Showing Posts For NotASmurf.1725:

Upcoming Ranked Arena Map Rotation Changes

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


I’m all for variety but as you said, they should be adding more modes to PvP. Problem is Stronghold is PvE.

We need rewards that matter and make people care. Why should anyone in the world care about PvP titles as long as you can get them by grinding PvE on stronghold? It was a kittenty gamemode that had to go.

I do not understand why people use always the label PvE for Stronghold? Is that only coming from NPC? Then are MOBA’s consider PvE games as well? Was GvG in GW1 a PvE game mode because of how defending NPCs (attacking those of the other team) was an important part of the game?

I do not want to start a strong argument but I would like to understand the difference, if there is one.

Literally the best way to win on stronghold is to do nothing but heal the first 5 doorbreakers, kill the guards, make it to the lord room and kill the lord, ignoring any form of PvP. Match is over in 3 minutes and you do nothing but heal and kill NPCs.

It’s not a moba nor GW1 GvG, it’s an abomination.

Upcoming Ranked Arena Map Rotation Changes

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


  • Battle for Champion’s Dusk (Stronghold) will be removed from Ranked Arena.

Took you long enough, but it’s a really good change.

I don’t understand how the stronghold affected your life? Jealous to people who got to legendary only playing stronghold?

We should encourage Anet to make more game modes to PvP, not removing them. If we had 3 game modes and upcoming solo/duo queue, we could get a vote system for gamemode and then game picked randomly the map. That should be the goal to get PvP better again. Enough with this “e-sports conquest” already. Those gamers should have a little changing on their gameplaying too if they would need to practice 3 game modes and new strategies/team compositions.

I’m all for variety but as you said, they should be adding more modes to PvP. Problem is Stronghold is PvE.

We need rewards that matter and make people care. Why should anyone in the world care about PvP titles as long as you can get them by grinding PvE on stronghold? It was a kittenty gamemode that had to go.

Upcoming Ranked Arena Map Rotation Changes

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


  • Battle for Champion’s Dusk (Stronghold) will be removed from Ranked Arena.

Took you long enough, but it’s a really good change.

The good things elite specs did.

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Elite specs and HoT in general made me discover Overwatch and I’m having a blast! Ty Anet!

PVP Guilds and Season 5

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


The guilds will most likely just disband or find a game where they can actually play/advance as a team (literally any other game).

Way to go Anet, let’s make this PvP community even smaller. clap clap

Is elementalist intended for pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Glass Fresh air and glass staff ele both work just fine in the meta, they’re just REALLY hard to play so they will never be “meta” since in GW2 meta builds are measured by how low the skill floor is, not how high the skill ceiling is.

There is absolutely nothing hard about staff, quite possibly has the lowest skill floor/ceiling of all ele weapons. It’s just kitten, and only works vs kitten tier players.

Medi trapper or Symbolic?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


which of the 2 build do people consider OP or broken?

Neither. Players complain about full trap DH.

Full trap DH is nothing but a l2p issue.

No longer invulnerable when downed

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


does this mean conditions are not removed when someone is downed ?

Conditions still get removed.

Your favourite GW2 Esports moments 2016

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


How do you know the pro players would leave instantly? You should ask them and report back to us. From what I seen pro players actually like this game and been on the record as such.

Oh yeah they love it so much that’s why nearly all of them stopped streaming and barely ever log in unless it has something to do with a paid tournament (like scrims).

I’d suggest adding the roster of the EU teams to your friendlist and tell me if they even come online.

And what are we even talking about? The roughly 10 teams that are still around? GW2’s PvP viewercount on average is around 0.1% of what actual esport games get, that should tell you something.

Your favourite GW2 Esports moments 2016

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


To have esport moments first we’d have to become an esport. Please don’t tell me you’re delusonal enough to think this game is esport.

No were not there yet if you compare us to the likes of League and others but with some community support and less hate we could be.

Community support is not the problem, Anet is and we can’t change nor undo their stupidity. We are lightyears behind any esport title and the gap just keeps increasing.

Your favourite GW2 Esports moments 2016

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


To have esport moments first we’d have to become an esport. Please don’t tell me you’re delusonal enough to think this game is esport.

What keeps you playing (PvP)?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Nothing, and that’s sad really. I’ve been with Guild Wars since Nightfall and I’ve reached a point where I can no longer support what Anet’s become. This dev team is incompetent beyond words and it pains me to say that.

Ranked Following Tournament Ruling

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


First you’d have to lock everyone in, so no rerolling. What if a profession or 2 becomes required for a proper comp and you don’t have those, or you have too many paper guys? GG afk?

Then obviously people who play fotm like DH would have hour long ques, making many of them reroll. In theory it could even out the numbers of professions played, but do you really want people on your team playing something just to get faster Qpops with absolutely no understanding of the build, forcing others out of that slot who can actually play it?

Matches would be purely decided by RNG. Making everyone Q up only as 5/5 premades is the only “reasonable” solution because then the comp is entirely your decision, but you don’t want that either.

(edited by NotASmurf.1725)

Why do the devs want elite spec power creep?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Anet probably knew Stronghold wouldn’t sell, so they made it free but they needed money so they decided to kitten their own game and just introduce ridiculous powercreep for money. Don’t expect a fix because they are already working on expansion 2 and we’re left to rot until they can get more money out of us.

“Best” case scenario: xpac 2 will have elite specs of the same level as we currently do but they nerf the kitten out of the current ones to make sure we buy it.

Worst case: next elite specs will introduce a level of powercreep that will kill what’s left of PvP.

The State of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Every time someone says “Elite specs are better than core.” I just have to come in and say, that’s not entirely true. It’s true in some cases but not for all professions. I still play my core necro just fine. 60% win ratio or thereabouts. Can still play my core guardian burst build, and my condi engie still kicks 80% kitten right now (weak against necros and dragonhunters) but you know, so weak and fragile those core specs are.

You can have some level of success with core specs that’s true, but everything’s better with an elite spec.

There hasn’t been a single non-elite build in the pro scene since HoT came out, except for 1 guy who at that time didn’t own HoT. Coincidence?

Not everything but in a lot of things, they do better. That said, certain match ups are better for base professions. Reapers will have a hard time beating thieves for instance but base necro has a 90% win rate against them.

Just spam headshot and autoattack to win vs base nec. Reaper at least has some pulsing Stability and anti-projectile. The instant fear is handy on base shroud but that’s all.

The State of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Every time someone says “Elite specs are better than core.” I just have to come in and say, that’s not entirely true. It’s true in some cases but not for all professions. I still play my core necro just fine. 60% win ratio or thereabouts. Can still play my core guardian burst build, and my condi engie still kicks 80% kitten right now (weak against necros and dragonhunters) but you know, so weak and fragile those core specs are.

You can have some level of success with core specs that’s true, but everything’s better with an elite spec.

There hasn’t been a single non-elite build in the pro scene since HoT came out, except for 1 guy who at that time didn’t own HoT. Coincidence?

(edited by NotASmurf.1725)

Coliseum Not Fit For Competitive

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


I’d very much like to see the new Skyhammer in Ranked, but none of the others. -.-

Spirit, Capricorn, Coliseum they all favor certain classes way more than others and most of the size of the cap points on the latest 2 maps are a joke, they are too small. Coliseum as is feels extremely weird to navigate and the secondary objectives are passives of the worst kind.

Design Discussion: Khylo Trebuchet

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


With all the stability, damage mitigation, heals, invulns, dodges and other shenanigans it’s a largely obsolete feature.

Do something about your ridiculous level of powercreep before discussing map mechanics.

Numerous players in legend belong in amber.

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


“Numerous players in legend belong in amber.”

This is an oxymoron.

It’s not. Do you even know what that word means? lol

Is HoT the future for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


If HoT is the future then this game has no future.

Title for reaching legend in all 4 seasons?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


What about:

“I Lost All My Friends and My Family is Worried About the Amount of Time I Play Guild Wars 2”

or maybe

“Legendary Time Waster”


“My Life’s Accomplishments are Electrons in Anet’s Server”

I don’t see how 2 months of active play a year is such a nolifer thing. Legend doesn’t take long if you start in sapphire and get winstreaks.

Title for reaching legend in all 4 seasons?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


What about “Year of Ascension Master”

I’m not sure you understand the topic. I’m asking if there will be a title while hoping there won’t be, I don’t want to brainstorm names for it.

Title for reaching legend in all 4 seasons?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Will there be one? Then I’d feel obligated to get it in s4 but this season is so kittening painful, lack of a “meta” title would let me enjoy other games instead.

Helseth time to speak / state of pvp

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


The PvP in this game is extremely balanced. Frustratingly so, even.

Chaith you have this magical power where you comment and I only see $$ signs and Anet logos.

sPvP Season 5 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


You’ll still be able to get the wings, even with the considerable league changes coming with Season 5.

When will we get to hear about these changes? Because I don’t think anyone has faith in Anet to make a good system at this point so promises mean nothing, we need details.

sPvP Season 5 2016?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


It’s called “YEAR of the ascension” for a reason, 1 year = 4 season, this is season 4 so chances are s5 will begin a different year. But it’s Anet so they may forge to turn it off or decide that it’s not casual enough so you may just get everything for free soon.

Helseth time to speak / state of pvp

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


I don’t quite understand how a guy who has repeatedly stated ’you’d have to literally pay me to play GW’s’ is trying to now encourage a healthy PvP scene? For me personally it kind of feels like an attempt to keep the dev money pouring into the pockets of what is really only a handful of people in the pro scene. But, I’m a cynic no offense or shots intended.

That aside, it’s a good discussion but as someone mentioned earlier, a lot of the playerbase get annoyed due to PvP being the area that gets balanced around. Having builds gutted or dealing with broken stuff when PvE stats are applied to PvP builds is a great way to build resentment towards PvP. It’s no wonder Reddit just downvotes stuff on PvP when you look from that perspective.

Which kind of ties into: Casual Wars 2 is in full-effect at the moment throughout the game, how can a game aimed almost directly at a casual/part-time audience ever hope to gain traction with ‘elite’ gamers? The PvP pro games are so far over the ‘regular’ players heads that they cannot even begin to care (just personal opinion ofc). Is there even a way to shift that perspective with the current overarching direction the game continues to take? I get it that the casting discussion would help a great deal but without a player base that cares about high-end PvP does it even matter?

Amen, there are people who still really understand.
There is no real competition.
Even really good players are not interested in those tournaments. Always the same people, the same faces over and over. Pro of 50 people?

Anet should stop this E-sport wannabe, there are only going deeper and deeper right to hell. This is the wrong way.

Remember 2/5 of NL (going to worlds) never played a ESL tourny til the qualifiers and 4/5 have 0 PL wins l0l
Same people idkm

A scene growth of not one, but TWO people?! I wasn’t conviced thus far, but kitten , 200k$ well spent Anet!

Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


I’ve made legendary previous seasons solo/dou que.This season I can’s get out of saphire with 50% win rate and about 80 games played. Its not saphire games I play its diamond/legendary previous seasons. And I have to w8 for these games twice as long as average que time.Have no idea what did you do with matchmaking. I am mad atm so kitten you Anet.

The rage is real.

Why do people continue to say “Season is worse than prev please fix” when there’s obviously less hate QQ threads in this season compared to previous?

1) People are quitting.
2) The ones who are staying and have functioning brain cells already realized Anet doesn’t read the forum so why bother. It’s a place for venting some of the frustration, but nobody should expect Anet to listen at this point.

Should I Buy HoT for PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


No. If you buy HoT you support p2w expansions and never ending powercreep, and it’s not even fun to play.

Season 4 Ranked Matchmaking Change

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


making rewards more accessible for casual players and making divisions prestigious and a more accurate indicator of skill are among our highest priorities.

Isn’t that a contradiction? It’s already nothing but a reward track, how could Anet possibly make it both even easier to obtain rewards yet harder to climb?

And if you choose to make a ladder that represents skill how do they plan to keep the casuals who can’t be kitten d to improve (which is like, 99% of GW2’s population)?

This change may widen the skill range of players in each division, but we feel that increased match quality is worth the trade-off of reduced prestige for this season

Another line that makes no sense. How do you increase match quality by making even more bad players advance to higher divisions and how would that give it more prestige?

Anet’s pretty much saying “we’re going to make it even less skill based and less prestigeous, because making it prestigeous is a top priority” – excuse me, what?

(edited by NotASmurf.1725)

Revenenge on Capricon - tactics, thoughts? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


The achievements were added to make people test the map for a long period of time. If Anet lets you do it in hotjoin they won’t have proper feedback, but some of the achies encourage zerging anyways.

GW2 PvP is Dying

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


/Fixing forum bug older than the game.

GW2 PvP is Dying

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


This thread is worse than a political or religious debate. A dying game is subjective and can no way to be proven true or false by anyone in this thread.

This thread is specifically about the PvP side dying, not GW2 in general. PvE is doing fine, that’s not what we’re worried about. Please don’t try to derail the thread.

2016 Post July 26th Patch- Best 1v1 Class?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Condi berserker or symbol DH.

GW2 PvP is Dying

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


At least they’ll have a somewhat of a monopoly in this on the market atm. A game where all the players that do not have the ability to play any Action MMO can, that requires more personal skill and reflexes then GW2 can main. On the causal scale GW2 is the highest MMO on the market.

GW2 don’t completely sux btw. It’s sPvP however is just complete trash compared to many many other games. It’s PvE is ok in Fractals and Raids, maybe some of the events. It’s WvW, well it looks like WvW will follow the same suit as sPvP game mode.

Well… How many spvp games you have played? How many spvp team have you been into?

How many tournament (amateur AG included) have you been?

Actually, combat mechanic of Gw2 is the best of the genre, all around. You can’t find a game with that kind of play without “grind” involved on the market, yet.

It’s a simple easy to soloq game, that is hard to master to go at high level. We are all kittening here, because we love this game and are passionate about it.

What about you? Do you have better alternative than gw2 spvp? I didn’t find any and I played most of the competition… so, I should be a trash casual in your eyes?

Who cares about other MMOs? Most new ones aren’t being made for pvp just like gw2 wasn’t made for pvp, being one of the least bad ones doesn’t make it good.

When Anet is aiming for esports they aren’t going to go up against other MMOs but instead games like LoL, Dota, Hearthstone, Starcraft, etc, that’s the competition they are facing.

GW2 PvP is Dying

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Huh, weird, I could have sworn I read this exact same title over a year ago (and two years before that)…

I wonder why PvP still isn’t dead yet, despite people shouting doom’n’gloom for the past 3 years.

Maybe it’s not dying? Maybe people are just dramatic?

These kind of posts are always funny to me. They take something completely out of context and immediately assume a defensive position.
Thinking that MMOs in the current year are not losing players each day is very delusional. Noone is talking about the game being completely dead because that’s only possible if the publisher closes down the servers. Even the most niche online games have their tiny dedicated fans still playing. Comparing the current GW2 pvp population to it’s prime numbers however, you’ll in no doubt see a very big difference especially if you actively play and pay attention to the people you get matched with.

A-net made a statement less than a year ago stating that the PvP population was at a high. I didn’t try to take the OP’s title “completely out of context and immediately assume a defensive position.”

You can read it yourself. I took the title as-is, because that is how it is worded. After that, I made reasonable points and asked respectable questions. Just because they go against the OP’s statement doesn’t inherently make them defensive. That would be a mind-set choice.

If only tone could be portrayed accurately through text :\

Anet never released the numbers. They can come out and say “Pvp is doing fine, numbers are going up!” – but as long as they refuse to let us know the exact numbers these are just empty statements for marketing purposes.

Then don’t forget they probably count everyone including daily custom arena rank farmers as PvPers too. Whenever I play a ranked or even unranked match there is at least 1 person I know, and in a game with a healthy population that should not be the case, but Anet wouldn’t know because they don’t play their game, instead they hide behind their purposefully misinterpreted metrics chanting “we’re doing fine, we’re doing fine”.

auramancer build are fine, use magi amulet.

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Anet turned everyone into damaging bruisers (we needed it imo) so that technically everyone has a chance to be a 5th pick, balances willing.

So we needed everyone to be able to do everything, because roles are boring and kitten balance, I guess?

Revenenge on Capricon - tactics, thoughts? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Too big which favors certain classes way too much. I like the theme and the secondary mechanic isn’t too bad, but this map is just gigantic yet the side caps (and secondary mechanic’s cap) are so tiny any AoE covers them which quickly devolves into a spamfest.

auramancer build are fine, use magi amulet.

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


why in gods name somebody would play with magi. u have zero dmg and nearly squishy as menders. mender is way to go otherwise ur just usless. pls stop confusing new players magi is pure trash. if u cant play mender change class rly

Magi has more healing and vitality, why would damage matter for a healer build? Get more familiar with roles pls.

Tribute to Evan Lesh.

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Agreed, Evan for president maybe it’s not too late.

This Season Is going to be...

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


NA didn’t even use Mesmer in the last finals…. So OP

How many matches has NA won? 1? Not even?

Worth comming back solely for pvp ?

in PvP

Posted by: NotASmurf.1725


Playerbase is getting smaller and smaller so get ready to play with the same 10-15 players all the time, adding new maps takes years, rewards are worse than open world PvE, matchmaking still doesn’t work, elite specs are kittening OP because Anet wants HoT to sell, nobody takes ranked seriously anymore.

Short answer: no.