(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
Feeling abandoned by your guild who moved to another server? We are still here and we are staying! We are recruiting to build up our WvW base, and we are still looking for more Pvers to join us. We’re at just over 200 members with 10-35 online 24/7, so we are active enough to have members on at almost all times, but not so crowded we never get to know our members base.
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
The one simple item that I miss is the ability to focus your camera on another player in your party when you’re dead.
Oh, I miss this one too. I also miss the ability to double-click and auto follow someone. I also wish they didn’t separate Europe from NA. It has caused problems in the guild as our European members (who came with us from GW 1) are finding it harder to find groups during their evening times.
It’s likely a lot of Cantha and Nightfall things are in the works and will come out as extensions or even separate games like they were in GW 1. They can’t put everything into the first release.
About those green weapon drops….Often I see a champion walking about and no one even bothers to kill him, because its just not worth the trouble. Why spend 5 or more minutes trying to down one when your drop is going to be crap. Now if that champion had their own unique weapon, and if there was even a slight chance you might get it, no champions would ever safe, and you would never see any walking around while groups of players run around then. Ever. Anet?
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
MISSIONS. Storylines that forced you to play with 7 other people. I can’t stand going through the subpar story of GW2 completely by myself. Sure I know you can party with other people, but it’s just not the same cause it’s almost worthless to do it.
Yeah, missions built cohesion and I miss some of that. I really, really miss heroes, although I don’t know how they would work in gw2. Heroes were fun to mess around with.
I liked the boss drops too. Heck you would be lucky if a champion drops anything now.
However, I do believe they added boss drops a little bit later when they added surrows furnace. I could be wrong.
Aw, come on. Most champions at least give you one useless blue weapon or armor piece. Makes it worth the 5 minutes it took to take em down, eh?
/Agreed with the posters who think the drops are much stingier in GW 2.
Another improvement would be better all-around armor and different types of armor skins. I got full sets of Zheds and Tahlkoras armors and the both look exactly the same! The stats were different but I didn’t know they looked exactly the same when I got them. Seems odd that so many pieces of armor look the exactly alike. Armors are a big deal.
This isn’t meant to be a gripefest thread, since I believe GW 2 is better then 1 in most respects, but these are just things we would like to see in GW 2 that made gw 1 so fun and better in some respects.
What kinds of things do you miss from GW, that you would like to see in GW 2?
A guild-mate and I were discussing some of the things we missed from Guild Wars 1, and if implemented into GW 2 would improve or make the game more fun. A lot of these things build guild cohesion and player cooperation.
• Guild halls. Many of us used our halls for events, skirmishes and just as a plain convenience. Building a guild hall got a lot of players invested in build their hall.
• Boss weapon drops. Remember when groups would form up to hit particular dungeons or bosses to get unique weapons from their cold lifeless body? There’s no such thing as a froggy or Voltaic Spear run because none of the bosses drop unique weapons. My first boss green weapon drop was a Yakslapper, culled from the body of Wroth Yakslapper, and it was always a prized possession. Dang, we had a lot of fun hitting some of those dungeons and bosses over and over again.
• Weekend Events. It might be too early for weekend events but if you were working on goals these events got a lot of players involved in certain aspects of the game. Players in our guild and a lot of the player base would group up for these events and there was always A LOT of activity.
A lot that’s missing for us is the group aspect from GW1. GW 2 is starting to seem too much like a solo RPG game. Players don’t seem to have a lot of reason to play with other players other then dungeons, and dungeons are not exactly a funfest, nor do they give great rewards. These are just a few of the things we hope to see in GW 2 at some point.
We are looking for players who want to do/learn the dungeons. That’s an ongoing process.
We would like to expand our European and Oceanic base. Of course, everyone is welcome no matter where you’re from.
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
Knights of the Rose [KoR] is till recruiting. We’re at about 175 members with around 20-30 players online at most times.
Too long but most guildmates enjoyed it a lot and had fun, and the rewards were worth it, even though I didn’t get one of the really nice items. But heck, the 20 slot bag made it worth it. I did dc at the end and I think I went into another overflow area that was almost done, and I still got the chest.
Just a bit of whining – lag was bad and 2 members got a dc towards the very end and one person made it back but the boss was gone and no chest. One guy couldn’t even get back into the game. He left the game very, very unhappy because he spent 2 hours hacking away and nothing to show for it.
These things are very popular! We need more overflow or servers which ever it is.
We have about 155 members at this time, with anywhere from 15-35 online at most times. So we’re big but not too big.
We have 128 members and we’re still growing. We have members on almost 24/7.
Knights is still recruiting! Cheers!
Yes, my GW1 account and Gw2 account are linked. The character name has been on the linked GW 1 account for about 2 1/2 months, but it still won’t allow me to use that name in GW 2.
I have been trying to create a new character on my account. I had a character with a particular name on an alt account in GW 1, which I deleted about 3 months ago so I could use the name on my main account in GW 2. I used that name to create a new character on my main GW 1 account and it’s currently active. Now that particular name shows up in my HoM as belonging to my main account now, but every time I try to create the new character in GW 2 it says the name belongs to another account. The name should be available to my account in GW 2 but it won’t allow me to use it.
We have a small but active Oceanic membership growing along with our US and European player base.
We’re still here. It would be nice to have guilds sectioned by servers.
Run your mouse over the guild icon on the upper left hand side of our screen.. That tells you all the boons you have going, or just click Current Upgrades in the guild panel. I’m sure you probably figured this out already.
One word said many ways. (English) Why? (Japanese) ?????? (Spanish) ¿Por qué? (German) warum? (chinese traditional)?????
Posted by: Misty Red Rose.9320
I forgot to mention im Lvl 80 so I might get better loot. Im not sure. I have 0 magic find, I dont bother with it. Might have the odd 1-2 percent though not sure not interested.
Your probably in a very grumpy Guild, or the guild members you go to Dungeons are grumpy or not very good with the new Dungeons. Might just be a very conservative guild which came from GW1.
On the other hand, I have yet to hear people rage about a specific dungeon in my guild I’m in. Sure, the occasional, “I hate those flowers in TA they are annoying!” does appear from time to time, but we all just laugh it off I suppose.
If you die a lot in dungeons, consider changing your builds, and also use consumbles. It helps and earns you silver at the end of the day.
Yeah, not a lot of help my friend. My guild is not “grumpy”. The message many of us are trying to tell Anet is, GW 1 dungeons >> FUN! FUN! FUN! , GW 2 dungeons. NOT so FUN!
What is the purpose of a game? I’m certain the Anet team wants people to have fun in all areas of the game, even in the harder parts. The problem is many of us are not having a lot of fun in the dungeons.
One word said many ways. (English) Why? (Japanese) ?????? (Spanish) ¿Por qué? (German) warum? (chinese traditional)?????
Posted by: Misty Red Rose.9320
The debuffs have always been there, the armour repairs dont cost much. I die on average 1-3x per dungeon? I get downed probably 5-20x depending on the day, but a flimsy 11s repair cost for everything destroyed is nothing compared to the 30-50s you get from each dungeon run.
Why bother taking away the repair cost, people will just die on purpose, corpse run, bot, etc. The list continues.
Wow, I’m not getting anywhere close to 30-50 silver on runs. Granted I’ve only done the lvl 30 and 40 storybook mode dungeons, and I’m lucky if I break about even. So far dungeons are more of a money sink for anyone helping lower level members get through a dungeon.
The consensus seems to be among officers is that many dungeons are not fun and they are HUGE money sinks for level 80s. In other words, helping out fellow guild members cost time and gold. Keep in mind many lower level members who go through the dungeons don’t have runes, great armor, and they are still learning the game, so the teams will definitely die more then once or twice! Aka the huge money sink problem.
In GW 1 our members and officers loved dungeons and we did them all the time in NM and HM. Now I hear, “I hate, hate, hate this dungeon!”, “I never want to do that one again! Ever!” This is often the first dungeons people are doing. :/ Seriously, this is a problem. As one member said, who did his first run through AC, “This is the first time since I started playing GW 2 that I’m not having any fun.”
Many players are sending a message about the flaws in the dungeons and telling them they just need to play better doesn’t help. *You should never leave a dungeon poorer then when you went in, even if you are a crappy player. Period*
100 players and growing.
And that’s not even taking into consideration the death cost in low level areas.
Yes, I forgot to add the high price of repairing armor adds to the cost of assisting fellow guild-mates when you do more difficult areas. Another cost that can discourage members helping out other members.
There will be a point where a player who liked to help others will begin to wonder, “Just how much is this going to cost me?”
Traveling in GW 2 is extremely pricey. It’s not just your own travels that can cost you and drain your funds. It’s also when guild members try to assist other guild members with their personal stories or other help, because we are often flying all over the maps at great cost sometimes. The worst part is help often comes from higher level members, therefore they pay the highest prices in assisting other members I believe the high costs of map travel discourages other members from helping one another. Period. That alone should make Anet take another look at the way they have set map travel up.
Guild: Knights of the Rose
Tag [KoR]
Server: Isle of Janthir
Issues : 1. Guild bank not recognizing we have a guild bank. Weird part is everyone can access the bank in Rata Sum, but not the other cities. It only happens sometimes. Another weird thing is if I change characters I can access the bank with that toon. The one toon it usually doesn’t recognize is the first toon I made. This seems to happen to some of the others who have access to the bank. That is, most of the time, the issue seems to be with the very first characters we made
Issue 2: On my original character I often cannot see the queues and yesterday I could not change permissions of the guild tab. (I am the guild leader) I would un-check a box and the check mark would fill right back in. Again I changed toons and I could change the permissions without a problem.
Added: Most of the issues seem to be in Lions Arch.
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
That happened to us several times. Try checking again on another character or ask another member to check. While it looked like it wasn’t there it was actually bugged and not showing sometimes.
My bottom line is no one should leave a dungeon poorer then when they went in, no matter how crappy their team is. Already there are players in our guild who are turned off from doing dungeons because they think they are a huge money sink. In GW 1 everyone wanted to do the dungeons.
The only solution to that would make it so it doesn’t cost so much to fix your armor in a dungeon.
Names From GW 1 not tranferring to GW2
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Misty Red Rose.9320
This is a different problem from players who are waiting for the reserved names to free up.
Problem: We have an alternate 2nd account on GW1 aside from our main account. I deleted 3 characters from the gw 1 alt account so I could use the names in gw 2 on my main account. I made 3 new toons on the main account with the other names. It took a few days before GW 1 would even recognize that name was no longer in use and would allow me to create new toons with the deleted names on my main GW 1 account. But currently all three names are now on the GW 1 main account. I was able to use one of the names on my gw 2 account, but when I try to create a new gw 2 character with the other two it says the names are “reserved”. GW 2 doesn’t recognize two of the names as belonging to my main account
So it seems like the problem might be one of a reset? One transferred correctly but not the other 2? I keep trying to create a new toon with those names but I just keep getting a ‘name is reserved’. It doesn’t make sense because those names are on the same account.
I worry a bit the names will all be released and someone else might snatch up one of my names.
/sad panda
We’re on the Isle of Janthir, with about 70 members atm.
Website at http://knightsoftherosegw2.enjin.com/
Here are a few things you might want to know about our guild.
We are an International PvX guild. Most of our players are from NA, however we do have a growing EU and Oceanic membership. KoR began it roots in the original Guild Wars, as The Sacred Vanguard, where we had a large alliance there. About 40-50 players came from GW 1, and we have grown to about 400+ members.
We are still growing and we look forward getting to know all the new players, who continue join us. Whether you are new to GW 2 or have been there since the betas. Everyone is welcome!
We are fully upgraded and have began the new guild missions.
We are pretty easy going and don’t have many rules but we do ask chats to remain family friendly, and no derogatory comments towards other players. We are of all ages, but we are mostly a mature guild. Keeping everything friendly makes better game playing for everyone.
We enjoy doing elite areas like dungeons. We have official guild WvW runs but generally we have players in WvW most of the time. Don’t know much about WvW? We will help train you. It’s much more fun running around there if you know what you’re doing.
We are friendly and helpful and make an effort to get to know other members in the guild. That can include welcoming and greeting other members, conversing and/or joking around in chat, and encouraging others. We use Mumble Voice server. Also, we understand sometimes players just want to be invisible and play quietly and that’s okay too; it’s your game time.
Teamwork! We will help other members get through the more difficult sections of the game. Whether that be personal stories or dungeons. As more and more members reach higher levels we should be able to help anyone in any area. Always feel free to ask for help. We can’t always immediately help someone, but be patient! We will get you through!
Basically, to sum it up, we just like to have FUN.
NA Contacts
Misty Red Rose
Frosty Moonberry
WvW – Nudibranch
Oceanic Contacts
Nuclear Herring
WvW – True Tj
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
Anvil Rock
I cannot create a guild at all. When I go to the guild creation screen and enter in teh name I want, the button stays gray and I cannot click it. Ive tried all possible combinations and random letters, but it never lets me click “create”. I am lvl 26 and have the money. This issue has been around since day 1 for me.
While it’s bugging out on you maybe you can try the Guild Registrar guy? We are suppose to be able to create our guild through both ways
All transactions displayed in a guild bank seem to not properly show a users name/tag. Instead, it displays the users base64 tag.
Proof: http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/6937/gw006kv.jpgGuild List Information Does Not Update Frequently
We have the same problem, but it only happens to a few players. It makes it so you don’t know who is withdrawaling and depositing items because the name is all in code.