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Dodging is an issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


. Dodging is only a problem because monsters have an extremely low attack speed, resulting in fights where all damage can be dodged.

This is pretty much part of the solution and what does need to be changed. Quite simply, bosses regular attacks need to be more dangerous some how, and impractical to frequently dodge.

The solution is pretty simple. Enemies can still retain their slow, big one-hit K.O. or near K.O. attacks that in order to defeat the enemy the group must consistently dodge or block.

However, the enemies regular attacks (the ones that do low to moderate damage) need to come faster and hit a little (don’t go overboard ANet) harder, so that ’zerkers will go down if they take too many of them over a certain time frame without support (them of course hitting often enough to be impractical to always dodge if you want to retain dodges for the big one-hit K.O. attacks), adding more value to the Toughness, Vitality and Healing stats.

Basically, adding more variety to mob attack patterns could go along way to help alleviate these problems.

Survey: 2 weeks or 1 month?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


One month would be better IMO. Quality over quantity please ANet. Also, more permanent content would be nice.

As somebody mentioned, it’s also quite plausible somebody may be away on holiday on business for a fortnight, and miss the content. That seems a little unfair. The window is too short.

Precourser for Achievement Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Precursors (but account bound of course) should be added as rewards for completing a weapon mastery line, IMO. For example, maxing Staff kills would get you The Legend, maxing Sword kills would get you Zap. There could be a little leniency with the weapons that are hard to score kills with, such as Shield or Warhorn (basically off-hand only weapons), which perhaps would only need to be completed half-way to get their precursor or something.

This would make the most sense to me. Your character basicallys wins the right to wield a legendary of that type of weapon by becoming a legendary wielder of that weapon type.

As logical as it seems though, probably wouldn’t ever happen.

Guardian shouts silent to others

in Guardian

Posted by: KotCR.6024


The irony of Save Yourselves is most funny really in the Dragon fights (Claw of Jormag/Teq) when they use their “Fear All” skills. Hitting “Saves Yourselves” will remove Fear from everybody around you, and they will hold their ground, but you will continue running away lol.

Daydreaming: guardian trait changes

in Guardian

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Alot of classes out DPS Greatsword Warriors, actually. For example, a Sword Ranger easily will if his pet remains alive. Unfourtunetly, the playerbase as a whole is stupid, and can’t think beyond the big numbers on the screen, paying no attention to the big picture or what actually goes on under the hood. That’s why everybody wants 100b Warriors for dungeons, and won’t even consider bringing other classes like Ranger or Engineer, despite the fact by only bringing Warriors they are potentially reducing their total DPS.

AH build with Zerg Equipment, why?

in Guardian

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Personally I don’t like Healing Power. It’s just to much of a sacrifice of other stats to get it. To be honest If you want to be supportive Healing Power is fine, but I prefer a more offensive spec with good 1v1 capability. Knight’s with some vitality and partially Zerk Gear works fine for me.

I run full Clerics armor in WvW on my Guardian with Knight’s Trinkets, and my 1vs1 ability is just fine. Infact, I’ve often taken on 2-3 guys at once and won. Even beat 4 alone before. The only time I ever lost was to a Necromancer who had a nasty habit of stealing or removing my boons, and it was still a very long drawn out fight, that if he had screwed up once or twice could have gone my way.

I don’t really see the point of Soldier’s Gear on a Guardian that’s specced healing traits and has a build revolving around that, TBH. More health is nice, but it’s a one-time deal. After that, it’s just more health to heal up – but you won’t be able to get it back because your Healing Skills are still only running at base value.

With the amount of healing abilities a Guardian can possess, Healing Power and Toughness seem to make far more sense than Toughness and Vitality in certain builds, as both Healing Power and Toughness improve the effectiveness of the Health and Armor you already have, and go hand-in-hand and are synergistically more effective than Toughness and Vitality. They’ll both benefit you for as long as the fight lasts, whereas Vitality is only good for the first 30seconds of it or so. You could argue that with less health conditions might be a problem, but extra healing power combined with many healing abilities will help you tackle that, and besides, Guardians shouldn’t have any shortage of condition removal.

The fact that healing power also improves your support abilities for when you are with a group is just a bonus.

Once again, I’d say it’s build specific though, if you aren’t bringing many abilities with Heals or Regen (such as Mace 1+2, Shield 5, Staff 4, HtL, SY, etc, etc), aren’t traiting Healing Traits like AH (though it’s true the Healing Power bonus for this on it’s own is minimal), Monk’s Focus and Absolute Resolution, then you might be better off going for Vitality instead – but I would think the builds that would be better off with Vitality are the ones that focus on the first two, pure offensive, trait lines of the Guardian, more then the more defensive final three trait lines.

[EM] Empowering Might Question?

in Guardian

Posted by: KotCR.6024


20% less CD trait also applies to all the CC abilities and buff abilities from Hammer and Staff. That’s what the poster was talking about earlier when he said about the other benefits of having 20% less CD.

Don’t forget it also works for both your underwater weapons too, and you’ll always have a Spear and Trident equipped, so it’s basically 20% CD to every single weapon you will have equipped.

I struggled to make a choice between EM and 2HM myself. In the end I went with EP due to the synergy with AH considering I play a more supportive Guardian usually, but also the synergy it gives me when using my DPS set with focused Might stacking thanks to the EM trait, the third autoattack on GS, the on-crit Might sigil, Strength runes, and Fire Fields. Via Staff and GS I can pile up 25 stacks of might within the first few seconds of a battle, and once Staff 4 expires, maintain a solid 16-20 on myself the rest of the time.

I’d say both traits are equally powerful, so it all comes down to personal playstyle preference.

(edited by KotCR.6024)

T6 Dust Crisis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


They are expensive because they are largely driven by demand. And they are easy to acquire. There are several places to get them, from COE, to the sparks around Lyssa, Dwayna, and north of Caer.

Several places to get them, but none of them have them as primary drops, making there no primary locations for farming them. You might get the odd one or two while doing these things, sure, but certainly not enough to meet the demands of the game or economy, certainly not like how you can reliably get Blood from Trolls, Fangs from Skelks, Armored Scales from Turtles, etc, etc.

TBH, any argument that says “it’s ok because Sparks drop them” is bad. Look at the price of Charged Lodestones compared to the others. Sparks are not a reliable farming location.

T6 Dust Crisis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


It’s only really Charged Lodestones that are too pricey at the moment and too difficult to acquire that really needs to be address IMO, especially considering some exotic weapons (that’s exotic, not legendary!) need 250 or even 350 of them, but I certainly wouldn’t be against other ways to acquire the other lodestones too without hurting their market value too much.

Also, kudos on the dust change. It was a great idea.
Ectos have been a little too low in value for a while (they seemed fairer when their price was stable at 30s~ than they did at 18s~), so this is a solid way to bring their value back up to roughly what it should be.
Likewise, Dust price has been climbing way too much since the thoughtless changes Anet made to the mobs that dropped them. First changing the mobs that you are supposed to farm for Dust drop charts to drop the Loot Bags usually instead, which only had a chance at dust among many other materials, removing any dedicated place to farm Crystalline Dust outside of red-team WvW, despite the fact all the other T6 mats had specific drop locations you could farm them. And then further changes to Orr without regard for Dust that made the mobs harder to kill, and the events less rewarding, reducing the supply even more.
As a result I had been anticipating the price of dust would rocket out of control for a long while, and it seems I was right (too bad I didn’t invest early cus I don’t care much for playing the market heh). This salvage change to Ectos is a nice well needed change that helps address the issues they created with Dust well.

I just hope now Anet have learned from there mistakes with dust supply and will think through changes like the ones we saw to Orr over the monthes more in the future before implimentation next time.

Thanks again!

Time grind and you! un alt friendly systems.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


I think Ascended Rings and Backpacks are fine TBH. This is because in both these cases, if you are really dedicated, you can earn these more or less as fast as you like (more characters = more possible fractal dailies, backpacks are easy, if expensive, to craft in the Mystic Forge, so can be done en masse if you wish).

However, it’s the Amulets and Earrings that are ridiculously time-gated and heavily discourage alts.

Now, the Amulets aren’t as bad as the earrings, especially now you can get them in WvW at reduced laurel cost with Badges of Honour – and Badges of Honour aren’t time gated. If this was the only time-gated piece of Ascended Gear, I could live with it, despite being an altaholic.

However, it’s the Earrings that really need to be rethought. Both methods are acquiring them are heavily time-gated. The Ectos may be fine if going the Laurel route, but the 40 laurel price is ridiculously immense for anyone that has multiple alts to gear (especially seems you are using those laurels on Amulets for the alts too).

The other option, the Guild Commendations, is also time-gated, with a limit of a single Commendation reward per type of Guild Mission a week (even if for some missions types that two, not one, commendation). It’s also very casual-unfriendly or unfriendly to those of us who have real-life responsibilites. I have a big Guild, but I often miss the Guild Missions (that we tend to run all twice+ weekly), simply because I’m in work, making the time it takes to acquire these for all my alts also incredibly immense…and basically puts all the other cool stuff you can get with Guild Commendations, more superficial things, sadly off the cards for the forseeable future and a year upwards, which is really disappointing to me. This is the one biggest part of ascended gear so far that they need to address. There needs to be a none time-gated system to acquire Ascended Earrings, to give those of us who like to play alts a chance to catch up if we really dedicate ourselves to it on our free days. Not asking for it to be easy, nor too cheap (something around the cost of Ascended Backpacks would seem fair), but it needs to be there.

TL;DR. Ascended Rings and Backpacks are fine as they are not time-gated and practical acquisition methods exist for altaholics. Ascended Amulets are questionable in acquisition methods, but managable for altaholics. Ascended Earrings have unreasonable acquisition methods and need a non-time-gated method of acquisition, similiar to Rings or Backpacks, as the current methods of acquisition really penalize altaholics. This is the biggest issue with Ascended Gear acquisition currently.

(edited by KotCR.6024)

Next Generation and Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Perhaps if they created PS4 specific servers, that PC players could guest on (but PS4 players couldn’t guest on the PC servers), it could help alot with allieviating problems with slow patching or engine upgrades being held back by the PS4 version – afterall we already know it’s possible to remain on a previous version of the game for a while after a patch (Dungeons gives you 3 hours for example before forcing you to update), so they would just need to extend that system.

The PC players would still be able to guest to play with their PS4 friends, but wouldn’t have their own optimal choice of server and anything patch-related be held back by the console players and the slow patch cycles for those systems.

Optimal staff stats?

in Guardian

Posted by: KotCR.6024


For staff, precision for more Crit-Prots (which could mean more Might or more Healing for the team), and Healing Power, seems the staff has several healing abilities, makes the most sense. It’s not a weapon you’d use for DPS anyway, so the rest doesn’t really matter IMO.

Official explanation for temporary content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


snip [Stuff]

…Enjoy the ride!

That’s all well and good Colin, but I still don’t understand why it means the content has to be permanently removed? I mean, by that logic, does that mean that Arah story mode will be removed aswell, because hey, in future content, Zhaitan will already have been defeated, right?

It just doesn’t seem to make much sense, especially in the case of a dungeon, whereas due to the instanced nature of it, the content can be retained without ruining the feel of a “living world”. Think back to Guild Wars 1 for example, Winds of Change in particular, and how completing the storyline permanently altered the explorable zones to remove the afflicted – but there was an option to take a quest that reverted them to their original state as a sort of “history lesson”. I don’t see a good reason why that very same logic and method of doing stuff can’t be done here.

I can understand perhaps to some degree when it comes to the open world zones, but the instanced zones…what’s the purpose in removing those? If it’s something to do with saving money server-side, then say so. Otherwise, leave them there for people to play at a later date if they wish as a “history lesson” or whatnot, to increase the variety and amount of content this game has to offer.

I also like the idea of putting the content back into the game via fractals. Fractals could do with the extension, and with some tweaks, the boss fight could make a nice alternate to the Jade Maw (which gets incredibly repetitive), with the rest of the level (perhaps up to and including the trap “boss” area), also being tweaked, built upon a little more, and then replacing a regular fractal.

It’d also be great to see the dungeon return later as a fully-fledged dungeon with the story mode and three explorable paths, like the others, and tokens associated with it to use on various new gear.

Just some thoughts.

That all being said, I avoided most of the living story stuff until the past two days, it i didn’t interest me, but with the dungeon out I did the two story missions for Rox and Braham and really enjoyed those, aswell as the dungeon itself of course, so very good work on that, and I’m looking forward to more new content along those lines.

(edited by KotCR.6024)

Legendary transmute

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


This has actually been a concern of mine too. Alot of the legendary weapons, including some of the ones I desire, don’t have the stats I’d like for that weapon. Which means upon acquiring them I’d have to transmute them…the concern here being of course, then when Ascended Weapons are introduced, that only default legendaries will be upgrading from exotic to ascended status, and people who possess transmuted legendaries would then have to go to all the trouble to get an ascended weapon to transmute again. Wonder if Anet could give us any reassurance or clarification here?

Of course, ideally, ascended weapons would never be introduced anyway, but we all know it’s going to happen to keep those playes who don’t belong in this game and should have stayed where they were happy…for a short period of time.

If you could replace your Elite skill...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Eh? Renewed Focus is the best of the Guardian elites if you ask me; It’s certainly the most useable in a relevant way. I think the only time I really replace it is to have fun with Hounds of Balthazar, and I’m under no illusion how inferior the racial elites are to the profession ones. The cooldown is too long on the tomes and the length too short to make any really amazing use of them; There’s nothing you can really do on them that you can’t do by triggering a specced virtue anyway.

The thing with Renewed Focus is you do have to be specced a reasonable amount into Virtues to make good use of it; Having a rune that triggers on Elite usage to take advantage of the relatively low cooldown for an elite skill doesn’t hurt either.

So if I’d take another utility skill instead? No, not with my current Guardian build. But if I wasn’t specced at all into Virtues I could definetly see preferring an extra utility skill over the elite. The irony here of course, is that in the Betas, Renewed Focus WAS a utility skill.

While they’re aren’t too bad, I could definetly see me taking an extra utility instead of an elite on my Thief if I could too, seems some of the Thief utility skills are really nice.

(edited by KotCR.6024)

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Yeh, restarted client, couple times, this time it wants to downloaded an update, but the transfer rate is 0.00kb.

Login Server down?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KotCR.6024


I’ve having the same problem. Literally just the last 15 minutes.
Was only one harvest away from finishing my daily too, which I would have had in 30seconds after a swap seems my alt was sitting right outside a node…if this isn’t fixed within an hour looks like I’ll have missed out.

Error code is: 42:6:3:2060

Also UK log-in on European server (Desolation).

Strangely my GF, whom is on the same server, in the same house as me, using the same internet connection, has not had the same problem.

Free travel to major cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Thought the same thing for a while. Just makes sense.
It’s probably been suggested before, but seconded anyway.

GW2, Virgin Media, and Bandwidth

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KotCR.6024


Been having problems with Virgin Media for the last two day aswell. This may seem odd, but…

The internet works fine. Me and/or my GF log onto Guild Wars 2, and after a few minutes, our internet connection drops. The PCs and other devices on the network can still find the Router, but the Router loses it’s connection to the internet. We can’t access the internet in any form, however the devices on the LAN network can still communication with each other. Once we both exit Guild Wars 2 however, within a few minutes our internet connection comes back.

Is it possible that Virgin Media are deliberately attempting to block people from playing Guild Wars 2 for some reason?