At first I was very upset to the point I stop playing…
1) I was disappointed with the fight with Zhaitan as I did the Dungeon only to find that big corpse Lupi instead of the final fight with the dragon…
2) Then there was the vote stuff, I thought to my self: oh wow Abbaddon manipulating everything until the final fight was what got me to play GW1! I love to see that fractal event of him again!! But the votes won for the reactor…. so I just got over it and move on…
3) Fire and Ice got my interest and that Alliance…it was very intriguing… as I wondered who could be behind all that… as the story continue it got me thinking… about scarlet, what was happening to her, what she saw beyond the pale tree… I even created a post (This Nightmare Scarlet…the true villian?, among other similar theories…) of how exited I was it could be new evil god or old one… I guess I was nostalgic to play old lore stuff with the new GW2 look… Then she said as she died about this New Master, yet it points out that its the dragon Mordy…
4) SO I was just confuse because the Dragons was mention that they are destruction it self a force of nature they wake eat and then go to sleep… any hit of intelligence is just instinct. Then I thought… wait in GW1 the story was always telling us that the villain was this or that but it was just almost at the end that its revealed that a TRUE mastermind was making all this stuff happen… the story was so powerful in the end that I really love it… even though we know next to nothing about Abbadon his past or anything of the gods he left such a POWERFUL impression even if his permanently gone, he left his scar on the world, even in the new goddess (always wondered if there was a alternative motive for blinding Komir, besides it being an evil act of cruelty). I was even shock to know that Shiro was under his power! I could not belive such a BAD A*** guy like that could be just a puppet to this god… so, in the end it was like whoa* this Abbadon guy is in a whole different level…which make the final fight the more epic!
Point of this is that it got me thinking, Anet story telling always have a way to leave you guessing, always pointing out plain to see villains or have you not knowing what’s really going on, yet in the end showing us that there was more to it that it was plain to see, that there is a logic to it all… So IM VERY EXITED, to see what all this turns out to show us… but until then I’m just taking a break to see what S2 brings… I’m sure it will be epic…even now that we can go back and experience all of it…
Heck, If they open up to replay stories from GW1 in GW2 I pay anything for that!!! Those stories where very cool! So lets give them time I’m sure it wont disappoint… lets see what the story reveals as we play it through…
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
To each its own Equinox, thank you for your detail thoughts. I will still disagree on this for so many reason that I’m sure you will have so many other reason of why is not like that etc.
We will have to see until then we move on because as you mention things are not changing for now.
Hush now my pet, now let others post their thoughts please. Sooooooo moving on!Opinions are fine, but when your “theories” completely contradict everything we know about the lore, it’s just absurd. You’ve posted your “theory” in many threads, even when there’s little connection between the thread topic and your post, so clearly you’re one of those single-issue people who won’t give up on their pet theory no matter how much evidence is presented to discredit it. Go ahead and keep your expectations high, but don’t be surprised when nothing you want to see ever comes to pass.
To each its own Equinox, thank you for your detail thoughts. I will still disagree on this for so many reason that I’m sure you will have so many other reason of why is not like that etc.
We will have to see until then we move on because as you mention things are not changing for now.
Hush now my pet, now let others post their thoughts please. Sooooooo moving on!
What name would YOU give to a GW2 expansion?
Joke: Deadly Alliance! (Yeah I went there, MORTAL COMBAT!)
Return of the Evil Trinity
I will let your imagination built up the rest of the possible content as it is to massive to be contain in one single post.
Maaan… when I look at those gods…. Gw1 was so great, so dark and gloomy, so mature. Fighting Dhuum in the Underworld and the Shadow army, going through the Realm of Torment, Ravenheart Gloom and fighting demons. Even battling the 3 meters high Destroyers was awesome. Gw1 was not for everybody, not for 10-year-old kids like Gw2.
Gw2 with its pitifully looking dragons and destroyers the size of a man should be given Pegi 7.
Hahahaha! Could have not say it better my self brother!
wow, Fiontar that’s a lot of hate! hahahaha Shhhhh lets stay quite, maybe living story will not come back and we can have real deep award winning content.
Shhhhh, maybe it will die out don’t call it… let Living story die….please… so that Arena Net can focus one Bringing the Guild Wars in Guild Wars 2…
NO, I love Personal story and would rather have Living Story Remove so they work on it than the other way around. PLAYERS ARE THE STORY, take that away and the game loses a big piece of the essence of it, well… Living story mostly kill it… but its still there.
So, NO.
BY THE 9 (Yes Abbadon, Dhumm and Mezies included) GODS! This is a really good post, it’s really well done. I agree, this is an excellent post. Anet (and its writers in particular) would do well to pay very close attention to the issues raised here. I wish they could have listened to player feedback more carefully while the Living Story was still in progress.
THANK YOU better words could not be express its EXACTLY for me whats been happening! We have a new leading director for the writing crew!
Arena Net, give players what they want don’t make the same mistake that Final Fantasy 14 did. Don’t get too enthralled by your own thoughts of your well deserve glory, like they did, they learn and made a HUGE comeback… you can too.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
I don’t agree, Gods, specially cunning like Abbadon God of ALL secrets just don’t die with out a SECRET to escape his over thrown, we are not talking about any monster, where talking about Gods who transcend that notion, the fact that there are still artifacts resonating with his power is proof of that even if its weak, the story says clearly that it took 3 Gods to take him out…Dhumm is no exception as for Menzies I cant even imagine…
Before the Truth there are always Secrets. These evil Trio embodies the negative aspect of Gods and should not be taken out… they should be active specially now that the world is being destroy. There are the other side of the coin, where there is Yin there will always be Yang, where there is darkness there is always light!
What if your human character was chosen by one of these deities… its a universal thing, there are good gods and evil ones, even if they are tyrannical one should be able to chose who she/he want to worship or in this case whose blessing he receive, who you want to blame or serve or what destiny you want to fight even if it was pick for you. I would not mind fighting the six gods them self for leaving us like they did… lots of people have lost their lives because of this etc, etc.
Example: From my (role-playing)characters perspective the Good gods abandon us, they dint save my best friend (people from poisoning to death if you chose to save him) from death, or my sister (who in my head was a devoted servant to them) or other atrocities my character experience… I was bless by Grenth, but permanent death is what fallow my character and now that he has unlock Dhuum fire his is positive HIS blessing comes NOT from a just God of death! Now that we need them the most the LEAVE? And don’t even get my character started on that scarlet witch, Etc etc…
I know many players feel the same way, Evil Gods must make an Epic come back and like many others I believe that the ones puling the strings in all this destruction, to make them later look like Saviors or which ever could be these Evil Trinity… it should all be a full circle, can you imagine if the Lich servant of Abbadon posses or takes over Zaithans (that is IF he really is dead in which I HOPE ITS NOT because that final battle with the dragon was really a disappointment) corps and uses all that magical power in that dragons body to fully restore his master, or did Abbadon know about these and fake his own demise? Etc etc…
Point is Arena Net should NOT eliminate such IMPORTANT lore figures and possible awesome game content. You should have seen how many rage about people not choosing the Abbadon content for the Asura reactor one! Many GW1 players would agree that content from the first game should come back.
If Arena net really wants player to be part of the Living story the should consider this, if not the should go back to School with their GW1 or MMOs like Final Fantasy 14 that made a spectacular comeback where in the whole story of the game YOU ARE the hero and the BANE of all the antagonist, there are NPC that help you of course, they even grow on you, but they don’t take the glory or force you to like them just because. Even the antagonist you come to love hating he grow on you NOT annoys you to death or for some players goes to a point in which you don’t really care to even play the content. Personal story did these really well and we will miss does NPCs that grew on us so well. Just saying if they keep this living story thing they need to spice it up more… or at least make it into expansion…
Well unless they plan to leave this big stuff as expansion and living story would be just for the rise of Dragons… then i guess it be OK as long as the PLAYERS ARE THE STORY…not just part of a Raid Army of nameless soldiers or heroes.
NOTE: These are meant to be constructive comment, my apologies if it sounds other wise. I’m a big fan of GW1 and what really hook me to it was the whole story of Abbadon, Dhumm, etc. that was very awesome story.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
I think a more conventional return to Guild Wars lore would appeal or at least be more digestible to a larger demographic.
Magic, Monsters, Gods and Politics might seem contrite, but I’m convinced that real human stories can be told under the pretense of the Fantasy world. Scarlet fails as a protagonist for simple reasons, she’s out of place, unneeded and force fed to us.
There is already a huge, epic, cataclysmic story of the dragons, warring nations and established heros and villans in the shipped game. Scarlet feels like Deus ex Machina of sorts, some sort of hashed up supervillain meant to tie together a bunch of separate ideas. She comes off as some sort of bad storytelling mechanic and everyone knows the character has no real place in the story, but can’t really put their fingers on why.
We spent months on Kiel’s storyline, and even Evon felt like a believable foil to Kiel by extension. If there had been a good moment for a plot twist these forgotten characters would have been ideal to expand on. Instead they feel like cheap forgotten throw aways, while we slog through more “Mechagodzilla” Living story updates.
What I’m trying to say here is, use the established lore and characters. Tell mature, real, human stories the players can relate to. I’d equate the current living story more with a bad “B” Movie than Tolkien. I feel the difference here is creating interesting, cool characters people can feel engaged with instead of writing in comic book supervillains.
Remember each, and every player in your game is trying to tell THEIR story in YOUR world. Often I feel like a nameless faceless character in someone else’s story when playing through story content. Just another militia in some vast army of other players. Having key characters recognize you and your involvement seems to help me connect with the characters.
This post needs a highlight in a building sized poster above ANet HQ’s main door.
AMEN TO BOTH! GW2 needs more of GW1!!!! This is our Living story in your world, enough making heroes and villains overshadowing players, enough with the Syvari Hype I like the race but it makes you look lazy, its always easy to write for something that really has no deep back story, after all they sprang out yesterday.
I want to fight Abbadon again, Dhuum and even the never shown Menzies the Mad with his true Nightmares not these mix mach things. I know I know Abbadon is Dead but come on, can someone tittle GOD OF SECRETS can’t have a secret to escape death? I mean Dhuum dint die when he was beaten by the reapers and Grenth and what we know of Menzies is that his at war with Balthazar, so he must be powerful? Lore wise we know these 3 Gods had Triad Pack of sorts to over through the 6 Gods, which there GONE (Perfect for evil gods to take over worship or make a revival comeback no?), some of the spirits of the wild are dead or so its believe (Perfect for an Chimera Abomination spirit to be born from the corruption of the Dragons and be their own threat). Infinite Coil Reactor, could it give rise to a new type of Artificial Hydra Dragon that could devour the others and be a greater threat! The dragons are consider a force of nature that consume all then goes to sleep and repeat the cycle but the world even thought is devoid of life endures, right? That’s what the lore indicates, so if a Fabricated Infinite Coil Hydra Dragon comes to life it could become a threat even to the Gods as its hunger could never be sated.
I could keep thronging ideas of opening the skies and oceans of the already beautiful Tyria, give players powers of flight, battle mounts or fast barefoot travel, new type of Dervish shape shifting profession to all races worship creatures/things, talk about the Zaishen Order what role do they play or will they be a New Profession, will there ever be bare hand combat weapon etc etc etc… Players have gives such awesome ideas… ideas that are original or improvements of things that HAS been successful in other games.
What I’m trying to say with this is that, with just mention these things among others lose ends in your Lore you have soooo much to write about bring forth, why give us this?!
Please Anet hear your players… Its cool to be original but its also cool to re-work the things that already have been successful and built on them. We believe in you.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
Not mounts but i’d like movement effects for each class. Like Elementalist would ride a cloud of lightning or an Engineer would ride a cool bike of some sort etc.
Now this is a good happy medium for this discussion!
I really hate this Scarlet cartoon vegetable plant thing, seem such an empty lazy consent and story. I really hope something bigger is behind her endless annoying assaults. I don’t know about you but it seems all mayor epic events a Sylvari is taking the spot light. I use to like them as an original concept but now I’m just tired of them. Unless the real identity of Sylvari are good/bad dragon minions or there is a God or other more interesting Monster NOT a Sylvari behind stuff going on I’m just ignoring all the living content just play other mmos until it gets interesting again. Like when Abaddon appeard in GW1 now that was epic. Wish we could go to Dragon/God Slaying again instead of all this stupid vegetable people mix mach stuff.
My character’s ancestor helped Kormir to become the first mortal god, and defeat Abaddon in an epic battle.
Kiel gives us an Inquest Reactor that they blew up themselves.
We need Evon more than ever! We need JUSTICE!
Amen to that brother!
WHY, why!!!! I want to see Abaddon, Dhum or even Menzies! Not a Inquest Reactor blow up! Whats the point of having an GW1 ancestor if u don’t get to play related content twisted with the current new one! :’(
Ngeluz. First. we never had a depiction of Menzies, so that top image is rather disturbing, as I think anet would actually use it. Second, it sounds like dragons are just hard counters to gods, with their magic draining. Third, and this one is completely hearsay, there are rumors we will eventually revisit the fight between menzies and balthazar. but really, i’m not looking forward to anet twisting or ignoring lore so i’m wary about when the gods come back.
Yeah I figure Menzies, could look something like this seeing his minions and Scarlet’s Twisted offshoots.
Love the hearsay you mention hope it really happens in the future!
i think the descent into evil was after they kicked him out, imprisned him in the mist and erased his existence. Before that it appeared he mostly had differing views on how to deal with humans and their role as gods
Scarlet went back in time and used a mind control device to turn Abaddon against the other gods.
Hahahaha, so funny…but, now that i think about it…
This Nightmare, Scarlet…the true villian?
Is it me or have any of you are getting the feeling that Menzies the Mad, also known as the Lord of Destruction is involve pulling the strings on this Scarlet villain? His minions are known as Nightmares… could there be a connection?
In GW1 this God Menzies had a pact with Dhuum and even Abbadon, they help each other to bring ruin to the other Gods, could we be seeing the return of this Fallen Gods in GW2?!
For me it be the perfect climax or ultimate plot for the living world, I mean what race would not want a Trinity of GODs (even if their evil) by their side now that the Dragons are destroying the world, right?
I would LOVE to see this Fallen Gods come back as its a perfect time with all this chaos in Tyria, with the fractals even Abaddon could return! But i also agree that this content should be done with care, this scarlet villain is so weak I would die if they ruin the powerful lore behind this incredible TRUE Villains.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
Agreed in all, this LS is just killing this game…
This is a great idea!
At the very least it will get the GW story creator thinking.
Scarlet is way to weak of a villain, seriously I just cant get over the fact that it feels like a good anime series gone bad with so many pointless fillers. lol
Agreed on the whole list.
LS feels like fillers from an Anime series and don’t even get me started on this Scarlet character (Abaddon wannabe), unless she a a host for a much bigger threat like say the Menzies the Mad Lord of Destruction brother of the God Balthazar or something cooler or bigger on dose lines PLEASE rap this weak arc up!
NOTE: His minions are classify as Nightmares not sure if its related.
Is it me or have any of you are getting the feeling that Menzies the Mad, also known as the Lord of Destruction is involve pulling the strings on this Scarlet villain? His minions are known as Nightmares… could there be a connection?
In GW1 this God Menzies had a pact with Dhuum and even Abbadon, they help each other to bring ruin to the other Gods, could we be seeing the return of this Fallen Gods in GW2?!
For me it be the perfect climax or ultimate plot for the living world, I mean what race would not want a Trinity of GODs (even if their evil) by their side now that the Dragons are destroying the world, right?
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
abaddon was absorbed by a mortal (kormir) who i think was given a special ability by the gods to do so (why they didnt give it to me when i did all the work i will never know), dhuum wasn’t absorbed by a mortal, instead grenth who i think was a demi god but i could be wrong, replaced him (maybe absorbed half his power? *shrug)
I agree on that about Abbaddon and your point in Kormir becoming a God and not the player after all that hard work. You brought an interesting loop hole there about Dhuum… I guess we will have to wait and see, I just miss the Slaying of Fallen Gods… them missing in the End of the world and this Fillers with this Scarlet villain Abbadon wannabe. Just hope this Scarlet person turns out to be a puppet of a much greater Power. I think Menzies the Mad is behind all this and it seems quite up his source of power and thinking. This is just a suggestion Im just feeling like in this game, these Fallen Gods could really change the Living World permanently I mean the Six are not the only Gods we should have Evil Gods who grant powers to their worshipers to combat the dragon they could be the Death Knights of GW2. I mean we have the disturbingly cool Necromancers, might as well bring the Berserkers/Assassins who could be fueled by the Mad Menzies power, Warlocks/Shamans who could be fueled by the re-born Abbadon (or who ever, maybe the persistent cool Shiro Tagachi?) powers and Ritualist/Dervish who could be fueled by Dhuum etc… or something on does lines with existing Professions. For ones see the Six struggling for worship on all the races, it be epic, I can see the humans fanatics among other races jumping just to know that they have their ultimate weapon or how the Chaar call them, by their side.
Anyway its just a suggestion like i said and it will bring TONS of players back…. Thought I would prefer by some mean Time Travel or relive the adventures through the fractal or something similar. Never underestimate the power of nostalgia.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
Agreed, I really wish to see some of this in GW2 but its true, ANet its currently working with the Living World fast updates. Right now the games feels like Fillers from an Anime Series unless it all connects in the end like it did with Abbadon. Man, I relly wish the Charr would have won the election I wanted to see Abbadon again.
AHEM Sorry sidetrack there a bit, point is your Post is right, this just bury other more innovative post or really cool post. SO, i support this, Signed/*
I for one am currently ignoring living content and rerolled another character as I don’t have much time and usually cant keep up with it.
The permanent content achievement are more important if his living up as by the time he has the Lv and gear to do the Living world content properly it be gone.
Of course this is my opinion, but i really haven’t like any of the Living content so far with the exception of the Molten Alliances it was Short and sweet. This is just becouse the Fire Legion was involve. If the Living story would bring back content for the GW1 I be game for it yet i dont know if i could keep it up.
I suggest that he do the Living Contend with a Max level Character if his interested and when he gets tired of it, jump on another Character and continue his quests. the good thing about this is that most achievements and rewards are account bound so its just a matter of choice.
Topics that should be closed by moderators due to over redundancy:
Race change
Guild halls
Player housing
(feel free to add more)Posting new threads about such topics is a waste of space in the suggestion forum and bumps other less common suggestions off the front page. It isn’t like Anet is going to read the 50th thread bout mounts and such and say, “Hey we didn’t think about that before. Let’s make it happen!”
SO true hahahaha. XD
I was just wandering will we see more Profession specific Finisher, gathering tools and Weapon/Armor Skins in Store?
I for one would love a Guardian Blue Fire or glow of this set or even for my other classes i wold buy them all as soon as available. It be prefect, still I’m happy with whats already gone out I have most of them.
Just a suggestion. Thank you for reading.
I Agree with this post and the endless post about this. Mount would add more beauty and RPG feel to this great game. It be great if they open the skies like mention here, with mount or other wise, the maps and scenarios of this game are so beautiful flying through them would add such a perfect touch to the game.
Then again they haven’t given us a bare-hand attacks, capes, just silly stuff to put in your back which I for one hide it always, haven’t like not even one or even the fable companion system from GW1.
We could be see all this in a far future as it is well KNOWN that this brings a LOT of cash in the store! People love eye candy. NW game is one of this games that have prove this and EXPLOITED this shamelessly, but they don’t even deliver as much quality as GW2. I guess we would have to wait and see maybe we will get the Battle ready mounts who knows, right.
I disagree, since lore-wise Grenth became a God of Death yet Dhuum still was a powerful threat. Also Abbadon was know for his cunning and forbidden powerful knowledge, his influence in GW1 was felt almost through the whole game as you later find out. He could have easily seen his demise and plan a way to escape death.
Besides, who would not want to re-play GW1 in GW2 style? I for one would not mind going to the past and do all does quests with my character or better yet what did the other races do in that period and how where they affected?
Bringing such Classic Villains to this game would defenetly Live the game even for does in GW1! I wish they could fuse the 2 games… the stories in GW1 where sooo epic.
PLOT: With so much chaos rising everywhere and Human society declining a strange fanatic cult called: The Shinning Darkness has been rising claiming that the "Six Gods have a truly abandon humanity, but the TRUE Gods of the Holy Trinity are still with them, all you have to do is convert and worship them.
Later it is discovered that the 3 Gods behind it are Former Deities have enacted a powerful Pact that Ties them to each other making them one Entity compose of 3 vessels:
Abbadon: Though to be dead but you learn all coins have 2 sides and before there is truth there are always secrets. As the quest progresses and the Hero try to stop the resurrection of Abbadon battling Forces from the past it is reveled that the Evil God foresaw his demise and planted his divine essence in the Elder Dragon Zhaitan, so that when his life expire he would rise again as a New God, The Dragonlord God of Destruction. This was suppose to be a long term but with the Inquest Infinite Coil Reactor the Hero witness this rebirth as he absorb the collective power of the Dragons! He becomes a World Boss that all players can participate and fight
Dhuum: With the devastation the Dragons brought and Abbadons rebirth Dhuum rises up from its already broken Prison to claim the Mist as his Domain of Rule empower by this events. The Hero enters the Fractal/WvW/PvE in order to stop him and faces off in a Grand battle. For now The Mist Feeds his power and with it not even Grenth and the Reapers can ever hope to subdue him.
Menzies: The Mad God mastermind of all the events and even previews one like Scarlet Maddening plans, Fire Legion obsession with Godhood or even what happens to the Koda when they go Berserk, etc have happen. His role in the rise of the other evil Gods was crucial and now that his allies are empowered the World will Tremble and worship them as the TRUE gods. Through the power of Fear, Hopelessness and Maddening anger that the the wars and previews events have brought his power has grown to a new level.
*SPOILER*The hero is use as the Nexus for this events to happen Menzies hides him self with another form and help you on your quest your new personal quest and main Living Story quest. He is later reveled and betrays you.
A new Dark Age has come to Tyria one all individual gods have been defeted the 3 become one God that must be defeated in the the New Dungeon the Tower of Babel.
Events: This rise of Divine power have strange affects in different in all classes, Necromancers Summon Pets and powers, Mesmers Powers instead of Butterfly effects change into Bats or a more Chaotic Dark look, Guardian Flames turn Black, Elementalist Powers have Chaotic effects.
NOTE: This effects can be purchase as a permanent addition to the look and feel of power in the Shop. New Finishes etc.
New Classes: Shaman, Dervish, Spiritualist, Berserker, Ninja, etc… (Just Suggesting this is just an examble)
New Skills, Talents, Weapons and Armor: Profession and restriction Weapons are remove reveling new powers and new improve deeper profession system that lets you customize your Profession to adapt to your game style, depending on armor or weapons.
This are just some suggestion but would love to hear some from the Lore Masters of the game and veteran players.
NOTE: Dint know if this goes under suggestion or Living Story so Community Managers can feel free to move it where it suppose to go.
Thank you for reading.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
Hello just got back to GW2 and I am very please with the updates and improvments in the game… Still not a fan of Living world as I cant keep up with the updates but looks great!
Just wanted to see in the future a few tiny things I thought by this time it be here by now:
Bare handed or martial arts combat – This has been mention before and some creative players have put some awesome suggestions about this. I mean come on guys who would not like to see an Elementalist, Guardian, Necromancer, Mesmer, etc… using their powers barehanded or in a martial arts way?
- I would suggest this is implemented with special Focus Gloves/Gauntlets that can be for melee or range.
I have seen opponent hitting with their bare hands and claws why not us too? DCUO has such and its awesome, Fable also has a nice system with this special gauntlets.
New Races – When will we be seeing new Races like the Tengu, Kodan, Centaurs or the Mysterious Largos (My favorite).
New Class – Players have posted some awesome concepts out there. Are we ever going to see any of new class at list one?
I’m just wondering and suggesting, seeing so much effort and detail being put into the Living World which is great and all but its starting to feel like fillers in an anime series. Yet no real new content, I love it but with no way to time travel i will not be able to enjoy it all to get achievements. What happen to the Dragons, our own personal story or even the Gods ( or better yet the evil, Abbadon, Dhuun, Menzies are they coming back??)among other things?
I’m loving playing the game and the store is getting better, just need Companions and Mounts and you would have the perfect store!
Thank you for reading.
Note: Added some Images to illustrate a bit of some of what i mention.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
Like your suggestions! Signed*
wow aren’t you a ray of sunshine! lol
True I guess, what about a spear for aquatic combat, one can dream no?? what would you suggest for a chromatic weapon of sorts?
LOL, you win, I guess I use the common misspelling of the French word, since touché is an expression borrowed from French used.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
hmmm, good suggestion.
Toshay my friend! But yeah something in that line.
True. I’m just wondering if Elementalist will get to use does weapons. Its not fair she gets to wave elemental powers with those cool looking weapons… ITS A BIG TEASE I SAY!!!
Because people who pick it up don’t have attunements.
LOL good one! But if its attune base, they get the last attunement element it was summon, duh? ;p
Makes sense, elementalist have great versatility of different elemental weapon summons. But now that I think about it I think the guardians have such ghostly spirit weapons as pet summons.
I think it be great, I remember the Ritualist summoned weapons it be great to add it to necromancers, after all in GW2 Necromancers are practically a fusion of those classes from GW1.
Okay so necro is now playable and I can’t thank ArenaNet enough but I have a really cool idea to add. So with the latest update the developers added a new trait called Dhuumfire which provides a100% to burn for 4 seconds. I love the skills but I would love if they changed the look of the fire. Guardians have their kitten blue fire and I was thinking it would be visually appealing if they could make the flames a black or green (or black and green!!) flame. And with this maybe some affects for other classes and skills. Anyways leave your thoughts.
Like the idea! It be visually correct as the name indicates. Just as if they added an illusionary power effect of burning to the Mesmer’s it be Purple like since its not real. Phantasmal Flames anyone?
Its unusually strange that Arena Net dint do it like that in the first place. Usually they like being very detail in this things. Maybe it wasn’t originally meant to be normal looking flames and will fix the visual eventually, who knows right?
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
Dont warriors already have stances.
Im not sure if i already said this lolWell its a concept idea, you could call it Focus if you wish since the Profession is all about mastery and control of the battle field.
Technique i like the concept but id change stuf. Maby ill sit down one of these days and strat scibbling.
Oh, I like it! Please do!!
Hmmm, interesting idea. I like them.
Just to add a bit to your idea. I have always wondered why the Elite Fiery Greatsword of the de elementalist has to be of fire element only. We already have the Axe as fire. Why cant it be Chromatic Greatsword? depending on the Element Attunement it has that elements powers and unique moves or/and unique effects for it. Or a more complex Elite where the sword actively changes element with the attunement change etc.
Since it fall form the heavens it could be call Star Greatsword, Morning Star or something in those lines depending of the Element I could have different color of fire or/and Lightning effects. This could also just be an utility summon weapon, Sword, pistol, mace, … etc.
Or maybe as an ELITE it can be an equivalent for aquatic weapon, Spear maybe?
Dont warriors already have stances.
Im not sure if i already said this lol
Well its a concept idea, you could call it Focus if you wish since the Profession is all about combat mastery and control of the battle field.
Hmmm, interesting Arena Net is actually doing it First Sky Pirates now this new content. Awesome, we might see some of you guys suggestions yet!! Keep them coming! :-)
Congrats Crassus it seems Arena Net will be implementing this after all with this last patch! Interesting enough its the idea you suggested not with levels but with the account wide achievements system and its FINE by me.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
Maybe the F skills should offer different fighting styles based on the one your in, for example:
F1 Balancing stance – Enter a stance that offers moderate damage and attack speed with no drawbacks
F2 Attack stance – Increases power based on current level, slows attack speeds but increases damage
F3 Defensive stance – Increases toughness based on current level, attacks deal less damage but with a chance to block
F4 Quickening stance – Increase attack speed, lowers armor rating. Endurance regenerates slowerElite: Masters stance: Enter the masters stance for 15 seconds gaining all benefits from normal stances with none of the drawbacks
Wow, this is an EXELENT idea! Very well thought off, enough to be easily implemented with impressive results. Another elite or maybe Utility could be other stances, even adding forbidden stances that give the ability to channel the power of Elementals, Gods, Spirits of the Mist, or even the Power of the Dragons.
This Soldier Class could be a unique Mix of an Assassin/Dervish/Ritualist Professions.
Thank you guys for the input, keep those ideas coming this could be the very first GW1 Fan built community Profession for GW2.!
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)
I was hoping they would bring back Dervish as a heavy. The problem is that Dervish are fighters who use the power of their gods for combat. Therefore only only humans can be dervish and norn already use their gods. Leaving charr who don’t have gods, asura who have a different higher power, and sylvari “the dream” out of the picture…
Hmmm, actually I would love to see the Dervish again as a Heavy Class! They could implement this into them and mix it up so its lore wise with the new races.
The GW1 dervish in a way is very similar to the idea. A dervish fighting style could change dramatically based on the avatar you chose. I even made a support dervish for pvp in fort aspenwood map. The zaishen idea lets you switch your fighting style to adjust to the flow of battle like a dervish would change avatar to fit the mission you were running.
Indeed, nicely put!
Good point… make the dungeons boring…
Jetpacks? Unique aerial combat? I’m in!
I know right!? It be great! Heck even a free fall fight in the air for pvp would be sweet!
it will probably takes 6 months or something for Arenanet to make a proper dungeon, so i think we just need to have patience again, like we have already 6-7 months for our end-game. Now we just have to play lame temporarily content , with achievements as " Pummel pinata’s". I really love GW2, but they are now just slacking,, its a bad thing because players will leave the game of this! But back to our " End-Game", our endgame is now CoF/AC/ARAH etc. Those dungeons are supposed to be hard, but the sad thing they aren’t hard. Our “End-Game” is getting solo’ed by Wars/Guardians. War and guardians can solo AC and CoF and even Arah ( Well, with some skip-exploits, but still, you can’t name it as "End-Game if something is solo able in my opinion). End-Game is supposed to be hard, to challenge players and reward them with gear/tokens etc, Our " End-Game" is like grind grind grind, and grind. Its a bad thing for a game like GW2 cuz GW2 can be a awesome game, but they really need to polish the game.
I COMPLETELY AGREE with the Our “End-Game” is getting solo’ed by Wars/Guardians. War and guardians can solo AC and CoF and even Arah ( Well, with some skip-exploits, but still, you can’t name it as "End-Game if something is solo able in my opinion) This is really terrible, its affecting a great deal of the game content. I even added a small suggestion to try and maybe help solve this problem, to maybe solve this.
(edited by Ngeluz.4860)