Showing Posts For Nick.3926:

Combine stacks of items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nick.3926


I’m not sure why it’s not like this already, but I think we should be able to combine stacks of items.
For example Crude salvage kits come in stacks of 15, but if I have 2 stacks, one with 10 and another with 3 I can not combine them.
The same goes for harvesting tools. If I only have 5 mining picks equipped and I have 50 in my bags, I should be able to combine the 2 for a total of 55 equipped, but as it is now I can only switch it out and have 50 equipped and leave the 5 remaining in my inventory.

I just got trolled. HARD

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


Seems dumb to me, it makes him have to re-que, why go through all that just not to die

Because not all servers have queues.
If you don’t have a queue it saves you a repair fee with only a little extra loading time involved.

Engineer Turret preventing the killing of wurms for a task

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nick.3926


I saw this on my server a week or so ago when I decided to make a human. The worms would spawn dead and there were turrets placed to cover the entire area of the farm.

Turrets don’t delevel to a higher level then the area they are placed in. Easy fix.

[Video] Thief PvP, Yippie Kye Yay 5

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Great video. Some of the people were pretty bad or down right horrible, but there were many good fights in there as well.

Impressive, most impressive.

GW2J Vidcast: Nightcapping is Valid! Ritsuko of SYN and Marstar of ELTE

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


A bunch of people patting themselves on the back. Quality entertainment there.

The only time I ever read anyone talk about how it was over on monday/tuesday was that it was over in regards to HoD being unbeatable due to the “night capping crew”. I never once in anythign thread related to the HoD v SBI v ET match did I read anyone state it was over as to HoD losing the match.

It was over because there was nothing the other 2 servers could do to compete with HoDs 24 hour activity netting them +600 points per tick during the night/morning hours.

EjHacks(Lv80 Necromancer)(WvW-Video)(AoE~Burst)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Nick.3926


Crazy music… problems, but I really enjoyed the video.

Charr run animation

in Charr

Posted by: Nick.3926


I love the running animation on 4 legs though I do feel that it looks kind of weird when you are running normal speed. The animation screams speed but you’re moving slowly.

Charr - Ranger Short Bow Animation

in Charr

Posted by: Nick.3926


The animation is complete but it’s the fact that rangers shoot so fast with the shortbow that it cuts the animation in half and makes it look weird and incomplete.

Screenshot of your Charr Toon

in Charr

Posted by: Nick.3926


I see several threads about Charr armor problems and how people don’t like how armor looks on Charr but there has to be some people out there who like their charr’s looks.

I’d like to see some cool looking Charrs for a change.
Please post your pics.

(I’m low level so here is my attempt at looking cool)


Who's Planting Spies on JQ? HoD or SB?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I only know of one guild that actually intended to implement spies, I can’t say which guild it was but I can say it’s not one from the HoD server. I also can’t say if they actually did get spies planted in rival guilds, because I don’t know if they went through with the espionage scheme.

You know of one guild that was intending on using spies, but it’s not a guild on your server. Please Mister not a spy, how does one acquire such information? Spying perhaps?

Having to pick up loot bags is incredibly annoying

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I don’t think they could have bags go right into your inventory simply due to the issues that would happen when your bag is full. What happens then? It just disappears?

They should have them stack like the supply bags you get while out questing, then at your own leisure you can open the bags.. That way inventory space shouldn’t be a problem as they would take up only a couple slots at max until you decide to start opening them.

Hope to God This Never Happens in MLG

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.3926


You are a beautiful ballerina.

Small warrior vid, group roaming vs zerg

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.3926


@Nick – Ehh what? I don’t understand how you could so completely misunderstand the clip. The whole point of the vid was to show that doing big crits isn’t the only thing important in WvW, as I made the vid in response to multiple complaints about warriors not reaching the damage output my thief was reaching.

I didn’t miss the point, but like I said, the intro misleads people as to what the point is.
“a lot of people started complaining about how unfair it is that they can’t do the same damage. The most vocal were the Warriors”. You follow this up by saying that you shouldn’t gear your Warrior like a thief if you want to be effective. This lead me to believe that you were going to be geared more hybrid and possibly out lasting people while still putting out decent numbers.
What I got in return though was a video of a pure tank build that relied completely on your group mates for any form of damage and healing.

With the video you basically made the statement “Warriors complained about my thief’s damage so here is a video showing how little damage a toughness/vitality warrior can take”.
The 2 things are completely unrelated which leads to the confusion.

Having to pick up loot bags is incredibly annoying

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I swear, sometimes they don’t spawn. Other times they spawn under the ground so all you can see are the sparkles. There are also times when you just don’t have time to grab them and if you do try to grab them you’re going to get yourself killed.

It’s a very flawed system.

Small warrior vid, group roaming vs zerg

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.3926


In the beginning of the video you mention damage. When in the video do you deal this damage?
All I see are red numbers flying up on the screen.

It’s a cool if you enjoy stacking toughness and vitality while running around using shield block whenever it’s up and occasionally hitting an enemy as you run past them.

You should not have had the intro you did imo because it can only lead to trolling. You say warriors complain about thief damage and then put out a video showing a warrior dealing close to the least amount of damage possible. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

It’s an impressive tank video.

HOD match lengths

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


lol @ ET/SB teaming up… we didn’t team up. I don’t care how many times you wanna say we did, we didn’t. Both ET and SB primetime guilds and server itself are better than hod’s. It’s just a fact. Your offpeaks are WAY better than our undermanned bufffed people.

We can’t compete. If every match was a primetime or weekend match, HOD would be #3 or even #4


The ONLY place ET and SBI seemed to “team up” was in EB on the 1st day of the match. I was in ET borderlands all Friday night and Saturday and fought both ET and HoD.

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


If you think YB is getting owned badly, check this out:

The week eneded with us over 490K and neither DH nor AR reached 100K and the entire map was blue.

Wow, that’s the worst match up I’ve seen yet.

GW2 Still lacks a *true* questing system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


That’s what I hated about questing in WoW…. being led around by the nose. Go here, do these quests, then go there, do those quests…

And that’s what I love about GW2… I can just wander around and it feels like stuff comes and finds me instead of the other way around.

To each his own.

Your “quest” in GW2 is to go around the world and help people out where needed. You can go to whatever zone you want and help anyone you want. Tired of a zone? Move on. There is no need to wait to complete a certain part of a chain or to be a certain level before the quest becomes available.

You are just a dude that is out to make the world a better place however you see fit.

Logout Function in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I wanted to add, you can’t log out in combat, but if you disconnect (alt+f4) your character stays in game for 30 seconds.

Logout Function in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Simple fix. You can’t log out while in combat.

Blocking a commander

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nick.3926


Commanders can toggle their stuff.
Our Commander does it on and off if he wants to have pure coordinated guild runs instead of having all the pugs follow us, or if we have several commanders on the same map

Yeah, commanders already can toggle it on and off.
I know a commander on my server that toggled it off after he discovered he was being tracked by a cross server spy.

How about a partial lockdown for nighttimes?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I don’t like night capping and I feel it is ruining the current WvW match ups with it being the determining factor in who wins, but if we give the “ladder” system enough time to balance itself out the night capping “problem” should no longer be an issue.

At worst the night cappers will be owning everything at night while the other servers own everything during the day. At best the night capping servers will end up fighting each other.

Dear WoW bashers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


I Agree, GW2 is a wonderful game but apparently some people need to be bashing WOW constantly to justify being here.

Or some people just hate WoW and what it has become.
I played WoW for 7 years and while I have fond memories, if I were to talk about it in detail 90% of what I say would be negative.

1. “Pay to play makes you feel like you MUST log in.”

It’s not the paying part that makes you feel like you need to log in, it’s the falling behind on gear that does. You missed that raid where that 1 piece of gear that you’d been hoping for 2 months to drop finally dropped, but you weren’t there so you missed out.
You didn’t gain conquest points for a week so you fell behind in competitive PvP.
It’s not the money, it’s the gear, which in turn effects how much your character contributes.

2. “In WoW you just rush to end game ASAP”

It’s because end game is the game. The game is balanced around end game. Also like my previous point pointed out, the longer you are not max level the further you fall behind on gear, thus effectiveness once you do hit max level.
Hit max level within the 1st couple weeks of the expansion and no one is going to say anything about your gear in the dungeons. Hit max level 3 months after the expac is released and you’ll be degraded for not being properly geared.

3. “Gear treadmill progression blah blah WoW”

There is plenty of stuff to do, but it’s no longer as fun as it was when you were leveling. Go back to Durotar to complete all your quests on your level 90 blood elf and enjoy one shotting everything and collecting your 1 silver quest reward. Same with dungeons.
Trade skills in every expac so far become worthless in no time.
You’re pretty much stuck with dungeons, raids and PvP at max level all of which turn into a gear grind so that you can attempt to keep up with the curve to maximize your fun/effectiveness.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nick.3926


The game was not designed with mounts in mind.

I don’t understand why some people feel they are a necessity.

There are waypoints literally everywhere, if you feel run speed is too slow, use them.

DB V JQ V CD video

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


GOod video. I couldn’t stand the music, but the video made me want to play my Asura Thief.

Orbs, need to be a double edged sword

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


3 orbs is key to domination. It was key to SBI’s success this last weekend, and it’s been key to HoD rebound.

Orbs need to be made a priority by any server attempting to succeed.

They are powerful, that’s why you want them.

[Exploit?] Golems Using Mesmer Portals

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Mesmer portal is currently the most important and powerful ability in WvW without a doubt.

ET and SBI are so afraid of our night army

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


so stop QQing from all three servers. It’s fair

It’s fair… like Fox News!

As a HoD player

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Close games are far more fun, I would definitely suggest going through with a transfer, even losing is more fun then winning by default.

Agreed. That’s why a ET vs SBI vs JQ match seems so attractive. As it stands now HoD is in a league of their own due to their population.
From the last ranking update, between ET, SBI and JQ there was only a 44 point difference in ranking. 44 points between #2 and #4. By the same rankings there is a 108 point difference between HoD and SBI, almost 2.5x the discrepancy.

more people should be like you, because honestly.. who wants to wait 5 hours to play a boring game because its so 1 sided during a time when less people are on?

Seriously. I’m on SBI and i’ve considered transfering off because good games are still to be had further down the bracket with little to no queue times.

ET and SBI have the players but they lost moral and don’t feel like playing anymore. Sore losers.

Did you ever stop to think why morale was lost? Why morale was lost over night while we were still winning?
I know, it’s gotta be hard for you to think, but do us all a favor and try.

ArenaNet already solved the night cap problem

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


In concept, you are completely right…. however, practically this idea holds little merrit.

a) communication between 2 servers.
b) lack of general understanding from the immature majority of gaming populations.

I believe a server alliance would at LEAST somewhat balance teh issue at hand, but near immpossible to implement.

Yep. An alliance between the lesser servers sounds good, but it just wont work out.
Lack of communication, the ability to still attack each other or deciding who wins.
Okay, the alliance fights off HoD so that HoD will be in 3rd, then what? In real war there is no ranking, there is no 1st or 2nd place. One of the servers will be in 1st place, the other 2nd which breeds competition between the 2 allied servers. You cant have a true alliance and be competitive with each other at the same time.

Add to this the fact that the allied system will only work for so long before the underlying problem is still there.
Pretend every bracket the bottom 2 servers team up and beat HoD until HoD is way down at the bottom. Eventually they would reach a point where servers with alliances wouldn’t be able to beat them simply because HoD could field more people then them combined.
In reality though, HoD wouldn’t have to fall very far down the bracket before their “non prime crew” out numbers both servers combined, which I already feel might happen on some days in the current bracket.

(edited by Nick.3926)

Understanding Eternal Battleground Population Concentration

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Very good post, I agree 100%

My 2 cents on the current wvw battle of the top 3...

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


good god, this is the biggest troll i’ve ever seen.

Ya, he’s just trolling. A lying troll. 5 people rolling through an entire zerg with 1 casualty? 5 people taking a keep with 30 people defending it? His ego wouldn’t be hurt from a loss but ours some how would?

He’s eitherkitten or a troll.

No trolls here, only reality checks.

Then you realize that the only reason you are winning is because of your population.
It’s okay. I understand that when you sit in queue for 5+ hours you have to convince yourself that it’s somehow worth it to do so.

Come on dude. Face it, SBI and ET still couldn’t beat us with everything you both had together.

You do realize your max population server was spawn camped until SBI and ET turned their attention to one another, right?
It wasn’t some magical rally or superior strategy that allowed you to get out of spawn. It was that ET and SBI started sending people and resources to fight one another.
If there was truly an alliance between the 2 servers HoD would of been spawn camped on every map just like they were in EB.

(edited by Nick.3926)

I realy like the changes in the 25.09. update

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.3926


Patience is a virtue. I’m sure all of the bugs are being looked at and fixed. It will just take some time. I’d rather Anet release patches on a regular basis that fixes a small number of bugs then to wait to release a huge patch, which usually results in more bugs any way.

It’s just a matter of time.

Why should I play a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nick.3926


I enjoy Warrior because it is so versatile. Moxretroero summed it up pretty well.
You can be a “tank”, you can be a ranged DD, you can be a melee DD, or even group support.
I like that in WvW I can switch my weapons to suit whatever role I’m in need of. Sometimes I go pure melee, sometimes I go pure range and other times I do a combination of both.

In PvE we’re just awesome. I’ve died less then any other class I have played all while having a superior killing speed. I’ve walked away from fights with full health that would of killed me on other classes.

The one downfall we have imo compared to other classes is that we aren’t very special. We don’t really have anything that makes us truly unique or cool. Warriors are pretty simple to play which imo gets a little boring unless you switch up your weapon sets every once in a while.

Did Pandas kill SBI's wvw force?

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


It’s going to be interesting how WvW shapes up over the next couple weeks with the changes in population during prime time.

Late night guilds capping our maps!

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


I know your post is sarcastic, but you do realize you are playing on a NA server right? NA as in NORTH AMERICA, the continent. The one in which you are not a part of.


in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Hmm, that sure seems like they are dominating primetime…

I got into EB instantly during our prime time. How was your queue?

Dem alliances, so i hear Stormbluff is allied with Eredon to take out Henge who’s allied with Eredon to push back Stormbluff who’s allied with Henge to knock out Eredon from the bracket but there allied with Kaineng because there OP.

True story! I saw a guy say it somewhere!


in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


The score is HoD sacrificed 20 children to the lifeless God, and he smiled and bestowed upon them His army of the oceanic beast. Although SBI and ET fought valiantly, sleep overtook them after three days without, and the HoD heathen hordes swept over all the realm as the faithful defenders slept.

30k points behind to 10k points ahead in 24 hours. So yeah, Arenanet definitely planned on all of the Aussies congregating to the same server just like a black hole devours everything in its path.

According to HoD, this is all according to Anet’s plan, and it’s working exactly as intended. Let’s just go clone those buggers so every server can have a 24/7 WvW presence, and we’ll be good to go.

Would read again.

I wouldn’t mind an off peak crew like theirs, but they can keep their stupidly long queue times.

How to fix WvW (no really I know how)

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Again, Outmanned is not to make things easier for you, it’s meant to reward you more for your efforts.

WvW is War. There really isn’t a single game mechanic in WvW that’s meant for balance.
Go ahead, try and name one.

True, but games are suppose to be fun. It’s not fun being Poland vs Germany.

The biggest problem is the snowballing effect. The longer a team wins the more secure their victory is. They gather more orbs so their players deal more damage and live longer. They gather more supply and upgrade their positions so they can hold them longer. They’ll have more resources to lay siege weapons and take objectives more quickly.
Throw in a population imbalance that gives one team the edge and due to the snowballing effect they become unbeatable.

"Recruit late night guilds" is not a valid argument...

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Why not? That way you have a strong WvW-focused server with soldiers around the clock.

  1. further increase population gap between servers making the “ladder system” over all less competitive and make it even more meaningless then it already is.
    It also weakens the server you are pulling from, which will result in more people losing even harder until they quit or transfer off.
  1. Due to increasing your servers population in order to stand a chance at winning you will have longer queue times. On SBI we can already fill the WvW servers up on weekends, it’s the week days that are the problem. You cant just recruit people to play only week days though. The result? More servers with longer queues.
    Sorry, most people aren’t willing to sit in 7 hour queues just to be on the winning server, we actually like to participate in the win.

What exactly is the problem? If you win the first half of the day, and the other guy wins the 2nd half of the day, then you two are effectively equally good, so you keep getting matched up against each other.

It doesn’t quit work like that. One side wins during the off peak hours, and then during peak hours they are able to at least hold their own.
The only way you might achieve the scenario you described is if NA servers fought against EU servers. It still wouldn’t fix the problem as whoever is on those servers and is playing during off peak hours will get stomped.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Oops, double post.kittenserver was acting up.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Since when was recruiting a lame solution.

Who would we recruit? That’s right, people off of lower pop servers. It’s the only option available and exactly opposite of what Anet was asking us to do by posting the graph.
It’s a lame solution because it’s nonsensical. Yes, let’s recruit more players so that lower pop servers perform worse and come weekend we get an even longer queue! OUTSTANDING!

What are you expecting Anet to do? Ban the Oceanic players from playing in their own hours? You’d rather we couldn’t play during our peak hours, than go to the trouble of recruiting Oceanics yourself?

I see them doing something similar to what WoW did with Tol Barad. Wintergrasp had a system much like what is in WvW currently. Population imbalances and a buff to the defending group of players in order to compensate. That model failed because even though people were buffed like raid bosses it didn’t help in an objective based game. They learned from this and in Told Barad they only allowed equal population (with like a minimum of 5-10 people).
Equal population is the only way you can have a level playing field in an objective based game.
Unfortunately for HoD and any other server that out numbers their opponents greatly, this would result in an increased queue time. On the bright side, it would help to even out the population.

I agree completely. I don’t understand why certain groups are so short-sighted that they would gladly destroy GW2 and WvW in order to “win.”

Because some people cant stand losing. I am from SBI and I don’t care if we win or lose, but it is demoralizing HOW we lose. When for 3 days points are within 150 for each team and then the next day one team is up by over 500 while the other 2 servers are barely on the map, there is a problem.
The mentality goes from “let’s try to make some progress on HoD” to “Let’s try to get some points to compensate for how horrible they destroy everyone at night/early day”.
Coming in 2nd is fine when it’s a lack of strategy, or execution, or simply being out played, but when the problem is really outside of the player bases control, you can’t help but to feel defeated.

How fun can it really be to just steam roll through keeps and not fight anyone?

That’s where the problem and this mentality comes from. They aren’t fighting no one. They are fighting people. The people are outnumbered and don’t stand a chance, but when you are fighting for an objective and fight the enemy you still feel an accomplishment. You still feel as if you fought a hard earned victory even though the defending side really didn’t stand a chance to begin with.
Not to get all political, but it really reminds me of Romney and him basically saying he had just as many opportunities as any other American. He’s rich, has always been, but he doesn’t see the difference because he did have to work for what he has. Even though he had his millionaire father behind him to support him when he faltered.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Are you telling me that Oceanics are causing all the queues on this one server (HoD), and therefore need to leave their server?

No, not at all, but when you are sitting in a 200 player queue at 3 am while no other NA server has a queue at that time it’s a matter of numbers.
I can tell by your comments and questions that you’re a very extreme person lol. Not everything is so black and white.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


And what really needs to happen is for HoD players to spread out, but you never thought of that did you? Nope, it’s everyone else’s fault but your own…

What needs to happen is for your guild to either transfer to the Oceanic populated servers, or to recruit more Oceanic guild to your own server. The solution is really simple, take control of your fate and stop publicly, endlessly, kittening, and generally acting like you can’t fix it your end.

You’re just embarrassing your own server by continuing to post. By post I mean whine.

Grim West is right. You need to spread out. The reason Anet posted the queue graphs was to show players the queue “problem” with the hopes that they would spread out accordingly.
What you and the vast majority of the HoD players in this thread is the opposite and instead of taking it as a signal to spread out to lessen queues and to help balance servers, you take it as a sign of superiority.
You missed the hint, by a mile.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


What really frustrates me and makes me shake my head is WHERE is this defeatist attitude coming from?

It comes from days of hard work and expensive investments only to login and see HoD at 600 points per tick. Seeing them 2 nights in a row take almost the entire map.

Like you said, you’re beatable, when we have the people to beat you. When we dont, you aren’t.

I find it absolutely mind boggling that we have 2 servers that have seen a definitive 3rd place contender RISE from tens of thousands of points behind and instead of using this as proof that a rally, ANY rally from ANY position, is possible and reclaiming their position

A rally? Hahahaha. That’s a good one. Owning 80%+ of the map isn’t a rally, it’s an imbalance.

You guys continue to ignore the imbalance which Anet itself posted proof of and continue to spout this imbalance as some sort of awesome thing anyone can do.

This has happened time and time again in PvP mmos. The herd masses to one side and zergs everyone else into oblivion, then the game dies. GW2 is just following the same old worn path.

That’s why this issue is important and is not a whine and is not directed solely at HoD. There have been more threads then I can count on 10 hands in both the EU forums and the NA forums about the population imbalance and night capping ruining the WvW experience.
I’ll say it again, HoD is the only GW2 server IN THE ENTIRE WORLD that has a queue in at least 1 if not all WvW zones at all times of the day. The only one in the world.
It’s a problem that effects every WvW match up, but HoD takes it to an extreme level due to their extreme population.

So you don’t want to sink money into them when you are just going to lose them during the night. You do realize HoD guilds have been sinking tons of money into WvW knowing they can’t hold everything at all times and a lot of it is going to get taken back.

When I checked the TP this morning before work SBI was +60 and HoD was around +600. When you lose that much stuff every night due to inactivity you’re basically throwing money away upgrading anything.

And it’s not even true in SBI’s case specifically, they upgrade their stuff maybe just as well as we upgrade our stuff.

Thanks, proves my point of futility.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


So you consider taking 2 servers to be a rightous victory huh? good to know. Cuz if HoD and ET had been attacking SBI instead of SBI/ET attacking HoD SBI would have been in the dirt all weekend… then what would your excuse be?

Just curious. Because many seem to think their server single handedly kept HoD at bay during the weekend lol.

Read the thread because I already stated what would of happened.
But I’m a nice guy so I’ll type it again.

If we were double teamed over the weekend and were down by 30K points from 1st place, most likely we’d still be in 3rd place. At most we might be able to claw our way back to 2nd.
We most definitely could not have come from a 30K point deficit and into the lead in a day and a half.
It just wouldn’t happen, not without a serious imbalance somewhere.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Nope and that was the plan, it was calculated.

Oh yes, calculated. You try to make it sound like some complex plan when in reality it’s just numbers.
That’s why it’s no fun and not worth it. No matter how well we do, not matter how much money we sink into WvW during our prime time, it’s all for naught. Because of your great calculated plan of… population imbalance.

Then we took advantage of your weak night game during the weekdays, believe it or not you do have people that play at night, they just aren’t as good.

Not as good? Maybe. Not as numerous? Definitely.

Exactly. Most mmo players are pretty savvy, especially pvp players. They know pretty quickly when a game’s basic system is flawed and pointless. Most players have better things to do than to be fighting HoD’s nite cap zerg.

Yeah, the most we can hope for is some karma and some badges. It’s not worth it to sink any money into WvW when you know you are going to lose almost everything during the night.

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


No… It’s harder for the alliance to get their people in due to the population. If we had lower pop, we’d have better coordination… And we’d STILL have the 24/7 coverage

You know you can fix that.

Server transfers are FREE!

[merged]Speaking about HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


You know….I think they did.

We haven’t even hit out second wind yet. This isn’t over.

When is your 2nd wind? Tonight at midnight?

Or the fact that everyone not HoD can’t understand that having 24/7 coverage (BY DESIGN) in a 24/7 game is not a BS tactic.

Out of 51 servers your sever is the only one with that 24/7 coverage. That’s the BS part.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Nick.3926


Its prime time right now…. I guess our lack of presence during prime time means we should be getting stomped right…
HoD 390
SBI 190
ET 115

It’s not even worth it. You guys have upgraded a lot of the stuff you took during the night AND you took all 3 orbs. Did you honestly expect after creating a huge advantage during your night caps that we’d be able to come back and stomp you? If you did you’re not too bright.