(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)
I would like to point out that if anything I have obtained more ectos since this patch then ever before.. More proof that RNG is RNG.
I obtained 121 ectos from 75 BLK and rares 72-80.
A ratio of 1.61 ecots to salvage kit.Needless to say I am stoked
No, that’s proof that you’re not affected in a negative way by the patch. What do your results prove for me? Right because players haven’t been effected by bugs while other players weren’t, we haven’t had this conversation a thousand times about the loot drop bug already, Rng is Rng, I’m so sick of hearing that. Was Rng Rng when people were getting shafted with loot drops? because a lot of people that weren’t effected sure seemed to think so.
I’ll give you a clue….. Illusions – kinda like asking why ghosts can walk through walls but your pet can’t. Last time I checked Ranger pets were living breathing beasties that tend to get stuck trying to do the ghost walk thing…. either that or they tend to suffer constant nose bleeds
Mesmers work on LoS to spawn an Illusion and even then there are limitations.
For your pet to get to that same mob the have to jump up and over a ver high vertical surface (a fort wall…) which isn’t to realistic imo.. now if you said they left the door open and the stairs/ramps unguarded I could get behind on this
If you’re arguing realism there are flying pets… Why wouldn’t an eagle be able to attack somebody on a wall?
The BLTP version bought with gems and the black lion chest version? Is the one from the BLTP not account bound?
I think it’s hilarious when I’m looking at a million post patch salvage results and you tell me I’m wrong.
Do the numbers show you whether half the players averaged 75% success and the other half averaged 10% success?
Not everybody had the kill credit bug, but if you looked at just the numbers across the board, you would see that people looted tons of rares/exotics (appears to be fine), you wouldn’t see that some people regularly loot rares/exotics and other people rarely ever looted them.
I suffered from the kill count/dr bug and have always perceived a reduction in loot/loot quality when I used magic find gear, but many people report the opposite. Is it possible the +salvage % from the kits is only working for some players, like it seems the + magic find % is only working for some players?
and thanks for communicating with us
Yes, I can be sure since there are no DR systems that touch salvaging.
Is there a possibility that there may be a bug in how the percentage chance from the kits is applied or how the rolls are made?
Unless multiple people have thousands of data points taken meticulously and without bias (similar to the loot bug thread) then it correctly should be dismissed as false perceptions.
There’s always a possibility that Anet is wrong, but you better have the evidence to support it.
Not an unsubstantial amount of players(revenue) were lost over the dr/kill credit bug. I know I went from spending $50 a month on gems to $0/month, because of how discouraging it was, and 90% of my guild stopped logging on.
I understand they have limited resources and can’t afford to chase imaginary bugs, but I also think they risk losing consumer faith (especially in light of the recent dismissal and delayed discovery of the dr/kill credit bug).
Ultimately, they have to decide if it was worth it to wait so long before looking into it. Or is it better to consider that there may be an issue. In light of the recent dr/kill count bug I would rather see a response that showed a change in attitude toward player perceived issues. Taking a more precautionary, proactive stance towards possible bugs could reduce the time it takes to correct them.
Creating a (edit)data collection(edit) thread similar to the perma dr/kill credit thread sooner rather than later, where people could begin accumulating data, would go a long way in reassuring the consumer base that they are taking perceived issues more seriously and help repair any loss of faith due to the delayed response to the previous issue.
(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)
Lets start this train early with this patch. We did not nerf ecto rates of any kind, we’ve never nerfed ecto rates, if we change ecto rates, it will be in the patch notes I promise you.
PS. Your math is incorrect, salvages are independent statistical events.
Respectfully, to be fair, the patch notes for Nov. didn’t announce that there would be perma dr for half of us either. Can you be sure that these guys aren’t experiencing an unintentional ecto dr of some type? They’re reporting statistical changes after a major patch, please consider not lightly dismissing it as false perceptions.
I bet he drops something really good now
can i have your food n stuff?
Now that you mention it, my Final Rest is missing! They better mail me a new one!
Well it started snowing here where I am, was that the start?
So, how’s he supposed to know there isn’t a bug in the system that’s letting him get more rares than what’s intended? Like how were those ppl supposed to know the jeweler recipe was a bug?
Conspiracy theories and tin foil hats is what all the RNG fanbois were saying to everybody that said they seemed to suffer from perma DR. Until Anet posted that it turns out some people are being affected by bugged loot. So, unless you know for a fact one way or the other, and you don’t, you can’t say for sure that they’re not right about market manipulators.
This is where an investment guild would be great. If you trust ppl. Invest your gold with a guildie that is market savy and can keep a record. Maybe we could do with an NPC investment broker. The E-trade Quaggan.
Because they fixed LA, right? She was there to raise monies to fix the fountain after the karka smashed it. And she thinks you all smell fishy. her words.
If you decide to start a new guild let us know, I’d be willing to rep your guild for a couple days to help you get your influence back. I’m sure others would too.
Thank you, but unless you are guild leader you wouldn’t realise just how much work is required to upgrade your guild, especially a small one, to any reasonable level. I really appreciate your offer, but I will not be starting a new guild. If this doesn’t work out, I’ll be staying guild-less for ever more. I’ve lost my faith in the system and the support I’ve been offered.
Edit: I just realised i said something wrong there, if the system defaults to an active officer, then that officer would become a leader and would be able to restore my leadership, if they’re willing of course.
yw, hopefully you’ll be fine in 60 days. A long time to wait, but better than never, I bet it’ll get fixed in 60.
Just start your own group and specify that any 30+ are welcome. People will join you. Or look on gw2lfg for a group that specifies that already.
I’m so happy those players are doing that, it let’s me know exactly which groups to avoid. Seriously you want to run with that type of player? And why not just start a group yourself, “noobs welcome”. I’ve never started a group on gw2lfg that didn’t fill in less than two minutes.
If you decide to start a new guild let us know, I’d be willing to rep your guild for a couple days to help you get your influence back. I’m sure others would too.
Morale is important, otherwise they might start taking the abuse in these forums too seriously, and start taking it out on players. Seen it happen in other mmos. A game with angry devs is not a fun game.
Is there anything worth getting? Yes, I’m too lazy to research it myself.
It’s better than most mmo’s weekly or daily maintenance downtime.
I’m guessing we won’t be able to trigger them in Lion’s Arch, but I figure guilds will probably want to trigger them in high pop areas so players from outside the guild can help. So where is the best spot, close to waypoints/repairs, near environmental weapons tied to already in-game events, or near large groups of friendly NPC that could help with the event?
I wonder how will scaling work, if we trigger them in low lvl areas how will the events/rewards be different than when triggered in lvl 80 areas. Or will we only be able to trigger the events in preset areas, I guess this is more likely. Do I just have it all wrong?
There is a chance the guild events will be hard and they say they reward new stuff. I’m not sure if that means new weapon/armor skins but I think there’s a chance.
I doubt it. If they make them difficult, the smaller guilds are going to complain that the large guilds have an advantage. And God knows there’s already enough complaining around here as it is.
That’s why they made them open world events, no matter what size your guild is you’ll be able to get the entire server + guesters to help you complete the event. An event triggered by a guild with only one member can still have a hundred people show up to complete it. It all comes down to how rewarding the guild events will be for players outside the event, whether anybody will want to help or if it won’t be worth their time.
There is a chance the guild events will be hard and they say they reward new stuff. I’m not sure if that means new weapon/armor skins but I think there’s a chance.
I think the real issues regarding legendaries being for sale in the TP is that A: It diminishes any achievement attached to the ultimate prize. And B: Buying it from the TP or playing the RNG (gambling) are currently the only way to get one, both methods that require little skill or adventurous conquest and further diminish the achievement.
I think, since they’ve all but endorsed Combat Mode, that they consider the problem fixed. Most mmos won’t spend resources fixing a problem that a member of the community has a workaround or addon for.
In WarhammerOnline there was a third party addon that let you dismount your horse on the fly, when people complained on the forums about how hard it was to dismount a Dev responded that they had personally been using the addon for so long that they thought it was a game feature.
I’d bet my undead chicken that there’s more than a few devs that use combat mode.
There are torches with different colors. Several glow blue. I think the nightmare torch might glow pink. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Gallery-of-LIT-torches/first#post1237048
You can download “combat mode”. It creates a more active combat feel. A lot of people use it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tjK5OI2oAQ
Now many will argue -if I see 300K in offers I will NEVER get my item but in actually if your willing to wait a day you probably will. This isn’t just a few thousand playing the tp, there are 100s of thousands playing it (since the tp ranges across all the servers and there isn’t a tp per server).
You want people to be more patient and wait for their items to sell so that you don’t end up having to be more patient and wait for your items to sell?
Here’s hoping gw2lfg will add a tab for guild events. I hope rewards for players participating in the events that aren’t in the guild will be nice enough to get them to show up for the next event. That’s the only way smaller guilds will be able to get these done, probably, with help from the community.
And will we be able to kick these off in WvWvW please! That could add some spice to a siege when you drop a dragon event outside the gates.
Did you take into account the 15% TP tax?
Oh sry I read it wrong, it looked like an 8, instead of a 6, my graphics were low. You’re right, there’s no profit in flipping them atm.
We do know from John Smith’s post that 9/11 Dawn/Dusks sell in a 24 hour period.
What, are they all putting them up for higher prices at a loss? Buy orders are at ~510 gold, sell orders are at ~567 G. If you buy/sell, you’re losing on that 15% tax.
And those precursors moving have to be at somewhere between the higher buy order and lowest sell orders. Which uh, gives you no profit.
It’s highly unlikely that people are buying these precursors (up to ~10 a day) just to resell for no profit.
Edit: I think is right. There doesn’t seem to be a profit in flipping atm.
(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)
When doing things like core promotion (i.e. elonian wine recipes) Miyani’s sale of elonian wine is the sink. The only reason anyone buys the wine is to put it in the forge, but the forge is not destroying the currency, the purchase of wine is.
When “gambling” with vendor trash items, no gold is ever destroyed. The forge is preventing a gold tap, not creating a sink. Consider for a moment an economy without other gold sinks. If the forge is the only thing representing a sink in the economy, how many taps can be utilized without causing the supply of currency to rise? The answer is none because the forge does not destroy currency.
Except to separate the sale of elonian wine from it’s being used in the mystic forge is unrealistic. The sale of elonian wine and the 10g gift recipes she sells are directly tied to it’s use in the forge. If Miyani = gold sink, then the forge = gold sink. They’re a function of each other.
After running a stack of greens through the forge, why do I feel like I just lost a lot of silver? Because I just did. Those items had silver value until I ran them through the forge, without the forge they would have become currency and attributed to inflation.
Elonian wine is a specific item with certain uses. Yes, that item alone would be a gold sink, but I’m not talking about that. Cores are not a gold sink. T6 mats are not a gold sink. Throwing rares and exotics in the forge are not a gold sink. I think you are getting confused as to what is a gold sink and what is not.
I half think you’re trolling me now. I’m not confused. We just seem to disagree that removing items = removing gold. My stance is that most of the gold in the game comes from vendoring stuff. And that anything that stops people vendoring an item keeps that gold from entering the economy. The destruction of items is the same, in my opinion, as the destruction of gold. Or anything else that keeps players from vendoring the item. It removes potential gold, which is what every item that drops is.
If only exotics worked for getting precursors everybody would vendor their rares. Destroying them in the forge is exactly the same as vendoring them and then throwing that coin at skritts.
The trick is to fill a bowl with m&ms and every time you kill a mob you eat one. Or put a bunch of different treats in little bags and grab a bag when you kill something, Ooo I got a good treat that time. Anet isn’t going to reward you, you have to do it yourself.
The forge is not a gold sink.
Sure, if you make the argument that gold sink of items is the vendor price of them – but when you have something as valuable as T6 or rare items, no one in their right mind would vendor those. So items by themselves when you throw them in a forge are not gold sinks.If you sell them on the outpost – sure – there is the BL fee that takes it’s 15% cut.
The forge is not a gold sink.
Sure, if you make the argument that gold sink of items is the vendor price of them – but when you have something as valuable as T6 or rare items, no one in their right mind would vendor those. So items by themselves when you throw them in a forge are not gold sinks.If you sell them on the outpost – sure – there is the BL fee that takes it’s 15% cut.
Two words, Elonian wine. Z’s gotta get his drink on. And nobody vendors t6 mats because they’re turning them into exotic greatswords and feeding them to Zommoros. Why do you think people are “vendoring greens and blues” <— (your words as to why we have gold in the game)? Because it doesn’t do any good to feed them to Z.
If they put a .00001% chance on greens and blues fed to Z kicking out a precursor do you think anybody would be vendoring them? Of course they wouldn’t they would feed him every single blue/green they could get their hands on. And that would take all that gold out of the game. Same as it does every time he eats a rare/exo.
Keep in mind that gold sinks are transactions that take gold out of the economy – not items..
Why not count items? Items = gold. You counted them as a source of gold, “There are thousands of players playing and vendoring their greens/blues..” If people are cranking items into the Forge trying for a precursor or just trying for upgrades, that’s removing potential “gold”, it’s vendor credit value, from the game.
Transactions that take items out of the game take gold out of the game. Or people salvaging and crafting depending on the vendor value of the original vs the product, there is probably usually a loss of “gold” or value. That’s a gold sink. Craft mats purchased from vendors are another gold sink, and training manuals, and retraining, I retrain about once every two weeks.
And harvesting tools, salvaging kits, food. This game has plenty of gold sinks.
(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)
Keep in mind that gold sinks are transactions that take gold out of the economy – not items.
So the only gold sink for legendaries are the Icy Runestones, and that alone is not sufficient since not everyone is undertaking a legendary or have even reached point of buying the Runestones.
You have to count tp fees as part of the legendary gold sink tho. It’s not reasonably possible to craft a leg without trading on the tp.
I think there are enough gold sinks. Saving for a legendary is a pretty huge gold sink. I’ll be saving for a year+ before I can afford one. Gold sinks are going to affect players differently depending on the time they put into the game and where they spend that time. While 3s waypoint fees might be trivial to a dungeon grinder that puts in 4hrs a day, it’s not trivial to a pve’r who plays 4 hours a week.
I pve mostly, casually and I’m far from swimming in gold.
I’m a girl not a guy. If your girlfriend is a gamer and likes in-game presents over real ones she’s going to appreciate you getting it for her regardless of how it’s achieved and will realize how the game works.
If she’s going to freak out about it then either you need to get a new GF or maybe pay some real life attention to her.
You can still have a gf if your a girl. My wife is a gamer and likes in-game presents and rl presents, if I give her gold she’ll feel bad about spending my gold, if I gave her in-game flowers she’d squee. I don’t think anybody is freaking out about it, and I’ve been saving daisies and passion flowers for gwars <3 day and rl made her a plushie unicorn. And not being able to gift the roses is still, lame.
So how do you check the server clock/your system clock? Is it the minimap clock and your desktop toolbar clock? If so my desktop clock is 7 sec faster than my ig clock.
(edited by Olfinbedwere.5049)
But you can, You can throw the bouquet to anyone and they can use the first three skills for free for 2 minutes. If you really want to buy all 5 skills for someone to permanently use send them the gold to exchange for gems (or real money).
Right, are you going to give your gf money so she can buy herself roses this <3 day? Let me know how that goes for you.
It’s always a gamble. The reason a ton of people aren’t making that bow is because they don’t move fast. It’ll probably sit there for a while before anybody buys it and most people would rather make 5g right now than 10g tomorrow.
Plus, the longer the item sits there, the more likely you’ll get undercut, and the more likely that person will get undercut and so on, until you’re burried and now your gold is tied up.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go after the bow market, you might do well there and not have any problems. But there’s always risk.
You can’t gift them tho, they’re account bound. I’ve been saving daisies and passion flowers to gift on <3 day.
I longingly await the Zommoros event where he breaks free of the mystic forge and we get to kick his kitten. He’d probably just drop porous bones tho.
Turn off your autoattacks, they bug your dodge sometimes. The animation goes off, but you’re not actually dodging. And get Combat Mode.
The entire “wiki” entry is full of information saying “they have mostly died out” and that Ogden is the last known living dwarf.
What happened to the Stone Summit dwarves after their exile?
I think a dev posted that they’re the same rarity as normal exotics. So I don’t think they have a higher chance than normal exos, I may be wrong.