Showing Posts For Mouby.7096:

The Hunter

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


They have to change their game, because YOU can’t get a precursor?

Sry but 250g in 2 month is nothing. You can’t expect to get a legendary for casual-playstyle within 2-4months. This is a long-time-goal. They didn’t promise anything.

A-Net can’t change their game every month because everyone want to have the most expensive stuff in the game. Some ppl managed to get multiple legendaries. There is no problem at all.

A Karka-chest every two months? And maybe 1000g for monthly hu? The “stupid ppl” here? I laughed at this point. A-Net is deleting every single post with some kind of trolling or even less than trolling in it. But some people can offend others while whining about everything they can’t manage to get. Seriously?

You just have to work for your weapon.

legendary shield is not quite legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouby.7096


love the shield. No problem at all.

How the legendary Eternity should look like.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Thats what Eternity should look like, one half filled with darkness, other part full of lightning.

It has to be different from twilight/sunrise.

Everybody have to see you got Eternity!

Footsteps can be combined. First step=daysky, second step=nightsky, etc.

I think they really have to do something about the legendary Eternity.

I don’t want to read any comments like “Eternity is nonetheless better than the most other legendaries”, i know this is true, and i think they also need some change, but this topic is only for Eternity.

Eternity is by far the most expensive weapon (and legendary) in gw2, but it’s LESS legendary than twilight and sunrise (the “precursors” for eternity). I think this can’t be intended to be this way.

Lets say they’ll improve Eternity and add some footsteps and skillanimations….it’s still pretty bad. If you just keep sunrise and twilight you can change them at the time YOU want, you don’t have to wait until day/night.

There isn’t any special thing about Eternity. On top of that it just have some bugs with the aura around your character. Thats pretty kitten…

i have to say i’m really disappointed, even because there is NO official statement on all the topics about eternity. They can’t even say if eternity is intended to be this way or if it’s a bug.

MS Blatant ripoff of Sunrise and Twilight

in Community Creations

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Thats what Eternity should look like, one half filled with darkness, other part full og lightning.

Legendary Greatsword Eternity

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Yeah, i think you should see a person got Eternity and not twilight/sunrise.

Legendary Eternity - Skin Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Some Dev can please confirm if this lack of animations is intended to be this way? or maybe if they’ll make eternity (and ofc other legendaries like minstrel) more sexy? (would be great to see a eternity showing half night and half daysky).

Played for 200+ hours exotic never dropped

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mouby.7096


played about 1200 hours, NO EXOTIC. Stop whining casual.

About the scavenger hunt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mouby.7096


100-200g with the current prices? 150-300g or 200-400g maybe. Stop dreaming o.O

Legendary Greatsword Eternity

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


still unfinished. Hope we will see a official statement soon.

Eternity Greatsword

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouby.7096


i want to bring up this post again, still bugged and unfinished. Maybe some statement?
Eternity should be different of twilight and sunrise besides the skin bugs.

Maybe a window between night and daysky. This would be epic. But even if you jsut fix footsteps and skillanimations…

Would love to hear anything from a dev.

Don't change the way to obtain legendaries!

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


They would not change the way of obtaining an legendary. Why should they?

Legendary Eternity - Price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


I see you guys are right, there is one atm. So i think i’ll wait for some good buy orders. Thanks a lot for your help.

Legendary Eternity - Price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


In the earlier days there were many buy offers for the precursors before they came up i think. But maybe (for sure) you are right. You may got some rough guees for my price-question too? :/

Haha slap in the face

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Some ppl don’t care about listing fees. There are ppl with over 45000g out there. Now…whats the slap in the face?

I think ppl who wants to get rid of their legendary wont bring it up for the max gold you can get for it.

Legendary Eternity - Price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Maybe i have to wait a long time. People can’t make any buy offers untill the first Eternity pops up on the tradingpost. I just want to know what you think about a safe price. I know there are a few ppl with deep pockets out there. There are also a lot of ppl who want to have the ultimative greatsword Eternity for sure. But how many of them are able to pay about 5000g? Not many. But yes one is enough. And like i said, i’ll do it cheaper than sunrise + twilight. If most of you think 5000g is safe i may will bring it up for 4500-4800 just to be sure someone will buy it. I hope ppl will realize i don’t care about the 500-1000g i wont get if i listen it up for maybe 4500g. I hope they don’t think “the first Eternity which is selling has to be overpriced, i don’t want to buy this one!”. (in fact of this i’m asking for some realistic prices)

Just want to hear some other thoughts about this. Don’t want to waste 250g for listing fees. By the way, if someone out there is interested in Eternity…just make some offer. Maybe i’ll bring it up for your price. But don’t start trolling or anything. For sure i wont sell it for 20g or 20000g.^^

I think it’s pretty kitten that ppl can’t bring up buy orders before someone listened the weapon…is this a bug or intended to be this way?

I’m sorry for my bad english btw.

(edited by Mouby.7096)

How do we know if something is an exploit?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


If it gives you profit and advantage, they will ban you and tell you it’s an exploit. If it causes you financial harm or does not give you any profit, or even if lets say you come out of a dungeon with 34 silver less than you went in, because of the repair bills, its not an exploit.

So, to make it simple, if it benefits you in any way, its an exploit. If it benefits them, it’s not.

Don’t feed the troll…

How do we know if something is an exploit?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


If you find something seems to be a good deal and you don’t know if it is an exploit…don’t overplay…

If you can make free precursors…make 1-2 and stop creating them. In this case you would not get any ban. If you create 100 and sell them on tp…you will for sure.

Legendary Eternity - Price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Pay a premium? I think you don’t understand. I am going to sell my Eternity much cheaper than sunrise + twilight. If you want to buy those two you have to pay about 5500-6000g.

I’ll sell my Eternity for 4500-5000 or anything.

So Eternity isn’t really overpriced compared to his precursors twilight and sunrise.

Legendary Eternity - Price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Mouby.7096


So i would like to sell my Legendary Eternity (want to play thief as mainclass so this doesn’t fit together…). Now i don’t know for how much money i can list it up at the tp.
I think it’s better to sell twilight and sunrise separately, but i’ve equipped twilight a long time ago…

What do you guys think? How much money can i get for Eternity?

Twilight and Sunrise are around 2800-3200g atm.

What do you think about 5000g? (2500 per sword)

Or what do you think is a “safe” price? 4500g? (2250 per sword is atm very cheap).

Legendary Greatsword Eternity

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


100% have to be a bug. Eternity, the “ultimative” greatswords has to have footsteps. They would be dumb if the create a Legendary which needs 100% more effort but is like 50% less legendary. Don’t worrie, they will fix it. I think the just need some time.

How much should I list The Juggernaut for?

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


The question is, with someone who has 2500-3k gold, why not just buy the mats and make it himself? Apart from the 1m karma (which isn’t hard to get anyway) and the skill points (same). Or is that it? o.O the couple hundred gold is worth it?

because some pp with deep pockets don’t want to grind karma, tokens and map 100%. So you are right, that’s it. Some ppl don’t care about money and can buy it.

Legendary: Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


gratz i got 2 as well (farming).

there are people who got already 7 legendaries ;]

7 mio karma? Seems crazy. Or did they buy those legendaries?

I think they should make legendaries harder to get. Not 90% gold.

Legendary: Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Your idea is no scavenger hunt, it would be just another crafting recipe which would take anet 3 hours tops to implement.
And I dont really care how many legendaries I have and when I get one. Eventually I will get one and know I earned it fair and square.

Other ppl don’t earn it fair because they knew other (better) ways to get money? Laughed at this point^^

Btw i was farming for my legendaries too, idk how to trade on tp, but i really wish i can do such things. This would be ways better than stupid grinding.

Legendary: Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


I am not going to pay hundreds of gold for a weapon (precursor) which does not even come with an unique skin.
I will rather keep wasting hundreds of gold on the mystic toilet gambling than rewarding market manipulators or lucky people.
Most I would pay for a precursor is 100g, maybe 200g for the more demanded ones like dusk and dawn.

But always when prices are low (eg Karka event) I had no gold avaible. At the start of the game I had other goals than legendaries.

Good luck on wasting your money. You will not have a legendary in 5 years if you think this way. You don’t want to buy a precursor for 200g? You even can’t buy one of the famous precursors for 200g. You will MAYBE pay 100g for a precursor? But you DO waste over 750g on the mystic forge. I think even the scavenger hunt (which will come maybe in 6 months) will be more expensive than 100g. Scavenger hunt…stop dreaming about precursors for dungeon tokens. Scavenger hunt would be like: You need 2 stacks of ectos, 2 stack of T6-x-mats, 2 stacks of wvw tokens, 2 stacks of blablabla, combine in mystic forge, gg for your “hunted” precursor. Gl hunting materials. But maybe…at this point…you dont’t want to pay 100g for materials…rather you will go on gambling in the mystic forge and waste thousands of gold. Really….?

“But always when prices are low (eg Karka event) I had no gold avaible. "

Thats the point why you (with over 1200 hours) don’t have a legendary and other ppl (with less hours played) have multiple legendaries. They have just safed their money and stopped to gamble in the mystic forge (i wasted about 200g and at this point i safed up all my money to buy it 100% out of the tp).

Legendary: Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


I got 1200h+ played and no legendary yet, but it doesnt bother me much since I dont exploit or rip other peoples off on the trading post.

If got the same amount of time and this is more than enough to get a legendary even without playing on tp, gems or exploits.

Legendary: Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Exactly that, if you take the easy route you dont deserve any respect. Where is the achievement if you just buy your way there.

You rather grind than just relax? wow….nobody cares how you get your legendary at the end….

I wish i can trade like those ppl, they got my respect at all.

But respect for grinding? You don’t need any skill to grind….even my dog can grind lol.

I wish some of these power traders can give me some tips or teach me how to do profit with trading…

Legendary: Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


I knew everyone and their mom is going to make sunrise and twilight, that’s one of the reason why I didn’t bother with them. After testing GS on guardian and warrior, I even stay further away from making them because there were just much better alternative to GS. Maybe the only viable option for using GS is on mesmer.

If you think about it, even if you make Eternity I don’t think you can get the return you would if you sell those 2 gs separately.

Thats my problem. But i can’t sell them separately because i equipped my twilight a long time ago (wasn’t able to sell it at this time…). I think i would like to have the shortbow (love trolling people with rainbow stuff) but i’ve got no money left. Also i’m a person who wants to have one main character with all good things on it. So i don’t want to keep twilight, sell sunrise (didn’t equip it untill now) and use the money to craft another legendary for another character (don’t like to have warrior as my main character so if i would equip Eternity i’ll give it to a guardian or whatever).

And i think i don’t have a problem with losing some money. Just want to know if you think there are people willing to buy Eternity. And what can i get for it? Best offers for twilight were about 3000g, for sunrise about 2800g, that would be 5800g, but as you said i would not get that much….what about 5300g or something like that? Or maybe only 5000g? Or less? I hate listing fees btw (do you think there will some buy-orders in the next time?)

And i don’t know….maybe there are 20 people with such amount of gold…i don’t think anyone of them will buy my Eternity…

What do you think is a good price to sell my Eternity (and get rid of it)?

I’m sorry for my bad english btw… and sorry for such amount of questions.

New Legendaries, timeframe?

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


I think you will not see any new legendaries untill the end of 2013.

1v1,2v2,3v3 and 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: Mouby.7096


That would be awesome, loved 2v2 and 3v3 in WoW a lot. Think this would be pretty cool with some nice/small maps.

Eternity Greatsword

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouby.7096


At the moment Eternity is just ugly compared to twilight and Sunrise. It’s funny because you need MUCH MORE EFFORT to get Eternity, but this greatsword is LESS LEGENDARY than the precursors twilight and sunrise…i mean…what the…?

Mount's in game (Read before commenting)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Just delete the most waypoints. Maybe 1-3 per map, not more (one for the dungeons etc). Mounts are cool and way better than waypoints…you don’t even see the world if you are teleporting…if you have to run with your mount you can see the world aorund you.

Legendary: Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies

in Crafting

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Riaky, this looks so amazing…i bitterly regret going for twilight and sunrise. No i’m sitting there with those greatswords and just want to get rid of those. They look like ugly kitten compared to this combination of Bolt & The Flameseeker Prophecies.

What do you think, should i sell Eternity or hold it by myself? It’s so depressing….everyone is walking around with twilight or even sunrise…nothing special there.

Short bow Legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Legendary Dreamer…best weapon to troll ppl. Don’t know what is wrong with it. Imagine you got killed by a guy shooting rainbows on you…totally pwned in my opinion. I think I’ll sell my Eternity instead of equiping it just to get the legendary short bow “the dreamer”.

Totally agree with Runo.

And as i said…will sell my legendary greatsword Eternity and going for this shortbow. Ways better than this mainstream greatswords.

Legendary Eternity - Skin Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mouby.7096


I do not believe this is a bug! Eternity isn’t supposed to have footsteps and it has been known that the effect is to display Twilight during the night and Sunrise during the day. This will probably be moved since it isn’t a bug.

I think this would be pretty annoying. You get the “ultimative” greatsword in the game with less effects?^^ great…. (/ironie off)

Legendary Eternity - Skin Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Hello Community (and hopefully… hello Devs)

First of all, sry for my bad english…

I want to know if the skin of the legendary greatsword is intentional the way it looks at the moment. It has no footprints and so the legendary isn’t even as good as ONE of the other two greatswords, but regardless you need both, sunrise and twilight to craft it…

Even if it will become some footprints….NOBODY will see your ETERNITY. The just will think “oh nice, he has got a twilight (in the night)” or “oh lets see that sunrise (when the sun is shining)”.

In my opinion Eternity SHOULD definitely have some cool extra effects to show for or maybe just be different? (maybe a crossover-window showing the daylight and nightsky at the SAME time).

Otherwise it doesn’t make any sense to craft Eternity. You can keep your Sunrise and Twilight and use them at the time YOU want. You have not to wait until night/day to see a change.

This changing of the skin of Eternity (between Sunrise and Twilight…) isn’t pretty epic. It takes about half a second?

The worst of this legendary? You even LOSE some effects…like the footprint… So what are you going to say? "Watch out, my legendary ETERNITY is even “MORE” epic because it hasn’t got that many effects as your Sunrise? o_O

Even if you would not add some different effects… can some dev pls confirm if there will be footprints in the future?

and again…sorry for my bad english.

Class change kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Sure and my twilight (warrior) will go for a bifrost (nekro)?

There will NEVER EVER be a class change kit, trust me. 100%

BSOD when playing GW2. PLEASE HELP!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Same here, just GW2 shuts my computer time…can play CoD, WoW, GW1…no prob…if i play gw2 i get bsod after some time…

Fix found - my black screen login problems!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouby.7096


I have had 2 folders. One with Gw2.exe and the other with local.dat. I combined those two and after this i renamed local.dat to local.old. Then i reconnect to my router and it works. But after a bit of time i get another BSODs.

Fix found - my black screen login problems!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Doesn’t work for me, now i can login, but i’ll get a black screen after a bit of time….

Black Screen - GW2 - when hitting PLAY-Button

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouby.7096


Okay, doesn’t work. No i can login but i get a blackscreen after playing for a bit of time.

Black Screen - GW2 - when hitting PLAY-Button

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouby.7096


ty seems like it worked for me.

Fix found - my black screen login problems!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouby.7096


local.dat can be found in the folder where your Screens etc are. But tried this, no solution, still crashes.

Black Screen - GW2 - when hitting PLAY-Button

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mouby.7096


First of all…sry for my bad english, but i think ist good enough to reveal my problem. (and hopefully i’ll get more/better answers here compared to the german forum^^)

My problem is, that i can’t play GW2 since the last Update (Lost Shores) was released.
I think i get this black-screens for 1 week now. I have checked my PC for any hardware or driver problems but I can’t find anything.

The black screen appears in the moment i hit the “play” button…boom…pc crashed…
before i have updated my graca (Nvidia Geforce GTX 570) the black screen appears when i have played a bit of time. But now it crashed every time i hit the “play” button. <.<

I tried other games (Gw1, CoD, Diablo, WoW) no blackscreen so far. (maybe if i play multiple hours, didn’t test this)

Any suggestions? Someone of you maybe have the same problem?