Showing Posts For Mike.4830:

Aeroxe’s basics of D/p

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Although I can multi-class all 8,

heh lol

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

ToL Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Can you tell me if any of the Outplayed by Children roster is invalid? Our team captain is basically Mia and I can’t access his email or him to check. If you could email any other member of the team that would be great.

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

ToL Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


I dont think my captain submitted it, (outplayed by children captain-happy kid or wakkey idk).. we havnt gotten rewards… can u send the email to someone else on team… captain is MIA

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Backpack's Engi guide

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


idiot, u forgot like the whole thing
-immobing for nades (rifle 2) and ccing for nades (rifle 4) is an easy way to land them
-pry bar will hit 5k crits so pull into pry bar is good damage/good to remove players positioning in teamfights
-Chill nades are essential to help land the rest of nades (easy to land when they move 66% slower)
-u can kb with rifle 4, throw wrench and then immob (rifle 2) before they get up(do it fast), then with immob u can land a chill/shrapnel nade for damage
-u can stealth (toss elixer S), pull, prybar, and then shrapnel/chill nade before they get up
-For cleave get poisen down first then other nades, rifle 5 and rifle 3 are all very good cleave
Tips vs certain professions
Ele-now that ele is meta, most newish players have no idea how to fight one… land ur condis(specially confusion) after they go into water…. Another thing players dont realize is that earth 2 (the spikes come up from ground) is an invis projectile absorber for a few seconds after cast (will eat nades and rifle 2/4.. rifle 3/5 still hit)… Celestial d/d eles IE meta ele.. DOES NOT get most of its damage from power.. vs engis it is the burn bc of our bad condi removal…. u will die to burn so DODGE fire 2 and dont walk in and out of ring of fire
Ranger- Try ur best to get burn on right after passive removal (hard to control crits) but doable.. the first cc will be immune (most run trait) so just be aware… also… dont eat throw torch
Warrior-Maintain distance with CC/immob/chill, obv dodge earthshaker/evis/pindown/arcing… try and get ur poisen nade in after a longbow clear
Other Engi-be better
Mesmer-Auto attacks and most of ur skills will wreck glass mesmers, dodge or block shatters/phantasms
Guardian-l2 bunkerbust
Necro-CC, dont let them transfer so Rando dodge…still dumb matchup
Thief- most of ur skills wreck them, so spam spam spam….

Individual SKills (all damage #s are crits)
-Rifle 1-UR auto attack no longer sucks(pistol) u hit 1.5k crit autos
Rifle 2-good immob for nades
Rifle 3-LoS, bleeds and high damage
Rifle 4-CC, 2k crits/ land nades
Rifle 5-High damge 2k jump/4k land

Toolkit-Grenade barrage-high damage
Healing mist +jump shot1.3k heal
Throw wrench-high damage/scales LoS
Toss Elixer S-Stealth for offense/stop stomps/stomp (u can use it when u go down, but u do drop mines at 25% so they might reveal u/ YOUR dodges drop bombs that will reveal u so be careful when u dodge right before or during stealth)

healing turret-try to pick up(more heal/removal)
Nades-Shrapnel-High damage both physical and condi
Blind-low damage/good utility
Chill-Chill/High damage
-Poisen-Cleave/High poisen/applys burn/unblockable

2-helps land nades
3- high physical/condi damage
4-Block Low CD (16s)
5-Pull, easy to see, most will dodge, glitches alot, will go through blocks, long range, good when stealthed

S-Avoid damage spikes/Stomp/Res


Any questions ask below

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Does the engineer belong in a team

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


engineer is totally useless in this meta. Can’t team fight, gets destroyed by condi warrior, have to play perfect to survive a hambow or a mesmer in 1v1, gets destroyed by necro 1v1 , really hard to beat eles also, only easy matchup is 1v1 vs thiefs but in 2v2s gets destroyed by thiefs lol.

What super is trying to say, is his engineer has no place in this meta, bc he is bad at it.. K thnx for ur opinion PS u shudnt have been at PAX

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

who will win NA TOL

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Gf, unfortunately, will get rolled… there best player, wakkey left, and they rotate like Helen Keller, slow
And confused… kensuda is an alright guardian, but can’t compete with players such as Ozie, heck,and quilja…. genyen calls their shots, that alone means they should lose… the only player I respect is toker who is level headed and has his bloodshot eyes on the prize.. chaith would be fine.. But GUYS GUYS GUYS cmon where is team?

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

TCG vs Good Fights

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Lets be real, GF would get farmed… they are far from the best team NA, and EU is far better than NA….. Only team that would stand a chance is Outplayed By Children… they were seeded 4th bc they are new, but they will win the ToL for sure

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Need help understanding rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


What are you guys talking about…. I am a top tier Team PvPer and I assure you, Rotating means you go home and dont move. Its a counteroffensive used in top tier pvp

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Need help understanding rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


But yea.. basically when someone says rotate, they want you to go sit on home and dont move

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Need help understanding rotation

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Don’t eva rotate .. sit on home as home bunker and u will new numba oneee I never leave home and I win erretime

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

pvp The TRUE analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Everyone agrees that Hotjoin is a terrible environment to learn or experience PvP, therefore solo q is the next step….
ALSO for those asking for sources of QQ
Please look at top page now: here are the titles:
“to many noobs in tourneys”
“Sigh I am getting fed up with it”
“Stop it with the toxic attidude to newcomers” (he cant spell)
“Fix matchmaking now!”

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

(edited by Mike.4830)

pvp The TRUE analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


What Bhag said, also just to pique my curiosity – who are you to tell people the ‘truth’ on pvp?

I have played this game as a casual, and as a hardcore professional PvPer… I have played hundreds of solo q games, and over a thousand team q games…. This is simply my opinion about what solo q should be, in all honesty, a competitive solo q lobby would be nice, and hopefully we see unranked and ranked q in the future… One of the major problems with this, is the lack of players, and the disparity of skill, right now there are probably less than 50 players that I would call “top tier” about 100 i would call “decent” and then it falls off the cliff with 1000s of subpar players

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

pvp The TRUE analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Since the patch with the influx of pvp players, I’ve seen many qq threads either claiming “everyone sucks” or “people make fun of my because I’m bad”
There is no reason for this… you simply need to find the right game mode… for now, whether you like it or not solo q is casual…. it’s a place to test builds.. get some games in.. or experience tpvp… the bottom line is, if you really want to tpvp hardcore, you need to team q… obviously in solo q, you want to win however with all the new players you can’t expect an esports 5v5 environment
Tldr: solo q is for everyone hf and dont bm.. team q is competitive play to win

BEFORE you tell me you don’t have 4 friends to play with realize that you are infact NOT in a place
To play competitively and u need to either be quiet and solo q, or gather players that stand out in solo q or post on the forum and then team q

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Backpack Approves Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


So far this patch aspires to go down in history as the best patch ever…. I started out by getting 20 rank chest which gave me 20 lvls and 100 sp… I then proceeded by attaching my t3 pve armor in pvp…. I then played about 10 team qs on my engi (now best class world)….. other than keeping a perma burn up with my heal I thrashed a necro by transfering 10 bleeds with generosity… I then after my games received an exotic orian weapon of choice and ended the day by applying burn through an eles mist form with balth runes
#7sTraitedBurn. #MyHealHurtsU #RNGtransfersFTW #ReignOfTERROR #UmayHaveSunriseButIHavePermaBurnkitten

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Elementalists are OP and need nerf ASAp

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Unfortunately this thread might actually come to life with patch

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


I would be curious as to your position if you didn’t stand to benefit from those 8 reserved slots.

You mean, would I be against reserving the spots for the 8 most likely teams to win?

Seeing as the reservations only hurt my hypothetical chances of not getting into the tournament from 46% to 54% if there were 100 signed up per region.. I figure it’s pretty meaningless seeing as there’s already an inevitable chance that RNG wouldn’t choose me for entry.

If I only acted out of self interest, I would probably say “no thanks” to reserved spots because it hurts my chances of getting to whack the free loot piniata, but if I thought about actually taking this tournament seriously, and preferred to see some later bracket, streamed matches, of people playing at a high level instead of what looks like the Solo Queue content that I see every day, then I would say yes to the reserved spots.

You are acting out of self interest and that’s the point. Your team is already guaranteed a spot in the tournament. Trying to act as if you care about the quality of the tournament when you are not in a position to not be included is disingenuous. How has anyone proven they are more deserving than anyone else? Previous tournaments? Tournaments that had no meaningful reward for people to put together teams? Yet, now we’re basing (potentially) the entry of this tournament on?

It’s not about reward those select few it’s about rewarding the pvp community. There are a lot of fine players out there who never saw any reason to put a team together up until now. Yet some how their commitment to the game and time spent is worth less than yours? I’m not saying those teams aren’t good teams, I’m saying there may be some very good teams that come about because of these rewards that may now be turned away from putting a team together because they are going to be excluded.

And you are not? Clearly you are not near near the skill level of the top 8 teams, but you care so much to get in that you complain about the best teams competing. While MP wants to make it fair, its still needs to be competitive, and I truly hope your bad team doesnt get chosen just so I can see your rage.
EDIT: This is a competitive tournament, not a loot run… the whole point is to reward the best players not the community

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


The more I think about this the more I realize that none of this should be random…… Obviously prelims are out of the question, but prior tournament experience, leaderboard rank, and general “known” skill. This tournament should be as competitive as possible. Obviously its open to all, but that doesnt mean we should place Dragon Slayers over Ravagers… As far as competitiveness is concerned, just because they final score between Tryias Finest and Dragon Bashers is 500-480 doesnt mean it was a good game, I think everyone is in consensus that watching GF lose to Outplayed by Children 500-400, would be a much better game to watch…. Rather than looking at competitiveness as others mistakes, see it as others successes

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

(edited by Mike.4830)

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


It’s a tournament, not a lottery.

The best known teams should be allowed to compete without rng.

What are you using to qualify the best known teams? Are you talking about a tournament system which only a few teams participated in? Or are you talking about my weekend tournament that I play with my friends? Personally I believe my weekend tournament teams are much stronger…See how arbitrary that is?

Serious question, do you think you can build a team that can beat Good Fights?

What does beating Good Fights have to do with anything being discussed. This is about fairness and to assume that GF or any other “top” team has invested anymore to this game than someone else is more ludicrous than opening it up to everyone and being fair. Guaranteeing 8 random teams a spot because they participated in what? Other tournaments that were hosted by some people in the know? There could have been other tournaments that didn’t get the support of A-net and had just as strong teams. This whole elitist idea is just as bad as pvers getting crap that excluded pvpers.

This is competitive PvP, Elitism is necessary

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


This has gotten simply out of hands… To say that the 8 teams Blu picks are “biased” is somewhat true, but ridiculous.. He isn’t picking his best buddies, he is picking the best teams… GF and 55 HP Monks don’t hang out with him on the weekends, they simply are acquaintances from playing in almost every tourney. To say that his picks are unfair is just crazy… to not guarantee a team like GF a spot would destroy this tourny. GF is known right now as one of if not the best team NA… they have been playing as a team for many months, and even hosted their own invitational tourney. I really don’t see how there is even a discussion on this. ALSO only 8 teams are being selected, which i guarantee, those 8 “biased” teams will ALL make it to the top 16 unless they knock each other out. AND the winner of this tourney will be a team from those 8… guaranteed… And all this complaining, for what? 56 teams are still being randomly selected… This tourney is OPEN TO ALL…. to say that the players who have been PvPing for months and years and have reigned dominate, should not be in a tourney, will not only destroy the competitiveness of the tourney but cause these players to quit… people saying the top 8 teams being picked to play is unfair, is close to the suggestion that no top teams should even be allowed to play…. THIS IS CRAZY.. HF losing to the top teams NA… Im not sure if all of this rage from PvErs is because they are used to fairness and equal skill and lack of competition, but whatever it is, please take it back to your PvE Forums
EDIT: TO those saying that the rewards are given by ANet therefore they control it is silly.. every tourney and I mean EVERY has been supported by ANet with gems since competitive tournaments were hosted about 3 months ago… all the 2v2 and MP tourneys, the GF invitational.. all of them had gems given by ANet
Love Backpack

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

(edited by Mike.4830)

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Lol as I said before, these PvE and WvW players are all drinking some bad water…..

You guys keep saying that you guys focus more on combat than the PvPr’s, which is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. Please believe, if there was a pure 5v5 of the any top PvP players vs ANY WvW/PvE player, doesn’t matter if if its in WvW or PvP, the group of PvP players would win easily………………….EASILY.

Next time the Bloody GvG happens for 400$ mabye those WvWers can prove their amazing skills

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Retroactive rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


When r39-80 are rebalanced and players are boosted to 70s/80s will they get retroactive chests? for being shafted (r65s/70s)

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Well thats ridiculous and clearly your MMR isnt good enough to play top tier players otherwise you would realize who is dominant… Guarantee right now, GF, Apex, Outplayed by Children, and (Caed and tany if they field a team) will be the last four teams unless they knock each other out… No WvW team will beat them and last i checked they dont win points with a decap engi, they fight for it..

My MMR has been good enough at times to play everyone, which again is a sad indication of sPvP in this game. Because I am not good at the game, nor do I try to learn any of the game mechanics like people who truely want to compete at the game do. So if you get a casual player able to get a high MMR what does that say about PvP in this game?

WvW has more true pvpers because in WvW they primarily just fight each other. In PvP you end up fighting vs points 90% of the time. O look we won the fight at middle but nope some guy on our close already and by time we get there we are being bunkered over and over. According to alpha and beta sources alot of people who came to this game to pvp couldn’t be bothered with just playing stand on a point game play.

If PvP was about combat then you would get more than 5 points for a player kill.

Based on that logic, WvW is just capturing Keeps and Towers not fighting… SO no combat is involved at all otherwise your world would get points right?> o wait

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Legends Tourny NA Top Team Lf 1more

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mike.4830


Sorry the answer was blue…. Still looking for a r59 Ranger with 2750+ wins, top 49 lb, please speak Italian, and know rotations very VERY well

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Legends Tourny NA Top Team Lf 1more

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mike.4830


I am almost ready, it will take me about a week to replace my keyboard.

yellow: auto

blue: spirit res

Thats great and all, but u still need to pic ur fav colorr, is it blue or yello

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Legends Tourny NA Top Team Lf 1more

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mike.4830


Hey, rank 58 ranger here.

I come from EU, I’m Belgian, reached top50 team LB EU & same in thing in NA in no more than 5matches. I just need like one game to updtate my real rank. I haven’t played since. 2700+ tourney wins.

I know very well rotations tactics and so on.
I can speak English/Spanish/French.
I think we can go semi-finals at least but 1st would be better. Just let me know if you want to teamQ to see my gameplay

Ig : Avril Sombrefleche

Favorite Color (see how much you relate to team)?

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


that, and WvWers arent good.

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Legends Tourny NA Top Team Lf 1more

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mike.4830


Please add favorite color so we can get a feel for your personality

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Well thats ridiculous and clearly your MMR isnt good enough to play top tier players otherwise you would realize who is dominant… Guarantee right now, GF, Apex, Outplayed by Children, and (Caed and tany if they field a team) will be the last four teams unless they knock each other out… No WvW team will beat them and last i checked they dont win points with a decap engi, they fight for it..

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Legends Tourny NA Top Team Lf 1more

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mike.4830


My name is backpack and im a top ranked engineer. My friends and I on team Thrashed and Juggled are all top 25 on the TEAM leaderboards.. SO if they choose based on lb rank we are covered… I think the team has a really good chance of winning, and last week we proved ourselves even further by thrashing good fights in a bo3 scrim where we won the first two games by more than 400 each…. Our current comp is thief guardian warrior engi.. and we have had a substitute ranger but need a permanent one… We will probably finish in the top 3 for this tournament regaurdless, but we need a 5th to register…. You must be proficient in the following::: MOST important you need to listen to what we tell you to do and act it out… Rotation knowledge is very important but at the end of the day we are probably just going to tell you where to go… SO basically as long as u are mechanically sound and can listen to directions well, welcome aboard… kinda…. if interested and you meet basic criteria we will try you out leading up to the touney and if you qualify we will take you along for the ride… Please post lb rank, pvp rank, and main class ( pref ranger or warrior).>.. Thanks Backpack

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Not trolling but maybe I didn’t think things through clearly. I get your point. But I also think it would be a shame if newbies come to the pvp and just get demoralised by being trashed 500-0 or by practicing and then being told that sorry they didnt get a place because they weren’t “known”.

In short, this tournament SHOULD cater to the casuals and newbies imo. It is what the game needs

I agree with this. And who is to say someone is known or not? I doubt he knows Karmy and his SW guildies, or June guild, or UC, or many, many others who definitely have a decent chance of beating everyone, including “known” teams.

Also, I believe that Anet guys would organise this much, much better. At least they are not teenagers and have way more experience with this. I hope they will get inspired and host the next one, properly.

But I still have hope that this one will work out. Let’s see if it will be what it was advertised to be or it will be some type of yet another boring invitational with same teams as always.

Disagree, it can be organised well by the community especially with Blu who is really good. So I dont think anything needs to change in that respect.

But I had kind of hoped this tournament would bring new players into pvp from pve and wvw. I would love if this was the aim of the tournament. But if they aim is simply to reward those most hardcore players then fine. That is cool too, just a missed opportunity from my point of view.

The best 2/3 players I have ever play with or against are all people who rarely PvP but spend most of their time in WvW or PvE. And I have played with or against everyone of any renown in PvP. The fact is PvE and WvW have a way bigger player base so it is no surprise that the absolute best/most talented guys come from these game modes. The problem is that the barrier to entry for them is huge and they tend to love rewards. If this tournament could bring these people, and others who aren’t as talented, into spvp (finally) then we could really see esports get going.

First of all, I have no idea who you are, and im certain I have never lost to you or your “renown” friends. Secondly the reason Pvers dont play PvP is because they are inclined to continue clicking their skills. As far as WvW, there is little to no skill required in zergs and roamers are still not near the lvl of pvpers. WvWers rely on broken stats and gear, and are quite inferior to PvP. Even guilds like Apex, which was orignally PvP only has transitioned to WvW because they were not top tier pvpers. However in WvW they are very good.. You WvWers and PvErs will soon learn your place in the skill heirachy.

not gonna say I’m disagreeing but I’m disagreeing. just look at caed and toker, tons of wvw thieves can beat them 1v1 8+/10 times.

Caed and Toker play viable PvP builds and wud wreck anyone that matches spec. And if for some reason they need too, they could adapt to the shadow arts handicap, but for now that is useless top tier pvp… Cruuk was probably the best regen thief that played this game and I guarantee he would dominate any WvW thief at the game of cat and mouse…. and if stats were balanced in wvw no thief would run regen if they planed on killing something other than a misquito

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Not trolling but maybe I didn’t think things through clearly. I get your point. But I also think it would be a shame if newbies come to the pvp and just get demoralised by being trashed 500-0 or by practicing and then being told that sorry they didnt get a place because they weren’t “known”.

In short, this tournament SHOULD cater to the casuals and newbies imo. It is what the game needs

I agree with this. And who is to say someone is known or not? I doubt he knows Karmy and his SW guildies, or June guild, or UC, or many, many others who definitely have a decent chance of beating everyone, including “known” teams.

Also, I believe that Anet guys would organise this much, much better. At least they are not teenagers and have way more experience with this. I hope they will get inspired and host the next one, properly.

But I still have hope that this one will work out. Let’s see if it will be what it was advertised to be or it will be some type of yet another boring invitational with same teams as always.

Disagree, it can be organised well by the community especially with Blu who is really good. So I dont think anything needs to change in that respect.

But I had kind of hoped this tournament would bring new players into pvp from pve and wvw. I would love if this was the aim of the tournament. But if they aim is simply to reward those most hardcore players then fine. That is cool too, just a missed opportunity from my point of view.

The best 2/3 players I have ever play with or against are all people who rarely PvP but spend most of their time in WvW or PvE. And I have played with or against everyone of any renown in PvP. The fact is PvE and WvW have a way bigger player base so it is no surprise that the absolute best/most talented guys come from these game modes. The problem is that the barrier to entry for them is huge and they tend to love rewards. If this tournament could bring these people, and others who aren’t as talented, into spvp (finally) then we could really see esports get going.

First of all, I have no idea who you are, and im certain I have never lost to you or your “renown” friends. Secondly the reason Pvers dont play PvP is because they are inclined to continue clicking their skills. As far as WvW, there is little to no skill required in zergs and roamers are still not near the lvl of pvpers. WvWers rely on broken stats and gear, and are quite inferior to PvP. Even guilds like Apex, which was orignally PvP only has transitioned to WvW because they were not top tier pvpers. However in WvW they are very good.. You WvWers and PvErs will soon learn your place in the skill heirachy.

You are both right and wrong here.

The right part:
The 1v1 skill level is higher in upper level PvP than in the top WvW roaming groups. I specific upper level here, because of course there are bad people in PvP and WvW.

The wrong part:
Zerging takes no skill. Not really accurate. If it was, than whoever has the most people would win every fight. Smaller groups can beat larger groups. It’s funny how little PvP people know about WvW and how little WvW people know about PvP (see below).

The part you’d probably agree with but didn’t say:
If the best 5 1v1 duelers in the game joined the same team, it doesn’t mean they would win. What a WvW person doesn’t understand is that it is not only about individual skill in a PvP match. It is about working well with the team. It is about knowing how to rotate. It is about knowing when to attack an NPC or to fight for a point. It is about understanding timing of events. This is all important strategy that some random from PvE or WvW won’t understand even if they happen to be a fantastic dueler.

100 WvW guards press 1 all. Everyone in front of them will die. The end. Numbers matter. The end. You can win a 2v3 just like a 20 v30 but in the end, numbers win the fight before skill

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Bowing out

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


We are gonna miss you. So much. Allie.
With Love, Backpack and The Community

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

(edited by Mike.4830)

Post your keybind here

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Util 1-E
Finish-Windows button

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Tournament Of Legends: Signups and Dates

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Not trolling but maybe I didn’t think things through clearly. I get your point. But I also think it would be a shame if newbies come to the pvp and just get demoralised by being trashed 500-0 or by practicing and then being told that sorry they didnt get a place because they weren’t “known”.

In short, this tournament SHOULD cater to the casuals and newbies imo. It is what the game needs

I agree with this. And who is to say someone is known or not? I doubt he knows Karmy and his SW guildies, or June guild, or UC, or many, many others who definitely have a decent chance of beating everyone, including “known” teams.

Also, I believe that Anet guys would organise this much, much better. At least they are not teenagers and have way more experience with this. I hope they will get inspired and host the next one, properly.

But I still have hope that this one will work out. Let’s see if it will be what it was advertised to be or it will be some type of yet another boring invitational with same teams as always.

Disagree, it can be organised well by the community especially with Blu who is really good. So I dont think anything needs to change in that respect.

But I had kind of hoped this tournament would bring new players into pvp from pve and wvw. I would love if this was the aim of the tournament. But if they aim is simply to reward those most hardcore players then fine. That is cool too, just a missed opportunity from my point of view.

The best 2/3 players I have ever play with or against are all people who rarely PvP but spend most of their time in WvW or PvE. And I have played with or against everyone of any renown in PvP. The fact is PvE and WvW have a way bigger player base so it is no surprise that the absolute best/most talented guys come from these game modes. The problem is that the barrier to entry for them is huge and they tend to love rewards. If this tournament could bring these people, and others who aren’t as talented, into spvp (finally) then we could really see esports get going.

First of all, I have no idea who you are, and im certain I have never lost to you or your “renown” friends. Secondly the reason Pvers dont play PvP is because they are inclined to continue clicking their skills. As far as WvW, there is little to no skill required in zergs and roamers are still not near the lvl of pvpers. WvWers rely on broken stats and gear, and are quite inferior to PvP. Even guilds like Apex, which was orignally PvP only has transitioned to WvW because they were not top tier pvpers. However in WvW they are very good.. You WvWers and PvErs will soon learn your place in the skill heirachy.

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Team Queue wins giving less than 1500?

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


ITs based on the amount of time the game lasts, if more clock goes past 8 minutes u get full reward. otherwise its a portion of that (min 1000)

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

PvP Rewards Blog

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Leaderboard rewards are the answer, if you are seriously rank 70 now and not on the top of the leaderboards, you dont deserve to get any rewards, you mind as well afk in a champ farm. R80 SHould be seen as max lvl not an accomplishment. Skill should be rewarded, not aimless time

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

PvP Rewards Blog

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


You guys are looking at it wrong. Dragon is no longer nearly as prestigious, it should be viewed as level 80 in PvE. It simply shows max rank, or at least that is what ANet is trying to do. Imo this is alright, but you have to do something so that r60/70 players now get something for their dedication. Currently a player like Oeggs who has 1000000 hours in this game and is r70 will have what? Skins that any Pver could achieve in a few hundred hours, and thats about it!>? What will an experienced Pver have now?! More skins than PvPers, Legendaries already, the only thing they wont have is the skill that good PvPers have. I agree that making ranks more attainable is a very good idea, but that being said, something must be done for the current rank 70s, otherwise, I myself who is close to mid 50s will be the same rank and have everything that marvin or chaith will have. This is crazy. I like the idea of Infinite ranks so that the prestige is shown, or rewards such as legendaries for r60s and 70s….. rewards for leaderboards would also be chill cuz ya kno im like up der

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

PvP Rewards Blog

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Grouch can you give a vague idea of who will be future dragons (60, 70+)??!?
ALSO with the change to jewels, will I still be able to run soldier zerker, or carrior rabid or whatever?

Everyone in the upper mid 50’s and up will become a Dragon!

Im 51, where will that put me?!?~? And if 75 or so, will it be hard to grind the last few ranks?

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

PvP Rewards Blog

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Grouch can you give a vague idea of who will be future dragons (60, 70+)??!?
ALSO with the change to jewels, will I still be able to run soldier zerker, or carrior rabid or whatever?

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mike.4830


Im an avid PvPer and come to WvW every so often. A few months ago I took my PvP friend for the first time. He got the hunter as loot from killing an invader……. In PvP the hunter is a skin that is easily obtained so he already had a few of these… thinking it was worthless he equiped it for the skin. Nonetheless he got the hunter from being in PvE for 30mins and has since never returned.

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

My reasonable way of changing Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


So if I do this 5 times in a row on a down body I will do 20k+ damage while evading for 10s without a non evade frame…….. the stun makes pw less effective because you can land attacks as well as interrupt the attack during the stun frame…. without it this skill will become a stronger spamable version of blurred frenzy. Backpack.out

You really don’t understand

the vulnerable spot of pw isnt the window between the stun and the flurry but the aftercast. after the flurry the thief kinda “calms down” which is the aftercast. thats when s/p gets vulnerable and that time window will still remain.

and without the stun pw is less of a ress-killer as you can perm stun ressing people to death which wont be able without the stun: you either waste your ini on pw or on headshot.[/quote]
You really don’t understand do you? The only reason they are vulnerable is because there is a 1s frame between end of Pw and the beginning of the evade for the next one…. without the stun I can press 3 5times and evade consecutively for 10s port out wait a few then come back and do it again… that is beyond broken… please think before you make an irrational comment

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

(edited by Mike.4830)

My reasonable way of changing Pistol Whip

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


So if I do this 5 times in a row on a down body I will do 20k+ damage while evading for 10s without a non evade frame…….. the stun makes pw less effective because you can land attacks as well as interrupt the attack during the stun frame…. without it this skill will become a stronger spamable version of blurred frenzy. Backpack.out

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Free Legendary??? I dont think so

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Many people have been complaining about legendaries being rewarded to the top teams from NA and EU in the upcoming tourney. To you I have this to say…
1. Registration is open to everyone, PvE, WvW, Spvp, anyone can compete for their share of a legendary
2. PvE and WvW players complain that the competition is not fair due to the fact they arent used to conquest…. I guarantee that is the least of your worries, as I am confident the best teams would win every single 5v5 death match vs anyone in this game
3. The rewards in PvP have always been terrible and after 2k hours PvP I have almost nothing to show for it…
4. People complain legendaries are extremely hard to get, require map completion, etc etc, what they don’t think about is anyone can buy a legendary with gold… 100 gems -7g, 10$ that’s about 450$ for a legendary with gems….. Would everyone rage if they offered 500$ to the top players of each top team!!?! They already did this with PAX… Its what every competitive game does….. IF anything giving legendaries is worse for PvPers, not that I am complaining, I understand PvP doesn’t make much money and 3k$ in prizes is unreasonable for its current state so in game rewards are acceptable. SO next time you go to rage, just think
-Backpack (AkA soon to have Sunrise)

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

The Great Migration

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Many people claim Anet doesn’t know what they are doing. You are all wrong. Slowly removing rewards and players from pvp has been the plan all along… you really think they want you slaying others when you could be buying their 10$ harvest sickle and slaying dragons…. This is were anet was brilliant…. I myself have fallen for it as I am officially retiring from pvp and moving to the more rewarding clickville that is pve… the great migration has begun and it will never end until the last few players finally fall from their throne and join the masses on their crusade for a dragon they can all kill while eating with one hand and clicking with another….. Sorry for this inconvenient truth….
RAID TIMES: 8-9 Sat Fri .. for those of you who wonder when the last true hero will fall I cannot give a straight answer… but the day when someone as bad as Olrun can win a game is the day that will be remembered I’m infamy

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

Communication in game

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


You should be able to turn it off, and easily mute specific people. For PvP, I’d use it. For PvE I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t expect everybody to use it.

Voice emotes are helpful but robotic. They’d be a step in the right direction but in a PvP game I’d prefer to be able to illustrate ideas beyond the scope of what they’d likely implement via voice emotes. I don’t want voice emotes to become a restriction on game content, either.

There are two clear camps of those ‘for’ and ‘against’ GW2 VOIP.

I will agree that an optional VOIP system feature could never worsen the player experience, since you could easily mute or leave.

Here’s where the problem lies. In SoloQ, I see it being very unrealistic that there will be consistent use of such a VOIP system. Used sporadically at best. SoloQ in try-hard mode, with proper participation in VOIP, is simply not the reason why people do SoloQ.

A good percentage of people do SoloQ for general amusement, testing builds especially. It’s generally accepted that people in SoloQ aren’t always playing their main professions, or peak performance builds. The level of competition in GW2’s SoloQ makes GW2 supported VOIP a very ill-fitted tool, in my humble opinion.

After using a VGS (Voice Guided System) in a MOBA I currently play, I absolutely fell in love with the way that players communicated with each other in the SoloQ system. Some of the fully voiced emotes you can communicate to your team are hilariously awesome: IE: After winning a 1v2: /vvgb: “BYE.”, or /veg: “I’m the Greatest!”.

People may say that ‘typing’ during matches is just utterly unpleasant, and I have to say that once I memorized the commands, finding a quick lull in the action to direct SoloQ rotations would happen a lot, and I wouldn’t mind typing 4 characters in chat, lightning-fast style.

With a VGS, I feel it would be a viable feature in an MMO, but only when the player is in a Party or Team channel. My experience is that using this feature has made me care a lot more about supporting my teammates and being a team player. VGS could make players a lot more connected to your small party/PvP team whether you’re in a small party in PvE, PvP or WvW.

And of course, real, robust, VOIP applications are always available for peak levels of competition/coordination.

In my humble opinion, you sir are wrong…. I click my spells and I try to avoid all contact with my keyboard, Having to type wud be a real let down…. And anyways I am the best team pvper ever and i have people who might vouch for me so i know what im talkin bout, who are u !?!? VOIP in game is the only way for this game to procceddd

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners


in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


1. Get Better Internet, I am rich, I never lag
2. Stop Random Evading, that is why your evades are “missing”
3. Balance is more important than your poor internet
4. Your slow that is why your ability “goes off too late”
5. GO to PvE if PvP is too much for you

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

I'm the fourth best team pvper, whats next

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Sorry to burst your bubble but I was 4th now I’m 6th best player (team leaderboards) ! Please bring facts nexT time

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

I'm the fourth best team pvper, whats next

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


Session 2 dates have been released, August 21-25 ….175 spots remain, featured counselors are Jumper, Hmann, and Java

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

[EU]Fixi Offers Coaching

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


I’m backpack. I play engineer. Best team q ,2 Best solo q, 4 , current team q,6. Current solo 200….. I don’t understand how to utilize all my skills……I also need help understanding solo q rotations (I understand team q , solo q is the next lvl I need to learn) I’ll pay 25g per hour, I have ts

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners

I'm the fourth best team pvper, whats next

in PvP

Posted by: Mike.4830


UPDATE Camp is full. Wait list is currently 20 /100

Backpack God
The Absurd [RIP] ESL Go4 Weekly Winners
Outplayed By Children [GG] ToL 2 Winners