open world major bosses, especially in mid level zones.

In my opinion: multi-guild system is a problem (social issues)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


The multiple guild system is an upgrade of both the GW1 style guild system and the WoW+clones style guild system where your guild was character based. You aren’t limited to one guild per account, but you also don’t have to join a guild on every single character.

As far as being kicked for not repping sometimes, it sounds like your guild has some self importance problems and you should probably find another guild. Alternatively you could always go invisible when playing not with them if that would help any.

Medium armor change please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I understand that in certain circumstances some thieves might want to wear coats. Personally, my male human thief prefers something that looks classy (don`t need to show any skin) but ends at the waist so it does not swish. Currently he uses tier 1 cultural for the shirt, which is one of the shortest pieces you can find for a thief and isn`t too bad.

Also, I honestly think any thief that tries to stealth in a heavy coat should have a 50% chance of it breaking on movement due to the sound.

As For those of you who are thinking AC for thief appearance, keep in mind you weren`t trying to be invisible in the wilderness but in public for the most part.

Let's relax: Who is the hottest character in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


There was this Asari assassin type during the Orr part of my Order of Whispers story line. Found her adorable. She was a sub main for your story, not just some random npc.

Me thinks you’ve been playing Mass Effect, not GW2. ;D

Sell candy corn or keep on waiting?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Well, a couple intersting things about the week before wintersday is that a bunch got used up, a bunch got purchased and then put back on at higher prices, and a bunch got dumped by people who had been holding it.

The result: currently it`s not selling much and is stable at 5c but if people do have a reason to start buying again, such as commendation, it will probably be up to 7c almost instantly.

Black Lion Salvage kit...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


over 700 hours played. I have gotten 1

Keep in mind that number of hours played has very little to do with it since the primary way of getting them is through dailies.

I’ve had 6, though I’m perhaps a bad case study since I always had more BL keys than chests until they nerfed the chance of getting a key out of a chest in the update they made the tonics mystery tonics. Before that I had a bout a 90% return rate of a key from a chest.

Candy corn selling like... candy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


required for recipes for xmas, limted supply, large playerbase

Except that that’s misinformation that’s been passed around by people who misread the dev post about them not having a resource like CC for Christmas.

It looks like the selling is slowing down today. It’s still selling but most of the buy orders at 4c, etc have dropped out. Even so, I wouldn’t be surprised if it hit 6c today.

Candy corn selling like... candy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Check reddit. Someone posted this today.

It’s been on the top of the GW2 sub for hours now. And yes, things posted on the reddit can make huge changes to the TP. Because people are willing to jump on anything that can make them money. Usually ends up not being worth it thanks to the price hikes.

Aaaah. That makes sense. Personally I don’t find the keys worth spending on due to the extremely low drop rate of permanent items and the extreme likelihood of the Wintersday chest being separate, but I can see how a lot of people would want to be gambling on that before the expected gem price hike.

I guess one has to remember that old news isn’t old to everyone.

Also, another 400k of CC was bought up overnight, which was half the stock at 4c.

Candy corn selling like... candy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Something just occurred to me. You can package food for the Captain’s Commendations, right? Can you use Candy Corn in these donations? If so, it may be somebody buying up Candy Corn by the truckload in order to turn into Commendations while they’re cheap.

Candy corn is used to make the cheapest level 80 exotic amulets (3 of which nets you 2k commendation). I suppose it’s possible someone was trying to get as much commendation before the update even though it’s been confirmed that it will still be available after the update.

I have noticed that about 40-50% of what was purchased in the past week (of the ~1m at 3c) was actually just purchased and reposted at higher prices. When you consider that some people might be stockpiling (I know I have my bank tab full that I unfortunately bought at 6c) it might actually only be 30% of what’s being purchased that’s being used, which is still a healthy chunk of CC that’s finally going away, though much faster than I would have anticipated.

Candy corn selling like... candy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I don’t know. Maybe your posting history from last month could enlighten us.

Your comment makes no sense. Most of my posts on this forum have been about Candy Corn as I find it a fascinating item on the market because it’s rather unique in it’s combination of massive quantity, limited usage, and the inability for more to be farmed.

If what you’re trying to imply is that I’m trying to drive up the market, that makes little sense as it’s basically impossible based on what I just posted above.

Candy corn selling like... candy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


The candy corn market went crazy today. Over 400k sold in the past 12 hours. The entire stock at 3c is gone. What gives? It had been starting to sell, but there seems to be a massive buyout underway that no one has the inventory space to be doing on their own.

Suggestion: sell charity items

in Wintersday

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I agree! Is there a way they could do it via an account code you have to purchase (vs the gem store which you can use in-game money for)? That way there could be a real solid number like the item costing $10 and $7 of it goes to the charity or whatnot.

Will it be snowing in most areas?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I must admit I’m a bit disappointed that based on pictures it looks like there won’t be snow on the ground in the the Black Citadel. It makes sense for the Grove and Rata Sum… I’m guessing that means there won’t be snow in Divinity’s Reach (no pictures of DR with the balloon overhead that I’ve seen) either, sadly.

Wintersday Video

in Wintersday

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Huh…i posted a thread about that some hours ago but it was removed almost instantly because some mod didn’t like it…

There also some thumbnails minis created by Youtube when you upload a video which you may check:

But they are really tiny, there is almost nothing to see :P.

Anyway, they are going to release it in no time since they have just made the event forum, so keep an eye on this.

The photos you linked…

1. Is snowflakes and wreaths hanging in la
2. Is the big picture we already have.
3. Is less clear. Looks like some ornaments near rocky outcroppings.

Candy Corn sink

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


So that’s all good info but these things didn’t suddenly become true this past week. Is it just that people are finally running out of their personal stashes so a dent is being made in that on the TP?

Candy Corn sink

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


So, over the past week 400k of candy corn has disappeared at the 3c price range, which means someone’s buying it when they weren’t before. Why? What changed?

NCsoft Seattle undergoing “realignment”

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


FYI: NCsoft Seattle is a completely different location than Arenanet, which is located in Bellevue, about a 30 minute drive (not during rush hour) from NCsoft Seattle.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


So my guild actually got into a discussion that this might be an excellent way to ‘hide’ money so that you have a ‘little’ extra stash in the event that your account gets hacked.

Ectos poised to skyrocket

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Maybe a few months down the road, we’ll look back at this day and say “In my days, ectos were only 20s each. Now they’re 2.5g each. old man sigh

20s? Pshaw! In my day they were barely over half that price at 12s!

In all seriousness, though, it does seem like the ecto market will rise for the moment.

I’m actually wondering if they’ll actually drop after wintersday, though, if they’re introducing ways to get ascended back items that don’t take 100s of ectos. In the reddit they did on Monday, they flat out said that the mat price for Ascended items is too expensive at the moment.

Of course, there’s still that legendary weapon thing…

Wintersday announced

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I hope we get snow, and not just in LA (and no, Hoelbrack doesn’t count :p)

Hate craft & grind how do I get a legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Anet has stated that in the future there will be “treasure hunt” type legendaries you can get so until then you’re s.o.l.

Actually, the treasure hunt activities will be to obtain precursors, not legendaries. However, that will be a significant cost of the RNG/gold grind for legendaries removed.

Do Dungeon Rewards Require "Grind"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


6 runs of each instance (AC has 3 explorable instances) doesn’t sound like a bad grind to me. And that’s if you want a full set of armor from just one dungeon. If you want a mixed set from dungeons, then you could be doing even fewer runs of each instance to get your pieces.

Wintersday announced

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


still no info :|

Probably delayed due to sudden server problems. Also, I’m guessing it’s all there, they just forgot to un-forward the page.

Wintersday announced

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


“Learn more” doesn’t seem to go anywhere as of yet.

It goes to the December update page, it’s just that they made the December update page redirect to the GW2 homepage at the moment.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keirion.9105


As I posted back 20 pages or so, the biggest issue for me is how they disseminated this information through 3rd parties before bringing it to their fan base that has caused so many to be concerned and potentially misunderstand the concept. I know a blog is in the works but i think it would be beneficial to get some feedback sooner rather than later to calm the crowd so to speak. This is a critical change to the game philosophy if true and will certainly bring some serious backlash from many which again begs the question, why not clearly spell this out before releasing this info to 3rd party sites?

My thoughts exactly. Arenanet may or may not be changing their design philosophy but if they are then they should have announced it, not let 3rd parties do it and if they aren’t they shouldn’t have let those 3rd parties post misleading info.

Candy Corn sink

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


But theres zero supply, except the existing one. Noone in their right mind will craft them if the price wont go up.

Right. There is a ‘limited’ supply, but the demand is so little that even that limited supply isn’t getting used up meaning prices aren’t increasing, meaning the supply isn’t increasing, meaning the amount of CC available isn’t decreasing.

Candy Corn sink

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


The TP is not a bottomless pit of halloween skins.

“They will just buy them off the TP” is a temporary situation. Once the crafted ones are sold people who want them will have to craft them.

Only if the demand for Halloween skins at the price of 30g or more is greater than the supply. Currently that is being shown to not be the case, so the skins are simply sitting on the TP even at ‘only’ 30g.

Candy Corn sink

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I’m curious about this, as well. I’m wondering if the economy team sees almost 5 million CC on the trading post as a problem or not. That’s not counting whatever people are holding on to.

4 million CC is enough to make 2000 skins. Currently there are roughly 300 skins on the TP. They aren’t selling because they’re expensive and no one’s making any more because the cost to make them is 5x the cost to buy them. That means nothing is getting sinked there at the moment. I think the only place CC is currently leaving the market is through consumables, and not very quickly at that.

HUGE Issue with Mad Memoires: Complete

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Keirion.9105


Or you could look at as an item that gives level 80 stats with a minor setback available at any level (though you have to go into a level 58 are to get it).

WvW map bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I`ve had that happen in the past. Didn`t even think enough of it to bug it. Rezoning fixed the issue for me when it happened.

Slow Down the Zerg

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keirion.9105


am i the only one that likes being in a mmo with lots of other people tearing apart monster hoards? how is any of what i just said a bad thing? if you want to play a game with 2-5 people get a single player game or one with local multiplayer and invite some friends. ive only been in a zerg group a few times and every time by accident but i loved it every time.

I can enjoy large group play. I don’t enjoy large group play where my main focus is getting a hit on the monster before it dies. I do not enjoy large groups killing things extremely quickly and rushing around the map.

For example, I love dragon battles and their size, the number of people, and the amount of time they take. I do wish they would be a little bit tougher with larger groups, but that’s another discussion.

I also enjoy small group play, and do not like when large groups suddenly rush over whatever I’m doing while I’m halfway through doing it in a smaller group. It’s very jarring and not fun.

Slow Down the Zerg

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keirion.9105


I don’t have a problem with people wanting to do open world content in large groups, but it seems like something is going wrong with scaling when groups of 10+ are finishing dynamic events (I’m looking at you SoD) considerably faster than smaller groups.

Reasons this is bad:
1. It discourages smaller group play and exploration in favor of the “zerg”
2. It causes the “zerg” to go through content so fast that those doing events where the “zerg” is not frequently have the “zerg” descend upon them and in utter horror have their experience of the event destroyed.

While I believe that the difficulty (ie damage, positioning, etc) of events could definitely use to be increased in large group situations, one simple solution, would be simply to increase mobs health by about 20x of what it is currently when facing groups of 10+. This would slow down battles to make them more comparable in speed to those of groups of 2-5 people.

This would cause players to feel free to explore any area how they choose and not have to constantly be afraid of having the “zerg” descend while in certain zones.

It would also slow battles down enough to allow for tactic requirements to increase as they actually have time to think about how they’re interacting with the boss.