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Movement speed stacking?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minos.5168


Do movement speed increases stack? Like the Traveler’s Rune with various signets?

Reasons why Repair costs in WvW are bad for gameplay

in WvW

Posted by: Minos.5168


Right, MajorKong, and I guess that’s why I’m complaining is because there’s another server that dominates the map. Yeah, I suppose it’s great that they have so many skilled players (most likely players that left other worlds due to the free world transfer) but, honestly, with TWO competitors… They shouldn’t be able to push both worlds back to the spawn points.

It’s just absurd that one team can dominate the entire map and the reason for this is that people stop playing if they’re on the losing team. So one world stops playing first (since they can’t win against the other two) and then another world ends up dominating the other world.

If you’re pushed back to the spawn points, there are no events with which to gain gold.

We did not know about Mad King Chest, will we be able to get again?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minos.5168


expect the drop rates vs time wasted inside is not profitable at all (3-5 runs per hour and mbe 1 lvl 75-79 exotic)

Except that it can also drop the Halloween weapons, which can sell for quite a bit.

Halloween exotic weapons?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minos.5168


I don’t think it will ever go back to 70g, honestly. If people join the game next year, they’ll probably be more inclined to just wait until next Halloween than pay 70g.

Halloween exotic weapons?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minos.5168


Seeing as the Mad King dungeon chest can drop the exotics… I’d expect the price to drop shortly. Tenebrae is counting on more people wanting it after the event is over.

Reasons why Repair costs in WvW are bad for gameplay

in WvW

Posted by: Minos.5168


Oh, yes. I obviously want everything “gift wrapped” for me. :P

You’re making a straw-man argument, which just shows your inadequacy at intelligent conversation.

No, I’m saying it’s ridiculous that when your server is behind, there’s actually a DISINCENTIVE to play.

It’s likely why people transfer servers. If you’re on the losing server, you can’t really play without expecting to lose gold.

I think more people would stay interested in a battle that their server is losing if they weren’t FINANCIALLY penalized for participating.

Reasons why Repair costs in WvW are bad for gameplay

in WvW

Posted by: Minos.5168


As others have said, the repair cost isn’t a bit deal because you should be making far more than you’re dropping on repairs. Upgrades are a huge pain though. I’d kinda like the option to pay in badges like siege.

Repair costs are not a big deal unless you juts can’t finish enough events. Also just covering repair costs is not something anyone wants to do. People want to make profit. If the profit isn’t large enough WvW ends up empty in a few days or hours depending on the server.

Also you can buy siege with badges.

Exactly. People want to make profit. And in WvW matches where the game is unbalanced (due to one server controlling the ENTIRE map), it’s really not fair. There’s another post someone made about how snowballing happens where one server gets in the lead and no one else has any hope of winning.

I’d argue that this is one of the reasons to reduce repair costs. If your server is behind, you’re more likely to have to do something risky to win.

I guess all of the people gloating about how much gold they make off of WvW are on these winning servers (and perhaps they’re the same ones that transfer from server to server if they’re not on the winning server).

Reasons why Repair costs in WvW are bad for gameplay

in WvW

Posted by: Minos.5168


I realize you get a few copper for completing “events” in WvW as well as having some items drop, but this is heavily outweighed when repair costs can be several silver and rewards are few and far between…

I think it’d be better to do away with item drops off of enemies (except Badges of Honor) and remove repair costs (if that’s the reason they’re there).

1. It limits strategy. I’m sure people would argue that it causes you to be strategic because you have to stay alive… The inevitable nature of WvW and capturing points means that someone has to die (or an entire mass of people have to retreat, which seems less likely). So everyone ends up staying in one or two huge mobs, rather than forming multi-pronged attack strategies.

2. It discourages cooperation. On the surface, this may seem to contradict my statement that people stay in huge mobs. However, individual player-to-player cooperation is decreased. I’m less likely to try to rez a fellow player if I think I’ll get killed in the process, since I’ll then have to pay my kindness in gold. I guess it’s true that no good deed goes unpunished.

3. There’s no point for gold to be a part of WvW. Yeah, I get that ArenaNet is trying to maintain this almighty economic balance via gold sinks, but they’re ultimately going to fail. Some players will always wind up with more money than others (especially if they’re buying gold from botters, which ANet hasn’t seemed to crack down on at all). In my mind, WvW should be an in-between for PvE and PvP. (Kind of how Canthan alliance battles were.)

4. It discourages people from trying WvW. As it is currently, I’ll probably get the last few kills I need for the monthly achievement and forget WvW exists and then do the same next month. I can get much better rewards from PvE content (aside from Badges of Honor, which very rarely drop anyway) with less hassle.

Yeah, WvW is fun… but my gold could be better spent elsewhere.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Minos.5168


Any way to try this on a Mac?

3 minute warning before server resets? Seriously?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minos.5168


But still, WoW has like a 30 minute warning. The original GW just bugged you until you restarted.

I understand that there’s a need to get everyone on the latest build… But I think you should get longer than a 3 minute warning.

Heck, with the loading times currently… People are certain to have it cut them off in the middle of a loading screen.

3 minute warning before server resets? Seriously?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Minos.5168


Is this the norm? You might as well just make them immediate, because it’s not really any sort of warning.

Stop Using Cutscenes for NPC Combat Deaths!

in Personal Story

Posted by: Minos.5168


I just finished the Claw Island quest last night. I was actually satisfied with the Tybalt scene.

I mean, Risen just kept spawning. He was giving everyone else the chance to get out alive. The door shut behind him. You didn’t actually see him get killed off. Sure, he could have made it… but he was holding back the Risen long enough for everyone else to escape and help protect Lion’s Arch.

Maybe you were somehow single handedly wiping all the Risen as they spawned, but they kept spawning (and in increasing amounts after each cutscene)… I feel Tybalt’s sacrifice worked story-wise.

Card Game akin to Ff8 and Ff9

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


They’re already planning Polymock. It’s mentioned in game.

Polymock was essentially the same as the pet-battle system that WoW currently has…
Only Guild Wars had it back in 2007.

the commander icon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


I think it could be useful to provide ranks to the Commander title. This way, you could easily tell who “the good ones” are.

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


And I skimmed over Shadenmonk’s blog post.

As far as adding end-game content other than dungeons: They’re already planning this. Polymock is shown in the game (though not currently playable) and other content is hinted at as well.

I would like to note that you mention WoW’s new Pokemon-like mini-pet battle system.
Guild Wars had it first.
Polymock was implemented in the Eye of the North expansion, allowing you to collect Asuran polymock pieces and battle with mock versions of creatures.

I expect they may expand gladiatorial-type monster battles too… As these are shown in several renown heart quests, where you pick which monster you want to fight against.
It might be kind of fun to be thrown into a pen against a string of mobs (each successive mob being harder than the one before).

Lock Picks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


Endless tonics were also in GW1 from Zaishen Chests. However, each Zaishen Chest opening only gave one item.

Black Lion Chests give, as you mentioned, permanent traders (as well as the non-permanent version, which is sold in the Gem Store). Since ANet charges for the non-permanent version, I’d imagine that making the permanent version free wouldn’t be high on their priority list.

I’m currently saving all my keys until after the Halloween update to try and get the weapon skins. (Chainsaws ftw)

the commander icon

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


I think there should be additional requirements for commanders. Simply being able to pay the gold price is silly.

I would suggest there being multiple ranks to Commander, so that after the initial purchase… You have to earn your status and prove your worth. Possibly by linking it to WvW kills or PvE experiences?

The Dead End of Level 80 [My Thoughts]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


I have two level 85s in WoW (didn’t start playing until Cataclysm)… And I beat Deathwing on both of them.

Yeah, it was cool running the Dragon Soul raid once per week to try and roll for improved gear on my first character. But by the time I did it with the second, I was just bored out of my mind.

Doing the same raid over and over again ad infinitum until new raid content comes out is silly.

Guild Wars conveniently removes this requirement by saying “Hey, you can get gear with level 80 stats from multiple sources. You don’t have to be stuck playing a single dungeon.”

I don’t even find most of the dungeon armor that appealing. In Guild Wars, you grind for appearance not for stats. Hence transmutation stones. (Yeah, I know that WoW implemented the same thing after ANet announced it’d be coming in GW2.)

Guild Wars events (like Halloween, which starts next week) are vastly better than WoW’s. I tried some of the WoW holidays and just found them very lackluster by comparison.

How weapons should have been done

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


I agree with MeSako. They can make Rukh’s suggested changes without taking away from class diversity.

They could add elemental weapons that have different skills from the regular version. I expect them to add different weapon types (and thus different weapon skills) as time goes on (and expansions are released). So that a Fiery Dragon Sword and an Icy Dragon Sword would have different skills from a regular sword. I like this idea.

I’d really like to see Scythes and Spears (on land) again. Hopefully we won’t have to wait two years for the Elonian expansion to give us those.

Lock Picks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


It seems to me the main point of Black Lion Chests is to get you to buy the keys from the Gem Store. (Yes, you get keys in-game, but they’re rarer than the chests are.)

The items within the chest are similar to what you can purchase in the Gem Store… ANet needs to make money to support the server costs somehow.

It’s not like you really need anything from the Black Lion Chests. They just give tonics, the boosters from the store, along with some other items that aren’t really necessary.

Boosters can kind of be replicated by cooking consumable food items.

ANet is only charging users for “convenience”… Not playing the game. And compared to GW1, I’d imagine server costs for all the persistent stuff is much higher.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


As I said, I’m fine with repair costs… But having to pay TWO tolls after death is what irks me.

I’m also fine with waypoints costing money regularly (I mean, you’re paying for the convenience of getting where you want to go faster)… It’s just when having to pay that AND repair costs, especially when they both scale up based on your base level (and not cost-scaled around the content).

Fix legendaries.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


The main concept of Guild Wars has always been to avoid it being a numbers game of who has the best gear. You pay high costs for “cool looking” gear, but as far as stats go… No one should be superior to other players. It gives an unfair advantage in PvE and elsewhere.

Yeah, I know, WoW has always been about trying to get the latest and greatest gear. Each patch in an expansion brought better gear to try to obtain, which would substantially raise your stats…

But, honestly, it only lasts until new content arrives. At which point, the old gear becomes obsolete and new gear has better stats.

That’s the WoW way of doing things. Giving you items with incredible stats to grind through dungeons for, and then making the green items (for those unaware, green items are lower quality than blue items in WoW) in expansions even better.

In GW1, I had several sets of 75k “prestige” armor (which also required loads of crafting materials). One of which was Vabbian armor (which was extremely costly, because of the gems required). I even purchased a tormented weapon for 150k. The only extra benefit I got from these items (over regular armor and weapons)? HoM points for GW2.

The most expensive armor set in GW1 was Obsidian armor (which was from the base game), because you needed ecto to craft it. Globs of Ecto ranged from 5k to 15k (depending on the current price) and you needed 120 of them. This was in addition to the 75k base cost for the armor.

What would you get for spending 1275k on a set of armor? Certainly, by logic in this thread, it you grant you special abilities or stats that players who only purchased the 4k armor don’t get… I mean, you’re paying 320x as much!

But no, you just got a skin… Which people would know meant you had the most expensive armor in the game. It’s like wearing expensive clothing. It doesn’t actually improve anything about you… You’ll just be more likely to get noticed wearing it.

Keep in mind, we’re only two months into Guild Wars 2. As time goes on (and more people obtain legendaries and the precursors), it’ll become cheaper to get them.

Norn Shapeshifting "change"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


I recently read about this tweet from a GW2 dev:
“GW2 race popularity makes me sad. People avoiding charr & asura are missing the strongest story stuff in our game, IMO.”

One way to encourage race diversity would be to make the racial skills WORTH using (so that people try out different race/profession combos). None of them really seem that useful. Hounds of Balthazar die in a matter of moments after being summoned (and the skill has a lengthy recharge, which makes this worse).

I mean, ArenaNet buffed Avatar skills in the original GW (PvE only, of course) for Dervishes (primarily by reducing the recharge time so that you could keep them up) because they weren’t really all that useful with a lengthy recharge time.

Racial skills aren’t nearly as useful as the reputation PvE-only skills in the original GW.

Reducing costs of being downed: Waypoint fee PLUS repair costs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Minos.5168


The original Guild Wars was wonderful in the aspect that it encouraged you to try things that might be difficult (and result in being killed). The death penalty was similar to the current downed penalty in that you came back with less overall health. (Thus making it harder to do, if you kept dying.)

Guild Wars 2 seems to discourage dying by putting a monetary penalty on it with the repair costs of armor. I’m cool with this, honestly, if it weren’t for also having to pay a waypoint fee to respawn.

If I’m in a difficult area (like taking on Veteran/Champion mobs), then it’s not likely for a friendly passerby to come revive me… So I have to revive at a waypoint. For a cost that is similar to repair costs that I will have to pay.

In the original GW, you could resign and respawn in the last town for no additional cost. (You could even map travel to any town for no cost, but that’s beside the point.)

I think it’s absurd to have to pay TWO fees when you’re downed. In my opinion, if ArenaNet is insistent on having repair costs, then they should make reviving at a town’s waypoint free.

The primary reason I suggest this is: If you’re exploring low-level content, you don’t get as much gold, but the costs for repairs and waypoint travel remain the same.

I thought the goal of the level scaling was to encourage players to continue exploring all areas even after reaching level 80.

Defeat Utcua Skill Challenge Cannot be Completed [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Minos.5168


I realize ANet is busy getting the Halloween event ready… but it’d be nice if they worked on fixing reported skill point bugs. I mean, you can’t really work on completing each map until after a server reset.