JQs only remaining weakness is NA primetime.
Crap, quick… we need at least 10 more NA guilds
Stei, get on making us a new thread, I know you’re reading this.
Your right I messed up our que’s don’t rival HoD’s in their prime!!!!!!!!! AH how could I forget something as important as this!
Has SoR completely given up? I’ve seen multiple screenshots of them at 0 ppt.
I can’t speak for their server’s mentality but I can confirm they did hit 0 ppt numerous times including just as recently as 3 hours~ ago. I think it may be a combination of the match drawing to a close and the long hours taking a toll on some and some general population demoralization I think this morning we finally lost SoR garrison after holding it close to 25hrs~.
Frankly all this talk about weekends being the end all be all of wvw is bullkitten. Weekends invite more casual pugs to play than normal, making queueing rough and preventing guilds from moving across b
orders to ones that need organization. Point is, weekends have their fair share of problems, especially for an overpopulated server like JQ.Everyone has their prime time during the weekdays when their coverage is good. Man up, take your losses during your downtime (like JQ has done for 18 weeks or so before we got better coverage), and fight like hell when you can. I can only imagine the kittening from SoS and SoR if they had been in t1 against HoD. You guys really have no idea.
You do realize that some of SoS is that very HoD crew(and they fully admitted how stacked their server was and broke it up) and the SoR people consists of quite a few SBI and couple JQ guilds who also were there fighting the old HoD.
So in fact, it is you who has no idea what you are talking about. Except for the fact that you admit you have an overpopulated server. At least you are admitting it now.
Your words make no sense. I completely agree with Thor. Weekends are by no means representative of our server. The vast majority of people that were on the borderlands are pugs and the big “main” wvw servers were only able to field a fraction of their numbers. So yeah. If you think fighting JQ’s unorganized bandwagon pugs during the weekends is “Fair” and representative of our true strength, you’re gonna have a bad time. *Yeah we have coverage, but that’s a huge factor of being in Tier 1 – being able to stay competitive all week. People should’ve realized it by now and started working on strategies (such as shifts) instead of sitting in LA and complaining about it on the forums. We’ve had huge coverage issues before and have been through some rough times during the past 12 weeks against SoS but the reason we’ve stayed in T1 through the gaps is because we kept fighting through it all. *Through the culling, through the double team, through the coverage gaps. Jade Quarry doesn’t hang the towel just because we’re not 1st.
These do not reflect the attitude’s we want. Yes weekends are a struggle but it’s not because of the highlighted reasons. Do not try and say it is. Weekend’s we struggle getting numbers in but that’s not the fault of those in the maps. It’s simply a reality when people have more time on the weekends they will play more which also lengthens queues. How we do on the weekend is different than the weekdays for many reasons but do not ever claim it’s cause of “bandwagoners or disorganized pugs” because if we are losing in ppt its because of our OWN Lack of effort and organization not because of someone else.
I have no idea why people are congratulating JQ’s guild recuitment. SoS tried to make a new recuitment thread like JQ’s one and a few rotten JQers jumped in and turned the entire thread into a big “JQ has no people, we’re 24/7 outmanned, SoS has 24/7 coverage, etc” spreading FUD and insults to the point the forum admins had to close the thread because it was completely derailed.
I found SoS has better commanders in general and a few more solid guilds, but JQ has definitely 10x the better coverage. I was on JQ last week and there’s queues everywhere 24/7. EB is usually a solid 2 hours wait.
You do know that it got closed because you had like five recruitment threads open at once lol.
Weekend provides the best even coverage you can get right now.
Weekends always have the best fights.
Weekdays you get to see the coverage come in and take a crap on the scoreboard for those without.
Aside from a few people with hurt feelings on here, we knew this coverage game was coming =P Really shouldn’t be anyone crying about it, this isn’t a new theme to WvW.
These are the best fights I’ve had in months too.
This isn’t going to change either =D Play for when your on, kitten it when your off.
Basically what you want is for weekend only matches. What would happen the rest of the week just sit flipping siege for a big 3 day push? Sorry that the game is about coverage but you still have your primetime to make up ground. Even when SoS had vastly superior Oceanic (Unimpeded 500+ ticks) we didn’t give up we would come out during EU/NA prime and give it 100% effort and do what we could. Coverage doesn’t matter as much as people make it out to. Every server has SEA and Oceanic EU and NA. It’s not like it’s pure doors during those hours we just maximize our point gains when we have a deadzone.
I hope scoring and other changes that are coming to WvW from ArenaNet reflect what we’ve seen this week. The week started very impressive and interesting and it would be great to highlight servers initial achievements instead of focusing only on end score.
What initial achievement is there? The weekend lead? I don’t understand what would need to be highlighted at the start of a week long match-up.
SF/PRX/AoS shenanigans
Hah, nice. I may have been on the receiving end of that…
We were freaking out on TS like oh crap its going to flip and someone’s like I’M HOLDING THE CIRCLE! And we all scramble as fast as possible to get to the circle before he died lol.
SF/PRX/AoS shenanigans
My wife is mad at whoever’s (JQ) idea it was to walk the golums back and forth through the open gate, while I was dumping oil on you, over and over again. My laughing woke her up even though she was upstairs on the other side of the house.
Great fights in SM.
Part of the problem was we had no one on TS with us. Hell even our commander wasnt on. And no mesmer co-ordination. We broke the gate just as you started dumping the oil, and the 4 of us promptly peaced the scene. The other 4 waltzed up (having not taken the portal that was called out on TS) and promptly got pooped on.
At least, assuming this was the first golem rush, the one that didnt take SM, and not the second one that did.
The EBG TS for JQ is horribly lacking throughout the day. And for a good long time after we took SM there was no commander, no plan, no rallying or grouping of any sort. It’s a little disappointing to go from massive fun fights to suddenly everyone’s running around like headless chickens because our commanders are all squandering themselves in the borderlands (Im looking at you JQBL. You had 8 commander pins in the TS! ~.~)
EBG has always been a struggle for TS because there are so many guilds with different comms there. Also keep in mind most days the EB que stops people from getting in or wanting to que up. Over the weekend EB que with the bugs was horrendous reset night over 3 hrs. And weekend peaks of 2hrs after that. Those que’s caused us not to send guilds to EBG during the weekend. Though now most of us roll together for one reason or another. Just because people have pins on TS doesn’t mean they want to lead/need to lead.
I’m not fully up on the politics… why would SoR go for revenge against SoS? Revenge for what?
I wouldn’t say revenge as much as I would say rivalry. It’s been a while since our super close matches of the past, and many of us are looking forward to some equally fun matches when we meet again.
If your from SOR, a word of warning. BG pretty much played themselves out of staying in Tier 1 next week because of their rivalry with SOS. If they had of played smart last week and targetted JQ, BG would have finished in second place and gained some points. This week they are going to miss pushing SOS out of tier 1 by 30 points, which they could have made by playing for second place last week. To elaborate on this, SOS commanders were instructing to leave BG alone and avoid them and target JQ because it was obvious they were the bigger threat.
That said, Im yet to see a server play smart like this. Just know that a “rivalry” can come back to bite you like it just has for BG. And in all honesty, I don’t see BG getting much Tier 1 again for a while. Especially with Kain coming to Tier 2 in another week and FA becoming a stronger unified force.
You do realize if BG had actually focused more on you and blew you out like they could have it would have been in their favor. Them focusing the number 1 nets them the most point gains.
Message me if your interested in joining!
It is sad that all these strong guilds transfered to JQ. I play on JQ server since I bought the game and to be honest, the wvwvw became not fun at all. I am not a heavy wvwvw player, but sometimes I enjoy running around the map and taking over camps and keeps. However, what all these players flooding into JQ brought are a very long queue time (including borderlands) and an unbalanced match. Now, whenever I want to roll in wvwvw, I have to wait 30min+ for getting into borderland and 1hr+ for EB. When I finally get in, the maps are all blue and I have nothing to do. (I usually roam in BL)
I really miss large zerg battles between servers and not 30+ JQ players stomping over 15 players…btw I love all you people who fought hard for JQ
What time zone do you play? From what I heard, during NA prime, borderland maps’ queues were 5 min and EB was 15 minutes.
BG appears to still be fighting strong even though they lack the coverage in oceanic prime time. SOS appears to have given up either because players are taking breaks, natural disasters in australia, desire to be in tier 2 or what not… With essentially just JQ and BG fighting most of the time, during time zones when BG lacks coverage, JQ has been able to not only just gain points but to double the points since they were able to take over whatever SOS has without resistance. In the past, SOS was able to hold JQ in check during these time zones.
We had longer que’s during reset and the weekend when excitement was extremely high with full guilds and what not.
SoS loses a match – “the world is imploding what do we do?!” – Reconstruct yourselves you guys do great work. I may nix your “strategy” calling and what not but you do play a fine hand of Chess.
BG loses a match – “We will give them everything we’ve got and go out proudly.” – Good show BG, I’ve loved to hate our battles here with you over the past couple of weeks. Much like I have the last time, this time though you have seemed much tougher.
Thanks man, that means a lot. I think BG has had a great run in T1 this time, I am confident after the ratings reset and stuff goes through we will be back in tier 1!
Looking forward to it but please let HB know to stop TAKING MY BRIAR ON SOS!!! AHHHH Nah seriously that was annoying but really fun led to some epic I can’t see what’s going on fights!
The real reality is unless anet brings a massive wave of new players, the current stacking for wvw will be addressed by anet in one way or another. Clearly the reset is their hopes to bring wvw back into a balanced state. If that fails something else will happen.
It is important for the players all be able to voice their frustrations/concerns. The only way for anet to understand whats going on here is if the players speak up. JQ I am very disappointed that you keep throwing the “deal with it” attitude out there. The massive players that joined your server should not of been allowed by the mechanics of a “full” server.
It doesn’t matter what one individual says but I garuentee if things play out where there is a lot of negative feedback around wvw for the top tiers (most of the wvw) player base there might be some interesting changes.
VoTF and ND transferred under full status as well. Pot meet kettle.
Only our pot was more like a tea cup to your 7-11 bladder buster. Lol. Can’t really compare our 2 transfers to your 13+.
It really doesn’t matter though. JQ does have more people and coverage and there isn’t anyone that can deny that. If you do, then recheck your point of view and what server your playing for. Of course JQ players gonna say no way were not stacked. You are and scores show it. Sadly, I wish the hardcore guilds talked about these transfers instead of transferring just for the win. What will happen to JQ and your community in a few months from now? Do things like this even get discussed???
Yes we talked about it. All the guild’s that came to JQ are part of the community and WvW while important comes second to making sure the community is stable and that we all enjoy each others company. JQ community has always been strong and I’m pretty sure we will survive.
The real reality is unless anet brings a massive wave of new players, the current stacking for wvw will be addressed by anet in one way or another. Clearly the reset is their hopes to bring wvw back into a balanced state. If that fails something else will happen.
It is important for the players all be able to voice their frustrations/concerns. The only way for anet to understand whats going on here is if the players speak up. JQ I am very disappointed that you keep throwing the “deal with it” attitude out there. The massive players that joined your server should not of been allowed by the mechanics of a “full” server.
It doesn’t matter what one individual says but I garuentee if things play out where there is a lot of negative feedback around wvw for the top tiers (most of the wvw) player base there might be some interesting changes.
VoTF and ND transferred under full status as well. Pot meet kettle.
Everyone had the same opportunity to recruit the guilds we got. Did SoS send guilds to BG or SoR in the interest of the game?
Neither did we.
Same rules for everyone. Should have done more and better recruiting instead of wasting time on here blaming other people’s success for your failures.
Your argument falls apart actually. RMA from SOS went to SOR
RMA went to SoR with UL from SBI to make a Brazilian alliance from what I heard. So no SoS did not send them they chose of their own volition.
In response to a queue time thing earlier about JQ, we really don’t have long queues if any still. I’ve had some weird bug with members though. Some get in within 5 minutes, others are queued for an hour while tons of ppl are getting in before them. It make sense no to Bacca of teh Jed…
Other night my guildies que’d 15 mins after me and got in in five mins. Half an hour later I still wasn’t in. It led to a sad me.
I seen a few players from SOS leave for JQ recently. Im glad they did. There is a reason I went to SOS as soon as I could. They will stand the test of time and are the most stable of all servers. Why? Because we have Oceanic coverage and SOS is considered Oceanics home server. I don’t want fickle bandwagon players in my server. JQ is beating us this week for alot of reasons. Maybe SOS might drop to Tier 2 at some stage. But they will always be one of the most stable and consistent servers in WvW. Other servers can have their rise to the top, fall to the bottom. Ill just sit here in T1/T2 smoking my pipe.
Having this rands and pugs leave for JQ is good for SOS. We free up spots for real players and guilds who actually contribute to the server.
This post is funny…and pretty irrational. JQ has been in T1 since launch, longer than any other server…by alot. We’ve had ups and downs, mass exodus and huge influx, and we’ve remained in Tier 1. The fact of the matter is, our CORE is rock solid. That same core started on JQ and have stuck it out through thick and thin. They’ve weathered adversity time and again; From being outnumbered and getting in the weeds with Guerrilla tactics, to zerging about steamrolling everything and everyone. JQ has weathered the storm. I’d suggest some of you SoSers find a way to adapt to this new incarnation of JQ, rather than whining on and on about how unfair it is. Noone feels sorry for SoS.
JQ hasn’t been in Tier 1 since launch. Id continue to discuss it, but your obviously trolling.
Okay, sorry, discounting a week long stint in T2. Otherwise, yes, we have. And what in my post would lead you to believe i’m trolling? SoS wasn’t even on the Tier 1 map three months ago, and wouldn’t be if it hadn’t been for an influx of major guilds…oh wait, LOL. Pot meet kettle. I think there are just a whole lot of you people feeling sorry for yourselves and expecting us to entertain your pity party. Earn your place in T1 and compete, otherwise make way for someone else who can.
I remember when JQ was in tier 3-4 with SoS and the people from SoS were moving to JQ because they had better coverage but they certainly weren’t a power house even at that level. So what ever lies you’re talking you must not of even been on JQ since the start of the game. At that time JQ had a stronger oceanic presence than SoS, what ever happened?
I don’t think anyone ever said JQ was a power house. We just had the coverage to compete. Our coverage dropped as we spent time in Tier 1 I think every server that was in Tier 1 experienced that we just never fell as far as some did. That is attributed by our community not by anything else.
You guys do realize none of the people on this thread trolled the SoS thread. We were respectful and bumped it. While some may have trolled it none happen to reflect the people here.
I don’t know why it’s JQ’s fault for getting new guilds.
We can’t stop people from transferring, and we definitely can’t make guilds transfer over.
Every T1 server had the same opportunity to appeal to guilds wanting to move up before the end of free transfers.
Correct we approached guilds just like every other server out there but we had a plan in mind before approaching them. We presented them with a current lay out of how both WvW, PvE and all aspects of the game were and we also let them know the type of community we were a part of. To put it simply we had a community and people wanted to be a part of something that had maintained and stayed strong despite the hardships (anyone who knows JQ knows what we’ve went through and knows we persevered through some tough times). Something that set’s our server apart from everyone? Every server has their little rallying cry but we felt we were a step ahead of the rest because some of the thing’s people desired in the server’s they were on we already had. And most importantly when we were recruiting WE focused on what would make the community better as a whole. We recruited PvE and PvX guilds alike. We didn’t single out one guild or group because hey it might make our PPT better. We recruited people to the server because a well rounded community lasts. WvW based one’s while fun won’t last nearly as long.
I’ll say one thing about the recruitment. We talked to people who were assessing their options on the server they were on and if it would be there long term. Did we spam recruit? No but we did talk to leaders in our community TS and brought in other members of the community that could help talk about both how things were for the small guilds and for the big guilds. We also didn’t lie that we had coverage gaps and they could help us if they came but we by no means put winning WvW as the #1 priority. We brought in guilds that could contribute to the community first and make an impact on the battlefields second. It’s not us building a community your afraid of its the fact that by doing so and proving it has longevity it has put us in an excellent position in WvW as well. The community was always first in our process.
Stei’s right,
All I read Just saying
[EDMW] has transferred from CD to JQ
[EDMW] – HWZ EDMW Exodus | 350+ Members | PvX | Contact(s): Hammie EunjungNo wonder, there are queues all over BL last night..oh well…
Keep in mind its the weekend and que’s are going to be present. Even with all the new additions we shouldn’t have any que’s at all during the week and if they are there it would be a very small que.
is fong shen guild still around ?
I would say it is time to put the breaks on the JQ recruitment myself. We don’t need queues on all maps most prime-times to have fun or be a competitive server, especially if other top servers are lagging behind in coverage.
All the respect in the world to our recruitment officers Rawnoodles and Stei, you guys have done an awesome job bringing a lot of great guilds over. More at this point might be a tiny bit of overkill. I would rather have some hard fought bloodbaths out there everynite as per our usual MO.
I wasn’t responsible for them I talked to a few but majority was done by noodles, and Kromickon (he’s the Aggroculture leader he’s a quiet one though ) Krom was originally CD thus he knows a lot of the Oceanic/SEA that resided there
But I wholeheartedly agree Tier 2 should get any loving if there’s any guilds out there in the last hours of paid transfers!
I would like to remind everyone that the free transfers are closing soon. If you are interested in joining us I suggest to make Jade Quarry your home before then.
I second this Aggroculture is an awesome group of players (I’ve ran with em a few time’s as I’m a nocturnal american!)
Crazy fights from all sides as we try and continue to build our lead and hold on against the constant onslaught.
Working hard out there to try and get that lead!
@Ohai – Ruin wvw in what way? I wasn’t aware being #1 for weeks was ruining wvw, which HoD was doing at launch.
You might as well say Maguuma is ruining WvW for Tier 4 since they own every single objective, and the same with Kaineng in Tier 5.
No offense dude, but you whine a lot.
Well, purposely mass recruiting the biggest and best wvw guilds from around the globe to stack a server to guarantee flawless victories each week kinda does ruin the competition of the tier. It forces the competition to also try to mass recruit, which then effects the lower tiers, catch my drift?
ppl need to drop their egos and records and just play the game, you know?
Lol we need to drop our egos? SoS calling a server stacked while they have an uncontested Coverage zone in aussie prime and still recruiting for said time zone is just as bad as what we are “apparently” doing. Sorta the pot calling the kettle black you know?
We all did our absolute best this week, nobody can deny that. Everyone loves a good rivalry.
JQ has had adjustments to make, as we get used to new people, new commanders, new tactics. We have worked on integrating all of this into our game, and thankfully due to a lack of giant egos, we have managed to do this a lot faster than I expected.
The servers in this tier don’t have to be friends, but if we could all try to maintain a modicum of respect for each other, it’d go a long way.
Don’t be hating on my ego! Nah really was a crazy week and I learned a lot running with all the new people and running into tsym. I honestly think rendering got worse in the past week I may be wrong but I don’t know how many time’s i’ve ran into a group only to say oh god rendering!
I pretty much lost respect toward PRX guild the other day when I saw their entire zerg using Potion of Ascalonian mages —-- they fully know what it does and yet they choose to take advantage of it.
You do realize everyone using the same tonic would actually improve rendering because it wouldn’t have to load a million different things at once rather just one image.
If you want to talk or have any sort of interest in JQ message us! And if you have any questions we will gladly answer those as well
Would just like to point out JQ has no SEA or Oceanic presence and needs to recruit more… 2am GMT +8 score.
SoS looking for some new blood, JQ already has enough.
So we can’t recruit? Sorry we have people on the server with connections and people want to join the community. That’s all i’ll say on this post.
Good job everyone out there some crazy hectic fights for sure!
lol not saying you can’t recruiting pointing out that all JQ’s say they never have SEA / Oceanic coverage comparible to SoS :P
You mean in your servers timeless words, “Bandwagoners” who were afraid to be stuck on their old servers.
We don’t have Oceanic* comparable to SoS. While we do have Oceanics (Aussie’s and what not) they don’t have near the numbers to hold down 4 map’s at the same time like SoS can. We have SEA presence that has never been disputed. And I don’t think anyone least to my knowledge has termed any of the guilds coming to JQ as “bandwagongers” but if you want to call them that feel free it might be why your not getting guilds
Would just like to point out JQ has no SEA or Oceanic presence and needs to recruit more… 2am GMT +8 score.
SoS looking for some new blood, JQ already has enough.
So we can’t recruit? Sorry we have people on the server with connections and people want to join the community. That’s all i’ll say on this post.
Good job everyone out there some crazy hectic fights for sure!
Scared of what could happen out there if your roaming in a small group against crazy odds? Don’t be come join us @ AoS and be a part of something great!
I’m not sure if you even believe what you are typing. Are you trying to tell BG to play for second? You do know that any server that plays for second place WILL NEVER win 1st place right?
What’s wrong with playing for second when your server’s recruiting? If you show you have staying power it helps the recruiting process. Playing for second for one week is fine, nobody’s telling BG to play for second forever.
In fact, isn’t that one of the things that JQ’s proud of? Being in T1 since the beginning?
Being in Tier 1 since the beginning show’s resolve. It’s not meaning we don’t fight for first. And we did end up in Tier 2 for one week. That was the first week of weeklong matches I believe. We proved then we had the staying power for Tier 1 as we not only destroyed CD and Db at the time but we also propelled ourselves into Tier 1 and took second and then took first.
Carnage is NA over to JQ from SBI…
Kashmara is right here I think some of our NA’s get on early morning though might be why there is a misconception that we have so many NA guilds that are “SEA”
It is currently Very High for JQ if your looking to transfer nows your time
Tons of action tonight videos to come!
Was it one of those times where you go, “AAAAahaaaaaaaaaaHHHHhhhh! Kittens, run!….Ooooh”?
It was more like “Stei! Stei! We’ve losts everything in EB and they’re in our keep!!!”
“RG is on the way.”
“It’s too late. It’s too late! It’s… nevermind. RG is here. Everything fine now.”
I literally saw them save the keep, opened my map to see where to head next, and they must have hit SoS so hard at our keep that the game just gave us Bravost, Langor and Danelion back out of respect.
LMAO… SO been there! Wow, is that what we (I) sound like Stei? :-)
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Hrm, Quarillians…Quaryans…Jadeians….Jedians!…Jedarmy-ians!! Okay guys, my thought process is obviously in high gear here, I think I’m on to something big!!!
I got it, I got it! Nut Punchers Consortium! Yeah they can be called NPC’s for short.
YES! 2g to wotah from Jedbacca by the end of the night xD
I will expect it all to be in copper!
1 copper at a time? your inbox could be quite full by the end of the night
Hrm, Quarillians…Quaryans…Jadeians….Jedians!…Jedarmy-ians!! Okay guys, my thought process is obviously in high gear here, I think I’m on to something big!!!
I got it, I got it! Nut Punchers Consortium! Yeah they can be called NPC’s for short.
YES! 2g to wotah from Jedbacca by the end of the night xD
Calling them militia is the single worst thing you could do
It has a derogatory and downgrading tone towards others.
How is this in anyway derogatory? It’s the proper and technically correct term for that group of players.
They are of the local server community, and the bulk are part time WvW players.
Just because they aren’t in a big guild doesn’t mean they aren’t out there everyday. I don’t know I just can tell you based on the fact majority of our player base isn’t one guild or another least in WvW they don’t like being called that. Small guilds out there or people who play with you would rather be called by there guild name or something. And the main point of the original post was this. People are like you beat us and militia acting like that’s the excuse. It’s not a reason for anything and acting like it is would be the demeaning part of it. Sure you may call them militia with respect but when you say the “militia” is the reason you wiped that’s the issue.
Calling them militia is the single worst thing you could do
It has a derogatory and downgrading tone towards others.
Great point — and well-toned. I always make a point of referring to them as “Non-Guilded Allied Combatants Lacking VoIP” in /team.
Labeling them anything tbh is demeaning heck I’ve called our random’s pug’s but it’s less demeaning imo than Militia which makes it sound like you have absolute control over them which you don’t. And a lot of them would be willing to hop on a teamspeak if they knew the info (we have a ton of people who aren’t in our “major” guilds on TS every night on JQ)
RG is no joke. I was commanding on SoS with some [Work] but mostly militia. We had 30+ and the 15 of them RICKROLLED us, not just once but several times. Great coordination and synergy RG. I hope you stay, it will be fun finding ways to break you all up.
When melee steps into an aoe kittentail put out by a couple of people on TS at the same time, you die instantly. You need to fight with ranged skills and melee flanking to counter instead of charging in brain dead with noob SOS OR DEATH chants into an obvious aoe bomb trap. Then blame the godlike nature of opponents instead of lack of battle reading skills because 10 people died instantly.
I’m just saying this because SoS is getting kitten soft due to overly extended long bouts of easy mode Asia/Oceanic night capping (often lasting 6-12) hours to achieve our point advantage.
It becomes ridiculous when commanders tell the map that they are too scared to confront a few RG with a full SOS zerg after charging blinding into an aoe bomb ONCE. It’s bad for server morale and server pride, and shows how dependent we have become on PVDoor, overwhelming numbers and overwhelming golems for every tower we take.
I’m in no way saying SOS is degenerative. But the initial enjoyment of WvW 4 months ago is starting to become really a turnoff when commanders turn up that foul mouths and lords everyone 24/7 on EB, yet have little battle tactics or imagination to speak of apart from throwing away massive amounts of gold at the simplest of encounters. Let alone the courage to confront coordinated opposition with gusto and learn fast.
I think you read way into my compliment here. [Work] is prepared for this tactic. Our alliance is prepared for this tactic. The majority of our server is. I, however, got caught with my pants down during 1 hr of fighting. My guild’s prime time was not for another hr or so, there was NO commanders on EB, and the few guildies I had with me were just trying to stop the bleeding. I suppose it is SoS’s fault for not having a server wide TS and running training/ tactic meeting for the entire server, but we rely on each specific guild to choose to come to our server meetings, sending a representative, and we branch out that way. If militia on SoS continue to run solo or in small guilds, we can only do so much for them in helping them become prepared about what is happening with evolution of the meta game here. They need to reach out to Kurthos, myself, Coron, Jed, any of the commanders on SoS and get involved. You can expect only so much if you just run the same old traits, log on, type B and queue for EB. We do have a community here. There is only so much you can do in map chat during a fight. As far as Commanders being disrespectful in map chat of EB or any other map… I can assure you they DO NOT wear my tag or any of the Aoi alliance, so quoting me and speaking of that in general statements doesn’t settle well with me. If you do have issues with people in chat, you can report through customer service. But thank you for your constructive criticism, and it sounds like you are from SoS; if so PM, come and voice your opinion during our server meetings… we all want to hear what you have to say, and maybe coming to it, would shed some light on what our community is doing, working on, to address this tactic. Furthermore, we do have our own server forum. Join it, come hang out.
Edit: OCD mistype error I missed.
Calling them militia is the single worst thing you could do It has a derogatory and downgrading tone towards others.
Am I the only EMP kid here who laughs whenever you hear people say “EMP is one of the strongest oceanic guilds?” 70%ish of our player base (myself included) are NA kids with no lives playing until 3am every morning……but its awesome you guys think we’re oceanic! xD
Probably as crazy as 15 people =50 right?
I was watching pugs lead by competent commanders grinding entire guild group strategies to a halt. The only advantage guilds have over pugs is VOIP.
This is entirely true if that’s how the server is run but on JQ where we invite everyone to the Community TS we have a lot more pug’s and what not or non guilded coming into our ts which helps us a lot
SoS have also had a ton of blackouts this week, you aint the only server still trying to bring people over
Our’s are on a much larger scale trust me on that We have to compensate for a lot more PvE’ers (Keep in Mind JQ was the first server to fill up on release and also the most PvE heavy server left)
Blackout’s will be confined to our community forums and leaders looking to transfer due to some blackouts causing negative WvW impacts!