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[Video] Utility Carry

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Uhmm i need the Condi Duration to make my iZerker Criple become 1,75s. From Trait is 25% and i eat food +40%. So it’s 65%. Base iZerker Criple is 1s so it becomes 1,65s. But it’s the Game mechanic if ur Duration Value is -0,1s from next rounded up it will rounded up. So with 65% Condi Dura i can have 1,75s iZerker Criple/ hit.

It also gives me.. Small Power…. By 50… Hahaha… Yeah i know it’s somewhat Awkward. Sure i can use sigil Condi Dura 10% But it will make lose Sigil of Air for DPS or Dodge sigil for repos tool which is not good.

Thanks! Hope u enjoy the Vid XD~

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Utility Carry

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079




Primary Role: Marksman
Secondary Role: Support

1. 40% CDR in GS Somewhat made my Playstyle sluggish in prev Vid coz Phantasm recharge was too fast. Made me somewhat uneasy to swap weap if iZerker CD Was around 3-4s left.
2. So i Took Shatter Remove 1 Boon to become somewhat more “Mesmerish” coz Mesmer has 1 of the best Boon Removal in the Game
3. Another reason to take Shatter Remove Boon is to counter DD EL coz most of my DD EL Friends are so beast in team fight.
4. Even thou i don’t take IP. Shatter Remove boon still good.
5. Last Util slot is free. Normally i use Arcana Thievery for Solo/ Duo/ Trio. Null for 4 or 5 People.
6. I removed Manip Range +300. Blink become shorter but it bring back 3s Immob every 6s Sword #3 with Sword CDR 20%. Yes it is nerfed but it still powerful in team fight. But in zerging Manip +300 is better compared Sword CD 20% coz u just go – Drop the Baby – Out in Zerging.
7. Sigil for GS is Air and Energy. More dodge after swap from Sword for easier repositioning + to Abuse Shatter Remove Boons.
8. Utility Carry means U can deal damage but not as hard as True Carry but u also offer utility to compensate.

Special Thx for everyone who did theorycrafting with me. I really like the Shatter Remove Boons. Well at least i can counter some Class that rely to Boons for Team Fight.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Lol Next Patch ranger looks so scary. Ranger won’t need to dodge coz they will just pew pew pew u from 1500 range T_T

If they react, We will react back. It’s endless loop. I;m making a Team that can take bigger numbers thkitten without forcing us to do hit n run tactic.

Why i make that? Coz i have Guard as my friend. Simple. If my friend is a thief of course i will become a Gank Team. But sadly i got Guard as my Friend. Worse part is 1of my Guard already said “I like to play Healer in MMORPG” But we want to play together? So…?

I;m not saying my COmp is the best. Every comp has it’s counter mechanic. So it just how u to understand ur comp and enemy comp. As long u can make a Victory. Any comp is find. After u make a Victory u just need to compare “What is the limit of enemy numbers u can beat?” “What is ur Team Avarage Time to make a Kill in Team Play” and “How many burst damage ur Team can make within a short of time”

Having a Good burst is fine but again. Overkill is not. If u need 20k damage to kill a target. U have 2 People. If u use 2x burst the can make 15k damage x2 = 30k. Waste 10k. Or u can choose 1Sustain DPS + 1Burst for 15k +5k damage = 20k. Since it’s Sustain after that enemy downed s/he can change target to pressure another target for a set up kill. Don’t ask me “Why not that burst Class lower his rotation so he can make another kill” it’s like asking “Can we use blurry frenzy without a Set up kill like Sword #3 leap or Stun Bullet?” Yes u can but it won’t hit anything if ur target is too far…

Also always remember counter mechanic. By Mechanic default Thief counter mes. So u have 2choice. Remove the Mes OR put Someone in ur team to counter the Thief exp a Class with Heavy AOE damage like Nec/ WA. The only safest Pick i found is only DD EL so far.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Seems u are recomending me for a “Ganking Team”. “We only Gank people. We don’t give time to enemy to react”

Joe is fine but again diff taste. Most of the time he use Hit n Run tactic With his Sword and Staff.

I just need to think what should i do more when weapon swap ready. Clearly staying in GS for too long is bad for Overall Team damage. But blindly go melee also dangerous in case enemy have OP AOE damage class like Nec/ Guard.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Explain how a “tank” is of any relevance in Guild Wars 2 PvP. The same way talking about upper-, mid- and lower lanes is of any sort of relevance to engagements in WvW. In what way or form is any tanky character going to deny you from running straight through them, or circling around whatever minimal thing they have to deny you with (e.g., Line of Warding). Are they using a “Provoke” kind of ability on you, which forces you to keep attacking them? That skill completely flew past me in the past near two years I’ve played. In what possible way can you not walk normally into the enemy backline?

It’s not about Lane. But every lane have it’s role and playstyle that’s why i like to copy it a bit.
Tank is someone who initiate the fight if u are not ambushed. Initiation can be either Walk initiation like ur tank just walking into enemy formation or Hard initiation like Guardian Blink + Ring or WA Sword Leap. Good Tank normally will tailing Enemy Carries. Making enemy carry can’t deal damage to correct target, Lose Focus or waste their Stun break so can be killed easier. If enemy carry wasted their Important CD to ur Tank. Then ur team are free to go to make a kill easier coz less damage pressure from enemy Carries.
Sure u can walk normally into Enemy Carries. Passing enemy Tank. But normally Enemy Tank will Punish you. Either peel you from their Carry or provide some “Okay” damage to scare u so u gonna go back to ur backline. One of worst scenario Enemy Guard gonna immob or Pull u with GS then Enemy Carries gonna drop their babies in ur position.

Not sure about power. I have 2370 Power Naked with GS. Add 250 for BL Stacks, 100 for WVW Buff, 100 for Stone and another 70 for Food.
For GS#1 damage is around 800-1,2k Damage If crit vs Squishy. 500-700 Damage vs Bruiser, 500 vs Tanky or Prot Boon. All if crit and that per hit so every 0,5s.

IMO it’s about my playstyle. I always wasting all my Damaging skills to enemy coz it has fast CD. So basically i force them to waste their dodge or else u take my Phantasm damage. It’s not bad in my Team coz that mean easier for my Allies to set up a kill or Other Carry to make a damage. But the result people think Warrior carried.

Sure i can abuse my Healer to follow me but sometimes that heal should be allocate to other Member. Example my Tank to keep holding 5++ Enemies or maybe other Carry. Yes it can but… Well we will see.. Hehehe

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


If you think Nev does good damage, what is doing this mesmer?

As Fay said, he really does low damage. He cannot even solo burst squishy enemies, and that’s an easy job for a zerker shatter mesmer.

Which 1 of my enemies are squishy?

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


@Fuzz and Fay
LOl Fuzz what are u doing here. U don’t know Mesmer very well hahaha..

Basically what Fay trying to say is “Don’t stay in GS for too long. Go melee and burst them” But that kind play style “Go melee and burst them” have a risk coz after u drop ur burst with Melee weapon Sword u are vulnerable and most of the time often result Death. In 1v1 it’s fine.

If u can make a kill ur team is winning so u must aim the key target. So it’s enemy Carry. But u must pass their Tank? How u gonna pass him/her? Walking normally into enemy backline? Torch is a good solution for this for Shatter IP Mes.

If GS+ S/X for IP Shatter is too dangerous then some Shatter Mes use Staff + S/X. So that mes can go in, Drop Sword burst, Go out with Staff. But this kind playstyle got countered by enemy Marksman Role coz they can poke u from afar.

For every Shatter u make from 1200 from ur target it’s not synergy with IP trait. So i tried to think Pure Marksman Build.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Not gonna argue about Rifle/ GS. It’s annoying Build for sure.

- Team fight stuff -

Before we begin. I never recommend Full burst or Full Sustained DPS Carry/ ADC. I prefer at least 1 ADC and 1 Burst.
Condis Got countered by Condi Removal.
Protection counter Burst and Sustain DPS (Any Power based)

The main question is simply. After u burst. What will you do?

If u refer on my timetable Burst every 10s vs DPS every 6s. After u burst. For next 10s u are vulnerable. Assume u are not allowed to bring any Sustain damage. What will u do?
1. If at initiation phase u got a downed from enemy side= That -1 from enemy side. Whatever initiation is fine. Face to face, or ambush or Ambushed. Assume u got 1 from enemy side.
2. Depend on enemy numbers. For sure now they are starting to react to ur team. Now Ur burst is on CD. But enemy burst is not.
3. Enemy counter with their burst. How will u react?

If u have sustained DPS. This role gonna fill ur team damage while the Burst Role buying time for another Burst. Poking is a tactic. If enemy start a fight without full HP that means u did a nice Poke. And only marksman role can poke. Coz if u poke using Melee class It’s a Punch. Not a Poke.
If u don’t have Sustained DPS, depend on enemy size. If u have bigger number just keep going and clean them up assume none of enemy burst can make a kill until ur next burst CD. But what if not? Most of the time Burst Build doesn’t have good Tools to stay in battle. If it’s open field sure u can hit and run. Hit and run is where the burst Build shines most. While Staying at same position like Capping Camp/ Tower is where sustained shines most. U are forced to stay at Circle. If u leave = U lost. That’s why it’s called “Sustain”

Summary about Burst:
1. Often Secure a kill with combination of ur team
2. Normally need Set up kill
3. Somewhat Obvious and easy to read aka “Dodge their head!!”
4. Somewhat over kill.
If u want to kill 20k Target. 1 Burst is 15k. So if u send 2x Burst it’s 30k damage. Wasted 10k damage.
5. Super Strong in Hit n Run.

iZerker vs IP Shatter
IP Shatter sure will deal better damage. While in my Build i build it for more Safety. Again u are telling me having damage is better and enemy not gonna react. Go to melee with IP Shatter is risky but high risk high reward thou. Also if IP Shatter + GS is allowed. That mekittenhould count my “Long Range” Shatter GS#2 and GS#4 then shatter. Well except IP Shatter can take boon removal. That’s a huge plus too for Team.

T1 roaming need fast kills. If u can’t kill fast enough. Ur enemy will multiply. Most T1 roamers must balance between damage and Escape mechanism.

Sustained dps doesn’t produce fast kills. It leads to drawn out fights. You want coordinated burst to down a target instantly, and then clean up the rest.

Yes it is. Then? Did i say something? Did i recomend Sustained DPS for t1 roaming for this guy? No I didn’t…

Also I Never doubt Shatter Build for Burst Playstyle Role in team fight. It’s good. It just i wanted to try to be more “Sustained” Damage esp in Team fight + Marksman Role. Fay only see situation where enemy can’t react. If enemy can’t react, Burst is always be superior coz they are letting them “Buying time” for next burst. Also i like GS.

Again i;m not saying Burst is bad. I just want to make sure people understand there’s a place for sustained Damage which normally Marksman Role has.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Well 1 thing for sure GS Mesmer can take care of themself better compared ur Recomended Marksman Role with 2x repos tool stealth and Blink. Most of ur Recomended Marksman offer better damage from GS MEs but more vulnerable vs Hard initiation or Focused fire. + and – from every class. It just unlucky for me in that Vid most of the time i got ignored or enemy can’t Pass my Tank to hit me and what make it worse it they got killed by my WA or Guard rotation before i can land my rotation. But i’m not gonna argue about rotation. Mesmer rotation is too short compared other class.

Seems what u are trying to say is “Kill ur enemy before they react!” While my playstyle is “Prepare for every situation” and most of them we let them react. We lure them to react using our WA and Guard. So our Carries can pick them easier.

Well for me the only nice AOE damage from Mesmer mechanic is either 4x Shatter Explode with IP or iZerker. I choose iZerker coz it’s safer and i Like GS. You can shatter every 10s with 30 Ip while i can iZerker every 12s with 40% CDR. Slightly weaker but Again. Personal taste. I Like GS.

I;m not disagree about what most of u said Fay. Main problem in our argument is just “DPS is sucks” and “No one gonna hit u coz u are marksman”. Combining them both that’s why u recomended me to become more “Bursty” U are not wrong. If u can kill enemy faster then why u need to put some stat into Defensive? But let me give u an example.
Burst build can deal damage 10k every 10s
DPS Build can deal 7k every 6s.
At begining aka 0th sec. Both of them unleash rotation. Burst is winning coz 10k damage, DPS is losing coz only 7k.
At 6th s. DPS is winning Coz already deal 14k damage, Burst still 10k.
At 10th s. Burst is winning again coz 20k vs 14k
At 12th s, DPS win again! 21k vs 20k
And so on..
Not sure if this example good to comparing Shatter Mes with iZerker 40% but the concept is like that. The longer the fight DPS Build will win coz already build enough damage and that what i see from GS#1. Again there’s no Golden rule for PVP. But for my team we like to have 1x ADC/ DPS Based and 1x Burst Based. DPS need to provide damage to “Scare” them in case Burst is on CD coz DPS CD is faster comapred Burst or to pick up kill if Burst damage didn’t kill the target.

T1 roaming need fast kills. If u can’t kill fast enough. Ur enemy will multiply. Most T1 roamers must balance between damage and Escape mechanism.

And yeah i sucks at giving Video titles… Huahahah My Bad T_T

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Nice insight Fay. Let me try to reply

Your damage is very low. You’re staying in greatsword about 99% of the time doing not much damage. Your phantasms don’t seem to hit particularly hard, and none of your other damage is that high either. You use iLeap maybe once every other fight successfully, and your blurred frenzy seems to do about 3k damage if you hit all 8 hits of it.

Yes of course i;m staying in GS. I;m Marskman Role. I only go to melee when i feel no pressure/ Got ignored/ See opportunity for wombo combo/ After summoning iZerker with my Allies. Are u suggesting i;m making damage with Sword #1 Instead GS#1 Beam?

2nd is.. My damage is low…. Of course it’s low..
1. I transfer some of my Offensive stat to become 2300 Armor
2. Most Glass enemy died coz my Guard and WA Initiation. It’s still initiation Phase. Not even the “battle Phase”. When in initiaiton Phase coz everyone has their CD Ready. Burst > DPS and sadly i;m DPS Based.
3. My Phantasm doesn’;t hit hard. If enemy has 15k Hp. Guardian can deal 8k, Warrior, 10k and Mesmer 10k. If the order is Guard 1st, WA 2nd, Mes 3rd. So it will be 8k + 7k + 0. U won’t see Mesmer damage coz it’s already Downed. Or are u telling me as Hitter role i should enter the battle 1st in Initiation Phase? Only when i try to cancel enemy flipping TOw/ Camp.
4. Again about my GS Damage. Not sure about that. I don’t know my enemies stat. If they are glass. I will deal higher damage and take More damage from him/her. If my damage is “Low” then probably they will deal less damage too to me. It’s their right to become full zerker, full knight, full Soldier or mix of some and whatever. But being glass is not that good for team fight. Except for next patch LB Ranger. Maybe…

You offer close to nothing in meaningful support. Your support begins and ends with mass invisibility. You don’t use glamours, you don’t strip boons, you don’t heal, you don’t boonshare, you don’t really offer any of the support that mesmer can.

Since when i said Support Role?? I never said i;m Support Role? I;m Hitter Role/ ADC. Strip Boons? The only support value i put in that Build is only mass invis and Arcane Thivery. Are u degrading a Mes that every Mes in Team Fight must become Support Role? Seems u need to understand more about Burst vs DPS philosophy.

Honestly, the only thing you do is follow along and tag enemies, while I guess being another red name on the other guys’ screens. Viable? Hardly. I’d take a warrior/guardian/ele/necro/thief over you.

For less than 3 man it’s ok. But i;m sorry for 5man GS Mesmer still have value to offer long range sniping, Continous DPS, AOE damage, and mass invis. Also some nerfed AOE Immob if use Sword. Well just kidding. U can build ur 5man dream formation with every class. Just make sure it synergies with other class.

Got to admit it’s the first thing I notice too, you’re in a group with a Warrior and Guardian, in a video asking if you’re viable. Both professions that can deal more damage than a Mesmer, but in this case, it seems the Guardian is built more for boon support—keeping you and the Warrior alive. (The Warrior has far better burst than Mesmer.)

In term of Burst. I didn;t build myself to focus in Burst Damage. I built it for longer fight providing Constant DPS damage, Fastest GS Recharge 40%. If i want to burst probably Shatter Role is the best build for that. I just like DPS based so i create my own build to abuse iZerker with 40% CDR.

My P formation is..
Top Lane – Tank – Guardian (Initiating the fight) – Medit with stab
Jungler – Bruiser – Either DD EL or Warrior( Moving around helping Tank or Carries if they’re in trouble)
Mid Lane – Burst Build – Currently empty. Normally we have burst damage Class like DD EL.
Bottom Lane – Support – Healer Guardian (Provide Boons share, Condi remove, Heal)
Bottom Lane – Marskman – GS Mes ( Provide constant DPS)

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Carry as in playing as two and a half player, because the third is just tagging lootbags.
All i meant is the title is misleading, in no way it shows that you’re viable or anything, you just get carried by two heavies against an unorganised bunch of door hitters. A video where you show your solo abilities is much more welcome.

Oh my …A Half Player and only “Tagging”. So much disrespect to Support Role. What a harsh World.

Well like i said it’s not i;m asking my build is viable or not, it just basically a sarcasm after got Sword #3 nerf but i still use Sword MH. Yes i do admit i;m not good with giving names to Video Title. If that Video title is misleading then i;m sorry. You can’t please everyone

So coz i had 2x Heavies. U said Those 2 Heavies Carried me. If enemy had 5x Heavies. U said They are just an unorganised bunch of door hitter. I… Confused…

Go Home Riko. U are Drunk.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


I don’t know ur definition of Carry. But for me it’s from MOBA like Dota or LOL (I Played LOL a bit). Someone who have highest damage Output in your team and Carry gonna carry the Game into Victory. Either DPS Carry (A Carry that relies more on Auto Attack, Normally medium damage but have Short CD) or Burst Carry (A Carry that can unleash a huge amount of damage within a Short of time but have Long CD). But if u have 5man it’s good to have 2x Carries in case 1of them screwed up or got Focused. If u don’t want to use mOBA Term. Just think Carry is Hitter Role.

Pretty much it’s more like I Carried Team coz i offer higher damage compared other Members and probably the highest damage in Group formation except for the Last Fight coz we had 2x Carries. DD EL is simply so safe Pick. Higher damage = Faster kills. While my Guard and WA provided Peel/ Body Blocking. Even i got focused Hey we are a Mes, We don;’t get focused that easily. Sadly when i got ignored. It makes my job easier to snipe them down.

There are some classes that good at 1v1 but become bad at team fight.
There are some class that bad at 1v1 but become good at team fight.
There are some class that good at 1v1 but become better at team fight.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Huahahah guess some people missed the point. You see.. I’m not really good giving name for my Video so i just give it “Am I Viable?” because Sword #3 nerf earlier, Other Roamers Build and add some sarcasm to it.

For the answer.. Well it depends on the Viewers. Can’t force my playstyle. I just share the Vid. Hehe…

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


25% Power Line = 25% Condi Dura.
Food is = 40% Condi Dura.

25% + 40% = 65% Condi Dura. Rounded up for Criple from iZerker from 1,65 into 1,75. For more Criple Hehehehe…

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Am i Viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079




1. This is the 2nd Vid i made with that build. With some change
2. GS and Sword synergy well with Condi Dura. Criple from iZerker and AOE Immob from Sword #3.
3. Sword #3 nerf is bad. But AOE immob for 3s is still too good to be passed.
4. Staff is “Okay” but Sword/ Pistol have 2x Set up kill with Sword #3 and Pistol Stun #5
5. In the End i didn’t play Staff/ GS
6. Sigil for Sword/ Pistol are Bloodlust and Of Battle. Bloodlust coz this build have 2370 Power with GS without any Food/ Wvw Buff. Of Battle coz it’s the safest pick compared Sigil of Doom for poison or Sigil of Hydro for AOE Damage. Sigil of Doom countered by Blind and Sigil of Hydro Countered by Enemy numbers.
7. Sigil for GS is Air and Force. Air is a must coz it hits like a Ferrari with high Power. Sigil of Force can be changed with Sigil of Fire. Basically to gain 5% Damage this build needs around 150power from 3k power and Sigil of Battle only give 105 power from 3x might.
8. Rune is Rune of Pack. Super slow while out of combat. But better synergy with Ether feast. I mean if u are using Rune of Centa. It’s better to use faster CD Heal like Mantra or Mirror but i just like Ether feast coz maximum Heal. But i always use Focus Swiftness while moving from objective to another objective
9. I use new food 70 Power and 40% Condi Dura. It’s expensive(7g for 10) but it just fun seeing 2800 Power with 25 stack BL, WVW Buff, Stone and Food. Without might Stack

Thx for watching!!
Special thx for the one who recomended me Rune of Pack. It’s really turns this Build into a Team Fight Monster.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

About Sharing videos and streams

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


My Youtube Channel. Normally 80% Team Play and 20% Solo Play. Enjoy~

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

LF WvW Gank Squad mesmer build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Rune Choice for Hitter Role:
Rune of Traveler = Always 25% move speed but lack of stat
Rune of Centa = 100more power compared Traveler Rune, Swiftness when heal. Ok for Solo Roam and Team Fight coz u can control the swiftness by simply use heal #6. Criple Dura -50%.
Rune of Pack = 100 more power compared Traveler Rune, Swiftness when hit. Bad for Solo roam but Good for team fight coz Fury Share.

Mesmer Playstyle:
1. Carry
Carry means… Carry. U are carrying ur Team to Victory. U are the one who deal highest damage in ur team and if u are died = Ur team is losing because ur team lose ur DPS.
Example of Build: Shatter Build (Burst based) and Phantasm with GS (DPS Based)
Counter Mechanic: If it’s GS Mes. Just Dive coz GS Mes have zero Mobility. Basically total dive will kill this kind of Mes coz as Carry they will have low Def.

2. Agresive Support with LockDown
You prepare an insane Set up kill with this Role. When interupt u gonna give Immob. This ROle insanely strong at initiation phase or Ambushing people. Killing people is easy if u have this kind of Mes coz the lockdown feature.
Counter Mechanic: Survive the initiation Phase, Use Stability from ur Team. After initiation phase aka when their Mantra entered CD State. They are vulnerable.

3. Tank Or Trolling Role
PU mes have this role. basically they draw enemy attention with their perma Prot and tankiness. With Sword #3 AOE immob this Role can help with set up kill.
Counter Mechanic: Ignore and aim other target but be careful with this Mes Sword #3 AOE immob Leap. If this PU Build has below 2400 DEF Base it’s Ok to go for a Kill. Try strip the Prot first.

4. Defensive Support
This kind of Mes support his/her team. Probably with the utilities like Glamour or Mantra.
Counter Mechanic: Guardian is better at Defensive Support….

These role only work on team play not Zerg Play. Hope that helps.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Balanced Build by Nevhie

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Ups.. It’s On Page 3.

Sharing New Vid after Sword Nerf!
Revenge and Survive

Video Link:


Primary Role: Marksman
Secondary Role: -

Build Concept:
1. Anet nerf Sword #3. I sad
2. So let’s become a AOE Bombardment with GS CD 40%.
3. GS Sigil can be either Force or Energy. Force is better for Sniping Damage/ Team Fight, Energy for duel/ Solo/ Roaming. Sigil of Air is a must. Best DPS coz we have high Power.
4. Sword sigil is Bloodlust. Get Power from stack while fighting to have bigger GS#1 Beam Damage.
5. Still same 1,75s Criple from iZerker except without Sigil of Malice now. Because lv 25 Power trait gives 25% Condi Dura. Koi Cake 40 + Trait 25 = 65 -> Rounded up!!
6. Using Rune of Pack. Same in Combat mobility compared Rune of Centa. But SUCKS for solo roaming.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Discussion: iLeap [Rework]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


1. Summon an illusion that leaps at your target, crippling them
2. Swap with ur clone and apply AOE Immob for 2s Base if Clone still alive
3. If Clone is dead. Apply AOE Immob for 2s Base near you.
3. If Clone is dead. Apply AOE Immob for 2s Base on Clone last position

Tried MH Sword today and not really fun. When charging throu AC Rain was expecting to AOE Immob to secure the “Baby” but Clone died so fast.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Balanced Build by Nevhie

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Expensive stuff. 50s / 30m. Hihihihi

Tried Rune of Pack. Same in combat mobility like Centa. But WORST when walking toward objective…

Also this Patch Note…. Is kitten…. Mesmer’s price in team fight/ zerging become cheaper now…. Argh!!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Mesmer was only nerfed

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Sigh ANET…. Hit me really nice with this iLeap Nerf. I so sad.

It’s true mesmer mechanic is more for 1v1 battle but i always think to compensate that mesmer have Sword #3, 2s base immob every 6s if with 40% CDR which is the best in the Game. A high risk high reward that can game changing in zerging/ Team fight. Now that Sword #3 is… Gone… I don’t feel confident either if i can make a swap in zerging/ Team fight coz the random AOE damage from enemy side.

This is just so sad. Mesmer normally have good set up kill abilities like Stun 2s From Pistol or 2s Immob AOE from Sword #3. Now… Lost 1. Mesmer already have weak #1 Melee cleave so it’s normal if they have set up kill to compensate that. Now what? No set up kill? A “Agile” Type Melee class must toe to toe with Pure Brute Force Class like WA and Guard?

It’s true ANET u are following ur game concept. Mesmer will become weak if they have no Illusions but this is just too far…..

TL:DR. I sad for this nerf and i;m QQing now.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] WvW Balanced Build by Nevhie

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Probably.. I don’t have anything in mind other than that Sigil. Maybe Sigil of Fire so Sword #2 become more bursty?

- Centaur gives swiftness. Need swiftness for repos. But yeah Rune of Pack might be a good Choice also. I should give it a try
- Yeah it’s somewhat Awkward. 15% Trait, 10% Sigil, 40% Koi Cake gives total 65% when wielding GS so it gives 1,75s Criple from iZerker. Rounded up from 1,65s to 1,75s
- Well it’s about playstyle. In Teamfight i rarely make a kill using Sword #1 because Pure Melee class #1 damage is so pain. With 6s Sword leap i can do 2x Sword leap within 8s of Weapon swap. Leap at 1st sec and another leap at 7th or 8th Sec then Weapon Swap again. My Fav moves is 2nd leap -> Weapon swap -> iZerker. PRetty much can secure a huge damage coz enemy is still immoed
- I Heard they fix it in December patch but i realized it around 1-2 month ago :S

- About OH Sword. Yes it’s good but somewhat i forgot how to play using Sword. Pistol is better for me coz the stun 2-2,5s. It’s really good to set up a kill esp in team play. iGunner also become real troll when channeling above a Fire or Ice Field. Well with 55% Condi dura while wielding Sword + Pistol Combo Projectile Burning or chill looks nice.

Thx! But but…. I;m Cute Human T_T

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

(edited by Nevhie.6079)

[Video] WvW Balanced Build by Nevhie

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Video Link:


Primary Role: Marksman
Secondary Role: Fighter

Build Concept:
1. Mesmer has so many CC type Condis. A Condi that doesn’t need Condi damage to be effective. Ex: Immob/ Criple/ Vuln
2. Mesmer have the best Immob in this Game From Sword #3. 2s Base immob every 6s with 40% CDR
3. If posible plz make Power + Condi Duration food, Dear Anet.
4. GS for Poking/ Chasing/ AOE damage. While Main Hand Sword to abuse 2s Immob base every 6s if enemy “Ignore” you
5. Off Hand Pistol gives you 2s Stun Base and Good Phantasm Power based damage.
6. If they have Stab, Use Sword #3 Immob. So you can always “Control” ur enemy
7. If you have 0,1s less from next “Check point” It will rounded up for Boons and Condis. Example 65% Condi dura will put 1,65s in iZerker Criple. But it rounded up to 1,75s.
8. Heal removes 2x Condis gives better sustain to set up Kill or Damaging type Condis
9. Mesmer damage is low and “Not Pure” But compensate that with CC + Agile Playstyle. It’s easier to input a Command in Mesmer. Mesmer can accept input while in Mid air while Warrior normally need to finish the animation 1st (Brute Playstyle)
10. Rune of Centaur gives Some Support role for ur team and it has 100more power compared Traveler.
11. 2300 is Amazing value for DEF.
12. Arcana Thievery is amazing. IT doesn’t need any face check anymore and it can be used defensively or offensively.
13. Food is Koi Cake. 40% Condi dura. Total 65% in GS for 1,75s iZerker and 55% in Sword for 3s Immob Sword #3.
14. Hard Counters = Thief in 1v1 coz stealh spam using ur Phantasm, DD EL with 2700 DEF coz perma might + Insane Sustain.
15. Purpose of this Build : Enjoy every Game modes in WVW with only 1 Build and have fun in team fight.

Enjoy and thx for watching!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Power Thief vs PU condi mesmer + Extra clips

in Thief

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


I thou you were a Pistol Thief…

Is this another build of yours?

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Shatter mesmer roaming wvw

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Just wondering are u Holliboy the Asuran Enginer?

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


sorry nev.. i’m fail to understand your new build.. can you enlighten my mind a bit?

Ok let me try…

There are 2 Core of this Build. “Become a Good Sniping Build” and “Punish people with 3s Immob every 6s if they decide to Ignore you”

Start with the 1st part “Become a Good Sniping Build”
I take GS as the weapon set for sniping. The beam doesn’t travel and can’t be blocked by reflect projectile stuff. Useful to secure a kill. All GS skills are offensive so u can spam all of them to deal a tons of damage if all of them hit. Since u are a Sniper. When u are using GS u gonna spend at 400-1,2k Range. Coz this reason, I don’t take IP. Coz it’s will be a waste if i shatter while i’m in Sniping position, Above 600range from my target. Both GS#2 and GS#4 create clone near ur target so it can make a Fast Shatter even if u are far from ur target. That’s why i;m not interested to take IP

“Punish people with 3s Immob/6s if they decide to ignore you”
So u are a Sniper. Stay 1200 range from center of fight. Normally melee Class kinda feel lazy to hit you. U are a Mes, U can Decoy and blink to repos. Sure some melee class can leap to you but with so many repos tools on Mes u won’t get killed by 1x rotation unless 3people jumped to you. GS is a Good Sniping Weapon but it’s more for Poke. Poke damage takes long time to make a kill. Then i take Main Hand Sword. A lot of people think Sword #2/ Blurried Frenzy is what makes a Mesmer Main Hand Sword but for me it’s the ability to Immob for 3s every 6s. Clearly it is the fastest in the Game with VERY High Risk to land that Immob. If u do that when enemy has so many Zoning Comp like necro’s Mark or Engine nades, it might cost ur live or a tons of ur HP because that zoning. But if u can use it at right time it’s so high rewarding. To make 40% CDR for Sword leap u will need 3point in Special for 20% Summoning skills and 2point in Precision for Sword CD 20%. Why must 6s? Because mesmer can’t spam Sword #1 AA while fighting. Mesmer can’t toe to toe using Sword #1 AA. A Warrior can crit for 3k with Sword #1 AA while Mesmer maybe only 1,5k – 2k + Mesmer body is too squishy. Even with 2300 DEF as a Carry u should not take that risk to toe to toe with another melee Class. When u swaped to Sword. U have 8s to use that before u can swap again to GS. If ur Sword Leap #3 CD is 6s. U can use at least 2x Immob within this 8s. Use it at 1st second, And use it again at 8th sec, Then weapon swap and repositioning urself coz enemy is immoed by 3s. To make Immo dura become 3s. Simply eat Koi Cake, Condi Dura +40%.

That’s 2 of my Core of this Build. Beside of that pretty much standard.
I take 3Power Line to take 15% Condi dura. 15% + 40% = 65% → makes my iZerker criple @1,75s. For the trait choise normally i take Phantasm Damage or Shatter Damage or Halting Strike. Those 3 equal in this build but just don’t use Halting Strike for team fight. Asuming ur Enemy is competitive Team, perma stability is standard.

I take 6 Precision to take Sword mastery 20%, Mani pRange +300 and Dodge create clones. Pretty much to boost my own survival and somewhat i really love Arcana Thievery. Bot hAT and Blink have 1200 range. Very good for repositioning tool so my team doesn’t need to peel for me too often. 1200 Arcana thievery range pretty much to secure a boon steal on ur focused target. With hidden buff u don’t need to “Face Check” anymore to land this AT pretty much i happy with 1200 AT even they fix the bug about 40s CD AT with Manip Range +300.

Last. I take 2Vit line to choose Using Healing skills remove 2condis. Again for my own survival. U can;t carry ur team if u are DEAD. 2condis/ 20 is not that bad also. Coz u are Carry, u need to remove all setup kill from ur enemy that put to you like Criple/ Immob.

Hope this helps. hehe

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Your Signature Weaponset?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079



1. Good Poke
Good trade = U deal more damage compared enemy dealt to you
Bad Trade = U deal less damage compared enemy dealt to you
Poke = U deal damage, enemy didn’;t hit back

2. Have 5x Offensive skills in weapon sets
The secret of GS Mesmer is.. Spamming all the skills!!

3. Best weapon as Carry Role
Long Range poke, Securing Kills, Can chase, AOE criple

4. High risk, High reward
With Zero mobility but u have 5x Offensive skills in that weapon sets.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

JQ, Mesmer POV. WvW Roaming - End Of Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Testing New PC.
A10 – 5800K
R7 – 250

Last week of Season 2.

Thx for watching!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Thx Bro!!

My new Vid. Too Lazy to make another thread. Last week in Season 2 with my new PC. better Reflexes

I must say 3s immob every 6s is so fantastic in teamfight. The moment they decide to ignore you. The Immob will punish them all!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Arcane thievery rules

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


3) If you’re within range it won’t take the boon(s) you wanted

Loled at this. So true. Somewhat ANET change the boon priority and put Stability to be the last one to be stolen.

Also ANET finally fixed Far reaching Manip after 1month delay. No more 40s AT with this trait. Sad…

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

WvW Lockdown Builds

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


@Nevhie: I´ve tried all those builds with S/P and it´s incredibly strong with Chaotic and Bountiful Interruption. Might and bleed is stacking rapidly and you can assure the Duelist´s hits with your interrupts. I don´t like the cooldowns though, and Magic Bullet sometimes feels like a waste if you used it with CI.
Has anyone tested a true hybrid build with S/P and possibly GS yet? Every hybridish setup I´ve tried so far seemed to work better as a full power build with might stacks to get your condition damage on a solid level.

S/P is not really Pure Interupt. Even without interupt Traits Stun Bullet + Sword leap can ensure 6s for ur enemy stay in position. That;s why i called it a safe pick.

Well u need to decide ur role first. SP or Carry. If SP u can go full Interupt Utilities coz u are not gonna the one who carry the Game. U just need to ensure ur Carry alive and keep in mind about stability.

I;m running 3pow, 6Prec, 2Vit, 3 Spec if u asked me about Hybrid Lockdown + Carry Role. To abuse Sword leap 3s evey 6s with 40% Condi Dura Food even thou i;m power based + my iZerker Criple @1,75s per Hit. It’s not that bad for 1v1 but compared to PU with 24/7prot of course my build is weaker. 6s to force enemy in same position pretty much enough for me. No need to add another interupt traits. Well i made my build for my teamplay. Weaker in 1v1 doesn’t bothered me much.

You can check my youtube Channel for the Vids. I made 2 with that build and currently i;m still using it until Anet nerf it.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

WvW Lockdown Builds

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Sword main Hand and Pistol Off Hand are probably the safest Pick. Enemy won’t know ur role if u use Sword MH and Pistol Off Hand. Either Carry role or SP Lockdown Role can use these setup.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Phantasm + Manipulation Roaming WvW

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Testing new build after Fero Nerf. Lowering my Prev Defensive stat because of Fero and raised my Offensive stat to compensate that.

15 Power – Illu Damage 15%
30 Prec – Manip range, Clone Dodge, Sword Mastery
10 Vit – Condi 2x when Heal
15 Spec – For faster Decoy coz no PU.

Arcana Thievery – For condi removal
Blink – Blink
Decoy – Stealth/ Target Loss/ Repositioning Tool

Koi Cake – Total 65% Condi Dura
Sharpening Stone – Already have 47% rate unbuffed

Rune of Traveler

2200 DEF then Offensive stat all the way. GS, SP Gameplay. I consider this build is safe pick and all round. No Hard counters.

Thx for watching.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

(edited by Nevhie.6079)

GS/S+S Suicide Clone - Hybrid? Help!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


1. Reduce ur Power trait into 3. Move that point into 3 in Special Line(Illusion). This will make ur decoy become faster. If u don’t take PU. At least take Lv 3 in Special Line for faster Decoy to compensate that.
2. Take Sword Mastery. Combined with Lv 3 Special Line + Sword mastery u can immob every 6s.
3. Eat Koi Cake. For total 65% Condi Dura. iZerker will criple 1,75s/ Hit, Sword #3 immob will be 3,25s AOE Immob

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Why do people use Greatsword?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


1. Because my Role in my Team is Carry. I Carry my Team Victory. GS has so many good Offense option
2. Because it’s cool seeing a small girl wielding a big Greatsword
3. I like GS #5 to peel. It’s fast and reliable
4. I like GS #4 coz AOE and Criple

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

"Role": What should Mesmers fill?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


TS… You forgot Support/ Healer ROLE ~__~

Hmm Role for Mesmer…
It’s either Carry/ DPS or Support with CC i think.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Discussion: Mind Stab [Rework]

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Just need to remove 2boons. That’s should do it. Hehe

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Healer Guardian PoV

in Guardian

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Hi Guardians Forum!!

I want to share my Teamplay Vid with my friend, a Casual Healer Guardian. This Vid is 25% Mesmer PoV and 75% Healer Guardian PoV and mostly 3-4 Members Team Fight.

Enjoy!! Thx for watching also!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Wilson Claus is coming to Town! (Video)

in Warrior

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Wow Wilson can stream now! Congrats!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] MSS, GreatSword Mesmer(10 Dec)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Night Before 10th Dec Patch

25% Mesmer PoV, 75% Healer Guardian PoV
Testing my Healer PoV. Seems nice

This is not 10th Dec Pacth!!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Idea To Rework "Mimic"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Well it was my exp. Was using Mimic. Got enemy Projectile so it’s “Fully Charged” and blocked all melee, Reflect all Projectile. Then i walked into Enemy Static Field and got Stunned and i was like “Dude i’m supposed to be Invincible at this point coz already charged enemy Projectile”

Seems “Unblockable Interrupt” like Guardian Hammer #5 Ring of Warding, Engineer Magnet Pull, Staff EL Static Field can ignore Block effect. Probably adding Stability will make Mimic become OP but… It will be funny maybe i can mock other Class Block Skills like “Yo! I can block without being interupted by Unblockable Interupt” Hehehe.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Idea To Rework "Mimic"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Just plz give mimic Stability for it’s Duration. I will be very happy!

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Asking for advice

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Ugh blank armor O_O I dunno how to comment.

1. What is ur role
If u want to use power, prec, crit I assume u want to become Hitter role. Well GS fits that role. For 2nd weapon set Staff is good but lack of burst to focus fire enemy with ur Allies. MH Sword also good to dive into enemy zerg/ team, land AOE 2sec Immo + Blurry Frenzy then run away if their eyes on u.

2. I like Debilitating Dissipation in CHaos Trait
Debilitating Dissipation vs Illusionary Defense. I used to like Illu def. Makes ur Char really tanky coz it reduce enemy damage by %. But 2things changed my mind. First, A Good thief will CnD on ur clone then get close to u while in Stealth. If u have Debilitating Dissipation when the thief CnD on ur clone it will give either Weakness, Bleed or Vul to that Thief + The Condis is AOE. If u are lucky it will give the Thief weakness, it will lower his damage. 2nd Coz the condi effect from Clone when death is AOE. It will help ur teammates also. Let’s say ur clones died in center of enemies and all of them got Weakness for next 4s. It’s kinda gambling but worth IMO.

Btw most standard Mesmer Playstyle in zerging is Drop Veil/ Null Field then peels off to become backline damage so GS is a good choice for teamplay/ Zerging.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

What does more DMG? 10/30vs20/20

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


For Power Part Build 1 vs Build 2:
2111/2211 = 0,9547xxxxx → Deal 95,47% compared Build 2 (4,5% weaker from Build 2)

For Crit damage Part Build 1 vs Build 2:
106% Crit damage on stat = 2,56 Multiplier
96% Crit damage on stat = 2,46 Multiplier
2,56/2,46 = 1,04065xxxxx → Build 1 deal 4.065% More compared Build 2

Kinda forget how to calculate. Well that’s what my Math Wizard taught to me.
New Power/ Old Power = The result x100 = That;s the %.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] MSS, GreatSword Mesmer(10 Dec)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


My NEw Vid is up!!

I’ve been kitten ing around League of Legend for past 2week coz boring WVW. What can i say that Game, LoL offer very insane teamwork mechanism. There’s “Carry” definition in that Game which mean basically u “Carry” ur Team to victory so all other teammates must protect you at all cost and i was like “OMG Such egoist Game” Tried LOL then yeah Carry is simply too… OP. 1 Carry can easily make Triple/Qudra/Penta kill as long didn’t get hit and enemy attention is on ur Initiator/ Tank.

Probably after this i;m gonna long sleep until December and see my friend, Wilson about Warrior nerf. I bet his tear is delicious!

Attack Damage Carry

- 15mins Duration
- Nevhie’s Team is back
- Solo Roaming
- Role Play
- New Features = Continuous Battle
A fight mode where enemy can respawn so u need a good DPS when they keep coming
- New Features = Kill Count
- LongBow warrior!! So many of Them!!
- New Archivement = Level Up Stomp
- Roaming in EB
- SOS, Maguma, TC

Also…. F words for Google+. Screwed on Youtube. I must change my Youtube profile pic. But in the end i use google+ coz i need that to reply a comment. What a bully T__T

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Multi-combatant wvw fighting tips

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079



There are 2phase of fighting in GW2. Normal Phase and Downed Phase. There are some classes that hard to take down in Normal Phase but easy to wipe in Downed Phase and Vice Versa.

The definition of “Easy to wipe in Downed Phase” is that class can’t “Move” or “Dodge” enemy stomp aka Stability/ Invul can 100% Secure a stomp vs This Class. Some class like Thief/ Mes normally are easy to kill in Normal Phase but very hard to stomp in Downed Phase. Knowing this will make ur decision better for which 1 should i focus first.

- When you’re fighting multiple opponents and get one down, how do you decide when to go for the stomp versus just trying to take down the second guy (and maybe leaving one phantasm working on the downed opponent)?

If the one who downed doesn’t have Moveable Downed skills like WA/ Guardian/ Ranger/ Necro/ Engine i will use F4 or Decoy Stealth and secure a stomp, If the one who downed can move like EL/ Thief/ Mesmer either i keep DPS until they die/ prepare interrupt if the ally try to revive or wait they waste their Survival DOwned skills thou not really work well vs Thief coz they can chain 2skills to survive from Stomp (Blink #2+ Stealth #3 while Downed). For EL normally i wait for the Mist form Downed then secure a stomp.

- When your teammate goes down in a 2 v 2, how do you decide whether you should try to res versus kill and stomp the most damaged opponent (and presumably rally your teammate)?

For this part u need an agreement with ur teammate “When u are downed just do nothing. I will cast mass invis to protect u from Stomp” If ur ally downed and 1 enemy also downed Mesmer have better chance to stomp coz mass invis to rally ur Ally. U only have around 5s to protect ur Ally. Around 7s in total if u count the enemy Stomp casting time. Phantasm won’t break ur stealth and 2x Phantasm are scary if enemy HP is below 50%(assume both Phantasm are Hitter Type). If u can’t make ur enemy downed u can use mass invis for 5s then revive ur teammates. Flexible.

- How do you choose your first target? (I do look at wvw rank. I suppose that’s mean, but I got put down quickly a lot when I started.)

Well i choose the squishy first. How to know which 1 is squishy? Throw an AOE. After that i choose a class with very easy Downed Type. Thou there’s a class with Easy Normal Phase and Easy Downed Phase.

- What are you trying to pay attention to the most in these fights?

- Enemy Build type = Power or Condi?
- Enemy weapons
- Enemy rotation = BReak their rotation = Higher chance to win

In team play=
Memorizing all enemy class so my team will kill them 1by1 based their performance.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

2013-2014: What Kind of Mesmer Are You?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


WvW: Mixed Styles

Mix of Shatter, Phantasm, Interrupt and weapon skills with Hitter role.
Shatter for F3 interrupt or F4 to secure a stomp, F1 for sure kill.
Phantasm for main damage dealer
Interrupt to add more damage or prevent enemy Revival
Weapon skills coz i like beam. Pew pew pew!!

All in 1.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] MSS, GreatSword Mesmer(10 Dec)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Well yeah condition is really problem nowdays. Esp Necro spite Signet can give instant 5++ Condis at once. Not every Condis can kill but yeah being Chilled/ Crippled really annoying for positioning.

Those sigils only remove 1 Condi/10s. Gene is better coz it won’t enter CD/ Trigger if u are free of COndi if i;m not mistaken. But overall 1condi is too….. Low. Not every Condi gonna kill u. Some condis are designed to slow u down, Other designed to kill and some condi only to “Protect” the main damage condi from Ur Condi removal.

Double Phantasm from GS and Sword gives really nice damage. I also have Arcane Thivery in case enemy is Condi Build. Can’t say much about condi removal timing. Sometimes removing the Soft CC COndi like Cripple and Chill is good so u can positioning better, Sometimes removing the “Main damage Condis” is better so ur enemy can taste their own Condis and we can kill faster. AS For teamplay i have Guardians for Party Condition Removal but i still keep Arcane Thivery in teamplay for boon Striping.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Interrupt Mesmer/ Halting Strike Damage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


The problem is that if your interrupt isn’t being caused by a weapon (ie: chaos storm or counter blade) then the weapon portion of the damage comes from an internally generated number, which comes out to be much weaker than your equipped weapon.

Whoaa this is new stuff for me. Thx for sharing. No wonder i rarely see above 3k Halting Strike Crit damage with my F3.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

Hating on the greatsword? + bonus question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


It’s true


GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]