well it actually goes way further
with things like
mugs crit for 5k++
mug nerf
fixed fact that Hs would miss 2/3 casts even if enemy is not moving and with every HS landing thief is called “no brain hs bot class”
hs nerf
backstab only reliable source of dmg
backstab nerf
head shot nerf
ini nerf
black powder = undeniable stomp vs most of classes
ferocity patch (cringe)
after nerfing every other weapon most thieves went to sb and spammed cluster for nice dmg
multiple sb nerfs (SB is OP guize, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha)
air/fire nerfs…not direct nerf on us but still 1 of top 3 classes that used that sigils to deal dmg
list is endlesson the other hand, things they buffed were: lol venoms…
For 3 years they been methodically nerfing this class into oblivion while buffing every other class. I don’t understand how this is even allowed and why there is no controll over people with god complex.
Guys, support this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/GW2-stream-wish/first#post5701526
I will just add some things
And whats worse is fact that thief should be tricky 1v1 nuker with LOW DEFENCE but INSANE DMG SPIKES. H risk H reward, Problem is right now all i see with daredevil is fact that i can RUN AWAY even faster, there is almost no class that i can kill in 1v1 (if player is on same skill lvl as me there is no way i will win) necro got reapers, they still get dazed/feared but now you cant ignore thier f1, Reaper hits faster you cant just roll around or take few hits from him. Mesmers got AOE wells that seems a bit hard to counter as thief, even if i can daze gravity well he will drop it anyway reset time and drop it 2nd time… Aside from Necros and Mesmers thief was about 50/50 vs warriors, thank god berserk isnt that hard to deal with since is same warrior with red glowing effect… DH is almost impossible to kill, druids can tank you now(and kill pet 1st cuz it will be problem in long run)Scrappers and rev will just spam revealt and nuke you after…
btw what happens if u guys cough a guardian with all traps on cd?
We are dead, He just put traps and killed whole party.
And seriously now. DH will stack kittenton of Blocks and Godmodes to stay till next trap comes off cd. Please dont say 20 SEC is BIG cd, cuz as a thief i will LAUGHT MY kitten OFF.
Incomming ESL. 2xChrono 3x TrapHunters (chrono will just stack allcrity for faster traps).
Traphunters will play 4 traps + judge so they can teleport in drop 4x AOE DAZE and win game with tons of dmg thier dumb utility spells deal. Guardian always had this idiotic diesese that thier Utility spells deal kittenton of dmg and give enemy player almost to way to counter play it. Now what we get is GUARDIAN with 1200 range NUKE and CC that you cant melee with cuz he will trap you 100-0.
I see no skill in DH. Teleport in. drop 4x daze +traps = win.
Now lets see tons of post from same ppl that were talking “burn guard is ok and balanced”. Is it bad that if SOME CLASS is insane from range it should be vulnerable from melee and melee should be from range. THERE IS NO MORE kitting in this game, its not worth, You just stay in your dumb traps as dh or swith to GS as ranger… BOW users LOL.
Daredevils have 3/4 evades rest of classes have 2. Even if F1 Warr skills are telegraphed it doesnt mean you cant setup 100%sure hit. Hammer + AXE/Shield is great example. You bash enemy head with hammer making him burn stunbreaks. Then SWAP Shieldbash F1 for nice dmg.
As a Thief main if i use Heartseeker in wrong time i will die, dunno why you guys as warriors expect game to be any less forgiving for you. Telegraphed skills my kitten , Once it lands is auto win or forcing enemy to run, but BUFF DMG, I hope they will make your F1 skills do 1000000 dmg cuz u guys will still fail to use it properly. Out of 6 Gs skills 6 of them force Evade from enemy… So its bad yes?
Warrior is easy to start with but its not easy to master. Most of enemies will know your spells and animations and will know proper counterplay. Still it doesnt mean class itself is bad. Warriors have many “Game Changing” Mechanics that are great for team. Proper use of Rampage and other heavy hitting spells can push your team to the winning.
Cant tell if TROLL or what. Again someone thinks that stealth is godmode, even if you stealth while stunned YOUR STILL STUNNED JUST CLEAVE and UR DEAD. Thief got less survi and less dmg than most other maruders, Thier whole strength is fact that they can basically burst any given time if needed.
DH isn’t OP and people just need to learn to avoid the traps. it’s so very simple. DH is hardcountered by any ranged pressure. druid/ranger eats DH for breakfast. the only problem will be your unaware teammates if they run onto the point and get wiped.
so in other words, what makes DH OP is people’s stupidity.
Yes Any ranged dmg can kill DH if he doesnt have f3 that BLOCKS EVERY PROJECTILE making him king in range vs range. He even gets bonus dmg on LB3 if he breaks arrow.
Guess what is funny.
How to evade traps:
He will Judge Interv To your kitten and spam it uder your legs
Or he will pull you into them…
If enemy evades DO NOT PANIC! Just cast 2 and hope for crit *70-80% critchance from fury makes it almost guaranteed)
BOOM you just landed 8k CRIT. now combo him with 2nd weapon or run aroud laying traps/spammming 2 till ENEMY DIES. It has F 3 sec cd and even Daredevil after 4 dodges will run out of juice and get 2 shotted.
Im not hatin guys. I just like balance, there should never be a class that can negate most of my dmg while dealing kittenton of dmg themselfs. 1,3k burnd dmg with 0 condi dmg on judge is BS, Smite condition on heal is BS, Symbols critting is BS Shield of Wrath is BS Trueshot is BS. Make it simple, DEFENCE OR OFFENCE. ENDURE PAIN DOESNT DEAL DMG, MISTFORM DOESNT DEAL DMG,Roll for initiative doesnt deal dmg. WHY MEDIS THAT HEAL for 1,3K hp Can crit for 3/4k? Why Symbol that stack vlun Crits for 1.3k, why AEGIS BREAKS CRITS FOR 4,5k and WHY SoW crits for 5k… Maruder build… OK, it has DEFENCES OK. But compared to maruders Thief and Warriors it feels like DH and Guard can just headbutt thier keyboards and still deal dmg while negating dmg.
Tested zerker (shoutbow + massive burns) it was fun. Its not insane 1shot build but very tanky and can catch ppl off guard with zerk + sword f1. I dunno why ppl say that Warriors are UP. Most warriors skills deal INSANE DMG, just cuz you guys cant land it doesnt mean whole class is bad. “Thief can evade” SURE. THIEF MUST EVADE cuz you guys can 2shot kill them.Also if anyone say that THIEF condi build is actually better in any game mode that any other class condi build he/she deserves a laugh.
PvE. Did any of you Tested zerker with sinister stats? or VIPER stats? NO? Then you dont have right to talk.
PVP. Did any of you tried to play zerker like zerker not WARRIOR 2×. I rly dont see this whole “I NEED FAST HANDS BASELINE” kitten. Other classes have normal weap swap and there is not that many weap swap mechanics in warrior that requires it baseline.
Tested Zerk on Shoutbow’ish build, it was FINE Tested it on Cele Hambow, was fun but it rly needs optmalisation. Tested it with Maruder power build and it was garbage. 2 out of 3 builds i tested was strong/fine 1 was totaly bad. That makes Zerker UP BAD and UNPLAYABLE? Cuz you guys want to swap 1 traitlane and have same playstyle with more dmg and survi>? This is not mesmer nor guard guys… SORRY.
Finally, in regards to thieves specifically, I have reason to believe that you aren’t a very good thief if you think that all your damage comes from just backstab. Dagger auto-attacks are one of the strongest in the game, and properly using your blind fields to capitalize on this is something every good thief does. Sure, its not enough to out-dps your opponent if you are recklessly bashing your face into them, but by properly managing your space, cooldowns, and initiative you will beat any target caught without cooldowns. The BEST thieves aren’t those who rush in, but those who exercise patience and maximize their map-control and burst capability.
Consider this: You engage in a 1v1 on-point as a thief vs. anyone. You get low and shadow refuge. What should your opponent do? If he just leaves he gives you the point for free, and you just won your 1v1 without downing anyone. If he stays, you can already be at another point spiking someone down while he stands there, being as effective as if you were 2v1-ing. I don’t know how you can ever say that stealth, which creates such a situation, shouldn’t have any way to counterplay it…
Read what i wrote, its RAW DMG in 3 sec, I KNOW thief can still duel and win 1v1 cuz he can render enemy attacks useless, STILL dmg dont by other classes if not “rendered useless” deal way more dmg cuz FACE IT, Thief is PAPER without hardcore “defensive passives” like other paper classes have. I tested just dmg you can deal on each class. Not CC not BLINDS (blinding enemy is actually dps loss). I calculated MAXIMUM dmg you can get from 100% CRITS on every thief hit vs every enemy CRIT. And only Necro couldnt just stomp thief.
My whole post was about ppl whinning about Thiefs burst when OTHER classes deal same if not better dmg with thier dps rotation. Thief has the upper hand in chosing when he want to burst and is not restricted by CD.
@Turtle Dragon.9241
Still there is no Insta 20sec cd spell that kills every clone in 1200 range.
Metabattle builds, do i rly need to post link for you?
I have my shift as 4th weapon skill so…
It a bad idea, whole reason chain skills exists is that ppl wont be spaming any part of that chain endlessly
You can still permaevade with flanking if you dont hit anyone…
Infiltrator strike/return is not CHASE ability, its a Engage/Disengage.
On sword you have cripple on chain to make sure u wont need to “chase” enemy.
Clusters were nerfed with speed and upped split cost so they cant be SPAMMED. and i agree that it is healthy. (Clusters still bursts enemy if used well)
They picked P/P buffed it for physical, Staff as melee physical dmg dealing set would be great with some low duration daze, I bet Devs are trying to work some “viable condi” but its hard guys, condi needs more defense, how to give defense to 1 weapon set without breaking other “non condi” sets?
CnD buff with 100% sure invis and aoe 1 sec blind would fix the problem but thats just my opinion.
Outside of spamming 5 and 2 have you guys ever feel like using other skills on Staff? dunno why but they just FEEL bad and create risk to use them, and as a thief i dont rly need 100th risk 99 is fine…
Man…some thieves will have you believe the class is unusable, yet every top team continues to run 1 as they have forever.
I didn’t read the whole thread, but adding more revealed is a good thing. If you give more counterplay to stealth, you can then give classes that have relied on stealth newer defensive mechanics b/c stealth isn’t as OP anymore.
As its now, without many ways to give revealed, stealth is pretty OP and lacks counterplay. This plays a significant role in driving the meta away from zerkers towards tankier builds, b/c being able to tank a stealth burst and recover is really the only option. Adding counterplay favors increasing more burst builds, which oddly helps thieves thrive more. It also means that there is less risk adding additional defensive mechanics that can stack ontop of stealth to make something that is disgustingly OP as a spec.
There is a whole thread that denies your point of view, too bad u didnt read it. /
and for the 10000000000 time, thief is not used in PRO TEAMS cuz of f stealth but cuz of MOBILITY, have you ever seen any of this “pro teams” thieves to even consider fighting in teamfights? NO? Mby cuz Stealth is so op that if they leave it they will be instakilled?
If stealth as defence is OP then:
Zerk stance is op,
Endure pain/signet of stone/any aegis genereator/mesmer f4 and s2/ ETC
Yet i dont see you whinning that “WARRIOR CANNOT BE DMGED BY PHYS DMG FOR 6 SEC” NEEERF IT! Yet 3sec of not dealing dmg to you/ not capping your points is op…
Condi builds rock in spvp cuz unless enemies have aoe condi cleanse teammate they wont survive. Its easy as that → Go condi build like burnguard. look if enemies get bunker/shouter if not GG you will be able to deal insane dmg if they got shouter you need to FOCUS HIM AS HARD AS YOU CAN, if your team manages to kill him(that can be hard cuz shouters are mostly bunkers) its GG, or just dont engage with him around, force enemy to split or stay on def. If anyone comes to you alone without shouter support they are basicly dead (IF YOU DONT MESS IT UP) Even constant 3 burns with rare 6burn spike is deadly cuz its always dealing dmg. Even if you shelter/block spam burn is still dealing dmg each sec in the background. Its kinda like old phantasm mesmer- when mesmers had to drop 3 phantasms and permastealth around waiting for kill. Now you get constant 3 burns applied to you while your enemy is blocking/rolling/blocking/healing around.
Dont get me wrong, BURNING is burst and its FINE! but only if USED AS BURST not CONSTANT undeniable dmg source. There are many counterplays to physical dmg, protection/weakness/aegis/etc there is almost no counter play to condis, protection doesnt negate kitten, theres no way to stack regen ticks to negate it, and ofc any cleanses got CD. Im ok if someone catches me off guard and burns me when i “wasted” my precious CDs, but right now ppl are saying that burnguard is fine and ppl should use condi cleanses… Question is how many? Should i equip every utility spell to clear condi? Should i use every cantrip on ele to just block burns? Should i cast every shout on bunkers to not get burns? where is the line how much players needs to invest to counter something? Also there are almost no spells that are “PURE CONDI CLEAR” and “USED ONLY TO CONDI CLEAR”. If thief uses shadowstep 50s cd(primary thief condi clear) to break stun next 50 sec he will be affected by condis and stuns, cuz this spell is used to counter BOTH of these types of aggresion. Same goes for CLEANSING fire on ele, you can use it for condi clean but also for free burns on enemy if your greedy for dmg. OFC if Condi build sees ur mistake/geediness he should be able to PUNISH you for that, BUT never, and i say NEVER a condi build should be able to force you to BURN EVERY of YOUR CDs to clean and STILL BE ABLE TO JUST KILL YOU.
TL:NR Condi burst is fine but constant burns are bad. Im ok with Condi dmg spike if i missplayed, but im not ok with having to clean every 3 burns every f SEC cuz its NEVERENDING BURNING.
After reading the comments I feel I need to clarify the following based off misunderstanding most of you have after reading my initial post.
1- If some of you didn’t read my full post, I did say that the game would obviously need to be balanced out after implementing stealth detection based off distance, if it were to ever happen. I’m not about just mindlessly nerfing classes that include my own without some type of compensation.
2- Defending stealth with a game type is not a valid argument. New game modes will continue to come out in the future, one in two weeks. Game types are irrelevant when it comes to the overall mechanic of stealth. Using the conquest card isn’t sufficient at this point. Esp when the mechanic covers the entire game, not just the narrow minded view of conquest.
3- The only argument I feel is worth addressing is reveal. Reveal is indeed a great counter to stealth, and if that’s your argument then great, I’d be willing to agree with you for the most part. However I feel that the concept of stealth detection based off distance concept should be baseline to all classes, instead not using reveal card as a third class tier excuse for not adding such a mechanic to stealth. It makes too much sense not to add.
2.In any gametype EVEN TEAM DEATHMATCH you wont get any points for permastealthing, new mode- stronghold. you cant defend nor attack with stealth, you cant take supply nor use treb nor take mist esence, only 2 things stealth is GOOD on this map is same as any other maps. You can stealth skitts to make them not insta die from 2 pack of guards, you can stealth rez lord(didnt tried in bwe3 so dont know if still works). Unless there will be PvP mode that is about non fighting no objective controll you wont get any benefit from stealth.
In wow you get stealth detection cuz initial stealth on rogues is not 3 sec of thieves but perma stealth. Have you ever considered fact that stealthing thief has 3 SEC to get to your back? IMAGINE it! The fastest way to flank you is? And hit there with your hardest spells? Guess what/// You just killed thief. I rly like when ppl want to have
“no brain” counter to something. Condi inc? Zerker stance? Dmg inc ? Signet of stone ?Someone is about to burst me? AEGIS BLOCK LOLOLO Renewed FOCUS! Someone Stealths? i will run around like moron waiting for stealth detection to “hit” so i can kill him same way like he was visible… Is rly 3 SEC OF INVISIBLITY in fight THAT PROBLEM? I duel vs thieves as thief on daily basics and thats what you call stealth wars… Still, if you use brain you can kill invis thief without problem. Autoattack around spinning, never stay in place, make fast turns so your flank changes fast. Before you know thief will be forced to use shadowshot from invis (THAT YOU CAN HEAR and just make blind dodge.) Whats funnier, any ranged attack from thief will be visible to you, any shot, any restealth (even if they use stolen item all you need to watch for is if you get blind. and turn 180 and hit them) I guess someone that doesnt even try to learn other classes wont know.
Great idea, if you also add other hp colours for each condition it will be so good.
In terms of traits and runes/sigils they should add icon of this rune/trait/sigil that states if its ready + visible CD on it. It would create great way to play with them and play around them.
So does thief get anti class mechanics?
Thief already has an anti class mechanic. It’s called “I make every other stealth-less berserker spec invalid because of my insane burst.”
LOL insane burst, You mean Backstabs or something? I just dont see this “insane burst”. i did some testing with “meta builds” and how much i can burst them compared to how much they can burst me.
Fun fact, almost every powerbased build outdps thief in 3 sec of fight.(thief can make 1 backstab each restealth-3 sec). Ofc i compared it without evades and blindspam. Just raw dmg.
- Gs can 2hit you (whirl and f1 basicly combo K.O you)
-1full autoattack chain and f1 almost kills thief
-Hammer – fullcombo kills thief but its not in 3 sec so 60% dmg done to thief
Thief backstab hits warrior hard cuz they have no armor on maruder stat, still didnt manage to take down more than 40% of warr hp.
-Burning speed outclasses thief dmg hard/Burning speed + Ring of fire + fire grab combo kills thief easily
-Freshair can 1 combo thief(shouldnt cout drag tooth but still raw dmg is raw dmg)
There is almost no way for thief to burst ele, eles traits make it almost impossible to get them.
-easy shattercombo 1shot kills thief
Thief can also 1combo kill mesmer.
Cant rly kill thief in 3 sec, can deal enough dmg to make thief reset fight. Maruder engi can just 1shot thief with Granate/rifle5 combo
Soldier- unburstable
Maruder- traits make it impossible to burst them.
-Maul/autoattack just kills thief without even counting pet dmg
-Rapidfire takes 80% of thief hp
Thief 1st hit on ranger will be negated by 33% dmg reduc so no burst
-Bunkerguards can drop you down in less than 2 sec
-Maruders GS – 1 combo k.o Hammer combo slower than 3 sec but still with full combo kills thief
Thief can dmg spike guards pretty hard, they can negate aegis hard and hit even harder.
-Condi cant win vs thief dmg in 3 sec.
-Power with wells outclasses thief dmg, thier autoattack feels just stronger
-Cele and Power in DS still deal less dmg than thief due to slow attack animation(even with big hits)
Thief can spike necros pretty hard, even considering thier hp pools in terms of raw dmg “burst” thief outclasses necro in 3 sec of fight.
So where is rumored insane thief bursts? Most of other classes deal more raw dmg to thief than thief to them and still have insane amounts of survi.
In fair fight thief should lose to every class, but thieves play dirty, blindspam/resets/dazes lets them win duels. Its just kinda hard when game forces you to not make mistakes if you want to win vs other class, when other classes need to land 1/2 combo to kill you.
I calculated dmg for 3 sec cuz this is time best thief will be visible in 1v1, And its the time burst will happen to both parties.
It saddens me to see so many post from “thief” players who do not even understand what their professional mechanic is. It is also sad to see the inaccurate claims from thief players stating you cannot stealth without initiative. Initiative is the professional mechanic, and you can stealth with runes+certain utility skills as well as certain utility and heal skills alone, using no initiative at all. My understanding is that stealth is intended to be a defencive mechanism, and it can and should be counterable. The abuse of this mechanic is what draws ire to it.
Stealth attack is defensive mechanism? OK.
When other classes can use runes/utilities and weapon skills (with cd) thier usage is mostly defensive, Thief restealths to DEAL DMG. Outside Backstab thief dmg is just LOW, how can you argue that denying thief from using Backstab is not “anti thief”
Its like Aegis for guards, Aegis can heal, aegis can give you reta, aegis can deal dmg, aegis can boost your dmg for 20%. YET i dont see any game mechanics that say “if you get this debuff you cant get Aegis for next 6 sec” Guards would eat(or burn) devs alive!
“Aegis is not Guard Mechanics, other classes can get aegis put on them and its defensive mechanism that should be counterable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
FUN not?
AND IT IS counterable! Since there are “UNBLOCKABLE” attacks / spells.
And you guys know what? Even if your hit by unblockable spell while having aegis/traits tied to aegis it still procs every trait tied to aegis and consumes it. You lose traits that are not directly tied to aegis like burn on block -since you dont block you dont burn, but Shattered Aegis still works, you still will get heal/reta if traited.
WIth Counter to stealth, Classes using stealth lose effectivnes of any trait/mechanics tied to stealth, Mesmers wont get lower torch cd nor boons from PU, Thief wont regen ini/hp wont get acces to stealth attack? You guys seriously belive its ok?
(edited by Mefiq.7039)
When you steal on a thief you are stealing something that is really really helpful to you in the 1v1 match up. Literally every class you steal from will give you something amazing. Stop your crying about reveals because in order for you to get revealed you need to be around these attacks and being the most mobile class in the game it shouldn’t be too hard to escape death, since that is what thieves do.
To get to stealth thef needs to eat up initiative, if you reveal him right after its GG for thef, nothing will save him cuz he wont have enough ini for infiltrator arrow. Or you suggest that for every 20 sec cd i should use my 50 sec cd stun break shadowstep that is only way to not get killed as thief, and if you have it on cd your basicly dead with next cc?
Stealth IS thief mechanics, IT is the way of thief to deal dmg, not reposition like other classes. If you can deny thief dmg with 1 button, i agree that thief should be able to deny your strong attacks with 1 button.
Its not like only thief has 1 whole traitline based only on stealth. other classes have like 1/2 traits for stealth so 1 reveal will just block them. But blocking 1/3 of someone build is just not fair.
Thief is NOT the weakest class in PvP.
Yes, that title goes to the ranger.
Have you ever won 1v1 vs ranger as thief?
Just cuz its not meta, meta shifts fast with every patchnote.
Rangers are getting buffed and buffed to the point they will soon deal more dmg than warriors in melee.
tons of cc, tons of dmg both range dmg and melee and even pet, cc from pet, insane defensive traits(protection on dodge(NOT EVADE), 33% dmg reduc if not under 90% hp aoe weaken + protection when hit.
I hate when ppl say ranger is worst class in pvp when ranger can just outright kill every class in 1v1. Hes just not suited for conquest that makes him not meta.
Missing any ability should reveal you just as if u hit it. This would be soo nice!
Why? It would be so nice because it helps you be better without putting an effort to it? Okay…
Realistically speaking, if you were to be attacked by something invisible and rolled, and nobody hit you, how would you know they’re there? Unless you get hit, you don’t know its there — do you? So reveal happening with damage, is even realistically reasonable, not that it should be in any way as its a video game. -_-
Actually if you roll when someone is about to stealth attack you, you will see “Evaded” popup that can rly help to win vs thief backstab.
Fun fact that with all punish thief gets when he plays bad, with all survi and dmg nerf he had just to get “backstab play” balanced for other classes. Ppl still think Backstab is problem, After playing thief for years i started playing every class. ITS RLY FUN to see how much game doesnt punish other classes for playing bad. Yet still lets punish thief harder. You guys seriously need to play other classes.
Backstab: Can be evaded, single target, you need to be invis to use, need to flank for more dmg.
Burning Speed: 10 sec cd, same dmg as backstab, burnfield, evade so no1 can stop it, AOE hit. (i wrote same dmg cuz Cele will get 3/4k dmg from bs without buffs, and Thief will get 3/4k dmg from burning speed)
ShatteredAegis- trait, everytime your aegis breaks it bursts enemies around you. For some reason this trait sometimes hit not 1 but 2x making it 3k burst.
Shield of Wrath- dont even get me started with dmg this skill deals
Maul- low cd aoe backstab for rangers
u+1clone shatter
Every class hits harder than thief, survives better than thief, how the f we consider 1 thief burst skill to be soo op. DEFENSIVE TRAITS AND ABILITIES deal more dmg to thief than thief deals to you.
Burns are tremendously strong, but I’m surprised you didn’t mention Engineer, a burn Engineer is arguably stronger than a Guardian because they throw on an absolute crap ton of condi’s, giving less chance for the burns to actually be cleansed.
Burn engis stack up burn fast but cant rly permaburn like BurnGuard can.
-Pistol Whip make it like rapidfire, each hit landed on enemy stacks 1 or 2 vuln
So no explisive dmg but in hands of skilled player would be deadly on 2nd hit.
Buff players that stealth for short durations (3/5 sec) nerf stealth abusers(15 lololo), make survi traits based on revealt status(like if you applied revealt yo yourself you get 25% dmg reduc for the duration) instead of dmg reduc in stealth, Stealth is our mean to reposition and anbush, our way to deal dmg, i dont see much benefits from stealth tanking enemy (well mby if im rezzing someone with SR) .
There is revealt training – DPS revealt there should be also Defensive revealt.
And Rethink traits in acro, aside from [hard to catch] almost every other is kitten tier compared to any other traitline…
Revenants are powerful but as a thief i dont find them OP. Most of thier spells can be negated, heals are easy to negate. You guys realise that going stealth when Rev wants to heal (shiro/glint) will make his heal almost useless?
The simple thing that boils my blood everytime i try to be faster(actually use any shadowstep), Sometimes i just spam hearseeker to get somewhere faster cuz with failed shadowshot i get -6 ini and 0 distance traveled.
They changed something on Battle of khylo? it seems like i cant get to clocktower from the blue close point from beneath. It works only if i hit edge of it that makes it RLY harder to do when chased by rampaging zerker…
You can always add sinister amulet too, and wait for mesmers to rule the world
Thief there, nerf stealth buff thiefs survi thief dmg (since i will be able to backstab only start of the game i wanna 15k dmg+ burn + torment + slow + chill).
Stealth isnt rly problem in gw2, i dont understand ppl claiming its OP, only mesmer can deal effective dmg on stealth (technicly they only use stealth to safe stack clones), if trap/caltrops thief ever kills you please consider yourself a rly rly rly! bad player. I play Condi Thief in wvw only to make enemies so angry, yet i cant rly score much kills, i just annoy them to death/ragequitt (ofc if they leave and go do thier jobs i wont get kitten but for some reasons ppl tend to stay and try to kill 1 thief)
Short stealth is fine in gw2 cuz it gives you option to reposition. EVERY class that has stealth relies on it to make ambush. If you stay in invis too long you wont be effective, almost every class has a way to counterplay atleast 1/2 ambushes. Ranger signet Warrior Endure pain Mesmer Yolo f4 or sword2 ele is unkillable anyway but still has trait that chills u and negates 10% of ur dmg if u hit them whats even funnier is that you wont ever hit them harder than they hit you(cele ele hits 3,5k dmg with Burning speed, best hit you will get vs him with backstab is around 3.5k~4k, guards aegis/3hit shield/shelter/elite engi blocks/elixir/yolo boots(i would add supply crate to the list but not sure if everyone would agree with me), Necro multiple chills/fears/deathshround/plague thieves shadowstep (there is not much you can do as thief if ambushed. and its ok since its your weapon)
Can anyone tell me why not seeing enemy for 3 sec in fight is so hard to deal with? You arent cc, even if enemy resets you are back to full hp, they cant cap(actualy they let you cap/decap if they go invis… thats why THIEF CANT DEF), where is the problem? Why ppl think of stealth like some sort of godmode, you can still see with auto chain if you hit enemy, aoe can nuke you hard, you can still HEAR if stealthed enemy is downed, and most of classes that use stealth are paper that can get killed instantly with 2/3 hits from nonstealth class (even godly maruder engi without blocks and elixir and vamp runes will be dead in 2 sec without stealth)
If you want to nerf something, nerf burn stacking…
BurnGuard is just easy mode for bad players, and every game should have like 1 build/class for halfbrains to play, just cuz not everyone can be as good as u guys are doesnt mean they cant kill you with 1 combo on burnguard (u guys realise short for burnguard is BG…).
And remember they are easy to counter, most of them run Geo+ doom runes so after every combo they swap weapons to give you bleed and posion, and if you know that most of cleanses clean condis from last applied to first one you can pretty much guarantee that if enemy doesnt have clear that cleans 3 condis hes dead.
Remember to use your blind vs enemies that DO have 3 condis clear to make sure they wont ever clean ur burn.
Remember! If your pressured just drop the burnfield and start dancing around it with heal and elite, make sure enemies pass it atleast 1/2x any kind of pressure will stop.
ANd ofc dont worry about rangers or any range class cuz you can pretty much sword2+JI to melee and block with Sword3
I dont even main burnguard, i find it so dumb and easy yet SO EFFECTIVE vs any kind of enemy. Its enemy that need to be constantly aware I dont, its enemy that needs to be all day defensive i dont, its enemy that needs to find a way to not run to me when my cds are up and not get blocked inside firefield.
And yet we still say: Burnguard is not op, cuz there are players that manage to fail on it…
Condi mesmer that is so extreame.
Nearly every other condi class has more reliable/stronger burst than condi mesmer, because they get multiple stacks of burning. Condi mesmer is, by definition, the least “extreame” condi class.
Its extreame cuz its average build with even lower skillcap that gives you sure win vs almost every melee class in 1v1?
There is 1 thing in this game i hate more than rangers
Oh, noez, teh rangers! You do realize that Rangers are probably in the worst position of any class in pvp, right?
Still did you ever won 1v1 vs not braindead ranger? ton of cc(hard cc) massive dmg reduction better than any other class tons of dmg from both range melee and pet. To make ranger meta ranger is buffed patch after patch…
and its Condi Mesmer build, it kittens totaly whole idea of playin pvp where you have to be active,
Try playing it, it’s not “passive”. It takes effort, timing and constant work to get the condis up and keep them up. If you’d actually tried it, you’d not have said this. A classic hallmark of fools repeating the cancer crap, because they don’t realize that you can’t succeed as a condi mes by playing passively.
You can render enemy useless (passive), and dont try to say its soooo hard to play condi mesmer cuz i tested it myself.
attack to deal dmg,
If the whole idea of playing pvp were that your attacks deal all your damage directly, Anet wouldn’t support condi builds at all. But…they do.
Even to stack Condis u need to attack enemy, your clones must ATTACK enemy DMG is not only physical dmg but also CONDI, and u need to take action to DEAL ANY KIND OF DMG, but ofc lord mesmer will just render your teammate useless making it build that is not only boring and not fun to play but also frustrating for enemies
use stills to condi clear.
If there were no condi builds, there’d be no need to use skills to condi clear.
If there is a build that denies even condi clear and is condi based then wtf>?
When im forced to fight vs this pile of garbage
If it wins, it’s not garbage, it’s quality.
More like easymode for morons.
it denies any movement (10++ torment)
Bullkitten. To get 10 stacks of torment, you have to shatter 10 clones. That’s 2 3-illusion shatters and 1 1-illusion shatter, all hitting you in the same short period of time. If you got hit by that, you were either afk, or you’re lying. The only alternative is that you attacked a mesmer who was using his scepter 2 block, which is a l2p issue, because you can easily avoid attacking that block.
Ye l2p issue when condimesmers just “TORRA TORRA TORRA” with block on to ur attack animation, only way to not get dmg from this build is to stay still/afk what is as i wrote before NOT HEALTHY for pvp. It must be rly fun that only real counter to this build is not doing anything, it punishes u if you attack it punishes you if you want to win vs it.
it denies any fight/cleansing(20+ conf) basicly renderig every melee class in 1v1 to nothing,
1. If you try a condi mesmer, and can post a screenshot of throwing 20+ confusion on somebody, I will give you a cookie. Otherwise, you’re lying out your kitten.
2. Using a single skill, even with “20 confusion”, to cleanse said confusion, will not kill you. In fact, a single power block probably deals about the same damage. If the confusion killed you, you probably spammed your skills without actually trying to cleanse it. 20 confusion goes away with a single cleanse, and unlike necro/engineer, mesmers don’t have the cover condis to keep their precious confusion safe.
Its not even about spamming, you cant get close to mesmer without moving you cant deal dmg without attacking and both of these will deal dmg to you…
i know this build is garbage in teamfghts but
No “but”, that right there is a full stop. If you can’t win in teamfights, you can’t win. If you’re getting your kitten kicked 1v1 by mesmers, stop trying to fight mesmers 1v1. PvP is all about teamfights, and trying to take on the duelist class is a waste of your time. Go cap some points with your teammates, and let the mesmer waste his time trying to accomplish something without them.
What if Your role is to stop what mesmer is doing right now. Put mesmer on khylo treb and gg, no1 can get you put mesmer on tranq and no1 will kill you
TL:NR Condi Mesmer is not healthy for pvp so lets reduce it to the ground. Its insane only cuz of matchmaking system that wont balance team buildwise. If enemy got teamsupport u gonna suck, if they dont- god help them.
There are no condi mesmers taken in WTS or ESL. It’s not doing any harm to pvp at all, it just punishes people who don’t bring condi cleanse, as it should.
IT punishes you for not playing stacked team, punishes you for playing solo.
Lastly, condi mesmer has been nerfed. Repeatedly. Not only are you wrong, but you haven’t even been paying attention.
Edit: oh hey, you are a thief. I’m shocked, really.
HOPEFULLY it got nerfed and im hoping it will get nerfed even harder.
How about creating healthy mesmer build instead of cancer like Condi mesmer that is so extreame. There is 1 thing in this game i hate more than rangers and its Condi Mesmer build, it kittens totaly whole idea of playin pvp where you have to be active, attack to deal dmg, use stills to condi clear. When im forced to fight vs this pile of garbage it denies any movement (10++ torment) it denies any fight/cleansing(20+ conf) basicly renderig every melee class in 1v1 to nothing, i know this build is garbage in teamfghts but still, i would like more to get burned from noobguard than go fight with class that basicly need to drop all shatters/block/stealth/repeat, Atleast when im trying to cleanse burning i wont get punished with 1000+++ Conf tick.
TL:NR Condi Mesmer is not healthy for pvp so lets reduce it to the ground. Its insane only cuz of matchmaking system that wont balance team buildwise. If enemy got teamsupport u gonna suck, if they dont- god help them.
AND PLEASE! Dont try to deny that this build is totaly broken, I had arguments with burnguards that were saying “burnguard is just for fun and not rly effective(while stacking tons of burns)” they were so mad when i called thier trololo build broken and GUESS WHAT? Wheres medi guard? Not meta anymore? ooOooOoo Burnguard “so fun and not effective” build is meta now? They better kill this build before it grows.
AND YES im a Thief dont “burn” me
(edited by Mefiq.7039)
Played wow for a long time, played gw2 since relase, i love wow pvp cuz it always gives me options, i have tons of build/playstyles i can choose from (played Assassination Rogue) ppl always told me that build is not suited/opt for pvp yet i still played it, still had fun, still could win 1v1 with enemies, carry flags with permaspeed. I could choose way i want to play, be the deciding force on the battleground or die like scrub trying.
With gw2 since relase of gw2 i played thief, IT WAS SOOOOO POWERFUL even with bad builds dmg was just SOO good. Still i considered it ok cuz i had insane dmg and almost no survi, ppl started to undestand how shadow refuge works and things started to get harder and harder, next thing i remember is when they add torment condi- wow i just couldnt belive how 1 condi can destroy me so hard(was runnin s/d thief that time) But still i considered it good payoff for my superior dmg and movement. Now what i see is that every class deals more dmg, tanks more dmg, there is no option in playstyle like in wow i have 1 opt build and need to use it perfectly to be efective in any kind of fight. It feels like i got almost no reward for the risk i take as a thief, there is NO POINT to even fight, there is no class thief hardcounters and thief has many hardcounter + easy to kill by any cc/aoe/burn so only choice i have is to run decap and try to burst dmg and RUN.
Arenas in wow were poorly balanced but still fun, there was huge diference between good player and bad one (even gearwise), Gw2 gives everyone fair start, but forgets about players that want to start playing gw2, while balancing game around best players devs forgot about new players that want to make thief/engi/mes thier 1st class. How can a new player learn pvp when getting constantly punished, while other classes can just roll around killing(huge gap in skills needed to play classes well) In wow as any class (aside from DK lol) i had to understand my skills be prepared for enemy cc, prepare my makros, personalise my Hud/keybinds for each class. With any risk there was reward if succed, in gw2 game forces you to NEVER TAKE A RISK.
Other thing that is sad:
No mather what i played in wow i always had tanks and healers in pvp team, teams always were somehow balanced in numbers of that roles and how they played determined if they win.
In gw2 i can randomly get 2x++ Thief in team making game almost unwinable, i can get 4x bunker enemy team i can get 0 support penta zerk team that dies from 1 burnguard. While mmr wise teams can have 50%-50% chances to win, build wise THERE IS ALMOST NO F WAY to win. I play every class, i understand that some classes cant be asked to do some tasks like “dont try to def points as thief” “dont try to roam as guard” “dont fight on enemy point 1v1 as bunker” Yet many times game forces it on us.
As a thief you can kill anyone as long as:
-They dont know thief tricks
-They dont stack up aoe/burns everywhere
-They are way worse player than you
Who you wont kill or will require luck(not skillbased matchup):
Condi Mesmer (forget ever trying to fight)
Burn Guard (if you get burn after initial clear your basicly dead)
Ranger (Coni will just spam traps to dot you to death, pew pew can basicly kill you in 2 hits, if you let any maul or other skill hit you need to reset, if you get CCed while getting hit by it your basicly dead – low taunt cd random knock with pets cc on every weapon, more hp than you, more survi traits(protection on evade,33%dmg reduc when more than 50%hp)+signet of "i dont give a f about ur dmg)
Ofc its when your enemy is atleast half good as you (with dumb mmr should be always) I know many of you will still say “ranger is no problem” when you guys probably never won 1v1 with ranger that is not braindead(90% of rangers are…)
Good idea, also add disable alt+tab, and DETARGET BUTTON, this game is so fast in pvp and to stop holding my right mouse to click left one once (also move it away from the middle of the screen(where i need it to be)) is way too slow, especially if you play thief and die from almost every attack
Pvp feedback there
• Staff as whole seems way worse than s/d or d/p, skills feel clunky, and does not provide enough dmg compared to risk and less options in fight (most ppl just vault around waiting to get killed)
• I love dash, it takes some time to get used to it but its basicly best thing dd has to offer
• Its hard to choose any physical(aside from elite) compaded to SR or shadowstep 15 sec stunbreak/block is fun and i considered picking it over shadowstep but still with all pros and cons shadowstep with his 3condi clears wins when you consider todays meta is CONDI EVERYWHERE. Still worth trying in organized pvp when you have condiclear in team. Dont get me wrong, aside from throwing daggers and heal all other physicals are great (elite could be unblockable or +stability) .
• Well as a traitline it can pretty much mimic deadly arts,(main reason i pick DA is weakness and mug dmg) with DD i could get pretty strong weakness and dmg on rupt(with slight of hand = mug) that in my opinion is way better version of d/p, ofc no panic strike and no direct aoe weakness(still can get aoe with cluster) but considering that more and more classes will get reveal 4 evades are enough to save thieves lifes
• s/d acro/dd/trickery is just sweeet i could win 1v1 1v2 and teamfight well with this build, something im rly happy to see on thief.
• Well daredevil is just better thief, it plays easier than regular one, offers almost 80% same power but gives a lot more defensive options, some new builds that im 100% sure with dare devil around there is almost no reason to play regular thief(soloQ wise) in organized 5v5 it will depend on teammates. Some teams just need deadly arts and shadow arts and there is no way to play w/o trickery
• Thief vs Daredevil, thief i think its 50/50, daredevil just offers more in terms of fighting vs other classes, tvt was always Kill or Redo duel type when both thieves will reset fight till 1 of them wins, daredevil is as good as DA, way better than acro but still not “must have” like trickery
best thing:
other thougts:
• Daredevil is fun, it transforms bursty thief to kinda control type class (weakness/dmg rupts that makes it worth to use Headshot well), it gives mobility to builds that lacked mobility, it gives dmg to builds that lacked dmg (s/d thief with ton of evades can just bound you to death)
(edited by Mefiq.7039)
I play a condi Mesmer. No I don’t play Chronomancer. ( Nor do I play PU stealth Mesmer ) The thought of starting and seeing it nerfed into the ground is too sickening. Maybe, if I see that ANET allows it to be viable I’ll take it up later.
In a “balanced” game there would be no class that was unbeatable to another.
IN balanced your build shouldnt exist so be thankful to anet that they are letting you play. Condi mesmers shutdown melee dps to the point of having always 99.9% chances to win 1v1 vs this type of build.
(edited by Mefiq.7039)
Chrono there will be no point in playing nonchrono after pu nerf
Herald Dat survi dat dmg only condi dmg works on this guy
Scrapper very powerfull frontlaner
Reaper nice dmg fronlaner, can be hardcc to the ground but still fun
daredevil staff is kitten but d/p and s/d works great.(that dmg from headshots lol)
berserker Hambow returns
dragonhunter 1 shotting Trueshotting, 1 trick ponies(like every guard so nothing new)
tempest Rly strong support
Druid Heals insane support = all i need to not feel bad for playing ranger, still not op, YES YES it can heal and look like unkillable but in terms of supporting if your team is not coordinated well you wont heal kitten.
Well i agree that thief puts players to risk playmode without proper reward, problem is thief is still insane in terms of pressure it can make vs enemy team.
REMEMBER! CLASSES in Guildwars2 ARENT balanced around 1v1!!!! they are balanced around 5v5 conquest mode! that means Burnguard is fine cuz you should always have 1 guy in team that shouts to clean burns thats why many of you say old PU mesmer was op, YE it had INSANE dmg but almost no CONDICLEARS, still very meta build cuz it should be always played with shouter in team. Same goes for glint/shiro herald and other builds thief that deals no condi dmg will consider so much more powerful.
You want balance? Make standard formats of “team” and allow players to choose what playstyle they are playing so we wont get 5x guard/ 5x supp / more than 1 thief teams in soloq. By choosing thier playstyle we could reward them around this playstyle like Healers will get bonus points for heal, dps for dps decappers for decaps.
Its funny when Mesmers/warriors any class says they got nerfed to the oblivion, There is only 1 class that has WHOLE TRAITLINE useless, there is 1 class that doesnt get new playstyle in new spec, but still Mesmers get nerfed stealth buffed mantras stacking dmg buffed staff cd recharge trait so MESMERS ARE DEAD? Are you guys mad?
Rangers always dealt random bighits of dmg if you guys ever 1v1 ranger you should know, even before this patch flying pets could just eat 60% of your life in 1 shot without buffs nor sick em, They hit ok dmg then BOOOOM your dead, Anet wanted to buff ranger so hard to make them meta, cuz apparently they cant give them healthy playstyle. You want to fix ranger? FOCUS HIM ON PURE RANGE AND KITTING, NO STONE AMULET NO BULLkitten 10000000000 dmg melee, Let pet heal teammates and stomp enemies like scraper bot (if they got cc they stop healing) Ranger would need to sacryfice pet dmg to heal/stomp that is good trade and lets RANGER plays RANGE not “i kill, enemies rezz my target cuz i need to travel 1500 range to finnish him off”
There should be reward for good rangers that stay on range(THIS CLASS EVEN GOT RANGE IN IT) and there should be punish for noobs that cant stay at max range (not only on auto-attack, every skill (aside from 4th skill on LB,or skills that are close combat) should punnish ranger with lower dmg etc if he cant play ranger).
You guys dont know how to make REAL Thief spec, but dont worry i will show you the way.
1thing we nerf shadow arts to the ground, making it not viable, then we are announcing new spec:
NINJA NEW STEALTH BASED SPEC with totaly new playstyle.
Weapon it gets is TRIDENT cuz F you thieves!
The mechanic is you have 3,5 sec of stealth every time you use STEAL!(GREAT isnt it?)
Skills: Trident
1:Ninja Star – throw ninja star at enemy that heals enemy and dmgs teammates.
1.Stealth/ Ninja attack – most powerful atack of ninja if you land it you stun enemy for 0.5 sec and deal 200 dmg, if you dont land it you commit “sudoku” out of shame.
2:Im not dead – using this skill will make you look like dead(consumes 1 ini per sec), if anyone lands any cc on you – death.(yours ofc)
3: Ninja flip- you flip backwards for all of your initiative getting revealt for each ini spent. No evade.
4: Ninja Block – you form ninja copy to block enemy hit for you, if it gets hit you get 150% dmg shared to you.
5: Ninja dance – it works like /dance but gives you evade for a duration, every hit you evaded drains your ini and reveals you for 2 sec.
Way of the Yolo- roll forward healing for (50% withdraw) ,Cleansing slow but applies 10 sec of quickness to enemy. 20 sec cd
Way of the ninja – apply every condition possible to yourself for 10 sec, for each not cleared condition you get 1/2% dmg buff next 2 sec.
Way of the Hate – throw slower version of scorpion wire, if it lands enemy gets pulled to you and you are taunted by them, if it fails to land all other utilities get back to cd state (+10 sec)
Way of the Shadow- Become perma invisible but if there is enemy in 1200 range you get 20 sec revealt.(NO CD OP)
Way of the scorpion – make a trap that takes 4 min to activate and is up for 5 min, this trap deals insane dmg (1000) and STUNS!(0.5sec) 90 sec cd.
Elite – Way of 3 hit combo.
3 hit combo that gives you blind and reveals you, each time you press the button you will get blinded for 10 sec, if you miss attack you will get dmged instead of your target, last attack is finnisher but autocasts enemy 2nd downed skill(even if not on cd)
Traits are basicly Shadow arts with new cool names suitable for ninja!
Do you think it’s a coincidence that elementalist and thief, who got kittenty elite spec, are both under Karl and his team management? I don’t think so.
Isnt dragonhunter his job too?
Im glad that guards are mad but wtf?
DUDES thief is op and fine, just when you get more than 1 in team ask him to rerol to ANY OTHER class cuz you have like 80% chance to lose if you get 2 or more thieves in team. Ye i think Thief is well balanced and definitly OP, he can run stealth and run and run, SO MANY OPTIONS guys!Thieves cant Teamfight Cant rly 1v1 enemies on thier skillvl, but gosh they can RUN to the point DECAP it and go die as +1 in teamfight (from massive aoe and cleave that IF NOT VAMP RUNES can kill him in 2 sec)
Still thieves can Shadowrefuge better and stronger teammate to fight for him and carry his kitten but guess what? Soon new revealt bots will come to play with Herald and other fun spells.
TL:NR : Thief OP end of debate.
Thief as master of revealt? hmm change shadow arts trait(stealth dmg reduc) to revealt dmg reduc, change shadow rejuv to regen when revealt so thief will want to be revealt as fast as he can (less stealth camp more fun).
3 things, Lancerous strike – 2 boons stolen since we cant precast it
You want almost 0 punishment for using SR badly
you realise that -Shadow’s Rejuvenation is only reason thiefs dont sit in invis for 20 sec? Pulsing hp regen from this trait is just soo good, change it so i can get pulsing regen(buff not boon) + protection after invis and im all happy
CC combo 2x fear from stolen item daze from steal and heatshot every 3 hits… you can basicly render necro useless, just remember to clear weaknes when they go DS, and DAZE when they transfusion
It feels like ppl think that stealth is a problem, cuz thief can or could run away and they just cant kill thiefs in 1 /2 sec which causes i guess mental pain. PPL seem to forget that Thief is no mesmer, he cant deal real dmg (traps and caltrops) in stealth, he cant contest points in stealth, cant kill enemy in stealth. Well they can rezz up and finnish off enemy but thats something scrapper bot will do each 30 sec of fight. So basicly this whole stealth thief so op is just invisible scrapper bot… its -1 player in teamfight cuz 20 sec of stealth cant break cuz je will die, easy to counter cuz he has to stealth every time any enemy comes near… Whats so op in enemy that needs to constantly tun away from you when all you need to do in this game is SIT AND DEF your point.
I hope Anet will think about thief with thier “revealt” adding to other classes, but understand guys, as thief players to be effective nowadays you must be so much better than your enemies, think about it! If we get buffed in any way we would just BREAK the game, problem with thief is that this class is utter kitten in noob hands but it can be very powerful in hands of veteran player. We survived tons of nerfs, traitchanges, zerg/condi meta, and WE WILL SURVIVE REVEAL, mby anet thinks just this highly of us
They want to destroy thief and force to play daredevil that (bwe2) was a joke…
“- Invigorating Precision, I don’t personally like the way it’s handled. It might be a good heal for PVE but not super useful for PVP, imo. To better synergize with pistols I suggest a different idea. “Invigorating Precision, landing a critical hit heals for 300 hp (minor scaling), and grants 2 seconds of swiftness and 12 seconds of might 1 might . 2 second ICD.” This would incentivize constant attacking and landing critical hits while keeping the attacker mobile and powerful “invigorating” them as they continue their assault. It also adds a bit more might to add to the Signets of Power trait.”
Thats one of the best ideas i saw in thiefs forum in my life.
Also the whole “fix pistols” i just feel that as pistol user in main hand you have way too many spells that dont know what kind of dmg they want to deal… I would borrow trait from warrior and make bleed stack up crit dmg(instead of crit chance), so when you go power on thief pistol you dont feel bad about autoattacking(also making your stealth attack + unload insane combo from hell) and with whole going condi would give you healthy side dmg if you go carrion amu.
I agree with your changes to thief stealth, i feel like these would make thief way more active in fight and stop forcing them to abuse invis, your changes to Shadow’s Embrace in skilled thiefs hand would give him about 3condi cleared each 3/4 sec that is rly nice. SR trait right now lets thief stay in stealth for a rly long time due to buff on ini regen while in stealth, your approach seems healthier and promotes restealthing alot instead of sitting in stealth(that will be probably way more annoying for enemies) What i think that this whole “on hit when stealth” should be just changed to “on revealt” to give thief a way to respond when got in “anti stealth” spells (that in my opinion is needed but shouldnt punish 1 class harder than any other (mechanics deny))
Guarded Initiation this whole trait is garbage and should be changed.
If Anet rly want to force thief + acro to use vigor then acro miniors should make dodges to refill 1 sec worth of vigor and eat up 1 sec of vigor.(this way multiple ways of stacking vigor would be worth including in build)
Your changes to SB#5 i think arent bad, but buff in velocity should feel like “instant cast” to prevent moments it glitches and eats initiative.
(edited by Mefiq.7039)
But it is bugged, dunno why but sometimes it just fail to teleport and eats initiative…
Thief is popular not cuz its effective or fun, its closest class to kitten ninja/rogue we know from other games, and his playstyle is so dynamic to the point of beeind addictive.
Still if you want to win any 1v1 or any teamfight as thief other classes can just roll all over you in terms of dmg and survi.
Whats even funnier is fact that thief cannot run/decap/be effective without stealth, even initiative regen is tied to it right now and slowly more classes are getting stealth counter like SIC em/Analyze/Herald stunbreak/ that will work great vs annoying PU mesmers that abuse stealth hard, but will destroy thief completly, i dont see any other build even 50%good as D/P, DareDevil wont rly change much, its less working s/d playstyle with less dmg and less survi. Unless Anet decides to change “revealt” mechanic since thiefs no longer will be able to decide when they get this debuff i dont see a great future for a thief.
BUT DONT WORRY GUYS we can always ROLL ELE. Anet dont plan to nerf them and its easier to be average ele than great thief/
Balance game —-→ Players will have more fun —→ More players in pvp --→ More ESL Hype/Twitch viewers——> Game gets more popular —→ Get cash from new players/gemshop.
So many of my guildmates dont play pvp just because its:
-Way too frustrating.
-Balance sux.
-Hard to master and after you master it you still get nothing.
-Offers no way of creating your own playstyle.
-Forces you to find team.
I realise that new league system wont fix matchmaking, i consider “guild teams” to be great way to play and form new bonds in guild, but still NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY PVP and thats is strange, in other games if i even asked even most hardcore pve’rs “wanna go pvp?” random ppl were like “yea sure, np”, in GuildWars2 all i get is “no point/no fun”…
Stuns and boon hate. Lighting 4 isn’t an invuln, the only burst they have is from Fire 3/5 combo. fire 2 is just as dangerous to them as it is to who ever they are aiming it at with such a long cast time you can cc them out of it. I haven’t played thief in over a year, I think sword 2 has a chance steal all their might stacks and is it trickery F1? that can steal it as well.
Sword 3/3 combo steals 1 boon (most recent that you get, which makes it almost impossible to steal might when you reapply regen and fury all the time)
2nd is Aegis BT trait in Trickery that steals 2 boons BUT BEFORE YOU GET MIGHT YOU WILL GET:
so no might for thief there.
Ok whats next? hmm mby whole fun point that even if i steal 25 mights i only get 8.
Whats next? Sword is enough slow weapon type (not used cuz Anet compleatly destroyed Acrobatic) to get permablinded by dumb fire
And the last thing/ You played thief 1 year ago and i doubt that you saw ANY thiefs with Sword since then… Its funny when ppl have to actually learn other classes to know how to counter them, and others just have to play ele and spam thief fire spels…
Burn guard is one of the easiest classes to kill, if you are interested in playing the build wars game.
1. Equip a sigil of generosity on each weapon.
2. Equip runes of Lyssa or Melandru.
3. B-line and condi-bomb or crit strike them to death.
yes yes, change sigil and runes to counter 1 enemy, seems like legit tactic. I wanna see moment when you wont get sigil proc when you get 12burn stacked, also with melandru u will get like 1 less tick per burn that doesnt rly save you