Used it once for teamplay. The block is amazing and satisfying seeing ur char block block block.
But the prob is since i;m Hitter in my P. Using a mimic means not attacking for 4s which cause my P Damage droped.
As for block part. I think mimic can;t block no damage crowd control skills. Like EL static field or Enginer Magnet. Even Aegis boons can’t protect from Enginer Magnet, probably mimic does too
20 Power
30 Prec
20 Def
Role = Hiter
Core = Manipulation -20%, Clone when Dodge
This trait open into so many combination depend on my taste.
Lazy Staff Phantasm Mesmer With Dual Sword (For Dun)
Phantasm damage 15%, Halting Strike, Staff Mastery, Sword Mastery
Raw Stat Counter Master, GS – Dual Sword (WVW – Roaming)
Sword mastery, GS Mastery, Halting Strike
Melee Assisting Mesmer, GS + Sword Pistol (Wvw with Warrior class)
Sword Mastery, Pistol Mastery, GS Mastery, Halting Strike
Phantasm Based GS – Dual Sword(WVW – Zerging)
Since interupt is not good vs Frontline aka stability. Sword Mastery, Phantasm Damage 15%, GS Mastery, Phantasm Fury
Still making Vid for this new trait. Hope finish soon
(edited by Nevhie.6079)
I added some Interupt factor for my build. With my new trait i got a lot of “Raw Stat”… Yeah thx for the nerf of IC ~__~
The only interupt i use only 2, Halting Strike and Furious interuption.
Halting Strike = Deal 3k damage if crit vs 2,4k DEF armor.
Furious interuption = 3s QUickness with 15s Delay
My expectation only when enemy is downed or ally is downed. USe interupt to “Punish” the one who casting with 3k damage → Gain Quickness → Fast Ress/ Fast Stomp.
The quickness i dunno if it’s good enough or not. But i;m still researching it. Need to compensate the loss from Moar delay to keep good sustain damage.
Shatter build kinda got buff from this Halting Strike. It’s like they are having 2x Mind Wrack from F1 and F3
Well both are fine. Can’t say no for 20s Fury if interupt 5enemies… “If”
This new quickness trait is good. My expectation is Enemy downed → Enemy ally ress → Interupt → Deal 3k damage crit if enemy DEF around 2,4k → Gain quickness → Stomp. And it works well. Well i;m gonna search for another expectation other for stomping/ ressing Allies.. Still hard to find
40 Sec Stealth and 16s Phantasm Summoning.
Indeed a huge loss. Well i;m gonna cry in my room’s corner for a bit…
Nice Vid and funny Music hehe…
May i know ur P composition? With their roles if u can. Or u just simply go with anyone?
what about the rotation of skills ?
GS Mesmer is DPS based class. GS’s weapon skills mostly have short CD and unblockable, but not really high damage (Except iBerserker), so i dont have an absolute rotation except a habbit called “Double Phantasm” Always summon a Phantasm before swap weapon except in emergency.
On Off Hand Weapons my rotations maybe like other Mes. Sword #3 → Sword #2. But on Ver 3.0 I like to dodge into enemy then swap to unleash AOE 4sec Chill then Sword #3 → Sword #2 Kinda risky. But well.. It’s teamplay. My friend got my kitten covered. Depend on situation i bring Off Hand Swords or Pistol. Both of them synergies well for “Double Phantasm” But Pistol is better if my friend Warrior on my Team since Warrior’s Skills need the enemy to be stationary.
Traits Ver 3.0
25 Power/ 30Prec/ 10 Def/ 5Special
25 Atk Traits (Phantasm Damage+15% and GS Training)
“III.Phantasm damage +15% = because this build do “Double Phantasm” more often than Mind Wrack, X.GreatSword Training = Faster GS rotation"
30 Precision Traits (Sword Mastery, Clone When Dodge)
“IV.Sword Mastery = Faster Sword rotation, X.Clone when dodge = Best skill without doubt”
For the last choice. Depend on ur taste..
“II.Phantasm Has Fury = Moar damage for Phantasm”
“I. Manipulation Range increase = It will turn ur arcana thievery became 32s Delay with Manipulation delay -20%. Faster Boon stealer and Condi removal. 1,2k range simply make all manipulation become really easy to use”
“IX. Pistol Mastery = Faster Cooldown for iGunner and Stun Shot. Very good on teamplay esp if u have Warriors in ur P. "
“XII.Furious Interruption(Old) = Gain 4sec Fury when interupt a foe. Making ur Weapon skills become really high damage”
“XII.Furious Interruption (New and untested) = Gain 3sec Quickness when interupt a Foe with 15s CD. GS and Dual Swords have nice CD for Interupt. Esp when on stomping and ressing. Very good for teamplay. I;m thinking to give this trait a try on 25th June 2013
10 Toughness Trait (Manipulation Delay -20%)
“III.Master of Manipulation = Manipulation Delay -20%. Faster Blink and condi removal/ Boon STealer”
5 Special Trait
“llusionists Celerity = Faster Phantasm SUmmoning for more DPS!!”
Weapons Ver 3.0
Dual Swords = This is all round set. So so CC, Good Damage from Phantasm and Block. The Block will be very helpful when vs a Thief since thief will come at us we can use block to block Backstab damage and counter with huge damage to put early pressure. iSwordman Atk every 4s.
Sword Pistol = Use this if u already trait with Pistol Mastery. Very strong CC, High damage but slow atk rate Phantasm, iGunner atk every 6sec. Useful when on teamplay for focus fire to keep ur enemy stunned.
GreatSword = Our Shooting Weapons. All skills are unblockable by anti Projectile. iBerserker provide good AOE damage and atk every 6s
One of the Sword must use Giver’s Prefix. Prec Vit and Condi Dura +10% to get Condi Dura +35% in total.
Sigils Ver 3.0
GreatSword = Sigil of Battle. To raise Phantasm damage
Dual Swords/ Sword Pistol = Sigil of Force (Damage +5%) and Sigil of Hydromancy (Aoe damage and chill nearby foes on weapon swap). 4sec Chills is very good and the aoe damage is good also. The damage Slightly above Sword #1 1st and 2nd chain and can crit.
Food and Stacks Ver 3.0
Food = Precision +80/100 and Crit damage +10%
“For more damage akittenter role”
Stack = Bloodlust, Power +10/ kill max 25stack
“My crit rate already on 50/51%. It’s enough so i can go for another damage”
Runes Ver 3.0
Rune of Air
“5sec base swiftness when heal, Lightining Strike when hit. This build still have big raw stat so the damage from lightning Strike will good”
(edited by Nevhie.6079)
New Vid on 16th June 2013
Advance of MSS V3
Advance of MSS V3:
Bring Special Gameplay for every Advance of MSS Series. For this last series of Advance of MSS bring behind the scene of this MSS Build Ver 3.0. After 9month Playing with this Original MSS Build somehow i think i need to improve so i created this Ver 3.0 Build. This build is more for teamplay and maximizing Condi Dura coz GS Mesmer have Power and Condi Dura Trait to take GreatSword Training and i don’t want Condi Dura stat become a waste. Most of This Vid is all about teamplay since i got my 5th Member for my Group. A DD EL Who provide combo Field, AOE damage and “Flying” around the Battlefield. This Vid Created on Random new Match up so we are kinda happy to see new enemies.
Overview Ver 3.0
After 9month using Original MSS Build somehow i think i need to upgrade it and keep with my old rules “All stat must be used and not wasted” Ver 1.0 was using Centa RUne, Ver 2.0 was Rune of Air and now i’m creating Ver 3.0. I realized as GS Mesmer we always pick GS Training for our GS. That’s mean we have 20% Condi dura which somehow… We not use it. Well ok. We used it a little for our Sword #3 immobilize dura. But Mass Product Shatter Mesmer 20atk 20prec 30spec has 20% condi dura too that’s make our condi dura somehow not “Unique” so with traits and Equipment i managed to gain 35% Condi Dura and create 2,75s Immobilize and i use Sigil of Hydromancy for AOE damage and Chill.
What makes Condi dura kinda special in this Build? It’s based on a data a friend gave me about condi dura. 1,75sec Burn will give 2tick of Burn. Burn only tick on 1 solid sec. But somehow 0,75sec is considered a solid 1sec aka rounded up. Yes i did a test for this 1,75sec Burning on PVP Map. It’s tick twice. After that i wonder if that can be applied for Immobilize dura? Did a test and somehow i felt my Immobilize dura last 0,5sec longer. To improve this condi dura stat i use sigil of hydromancy also for 4sec AOE Chill. The AOE damage is not bad either. Slightly above our Sword #1 1st and 2nd chain
New Features Ver 3.0
1. 2,75sec Immobilize Dura from 35% Condi Dura
But from base 2s Immobilize 35% is just 2,7. Not 2,75! Well on my tooltip it’s 2,75. Probably the break point is .66 since Lv 30 trait is still 2,5sec Immobilize
2. 4sec Chill and damage AOE when Weapon Swap
The purpose of this Sigil is for teamplay and to not waste the 35% condi dura. The AOE damage is slightly higher than Sword #1 1st and 2nd chain. The Chill is around 4sec. Basicaly this sigil will protect when a Thief hit me unprepared and leaving me no option other than to weapon swap.
3. Far-Reaching Manipulations
1,2k Blink is just… Addictive. Well i removed my Phantasm Fury Trait to this one for better mobility and Condi removal since i panic a lot. It’s still fine coz i have 51% Crit rate with Food.
4. 15% More Phantasm Damage
I removed Mind Wrack damage +20% since i just realized i use Double Phantasms more Often than Mind Wrack.
(edited by Nevhie.6079)
The problem of guardian is that only has 1 skill to reflect projectiles, and if you want to upgrade it you need to sacrifice some traits, while mesmers can incorporate reflecting skills with no problems.
Guardian just need lv 10 Special trait to get “Wall of Reflection recharge 20% faster and last longer” It’s not a “Sacrifice” I think Mesmer is the one who need to make a lot of sacrifice? Guard get Recharge 20% faster and last longer in just 1x major trait. WHile Mes? U will need 2x Major Trait.
The reason i only talking about “Wall Of Reflection” is for flexibility. That single Utility slot called “Wall of reflection” is already good for teamplay. Good range like a wall, Light field, Last 12sec with trait and the Guardian can still have their favorite weapons Equiped while u insist on Mesmer to use Focus which not everybody like it. Well i don’t like Focus either coz can’t do “Double Phantasm”
Changing Utility for Teamplay is fine. But changing weapon for Teamplay is somehow rude. That’s why i never talk about weapon based skills for Anti Projectile.
And by the way, with only feedback and temporal curtain without traits yo can reflect the same with wall of reflection and his trait.
Since when Temporal Curtain without trait can reflect projectile…???
In term of anti projectile Guardian is far more superior than Mes.
For anti projectile Guardian wall of Reflect last for 10sec and the trait is “Recharge -20% and longer duration” Both Feedback and Wall are 40sec Initial CD without trait.
Here you’re wrong.
Mesmers not only have feedback, but also iWarden and temporal curtain as an aoe projectile reflection. Then they have mimic, distortion and Mirror for self reflection.Mesmers also have other advantages, like better synergized lines and reflecting traits, and the fact that knight and cavalier set provides offensive stats while upgrading mesmer lacking, toughness.
Unlucky, Guardians are more restricted to set possibilities, so neither their reflecting damage and the reflecting possibilities will never be as much as mesmers can reach.
Well i see ur way of thinking. U want to count Weapon skills and Healing skill as well?
I’m not really into weapons/ Healing skills but if u want to say to beat a single Utility skill called “Wall of Reflection” and 1x trait “Wall Of Reflection skills recharge 20% faster and last longer” u will need…
1x Focus Mastery ?
1x Glamour Mastery (Glamour Recharge 20% faster)?
1x Temporal Enchanter (Glamour dura +2sec)?
1x Masterful Reflection (F4 reflect projectile)?
1x Off Hand Focus?
Not very handy I must say…
Phantasms have Retalation and provide Regeneration, +15% Phantasm Damage(Remove one Condition on Heal & 2,600 Group Heal w/ Mantra Preparation)
Btw can u tell me more about Restorative mantra on teamplay? If u tested it i mean…
I was thinking making Shooter – Healer Build but the 2,75sec cast is killing me when 3people aim at once. Well my expectation was … 10k Heal every 13sec. But the channeling… Is just.. Hard
New Vid on 6th June 2013
Advance of MSS V2
Advance of MSS V2:
Bring Special Gameplay for every Advance of MSS Series. For V2 Special is A POV From my Guardian Teammate, Puku!! The other one is some commentary from me on some fights. Sorry for not really good fight this Vid purpose mainly is to test my editing skills to mix 2POV at once. Enjoy~
Losing 50prec and 5% Crit damage somehow really pain for me since i’m Single Hitter on my Group
Ehmm i dunno where to start.. But here goes…
1. You use Rune of Centaur
Clearly ur melee teammates will be very grateful for ur AOE Swiftness from this RUnes.
2. U have role Support – DPS Build and u have a Support Guardian in ur P
This is kinda problem. In term of Utilities like Condi removal and anti projectile and healing Guardian is far more superior than Mes.
Guardian can heal when dodge and the heal value is 1:1 while in Mes u can heal for 2,6k when casting a Mantra but Heal value is 1: 0,2. Guardian also have perma Vigor trait if crit like Mesmer do.
In term of condi Removal Guardian have Pure of voice, Affected allies by shout convert 1 condi into 1boon. Easy to use coz the Guardian can move around positioning himself in Group so Hitters don;t need to move around. While Null field is good but we need to enter the field somehow not handy if the battle is dynamic.
For anti projectile Guardian wall of Reflect last for 10sec and the trait is “Recharge -20% and longer duration” Both Feedback and Wall are 40sec Initial CD without trait.
But if u still need AOE Chaos Armor well it’s fine to bring Etheral field.
3. For Ur weapon choice
Staff + Dual Swords are good. U will have good single damage from Both Phantasm and both weapons are traited too. Well maybe u can throw the last 10points on Toughness trait coz u don;t play Condition damage. Maybe into 10atk to get another 15% phantasm or simply 20Prec trait for Clone when dodge?
Well u already have a Guard. Just play more aggresive and take care ur self. Guardian can take care of teammates better than Mesmer IMO coz i have 2 Guardians on my P. 1Frontliner and 1 Pure Support Healer.
- Illusionary Riposte only does damage in melee range, even if you block a ranged attack. Also, even though it spawns a clone, it’s not affected by Illusionist’s Celerity.
It’s 900 range. It can block ranged atk as long ur enemy within 900range. If ur enemy is more than 900 range = an “Out of Range” Notif will appear and no clone will summoned. The counter can be happen even if ur enemy attack from back but sometimes will force ur Camera rotation into direction of ur enemy who u countered.
I don’t know about PVE. All weapons are good for PVE Not to mention grinding to lv 80 mostly doing in Group.
What so good about GS.. Let see… Mostly from WVW View. Basically it’s a Sniping Weapon
1. All ur attacks are unblockable by Anti Projectile
Yes.. All of it… iBerserker is melee Spin AOE but it can be summoned from 1,2k range. So does Mind Stab GS #3
2. Most of GS Skills can be use from far away and fast
With special case iBerserker u can summon him even ur enemy is on ur back. GS#1 has no “travel” time. It’s so good
3. GS has 2skills to summon a clone next to enemy
iBerserker and GS#2. Very useful vs Running Enemies then SHatter them for long range spike damage.
4. U can have projectile finisher every 4,8 sec
Light field + Projectile finisher GS#2 = Condi remove… But i still don’t know who will get the effect. Is it the mesmer or an ally nearby the Light field.. lol
5. U have AOE Interupt / GS #5
With Not very long CD. Very useful when Stomping, kicking THief from their house, or to make other enemies fall.
6. Good AOE
From iBerserker.
The bad side of GS = No mobility. When enemy is close. Either blink to gain range or switch for Melee combat.
I like with my Guardian. I rarely got any Thief friend. Well Guardian Tanking and i just become the Hitter. If enemy smart enough to aim well i stealth. I use GS So both of us have sucks Mobility So it just win or lose. No retreat option. But we’re good. Hehe
Just Ordinary Traditional MMO Shooter.
Aim enemy L Armor with some flanking tactic.
Utilities for Zerg fight:
Arcana Thievery (Weaken enemy Guardian aka steal their prot)
Feedback (Protect Ally H Armor users from Enemy Projectile)
Decoy (Break away from enemy “Train Wave”)
Blink (Same with Decoy)
Well i;m not a big fan of zerg fight since my PC is not that good. Normally i “Freeze” if i stay too long on center of the fight. Not to mention all i do on Zerg fight just Tab – GS#2 – GS#4 – GS#1 or press tab again until i get dying enemies ~__~
Hi. I want to ask about the 2nd effect of Magic Bullet since u are using Pistol.
Magic Bullet 2nd effect = Daze 2sec.
Confounding Suggestions = 50% chance to cause a 1-second stun whenever you daze a target.
So the Confounding SUggestions will change the 2sec daze into 1sec stun or 2sec stun? If only 1sec would using Dual Swords better? Not to mention Sword #4 has quick CD.
Duelling Grandmaster Major trait: Furious Interruption – Joke? 4 Seconds of Fury for Interrupting in a Grandmaster slot? It would still be weak if it were in a lower tier, but grandmaster? Ok, one has to consider Chaosstorm random interrupts stacking quite some fury if lucky, and interrupting unimportant long casttime skills might make this senseable too. But still it doesnt compete if you want to actually Interrupt aimedly.
This GM Trait is not that bad. It has no CD. SO If u use some AOE Interupt and u get 5x interupt.. Well 20sec fury… Not bad.. But not handy enough too… Hahaha…
1. Use this time to get out of their line of sight and prevent them from summoning iBerserker.
Aka fight in Bridge or Forest. But don’t worry there’s no Forest on Flipping objective in WVW. GS upperhand on Open field is good
2. If you can’t do number 1, summon clones and iWarlock, pop Chaos Armor
Steal the Prot Boon for 5sec!!
3. Proceed to close gap with sword and pressure them… shatter if you must
GS mes will Blink when u do Sword #2 or simply.. DOdge..
4. If they use GS 5, close the gap again with blink or sword
If this happened after point 3 and ur Sword #2 and Sword #3 are on CD. GS Mesmer simply will change into Sword and give u Sword #3 and Sword #2.
The hardest Staff Mesmer is GC Build with “Insane” F4 from “Recharge All Shatter on 50% HP” On 1st 10sec of the fight the pressure of this STaff Mesmer will be very insane since They will Stealth a lot, and when they are not on Stealth they will spam F4. Leaving GS Mesmer on hard position coz GS mes can;t regenerate any clones or Phantasm.
This GW2 game is balance. Playstyle affects so much in fight.
GS Mesmer know… Staff Mesmer gonna come to melee and unleash 4x Mind Wrack damage. While Staff Mesmer know too.. GS Mesmer don’t want to take that 4x Mind Wrack and keep the range.
Except if both of them are Shatter build. Maybe they will hug each other on Melee range.
Yupz it’s done. On main article. Hehehe. Plz take a look. Dozo~
It.s done. Added to main article now.
If the meaning of Up 2 date is this build can do well with current patch. Yes it is. Anet gave this build a buff past 2month.
For innovation. Well yeah i must admit i rarely change the trait or equip for past… 3month? Probably the prob lies from my WVW Party since they expect me to Shoot coz i;m the only Hitter in the P. Well it’s normal since GS Is sniping weapon anyway.
Some innovation i gave For MSS Build..
MSS – Type Red
30Atk, 25Prec, 10Def, 5Spec
Most of the options are same with previous build except…
Confounding Suggestions
50% chance to cause a 1-second stun whenever you daze a target.
“It synergies well with Sword #4. Since Sword lacks of CC. Well not to mention too.. That’s Sword #4 is piercing?”
- Better CC when using Dual Swords
- F3 become beast
Cons =
- Losing 50Prec and 5% crit damage
- Losing Phantasm fury Trait.
Basically this Type Red Offers Good Phantasm damage from iSwordman since its atk every 4sec. Around 2sec faster from standard Phantasm and with 50% to stun trait Off Hand Sword offers good CC Also. Normally Using Pistol off hands give Mesmer insane CC from Pistol #5/ Magic Bullet, 2sec stun but the Phantasm atk every 6sec it’s kinda slow and it’s projectile. Can be blocked by anti Projectile. In conclusion using lv 30Power Trait, 50% to stun when Daze, hoping Dual Swords can provide good CC compared Pistol Off Hand while keeping insane Melee iSwordman damage and insane damage from Block Sword #4.
(edited by Nevhie.6079)
Strongest Phantasm for me.. Is iSwordman. If u take the damage and the recharge rate (atk every 4sec)
iGunner and iWarlock damage are better than iSwordman but both of them have 6sec atk rate. iGunner deal more damage because the bleed when crit while iWarlock coz of Condi on ur target. Both of them are projectile btw
Aside from Phantasm.. Every Weapons has its own role. Can;t say much which 1 is strongest. But for my taste i like GS and Sword coz very offensive
New Vid for 30th April Patch~
Advance of MSS
Content =
- 14mins Vid
Don’t really want WVW too much. lol
- Mimic GamePlay
Not really good coz basically it’s not my role on teamplay to become appealing. I purely add Mimic Gameplay just for fun and trolling. Mimic Util is just really depend on enemies formation.
- Fight under Arrow Cart Rain
30th April Arrow Cart… Is just… Simply hurt…. But we tried~
- Change Coat part from Soldier to Sentinel
Trade 30atk into 30vit.
- And many More…
1v1 with Various classes and WVW Rank, Teamplay, etc
Sorry for Confounding Suggestions Trait. I still can’t bring that trait for my gameplay. Somehow losing 50prec and 5% crit damage is just pain for me as a Hitter. But clearly that trait is good for Dual Swords.
Some tips..
- Remove Lv 15 Special Trait, Shatter gives Confu
COnfuse damage is just too small imo. Not to mention if u are power based build
- If u remove Lv 15 Special Trait, Put it for Lv 10 Tough Trait
Pick Manipulation delay -20%. It will help ur blink since GS Mesmer is the worst in term of mobility.
- If possible, pick Great Sword Mastery.
So u can do double phantasms on every weapon swap. And lv 15 Power trait is good for Sword #4 (Daze)
Also you can take a look at my build for GS + Dual Sword Gameplay. So it will give u more example to think On My siggy.. Hehe…
Been away for 5days from civilization… Added some Patch note for 30th and my thought for it.
Special Notes – 30th April
- RIP Confuse Mesmer
Was a Good Comrade. Good teamplay for “Controling” The enemies. My Group was helped a lot by this COnfuse Mesmer. Since the Confusion cut enemy damage. If the enemy keep attacking simply they die, If the do nothing it’s another breath for my Group
- Confounding Suggestions trait: Now functions with the Chaos Storm and Counter Blade skills.
Another buff for Dual Swords. Since Dual Swords lack of CC. With this Trait DUal Swords now have Good damage and Good CC. Not to mention to make F3 become more beast. 1sec stun seems “Meh” But not many classes have 2sec stun. So it’s fine.
- Mirror Blade skill: Added an unblockable skill fact.
Clearly ANET expectation for GS Mesmer is “Weakest Shooter but with unblockable Attack” and i’m 100% fine with it.
-Arcane Thievery skill: Now correctly transfers the boons removed from enemies and the conditions removed from the mesmer.
I don’t feel any diff for this skill… Still failed if i;m blinded.
For my next build probably will use Confounding Suggestions. It’s weaker than my prev build since trade 5Prec Trait into 5power trait. Losing 50prec, 5crit damage into 50power and 5% condi dura for better CC on Dual Swords. The trait is 30atk 25prec 10def 5Spec. Hope i have appatite to make the vid for it. WVW kinda boring nowdays. Thx for reading
Well 3% damage reduction on chaos looks good. I’m trying with Interupt gain 4sec fury(Lv 30 Crit trait) since our boons affect to our Phantasm too. I like the idea Phantasm and the Master must be equally strong enough for offense stat. Rather than Phantasm Fury only for Phantasm. I tried Fury on myself. It’s harder but possible.
I use Arcana Thievery for my condi removal.
1. It can remove 3condi at once
2. I have trait “Manipulation -20% CD”
3. It can strip enemy boons. Rather than to wait for the boon to worn off. Very useful vs Boon Stacker Defensive type enemy like Staff Mes/ Guardian/ EL. Or Simply to gain boons to enchance my abilities, steal from Warrior or Ranger
4. Thou this skill is hard to use i must admit it.
1. Is the secondary ability affected by the damage of the ability absorbed?
The 2nd ability u mean is ur reflect? The reflect damage after u “Stored” a Projectile is depend on ur stat. U will use that skill “Base damage” and amplify it with ur stat. Like Power, prec, crit damage and yes. Ur reflect can crit. I tried this with my Gears and naked. The damage is diff coz power loss.
2. Is the secondary ability affected by any of the secondary effects that the first projectile may have had? Like a condition or perhaps a stun or knockback?
U will need a projectile to “Charge” the mimic. When The mimic is “Charged” ur Mimic icon will turn into “Echo” and u will block all melee atk and reflect all projectiles. When Echo Icon is on u are invincible until the mimic duration worn off.
3. If I happen to activate distortion can I absorb a hit while distortion is active or does the projectile have to actually hit me?
Haven’t try this but i think Mimic will wait until ur Distortion run out
And some fun fact.
“After a projectile has been absorbed, the remaining duration will reflect all projectiles and block all other attacks. "
And some fun fact about mimic. U can trigger the “Block” with ur own “Buff” projectile or “ally Buff” Projectile. For example GS mesmer has Mirror Blade. The Blade will hit the target and then bounce back to Mesmer. Before the bounce arrives press Mimic and the Mimic “Stored” that projectile resulting block all Melee atk and reflect enemy projectile. ANother example with Guardian Staff #2. The Moving heal Orb. If that Orb passes the Mesmer while channeling the Mimic. The Orb is stored too.
- Asuras are Small
Small weapons. Hard to predict what type are they if they have “Nothing” on their Status Bar
- Asuras are Small
The detail of Clothes are small. It’s hard to know between M and L. Esp if they turn off their Helm. H is easier little bit.
- Asuras are Small.
It’s hard to pay attention to them in big battle coz they are small.
Tried again today. And yes. If we have confuse then we use condi removal/ Arcana Thievery we won’t take the damage from confuse. Nice enough…
And some funny fact.. Rune of air lightining strike trigger the confuse. Hahaha…
“After a projectile has been absorbed, the remaining duration will reflect all projectiles and block all other attacks. "
And some fun fact about mimic. U can trigger the “Block” with ur own “Buff” projectile or “ally Buff” Projectile. For example GS mesmer has Mirror Blade. The Blade will hit the target and then bounce back to Mesmer. Before the bounce arrives press Mimic and the Mimic “Stored” that projectile resulting block all Melee atk and reflect enemy projectile. ANother example with Guardian Staff #2. The Moving heal Orb. If that Orb passes the Mesmer while channeling the Mimic. The Orb is stored too.
If you have confusion on you as a condition when you cast this, do you take the damage from using a skill?
I haven’t try this.. Maybe yes coz we are “Using” a skill.. Or maybe no coz the Confusion already transfered
Can you dump conditions on a downed player? I’ll try testing this – just wondering if someone already knew the answer.
I think it can since i like to steal Signet of Rage from Downed Warriors. Just be careful for 1sec invul when downed for 1st time.
I assume the condition you pass back is exactly as it landed on you (duration, damage). So if you have reduced condition duration food, this would knock down the duration before you passed it back.
Do boon duration bonuses apply on boons I pull from someone else (or are the boons exactly as they were on the opponent)?
The boons dura is exactly as ur opponent. So grab it while still hot
It seems like if I try this and the target is out of range, it just fails and goes on cooldown. Is that right?
Yes. And it can be dodged/ blinded. Dunno about Blocked.
Does this skill work on boss’s in dungeons?
True MSS Build
Mixed Knight,Berserker, Soldier, Cavalier.
I tried. But in the end it just “Not Playstyle”
Scepter #3 Beam damage is like Sword #2 Blurry Frenzy Damage. Huge. But Scepter is ranged + Channeling. While Sword #2 is channeling too but we are invul.
The Block damage is like Sword #4 Block. Nearly same tooltip imo.
Thx Mice and glad u like it
This build offers a “Liquid Playstyle” U can do well and fit on every situation but u never be best of it. Like jack of all trade. So i never get boring and always contribute well on my P even i;m a Single Hiter. Well my friend said i have good sustain damage. Small damage like 2k every sec but continuous. It’s the opposite of Spike damage.
Updated some Sigils on my 2nd Post on this Thread.
New Vid is up!!
True MSS
Finally finished all Ascen Acc. Another long Vid. Same as usual. Solo fight and medium scale fight with my friends. But more action IMO. Well this new WVW Patch is so so. WVW Rank and GS Laser hit up to 3targets is nice but not really critical on vs Players. Since moving around it’s not really my style. It’s like telling to the enemy “Hey i;m the real Mesmer Yo!”
I run GS + DUal Sword Build, Called my Build MSS.
With main Role as Shooter.
Well i dunno… 1st time play mesmer. Read some “General Guide” Of Mesmer. Then learning that if u can summon 2x Phantasm don;t shatter them or ur dps will drop. Therefore i learned “Double Phantasm” After that realized GS#2 and GS#4 clones are arrived next to enemy. Take Mind Wrack damage +20 then learned “Long Range Spike damage” Then realized how cool Sword #2 then i fell in love with Sword. Check Wiki about Phantasm atk rate learned iSwordman is best for my DOuble Phantasm. If there’s a reason probably coz my ping 250ms and not really good at rotating camera so i choose to become a Shooter. But overall. I chose Class from its looks 1st.. ABilities next. Hahaha…
Thx for the comments and watching!!
For some people. Shooter Mesmer is lame. They think Other classes fit more well to become a Shooter. I met so many Shooter on WVW but still i love the Mesmer. Being a Mesmer is easy to make a good positioning from Stealth. Stealth is strong point for GS MEsmer Shooter, that what makes Gs Mes different.
Some MEME about my Build on attachment. Just for laugh
My lastest Vid contains Duet of Me and my friend, a Guardian. Well i always welcome other class for my teammates as long they know what they’re doing with their class.
Since my build is hybrid. I can take some damage. But only some. Not tons of damage. Only Guard can do that with perma protection boon. My friend Guardian is a Healer. His role is to distract enemies and stomping enemies when he’s with me. Normaly i rarely see my Party Panel but i know he’s fine lol. If enemies is smart they will aim me at first and force me to reset my “Presence”. Being Hiding for 3~5sec from the battle doesn’;t mean much for my Guardian. Normaly need 3++ GC People to take down a guardian. If my Guardian is dying normaly i charge into enemies to “Share the damage” and buy some time for His healing skill
Overall duet with Guardian is nice and funny. Thou they are slow and not really good for retreating. But i enjoyed it. They have tons of buff and they can cover me from Debuff (Pure of Voice). Guardian DPS might be not high. But they have good CC and at staying alive.
does Nevhie has a youtube channel with all her videos?
Yeah Mixed PVT, Knight, Berserk.. Thx for the comment hehe
Bump again for new Vid!! MSS – T1 Medium Scale Fight
- 20 Mins Vid
I.. Wvw too much…
- Mostly Duo with my friend, a Guardian
For more challenge as a Single Hitter
- Power of Rune of Air
To make Double KO
- Competent and Rapid Switch
Tp unleash full potential from Both Weapons even the enemy keep coming
- Less vs Many
For maximum watching experience and keep making points on WvW
- Invisible Shooter
A Class who can atk from 1,2k range and can go stealth and suddenly come out with Dual Swords or on other side of Battle Field
- 3 Way fight with 2x POV from Flimp
Copyright by Flimp. Permission already granted.
Next project = Messing Around with Mimic if possible (Somehow it’s hard to replace Arcana Thivery)
Mesmer Type =
MSS Build (Shooter)
- Boon Duration Build Ele
- Bunker Guardian
- Thief with high Tough/ HP
- Burning Guardian
Other than those… So so or easy.
Arcana thievery can be dodged…
Dunno about Blind thou. Haven;t try it with Blind.
Small HP 10k, EL Thief=
- Have best survivability(Perma STealth, Ride the lightning, Thief’s Blink)
- Have best Single/ AOE damage(Backstab, Fire ring)
Big HP 18k, WA/ Necro=
- No Stealth
- Less Break Stun
- No Blink
Medium HP 15k = Mix of Abilities from HP 10k and HP 18k.
The result of Mix for Mesmer (IMO) is very adapt in every situation. We can Stealth like thief. But not perma. We have invulnerable skills (F4) but not as many as EL. We can also Blink but not as cool as Thief. We get access to all 3 exceptional finisher[F] in this game (Stealth, Blink, Invulnerable). Based on skills damage modifier, Probably Mesmer have very low. But Mesmer have very good and easy rotation for skills to compensation that. I’m fine with my Mesmer now being a class who like “Jack of all Trades” but that makes my Mesmer is very enjoyable. Whatever the situation might be, Camp pvp, 20vs 20, 1v1, 1v X, PvDoor?, Melee/ Ranged, Condi. My Mesmer will always be productive. Plz be noted.. I wrote “My Mesmer” Ok?
Crit only
iBerserker = 1,5k ~ 2k / Hit
iSwordman = 3k ~ 6k/ Hit