Showing Posts For Metallus.7690:

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Metallus.7690



Question about sigils and runes in pve

in Warrior

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Hi there

I usually play 6/5/0/0/3 when soloing, in open world or in dungeons with decent groups, or 0/5/0/6/3 (0/6/0/6/2) with PS + EA to carry bads in dungeons.

Now, so far I’ve been playing with strength runes and GS with sigil of accuracy (+7% crit chance) and sigil of Strength (might on critical hit) and I can keep 25 might up all the time with both builds.

However, I keep reading that the best set up would be sigil of night + sigil of battle on weapon and scholar runes on armor. If I decided to go this way, I would no longer be able to keep those 25 might up (maybe just 10) and I was wondering how much it was worth.

I’ve recently finished to craft my ascended armor and I have to put runes in it: I have to decide between salvaging my previous exotics with runes of strength and apply them to the new armor or get runes of scholar and sell strength’s ones.

The questions are:
1) Is that 10% dmg from night and 5% from battle worth more than 100% 25might uptime? Do you know how much 1 might stack (35power/condi) is in terms of damage %, taking into account I have full ascended berserker gear (weap, armor, trinkets) and always running 6/5/0/0/3 build? Here my build and stats
With banner & fury I get 104% crit chance that becomes 102% when I use SoR (basically always) and 100% if I’m forced to use SoH. This is to ensure I always have 100% crit chance. Also, from some raw calculation I did, assuming that I lose 10-15 stacks of might if I give up on strength runes and strength sigil, that would amount to 350-525 power loss that, in my case, would be 13-20% of power loss. If power is directly connected to dps, that would mean 13-20% dps loss that outweighs the +15% dmg I get from night&battle sigil.

2) Are scholar runes that much of a bigger deal than strength runes? From what I could see, it’s just a 3% more damage that is not always up if your hp drops below 90%. Strength ones provide a reliable 7% AND provide you additional might stacks which translates in better damage. How much is the real difference, at the end of the day?

Thanks for your attention, hoping you can shed light on my doubts and help me avoid wasting money on runes for my new ascended armor.

EDIT: I don’t know why some sentence is underlined lol, can’t change it. Also, the link I provided isn’t fully working and doesn’t show full armor and stats: I have 2578 power, 76% crit chance and 210% critical damage

(edited by Metallus.7690)

What do YOU run in PvE today?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


In open world or simply pve in general, I switch between 4/6/0/0/4 for heavy single target sustained damage or 2/4/0/5/3 for reflects and dungeons requiring utilities.

The 4/6/0/0/4 variant I run doesn’t probably have the maximum potential, but it offers a lot of sustained, reliable and steady damage. I can set up 3 phantasms within 3-4s and I can keep 3 up all the time and even replace them during combat in order to get an additional hit. For example, if my duelist has just finished unloading his burst, I spawn another one that will replace the former and unload another burst without the need to wait 5s for recharge (this taking into account 3 phantasms out).

I usually start with iSwordman – switch to pistol – iDuelist, use signet to recharge phantasms, iDuelist: this way I have 3 phantasms out already hitting on a target and within 4s. When iDuelist CD is over, I spawn a 3rd one that will replace the swordman, for a total of 3 duelists out. Even if some phantasm dies, I have 2 phantasms on a 12s CD and I have a signet to reset the CDs on a 28s CD.

I’m not using focus because iWarden is melee, stays in one spot (and it can happen that mobs move around, therefore negating the dps) and gets often cleaved and 1shot by hard hitting mobs/bosses. iDuelist and iSwordman are the most efficient at dealing damage because the former stays at range and the latter hits and leaps back.

I don’t really like mantras and usually avoid using the current meta mantra/phantasm build.

Flame Legion Coat (medium) covering shoulders

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Whenever I equip the Flame Legion Coat on my engineer, my shoulders get covered and I can’t see them at all.

Anything you can do about this or is there some hidden option to allow shoulders to be displayed? Thanks


Cant get Shatter to work in SPvP.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Try one of osicat’s build. Honestly, I find his sword/sword – staff the most dynamic and versatile. It gives you a lot of mobility, reduced CD on both main and offhand TWICE, a block, a nasty phantasm that deals high spike damage and often and the staff saves your kitten many many times.

I’m currently running this and doing very fine kittenter. Your shatter combo has got a CD of 11s. You just have to insist and survive everytime, try it out:
I’m currently running with shattered concentration because of guardians or eles with 29383 boons; I usually blow off shatter2 to remove boons then pop images and iLeap for the real combo (which will remove any other remaining boon). When you wait for your shatter1 to go off CD, switch to staff, range, use chaos armor, use retreat inside chaos storm for an additional chaos armor, go invisible and switch again to sword, summon your ugly phantasm and prepare to block.

Greatsword – sword/pistol is a lot offensive but I die a lot using that. With sw/sw – staff I survive often and can spike people down.

Current pve metagame

in Warrior

Posted by: Metallus.7690


So, there are 3 main builds I see around:
1) The same old 30/25/0/0/15 greatsword/axe-mace + strength runes/scholar runes
2) PS for pugs 0/25/0/30/15 (or 0/30/0/30/10) greatsword/anything + strength runes
3) Pure axe 30/30/0/10/0 axe-mace/anything

The increase in speed of 10% for pure axe doesn’t seem much of a good dps increase and there is a thread in this subforum about it not being that good. I tried it and it is “fine”. I always sit on 100% crit chance and I can move (HB keeps you rooted in place and sometimes, if someone pulls the mobs around, you miss some hits).

Phalanx strength is awesome for pugs and is the build I’m currently running. I can keep 25 might for the whole party the whole time (45% duration from runes + 30% from traitline, 75%).

But in the end, does the best choice still remain 30/25/0/0/15, as far as damage output is concerned? Are there any other pve builds currently going around?

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I am missing some skin that I previously trasmuted. For example, on my engineer I had bought the full SE set, equipped it (it comes as souldbound anyways) and trasmuted chest and gloves to another skin.

Now the chest and gloves skins, which I had trasmuted to something else back then, are missing. The same goes for every other item which followed this course.

Also, I had unlocked all mesmer’s starter masks, equipped them on my main mesmer, trasmuted them to exotic gear, equipped such gear (so soulbound them) and since I heard that you were going to introduce this wardrobe system, I was like “oh well, then I no longer need this duplicate zerk mask, I’ll salvage it”. Now I’m missing the masks and I cannot create another mesmer because I’ve finished character slots.

Always on mesmer, I once had the dragon helm skin (from dragonbash living content). I had trasmuted a zerk mask to it, equipped it and then decided to salvage it since it was redundant. Now I’m missing said skin.

I hope you can sort this out

Kind regards

Feedback/Questions: The Wardrobe System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I’m happy that the new wardrobe is going live but then I remembered I had bought 2 magitech skins.

Since they will all be shared among all chars, I basically have one more magitech set which is useless. Now, the whole set costs 800 gems and it gives you the equivalent of 6 trasmutation charges. However, with 800 gems you can buy 25 trasmutation crystals (25 charges), going under of 19 trasmutation charges.

How is this going to be dealt with, if it’s ever going to be dealt with?

Also, what about items like whisperblade? I crafted two of them on my mesmer but with the incoming patch, one will be the useless replica of the other. I saw a similar thread about legendaries and they were arguing that when it comes to legendaries, you still get to keep the best-in-slot weapon with changeable stats. However, when it gets to whisperblade and similar items, it’s just an exotic sword with nothing particular. You can get the equivalent with like 3g instead of spending 200g. Are those just wasted money?

Mesmer in dungeons and fractals

in Mesmer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Oh, and forgot to add that with my variant you have 3 slots you can change as you wish.

I always have blink on my bar (reliable stunbreak) and null-field helps getting party members and me rid of nasty conditions and and can easily be comboed for a chaos armor. You can change your utilities to portal if required or disenchanter if you are running Hotw p1 without affecting your dps. You can slot decoy and veil for prolonged invisibility when you need to “stall” things or to avoid things or you can slot the (very) occasional Illusion of Life. It’s versatile

Also, mantra builds tend to suck away many precious utility slots that usually offer great support, taking into account you also have to recharge them from time to time when you are forced to use them (especially the heal and the stunbreak/condremoval ones), which takes away 3s.

Mesmer in dungeons and fractals

in Mesmer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Potentially that build would be better but when we get to reality, phantasms uptime also matters.

If one of your duelist dies “prematurely”, you’ll have to wait 4 s more before you can summon another one (you’ll miss out on a 66% duelist’s unload). Beside, having only 12s CD on duelists and even using your signet to reset phantasms, you can overlap unloads. I’ll explain further:
I set up 3 duelists so that they fire their bullets at the same time: 7k 7k 7k at the same moment. If I summon another duelist after the 3 unloads of bullets, the new duelist will replace one of the previous ones (who already fired his load) and will immediately fire another 7k load. Basically, I take advantage of another duelist unload every 2 rounds (1 round of 3 unloads happens every 6s. CD on duelist is 12s so I have to wait my phantasms to fire their 2 rounds of 3 unloads before getting the extra one). I get one extra unload every 6 unloads that equals to roughly 14% duelist damage., beside that I have at least 3 phantasms up all the time, at any given moment AND WITHIN 5 s of starting a boss battle (and for bosses that last 30s, those extra 10s in the beginning will put some additional dent).

So yes, 10/30/0/30/0 is potentially better but you should take into account battle’s conditions and how often your phantasms are going to die. In the long run, the dps you gain from other traits gets compensed by the damage you miss from not always having 3 phantasms up. Unless you are a master and manage to calculate where and when to exactly position your phantasms so that they have a lifespan long enough to let you replace them and still take advantage of your other bonuses, the build I proposed will provide an efficient way for the average player… I think. Sadly I don’t have combat logs to demonstrate anything and they won’t give us any, ever. In wow I used to do this a lot.

See what works out for you: I’ve been running 10/30/0/30 and 10/30/0/0/30(in the previous patch) and the latter worked better for me because of the increased rate of fire on duelists and reduced cd. The former was awesome and potentially better as well but I sometimes was in a situation where I didn’t have my 3 phantasms up at one time and that’s why I thought "Mh, ok, I do more damage but if I miss out a duelist for 2 rounds, then I’m losing dps) and that’s why I came up with the 10/20/0/25/15 variation.

Mesmer in dungeons and fractals

in Mesmer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I’m currently running 10/20/0/25/15 and doing pretty good
+30% phantasm damage & 80% critical strike chance
-40% reduced cooldown on iDuelist

Running sword/pistol and greatsword when you need to range. How I start a boss fight:
GS: mirror blade → iBerserker → switch to sword/pistol → summo iDuelist → use signet to reset phantasms → summon another iDuelist and melee with sword.

I usually summon my 2 duelists far away from the boss, so that they can stay alive much longer. This strategy lets you have all 3 phantasms set up within 5s. When the CD on iDuelist ends, you summon a third iDuelist, replacing your iBerserker (which should be dead or nearly dead because of its melee nature and the inevitable damage he’ll take).

If you end up in a party with another mesmer, you can even use timewarp just on yourself and your 3 duelists to see what kind of OP damage you alone can output (selfish dps, no party contribution. It’s always better to use TW on players but it’s still fun to see your duelists spamming damage every 3s and stacking 25 bleeds like np).

Try it out and see how it performs. So far this provided me the highest efficiency, since other phantasms tend to die relatively easily before outputting their full damage (for example, iWarden has the highest potential but often dies after a few seconds of being summoned, while iDuelist can be spawned from 1200m and attack safely from distance and stay alive throghout the whole fight). Also, signet of the Ether will provide a constant 1k heal every 3s, since you’ll have 3 illusions(phantasms) up all the time.

If you try this build in wvw and set up your 3 phantasms on someone while you are in mass invisibility, you’ll output a monstrous pressure.

5k halting strikes?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


As you can see from my SS, 5.1k on players.

The damage you see in the tooltip is the base damage and as far as I could see, it doesn’t take into account anything.


Power Bomb/Tool Kit WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Lately I’ve been running a lot with this one:
Lots of launch, knockback, pull, very bulky and dealing steady decent damage. It’s awesome when you are trying to 2-man towers, since it lets you tank a lot and keep enemies off from your partner (setting thumper turret on your downed partner is a life safer; if you couple that with BoB, you should be able to ress anyone with no problem. Also, with all the blast finishers you have, comboing smoke bomb to get aoe stealth is another way to get around stability stompers).

Set your ram and start ramming that gate, while nearby mobs don’t do anything to you… and it’s fun throwing people all around

LA killing my fps

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Metallus.7690


“Old”… bought this pc this year and never had problems. Ok

LA killing my fps

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Running 1600×900 on medium settings with Nvidia GeForce GT 635M with NO PROBLEMS at all outside of LA event.

Problems arise 3-4 mins after having entered LA; from there my fps just get lower and lower, eventually reaching 15 fps and the game becomes horrible.

LA killing my fps

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I drop from 3.6k MHz (x36) to 2.4k MHz (x24). Temperature is around 70-80°C, doesn’t go below that

LA killing my fps

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Everytime you release new content involving mass farming, what I start thinking isn’t “Oh how nice, new content released, I’m looking forward to play it and get as many tokens/whatever I can in order to purchase new armor ^O^” but it’s rather “Oh kitten, another zergfest slide show, I hope my pc doesn’t burn out of it. Will do the minimum necessary to get achievements then screw it”.

I have given up on farming previous events involving these kinds of zergs with all those shiny aoe spam because they literally destroy my fps. I usually have stable 56-60 fps but whenever I take part to one of these events, it feels more like a slide show rather than a game.

I’ve put all the animations and silly settings to low, even went as far as to remove names from everyone and put to lowest the characters limit (Basically I see 10/9372893823 players with no name) but it’s useless. My pc is supposedly good enough (intel core i7) to hold this game and I have no problem outside LA.

Sorry to say, but I see no reason why I should play my game with horrendous graphics, not being able to see anyone and feeling like I’m playing a slide show. Either tune down all those fire and smoke effects or reduce the amount of people that can join one map in order to reduce all the mass AoE spam, because it’s silly. The only reason I “had” to join LA event was to get enough mats for the back item. Now that I have everything, I have no motivation to join it again “for fun” because I have no fun in doing it with the fps lag.

What’s up with mobs damage? 24.7k battle standard, lol, seriously? It’s just a banner, did they stick it up my kitten ? Also, molten alliance being immune inside those huge fire field lol

Here a screenshot of Kasmeer’s panties

LF decent alternative to grenade PVE build

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I’m currently running this FT/EG build which easily sustains 25 stacks of might by just drinking 2 elixirs. I’ve run HGH grenadier and SD/bombkit buils which deal considerable damage but I found this build to be quite effective as well while providing very good support to your whole party. Here the build:
With those runes & food you’ll have perma 10 stacks of might; drinking elixir H will give you 8 stacks of might (and we are at 18) and drinking elixir B will give you another 2-3 stacks (and we are at 20+ in one go). By swapping to EG during combat, you’ll receive another 3 stacks of might from sigil (Swapping to EG without passing from the rifle triggers the buff anyways, and so you go at 24 in like 2s. You can then throw elixir H for the last stack and you’ll be sitting on 25 might without the need of costantly drinking elixirs or compulsively swapping to your other weapons for like 20s)

Pretty straight-forward and gives nice numbers. It’s the build I prefer during farming events like LA under attack, champion farming and in dungeons it performs well enough.

Help with a pistol build (wvw)

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Thanks for the replies

I’ve read all your tips and tried to make a build that took into accout almost anything you have said, like focusing on being though, going for condi damage rather than duration etc

The build is meant for wvw roaming. I usually play SD rifle or SD grenadier.

I chose sigil of agony because, with the 40% duration from food, I can up my pistol’s bleed from 2s to 3s and get another tick.

Picked FT because of the toolbelt skill and on-demand burning, which would be 15s (4k x3 = 12k), saving 20 points. I only use the kit itself when destroying siege or for the occasional aoe blind.

Went deep in inventions tree to get more toughness and more defensive traits (and giving a bonus to condi dmg as well because of undead runes) and 10 points into alchemy for even more protection procs. I have a base permanent 1973 condition damage.

I tested it yesterday, very early in the morning when there was barely anyone and destroyed a guardian. I saw him buffing himself A LOT, trying to cleanse, but getting melted while I received little damage and could easily disengage with rocket boots. I just might have been lucky tho and have met a bad one. I noticed that I get kited easily by GS mesmers if they manage to stay at 1.2k range from me

I noticed that I can’t keep the bleeds up for long though; if I stop autoattacking for 3-4s in order to cast poison dart volley or blowtorch, I lose all my stacks. I have no problem keeping up burn and poison on the other hand, so maybe I should really go for the “on crit sigils”.

If you got something else in mind, it’ll be very welcome. My focus is to make a sturdy condition pistol-based build for wvw roaming.

Thanks again for your replies

Help with a pistol build (wvw)

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Hi there

This is probably the only build I’ve never effectively played. The main problem is that I can’t seem to put enough pressure on people and my survivability is always kinda meh.

I’ve tried going with this build which kind of works but is less satisfying than any other build I’ve played so far.

What to run if I wanted to play with pistols and condition damage? I saw other engineers running with only pistols and doing very decently, so I guess there is a way to run this set up. Considering that burning is a huge source of damage, I either run with dual pistols, or go pistol/shield and get incendiary powder from explosives or use flamethrower toolbelt skill.

Also, is it really necessary to go with full elixirs and HGH? I tried it out but can’t keep those stacks of might up for enough time and I need the elixirs to get out of hairy situations, can’t waste them just to get might, and rocket boots saved my kitten many times.

I currently have:
full rabid gear
full soldier gear
full berserker gear
and would like not to spend any other money, if possible

Thanks for your attention, hoping you can help me out

SD grenadier build

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I haven’t seen it around and most of the SD builds I’ve seen used rifle as main weapon and toolkit as a kit.

Lately I’ve been playing a lot this zerker SD grenadier build which gives absurd burst: and I found it very effective.

It works similar to any SD build with the difference that the toolkit is substituted by the grenade kit. The main burst comes from throwing net shot, which immobilizes and applies 5 stacks of vulnerability (trait) and then unleash your 3 toolbelt skills:
1) Analyze: 10 stacks of vulnerability (+5 from net shot = 15 stacks of vuln = 15% more damage) – SD
2) Grenade barrage: HUGE damage, since your target can’t move and all grenades hit – SD
3) Surprise shot: decent damage – SD

With this combo you can basically 1shot most “things” in wvw. Also, you can harrass zergs with your berserker grenade shower or stealthers by throwing grenades everywhere near you, crippling them.

If net shot is on cooldown, you can always do overcharged shot and immediatly use your stun breaker and, while your target is on the ground, unleash the SD combo and eventually jump shot if they are still alive.

The only downside would be the less survivability because you lose gear shield or the fun factor of magnet (<3) but I didn’t feel it much, because you put out so much stress on players that they’ll be busy healing themselves rather than actually trying to kill you.

This build is also useful for killing targets off towers because of the long range of grenades or for raiding camps, since everything dies in few secs. It also does very good in dungeons (CoF gate controller gets erased in few secs ) and the aoe is awesome. I have no way to measure damage, since we have no access to any real combat log.

I’m currently very content with this build (even though I have to admit that rifle/toolkit SD build gives out funnier, more enjoyable and more dynamic duels :> ).

Try it out

I apologize if this had already been posted in the past but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Gw2 search button doesn’t help too.

Help with Hammer - sw/sh build

in Warrior

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Also, adrenal regen + healin signet provide a stable ca 800 heal. I can feel the power now

Thanks a lot again

I don’t want to be a buzzkill, but HS + AH ain’t 800 hps. AH is 360 every 3 sec – and that’s with full Adrenaline all the time (which you won’t have). AH is more like an extra avg 60 hps when F1 is used a lot. But hey, you’re havin’ fun.

Ye you are right; I assumed that the 360 from AH and 407 from HS that I saw totaled up for an average 800 heal per sec. I just didn’t pay enough attention while playing and thought the 360 was every sec. It still makes me tanky a lot, not having problems surviving, since I can always shield myself and leap in africa with sword.

Also, thanks to warlord for the other build using GS, I’ll try it out when I get tired of hammer.

Help with Hammer - sw/sh build

in Warrior

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I’m a roamer.

So you say full zerk will be ok? I thought I was being too squishy, thieves 2shot me (16k backstab, 7k HS :S)

Also, melandru runes and -40% condition duration food I guess?

Just saw that you reach 2.8k armor, perhaps I didn’t take into account the 300 armor from defense tree + the 165 from runes. I’ll try that setup and let you know, thanks

A zerk thief will be able to 2-3 shot you no matter what armor you have. At least with this build you have enough power to 2 shot him back. I would go with -36% food, way cheaper and just as effective. Dolyak Signet is your oh kitten button, don’t use it unless you really have to.

Man, thanks a lot

Tonight I’ve been using the build you gave me with the suggested runes and food and I noticed a drastic change. I no longer get melted and can now easily manage 2vs1 situations. Before I couldn’t stand for more than few seconds without going down.

Also, adrenal regen + healin signet provide a stable ca 800 heal. I can feel the power now

Thanks a lot again

Karma gear not salvageable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


You could use Fine Transmutation stones to move the upgrades.
Of course that will destroy the karma armor.

Or use Upgrade Extractors from gemstore.
…then again those are 250 gems each.

It’s pretty unfortunate nothing warns about that.
Karma items used to be salvageable but were changed a long time ago to prevent Karma converting to materials so efficiently.

250 gems each that, with the current gold-to-gems ratio would be way more than what I would spend on melandru runes themselves. It would defeat the whole purpose of saving up on gold and spend karma for those.

I ended up throwing them in the MF for a total gain of 98s. A good deal (jkjkjkjkjk)

Karma gear not salvageable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Not really a bug but I can’t seem to post this anywhere else

kitten me, really

Bought Melandru gear at temple with the idea of salvaging it for the runes but jk, not salvageable.

Can you at least put a freaking “not salvageable” on these items, please? Just so kittens like me don’t go wasting 240k karma on utterly useless armor with random stats that are not even good to recycle (because you can’t recycle them, lol)?

Either that, or make them salvageable. It’d be 42k karma per rune which seems overpriced anyways, but at least I could make some use out of them.

Thanks for your attention, in the hope you’ll stop trolling your players with this kitten. But I’m sure this will sink together with the other billions complaints because no one really gives a flying bird.

Help with Hammer - sw/sh build

in Warrior

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I’m a roamer.

So you say full zerk will be ok? I thought I was being too squishy, thieves 2shot me (16k backstab, 7k HS :S)

Also, melandru runes and -40% condition duration food I guess?

Just saw that you reach 2.8k armor, perhaps I didn’t take into account the 300 armor from defense tree + the 165 from runes. I’ll try that setup and let you know, thanks

Help with Hammer - sw/sh build

in Warrior

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Hi there

I have a lvl 80 warrior sitting in my account and I haven’t used it for months if not for the occasional quick cof p1, running full zerk.

Now, recently I really am into wvw and would like to dust off my warrior. I’ve seen many people running hammer + sword/shield and being nearly unkillable, with tons of boons up and stability always there.

The current equipment I have is
- Full zerk armor + ruby orbs
- Full zerk trinkets
- Full soldier trinkets
- Zerk weapons

I’ve seen that many run with something like this
But I wanted to know which utilities, heals and, most important of all, WHICH GEAR I should use.

I cannot run full GC warrior just like I run my SD engi or mesmer; I just get 1shot. Which stats should I aim at? Which runes should I use? Many use cavalier armor that boosts critical damage but leave unaltered the chance: is it really wise to run around with 100% crit dmg and like… 20-30% crit chance?

Thanks for your attention, hoping you can help me out here

Best Engineer Names

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Mine is named after the ultimate gun you receive in Arcanum: Droch Warbringer.

Why HGH grenadier?

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


This is the HGH build I had been using
Before engaging in a battle, I throw all elixirs and use them; What I get is 11 stacks of might lasting like 39s. When elixirs go off CD, might stacks start to fade and I can get 17 stacks for like 4s.

How the hell do you keep up 20 stacks at once?

Why HGH grenadier?

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I’ve seen the HGH grenadier build but I still don’t understand why people even use it.

I’ve tried it myself, but even refreshing all elixirs when off cd, I can keep up a maximum of 11 stacks of might at time. With my current gear, that gives me a total of 1.8k condition damage. Moreover, you have to give up healing turrets and 2 utility slots and the time you lose refreshing elixirs would be better spent at throwing one more grenade (which would achieve the same result, dps-wise).

Now, I’ve been using this build as of recently and I found it to achieve the same stats by not even giving up utility slots or wasting time refreshing elixirs:
Permanent 1,7k condition damage, 3 sources of burning (Blowtorch, throw napalm, rocket kick) and so no need for IP, rocket boots utility, healing turret and increased crit.

Therefore, could you please explain me why people use the HGH build so much? What am I doing wrong? Why give up so many utilities and waste time refreshing elixirs for a mere 100 more condi dmg? Am I overlooking something? How is this build supposed to be played?

Thanks for your attention

fps lag every 8s

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Metallus.7690


It has happened lately that my fps drop from 55-60 to 7-14 every 8s for 2s.

I guess I could copypaste what I wrote in other threads but here I’ll go again: my pc is clean, everything is up to date, there is no other program running in the background, my cores are all unparked and I didn’t have this problem some time ago and I haven’t changed anything. My connection works perfectly, other games run smoothly like they always did and this only happens with gw2.

The main problem is when this happens in dungeons, since I get frozen for like 2s without being able to turn or do anything, occasionally dying on some aoe I would have been able to easily dodge.

Also, this happens even if I’m standing in one spot without turning or doing anything; my fps drop to 7-10, everything gets slowed down a bit and then sped up a bit. I’ve experienced times when this happened every 5s and times when this happened every 10s. Atm it’s happening every 8s.

Once again, ports are enabled, firewall is even disabled and I made an exception for gw2 on avast (Hell, I even turned it off to see if it was that affecting the game but no). Energy saving settings are all on best performance, everything running at 100%, relogging doesn’t help and it happens on every character. Also, my pc heat is under control and doesn’t go beyond 60°C.

I really have no idea what’s causing this. I’m running on medium settings, with shadows and reflections set on none. Setting everything to absurdly awful graphic “fixes” the problem but the game looks very horrendous and I don’t even feel like playing it. I’ve been able to run it on medium settings before without any problem so I want to keep playing it on medium.

Has any of you experienced something like this? Do you know how to fix this? Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks for your attention

Sometimes, when I check task manager, I can see gw2 taking up to 1.2gb of memory. Is that even normal :S ?

(edited by Metallus.7690)

Making Elixir X Good!

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


What if we turned in some kind of Mr Hide? Skills similar to rampage but would look more fitting the engineer

Alleged leaked patch notes. 10/15

in Engineer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I don’t like that the rifle turret is losing the bleed for vulnerability. I’m a power build and I find vulnerability worthless.
The bleeds would deal way more damage than vulnerability can.

I don’t know what power build you are running but, if you are going with an SD rifle build and using Tool kit – Goggles – Rifle turret for utilities, then goggles toolbet skill + overcharged turret will apply 18 stacks of vulnerability at once that, coupled with the occasional vulnerability on crit from traits, would lead to a 20% damage increase on your target. Do you really dislike it?

Like, lay down rifle turret and immediately overcharge it (like you do with healing turret for the fast double heal), pick it up and unload your SD burst. That’s an use I can see for it.

Also, if the rifle turret kept its bleeding, how much time would you intend to keep your target alive in order to make those 48dmg bleeds any useful?

I actually see it as a buff to power builds and it turns rifle turret in a fully physical turret (rather than mixed physical dmg + bleeds).

(edited by Metallus.7690)

TA Blooms

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


It has been happening for a while now and ye, it’s annoying. It’s like a targeting issue: your target actually dies but it’s like it was left on 25% hp. The problem is that you can target the dead target again, which gets in the way of TA bloom cleaning: if you have enabled autotarget when attack, you’ll keep targeting the nearest dead bloom, which is silly.

Search feature not working

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Metallus.7690


At least temporanely (or permanently?) remove it, so it doesn’t mislead new players

Oh well, at least they don’t tell us “Please, use the search button next time”

Intergrating damage meter in game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Metallus.7690


This game gives the least information when it comes to combat; I mean, you can’t see casting bars, you can’t see time numbers on your buffs/debuffs (unless you over your cursor on them), you can’t see healthpool values… you either memorize every single motion for each spell, therefore being able to predict what’s going on (which requires a great deal of experience and even then it’s very hard for almost instant cast spells or for spells that got the same animation to understand what’s going on) and start counting when you receive a buff/debuff or you’ll be playing “blindly” for most of the time. Not being able to analyze what happened even AFTER makes it ever more difficult to understand and improve.

But as long as you “think” you are doing a good job, who cares right? If you see numbers and see things going down, then it means you are good and are providing an awesome dps to your team ^O^, if you see that you are applying a lot of boons or see some green number then it means you are good and you are making your team survive ^O^, if you see gray heartshaped boxes with some word inside it means you are very aware of combo fields mechanics and are being exceptionally cooperative… Whether all of this is true or not, it looks like it doesn’t matter much as long as things die. Just convince yourself you are good and are doing the best you can, you can’t know anyways.

New WvW Weapons aren't Mystic Forge-able

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


It’s 5 months noone gives a single kitten, I guess it’s carved in stone that it won’t happen.

Teq chests missing..

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Did you get the “Event succeded” message?

Were you dpsing Teq hard from the beginning, or did you join just at the last minute landing some hit? In the latter case, it could be that you didn’t do enough damage to tag (And I’ve experienced cases where 20k damage wasn’t enough to tag).

Otherwise I have no idea :/

[CoF] Can't see rolling boulders

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


-Server: Desolation

-Map/location: dungeon Citadel of Fire – Fireheart Rise

-Character info(level, race, profession): lvl 80 human mesmer, lvl 80 human engineer, lvl 80 norn warrior (it happens on all of them)

-How to reproduce issue: When I get to the corridor with the rolling boulders in Citadel of Fire, path 1, I can’t see the rolling molten boulders; I can target them or see the “shadows” but I can’t see the boulders, which makes it a total pain to cross the corridor, unless I’m portaling with mesmer or my team mates do it. I’ve tried meddling with the graphic options, relogging etc, nothing changed. Tried best performance settings, best quality settings, tried disabling LOD effects or culling but nothing.

This started happening during the period in which:
1) Scarlet showed up
2) Removal of culling
3) Release of free trial
I didn’t have this problem before


Frame rate (fps) tied to network congestion?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I managed to fix an issue related to low fps everywhere (I used to have 56-60 fps, then suddenly dropped to constant 28-30 after the scarlet patch). However, I still get the microstuttering and game becomes unplayable in wvw.

I stopped doing wvw since one month already, because it’s truly a nightmare. When our keep got invaded the last time, I was struggling behind a wall to heal: the healing skill glowed for like kitten without healing me and, after this huge lagspike, I found out that my character had got downed and rallied 3 times in the meanwhile. Tried last night if something changed but nothing; when zerg appears it takes me 20s to cast any skill, can’t tag anything at all and can’t even heal myself. Changing graphic settings doesn’t do a thing. I’m fine when roaming and only meet 1-2 enemies.

Intergrating damage meter in game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Metallus.7690


It was being discussed here

But don’t worry, it’s no wonder you didn’t find it: the topic has sunk in page 17 and the search button doesn’t work.

What I find mostly irritating is the fact that they do not even answer. I’d be satisfied even with a “Not happening, would take too much time/Cba, I’m bored” rather than being totally ignored.

Dual wield autoattack - suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Hi there

As you may know, even though you have equipped 2 melee weapons, your character will only autoattack with the main-hand. That is because the mainhand and the offhand are considered two different weapons with different utilities and also because there is no true “autoattack”; the 1 skill just happens to be without a CD and is usually put on auto-cast, therefore getting labeled as “autoattack”, even though it’s not the same as the “white swing” of WoW or other games.

What I’m going to discuss in this topic is how to introduce the dual wield autoattack motion WITHOUT altering the 1 combo much. Let’s start:

If you have played a thief, you know that according to which off-hand you have equipped, your 3 skill changes: if you have 2 daggers, the 3 skill will turn into a combined attack of 2 daggers, if you have 1 sword and 1 pistol, your 3 skill will turn into a combined attack of the two etc. This mechanic so far worked pretty well and it made a lot of sense that your skills change according to which offhand you are using.

The suggestion is to add this same mechanic to the 1 skill ("autoattack) so that, if you have two swords equipped, you’ll get the visual effect that you are attacking with both swords.

From this suggestion some questions may arise:
1) How would you change the 1 combo attack without affecting the gameplay?
- I had thought of keeping the same damage and effects of our current mainhand attacks but to just add the VISUAL effect that we are attacking with both weapons. This would only be a cosmetic change.
2) Mh okay, this would work with melee weapons like swords, daggers, maces and axes… but what about offhands like focus, torch, warhorn, shield and pistol?
- In that case I’d keep the current mainhand combo unchanged, without adding any special effect. However, when offhand pistol comes to play, you could change the third attack of the main combo to a close-range shot. For example, if you are on mesmer and you are using sword + pistol, your first two attacks will remain unchanged but the third may turn into a close-range pistol shot(that will NOT hit people from distance; it will have the same effect and damage of the current mind-spike).
3) Talking about pistols, what about double pistol?
- This is a bit tricky: thieves and engineers can wield two pistols and the natural suggestion would be to make both pistols shot alternately. However, keeping the current mainhand pistol attack would led to a very slow visual (I mean, you would be shooting with 2 pistols but at the same rate of 1 pistol). In this case, you could make it look like you are shooting with both pistols at the same time (and so you won’t feel the “slow rate” shooting).

There are a few more things I’d like to discuss: getting the visual that you are attacking with both weapons when the damage and combo is unchanged, might led new players to question “wtf, I’m wielding two of these but my damage is the same!!”, in which case the only solution would be to redesign the whole combat, but that’s not viable in anyway.

The best compromise I could come up would be to slightly nerf the offhand skills and slightly buff (we are talking about 5-10%) the mainhand attack WHEN you are wielding TWO “offensive” weapons (2daggers, 2swords, 2axes, 2 pistols): this way you would keep balance but also add the “feeling” that wielding two weapons increases your autoattack damage. Alternatively, you can nerf the mainhand autoattack when only ONE of those weapons is equipped but this would put to disadvantage people who are using combos like sword+focus or mace+shield; in this latter case, to compensate, you could buff some traits affecting those weaponsets in order to keep up the same balance. In other words, you would just be deceiving your customers

This suggestion is mainly COSMETIC, trying to go for the least amount of changes to gameplay and damage in general. You know, when I started playing gw2 the first time, I have to say I was rather disappointed when I discovered that, even though I was wielding two swords, I was attacking only with one. Was trying to figure out what I was doing wrong before I realized how it worked. Once again, the main point of this topic is a cosmetic change. The second part about buffing/nerfing is just optional and open to discussions. I’m open to critics as also open to tweaks you would add to my suggestion

Thanks for your attention

[Guide] PvE/Dungeons Phantasm build(s)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Metallus.7690


I was going to open another topic but I guess I’ll ask directly here for suggestions.

For some time I’ve been running 10/30/0/0/30 in dungeons and found myself much comfortable with it. My build (I input the gear I currently have)

I know that I’m giving up on reflection utilities but what you get in exchange is
the possibility of having 3 phantasms up within 12s: I usually start with greatsword, throw the mirror blade for the vuln/might and then land the iZerker; immediately switch to sword/pistol, spawn duelist and then pop another duelist after 12s, while autoattacking with sword. After the CD on duelist is over again, I replace the former iZerker with a third duelist.

The signet of inspiration coupled with the passive condition damage from illusions traits grants me 480 condition damage that, with some might stack, pumps the condition damage to very decent amounts.

The reasons why I gave up on using Warden are:
1) The phantasm attacks in place; if the mob/boss moves (Tazza in SE is an example), the phantasm won’t deal any damage.
2) The phantasm is melee and gets 1shot by boss melee hits
3) The phantasm “pushes” his target while attacking; this is mostly notable in CoE boss fight against Alpha: after you pull Alpha to the walls and then pop 3 wardens, you’ll see Alpha slowly being pushed away until he’s out in the open, demolishing your party with his aoe.

Duelist, on the other side:
1) Fast, good and reliable damage: as opposed to iWarden, iDuelist doesn’t need long channeling times to land his damage, stacks 8 bleeds within those 1-2s and stacks 8 confusions if inside an ethereal field (not much important in pve) every 5s
2) Phantasm is ranged and, with pistol traited, you can spawn him in Africa and let him unload his shells on your target from afar, without the need to replace it everytime, losing damage in the process.
3) Very short cooldown: 12s to summon one. If, for some reason, one of your 3 duelists die, you can spawn another one quickly enough, without losing much dps.

HOWEVER, as I do not have ANY means to understand whether my duelist is dealing the highest OVERALL damage or not (I’ll be even clearer on this one: I don’t care if my duelist deals 10k burst in one round if it needs 20s to recharge, does it every 6s, can’t be spawned farther away and requires 40s+ to have 3 functional phantasms up therefore being surpassed by a phantasm that deals less damage but more often and can be spawned more often and farther away, providing an overall higher damage within a certain time window), since we do not have access to damage meters OR a decent combat log that shows EVERYTHING and not ONLY direct damage done by/to YOU, I’ll ask you, more experienced fellows:

For a build focusing on RELIABLE STEADY damage, would you suggest me to change something in my build? I understand that iPersona is not that useful, since I never shatter (if not in emergency cases where distortion is needed, in which case I’d gain another sec of invuln.) but I can’t seem to find anything else enough interesting in the illusions tree.

Since I consider iDuelist the best overall phantasm (It might not have the same top damage of warden or his AoE but is more resilient and provides steady reliable damage in hostile environments without dying), I’d prefer a build that focuses entirely on it. Do you think you can provide me a more efficient build than the one I had come up with? Thanks for your attention, hoping you can help me out. So far I’m doing pretty good but I always strive to improve

I don't know what you did but

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Metallus.7690


my fps got back to normal

God, they had been falling to 22-30 these days, dropping to 7-10 when turning my camera or in zerg, it was nightmarish and made playing gw2 an ugly experience.

Tonight I start gw2, the gameclient downloads some files (300 files, takes 7s) and now I’m back to 60+ fps.

I don’t know what you did but whatever that was, it worked.


FPS lag after super box patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Metallus.7690


My fps dropped from 46-60 to 28-31, without me changing ANYTHING. In dungeons I get 22 fps, during world bosses I go as low as 13 fps.

My eyes are hurting and it’s being a pain. Can’t play more than 1h without getting annoyed; games are not supposed to annoy you

Problems with buying gems with paysafecard

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Are you using some particular antivirus program? If so, momentanely disable it and try again. If nothing happens, set your default browser to IE, as I don’t know if your chrome is using something else.

Other than that, I don’t have idea :/

Horrendous fps lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Metallus.7690


As always, fast and exhaustive answers from Anet support staff.

Problems with buying gems with paysafecard

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Are you using adblock or some addon that blocks pop ups? If no page is opened maybe it’s those programs blocking it

Horrendous fps lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Since scarlet invasions I’ve been getting a drop in fps.

I was sitting at 46-60fps (with medium graphic settings), now I’m permanent 28-33. But you know, as long as it’s 33fps, it’s still somehow playable but, when I’m in a dungeon (5 players) or when doing world events, it gets utterly unplayable. My fps drop to 5-8 for 1-2s every 5-6s, literally blocking me as I can’t use skills or move during those micro-freezes. Everything is slowed down in microfreezes and then everything gets sped up.

I can fix the fps lag setting everything on low graphic but, even then, I occasionally get the 1-2 lag every 15s.

I bought this game because of the amazing graphic and the dynamic gameplay, together with original classes like mesmer and engineer and I’ve enjoyed it a lot for the past few months because I didn’t get any lag.

Now I’m forced to play this game on horrendous graphic (And really, with low graphics you discover how much of an hideous graphic gw2 can get), immersed in an ocean of names and surrounded by characters dressed in some standard low quality white outfit in order to make it PLAYABLE. We aren’t even talking about flawless playing, but sufficiently playable. When there are a lot of players, like during invasions or world bosses, I start getting skill lag too (Like, I spam my healing skill 20 times and it only activates after 30s, after I’ve died and rallied twice in the meanwhile)

Sorry to say, but if I have to play a game with kitten graphic, then I’m off playing one of those old school games.

Just as a sidenote, I didn’t get this fps lag BEFORE. I haven’t changed ANYTHING on my computer, it’s always clean, I use it only for gaming, it’s cool all the time, there is no other program running in the background, my connection is perfectly fine (tested even with frankfurt server, where the europe realms are supposedly hosted, and get 45ms), my nvidia drivers are up to date, my pc is up to date, other games like TERA and WoW run with no problems AT ALL and gw2 ran without ANY problem 1month ago.

I’ve already tried applying the settings in the sticky topic, but it didn’t do a thing.

Is anyone else getting this kitten? Are you at least aware, Anet staff, of this? If you are aware, do you have any kind of ETA for a potential solution to this? Waiting for your response because It’s gotten too frustrating to play and I’ve currently stopped.

Thanks for your attention

GW2 dating service LFG

in Suggestions

Posted by: Metallus.7690


Implement h-scenes with Riel too while you are at it