Knights of the Rose is still recruiting.
If you have questions or you want an invite contact:
Misty Red Rose.9320
Knights of the Rose is recruiting!
If you have questions or you want an invite contact:
Misty Red Rose.9320
Bump! Knights of the Rose is one of the oldest guilds in GW2. New and veteran players are all welcome to join us.
Guilds may come and go but Knights of the Rose remains.
Yay! For Friday Resets! Thanks team!
Well, not everyone is transferring out of IoJ. As a member the largest guild on IoJ I can safely say we are staying. We may lose some members to other servers because of the population issues but this has been an issue for a while. Granted, we are a PvX guild and not a WvW guild but we’ve always had members playing in WvW since Beta; sometimes in very large numbers. One thing not mentioned was there was a lot of drama on IoJ about one month before HoT dropped and that most definitely affected WvW population. Just saying. Add to that the problem smaller guilds have where they to do a lot of farming outside of WvW to get gold for their guild halls, and all the other problems that have affected WvW since HoT dropped.
I don’t know what Anet can do at this point. It’s sad that they put in all this effort to make these new maps and the WvW populations just continue to drop. I don’t know about other servers but IoJ has always seem to issues with population. We move to higher tiers with lots of fighters in the field – one or two WvW guilds decide to leave and other players just follow, then we end up fighting in a tier where the population is now really outbalanced. Sigh.
That said there will still be some fighting for IoJ – maybe in very small numbers but we’ll be here. Some of won’t give up just yet. Maybe when then big WvW changes come IoJ will survive for another day and those who stayed won’t regret it.
We have a level 48Guild Hall. (as of this posting.
Returning or new to the game? We are family friendly and PvX (HoT, PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
We have a Guild Hall.
Returning or new to the game? We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
Returning or new to the game? We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
We still have room!
KoR is still recruiting! Returning players are welcome! New players are welcome! We have young and mature players. Yes, we are big, but we are not cliquish and most new members will agree it’s easy to get to know other players.
We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
We are ready for Heart of Thorns!
Thank you Anet. I just received my tickets today. (Gaile found those PMs after all.
Cya you in San Francisco next weekend!
Why I should get 2 of those tickets.
I’m local. I’ve been a fan of Guild Wars for about 7 years now. I came to GW2 with about 40 friends from GW1 and we started a guild in GW2. Same guild, same server and we’re at about 490 members now. Did I mention I’ve introduced GW to several of my family members?
We are Knights of the Rose [KoR] on Isle of Janthir Server
Website at Knights of the Rose
We are an International PvX guild and we are now recruiting active players with an interest in PvE, WvW, and PvP. We accept and welcome both new, returning and experienced players. All are welcome!
We have members online 24/7 but we are most active during NA times. We are a large guild with around 475+ players.
KoR’s focus is to have and support a positive and respectful environment and to make sure that our players excel in any part of the game that they choose. Our players have expertise in all sectors of the game, WvW, PvE, PvP, Dungeons and fractals. Don’t like WvW? Run with us and you’ll have fun! ;-) We host trainings, guild events and missions on a weekly basis.
By in large, we are patient, friendly and happy to teach players how to make the most of their time in game, in any game mode.
To find out more send in game mail to:
• Misty Red Rose.9320
• Merry.7290
• Zorric.5704
• Nuclear Herring.9431 (Oceanic)
Or contact us via our website: Knights of the Rose
To new and returning players, we’re always looking for a few more good and friendly players.
We still have room!
KoR is still recruiting! Returning players are welcome! New players are welcome! We have young and mature players. Yes, we are big, but we are not cliquish and most new members will agree it’s easy to get to know other players.
We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
The guild is getting full, but we always have room for more friendly players.
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
KoR is still recruiting! Returning players are welcome! New players are welcome! We have young and mature players. Yes, we are big, but we are not cliquish and most new members will agree it’s easy to get to know other players.
We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
Again…. I am aware that this is just a beta and there will be more.
I just don’t think you realize that this “demo” is actually just a repackaged Living Story.
If no expansion was announced, and the living world just continued on what do you think we would see?
I didn’t get to test the beta, and though I see your concern let’s hope your wrong. Yes, we only get a new profession but if you tested the betas for gw 2 you’ll remember the only area we had access to at first was Queensdale.
I don’t think we would see things like profession evolution and everything that should go with that. If this is just a huge LS expansion then players will get through the content fairly fast and many will likely leave the game, including all those players who have been returning. No one wants that. Here’s to hoping your completing wrong.
KoR is still recruiting! Returning players are welcome! We take new or experienced, young and mature. We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
KoR is still a very active and fun guild and we are always happy to have more active and fun players. Cheers! Players from All servers are welcome.
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
While our guild may be big and we have been around for a while, we are not cliquish. The member base is generally a friendly bunch and you’ll find you can get to know other players fairly easily if you wish too.
KoR is still a very active and fun guild and we are always happy to have more active and fun players. Cheers!
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
KoR is still recruiting! Returning players are welcome! We take new or experienced, young and mature. We are family friendly and PvX (PvE, WvW, dungeons, fractals, guild missions, and some PvP).
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
KoR is recruiting young and mature players, new or experienced are welcome!
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
Top Three Improvements for Guilds
• Guild Halls: For those of us who came from GW 1 and used our halls for guild activities, halls are sorely missed. You have the system in place: another rank in architecture to build the hall, another in economy for a merchant and so on.
o In GW 1 the actual hall cost about 7k to 20k platinum, but to stick a merchant in the hall would cost 100k platinum. Outfitting a hall to have everything you could find in Lion’s Arch cost around a million. The same system here would allow smaller guilds to get their halls, and work over time to fill them and keep them competitive with larger guilds.
o Concerns that no one would visit the cities are unfounded as most players who had full halls still used outposts. Also, building portals (via politics and influence) to the major cities from the guild hall would be very useful and keep cities active.
• Guild Calendar & mailing:
o It would be great for members to be able to able to open the guild panel and see what guild activities were upcoming. A calendar, even for the week would be very useful. Many of our members don’t notice the ‘message of the day’ since it is so tiny and small and you have to do a lot of scrolling.
o Please allow us to message more then two members at a time if possible. Gold spammers and trolls don’t use their guilds to message players so it’s not something that would be abused within a guild.
• GvG
o GvG would have it’s own ranks and would not have to take away from the pvp areas. Just keep it to GvG ranks and no loot. If loot and pvp rewards were kept to spvp players would continue to use them and the devs would continue to get their paychecks.
o We used the GvG a lot in GW 1 to scrimmage and fight against one another. We have a guild room in spvp but it doesn’t work at all the same way.
• Okay, I have a fourth and I’m only bringing it up because another poster brought up the brilliant idea of guild prisons. This could and would and benefit the community by removing trolls and gold sellers.
o Guild members would have an option to click on a name for someone trolling or trying to sell gold and ’capture’ them. It could take about 12 guild clicks to capture someone so it wouldn’t be abused. The captured player would be put into the guild prison for maybe 15 minutes and could not communicate with anyone during that time. This would really cut down on the spammers, trolls and annoying players.
KoR is recruiting young and mature players, new or experienced are welcome!
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
We are recruiting experienced, new and returning players. For returning players, stick around you’ll find a lot has improved!
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
KoR is still recruiting, PvE, WvW and sPvP. New and experienced welcome.
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
Give me a tonic to shrink my head to normal again please, can see the joke but gets annoying running around for some longer especially with my ranger pet heads blocking half the screen.
I think this is part of the April Fool’s joke, lol.
I think it’s great! Reminds me of the stuff they used to do back in Guild Wars. I really enjoy it.
Glad to see the return of Guild Wars’ traditions/elements. Was really disappointed in the whole push to make everything so different in this game.
Now if only they could bring back story elements from Guild Wars…
Yes, I remember when everyone couldn’t wait to log is to see what was going to happen. Everyone in our Team Speak is having a blast and there’s much, much laughter. Great job Anet!
We are ready for Seasons 2. Are you? This should be a very good Season for IoJ! We are recruiting WvW, PvE & sPvP.
So far most upcoming changes are what players have been asking for since launch. Most players in our guild cannot wait for the new changes and are very happy about it. Account bound has been the way to go and now we’ll be getting it. (Sorry to those who bought the same legendary and/or expensive dyes, but that is a small %.)
Maybe after the big fix they can focus on the big things like a new expansion and guild halls. One can dream!
Now we spend the rest of this thread guessing which server the OP is on. My guess is SoR.
SoR would still finish in the bottom of bronze. We have very few WvW based guilds left and none of them are even remotely close to being as good as the guilds who left. SoR might very well be the worst WvW server in the entire game at the moment.
SoR has been in the top tiers too long and you have no idea what it’s like in the bottom 16 or so servers. (Um, well now you do.) Welcome to our world. A world where one or two big guilds decides to leave and – monkey see, monkey do – then one by one more guilds just follow.
Take it from someone who has been on IoJ since launch. SoR seems to be going through exactly what we did about a year ago. We lost masses of players when free transfers ended last year and it took forever to get to the tier we should have been in. We never went into a map where we were not out-manned – often by very large numbers. (Consider yourselves lucky, if they did the match-ups the way they use to, you would probably be still be in tier 2.) We clawed our way back up to the silver league, only to have a couple of WvW guilds leave 1-2 days before Seasons started. We lost every match, but we had some great guilds stick around and fight it out during the worse of times. A couple of good guilds joined us and now we’re relatively stable. If you have a good core group of players, no matter how small, you’ll attract more players and guilds.
Once you get to play against servers simliar to your WvW populations it will get fun again. I just wish we could have a Seasons where there was no benefit to stacking on the top tier servers.
Okay, after the update the bank & upgrades are now fixed, but I guess we’ll just have to do without the last 15 hours of influence gained.
Same. Can you get to your guild bank?
The topic says it all. I’m a guild leader who cannot access our guild bank or activate any upgrades. None of our officers can access anything either. Last night we could at least see the bank we just couldn’t move anything in to out of it. Now it says we don’t even have a bank built. We also can not add upgrades to the queues or activate any of them….
This has been going on since last night and our commanders could not access our siege. :/ We also have our guild missions coming up…..
The weird thing is most everyone can access other guild banks, ones that are small. We are a large guild; maybe it’s too much information to access?
Also, the influence tab says our guild has not gained any influence for over 15 hours. Last night we had a 15-20 members in WvW for 3 hours which should have netted a TON of influence, aside from our 40+ members doing PvE***
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
This is another plug for IoJ.
Our guild has been on IoJ since beta, and we watched it empty out when they ended free transfers a year ago, and then another emptying out right before Seasons. (Many of the guilds that left don’t exist anymore.) I watched the IoJ commanders and guilds pull together against unbearable odds where we were out-manned 10 to 1 in some cases. There were a lot of good days and really bad days, but we had a lot of players who never gave up, and many of those players are still here.
I don’t know what the other servers are like but I know the IoJ community has a great core at its base, that will stick it out and will never empty out and collapse the way some of the fad servers did.
We will always be here, and we will always be strong.
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
$12.50 Charge for Convenience of Lions Arch
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Misty Red Rose.9320
Patience. Vigils is a refugee camp, so it’s not really meant to be the new LA. Most of us are assuming there will be a new LA at some point with all it’s conveniences. It might be annoying but its just temporary. Hopefully.
I just wanted to say this has been a great update. If I use our guild as a measuring stick EfLA is a big hit. A lot of the LS content has been a disappointment as it’s too difficult, not fun and most often very stingy with the loot. Most members would do the LS content by themselves, get their achievements then not have anything to do with it. EfLA has gotten our guild members teaming up to do the content, talking about it and has even managed to pull players out of WvW, and actually having fun. It’s pretty much universally liked by everyone. A very rare thing in our large guild.
Please, more content like this.
KoR is still recruiting, PvE, WvW and some sPvP.
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)
My understanding of this is that the servers who win their weekly match will match up against other servers who won, however not to the extent where you would have a server ranked 21st who won going up against a top tier server.
We were in the same boat last Season. We ranked into the silver league but one or two days before the Season started we lost some major WvW guilds. The result was our server lost every match except one time where we came in second place. The result was very demoralizing and we lost even more players during the season.
This new Season looks much better if I understand it right. It would mean servers who might lose guilds at the last minute (they tend to leave in herds), will not continue to be placed against servers who win most of the time, or you won’t be playing against servers who out-number you 7 to 1 one the playing field.
I don’t believe the rewards have to do with the server you’re on, but your own personal accomplishments. If I understand it right you could be on the bottom ranked server but you could still get all the achievements and rewards the top tier server got.
I wouldnt call it Blackgate and Desolation living world, but definitely the Wurm and Tequatl are Blackgate / Desolation / Jade Quarry, high-pop server content…most other servers dont have enough active players on at any given time who are good enough to accomplish these events, which is why they fail, which then discourages people from trying, which then causes the good active players to transfer servers to Blackgate / Desolation / Jade quarry or another high pop server….which exasperates the problem making it worse on any but the high pop servers.
I saw it happen with Tequatl, so many good players I know from Borlis Pass transferred to Blackgate (and Jade Quarry) because they couldnt find enough people to do Tequatl on BP…and because “they are going to re-vamp all the bosses to be like Tequatl”. My friends list looks lopsided with more people being on other servers now than being on my own…yet we all met on BP.
The majority of the good / active players have been transfering to certain servers, which makes it really hard for the rest to even do the event, events like the Wurm only make it worse by glorifying the servers that can achieve it…making more people (even those without any skills) transfer there to be part of the “Elite”.
This is a big issue. Every player should be able to complete the new content without having to guest or leave their own server. It makes no sense to create events where so many servers have to guest to a high population server to complete something. Yes, there’s always the option to guest to those servers and get yelled at as leechers if the event fails. Great fun.
Maybe some are missing the point of the OP. This content is not geared towards hardcore players so much as it’s seems to be developed for only 2-5% of the GW 2 population.
I don’t think the problem is the addition of hardcore content. It’s hardcore content put in causal areas, but causal players cannot complete it. The new wurm event is a good example.
How many times have servers beaten the wurm in the last week, since it’s release? Once? Twice? Out 164 possibilities between the European and NA servers….I know a lot of hard core players who no longer bother and hate the event all together.
What are you implying?
You’re kind of doing the same thing now.
Maybe ozmaniandevil is referring to some of the comments on these forum threads. For instance, there’s a lot of rage being directed towards players who haven’t figured out how to do some of these new events, and they are carrying a lot of the blame for the failures.
Guild Wars has a huge casual player base, and it’s been advertised as such. In fact, when we receive emails from Anet about the great new content, there’s nothing in that email that says, “Only for hard-core players” or “only for those can do advanced tactics with strongly a coordinated group on a voice server”, or do not bother to show up, unless you know exactly what you’re doing, because you’ll be taking up a space for a more experienced player and the whole event will likely fail because of you". Yet, this is seems to be the expectations that some here.
One of the appeals of GW 1 & 2 that many of us have enjoyed is the effort by Anet to make this MMO a friendly based community. In most respects Anet has been successful. However, if you read some of the posts on this new update, you can see players raging at ‘pugs’ (since when are you a pug at a open world event?), ‘stupid people who don’t know what they’re doing’ and other insults and slander towards players who just saw there was some new content and thought they would join in on the fun. Spending a lot of time studying what to do before hand should not be a requirement.
Lots of us are trying to express that this is not good or fun game play. Maybe the mechanics are not good and need to be redesigned for the next update?
The marionette is a matter of time before players are capable of winning that the majority of the time. Content where you win every time is bad content, the worm can be completely skipped, you miss nothing, zero, zilch, dont do eeeet. Do I think that they did everything right with the fight? no, should they exclude challenging content? no.
GW1 had elite, diffcult content that casuals couldn’t do as well, so this brand has never had exculsively casual content. GW1 was friendly because it wasn’t open-world, I saw plenty of rage in pvp and certain pve in GW1.
No one is saying they should not do any challenging content, and via another thread I said the marionette was actually good and fun content. In fact I’ve failed at it about 6 times but still had fun.
Most of this thread is in regards to the wurm events, which are more excruciating then fun. A lot of players feel this is the wrong direction for such an event. Yes, 99% of us can skip it and we will, and it will be left there for the 1% of the GW population who actually likes it. Was it designed for 1% of the population? Who knows?
We are recruiting all levels and classes. We are especially looking for WvW focused players.
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
Guild Wars has a huge casual player base, and it’s been advertised as such. In fact, when we receive emails from Anet about the great new content, there’s nothing in that email that says, “Only for hard-core players” or “only for those can do advanced tactics with strongly a coordinated group on a voice server”, or do not bother to show up, unless you know exactly what you’re doing, because you’ll be taking up a space for a more experienced player and the whole event will likely fail because of you". Yet, this is seems to be the expectations that some here.
One of the appeals of GW 1 & 2 that many of us have enjoyed is the effort by Anet to make this MMO a friendly based community. In most respects Anet has been successful. However, if you read some of the posts on this new update, you can see players raging at ‘pugs’ (since when are you a pug at a open world event?), ‘stupid people who don’t know what they’re doing’ and other insults and slander towards players who just saw there was some new content and thought they would join in on the fun. Spending a lot of time studying what to do before hand should not be a requirement.
Lots of us are trying to express that this is not good or fun game play. Maybe the mechanics are not good and need to be redesigned for the next update?
On our server (IoJ) the four times I joined in with the Marionette event we failed, but at least it was kind of fun and interesting, and you got some drops for your trouble. It’s definitely doable.
However, there is no way the wurm event will be close to being doable on most servers. It seems this event is geared only for the 1-2% of the player base, that is the ones who are in specialized guilds. If you’re lucky enough to have some kind of contact with them when your playing you may just get it done, or if you happen by chance to be on the map the specialized guilds have choosen, you may just get it done, but for the other 98% of the player base – No wurm achievements for you!!!
My three times trying to kill the amber wurm with guild members:
- Kill the champ, get the buff, stand under the red arrow, nothing happens
- Most players under the arrow are downed
- Most players can’t get the buff because of the 20+ champs and weird targeting
- Once inside the wurm harpoon grabbed, weird targeting and nothing happens
- Not one drop from any creature downed. Absolutely nothing.
Aren’t these events suppose to be fun? I’ve never seen so much rage around an event. Most of it stemming from the realization that no matter what you do, how hard players work together organizing it, the event will always fail.
Please Anet, you are losing active players over events like this.
Bump: We are recruiting, new and experienced players are welcome! PvE, WvW & and a little sPvP. We also have Contests and guild missions 3x a week.
Misty Red Rose.9320
Oceanic: Nuclear Herring.9431
(edited by Misty Red Rose.9320)