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Leg Specialist + Arrow Cart = Enemy lockdown

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Arrow carts can do damage to at most 50 people in this circle but how many dumb people are going to be in that small red circle at the same time? Oh, I forgot there are dumb people, I should not dismiss this fact… sad to be dumb, huh?

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Mask's new WvW build preview

in Engineer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


@Kolisch: You mean you can hit a single enemy twice with each shot? How?

Refer to my post here:

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Engineer: In-Depth PvP Guide, Tips, and Tricks.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


There’s something I want to add that new players might want to learn about pistols which is not mentioned in this thread. With the trait coated bullets, it’s possible to deal extra damage with Explosive Shot on an enemy by making use of the environment. Lets say you shoot an enemy standing a few feet from a wall/tree/anything that can be called an obstruction, and it pierces him and that bullet hits the wall. The initial shot hurts him (dmg), bullet pierces, and then hits the wall (explodes), and that explosion hits the player next to it. This can also be done when you’re atop of something shooting the enemy below you — the bullet pierces and explodes on the ground. You too can make use of this on slopes as well… as long as you understand the concept well you will always be wanting to look for a situation where your Explosive Shots can deal that extra damage.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Mask's new WvW build preview

in Engineer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


May I ask why you take Pistol shots pierce?

Not taking group fights/multiple enemies into the equation, in close quarter combat or by making use of a terrain, this trait helps you deal double damage on an enemy.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Top Hat in the Black Lion Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Previewing it, it looks like a teacup on my asura and worst it ripped off every strand of hair on her head. Till they let us have a REAL top hat and let us keep our hair, I doubt anyone who has any sense of decency and dignity would ever wear such a rip-off.

Is this intended? Or are there plans to rework this item?

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Got the idea from The Matrix.

Photoshopped I assume?

In the rare chance it isn’t, what town clothes are they?

lmao. no it’s really a direct screenshot. We can meet sometime if you wanna look at her, I’m in Crystal Desert if you plan on guesting. They’re town clothes (cook set and midnight ice dye) and those a sports glasses.

Attached picture is her at the right. A guildie was inspired to try and make a similar looking Asura. There’s another picture of her earlier in the Winter Set in page 6 of this thread.


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HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

(edited by Kolisch.4691)

new 80 build

in Engineer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Since you already have a pistol and shield: How about an elixir based build with 0/30/10/30/0?

Heal-Elixir H
7-Elixir B
8-Elixir U
9-Elixir S
Elite-Supply Crate

30- IV, V, XII
10-IV or V (your preference if you’d like a mini-protection on with those 5% or more dmg)
30-II, VIII, X/XII (u can choose formula 409 if want to always have access to being able to remove conditions anytime u want, or you could choose HGH that takes advantage of all those elixirs on you for might stacks)

since you mentioned you need them for those pve, full berserker isn’t bad with a lot of ways to get yourself out of sticky situations. trinkets too.

sigils either air/accuracy/blood and have an extra weapon to stack up might with bloodlust. runes you can go divinity, or if you’re running on a low budget, rune packs (very underrated rune)

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

URGENT: Post Patch Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Never had that problem. Elixir U is on one of my builds that I run a lot with, always reliable whenever I need it unless interrupted. Maybe you could simulate how it happened, reconstructing the conditions/situation…

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Could grenades please get a target toggle?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I was thinking about this too, and we should be able to switch between manual targeting and locked targeting. Locked targeting makes a grenadier turn into complete garbage in wvw, but a godsend in pve, so I think it would be neat to be able to switch between both.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Introduce an Airship to WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


What next? An International Space Station? AWACS? Nuclear Launch Sites? Red Alert: THAT → WAY

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Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


woah woah woah.. no ele on ele hate please, I’m pretty sure all of us have been playing D/D ele since the beginning


HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Make Commander cost badges, not gold

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Using badges is way too easy via the JP by jumping (most get ported). I know someone who has nearly 10 different characters, level 80s, who has his toons ported up everyday by a mesmer. Badges show little about one’s ability in WvW. In fact I hope nobody gets a friggin badge at all through chests. They should be obtained by correctly WvW-ing, not standing in a pink circle and run to open a chest.

Instead, a Commander should fulfill tasks: Being involved in the capture/defense of structures and camps, using supplies, etc…things that may take awhile and hard work. In short →>> BEEN THERE, DONE THAT <<<. Not some guy who’s been in and out wvw a few times then says “Oh I wanna be a Commander”, and swipes his credit card.

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Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


And then Grindhouse Gaming using gears at CD North Camp xD What are you the same people in different servers?

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Maguuma/Crystal Desert/Ehmry Bay 2-22

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Whole Stromgrade guild uses Gears while camping at CD North camp just now. Got bored?

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Got the idea from The Matrix.


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HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

CoF Path 2 Magg

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Now that’s what I call a dungeon. Not a fun-fair like it used to be. Died like 10+ times trying to figure it out with my guild mates and eventually we did it. We high fived each other in our imaginations and then whacked the crystal thing and went out satisfied.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

[Joke Build] Dodge for Days!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Love the idea! /15 chars

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HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Nobody will buy ascended rings with laurels.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Not a big fan of dungeons where I need to spend considerable time in… I prefer to mostly WvW, sPvP and quick dungeon runs. And I <3 ANET for this patch. I gives me a sense of security that I will eventually get all those Ascendiary I’ve been missing out. They’ve kept to their word that we don’t need to grind and let us play the game the way we want.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Very small quaggan backpack on Asura- could it be sized up?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Seriously, ANET?

10 Quaggan backpacks could fit one that belongs to a Norn. Can we ask for it to be sized up? Pretty please? It doesn’t even look like a backpack…


HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


“What is sure, is my dear friends from CD, whatever is the score I invite all the wvw guilds from both YB and CD to join Kaineng NEO alliance before the free transfer closure. Lets gather our strenght on Kaineng to go top tier T1.”

Said Xerxes to the Spartans. What do we CD say to that??

This is RATA SUM!!!

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Tarnished Desert!

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


We, a small guild of 50, basically an outpost of our gaming community (we’ve played a lot of mmorgs together for past 6-7 years), are staying. We love WvW, usually only roll with about 1-2 parties a night, sometimes three. We understand why guilds want to leave and good luck to them. GW2 is only entertainment for us, nothing compared to real life. Nearly all of us are working adults, some in their 50s, some with kids, we’ve been through worse things in life. This game drama we read about in GW2 we treat like kids babbling at each other cause we have better things to worry about like work pressure, paying bills etc. To those staying, lets continue on working on a wonderful community. I’m sure most of you know that running when faced with a little adversity (not implying those who left “jumped ship”) is not how to solve problems. All the best to everyone.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Henge of Denravi, risen from the ashes...

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


From Crystal Desert (from this week on will be going through what you guys at HoD experienced).

<3 the posts here. If I have to choose another server it would be HoD. I hope I can say the same thing about my server one day.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Max Target Aoe, Zergs, and You

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


A cap on AOE targets is proof that zergs are considered dumb and totally clueless as to what is happening around them to move away if the area is being bombarded.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


FA and CD needs to stop double teaming IoJ
IoJ and CD needs to stop double teaming FA
IoJ and FA needs to stop double teaming CD

Like, the reason why server X did bad that time was because the sever was the unofficial server of Christians that celebrate christmas, as with the unofficial server of college students that need to study.

Make it stahp

QFT. There have been times I’ve seen double teaming – but certainly not in the CDvsFAvsIOJ games. Pretty sure all times of double teaming has been unintentional in all sides.

As Az was saying, we were in IOJ BL last night only because it was truly easy pickings for awhile. I like IOJ, but my desire not to be red is very very great

I wonder if you’re one of them who I always trade camps with past 3 days in IoJ borderland xD. True, it’s pretty much decisions we think is best to do at that particular moment, and hardly anything to do with double teaming. With quite a handful of IoJs only in the borderlands, I had an easy time roaming hitting yaks, sentries and capturing camps solo on my small (and cute) Asura engineer. Rarely have to deal with huge groups, only 1 – 2 enemies met along the way. (Only time I had to move to FA BL was because your necro commander with the funny hat and party decided to do that as well, and I couldn’t deal with their numbers) But then I found that FA borders is quite daunting with really fast responses at every particular point xD

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I looked at the population tonight. IOJ was full, CD and FA were very high. I guess my server is just tired of upper tiers so only our WvW core fights now. I see less and less random tags out everyday. There are no excuses. IOJ was always just lucky to have a good core WvW community that carried it in T2 for so long. Our militia players have always been a disorganized, inattentive and generally disappointing. Enjoy the morale boost while you can, T2 and T1 servers will not as easy going as you guys have had it this weekend.

IoJ talked a big game about being a bunch of diehards, but the past few weeks tell a different story. It’s too bad really.

FA, while not exactly a powerhouse in this tier, clearly has the intestinal fortitude to keep coming back for more.

What is the story? Is it anything new or is it the same population problem we have been dealing with for months? The dedicated very small WvW community on IoJ is still doing the same stuff we always have. We asked for people to transfer to us when we went to T1 to help our WvW population, T2, etc etc. Nobody came. I still see the same 30-40 names trying to hold down 4 maps most of the time. Been like this since we went to T1. As far as guts are concerned, I am pretty sure no one in this game or any other really has to worry about “intestinal fortitude” …. saying that just makes you look foolish and makes a mockery of what that means in reality.

IoJ is still looking for WvW guilds and players, no ques, team players welcome!

With IoJ being full most of the time, don’t you think it’s hard to find transfers? Why not tap into the PVE population? They’ve been holding your server back from big transfers, btw. Maybe it’s time to do some educating on why they should start WvW-ing.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Please nerf condition removals in wvw.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


This is like power build players asking ANET to remove toughness.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Fashion Bookmark

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Lately, as I get tired grinding out in WvW (I’m no PVE guy), sPvP and dungeon running (hey my different builds and wvw needs funding), I start collecting different sets of armors, mixing and matching them to get different looks (that I like) as well as figuring out dyes that would look best to go with it. I keep progress on notepad, and as the list grows, I find it a tad bit troublesome to keep looking for the armor parts, and then adjust them dyes…

How about an “In Town Armor (I care more about the fashion) Bookmark”? We save particular armor on them, as well as the dyes, and anytime we’re in town we can just bring the bookmark up and click on them so we’d no longer look for the armor (they must be carried) and go through the task of adjusting the dyes again.

Note that I didn’t include this for battle. It’s just aesthetics. I don’t mind spending gems on these.

Edit: Eh I suddenly remember that dyes on armor parts get kept. Maybe just a bookmark for auto wearing of all the different parts xD

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

(edited by Kolisch.4691)

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Took this screenshot about a week ago. My Asura Engineer in Christmas mood. I think it looks like Winter Sonata in GW2…


HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Camera Tool exploit

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


My engineer just got hit by a ground targeted lava font elementalist skill from 200-300 safely behind the gate when i was being ressed. Please find a way to ban this camera tool.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Remove Arrow Carts.

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


In the spirit of the thread starter’s apparent intention, I propose we just do away with defensive structures and points, siege weapons, and the whole map. Put everyone in a cage and let them rumble it out.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I don’t see the green arrow that indicates that’s he low level?

Someone point it out for me, I must be blind as there’s no indication here that he is below 80

the player killed is no longer in the picture it seems. Look at the screenshot again, he’s been hit by also another class, he’s safe from combat, and now looking at his dmg. What level 80 hits only a few hundred on grenades?

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I’ll just post this again since people can’t seem to read:

The screen shot in the OP is over a month old and was taken before the bug that increased piercing/ricochet was fixed.

Hm how do you know it’s a month old when he said he took it last night. btw the target is still a low level newbie and he’s glorifying himself with crappy achievement.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

The 33K Kill Shot in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


1. New low level player with crappy overleveled armor goes to wvw to see what it’s all about.

2. Goes around hits lousy dmg.

3. Then gets killed by killshot.

4. Sees dmg.

5. Quits wvw.

6. And warrior glorifies his achievement in wvw forum.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Signet speed buffs and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Necromancer here, and we can easily have 33% speed buffs on us about 95%-100% of the time if we want to with Spectral Walk and Warhorn 2. Increase from 10 to 25% on Signet of the Locust doesn’t mean anything to me. It has a lousy heal too. Wish they fixed the many bugs we have more instead of that meaningless signet.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Guild Purchased NPC Guards for Defense

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Great. Just call this game NPC Wars.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Camp Guards are weak

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I won’t say it’s particularly easy but I’m used to soloing camps as a necro provided they have no additional guards (frog/ogre/etc) or any enemy players around. I lure them in one spot, then I throw down my marks, wells, and then burst down the Supervisor and his gang in Lich Form. Once out, I heal, Death Shroud and finish them all off. I think I have a sort of routine to pull it off just barely, so anything out of the ordinary (like an increase in strength of the camp guards suggested by thread starter) will might make it very difficult for me to do it solo.

My opinion? Leave it as it is. You want to make it much more difficult? Then go and defend it, put some ballistas or arrow carts. Do events that let NPCs help you etc etc…

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I changed my guild name to “CANT U SEE IM STUCK”

How did you do this? I thought there was no way to change guild names.

Sorry, I wasn’t being clear. I created a new guild with a name that would convey what I wanted to say to my attackers.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


So I was fighting a TC dude who was left behind on the catapults in Askalonian Hills, and suddenly TC capped the place, and both me and him got stuck in the walls. We fought to end it eventually but then so many people came over and started AOE-ing that part of the wall. I knew I wanted to just go away but I hate Alt-F4ing so I ran around to where they AOE-d but seems like not hitting me much. Granted I noticed they were low levels or have low dmg so I waited awhile and still they couldn’t kill me. I REALLY HATE Alt-F4 wimps so I never wanted to do it. So I tried my best to let myself die but the people aoe-ing just had bad dmg. Provoking them by doing some aoes myself didn’t make them hit harder too. Unable to stand it anymore I tried desperately to get myself killed or get out of there, I first waited in a corner to see if I can have that “engaged” state go away but it wouldn’t so I couldn’t port. I changed my guild name to “CANT U SEE IM STUCK” as I hoped they would stop attacking so I could port, and then “HOW IM GONNA PORT IkittenEEP HITTIN” but they still hit (like low dmg)… I then looked for a way where they could deal more damage and found out I could run even further to them… they hit like awhile to kill me before finishing me. THANKS FOR SENDING ME BACK!

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Heartseeker - That Damage

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


To me the higher the damage a Heartseeker hits me, the happier I become knowing he’d be my food. To be honest I have no trouble with glass-cannon classes as a Necromancer, running a Power/Toughness/ xx build. When I’m in the thick of battle and I see a sudden drop in HP I’d check my combat log and say to my party mates “Ooo… 9K Heartseeker?” Then I move on. And I have 3xxx armor…

I’m not saying “oh I eat thieves for breakfast, I’m on top of the food chain” no. I’m just saying that there’s give and take, and there are risks running with a build that just shreds people with heartseeker damage. TBH I feel that the strongest 1 v 1 that went against me was an elementalist, some Maguma Commander I waited to clear my borderlands north camp before we 1 on 1d (I asked guildmates and passers-by mto stay out of it. And it wasn’t dps that made the elementalist stand out. Was from some guild called pelican lezbianz or something. (I lost after a 5 minute battle where I realized halfway I forgot I was equipping a wrong off hand and had to fight with just my staff…. but I know that ele would have beaten me anyway)


HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Ridiculous Queue Times

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


The higher up in the tier a server is the more likelier this will happen. T1 matchups can even stretch to many hours. Add to it that bandwagoner guilds jumping to winning T1 servers, and it becomes worse.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

12/7 - TC vs. FA vs. CD

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Except that YB actually brought tough fights with limited numbers, and defended their stuff, unlike some other certain server that just zergs around when there are bigger guilds, but then just moves on to the next capture point and never bother about defending, instead comes to forums and thumps chests or whines.

It’s not really necessary to say that to your own server even if they’re blatantly known to be like that. Respect your own server, or just move away.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Jagged horrors giving on kill stack effects

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


never knew this because my staff doesn’t have a stat stacking sigil on it. it’d be fast racking them up now we know how… sadly it will be gone soon. And yes, ^, the many known bugs will still remain.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

1 thief vs 30 cant cap.....

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Just make it so people in stealth can’t prevent capturing, simple.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Why do you play Necromancer?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Prior to actually playing a necromancer, I was compelled to play one based on ANET’s description of the necromancer and some glowing reviews by both developers and players alike. I pretty like complexities, and the necromancer sounded like one. A few weeks in, the doubts started creeping in especially when I could faceroll about just everything by spamming the thief’s heartseeker (i only know the f2 button when i’m on a thief) and the warrior’s 1kb… the forums doesn’t make it look nice either. I was either forced to roll another toon, or change my expectations of the class.

So I decided to become Batman. And Batman I did become.

I’ll try fight 10 times harder, think 10 times smarter, come back (after I die/lose) 10 times stronger. I honed my skills in spvp, rack up thousands of wvw kills, and always try to find myself 1v1, 1v2 fights. Heck if I see 3, I’ll charge in anyway (only if I see green arrows next to their level). I’m very proud of being a Necromancer, and I feel glad I still read posts of other fellow necros telling people how they enjoy playing it, and not doing too bad either.

I roll a power necro, but have a few things not conforming to the spirit of one, all for the sake of practicality in wvw, and spvp.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

(edited by Kolisch.4691)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


some people will continue to be stupid not being able to avoid those campers.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

did they just fix Plague Signet ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Before it was fixed, whenever I run with another necro with plague signet in random parties, they’d be saying they love the necro with the signet (which doesn’t work) thinking all the while it was him taking (copying rather, and not removing) all those conditions for them (which he soaks up the glory pretty much and belittling me in a few ways verbally). I just shrug it off, and continue to (actually) remove their conditions with (working) wells and staff 4 (cause they think plague signet was enough). Oh, we humble necromancers…

Glad to have this fixed so those necromancers are actually doing what they intend to do in the first place.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

ALT+F4 - The easy way out~!

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Have my fair share of people alt-f4-ing on me, they tend to be 1 on 1 fights. A few days ago an engi put so many stuff but I just turned on Lich Mode and clawed him down… I didn’t bother going back to normal instead kept firing away when he was down. And just before the last hit he vanished.

I have nothing to say about this kind of thing.. it’s just 1 less wvw kill and the poor fella would have to re-login, and if the map is full would have to queue..

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

The endless flanking within the borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Yes, “borderlands” map design has always puzzled me a bit. It’s far easier to take over enemy borderlands than to defend your own. The design of the citadel makes launching attacks from it extremely slow and doesn’t even give significant advantages in terms of defence.

The northerns supply camp needs to be harder to steal and the citadel needs some southern exits to give the “local” world some advantage.

As it is, it’s not uncommon to see world A control all of world B’s borderlands and vice-versa. It’s not that one server is clearly better than the other, it’s just that it’s much easier to take over (and control) the enemy borderlands than your own.

You don’t make any sense at all. You mean the one who could teleport back to the center and move north, east and west in no time at all will lose out to someone who’d be spawning at the bottom or one corner? Borderland owners can swing swiftly from both towers east and west, as well as the camps nearby. And players can constantly teleport back to the center, run abit north and take their supply (unless they’re very bad and can’t keep control of that camp most of the time), able to mobilize a force that’s siege ready at moment’s notice.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Share your little tricks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


Staff auto attack will show you where a stealthed thief is, just keep spamming 1 and follow the claws.

LOL, nice! Good to know I learned something new today! Been playing a lot since launch and never knew this. I have a habit of stopping any attack with any weapon I use and just try to catch him with aoe, like putting marks on nearby places but those don’t work alot.

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Share your little tricks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I’m not going to start an elitist/L2P thread on how to best use your deathshroud, or mastering combo fields or how to kill people from cliffs etc

Just simple things and tricks, that when everything adds up, makes our livelihood abit better.

For now I’ll share some simple LF gaining tricks, I know in sPvP/tourneys even some initial LF before you start a fight is useful. You can, while you run to get somewhere, have your Flesh Golem out, then change the elite skill to something else. That new skill won’t have a cooldown, and can be casted immediately upon switching. Not so good for Golem users though… it will net 10% LF.

The next one is from your Wurm, teleporting to its dead body will give you 10% LF as well. Make sure you know the cooldown for this so you can change this utility to a more useful skill before you engage someone.

There was that spectral walk trick but I guess everyone knows that and now its nerfed…

Share your little tricks here that will help us in the necro community!

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE