Showing Posts For Olfinbedwere.5049:

Beware scammers

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


If you control a guild you could probably set up a trade through the guild stash/trove a little more safely, if your trove is empty. Could give them permission to deposit into the stash and withdraw from the trove. As they put the items in the stash you deposit the money in the trove, maybe.

Edit: or have a third party guild leader that’s willing to set it up for you, giving permission to you both permission to only deposit in seperate stash/trove then flipping the permissions for you both to withdraw from the trove/stash when the trade is fulfilled. Someone could probably design a guild around this and make a nice trustworthy rep for themselves.

Maybe ask for a 1% commission

(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

New apps being created, if this is legal im out.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Looks like you have not read the documentation before posting your comments. This doesn’t allow you to bot the TP – automatically buying or selling for you. It only provides you with data like what the gw2spidy website already does.

If you say that accessing the gw2spidy website is having an advantage over other players, then so is accessing the wiki website and that includes all the fan sites as well which would give an advantage over those who don’t visit such sites.

It’s still reducing keystrokes, same as macroing which is bannable in pve. So I stand by my statement. And it’s not the same as having to alt tab to check a website that tracks sales history, checking gw2spidy doesn’t reduce keystrokes it just records information same as a wiki.

New apps being created, if this is legal im out.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


How is botting the TP ok and botting mobs isn’t? It’s an unfair advantage over other players. period. Unless they implement these features in-game.

Deflation of level 80 exotics?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


I think you can get rares/exotics from the laurel vendor now, maybe this is why there is a drop in the demand for them from the TP.

a precurser mistake

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


but i just wonder what will happen to the weapon if i delete the character.

It would make it even more useless, being soulbound to a character that doesn’t exist. You can test this with a new character if you have an extra slot, put something that’s soulbound to them in the bank and delete em. Pretty sure it stays soulbound to the deleted char tho.

Edit: Tested, it does remain soulbound to the deleted character. Can’t even pick the item up out of the bank.

(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

Snow truffle doubled in price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Because Feast of truffle steak dinners cost about 30s to make and somebody is offering 50s for them maybe?

This hasn’t been the case for at least a few days (I would have noticed). FoTSDs cost 50s to make (+ getting the recipe)

Ok, help me see where I’m wrong please. Feast of truffle steak dinner = 10 x truffle steak dinners = 10 x Plate of truffle steak + 10 x Bowl of roasted lotus root.

Bowls of roasted lotus root = Lotus root 50c (spiked from 30c) + Head of garlic 30c + Jar of vegetable oil 8c + Bottle of soy sauce 8c = ~1s x 10 = 10s(now), 7.6s(before the spike).

Plates of truffle steak = Slab of red meat = 5c + Orrian Truffle = 90c(spiked from 70c) + Snow truffle 2s(spiked from 1.30s) + stick of butter 40c(spiked from 24c) = 3.35s x 10 = 33.50s(cost now), 22.90s(before the spike)

So it currently costs ~43.50s to make Feast of truffle steak dinner, before the spike it cost 30.5s. The buy order for Feast of truffle steak dinner went from 35s to 50s. Source: ( Accounting for 15% tax that’s currently a 1.17s loss per feast of steak dinners after the spike if you buy all your mats off the TP and a 14.1s profit before the spike.

The buy order price for the recipes has tripled this week from ~1g to 3g. But you’d still make that back pretty quick selling them at 14.1s proffit each right?

(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

Snow truffle doubled in price?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Because Feast of truffle steak dinners cost about 30s to make and somebody is offering 50s for them maybe?

Sickening market manipulators

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


because not everybody that wants something places a buy order and supply can come from many places besides the TP, I might be wrong tho, I haven’t taken Prof. Smith’s econ 101 class, but I’m signing up as soon as Anet U opens registration.

Playing for the inflationary compensation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


This is correct, you cannot measure inflation by luxury goods, or by a single good, or by the several other assumptions you’re making (sell orders represent sales?).

Right, you can’t measure inflation of the overall economy by looking at luxury goods, but you can measure the inflation of those luxury goods. Forbes tracks the consumer price index, and the price index of luxury goods seperately, they call it the cost of living extremely well index.

It’s measures the cost increase of items that are exclusive to the super rich compared to the increase in their wealth. I believe that’s what we’re seeing in the precursor and legendary markets.

So you can measure inflation based on luxury goods. Especially when those goods are the only goods worth going to the TP for. Because that’s the only place you can get them. Everything that isn’t a luxury good is easy enough to obtain outside the TP.

Maybe I’m wrong but that’s how I feel about it. The payoff of every gaming style in GW2 is heavily monitored and controlled except making money off the TP. Why is there no DR for trading goods? Like an ever increasing tax. When crafters find a good recipe to turn money it gets nerfed, they’re taking gold out of the economy too, they have to sell their goods on the TP with the 15% tax and they have to buy mats from vendors. That’s more of a gold sink than the traders pay, but they get hit hard.

Dungeon runners get DR and sink their money into repair costs and waypoints and eat food. The amount of wealth they can bring in is strictly regulated. Harvesters and mob farmers too. I know we’re not supposed to be farming mobs for mats, but how else are we supposed to get those mats? We’re supposed to buy them off the trading post. How is that supposed to give anybody a feeling of accomplishment. I went out and adventured and fought to get these mats I needed to craft this great armor/weapon for me and companions. Errr no, I sold a kitten-ton of porous bones and bought the stuff off the TP. Less than Epic.

Playing for the inflationary compensation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


I’m going to refer you to my previous post. You should really read it more closely, because I don’t think you understood it.

You’re looking at increases in prices for a few luxury goods, and concluding that inflation is occuring. That is not the case. The rise in price of a few luxury goods is not indicative of inflation. Please look at the prices of other non-luxury goods (less desired exotics, less desired runes, etc.). You’ll see that most of the prices in these commodities have remained remarkably steady since november or so.

Also, as I stated in my previous post, the mere act of trading these high priced items is a GOLD SINK in an MMO, and hence cannot cause inflation in the economy.

Hence, inflation is not happening. If prices of EVERYTHING was steadily increasing, yes, that is inflation. But that is not what is happening.

I do understand what you’re saying. Our disagreement is whether the definition of inflation can be applied to select markets or whether all markets must be affected in order for inflation to apply.

I believe inflation can and is happening to certain markets. And I agree inflation isn’t happening to everything. If all of us were gaining wealth as rapidly as the 15% then you would see inflation everywhere, but we’re not. The 85% are suffering from the gold sinks that restrict our accumulation of wealth and the 15% aren’t. They’re making wealth faster than the gold sinks can leach it away. So the markets they control are inflating and will continue to.

The high volume of trade of certain items protect them from manipulation. But there is no form of protection from manipulation and inflation on the rarer items markets that the 15% choose to control, they’ve become exclusive. The few have been allowed unrestricted control of the rarities markets and have closed out everyone else.

Playing for the inflationary compensation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Except that it doesn’t curb inflation it fuels it. Inflation is the rise in price of goods and services over time. The price of certain items are suffering heavy inflation because of the super wealthy 15% that are able to control those markets and drive the prices up.

So, whether it’s a gold sink or not it’s still causing inflation.

Er, no. You’re wrong. Inflation is the erosion of purchasing power of currency (gold.) Too lazy to explain to you so I’ma link you to my explanation of what inflation in an MMO is.

Also just because certain items are rising in price, it doesn’t mean inflation is happening.

The definition of inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling. So, I’m not wrong.

Because of DR and gold sinks, players that earn money outside the TP will never be able to keep up with the rate at which power traders make money. So the markets that are controlled by the power traders will inflate in relation to the amount of money the power traders have.

Because the majority of players aren’t participating in those market. Those certain markets have become exclusive to the super wealthy. When those players average wealth is in the thousands the legendaries they control will be listed in the thousands. When they have tens of thousands they will begin listing them in the tens of thousands and so on.

How is that not inflation? The rise in the cost of goods because of the 15%, disproportionate to the increase of wealth of the 85%, and the erosion of that 85%s buying power.

I guess if you’re only considering the 15% then yeah they’re not suffering from inflation. They’re experiencing a natural rise in the cost of goods proportionate to their wealth. So that’s all good then?

Playing for the inflationary compensation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Why does every other form of accumulating wealth in this game get nerfed but not the TP?

Because the TP acts as a currency sink. The 15% tax on all transactions is used by arenanet to curb inflation. Traveling, repair, mystic forge ingredients are also other currency sinks.

Except that it doesn’t curb inflation it fuels it. Inflation is the rise in price of goods and services over time. The price of certain items are suffering heavy inflation because of the super wealthy 15% that are able to control those markets and drive the prices up.

So, whether it’s a gold sink or not it’s still causing inflation.

Playing for the inflationary compensation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Why does every other form of accumulating wealth in this game get nerfed but not the TP?

Sickening market manipulators

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


What it comes down to, is that nobody is forcing anybody to use the TP. If you don’t like it, don’t use it. That’s assuming you don’t mind grinding for forever to get a legendary and being at the mercy of the RNG. If you don’t use the TP it can’t affect you.

Scripts and/or bots active on the TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


It’ll take a dev to verify it since we can’t see who’s posting the bids. It’ll be interesting to see what happens to the market when the first wave of TP bots get banned.

Adjusted Orr Undead loot drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Sure you guys didn’t just “perceive” a difference in the drops? Have any hard data to support your claims? lol I’m sure they’ll look into it if you do.

people teleporting from node to node

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


prbly botting

limitless weapon spinning bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


It’s an emote. Purely cosmetic character action. I hope they consider adding some actual emotes if they want us to stop trying so hard to create our own.

MAJOR power/damage bug since last patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


They’re trying to fix the problem when 80s go back and oneshot everything before players that are on level can get any hits in. Like at the Maw, if you’re on level it’s tough to get credit for the events when all the 80s tear it all up.

Inflation incomming.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


how much gold does it sell for?

Orichalcum dropping. Here's why.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


The mining pick has been nerfed, and now requires level 45 to use.

Right decision by for sure, but I can’t help but roll my eyes here. This went from getting dev endorsement to being completely nerfed in the span of 3 days. Pretty dysfunctional communication if you ask me.

Well, we didn’t all get banned for it so that’s progress at least.

(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

Any tips on TP flipping?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


yeah, put in a buy order for Dusk lol and sell it again

Why pay so much?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Probably got sick of the 1c bid war.

Orichalcum dropping. Here's why.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Ori is a source of income for people who don’t like farming/dungeons. So it’s a source of income for the poorer people. It also doesn’t make up the majority of weapon/armor price, ectos do. So higher ori prices (but not too high) means money is spread a bit more to those who don’t have as much.

The “poorer players” being able to park their lower lvl alts at the karka, spreads wealth to the poorer players more than not being able to. I’m one of those players that doesn’t grind dungeons or farm, I currently have 15g, and my income would def take a hit if the picks were changed. Gold sellers fall under “people that like farming” they’re not the ones harvesting the ori, they’re killing sharks.

The problem is that normal people won’t go to the problem of bringing fresh characters to the node to camp it, but gold sellers will either using movement hacks or just run each other (they work together since it’s usually a company) and camp it on every fresh character for more money, crashing ori prices as well.

I just don’t think any gold sellers do this. There are more profitable and more easily automated ways for them to bot. They can’t easily automate creating a new character and running it through the intro and then get it to a bank and equip it with picks bought with karma they had to farm with a diff char on that same account and then get them past the karka to mine it. All just for 15 Ori, aprox. 30s. There’s no way bots are doing this when they can automate farming sharks or whatever and make a lot more in the same time.

Orichalcum dropping. Here's why.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Except that everybody is able to camp the rich node, so what’s the problem. Do we really want Ori ore to be as expensive and rare as globs of ecto and everything else. How would that improve the game?

Enable Chat Window during Cutscenes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Cut scenes are one of the rare times when there is an opportunity for party banter. It would be great to be able to chat about the cutscene, or make fun of Traherne or Thackery. They’re the perfect opportunity for groupchat. But there’s no window.

Orichalcum dropping. Here's why.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


I’m aware of this issue, and keeping track of it.

So, is it an exploit? Should we stop using those picks?

The Maw event going away with the patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


The drama is taking place in the Wayfarer foothills, what all is going to change there? Is this the Maw nerf patch?

"agro target deals damage"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


It’s stench radius dmg, I’m not surprised you can’t sneak past anything, when was the last you showered.

Best use of gold at 100g

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


You should loan it to me. I’ll invest it for you and I can guarantee a 20% return.

Grief that annoys me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


I do not understand why you guys are assuming AFK macro

Because there are already has several simple solutions that have been pointed out and you continue to ignore. That makes it obvious your request is for a secondary purpose. The only scenario where a person would have to afk often in dangerous locations and risk dieing repeatedly would be afk macroing. Any reasonable person would just enter the mist to afk or just log out.

The time it takes to click [Enter the Mist] or to press [escape], and click [log out] is so insignificant I don’t see how any feature that you have to click to activate could possibly be faster or save you any measurable amount of time over what’s been suggested so far.

Grief that annoys me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


I’m just a player who sometimes has to go AFK and gets annoyed at coming back to a repair bill.

That’s just it tho, why are you going afk so often? Normal players aren’t forced to afk in dangerous locations often enough or for long enough for this to be an issue. The only situation I can think of that would require you to leave yourself logged on in dangerous locations often enough for this to be an issue is if you were afk macroing. or botting.

Orichalcum dropping. Here's why.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Pretty stupid people are trying to defend this, or shrug it off as no big deal. It is an obvious oversight from when they changed all gathering tools to account bound.

I don’t see how this is not an exploit, and would expect consequences for anyone taking extreme advantage.

Iron went from 90k to almost 3mil in the same time ori went from 90k to 225k. That’s a natural increase in supply. There’s not this giant spike in supply like you’re pretending. It was a steady climb. And the price didn’t plummet lie you pretend it did either. It’s been fluctuating between 3s and 2s since launch. Dropping to 1.95s from 2s is not a drastic devaluation.

How much ore do you have sitting in your bank and what price did you buy it at? What’s really going on here. You’re out of luck tho, Ori ore is only going to go down with or without the miniscule amount that’s coming from lvl 2s mining it. They’re about to introduce Ascended weapons and gear that’ll make the bottom fall out of Exotic gear and nobody will be opening their wallets for the mats to craft exotics anymore. Sorry if you are heavily invested in Ori futures, it’s going to go down.

(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

Grief that annoys me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Sometimes you do find yourself in a situation where you don’t have the two seconds it takes to log off. Like when abducted by aliens or during an FBI raid on your house or if your wife tazes you for playing too much and you pass out and wake up and you drooled on your keyboard and to top it off all your kitten is broke!

Seriously are you a goldseller or what? This sounds like something that somebody that afk macros would ask for, and nobody else would ever need.

Where is Polymock?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Have you seen Tenanera’s pit in Lion’s Arch? It’s a minipet fighting arena. I was pretty excited when I first saw it, thought we could fight our minis. But it’s just cosmetic. As far as I know you can’t do anything there.


Trading post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


They’re soulbound on use. You can’t resale soulbound items.

Orichalcum dropping. Here's why.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Supply for Iron ore at the end of Nov was 90,000 and is now 2,829,000. Iron ore was 17c at the end of Nov, it’s now down 40% to 10c. Supply is going to increase on ore as people move through the game there just isn’t enough use for it now that everybody has mastered their crafts and is fully kitted in exotics. Plus more people at 80 = more people mining Ori.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Currently superior runes of holding cost an extra 1g55s over their vendor price. That’s pretty harsh an ignorance tax when the crafting panel directs players to purchase the item from the vultures on the TP.

Who as you pointed out, aren’t even making money off it, they’re just charging the other players 15% ignorance tax. I doubt this is intended.

Orichalcum dropping. Here's why.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


The price has only fallen 11c since the end of Nov. I don’t think a, “the sky is falling” post was really warranted. It’s probably dropped that tiny bit because of the announcement that they’re thinning out the mobs in Orr.

That’ll make harvesting much easier. People won’t have to rely on the Karka Ori. Just wait til the thinning in Orr happens and see where the prices go then. I bet people are anticipating that crash already.

What New Race would you like to play as?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


I would like to play as a Cake Monster.

Reselling Crafting Vendor merch.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


There is a pretty heavy turnover in items only obtained thru the crafting vendors. The mark ups are rediculous and I can only assume it’s because players don’t realize they are supposed to buy them from the vendor and don’t know where to get them.

There might need to be a better tooltip in the crafting panel describing where they can be acquired. When a new player learns a recipe that requires these vendor only mats the tooltip gives no indication on where to get them but worse what it does do is direct you to the trading post to purchase them when you right-click it.

Dmg Types and Mob Weaknesses/Resistance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Ah, true and true. Combat depth isn’t easy I guess. Twobit’s knockdown/boon stripping idea is nice. It’s basically adding more combos, I think, which is good. More combos = more strategy.

Dmg Types and Mob Weaknesses/Resistance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


You wouldn’t have to. You would still do standard dmg to mobs with a regular weapon. It would just add a layer of immersion and strategy to people that wanted more depth. I’m sure you’re not annoyed by Slaying sigils and don’t have an inv full of slaying equipped weapons. Just like you would be able to ignore the feature I’m asking for if you wanted. What are you killing that’s filling up your inv anyway. It’s been months since my inv’s been half full.

Slaying sigils don’t do what I’m asking for. They add nothing to immersion and there are too many of them to reasonably carry one of each type and they take the place of regular sigils reducing that layer of strategy.

I’m not challenged to figure out what a mob’s weakness is because the sigils tell you a centaur’s weakness is centaur sigils. I also willing to bet that if the devs checked they’d find that nobody is using slaying sigils over other sigils because they reduce a layer of depth to a build.

I would suggest five or six diff types of dmg. Nothing as extensive as the ammount of sigils we have with a negligible amount of xtra dmg.

Corruption from corrupted weapons that deal +2% dmg to average mobs.
Fire – xtra dmg to ice/water/plant related mobs
Water – xtra dmg to fire/mechanical/electric related mobs
Charged – xtra dmg to water/aquatic/earth/mobs with lots of metal armor

They could also add skills that cause mobs to become weakened to a certain type of dmg. So players could try out debuff builds centered around diff types of weapon dmg. Or dungeon groups could coordinate debuffs and weapon dmg types against boss mobs.

Game mechanics could also cause boss mobs to become weakened to certain types of dmg. Like flooding a dungeon room or pulling a boss into water before using charged weapons against it. Or pooring oil on a boss making it vulnerable to fire dmg.

You could just grab your weapon from the bank before heading to a battle where you knew you would need that dmg type. It wouldn’t be so imbalancing that you’d have to have them all on you all the time and you wouldn’t come across regular mobs that you couldn’t kill without the right dmg type. It would just be a little bit better if you did and add an extra layer for those that wanted more depth.

(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

Dmg Types and Mob Weaknesses/Resistance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


I always liked games where you had to hang onto different weapons or change skills based on a mobs weaknesses or resistances. For instance you wouldn’t want to attack a fire imp with fire based spells or weapons, they would do less dmg and ice/water based weapons or spells would do more dmg.

It adds an extra layer of tactics besides just, do I use aoe’s or single target this mob. It would also create a higher demand for weapons. Players would want to acquire several legendaries, one of each dmg type. This would extend the endgame goal for players that go after gear completion as their endgame.

Confirmation before reviving

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Not another annoying popup please. Open your chests and get repair canisters.

What would like to see in dailies?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Sell x# of items on the TP.
Buy x# of items thru buy orders on the TP.

Contribute x# influence to a guild.
Forge x# items in the mystic forge.
Complete x# recipes in the mystic forge.

(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

Gallery of LIT torches?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Pirate Brazier


Does Confusion need a buff in PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


It already does more damage in PvE. Right now, the problem is that WvW uses PvE versions of skills, so making Confusion powerful enough to be competitive as a build’s main focus in PvE would make it OP in WvW.

Simply making it so mobs auto-attack faster and lowering their damage per strike would be a good solution. Their current attack speed makes no sense.

I wouldn’t want to imbalance WvW, as I know confusion is already plenty strong there. That was an idea I was having as well, making mobs attack faster, but do less damage per attack. Confusion would trigger more often, and it would get no stronger than it already is in PvP.

Either way the mobs are doing the same dmg right? So it wouldn’t make any difference to confusion if they hit once for 300 dmg or 3 times for 100 dmg. They hit slow so you can see it coming and get a shot at dodging it. Dodges would become less strategic and less skill based and more spam based.

[January] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


- Issue : Weapon Effects, Item effect on preview and hero panel is rippling light/dark blue. Not item effect on item in game when equipped.

- Item name: “Pact Herald of Force”

- Human, Female, Ranger

- Acquired from Quartermaster Hargrove in the Caer Aval instance area of Fort Trinity, region : Ruins of Orr, within Straits of Devastation.

- Item is lvl 80 required. Removed all armor and weapons except Pact Herald of Force, issue still persists, ripple effect on preview and hero panel but no ripple effect on equipped item on character. No effect on original item, also no effect after transmuting item.


(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)

account bound drops in fotm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olfinbedwere.5049


Would jewelers be able to sell anything if the fractals jewelry weren’t bound?