Showing Posts For Kordash.2197:

Not for everyone? Well,kittengood bye

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Make the effort to find like minded people ? You got lfg tool, map chats, countless guilds that you can contact via forum/reddit, external sites…

Guild Raid Testing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Well, they deserved this kick. Though, it’s not good for all of us if no other high end PvE guild take over their spot.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Yes it is Black Desert. Its probably going to be super grindy. But its a huge sandbox MMO. So that shouldnt matter. Im going to treat it like a single player RPG but with the option to play online.

Beauty of Korean games xD

May give it a go.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


what reaper could have been,

What game is it ?

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Almost everything that i hate is adressed in this post. Thank you very much for this, and thank you very much for telling your plans ahead, now, i’m pretty sure i’ll keep playing for a long while.

Vid: Brazil's Fractal Discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Monetary rewards from fractals aren’t even >that< bad, I admit that. They feel better than before.

If you don’t open the encryptions, and sell them, yup. But that’s kinda ridiculous.

Vid: Brazil's Fractal Discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


1) Too low reward in terms of ascended stuff
2) Paying one gold to dez one ring for not a single dark matter glob is bad
3) Thoughness scaling is a VERY bad design, forcing to go condi over power. More Hp’s or new mechanics would be way better.
4) Too easy and forgiving even with the instabilities in high scales (damages taken from ennemies are too low)

If these issues are fixed, fractals would be absolutely perfect for me, and would even compensate the loss of rewards in dungeons.

Forced to raid and to pvp?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Want something ? Do what’s required to acquire it. And don’t whine about it.

Leveling Tips?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kordash.2197


And do NOT skip mobs. Kill everything. With boosters, it’s up to 8k xp per kill.

dungeons low gold rewards after update WHYY??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Then you missed the huge announcement and bunches of forum posts of people complaining about it. It is so easy to make money in HoT, do Verdant Brink for an hour and you make 5-10 gold easily.

Just because it requires slightly more effort than a mindless dungeon run doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Since when open world require more effort and is less mindless than dungeon runs ?

Item Restrictions in Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Is it welcome?

Guess not… I know a lot of people having their fun with min maxing their equipment.

They would be really disappointed if they would hear their 4 staffs on ele their multiple greatswords , daggers and so on are kind of useless then because they have pretty much of this ascended stuff

So if this is your opinion please don’t force anet to change this because you don’t have to min max … If you are just to lazy to swap around use perma force air and everything is fine..

But you want to force us min maxers to change our stuff because you are lazy … Sounds fair

I’m fine with the changing in raids because I never expected they would be nighttime or a specific type of enemies … But anet should stop to changing old content …

I would like to know how i could “force” Anet to do things :P

Btw, i’m one of the said min/maxers, i like to optimize my playstyle.

(edited by Kordash.2197)

Item Restrictions in Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


We disabled these upgrades because we don’t want everyone to have to be constantly changing the upgrades in their gear based on what they’re fighting in the raid in order to be optimal. These upgrades are bad to equip unless you’re fighting the specific enemy type, and we don’t want to create the situation where it’s optimal to swap out for Sigils of Ghost Slaying to fight through the spirit woods, then switch sigils when you get to Gorseval, then equip Sigils of Justice for Sabetha, and then swap out for whatever sigils you usually use when you leave the raid.

The hardcore elitist raiders are going to whine about this, this sort of min/maxing is exactly what they like doing because it gives them something to look down on others who for whatever reason aren’t able to tote dozens of fight-specific bling and buff items.

I applaud you for doing it.

You must be new here.

Actually, most of them like this kind of changes. It is more than welcome IMO.

Invisible Mushroom Spore Broken?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Reddit post confirm it’s alphabetical order skipping locked specs.

Elites vs non elites? Duel it.

in PvP

Posted by: Kordash.2197






(would have just put the first one, but 15 chars you know)

I see what you did there Anet !

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Oh look, another useless whinny thread

Nightfury... Seriously????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Blame the TP flippers for the price. They have been pouncing on everything desirable in the past 2 weeks and jacking the price up. Endless bat tonic went from 80 to 278 gold.

You mean the people removing gold from the economy are responsible? For inflation? Really? o.o

Er, how does TP flipping REMOVE gold from the economy .. TP flipping is a gold TRANSFER mechanism from a player to a greedy player leeching off the hard work of others.

“greedy player leeching off the hard work”

Hard work ? Wait what ?

Un-nerf dungeon rewards.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Seriously, fire your economist, because I’m under the impression he’s to fault for the changes to fractals too.

Your economist doesn’t care about the in-game economy, he cares about making it as bad as possible so that we’re pushed into buying and converting gems for gold.

Useless, aggressive, and illinformed part of your comment. Please refrain doing so.

Now, let’s get it simple. They didn’t nerf the dungeon rewards because of economy reasons. Economy is actually 10% of the answer, given as very bad argument, they NEVER should have say it like that. The real reason, is simply to push player away from it, and push F2P players to buy the expansion, because they want the main source of income be the new content/content they’ll work on in the future (fractals/raids) wich require the expension. Wich, even if i hate the dungeon reward nerf and i think it’s not necessary because i’d love to play them again and again along with playing their new content, i can understand.

Actually, the “Economist”, AKA John Smith, (yeah, he’s a human being like you, you know ?) is one of the devs that communicate the more with us. He’s far from being imcompetent, and trust me, he cares more about a healthy game economy than us buying gems.

And remember that he does not have the decision power on everything, so we don’t even know if he really pushed it.

Being mean when you’re angry only deserve your point.

(edited by Kordash.2197)

Having to pay for HoT just for the extractor?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Your saying it was impossible for you to save 5 bucks a month? thats half a big mac meal in my country

Yes I can buy it if I needed or wanted to. I just vote ‘no’ with my money because I don’t agree with a lot of the decisions moving forward. If people like the direction things are going then it’s fine for them to buy it. Just because I’m an older core player doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to voice my concerns.

It’s your choice not to pay then. DEAL WITH IT. Period.

Fractals for Non-HoT Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


So, $60.00 for 3 years makes $20.00 per year. That’s about $1.66 per month. They also gave us 3 new maps for free, fractals for free, and the living world seasons 1 and 2 for free. It seems a bit unreasonable to be upset over $50.00 for the expansion…

It’s not the price of the expansion or that they’re locking new content behind it, that’s fine.
It’s that people are upset existing content (which originally went to 80 and even past that if you didn’t leave) is now technically requiring HoT on higher scales except you manage to turn in massive amounts of infusions/gold (and even then you won’t exactly hit the required 150 AR for scale 100)

As far as i remember, core game include 50 fractals levels. 51 to 100 are added with HoT, that’s normal for it to be locked for core player imo. You can still play 1 to 50 with the core game.

The real problem is only about the reward gating, coupled with dungeon nerf. That’s all.

Oh, you are simply unable to access difficulties higher than 50 if you don’t have HoT? I can’t try it out of course, but I was under the assumption you can run any difficulty.

Well you can. But you are just getting rekt by agony, that’s the same as saying you can’t.

Fractals for Non-HoT Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


So, $60.00 for 3 years makes $20.00 per year. That’s about $1.66 per month. They also gave us 3 new maps for free, fractals for free, and the living world seasons 1 and 2 for free. It seems a bit unreasonable to be upset over $50.00 for the expansion…

It’s not the price of the expansion or that they’re locking new content behind it, that’s fine.
It’s that people are upset existing content (which originally went to 80 and even past that if you didn’t leave) is now technically requiring HoT on higher scales except you manage to turn in massive amounts of infusions/gold (and even then you won’t exactly hit the required 150 AR for scale 100)

As far as i remember, core game include 50 fractals levels. 51 to 100 are added with HoT, that’s normal for it to be locked for core player imo. You can still play 1 to 50 with the core game.

The real problem is only about the reward gating, coupled with dungeon nerf. That’s all.

Fractals for Non-HoT Players

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


So, $60.00 for 3 years makes $20.00 per year. That’s about $1.66 per month. They also gave us 3 new maps for free, fractals for free, and the living world seasons 1 and 2 for free. It seems a bit unreasonable to be upset over $50.00 for the expansion…

Exactly this. If you really want it, buy. If you don’t, don’t buy it. But do not whine about what you don’t get because it’s your choices only. None of us actually own the game, we just own an access to it.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Do people go into the wildstar raid forum and QQ about that game and talk about how fun GW2 is, or are we just lucky?

What a mean and non valuable comment Nike…

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


What cracks me up the most is that WS is advertised as “ermagerd raidraidraid #hardcore”, and GW2 is “Living story ermagerd scarlet leylines lore storytelling casual”…and WS’s lore is better, deeper, and everywhere. Not just a couple 3-sentence “books” lying around DR, but actual in-depth lore and storytelling, both text and voice acted, literally lying around everywhere.

Just this part, it seems you didn’t even play the extension since it cames out. Try spending a bit of time in the new areas, you’ll have kittenloads of lore.

You are correct, I have not logged in since they announced the reward nerf, and that was a couple of days before HoT went live.

I remember Bobby talking about how they were working to improve a lot of the storytelling and immersion in HoT, and noticed some of this when I was in the raid beta. Things are moving in a good direction there. But the core game, bleh. I eventually read the paperback GW books after playing GW2 a bit, and was like “Where is all of this in game?”. There is a lot of history and lore in Tyria, but it seemed like the base game just didn’t really communicate it.

The gods were just statues in Orr, the cutscenes were jarring and lacking compared to the rest of the world’s beauty, and the written lore was scarce and simple — at most, you’d get 3-4 sentences about something, and it wasn’t often. Then they left the personal story with gaping plot holes and out-of-order episodes for nearly a year without really even acknowledging it. It’s just sad for a game that’s trying to sell itself on its “living” story.

Meanwhile WS is trying to sell itself on being hardcore group PvE, and there are pages and pages of lore and flavor text literally everywhere, much of it voice acted as well.

Bit of a headscratcher in my opinion

But you’re right — I’m not talking about HoT, and I know they’re working on improving things there. I’m happy to hear that you’ve noticed it getting better.

Well, it is in fact, that’s why i think you should really give it a try :p Voice acting, hidden lore elements everywhere, kittenloads of references to GW1 in the new areas … There is many flaws in this game, but i honestly don’t think that the lore/art/environnement part is lacking. A lot of events have hidden voice acting, so in order to get them all, you’ll have to play them all (wich is nice).

About your comments on the gods, well, they’re supposed to be gone, if you have played Guild Wars Nightfall, you should understand why we don’t have anymore about them. Also Gnashblade > Kiell, because FREAKING ABADDON FRACTAL U_U

And the core game have plenty of hidden lore elements aswell, i don’t how much time you spent exploring, but i keep finding things that i missed after 3 years.

No, really, the only thing that i hate with this expension is the dungeon nerf.

(edited by Kordash.2197)

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


What cracks me up the most is that WS is advertised as “ermagerd raidraidraid #hardcore”, and GW2 is “Living story ermagerd scarlet leylines lore storytelling casual”…and WS’s lore is better, deeper, and everywhere. Not just a couple 3-sentence “books” lying around DR, but actual in-depth lore and storytelling, both text and voice acted, literally lying around everywhere.

Just this part, it seems you didn’t even play the extension since it cames out. Try spending a bit of time in the new areas, you’ll have kittenloads of lore.

Agreed that the dungeon nerf was a complete unecessary and bad move. You don’t need to nerf it to have people move to other content. Arah P4 for 1 gold is a pure joke.

Even with the economy balance, it feels completly out of touch.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Honest question: Why should I have to pay to experience the reworked Fractal System if it was core game?

And is it worth it at all?

Now, fractals are even more fun IMO.

…until you’re pugging and/or don’t have enough condi-DDs on high scales. Then it’s becoming a chore. lol

If you expect pugs to adapt after 4 days, you’re going to have a bad time :P

Yeah more like four years.
Still, forcing conditions is a really bad thing imo.

I though we were talking about 50+ fractals :p

Agreed on the condition part.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Honest question: Why should I have to pay to experience the reworked Fractal System if it was core game?

And is it worth it at all?

Now, fractals are even more fun IMO.

…until you’re pugging and/or don’t have enough condi-DDs on high scales. Then it’s becoming a chore. lol

If you expect pugs to adapt after 4 days, you’re going to have a bad time :P

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Honest question: Why should I have to pay to experience the reworked Fractal System if it was core game?

And is it worth it at all?

They’re bringing a whole revamp to the fractal system, new loot tables, new rewards, new mechanics, new achievements, for me it’s just fair to have to pay for it. In fact, the experience you have in the fractals right now is not core game anymore. And for the time i’ve already spend in it (around 5 hours for the fractals only, and 20 total), it’s already worth it.

Now, fractals are even more fun IMO.

Jade Maw 5 Minutes or Less...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


We did it with guildies and succeed first try (no lifesteal), still was far from perfect run.

Kill all tentacles during the p2 with the colossus, and as much as possible afterwards.

Or, if you’re lazy, lifestealsploit is the way to go.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


An kitten you forum bug.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Fractals = sinister since fights actually last long enough for condis to ramp up and is more survivable when you don’t have to deal with sword AA.

Not only this but bosses in later level should start to have scaling toughness, meaning condis will become more and more effective compared to direct damage with increasing the Fractal level.

About the minions thing, could it mean ranger rune will be a good cheap alternative to scholar again ?
Edit : for ranger, mesmer and possibly, Golem necro… or the possible new Meta turret engi

Increase thougness in order to make condi more effective is forcing a choice on damage source, and it’s bad design. Not the way to go. Longer fights with new mechanics, since that’s why the condi don’t shine in the actual content is way better.

Meta Wars

in PvP

Posted by: Kordash.2197


There will only be one and unique optimized build for every situation. Thus, whatever ArenaNet do, there will allways be a Meta. But no one is forcing you to play it. And there is a kitten load of viable builds for every class (for example bunker/condi guard, D/D or Staff Ele…).

Stop overreacting, and start thinking a bit

This will so outcome

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


With the new fractals, you’ll definitely need more AR.

Where did you got that ?

That is most probable: fractals goes from 50 to 100. What I have heard.

An assumption then.

Fractal Mastery will be required to progress to 100. That’s the only thing we know. Wait until release before asking for things.

This will so outcome

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


With the new fractals, you’ll definitely need more AR.

Where did you got that ?

Will you still be doing dungeons after nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


I’ll keep doing arah to maintain my lead as person with most arah tokens, but I would not be telling the truth to say that I might have a lot lower motivation than I already do. Don’t really care about the gold that much, it’s the tokens that matter the most but still it’s like getting kicked in the groin… we don’t deserve to get treated like this.

Even if dungeons aren’t worked on anymore it’s stupid to shun people that play them.

So yeah the dungeons gold nerf does kitten me off, but I can’t say I’m surprised considering the track record here. They have disappointing their playerbase down to a science tbh, they’re like the Comcast of the gaming industry for me right now.

Speaking of that, did you reach 100k ?


Solo-able dungeons or fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


As Sublimatio said. Almost every path/fractals are already soloable.

Will you still be doing dungeons after nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


So I have a few questions.

Which paths were commonly farmed?
How long did it take on average to do all of them?
How much gold did people on average make after all paths?

AC 123
CM 123
SE 13
TA Up/fwd
COF 12
COE 123
Arah 123

The list grants about 40-50 gold daily + drops. if done right, 2h30/3h (guild time, PUG is much more random), sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how well you perform.

Assuming in a daily pug tour. In guild we do aetherpath aswell, and rarely HoTW.

150 -180 min (w/guild)
18 paths listed
8.4-10 mins avg… Man, that’s some serious hauling.

With a full time job, a commute, and a family; I’m good to pug 2 paths on a work day, Lol.

2 jobs (Full time job + Startup in the evening), a family, friends, sports. Yeah, i need to be fast when i play, that’s why i don’t PUG :P

That’s when i have the time to play of course.

(edited by Kordash.2197)

Will you still be doing dungeons after nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


So I have a few questions.

Which paths were commonly farmed?
How long did it take on average to do all of them?
How much gold did people on average make after all paths?

AC 123
CM 123
SE 13
TA Up/fwd
COF 12
COE 123
Arah 123

The list grants about 40-50 gold daily + drops. if done right, 2h30/3h (guild time, PUG is much more random), sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how well you perform.

Assuming in a daily pug tour. In guild we do aetherpath aswell, and rarely HoTW.

Will you still be doing dungeons after nerf?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


I’ll keep doing arah to maintain my lead as person with most arah tokens, but I would not be telling the truth to say that I might have a lot lower motivation than I already do. Don’t really care about the gold that much, it’s the tokens that matter the most but still it’s like getting kicked in the groin… we don’t deserve to get treated like this.

Even if dungeons aren’t worked on anymore it’s stupid to shun people that play them.

So yeah the dungeons gold nerf does kitten me off, but I can’t say I’m surprised considering the track record here. They have disappointing their playerbase down to a science tbh, they’re like the Comcast of the gaming industry for me right now.

Speaking of that, did you reach 100k ?

Now this dude is toxic

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


When you say submit the screenshot with a report, where do you do that? When I submit a screenshot with a report I made, I was told they “were unable to view screenshots”.

I’ve always just added them as email attachments to my emails to support and it has worked, though you can also mirror them on imgur if they have problems viewing that.

Put a report ingame 4 hours after but I did not see any place to post screenshots.

To add screenshots you have to open a support ticket for it. I realize that’s more effort than reporting them in-game, but it tends to make for more successful reports if you have hard evidence.

… Don’t they have logs?

Trust me, as someone who had in the past to do support for many websites (and some times today aswell), you absolutely love screenies that show the exact situation. Yes, they have the logs, but it’s a real pain in the kitten to seek a particular thing in this monstruous quantity of text.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Anyone else experienced a legit Fyonna pug fight where a single egg wasn’t left unopened?

Ok, I admit there were like 5 left.

If i were you, i would have opened them anyway. Why, you may ask ?


Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


But pugs still like to kick rangers and necros on sight, even when they thenselves play non-meta builds.

I pug fractals daily on my Necro (usually 50, ~40, ~30) and I haven´t been kicked in ages. Maybe I´m just lucky, but probably it has more something to do with the fact that I read and respect lfg-descriptions

How much time for completion on average for 50 with your necro in pugs ?

Bitterly let down by the feeble "raid"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


It is ironic that the people who’ve actually beaten the raid boss found it fun and are looking forward to more whereas the most vocal people that complain about it are either people who haven’t even bought the expansion let alone try it, or people that claim it to be boring and too easy yet haven’t even completed it once.

So much this !

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


A DPS check maybe ? But that doesn’t makes sense. Because if it’s this, that really mean multiple armors needed (ya know, unavoidable/blockable kitten we were talking about).

Now i’m really worried.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


1076074_0602 Ascended Stat-Selectable Gear


Probably for the beta week end, for the raid.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


If “can’t just dodge to survive” is like the pistol shot or Mai Trinn, i mean using a block utility to avoid it, or either blasting water fields in a coordinated manner, i’m fine with it. If it’s forcing us to wear Cleric’s or Nomad’s or any combo stat, kitten YOU DEVS, you’re going against the first idea you sold us with the game.

To me it sounded more like attacks will be more frequent so that your endurance bar won’t be enough to never get hit by anything. They just want the player to bring some form of sustain like regeneration/heal other trait/explode in water…. somewhat less proactive and more reactive. Why not, these exist since day one so why not try player to bring them. They just need to find a good balance between both.
Maybe some low life/armor class like Ele and Thief will have more trouble in a berserker gear but this is not even sure.

If it’s truly like this, it’s fine.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


If “can’t just dodge to survive” is like the pistol shot or Mai Trinn, i mean using a block utility to avoid it, or either blasting water fields in a coordinated manner, i’m fine with it. If it’s forcing us to wear Cleric’s or Nomad’s or any combo stat, kitten YOU DEVS, you’re going against the first idea you sold us with the game.

More akin to the Laser wall in the Aetherblade fractal (minus the platform), or the spinning fire attack of Sparki which can quickly stack 20 stacks of Burning to any melee attackers. The latter attack is similar to Old Tom’s poison spin, but more deadly due to how OP Burning is currently. They are both unblockable and dodge-exhausting.

In both cases I mention, you are required to break the combat and move around or take shelter. You can hide behind your pet but what if your pet cannot outlast the attack for you to burn the boss down? Hmm… quaggan’s deep thought.

Well, having something that force you range during the encounter isn’t that bad, if it requires you to switch often between range/melee with unavoidable/unblockable hits if you’re not at the right place at the right time, it’s fine.

BUT do not make me craft another kittening set of armor. Ever seen an adventurer going on an adventure with a kittening truck of armors/weapons ? That’s not a large scall war, it’s a kittening dungeon ! ><

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


If “can’t just dodge to survive” is like the pistol shot or Mai Trinn, i mean using a block utility to avoid it, or either blasting water fields in a coordinated manner, i’m fine with it. If it’s forcing us to wear Cleric’s or Nomad’s or any combo stat, kitten YOU DEVS, you’re going against the first idea you sold us with the game.

Updates to Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Kordash.2197


This is really good news!

Unfortunately you found the bug 1 month before HOT and the change of the whole pvp system. )

So, maybe we can have some good matches now until HOT is realeased.

You really think they will throw the matchmaking system in the trashcan because of leagues ? LeL


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


Right click -> kick from party/leave party.

If Pugs cannot kill mossman normally then they can’t probably kill anything else normally and it’d be easier to find a new party.

^ This, Mossman is a good indicator of noobiness. Better to find out sooner than later that your party is going to be stuck for hours at some of the more difficult fights.

The only larger PuG breakers are Mai Trin and MAYBE then Snow fractal. All the other bosses can be whittled down easy by most PuGs.

Mossman just seems easy when you’re not in a PuG and you’re chaining Deep Freeze on him with communal defenses aegis spam and wall from the guardian.

His melee hits nearly as hard as archdiviner, he does it more often than archdiviner, and the axe throw is a far less noticeable telegraph in melee range with all the spell clutter compared to all the large wind up skills of arch diviner.

On a stacking group that fails to use aegis and reflects properly that axe bouncing around stacked people is going to annihilate most average pugs.

Guardian and staff ele are really misleading to a group. The guardian just trivializes anything in this game, and the staff ele can stand easily outside max melee to be in buffing range but completely safe from most cleave/autoattacks while doing more damage than anyone who is melee.

There’s a reason why in fractals despite mesmer being the meta in speed clears, it is guardians who pugs want over mesmers.

In my experience, the PUG breaker wouldn’t be the Snowblind, but rather Cliffside :P

Only issue with cliffside is with the seals after chest if someone in your party kills the second chanter at the first seal.

Exactly that part. And the last boss can be a nightmare with Ele’s that doesn’t know how to handle the reflects properly. Can not even count the number of times when a pugs either deep freez me, or send me a deadly fireball in the face.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


ft camping at aldus, he was dropping orbital strike into his napalm once in a while though

The party chat is even better :P