Showing Posts For Nick.3926:

I'm a mesmer. Explain this to me

in Engineer

Posted by: Nick.3926


This video shows a geared out level 80 engineer destroying sub level 80 players while having 3 orbs.
It’s not uncommon for most classes to be able to take on 2-4 players at once under these circumstances.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


The fact is people are crying because they are losing and blaming HOD for playing the game AS IT IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED! 24/7 means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week not just when you are online and able to play.

You do realize that you are saying that 50 out of 51 servers aren’t playing the game as it’s suppose to be played, right?
If you want to talk about 24/7 population, HoD is the ONLY server out of 51 that has a queue for at least one of the WvW areas at all times of the day.
That means you are the ONLY server that is playing the game how it is suppose to be played. The “way the game is suppose to be played” is flawed greatly if less then 2% of the servers are able to play that way.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


That is INCREDIBLY EVEN. Last week, Eredon had EVERY SINGLE point capped at one point, and the points were something like 300,000 50,000 50,000. This isn’t even bad. Quit whining that you are losing by a little bit.

We’re half way through the week and HoD over came a 30K deficit in a matter of a day and a half to pull into the lead.
It looks even now with HoD just pulling into the lead, but at this point they should be roughly 100K ahead by next reset.

And we are “whining” about a problem that effects every server with only a couple servers having the benefits (HoD and Frances server Vizunah Square).
This is something that needs to be addressed as every single WvW player on every single server except for those 2 are effected negatively.

Read the EU WvW forums. There are people there complaining about the french Canadians and their presence during off hours just as we are complaining about the oceanic population.

It is a game wide problem, and a problem that effects the vast majority of the player base is a problem that needs to be fixed.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


It’s not a flawed system,It’s called strategy,of course to some it may seem unfair but that is how war is,take advantage of the enemies weak spot.

You’re delusional. You’re not taking advantage of your enemies weak spot, you’re simply playing when you have people that want to play. There is no strategy, there is no secret plan. People of certain groups tend to want to play together, and as a result you have the largest Oceanic population of the NA servers.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


No doubt… But it’s not because of a lack of skill.

Anyone implying lack of skill on HoDs part isn’t very bright. The problem is that you are equally skilled which makes the 24/7 population imbalance basically impossible to over come. Impossible without a 7 day alliance between the #2 and #3 servers.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


So basically what you’re saying is that next week SBI + JQ need to actually form an official alliance and coordinate to ensure HoD has absolutely zero map presence during primetime and weekends.


For HoD to fall this is what will need to be done, and it will need to be held all week. Their night crew will come in monday and clean up, but every night if we take everything back form them because we are not fighting eachother, we might just be able to make up the difference. +600 points for 8 hours a day for 5 days is a lot of points to make up for though.

I’d love to see what would have happened if HoD landed in 3rd this week… You would then understand what it feels like to be focused… Maybe not outright doubleteamed… but just to the point where both servers main objective was to put you down. Because I guarantee JQ and ET would have. And just like HoD, you’d be in 3rd before Sunday. Would it have been because of skill then? Would you wish you had an “after hours” presence then? It’ll be easy for you to answer “no” to both, because it hasn’t happened to you.

In that scenario we would be 3rd without a doubt, but the difference is that we would of most likely stayed in 3rd where as you guys are now 1st, and by this time tomorrow your lead will be insurmountable.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Friday, Saturday, Sunday – very close, exciting match.
Monday, Tuesday – everything has been capped by HoD, and they will soon take #1 in points.

So you think that obviously, it’s because HoD has superior tactics and these other servers just aren’t on your level yet.

Open your eyes, buddy. HoD has excellent communication, organization, and strategy… but SO does SBI and ET. What HoD has that SBI and ET don’t have is 24/7 W3 participation.

Lol, ya. By sunday night HoD were in a distant 3rd place. Monday rolls around and they own 80%+ of the map.
To the HoD guys who think that is because of superior strategy and communication, you’ve got to be dense. I’m sorry, you don’t go from +200 points on average to +600 points because of “better communication”.

The points are irrelevant (especially since everything just resets after a set period of time anyway).

I agree, points don’t really matter much, but when something like all 3 orbs get taken in a single night because there isn’t enough pressence on the battlefield to prevent it, it really does start to have an effect on the gameplay and your ability to “recover”.
We lose because of night capping, and then we begin to lose even harder when we can put up a decent force because of the power of 3 orbs. A server with constant max population AND 3 orbs? Talk about an insanely difficult opponent.

It’s like in ancient time wars! Off hours is other server’s most vulnerable times, it’s called tactics as well isn’t it..

Tactics sure, but the problem is that only 1 of the servers can use that tactic. It’s no different then if only one server could use siege weapons, or if one server could have people fly over walls. It would result in an imbalanced playing field.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Servers that play against HoD will eventually stop investing time and money into WvW if the nightcapping continues. There is no point to invest so much when it’ll be taken away when everyone is sleeping or working.

They need to do something about HoD, period.
As it stands they are in a league of their own due to night capping while #2, #3 and #4 are fairly balanced and then everyone else is way below them.

What will happen is #2 and #3 will always lose to HoD and #4 will always win vs #5 and #6 which willr esult in #4 moving up every week to lose to HoD only to have a new server fall back down to #4 to dominate #5 and #6. Week after week after week.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


They have just as many players defending their stuff at night as they do during the day. they just aren’t attacking us at the same time as easily, and we can hold both defense and offense at night. They take stuff at night as well, the bigger difference is we are better than both servers at defending what we take. It’s something SBI is very good at as well. but when they atack at night they overextend a bit and we just take whatever we are attacking, then take back the place we lost and defend them both. because once we take a place, we don’t give it up very easily.

You just summed up the population imbalance. Also, like you said, you zerg location to location because you know that their defense stands no chance and as you put it, you take back what you lost, like there was never a doubt in your mind that you could break their defense.

There is also not just as many people defending as during prime time, because if a keep is going to fall, generally a good portion of the zerg will return and run off the attackers.
This is not possible when you already have every man available defending whatever positions you have.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


ET vs SBI vs JQ would be an awesome epic fight that we’ll never see.

That would be a great match up. As it currently stands, HoD is in a league of their own due to max WvW population 24/7.

The dominance of the night crew also make it much harder for the prime time crew to make progress as there are a large number of objectives that have to be taken to even balance the score, let alone push and take the point lead in the amount of time available.

The night crew problem, is a problem which effects the game at all hours. It’s almost impossible to turn a 300 point deficit into a lead in the matter of a few hours.

Ele = best. D/D tournament ele video

in Elementalist

Posted by: Nick.3926


Chuck Voris would make Chuck Norris proud.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


The only way for HoD to be taken from the #1 spot is for #2 and #3 to double team them every single day during prime time and to have an actual working and lasting truce.
Complete domination of HoD, like what happened in EB day 1 is the only way to put them so far behind that their night crew cant make up the difference.

Any 3 way fighting will result in a win for HoD, any.

Now we're talking, HoD.. :)

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


  1. HoD
  2. SBI
  3. ET

SBI doesn’t stand a chance against the numbers that HoD can put up 24/7 and ET REALLY cant.

As someone from SBI, I honestly don’t care who is #1 or #3 as long as good fights are to be had.
One has to be realistic though. We (SBI) got a nice lead this weekend, but there is a lot more week left for HoD to come up from behind and expand their lead while being fairly uncontested.

Reason to get rid of repair costs in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


WvW isn’t about making gold, it’s about spending it. Repair costs, way points and siege weaponry are the only real money sinks in the game. We already get free way points in WvW, removing repair costs would lave only siege weapons whose usefulness is limited by available supply.

The game needs money sinks to curb inflation. Inflation hurts new players. Take WoW as an example, any useful low level item on the auction house is not readily available to new players as they cant make enough money to buy that item when it would be of any use (10 gold for a level 5 weapon).

I disagree with Dee Jay. Low inflation doesn’t help gold sellers (Anet), because low inflation means things are available for a reasonable price.
As someone who has played Final Fantasy 11, high inflation basically requires that you purchase currency in order to afford anything since there is no in game mechanic of making that much gold at a reasonable pace.

HoD is throwing the match, and I can see why

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I’ve been on SBI and have been since day one, but I’m seriously considering transferring off. Queue times this weekend were horrible.
I’d rather play and lose then not play at all.

I just want to make sure I don’t transfer to a server that gets spawn camped, because that might as well be considered not playing either.

Badges of honour drop nerf?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I am afraid the drop rate is can be proportional to the damage you make. I am getting far less loot bags (which means less badges) compared to other people in our group while I was doing engineer aoe damage. I get lots of kills but less badges than normal

I got in a couple 1v1 and 1v2 fights yesterday and didn’t get a single badge from any of them.
I got badges from people who I only attacked after they were already down, and only got like 2 attacks on, so I am not sure how it’s determined when you get a badge.

I’m currently at 1 badge for every 6.3 kills.

Queue 'sollution': WvW maps without the WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Would there be any real motivation for doing this (Badge Drops, point contributions, ect…) because otherwise really what is the point? I would much rather PvE, make money and work on map completion then stand around in a giant map with 3 zergs running around killing each other for no reason.

The same motivation there is to play at 80 when you have all the gear, fun.

I find fighting people to be much more enjoyable then PvE even when the “rewards” are less.

I like OPs idea. I think there still needs to be a little reward, like the same stuff you currently get in WvW from killing people. The real WvW would still remain attractive though because you would get superior rewards there because of the objectives and events.

Completely unresponsive controls

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Sounds like you have the same problem I have. Packet Loss.
You can still run around and dodge roll because that is all client side, but abilities are not.
The unresponsiveness will be followed by a quick “fast forward” as the server and your client catch up in communication.

Some network transport protocols such as TCP provide for reliable delivery of packets. In the event of packet loss, the receiver asks for retransmission or the sender automatically resends any segments that have not been acknowledged. 6 Although TCP can recover from packet loss, retransmitting missing packets causes the throughput of the connection to decrease. This drop in throughput is due to the sliding window protocols used for acknowledgment of received packets. In certain variants of TCP, if a transmitted packet is lost, it will be re-sent along with every packet that had been sent after it. This retransmission causes the overall throughput of the connection to drop.

I get packet loss several times a night on the best internet Time Warner Cable has to offer.

Still finding myself under-leveled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


Go to a new zone. Explore. I did the charr starting area after I completed the asura starting area because I wanted to check the place out. I had never been there and I figured, what the hell.

On the note of crafting though. You do all the mining/gathering, which is the hard/tedious part, so why are you do against crafting if it will not only solve your problem of being underleveled, but allow you to be over leveled and result in even more freedom of leveling zones?

Why don't dolyaks give rewards?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Perhaps they need to reinstate the reward for successfully escorting a dolyak to an objective which is under siege.

I couldn’t imagine it would be too hard to pull off. If an objective is under siege, it counts as an event. If that event is taking place then the escort dolyak event becomes available.

That way you have people protecting dolyaks when and where protecting is needed most rather then being 100 miles from combat protecting something that really doesn’t need protecting.

Why we shouldn't be forced to explore...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


If you want quests, this is not the game for you as the only REAL quests are the personal story.
If you just want level 80 though and are tired of exploring, there are many other ways to level.

HoD's sportsmanship toward us at SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


HoD has been humbled this week, I hope they realize that during primetime when the bulk of SBI is on they have more than their hands full. of course there will be many (most) who say ‘look at the score’ I just hope the guys who know better…know better.

Yes I was amazed last night when I looked and HoD was in 3rd place for point accumulation. Of course you guys more then make up for it late night, but come prime time it’s a very even fight.

Sick of seeing HoD and SBI working together to destroy JQ. Every now and then, their players get distracted and maybe hit each other, but if they’re not running a pincer on some undermanned JQ stuff, they’re literally running together.
It’s disgusting, it’s shady… and it’s hilarious when JQ actually manages to take stuff while being double-teamed.

I wish you two only the worst and most exploiting combatants in your next matchup.

The undermanned part is key to why you are attacked by both sides. Easy targets tend to fall 1st. If your team consistently has easy targets you will be attacked.
It’s kind of funny that you state the reason for what happens yet fail to understand it.

Edit: “Double teams”?? You can count right… THREE servers… 1..2..3.. which means its 1 vs 2, you’ll always be against 2. What do you want? SBI staying on the west and HoD staying on the East and never both deciding what JQ have is a viable target at the same time? L2W3!

They don’t understand. It’s always 2v1, but if they are consistently the easiest targets they are going to feel the full brunt of that 2v1 more often then the server that plays smart and efficient.

And as for huge zergs bypassing SBI guys to kill JQ.. maybe the zerg is actually focused on one goal and chasing after two or three randoms isnt going to be benificial to them.

Exactly. When there is a goal that people are moving to, stopping to fight at random places is not beneficial to anyone except the group that was going to be attacked. It greatly delays the siege, allows time for reinforcements to arrive, time for people to make upgrades, and will result in deaths of your group which will weaken your siege.
It’s called fighting efficiently.

WvW - Melee Vs Ranged damage worries

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


While I agree with OP, it’s generally only the case for sieges and choke points. Small battles like what usually happen at supply camps aren’t ruled by AoEs and a ranged player built like a glass cannon is going to die, hard.

Melee have ranged options. My warrior does some pretty sick damage with his rifle, and I can do some nice crowd AoE with arrow carts.

Are all WvW matchups being decided by off peak hours?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


HoD owns us (SBI) and JQ at night. Day time it’s pretty even most of the time. Come late night and HoD will be up by 100-200 points. Every night.

I honestly don’t see a solution to this other then balancing servers not off of performance but off of average participation. That way servers who can field the most people 24/7 are facing the same numbers on average.

Average player level 1 month in.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


31 warrior
21 Engineer
13 Guardian
10 Thief
4 Ranger

I’d list my time played, but I afk a lot so it wouldn’t be of much use.

(edited by Nick.3926)

Flamethrower extremely nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: Nick.3926


As DaveK said, it makes 0 sense that it doesn’t add a burn effect.

Are we slow roasting our enemies with the flamethrower?

Northern Shiverpeaks WvW players are just awesome.

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


People quit out of the game, aka leave the WvW because they are about to die?

Why? What would they gain? At best they save a repair bill. No?

What's the gender breakdown for your characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


100% Asura males. Those little guys are awesome!

GW2 is Fun-Centric, not Reward-Centric

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


I look at GW2 the same way that I look at Team Fortress 2. I play it to have fun. If i get rewards I get rewards and that is cool, but that is not why I play it.

If I wanted to play a game with a gear grind or a serious progression system I would play WoW.
There are tons of games out there that the main focus is pure progression. What makes GW2 awesome is that it has many of the things I have enjoyed in the MMOs I’ve played, but with the ability for me to actually play at my own pace and stay competitive.

I enjoy playing an hour or so a day, doing so PvP and having fun, unlike WoW where if you wanted to have any fun in PvP you must 1st complete the gear grind.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I agree Rodarin. The match has been fairly even during prime times, but come late night early morning HOD will be up 150+ points.

Henge of Denravi Alliance with Stormbluff Unacceptable

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


This thread is awesome! It makes me appreciate WvW even more.
The way that the battles can switch from 2v1 to 1v1v1 back to 2v1 (with different “allies”) to me say the system is working perfectly (at this level of WvW participation).

You win some, you lose some. If there was really an alliance between SBI and HoD, JQ wouldn’t own anything except a random supply camp.

Congratulations or Wtf French?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I cant imagine it’s much fun to zerg objectives with little to no competition. I wonder how long before the night crew complains about how boring WvW is.

My most frustrating GW2 experience yet

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I don’t understand where everyone in this thread is getting the idea to tell the OP to not run solo, or to group up with people. No where in his post does he ever mention going out alone and only mentions that his “team”, aka a group of people, were severely outnumbered.

There seems to be population imbalances in a great deal of WvW matches currently and no single person is going to have much of an impact on it or the kind of experience that follows because of it.

The system needs work and there is no denying that.

Nothing comes close to Greatsword for PvE...

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.3926


I am not a fan of greatsword in PvE. Hundred Blades does nice damage, but I find the damage to be mediocre while it is on cooldown. I also seem to take a lot more damage since I have to stand still while using Hundred Blades where as when I am using dual wield axes I can constantly be on the move avoiding attacks.

What is wrong with the teeth!?

in Asura

Posted by: Nick.3926


It’s because they are cute on the surface but vicious little monsters underneath. One of the most vicious races out there imo.

Why do the Asura tolerate the Inquest?

in Asura

Posted by: Nick.3926


I think it’s because the inquest aren’t bad in the eyes of most Asurans. One of the earlier quests after you decide to save someone instead of going off and killing a guy, Zojja talks about how you are being soft and that it’s not looked highly upon in Asuran culture.
They are a very get it done at whatever costs it takes kind of culture, even if it means killing their own.

New catch name for World vs World Vs World

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


WvW can mean 100 worlds fighting each other or just 2.
WvWvW is redundant.

Simple solution to the wvw imbalance...

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I agree with OP. This would further increase the queues on the heavy populated servers, but at the same time it would give people an incentive to move off of them and onto lower pop servers.

As of right now there are queues on the higher pop servers, but I don’t believe that they are severe enough to make most people consider switching to a losing server.

[Merged] World Mismatches?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


It sucks that the system is working for you guys, but I think it has more to do with the players then the actual system.

I’m on Stormbluff and we are against the #1 and #2 servers and it looks as balanced as I could possibly hope.

I dont understand though out of a match between the 3 worst servers how one could dominate the others so hard unless those 2 servers have severe pop issues, which then it’s not the WvWvW systems fault, but a fault of those 2 servers.

As time goes on though, the matches should become more evenly balanced. As of right now they only have a little bit of information to base the rankings off of, but as more matches are played and won/loss the likelihood of having an evenly performing opponent will only increase.

No point in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


If it is to prevent lag, they need to reverse their current design and make allies fade out rather then enemies.

The reality of WvW: The problems and the solutions

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I completely disagree on the 1v1 WvW suggestion. 1v1 always leads to trading. Having 3 groups rather then 2 reduces the effectiveness and likeliness of trading happening.
Also when one side is dominating it is possible for the 2 losing teams to “team up” and do something about it. Not as possible 1v1.
People have been complaining about server alliances recently, but now that WvWvW matches are going to be a week long and actually “matter”, alliances are going to be a lot less effective because you are technically helping the enemy. My enemies enemy is my friend, but only until that friend becomes your main enemy, and then you have problems.
WvWvW helps to keep the game interesting and balanced.

Randomly loading in players when near them, this is ruining WVW.

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


It’s insane that it is set up like this. Seeing the enemy is the most important aspect of pvp….

World V World only mounts

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


No please. Not only would this further empower the zerg, but it would also lessen the amount of pvp that goes on (in a pvp zone mind you). See red, mount up and run. There they cant kill you.

As someone who played WoW from open beta, as mounts became more available and faster world pvp diminished. We don’t need less pvp in a pvp centric zone.