[TLA] Desolation (EU)
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Why not a Grandmaster trait like this:
Increase both bow ranges by 300. All Arrows pierce and deal 5% (or 10%) more damage.
I sure would pick it.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Also (this happens with Ranger spirits too) if you stealth a Phantasm, it will come out of stealth looking like a clone (spirits become solid).
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Made Howler today, and I love it
Got to take a break from Lege crafting now :P
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
hi osicat,
I just leveled my mesmer to 80 and have several questions about the shatter cat heavy 3.0 build.
First question is that would it be okay to switch Rune of hoelbark to Rune of air? And switch portal for some condition removal skills like nullfield?
Second Question is that would it be okay to switch the Valkyrie to Beserker gears for more cirt?
Last question is that how do u get the back piece?I currently run a similar build (traits, gear and Sword+Focus) i have changed the Runes to a mixture of Might buffing runes as well as swapping the staff to a Greatsword all with different sigils. So i think (personal opinion) that you could make changes, i also dont run with Portal and take Decoy, Mirror Images and Feedback instead.
Gear wise, this all depends on how squishy you think you are all ready. I personally think that they could be changed a bit, the build has a nice amount of toughness so as long as you dont lose to much that you can be burst down by a surprise attack then i think you would be okay.
The back piece i dunno, could be ascended from Laurels or from FoTM but Osicat would have to confirm that
The backpiece is obtainable from Fractals. It takes either 1850 Fractal tokens (to buy back and upgrade to ascended) or 250 of a specific tier 6 material + 50 ectos. You can check how to obtain each backpiece from Dulfy:
note: you can’t obtain backpieces with laurels.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
(edited by My Sweet Lily.1952)
I did it, and while the pet was alive for the ~6sec of Signet of Stone, the dps was really noticeable (got her to 50% in that time). If you could have the pet alive for the entire fight, this boss would have been way easier.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Still haven’t seen a ranger beat it
If someone does know of one, please refer them to me!
I defeated her, check the other thread, 5th reply on page 2:
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Don’t play a ranger, your pet will be dead the entire time…it seems doable, but rangers kinda get shafted by aoe mechanics yet again.
I am determined to beat this on my Ranger.
Let me know how you did it, if you can do it.
I used SB+S/W, Healing Spring, LR, QZ, Sig of Stone and Nature Spirit.
When I had thrown the third Light Orb, I instantly swapped pet (which was ofc dead) hit warhorn buffs and birds, changed to SB and used QZ and sig of stone so that the pet wouldn’t die right away, and started kiting. The pet burst got me to 50%-ish, which was great. Then I just ran the dome in circle (AoEs won’t hit if you just keep moving with the rotation) and pew pew the boss. LR for extra dodge + vigor (life saver here). I used Spirit so that if I knew I was about to get killed by the AoE, I popped it, it died when I downed and I got back up (it was traited to activate on death).
Also Cosmic Rifts (if there were any left) were great for rallying with Downed Skill 2.
Full Zerker gear, 20/25/0/25/0 traits (Marksmanship I+Spotter, Skirmishing I+V, Nature Magic Strenght of Spirit+Spirit active on death). Cat pets (Jaguar used after swap to get Stealth+crits for the pet burst).
Advice for all: When luring clones to the light vortexes, keep sidestepping so that the boss projectiles go flying past you. Also don’t stand in the vortex, it hurts.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Don’t play a ranger, your pet will be dead the entire time…it seems doable, but rangers kinda get shafted by aoe mechanics yet again.
I am determined to beat this on my Ranger.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Out of all of this I really hoped the Gauntlet would be permanent.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Ehh… Kiel won? Herald trolls….
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Hey Osi, what build would you use for ~20 players WvW “Zerging/Roaming”. The Heavy 3.0? I’m starting to slowly shift away from my Ranger in my guilds WvW nights.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I actually use OH Sword, just because I dislike other offhands. iSwordsman hits hard, isn’t melee but isn’t ranged and evades while attacking. OH Sword also provides a block/daze and a clone+dmg (if blocked).
Focus: While I use this for exploring (and 1 part in CoE and in CoF if necessary, for the pull), I really hate the iWarden. Yes, it protects from projectiles and it can be traited for reflect, but I have never learned to love this Phantasm. It hits slow, so I have to wait some time before shattering. The foe may also walk away from the Phantasm before it finishes damaging, making it almost useless. As for traiting, I have no idea which traits I can lose from my build (20/20/0/0/30).
Pistol: More of a pvp weapon, having a stun (OH Sword gives daze, although not as reliable as the bullet). iDuelist… it’s ranged, so it won’t shatter at the same time as my clones and it needs to run to the foe, so while minor issues, they still make it less desirable. Also makes many hits and they can be dodge, iSwordsman either hits or misses (which I like).
Torch: Phantasm is bad in PvE and stealth isn’t needed so badly.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I still use SB
Although I would consider swapping to LB if the range =/= dmg was removed and made the weapon deal the max range dmg on all ranges.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Well I don’t know all Ranger support options, but here are few:
1.Spirits for different effects
2.Perma Fury (Horn+Moa)
3.Best Water field (although it might not always be reliably ready for commander/leader because we might have used it for heal)
4.Perma Regen+Swiftness (Natures Voice trait+Guard utility)
5.Snares (Entangle, Muddy Terrain…)
6.Different pets for different support options, like boons, conditions, CC, Blast finisher (good since you can go heavy on dmg but still choose a pet for support)
Atm can’t think of others
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Hmm I’m quite sure a necro guildie was talking something similar, 1sec bleed trait been stealth buffed to 2sec… so maybe Anet accidentally (or on purpose) buffed this one too.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Well it’s not just testers in-game, I’ve seen JonPeters in the Mists.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
2.Gift of Mastery, Howl
3.Need 150 Vicious Fangs and 100 Icy Runestones for Gift of Howler. After that I’ll need 250 of all T6 materials for Gift of Fortune.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Also tpvp, if that’s possible
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
All I can see is this:
Among other benefits the stealth on HUNTERS also let’s you cast the beginning of barrage without detection.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
These are really great changes
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
They look cool and if you get for example Frostfang, that will be the only Axe you will ever need for that character. Always highest stats, which you can decide out of combat from all the available combos.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
So I’m back in this thread, and I have finally decided what my second Legendary will be = Howler. I just put an order on Howl. So:
2.Gift of Mastery and soon Precursor
3.I’m working on Gift of Howler, after that I’ll get T6 mats for Fortune (I have 250 ectos, 77 Clovers and 2 T6 mats stacks).
4.Like I said, I have finally come to a conclusion what Lege I want next. When I finished my first Lege, I decided to go for an other one, and that’s almost exactly 5 months ago. I still have some doubts, knowing that Legendary Trinkets are coming along with new Lege weapons, but we don’t know when, so… this really is a hard decision.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Well the thing is that you are trying to compare a Defensive/Support weapon that should be used mostly as a secondary weapon to a full direct damage weapon that is used as a main ranged dmg dealer.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Yea I once shared this small info on a thread long ago and people immediately said “Don’t do that, it might be exploiting”, but I still do that to get around faster.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Sword Mainhand – Super Sword
Sword Offhand – Whisperblade
Staff – Peacemaker (Asura T3)
I’m interested in changing the Super Sword to the Aether Rapier, but will still need to preview it when it comes out if it fits my armor (Asura T3).
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Could the power shout build be viable for something like GvG, ~20 players vs ~20 players. There the low dmg wouldn’t be that big problem and the role would be mainly support.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Just a small thing, but could you please add some sPvP builds on the front page, since it’s really hard to find the few you have mentioned.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
This is Cersi Ashstorm, an Ash Legion Elementalist.
She loves fire and that has inspired her to change parts of her body to lava and fire. Cersi also secretly loves the Flame Legion.
She can make earth do her bidding, forming beings off rocks and boulders.
Cersi is interested of water, since it can make flames die, but she makes the waves heal everyone that are by her side.
She wears a Lightning Catcher on her back, which symbolizes her ability to control the wind and electricity.
Cersi also has gone to the Fractals and come back alive, so she uses a Fractal Scepter, paired with a Zenith Dagger she has earned by completing multiple achievements. The Zenith Staff and Dagger are full of magical energy, which enhances her abilities.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Wow, I didn’t know you could buy those from TP. So I wasted almost 30g on the scraps? Well, I guess I have to pick a helm now.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
New Zenith Weapons, they look like they are made of crystal shards that float, they have some kind of energy flowing, what keeps the shards together and they have a faint yellow glow.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I’m eager to test this build out, but I’m still waiting to see the DD Re-Port331 in it’s final form, because I have used DD builds since launch (and I don’t want to use most of my gold on the condition gear just yet).
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Mantra of Resolve.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
What happened:
He killed someone -or had tagged someone- (rally), from who he got exp —> level up (full hp).
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
1.Maul Blast Finisher please.
2.SB 1200 range to Eagle Eye (and seriously people, 900 range doesn’t mean SB has been butchered and nerfed to the ground!).
3.Please, do something to the pets in dungeons. This simply can’t continue like this.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Mifletts version of Chopps build seems to be a better choice for me. I’m casual, but still quite experienced, so I’ll give Mifletts build a shot and see if I like it.
I’m really interested to see all the new builds that come up after the patch
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
It was for me 2600 chests for 1 ticket.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I think they should make it available again when Dragon Bash ends.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Is Shortbow damage now weaker than Longbows? I have The Dreamer, but I still use it and I will only use builds with Shortbows in them.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Nyme got a new LB (that cost me 2600 Dragon Coffers >:()
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Wind Riders:
Ranged Support pets with good dmg.
F2 an AoE field, depending on the Rider (Reef, Wind…).
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
Why doesn’t it have a timer? Illusionary Leap has timer on Swap, Portal Exeunt shows a timer…
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
I like to use Focus in WvW, since I can get perma swiftness with Centaur runes + Temporal Curtain. Also good for pulling foes off cliffs. And Warden is.. well… an OK Phantasm. I really prefer Sword offhand in all other places than WvW, but in WvW Focus just gives so much utility to pass by.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
So I have a small question.
If I put Chaos Armor on, will I get boons and the foe conditions when I am struck with retaliation damage?
So would this work:
I put a Feedback bubble on an enemy zerg. I start taking some retaliation damage, and I put Chaos Armor on. Will I get boons?
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
It’s supposed to be like that, the girl or whatever in the bow is holding it.
[TLA] Desolation (EU)
There is a phantasm that should use dagger. The mesmer down state one. So surely there should be a mists dagger with that logic.
It is correct though, the mists weapons are from the phantasms.
Yes, there is a dagger wielding Phantasm, but it doesn’t have a Mist Dagger (although it should).
[TLA] Desolation (EU)