Wow, fast answers ! Thanks a lot guys !
Nice run, very good job !
2 questions :
- Can you explain me how the thief handle the laser part (i know how to trigger the two left at the same time but the three ?)
- How many trys for the elvoved destroyer in one shot ? It was close :P
Right click -> kick from party/leave party.
If Pugs cannot kill mossman normally then they can’t probably kill anything else normally and it’d be easier to find a new party.
^ This, Mossman is a good indicator of noobiness. Better to find out sooner than later that your party is going to be stuck for hours at some of the more difficult fights.
The only larger PuG breakers are Mai Trin and MAYBE then Snow fractal. All the other bosses can be whittled down easy by most PuGs.
Mossman just seems easy when you’re not in a PuG and you’re chaining Deep Freeze on him with communal defenses aegis spam and wall from the guardian.
His melee hits nearly as hard as archdiviner, he does it more often than archdiviner, and the axe throw is a far less noticeable telegraph in melee range with all the spell clutter compared to all the large wind up skills of arch diviner.
On a stacking group that fails to use aegis and reflects properly that axe bouncing around stacked people is going to annihilate most average pugs.
Guardian and staff ele are really misleading to a group. The guardian just trivializes anything in this game, and the staff ele can stand easily outside max melee to be in buffing range but completely safe from most cleave/autoattacks while doing more damage than anyone who is melee.
There’s a reason why in fractals despite mesmer being the meta in speed clears, it is guardians who pugs want over mesmers.
In my experience, the PUG breaker wouldn’t be the Snowblind, but rather Cliffside :P
In my experience, and why I prefer Cliffside for PUGs instead of Snowbind:
-If your group doesn’t have a thief, chances are someone will die while kiting the Svanirs, because most PUGs wont bother using situationally good skills for that part.
-Now you have wait for the whole group to OOC while avoiding ticks of frostbite (and agony if scale 40/50). Most PUGs wont return to the Svanir fireplace area where it’s easy to remove the frostbites and get OOC, and when they do, chances are someone will aggro the Svanir standing there and prolong the process.
-At the Elemental Source, some PUGs for some reason grow impatient and decide to burn it, while not making any effort to change to a more favorable build for the situation (i.e more reflects, stabilities, pulling the Ice elementals to the source for cleaves etc). This leads to the group getting KB around, aggroing a lot of Ice Elementals and quickly wiping.
-After wiping, some PUGs will just say “screw it” and yolo rush the Elemental Source with Icebows, trying to hit that glorious IB #4 or Endure Pain-Hundred Blades before dying. Repeat.
-Dark forest path is usually OK, despite most PUG warriors always going yolo ahead of the group even though there is a thief/engi ready to mass-stealth.
-Svanir Boss is OK.
Cliffside I usually only see problems with, curiously, the first Archdiviner fight. Most people still can’t react to his leap attack hitbox (Admittedly, the hitbox is kinda bogus), which leads to people getting downed, people trying to ress, and ressers getting downed in the process. 0 aegis given.
The only tedious part in snowblind with pugs is the Source, but can be done (and is often expected by pugs) in 2-3 trys. The rest is easily soloable. Cliffside on the other hand, can fail kitten middle and shoulder seals, and very often PUGs don’t do the Archdiviner properly (Exploiting him, or dying every single time he pops reflections).
But well, it’s on our personnal experiences, so kind of useless to discuss it ^^
Right click -> kick from party/leave party.
If Pugs cannot kill mossman normally then they can’t probably kill anything else normally and it’d be easier to find a new party.
^ This, Mossman is a good indicator of noobiness. Better to find out sooner than later that your party is going to be stuck for hours at some of the more difficult fights.
The only larger PuG breakers are Mai Trin and MAYBE then Snow fractal. All the other bosses can be whittled down easy by most PuGs.
Mossman just seems easy when you’re not in a PuG and you’re chaining Deep Freeze on him with communal defenses aegis spam and wall from the guardian.
His melee hits nearly as hard as archdiviner, he does it more often than archdiviner, and the axe throw is a far less noticeable telegraph in melee range with all the spell clutter compared to all the large wind up skills of arch diviner.
On a stacking group that fails to use aegis and reflects properly that axe bouncing around stacked people is going to annihilate most average pugs.
Guardian and staff ele are really misleading to a group. The guardian just trivializes anything in this game, and the staff ele can stand easily outside max melee to be in buffing range but completely safe from most cleave/autoattacks while doing more damage than anyone who is melee.
There’s a reason why in fractals despite mesmer being the meta in speed clears, it is guardians who pugs want over mesmers.
In my experience, the PUG breaker wouldn’t be the Snowblind, but rather Cliffside :P
If you succeed, maybe the internet gods will grant you a better ping !
Assuming you do the 4 paths everyday and no PeeveePee reward track, you’ll get it in less than a month :P
Yes, I have been raid testing for months. Lets just say that if your team isn’t planning on running a full tanky spec ranger you won’t be full clearing the raid anytime soon.
Let’s make a bait thread about this “tanky ranger for raids” in general discussion, that would be fun xD
No problem like that here. I guess it comes from your setup.
And the expectation that a pug can 1 bucket burn dredge boss? Seriously how often does that happen? Maybe 1 in 10 runs? that is too high expectation on a pug.
I’m doing it 9 times out of 10 runs (when we roll the dredge facility obviously) in pugs (meaning i’m alone, with no buddies/guildies/friends in the party). Asking for meta party and gear checking. Works well. I even teach that to whoever want to learn it.
It all comes down to personnal experience, so we could go on this topic for hours, that won’t be usefull
So you going to teach every pug you do? Kind of pointless. Did every pug you do run fractal in 30-40 minutes?
Average pug do it in 40-50 mintues anyway.
Average is 40 minutes, with the worst case being 55/1 hour. Strangely, i got my worst run times with guildies, but mostly because we’re running around like headless chickens doing kitten. And yes, if they’re listening and up to learn something new (for them), i’ll teach them. If it doesn’t work first try, the second always works. It’s not pointless, since it helps improving the global skill level (and it’s good for everyone).
And the expectation that a pug can 1 bucket burn dredge boss? Seriously how often does that happen? Maybe 1 in 10 runs? that is too high expectation on a pug.
I’m doing it 9 times out of 10 runs (when we roll the dredge facility obviously) in pugs (meaning i’m alone, with no buddies/guildies/friends in the party). Asking for meta party and gear checking. Works well. I even teach that to whoever want to learn it.
It all comes down to personnal experience, so we could go on this topic for hours, that won’t be usefull
Because asking for a particular setup is poisining. Yeah, sure. So, you’d prefer a LFG without any description ? So that people with different mindset and objectives are mixed together ? And you think that it will end well ?
This whole meta-group-composition (1x guard, 1x thief, 1x warr, 2x ele) disaster results in unnecessary exclusion of viable classes as much as it forces players into roles they poorly fill in order to get a group. This is the kind of information worth spreading, so players know and understand that these limitations are a result of the community and not actually a game-related requirement.
Well, it’s all about playing how you want. If you want to exclude a certain class from your group, whatever reason (good or bad reason, doesn’t matter), that’s up to you, and that’s not a problem if people want to do it.
However, people not understanding that everything in this game is viable is another matter that have nothing to do with the LFG, but is rather misinformation spread by misinformed people.
Personally, I would take an average player with an average build who follows directions over a wannabe meta-zerk anytime. But most important of all, I wish people would stop poisoning the lfg-system with class-discrimination.
Because asking for a particular setup is poisining. Yeah, sure. So, you’d prefer a LFG without any description ? So that people with different mindset and objectives are mixed together ? And you think that it will end well ?
If they don’t want something, they’re free to state it. I prefer someone who says the truth frankly, rather than saying “We do path XXX” and kick because you don’t meet a requirement that was stated nowhere.
Why can’t people just ignore what doesn’t work for them when it DOES NOT affect them in any way ?
And PLEASE, do not label people that doesn’t want to run with a particular setup as “tryhards” or “meta wannabe”. I hate the tryhards aswell, but assuminng that every one asking for a meta setup and gearchecking in the LFG is one is just PLAIN WRONG and stupid.
(edited by Kordash.2197)
Anet fix your kittening mossman underwater exploit kitten .
As boring as i find this exploit, why do you care ? Just don’t do it. They’ll probably fix it when HoT ships in.
That said, that doesn’t really excuse the elitism from pugs. I agree that pugs are pathetic for demanding 2 ele/1 thief/1 guard/1 warrior all the time and to be quite frank with you I never play with the people that post LFG ads asking for this because to me, those are just wannabes/tryhards. It’s not the best class comp all of the time, in fact it’s rare for it to be.
Not all are wannabe/tryhards. There are some, indeed, but i’ve met a new group of buddies in a pug group with this kind of setup. We had one tryhard thief, but that’s one out of 5.
I personnaly always ask for this kind of setup and a decent experience in PUG (because i like it, it’s an efficient in every situation, maybe not always optimal, but it’s not a speed run, it’s a fast run pug), but i don’t expect them to go perfect without mistake, and they might be used to different tactics than me and that could lead to a wipe or two. I won’t kitten over it, as i make mistakes too, and miscommunication involve everyone.
The PvP one’s was better. This one (no offense) feels like it’s lacking something but i’m not able to say what. The idea was good though.
I think you should have changed it more, since certains parts doesn’t really fit in (like “losssst”).
Holy moly that gem…
That’s because of the content. One requires you to fill more roles the other doesn’t.
We have no trinity currently because we don’t need one, the mechanics are so poor yeah, you could run a healing build, but why? Everyone has pilled into the corner and grabbed the Ele’s conjured weapons. You’re not contributing anything.
Gear =/= roles.
On my Elementalist I try to max my DPS, on my thief I focus on stealth and blind, on my guardian i focus on keeping my allies high hp.
That three higly different role right there. But people see zerker and think OMG JUST ONE ROLE EVERYBODY DO THE SAME QQQQQQQ
Could they improve it? Yes. But saying that GW2 doesn’t have role is non sense.
Sadly, most people won’t ever understand that your role isn’t defined by a stat combo rather than a build, and that the stat combo is here only to improve the efficiency of the said build, but it’s just some BONUS and not mandatory at all by the design of the game wanted since headstart by the developpers.
Does it help to switch the server to another within Europe, Which has more English speakers?
In theory, yes. The game before Megaservers had servers in EU that people of different languages had “claimed”. You can test whether or not the game puts people of the same server/language together by guesting to EU servers that had been claimed by English speakers.Edit: why don’t you get a free account, put it on a NA server and see if Ping is acceptable and the population better?
It’s a lot more than in theory.
Actually, i’m playing with the game in English, and with both my french guild, and EU community one. But my map chat is always filled with french even when reping my EU guild. I’m on Vizunah Square.
Where do people get so many AP’s? I’ve been playing since launch and have ~11K non-daily AP’s and 6k daily ones.
There aren’t really any non-daily AP’s left for me to get… maybe another 500 or so. but there are people with 12k more AP’s than me… where are they coming from? all from dailies?
And probably other past season 1 releases that you missed ^^
Actually the meta is berserker + might. I you’re not the best dps of the world or don’t give might you’re totally useless.
A good boring meta…
You don’t understand a kitten about the meta.
Name one person here who claims PvE isn’t easy to win in.
Anyone who thinks this is about whether or not it’s easy or difficult to beat content is completely irrelevant to the discussion, so go elsewhere if you’re not interested.
I think what he’s saying, and also what I was saying, was that you guys need to give it a rest and get some fresh air.
This argument is about the equivalent of the “is this dress blue and gold or black and white” fiasco. = Something pointless and simple taken to an absolute extreme.
Hilarious to read though so don’t stop just because I said you’re all nuts
So, when someone is entitled to teach bullkitten to other based on biased facts and on the top of that is plain agressive and arrogant, you just let him teach them something that is wrong and spread misinformation ? I don’t know if you ever complained about someone doing something wrong, but if so, you’re an hypocrit.
Miku, challenge him to beat Sesshi time on bloomhunger solo. I posted in the other thread. Let’s see how he’ll react.
When i asked for footage i asked for one of his best fractal runs, if he has the time… cause i know he is busy with real life stuff as well, and between you and me… pug groups never get to match his numbers… or mine for that matter…
This was about “wannabe elitists-scrubs”, you don’t qualifyTell you what… give me a better version then Brazil at Bloomhunger, and i will calculate the real DPS… maybe you can squeeze in another 1K…
Just please have combat log opened since i don’t have to use slow motion to add things “extra” manually… i can just get them off the combat log, ok ?…AAAANDD… please give me one of your Mossman fights… straight up Mossman, maybe no icebow :P… and we’ll calculate the DPS for that as well ?
Ok ?…You can’t get more realistic then what i am doing… manual adding the damage has a 99% accuracy…
Beat that with your necro please ? Solo setup ? Show us Mr IKnowBetterThanAnyoneElse.
I… get kicked insta-kick… for playing builds that burst 14.7K, by people who don’t have a clue about anything…
BUT… when it’s the other way around, i don’t kick even when i have good reason…Want a cookie? You two acted like a couple of kittenes, mocking and being rude to someone who doesn’t minmax, but you didn’t kick them. You’re truly gods amongst mere men.
YES… please post more of me… make me famous
Ah, that’s what this is about. Enjoy the attention, maybe it’ll be enough someday.
I acted like a what… because i said my head hurts ?… My head was actually pounding that day, and i was in a very bad mood… that’s why i even remembered the fractal…
You have a bad day so you have the right to be a jerk to others ? Nice mentality you got here.
I now declare Batresh as king of elitists.
By the meta scrubs, the DPS uptime, and the all mighty necro.
(sorry, had to do it)
Glitching it ? lolwut ? Miku, you should just stop answering, you can’t take people like that seriously.
I would seriously advise Batresh and Nemesis one thing, if you wanna prove your points, just take the challenge of Miku, and beat him.
But you won’t.
I just said above Nemesis is willing to try to solo Mossman and we’ll see the timing, It’s gonna be hard as Necro’s don’t have anything else than evades to survive deadly hits…
Viable/optimal useless debate, as always… Oh well, just waiting untill we see his necro solo. Until then, no need to talk.
Still waiting this guy to prove his ‘numbers’ by beating any Warrior solo of Miku/Sesshi/Goku with his so called ‘superior necro dps’.
But he won’t
You didn’t see his video… He compared in a linear fight where you can get ~ max dps, Brazil’s warrior damage over the fight, and his own. With icebow, without icebow, with early tw, with <50% hp. Gee, I really don’t understand you people, it’s as if you leave your brains in your pocket when you discuss some subjects.
I did watch it. But the comparaison don’t even stand. Since in the current meta, the warrior should NOT pick the ice bow, and the warrior build is reducing is personnal DPS for the sake of buffing the overall group DPS. The current meta build is PS, and is NOT the maximum DPS build for a warrior.
So if you really wanna compare the warrior to the necro DPS, do it properly. And try achieve the same kill times on the same encounters.
Please don’t assume we’ve let our brains on the side. That’s rude and makes you a jerk.
Still waiting this guy to prove his ‘numbers’ by beating any Warrior solo of Miku/Sesshi/Goku with his so called ‘superior necro dps’.
But he won’t
Glitching it ? lolwut ? Miku, you should just stop answering, you can’t take people like that seriously.
I would seriously advise Batresh and Nemesis one thing, if you wanna prove your points, just take the challenge of Miku, and beat him.
But you won’t.
Anybody looking to cringe so hard that your ribs crack?
You’ve been warned:
I didn’t knew him. Didn’t missed anything seems.
pls don’t confuse being realistic with being negative.
Oh, so you’re this kind of guy… Okay.
Back on topic, i just saw Nike’s post on reddit about the buff sharing. I like the idea, but i’m not sure this will ensure a better party diversity unless each class bring something unique and unstackable like EA for warriors. Thoughs ?
Link for reference :
Warrior: banners, Ea, PS
Ele: conjures, water fields, Fury
Guardian: reflects, stability, strength in numbers (dont laugh, hard content maybe), aegis
Ranger: spotter, frost spirit
Rev: 10% crit buff, healing, reflects
mesmer: time warp, well of action, shared distortion, reflects
necro: vampiric aura, transfusion, BiP
Thief/engie: smoke fields, heavy CC (could be extremely important to be able to melt breakbars quickly), blast finishers on demand.
Fair enough. I didn’t saw it like that especially for necro and rev.
pls don’t confuse being realistic with being negative.
Oh, so you’re this kind of guy… Okay.
Back on topic, i just saw Nike’s post on reddit about the buff sharing. I like the idea, but i’m not sure this will ensure a better party diversity unless each class bring something unique and unstackable like EA for warriors. Thoughs ?
Link for reference :
the fact that you’re playing Gw2 makes me wonder why you guys actually expect that the raids will be as challenging as raids like in other games.
I’m 99,999999% sure that the raid will include gimmick bosses, deff events and a lot of puzzles where you need 10 people for and not hard challenging bossfights where everyone has to be concentrated 100% like you guys probably hope for.
That’s quite a negative guy we got here. Anyway, it’s pointless, we don’t have enough information to judge. Wait and see.
They did reference toughness gear and using it to take hits. Will they be strengthening the agro advantage of toughness gear? because as is, while it has some strength it’s far from consistent. I take it we’ll be doing a lot of range damage to stay away from the melee hits that you need defensive gear for?
Ehh, I should stop thinking about it, just wait to see it, my hype and positive outlook is gone.
Maybe we can body block projectiles easier >:)
You mean throwing asuras to block projectiles ? That’s harsh u_u
GOD. If tanking become a required thing, i swear i’m going to coldly murdrer every PHIW/trinity-wanna-be i met. With all my fractals spoons. AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN.
Also, it’d be a terrible frustrating implementation for it.
Legendary Armor will take a while to get, and you’ll need to do high-end content to get it — which means that by the time you get it, you’ll have already had to go out and get several sets of armor to complete the content required. (If they require tanky gear to complete content)
The better solution is to continue allowing defensive armor to be used as ‘training wheels’ for learning content, and leave pure-DPS armor as a possibility by just requiring defensive traiting.
It’s not only a ‘training wheel’, because some people just doesn’t care about learning the game as far as we do (and there is no problem with that). I would say it’s more like a good option.
Isn’t that why legendary armor are introduced: precisely to change stats on-demand?
It’s actually introduced as a prestige item, with that as a perk. Anyway, swapping stats around on-demand isn’t that useful without the ability to also swap runes on-demand.
Actually, you can have the full glass and the tanky aswell, and do well with both. Why would you change that ? Forcing player to have a certain stat combo won’t enforce diversity.
This. The ‘lack of gear diversity’ is a good thing. One of the best parts of GW2’s combat system is that you don’t need to lug around multiple gear sets — your build comes from traits, which don’t waste inventory space.
I’ve never understood why people think requiring multiple gear sets to complete content would be a good thing. It sounds like a giant pain in the kitten tbh.
Well some of my mates would like it (Ranael, i know you’ll be reading this :P), but personaly… i would hate it. Just thinking of getting multiple full ascended sets on my 8 (soon to be 9) toons give me nightmares. The actual freedom of choice we have is good.
Where will they go ?
in 1 month, ‘sub 10 is possible’ xD
It’s like i’m hearing Goku from here “Challenge Accepted” xD
Where will they go ?
Gotta post here atleast once before everything breaks if that’s what’s gonna happen. Hi guise, long time lurker and dungeon enthusiast here just wanting to leave a tiny mark.
Heya there o/
Well, i think when we reach 95, we should start spamming answers, altogether, and MAYBE we’ll reach 100.
Forum breaking is now the new meta.
Necro kind of strong here.
Time Comparison Video:
Start to Destroying Ice Totems:
Goku: 41.97s (-0.06s)
Sesshi: 42s.03sDestroying Ice Totems to Corrupted Troll Agro:
Goku: 18.87s (+3.37s)
Sesshi: 15.50sCorrupted Troll Kill
Goku: 1m 15.40s (-8.23s)
Sesshi: 1m 23.63sRun to Aldus and Kill:
Goku: 5m 25.43s (+4.5s)
Sesshi: 5m 20.93sRun to Icebrood Hunter and Kill:
Goku: 46.20s (+4.07)
Sesshi: 42.13sOpening the Door:
Goku: 7.53s (+6.16s)
Sesshi: 1.37sOpening Door to Ginva Cutscene:
Goku: 34.13s (-4.97s)
Sesshi: 39.10sGinva Kill:
Goku: 4m 32.20 (-6.9s)
Sesshi: 4m 39.10Overall Time:
Goku: 13m 42.10s (-2.07s)
Sesshi: 13m 44.17s
Thx for that, nice to compare the two !
I just think the content will be so that you just won’t survive without some of the team speccing defensive AND playing very actively, blocking/dodging/evading the deadliest skills but necessarily still absorbing a lot of damage and outhealing it. So the game will be impossible in a full zerker setting and extremely challenging if you have an optimal composition, and this optimal composition will involve some people in very defensive/supporty builds.
That’s where i’m seeing you want the abitlity to tank. You want to force a certain stat combo in groups composition, or said in another way, force some people to build tanky.
Actually, you can have the full glass and the tanky aswell, and do well with both. Why would you change that ? Forcing player to have a certain stat combo won’t enforce diversity.
In short : i wanna tank in a game that isn’t designed for it.
Please do the whole dungeons trash mobs with no dodge/active defense in Zerk. And post a video showing it.
(edited by Kordash.2197)
Facetanking defined:
There. Thanks mate.
But a gameplay where you can’t face tank everything, where some people will need to spec defensively to carry the group, where you will need all skills in your bar to succeed etc… sorry, but that is the least I expect from raids.
Yeah…. because Zerkers are the ones facetanking stuff.
Seriously you just want to be able to “tank” in a no-trinity MMO. Don’t bullkitten around, that’s all you want to achieve in here. And that’s okay, but don’t claim it to be the “better” solution or even the most skillfull decision. Even if you say you should specc defensively and not be able to facetank, what’s the point? What is this obsession with wanting extra defensive stats to carry you, instead of depending on your own actions?
The fact is that it is easier to be specced defensively and rely on passive defense stats to carry you rather than be specced offensively and rely on reacting through active defenses.
Guess which one is the more engaging and active. Hint: not the facetanking one.
The current PvE content allows you to facetank with zerkers, that is what I mean. You can for sure facetank it even more with defensive stats. Actually in the current dungeons, defensive stats may even be harder because you take more time to kill.
I don’t want to use the defensive stats to be able to facetank. I seriously hope facetanking will be impossible. I just think the content will be so that you just won’t survive without some of the team speccing defensive. So the game will be impossible in a full zerker setting and extremely challenging if you have an optimal composition, and this optimal composition will involve some people in very defensive/supporty builds.
The reason why in PvP defensive builds are not necessarily easier is that offensive builds will often be used in a +1 situation with the possibility to disengage whenever the situation is not at your advantage while the defensive builds will be expected to defend the point in a 1v2 and sometimes (for a short time) 1v3, until the bulk of the team arrives.
This kind of mechanics is something they definitely can implement in a “defend blablabla” event where you have to play an unwinnable fight just to buy time for the rest of the team or a NPC.These roles are fun to play and allow build diversity and replayability.
Haha, no.
You don’t know what facetanking is.
I’ll help you : facetanking is a concept about not avoiding or blocking damages EVER, but rather take it with high vitality or thoughness. If you prefer, we can say you are mitigiating the damage so much, that you don’t ever need to actively avoid it.
People in Berserker, exept for War in some auto attack chains (and after the said chain, either heal/avoid/die) CAN NOT facetank.
(edited by Kordash.2197)
You guys… I hope you’ll still be doing solo’s to compete, it’s fun to watch
This be locked before we reach 100 unfortunately…