I’m sure this will get locked down soon enough, probably with some placating response that they’re looking into it. I’ve received four messages in the last week from gold sellers. How about a filter on the emails, filtering out the “I love you messages” or some registration qualification that prevents the use of random characters? Could we please get this looked at?
They are already looking into this (last post in thread):
Maybe a simpler option than your filtering idea would be if added an option to block private messages.
Lots of forums have that feature built in. Spammers are simply exploiting an oversight in ours.
The Superior Sigil of Accuracy is supposed to be working, but doesn’ t show up on the Hero Panel.
Here is a response from ArenaNet confiming it works:
Thanks for the reports! First, I want to clarify that the sigil does work: it does add the extra crit chance percentage. The bug lies in the fact that the UI does not chance to reflect this. that being said, we’re aware of this issue and it’s on our list of bugs to fix.
Here is the link to the thread:
considering their anatomy (narrow pelvis, huge cranium) it is impossible for them to give life birth
Don’t forget, we are Asura. We are not going to let ourselves be bound by bookah biology.
We can overcome this problem with 3 simple words… miniature Asura gates.
This device would have an adjustable diameter, so can start out small, then expand in diameter to match the size of the baby’s head.
Fertility krewes can simply use MAGs to port newborn babies from the womb directly into their mother’s arms.
Honestly though, I don’t see Asuran mothers even wanting to engage in the inefficient process of carrying babies to term.
It is simply too much of drain on their productivity, and a burden to their Krewe.
I believe they would opt to have babies developed outside the body, within Incubation Golems.
One thing I want to point out though, not the biggest fan of grenades.
So I leave my level 59 Engineer in your hands!!!
So what do you mainly play, PvE or PvP?
It might change the recommendations people make.
For example, if you like PvP, you can take a look at the TANKCAT build:
It looks like a lot of fun if you like up close fighting.
First of all there is no one to play with. I have never even talked to any other players, because there are none around.
Im not trolling, seriously what is going on in this game and where the heck is everyone?
I would recommend that you consider joining a guild.
People talking in guild chat, people asking for others to join dungeon runs, WvWvW, questing, etc. You can also try asking questions about how to play your class.
It won’t completely solve the world emptiness problem you are describing, but I do see groups of people from guilds running together around Tyria.
I just completed my personal story a couple of days ago.
From the issues you brought up:
- I remember seeing gear which was level appropriate.
- I also got a Pact token to trade in for a level 80 rare.
- I don’t know how it was before, but for the Zhaitan fight, we still blasted him at the end, as he clung to a tower. However, I think he did fire back at us. I don't remember ever getting hit while I manned the cannon. I remember seeing AoE effects and things that spawned behind the cannons (like tendrils or something).
(edited by Kingfisher.7213)
Yeah, I’ve had the same problem over here, too. Don’t know if the same thing would happen with the alternate mission, though.
Pretty sure the same thing will happen.
I didn’t do Estate of Decay, I did Starving the Beast.
My mission seems to be the alternate story path if Estate of Decay is not chosen.
I did Victory or Death a couple of days ago and got an assortment of gear.
Not anything I could use, but if by loot bags you also include chests, I came out with 2-3 rares at the end of the dungeon run.
Just want to complete the personal story! Going to try gw2lfg this weekend. Hope that works as even in multiple guilds, it’s Extremely difficult to find 4 others to join in to help out otherwise. Frustrating for sure.
It will work, that’s a very helpful website.
Within a couple of minutes, I found a group for Arah story. It was nice to finally finish my personal story.
You aren’t the only one, I noticed the same thing.
Scrolling down past a certain point cleared the page for me, and I couldn’t read the missions I had done further down.
Everyone knows there is a problem with the amount of inventory space gathering tools take up. If anyone has a better idea to solve this, post it.
Other MMO’s assign you a numeric gathering skill.
The more you gather, the higher that number gets, unlocking your ability to gather higher level materials.
That way you can use one tool all day long.
Some make the tool invulnerable, others give them durabilty damage which can be repaired.
My Asura is currently wearing the Tier 2 Cultural Armor coat and boots.
His current color scheme comes in real handy camoflaging him for the environment he’s found himself in recently… it’s dangerous out there!
My mother said that a Flying Moa dropped me down the chimney.
rofl, my mother told me the same thing!
Where do they come from? Do they lay eggs or have it the normal human way?
It’s the one question that makes me the most curious.
Asura are supposed to give live birth like humans, but I don’t expect us to stick to such a primitive way of doing things much longer.
I like the egg idea… as long as you replace the egg with test tubes, and other scientific equipment, housed in a state of the art Asuran fertility lab.
Nothing could beat a Krewe of fertility specialists tinkering in a lab bringing forth the next generation of such an obviously superior species.
Developing Asura would naturally be housed inside Incubation Golems, providing a soothing electronic hum, as it pumps multimedia lessons from the “Baby Snaff” series into our developing minds.
I can almost hear their first thoughts forming, “i feel 6 inches tall!”
I think I was in the party with Doujou (I’m on the Henge of Denravi server).
When I did Arah story mode this morning, we were on the airship. Some of us manned the cannons on the right side, to face the row of giants, and 1 or 2 fought off mobs which were on deck.
After we cleared the giants and killed the mobs, we were then instructed to board the chopper to destroy the draconic battery.
I don’t remember if I saw the cutscene after this part of the dungeon.
However, the problem was that the chopper was off in a distance and never came to us.
People in our party seemed to know the dungeon breaks in this area.
They suggested we reset the dungeon and try again. So we started over from the beginning and found the dungeon break down in the same location.
I submitted a bug report each time we got stuck, so there should be some recent information for you (with a screenshot).
The problems I saw are as described in these other posts gamers have been making for a while now:
Good luck fixing this.
I need advice or hints on how to jump better on my azura. How do you recommend setting up your camera?
You had some good tips above.
However, what profession do you have? You might have some helpful jumping related skills which can help.
For example, I’m an Asuran Engineer. My rifle’s Jump Shot ability comes in real handy when there is a large jump I am unsure of.
I will let you guess which 2012 AAA MMORPG that cost money + a ingame cash shop and yet have no ingame GM…
Seriously, why can’t ANet hire a couple GM and allocate resources from the support team to answer ingame tickets and help solve problem realtime?
Lack of subscription fees really seems to limit the types of service you can get in a game.
For example, Warcaft mentioned that their $15/mo to play the game generally goes to customer support:
They mentioned if they dropped the subscription, and went to a free to play model, their support would be very limited.
I was running around on my Sylvari ranger and one of the Risen guys on the shore actually taunted me with saying he would plant me next to Sieran. I was pretty surprised that a non-instanced mob would say that.
That’s both cool, and horrible, at the same time!
Don’t worry guys I am a necro and I am working day and night to locate Sieran’s body and revive her. ^^
You better move quick, it might be too late already.
I remember when I was doing my personal story, the Sovereign eye of Zhaitan taunted me and said Sieran was waiting for me under the wing of Zhaitan.
I liked Magister Sieran’s curiosity and joy of exploration, it made doing the personal story fun.
The first part of the story is very well written and intriguing.
I agree with you. I was having a lot of fun doing the personal story for a large portion of it. However, it went downhill after I got paired up with Trahearne.
What happened, and arena.net confirmed this at one point, was that at a certain moment the last half was rushed and didn’t go through iterations like the first part.
I’ve heard that before, but never read it from the source. It would be interesting to read if you remember where you saw it.
zwei2stein on guildwars2guru.com made a flowchart for the personal story:
I was surprised how extensive it was, and how much work was put into it. The flowchart does show it begin to converge quickly towards the middle.
To be fair, if we are going to do the same things at the end, there will be a lot of convergence.
Overall, I liked the personal story and appreciated their effort to do this.
ArenaNet mentioned they are sending out the rewards, and that it might take a while for the script to distribute them to everyone:
ArenaNet mentioned they are sending out the rewards, and that it might take a while for the script to distribute them to everyone:
Good luck, hope things get sorted out for you.
But they already are. ArenaNet has people working on fixing the problems with the game.
I often see content designers on the forums speaking with gamers to understand what bugs they are seeing. This is aside from whatever internal list of things they have been assigned to fix.
Here is an example right here:
ArenaNet has people who specialize in certain aspects of their MMO, and this suggestion is simply aimed at those who are tasked with expanding game content.
Adding something like fishing would be nice for some players, as it brings added dimension to the game.
But here, what would fishing accomplish other than being a nifty emote near a river? There’s nothing to do with the fish you catch, if you do catch fish.
When people catch fish, they have been known to eat them.
Caught fish could be incorporated as materials for the cooking profession. It would add another potential gathering resource, giving people another avenue to make money.
For my part, I would like some other things to do in this game, if only to take break from all the fighting (dynamic events, dungeons, pvp, etc.).
ArenaNet has made a beautiful world. I’d like some other ways to interact with it, besides killing stuff all the time.
Other MMO’s had good aspects in their versions of fishing.
LOTRO let you take a trophy quality fish to a taxidermist, so you could mount it on your wall, in your personal housing.
Warcraft had fishing competitions with prizes, and also let you fish up mounts or pets (maybe we could earn minis here).
Rift had the most immersive implementation, by allowing you to aim where you casted, distinguishing between shallow water and deep water fish, as well as allowing you to apply specialized lures to catch specific types of fish.
Good point about the back piece, forgot about that one.
That was a very welcome upgrade :)
I don’t think the personal story is required at all.
It’s simply an idea to personalize your experience in this MMO. It sounds like you really don’t like the idea of doing it, so I’d recommend you don’t.
You can always try it at a later time if you change your mind.
Also, you should be able to skip your personal story and do Arah just fine.
I’ve read that people have done the Arah dungeon before getting to the part of the personal story that sends you there.
I liked the concept of the personal story. I really felt more connected to my character as a result.
I played another MMO for years and felt much more connected to my character here as a result of both the personal story, and the personality he displays in game.
I don’t remember ever getting a piece of gear which was useful (there was also xp, karma, money, etc.), but I didn’t care about that at all.
I liked the effort to make my character stand out. I liked their effort to provide multiple paths, as it adds both a sense of importance in your choices, as well as replay value with alts.
I also liked the personal story, as it gave me a structure for this game. There is so much freedom to explore and quest in various zones, that my personal story anchored me to Tyria.
grenade instead of FT, and 30 in explosives. With 10% explosion damage, vul on explosions, and grenadier.
That will increase your damage by 300%. Literally. 3 times as much damage minimum.
When we say FT is the weakest, we mean it.
Its weaker then rifle, pistol, elixir gun, bombs, toolkit, etc.
Glad this post was made, I was shocked by what I read, but greatly informed.
I expected noticeable differences, but I had no idea the differences in damage output were this enormous.
Time to retrait and see if I like the change in playstyle.
That’s a good point, I was a bit of a death magnet :)
I didn’t mind Trahearne speaking in monotone, I just brushed it off as a personality trait.
However, I did have two problems with him.
One problem was that he made me feel like a supporting character in my own personal story.
Rather than accompany me on my personal story, I felt I was there to help him complete his (which I did in fact with his Wyld Hunt).
The reason for my detachment is that I never saw this guy before. I didn’t have enough time to get to know him, or even like him, much less follow him or care about helping with his Wyld Hunt
He just got shoved into my story, and now it felt like I was following him around to support him and his new role.
The other problem I had was seeing the role he was given. He may have had experience with Orr and the Risen, but that didn’t justify making him the leader of the Pact.
That wasn’t enough to put him in charge of leading factions, developing military strategies, and leading the war effort. He was so far out of his area of expertise, it was ridiculous to put him in that role.
He should have been given the role of an eminent advisor, hearing proposed military plans, and adding perspective to the military leaders on how the plans might play out against the Risen in Orr. That’s a fitting role for a scholar.
A benefit would be that we could be freed up to do missions together, with him teaching me what he knew, as we worked on goals for the war effort.
I also found her death too soon, and too contrived. Really, did she really slow down the horde of bad guys long enough for us???
I definitely felt the same way.
In the time I quested with her, I don’t remember seeing anything to indicate she had any fighting skills greater than my own.
Now, I’m supposed to believe she can single handedly slow down a full blown Risen invasion?
I had a real hard time believing that. There were more skilled/powerful people there, and they couldn’t stop the army, so how could a scholar?
As a result, the story fell flat for me, and soon went downhill from there.
The plot device of having her sacrifice herself did feel contrived, but it was also hamfisted in it’s execution.
I also didn’t like how quickly they brushed over her death. I spent more time mourning and honoring Apatia, someone I can’t say I remember from my personal story.
I travelled to her land and gave a speech to her people for crying out loud! I didn’t really even know her.
It would have made much more sense to do all those things for Magister Sieran.
I mean, I was with Magister Sieran for a good portion of my story, and she got so much less attention when she was gone (compared to that stranger Apatia). It made no sense at all.
It made as little sense as Magister Sieran fending off an army.
Its has been a mix of guild wars 2 just locking up (not responding in windows task manager) and severe crashes that bring up the gw2 dialog box asking you to describe what you were doing. (usually very far into a fractal)
I haven’t seen the gw2 dialogue box pop up, but I have had the game freeze up on me twice yesterday.
It happened during the same type of event, when I went through an Asuran gate, trying to travel to a new zone. I just got stuck at the loading screen.
It doesn’t feel like a problem to me yet, as it only happened yesterday and I never had a problem with the game in the months I ’ve been playing since it launched.
Interesting to see all the programming tools & work they put into the world they created :)
A few days ago, I saw someone in Orr appear out of nowhere next to me to mine a Mithril node (not orichalcum), then disappear.
They were a level 80 character stipped down to a pair of shorts.
I’ve seen the bot trains, now that I stopped exploring the low level areas, but nothing like this before.
I’m baffled. My current favourite theory is just lag – but has anyone else witnessed this?
Sarie, there are videos on Youtube where people have recorded the teleporting bots.
Just search on Youtube for “Guild Wars 2 teleporting bots”
I would have linked one, but one of the people who recorded them said he posted a video once on these forums, but got threatened with a permaban if he did it again.
The reason was that the video showed the name of the person thought to be a bot, and posting on the forums was the same as a call out of someone.
(edited by Moderator)
Personally when I log into Guild Wars 2, I stay in for about 10 mins then I just log off. I’ve no desire to really do anything in the game.
So why do I, and so many other people end up not logging in to play this game?
You are going to find lots of reasons, there are a couple of million players who bought this game.
For me, I had this problem too at first. However, the reason was that I wasn’t used to the sheer level of openness, and freedom to explore, that this game provides.
I was used to being explicitly led around by quest hubs… a quest giver which a giant exclamation mark on his head waiting for people to drop by.
It was jarring to walk around and have some NPC see me and react to me. They ask for help, or something is going on that I can help with.
It felt so random and unstructured. I was confused. So I would play a bit, then log off.
It took a while to get used to this style.
Once that old mindset was overcome, I could really appreciate the things I liked before.
I liked not being flatfooted while fighting, just trading blows. I like being able to move and fight.
I love the gorgeous scenery. Not trying to be super realistic like Rift, but with incredible detail nonetheless and a wonderful artistic aesthetic.
I liked the personality my character was given (I play an arrogant little Asura). You should hear the crazy things that guy says in battle.
Those little personality things make a big difference to me. I connect more with this 3 month old character than I did with my 4 year old character in another MMO.
This is a new game, with lots of potential for growth and polish (e.g. fixing bugs). However, I love playing this game and see the efforts they make to make things better.
Hopefully you’ll end up liking this game too.
If not, there are tons of games to play out there. Hope you find one you like.
Good post and good advice.
Thanks for sharing your dev experience and frame of reference.
Forgot to mention I also really like how Guild Wars 2 rewards collaboration.
It feels good to come to the aid of someone, or have them come to my aid.
In the other MMO I played, if you were fighting mobs to get to a resource node, your own allies would run past you to get to it first.
(edited by Kingfisher.7213)
now if they would just get rid of the bots…….
I haven’t seen any bots yet, but really like how ArenaNet has communicated with us and gone after them.
However, I have seen bots in other MMO’s and wonder if we don’t have it so bad.
Warcraft has it worse than us I believe. I’m really surprised gaming magazines haven’t looked hard at Blizzard’s problems lately.
They’ve had bots invading their PvP battlegrounds, farming bots gathering resource nodes, etc for a long time now.
Even worse, their game seems severely compromised. They had their internal networks hacked back in August:
Their game has been hacked for so long, people even have an in-game program that pretty much gives them god mode.
A month or so ago, some people got access to WoWplus (a hacking/scripting program), and used it to go to numerous servers and killed entire cities of gamers:
Here’s a video of what it looked like:
(edited by Kingfisher.7213)
Definitely agree, this is an awesome game.
I’ve played another MMO for several years, and really liked it.
However, after playing here, I realized just how very old and tired that other game looks now. I don’t think I can really go back anymore.
This game really won me over.
And… the visuals here are amazing!
This game is really beautiful to look at. The art team should be extremely proud.
I also like the personality my character has with his little catchphrases (I play an Asuran). That little guy’s so arrogant when he takes down enemies.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how this game grows in the years to come.
Thanks for the reply Kimbald.
I searched through the wiki, and you are right, I found in the footnotes that if you have 2 stacking sigils, only 1 will be counted.
I’m using a pistol/shield combination and am using the following sigils:
Major Sigil of Corruption (+7 condition damage/kill, up to 25 stacks)
Major Sigil of Perception (+7 precision/kill, up to 25 stacks)
I can see the stacks build up for condition damage, but can’t see the stacks build up for precision.
I even looked at my character sheet and the Precision attribute isn’t increasing.
Is there an issue with the game keeping track of two sigils, or are we not allowed to use two different stacking types?
I tried searching the forums here to see if this was answered (and looked through the Engineering bug sticky), but didn’t see an answer.
Thanks for your help.
(edited by Moderator)
Excellent features? Yes. Excellent gameplay? Yes. Excellent dungeon balance, bug control, bot control, lack of grinding? … I’ll give them some time.
That sums it up for me pretty well.
This game just came out, so I’m willing to cut them some slack and give them time to fix things. I’ll have fun along the way.
As a comparison of MMO launches, the launch of Warcraft was embarassingly bad.
Someone even cancelled the “Game of the Year” title they had given them, and their president released a message apologizing for the problems:
I remember server queues, being several hundred positions in line waiting to get in.
Guild Wars 2 overflow servers are a nice touch in comparison.
Don’t mean to pick on Warcraft, I like their game actually. They are just one of the biggest MMO’s out there, and make for good comparison.
In spite of their problems, Warcraft ended up surviving just fine.
Guild Wars 2 can too.
I really like their downleveling system, it makes exploring low level zones fun. They would be so diminished if we ran through them at max level.
You should take a look at the massive problems Blizzard has in Warcraft trying to implement Cross Realm Zones, in an attempt to make dead zones feel more populated.
They have ridiculous unintended consequences over there affecting questing, pvp, raiding, etc.
Surprised no gaming magazines are covering their chaos.
Also the language filter that changes bad words with “kitten” is pure genius.
I’m extremely impressed by this game and would like everyone at ArenaNet to know how much fun I’m having… “I feel six feet tall!”
Removal of the trinity was one of the biggest steps forward in MMO evolution
Posted by: Kingfisher.7213
I love how ArenaNet removed the trinity, and how they gave me the ability to blend all 3 roles into my character.
It adds a real richness to my character, giving me so many more decisions in shaping him.
I see people using that word in our forums, but have no clue how it’s being used here.
It sounds like I’m in an episode of the Smurfs sometimes, “I’m so mad, I’m gonna smurf your smurfity, smurf-face!”
It’s our rather unique forum profanity filter, it replaces offensive words with “kitten”.
Which is prettykittensmart, actually…you see the word, visualize cute little kittens, and if you were angry enough to curse you calm down.
Oh nice, I didn’t know that, thanks.
That is pretty brilliant actually… the Asura must have had a hand in this.
I thought it might be the Charr’s derrogatory term for weaklings or something, kinda like calling someone a carebear.
How about the word “kitten”.
It makes me laugh so hard when the parser changes what really gets typed.
I see people using that word in our forums, but have no clue how it’s being used here.
It sounds like I’m in an episode of the Smurfs sometimes, “I’m so mad, I’m gonna smurf your smurfity, smurf-face!”
No need to buy them, Gw2 will feature consistent free content updates and in-game events going forward. Our goal is to make it so you get more from Gw2 for free than you get from a game you pay a subscription for.
On top of a large amount of free bonus content, we will be expanding on offerings in the Black Lion Trading Company going forward, as well as be doing large-scale expansion content down the road.
We’ll cover a lot of the details on the kind of support and plans we have in place over the next month or so on the Gw2 blog and with our press partners.
We do appreciate that you’d like to buy lots of new content, but we’d prefer to give a lot of it to you for free, cause that’s what we think a responsible MMO company does!
You guys rock!
I already feel I got more than my money’s worth with the immense beautiful world to explore, incredible PvP, and server access without subscription fees.
Your future plans blow me away, it’s unreal!
bad darkwombat, bad!
Stop deleting characters!
(Kingfisher raises rolled up newspaper above head)
There you go, hope that helped.
Good luck choosing what to play, so many tough choices :)
Very nice! Hope they sell tons more, they made a truly awesome game!
ArenaNet is located in Bellevue WA, so they have a lot of beautiful flora and fauna to draw inspiration from
I’ve been admiring the world they created, this is an awesome game.