Oolune :: Engineer — Arrow Of Oolune :: Human Ranger -- Shadow Of Oolune :: Human Thief
Box The Turtle :: Human Warrior — Bolobuns Of Steel :: Human Guardian
Building a ballista to spawn camp? =( For shame, FABLers.
My usual armor repairman is starting to get overworked on TCBL thanks to the massive school of FA that keep nailing me. ;(
Just wanted to say that the fight at Garrison on TCBL not too long ago (TC versus FA) was great fun. Chaotic, but exciting. =P
FA gave me presents. =D
Welcome to the fray, Dragonbrand! Some good fights so far tonight. =) I know we’ll each have our trolls, but it’s good to have you.
Have a great rest of reset!
LOL that picture! Soo funny =)
Glad to please. 8D
Welcome to the fray, Dragonbrand! Some good fights so far tonight. =) I know we’ll each have our trolls, but it’s good to have you.
Have a great rest of reset!
Must stop looking at Shaka’s last picture. TT_TT
Post edited, appeal sent via e-mail.
Thank you, and happy reset eve!
(edited by Oolune.4357)
My last drawing for you all for our last match up. ♥
It’s amazing! We’ll miss youuuuuuu D=
Happy reset eve!
Darn this thread, my students think I am going crazy with the random bursts of laughter.
I’m gonna miss you in these threads, SHAKA. TT_TT
Reading this thread today has made me sad. TT_TT
At least it is for better reasons than the thread usually makes me sad.
P.S. Hope to see you again soon, KN, if you are certainly dropping Tiers.
I tend to stay away from sPVP discussions because it doesn’t interest me. So Area Denial isn’t something I’ve looked for. In solo skirmish WvW, it’s more about getting kills while being able to adapt to fluid situations.
Depends on what your goal in WvW is. If you are trying to aid your server, area-denial is actually going to be more important than being in many scenarios. Oh how often we’re yelling on mumble/spamming team chat with “Contest, contest, we’re on our way!” when a roaming 5+ man party is trying to take our supply camps.
I feel your pain. I don’t have much bank space and so I usually don’t hang on to gear sets when I switch out, but I decided to hang on to my old ranger gear when I switch to apothecary. I’ll be swapping between the two builds to see which one really is superior with the way I play.
Honestly, I did alright 1v1 and even 1v2 in mostly zerker gear with some PTV and defensive (can’t remember exactly how I set them up right now) traits. GS/LB, canine pets and QZ/LR/Signet of the Hunt with Rampage as One. A lot of my gear consisted of rares, at that. I actually enjoyed the fights more like that.
Unfortunately, that kind of build does not hold up very well in the slightest if you are even moderately outnumbered because of its lack of sustainability.
I think that is the main issue with that you are wanting. The chances you are going to have an actual one on one fight are not great. Rather, I guess they happen enough, but much more than half of the time, you are going to encounter 2, 3+ people when you’re roaming solo. A glassy build made to burst down targets before they can chip through your paper-thin defenses won’t do terribly well (at least not for a ranger with its skillsets) in those situations.
I doubt I will be able to solo it.
If Ghost Eater is anything to go by, I’d say the days of soloing dungeons might be in a decline. The article definitely made it sound like they are going to have lots of frustrating “you stand here and pull that level while I jump through this hoop at the same time as someone else jumps that shark” kind of content in the dungeon.
I sure hope so. I want to see more of that in dungeons.
Score update
Mif updates are the best updates.
You kind of hurt your own argument when you said “frantic V spam.”
Because, you know, there is simple timing to it you can learn. Maybe he wouldn’t be as hard if you did.
Fun night organizing Vale and Briar defense on TCBL tonight. Thanks to all the FA and KN who came out to play. =D
And of course even more thanks to the awesome ladies and gentlemen from TC who helped out and responded so well despite being Commanderless.
(edited by Oolune.4357)
I feel like the MH Axe should be a melee weapon and that there should be another ranged weapon added to take its place, like a boomerang or chakram.
I am fine with axe, but I am supporting this for the sheer fact that I want to wield a boomerang or a chakram.
5/5. Deducted one point for “Tarnish,” but then added it back for the Jean-Claude drop.
Honestly, your pet is going to be a decent bit of your potential, especially in terms of damage, even if you do not go BM. However, it is significantly less so when you’re not BM. If you really just enjoy the class but don’t want to worry too much about the pet, your best bet would be to go for a zerker ranger build with something like shortbow/GS or shortbow/1hs+dagger. Assuming you are talking PvE, anyway.
That said, part of being useful as a Ranger means knowing how to utilize your pet, including what pet to use when, what to make it do when, how to utilize its skills, and so on. For example, it’s good to make use of pigs in dungeons. The utility they bring with seed pod/elixer of heroes it great, and paired with a pet that does decent damage output you can have both utility and damage on your pets. Also, no matter what build you use it is a pretty good idea (less so now, but still the case) to have 5 points in BM for the quickness on petswap, and that means knowing when to make use of it too.
Basically, can you play the game without caring too much about the pet? Yes. Will you be as effective? No.
Dungeons were never the only thing to do at 80. Also, you can still do whatever is the most fun or challenging just like you could before. Just because some people go for the often boring but potentially profitable route (like in any game) doesn’t mean you can’t do things that are entertaining to you.
How is this even possible? oO
EDIT: Image removed.
(edited by Oolune.4357)
Fun duels at Windmill in TCBL, Mr. Pickle. I wish I could say I came close to downing you, but with your healing power I can’t really contest that even the lowest I got you was close. ;(
This fight at NE camp on TCBL was fun tonight, FA.
I highly doubt it was even anyone from TC. However, I am not all-knowing.
War Machine blackgate wants you! Come play with us in T1 we have a grand community that rewards the efforts of all of our battle worn solders. If is great fights you seek look no further there are fights to be had against the mightiest of enemy in foo and many others. We have high skill base but low numbers with your guilds help there is nothing that could stop us our glory Awaits.
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.-Thucydides
Well you guys better be prepared to pay, a lot. A server (I won’t name which) is promising premium dollars for WM, RISE, CO (and maybe others) to head over. I am talking about crazy out of this world money here. But they said no since they didn’t want to leave their Kaineng brothers.
Thanks for staying all! ^^
Oh come on now. Such juicy drama and you won’t share?! We can play hangman or something to guess the server.
Through process of elimination all signs would point to SoR.
1. Its not BG because the poster talking about the gold gossip eliminated them basically directing us to ‘another server’.
2. I highly doubt JQ would pay more gold for more SEA guilds? They have the most insane SEA in NA by a long shot anyway, I do not think their SEA guilds would want to deal with even more queue times than they already have.
This leaves us with SoR who are coming close to competing with JQ and all they need is more SEA/European. Also they have recently upped their recruitment and managed to get AFS and Tsym so they are probably going all out.
or it could be a European T1 server…
Believe it or not TC posted in RE forum recruiting us. I find it funny or maybe just a troll I dont know.
When was this? I don’t think anyone in TC condones cross-server recruitment in the same tier. Do you mind telling us the nick of the guy who posted on the RE forums?
wafflesmcgee was the nick.
BRB, making account on forums to pose as another server’s rep.
Great stuff, Xsorus. After watching one of your videos, I guess my question is really how much do you think Pain Inverter does for your build? Is the build worth it without it? No doubt that retaliation and confusion helps a lot. =P
I don’t think otherwise, mind. Just wondering your thoughts on it.
Oh, you sneaky sneaky KN.
It’s a shame one of those FA stumbled across you. =P That would have been hilarious.
Doesn’t seem to be a reason to do this. There is already a method for organizing like this if you want. However, there are also those more casual players and PUGs/Militia that aren’t necessarily going to enjoy the highly-organized methodology which currently enjoy gathering around a Commander with others. Pop into WvW, open the map to find the Commander, and go have fun.
I like the concept of your idea myself, but I don’t think its is necessary/good for the game as a whole. Seems best to let those who prefer the larger/sometimes less organized guild+militia zergs keep enjoying that while letting those who prefer smaller and typically more effective, organized groups continue to do so via the methods already provided. At most, I could maybe see this warband system being added in such a way that it leaves the current game as it is aside from its addition allowing people in different guilds to organize on the spot into those 20-ish man groups and see eachother on the map easier without the necessity of a Commander tag. Kind of like a raid group made up of four individual parties.
Score update
Regardless of the score, this image makes me happy. xD
WvW guilds will all know about it, but it doesn’t leave a lot of time for guilds and servers to figure out an alternate course of action. Majority of the fun on reset night comes from coordinating that big initial push and taking the field with the rest of your guild/allies.
This new reset time is probably going to interfere with the plans of about 50% of the NA players who used to show up before.
And this coordination and planning is what is unique about WvW. On non-reset nights we get guild/pug zerging, with some opportunity for small group work.
As I always say in these threads when Anet does something dumb, ESO is releasing later this year…
You are a silly person.
I don’t see how this is a big issue. Anyone who pays a good amount of attention to WvW will likely already know. Those who don’t pay enough attention to know probably won’t get upset about it unless they are the type of person who just likes to complain. In which case that can’t really be helped.
If you are so concerned, start spreading the word on your server and get friends/guildies to do the same.
Despite the ignorant opinions of those such as Shiren, I do, in-fact, enjoy skipping (in some cases) more than fighting.
Can my usual dungeon group clear the content? Easily. It will make things take much longer, but we can do it just fine. However, I would rather make clever use of a mesmer’s portal or a thief’s stealth. I would rather combine the utilities of various professions in such a way as to yield a positive result that doesn’t necessarily involve combat efficiency.
I have always enjoyed the idea of using alternative methods to succeed in dungeons, and Guild Wars 2 is one of the few current MMOs with that ability. Dungeons in other games bored the hell out of me, forcing me to just farm out the proper gear in order to sit there and spam my skills on each mob then move on to the next. It is MUCH more entertaining to pull together all of the party’s utilities and find another method. At least, for me.
And that’s the point. It’s more entertaining for me. No one is forcing you to play with groups that want to skip some of the trash. YOU are trying to force THEM to play a certain way, not the other way around.
What you are missing is that nearly every group expects to skip everything. I’d believe the philosophy of “Play how you want to play”, but the problem is it’s not like 33% or 50% or 10% of people skipping dungeon mobs, it’s nearly every group. When almost your entire player base is skipping dungeon mobs then it ceases to be an option for completing a dungeon as you are required to do it if you want to ever run the dungeon. It’s a sign that there is something deeply wrong with the way your dungeon mobs are designed
I get the opposite. Rarely do I get into a PUG group and they expect to skip content. If I’m on my Mesmer in certain dungeons, I offer to portal them so that they don’t need to worry about potentially missing up the skip. I.E. I skip it and they take my portal.
Usually I’ll just ask if they want to learn the skip, making sure that they know messing it up might make the dungeon take longer but that successfully learning/employing it means faster dungeon runs. If they go for it, I go for it. If they don’t, I clear the dungeon with them and, assuming they’re not just awesome people who give me a reason to stay in the group, I drop party and repeat the process.
All right.
This thread is going a bit downhill and that is mostly my fault for making a very brief post in a moment of frustration.
I never felt “entitled” nor did I ever claim I was good at PvP. It’s just that I was expecting something different after talking with people about PvP in this game and after doing my own research. Now, it’s possible that I misunderstood or I talked with the wrong people, yes.
When I made the comparison to WoW PvP, it was in the sense that I didn’t think GW2 PvP would be as gear dependent. That’s it. I got a little gold and managed to upgrade everything to rare quality though I am new and don’t have much gold. I understand that the other sources of gear are karma purchases and crafting. My armorsmithing is 400 but I haven’t had much luck finding the ectoplasm globule things.
Again, I appreciate the advice and I realize that this game is a lot different than WoW and that it’ll take some getting used to.
You are just looking at WvW the wrong way. It is neither PvE nor PvP. It is an opportunity for either. I would mark zerging akin to PvE, mind, although it is obviously technically PvP.
The PvP in WvW, specifically talking more about more contained GvGs or roaming squads aiming to hound the enemy forces/reinforcements, flip camps, ninja towers, etc. is pretty gear dependent. Honestly, you can’t have PvP in an MMO that isn’t gear dependent if one person can have better stats than another based on time played/gold/other various factors. The only way to make PvP not gear-dependent like you imply is to have gear equalized to some degree. If that is what you want, being smaller-scale PvP where you aren’t being held back by inability to get certain gear, don’t play WvW.
Play sPvP.
In WvW, you can either run with the zerg and care (a little) less about about gear, particularly if you can provide good utility, or you can roam solo/in smaller groups and care a lot more about gear. Sure, there is a chance you can beat someone when you’re upleveled or with worse gear, but that is a case of the other person either having a terrible day or you just being way better than them. However, gear is still important in small-scale WvW PvP barring massive skill differences.
Tarnished Coast:
Kittanae and Nightlight for sure. I never get the chance to follow some of the other TC names that people claim are very good that aren’t PiNK.
And though you said no guildies, I listed two non-guildies and feel the need to throw Jadon out there.
(edited by Oolune.4357)
What benefits do you want from an 8+ person raid that can’t be found in a 5 person group? Bigger is not necessarily better. A need for coordinated teamwork between 10 or more players is as much of a drawback as a benefit and will exclude many players (outside of guilds) from completing the content.
Open world events should provide the massive multi-player content although they could certainly be improved. Guild bounties also provide coordination challenges for more than 5 players with some challenging fights.
I would like to see content that larger groups could partake in that is not a simple, boring event chain or a world boss that gets zerged down/camped and farmed. Also, the guild bounties are hardly entertaining or full of content. It’s a whole bunch of looking and then a fight? And you are required to be in the same guild to do it. Not everyone has all of their friends in the same guild or a guild that is willing to just randomly invite people to accommodate them for bounties.
Instanced content for slightly larger groups would be entertaining and interesting. Not sure why you seem opposed to it other than just to be one of those random forumers who want to be contrary.
Despite the ignorant opinions of those such as Shiren, I do, in-fact, enjoy skipping (in some cases) more than fighting.
Can my usual dungeon group clear the content? Easily. It will make things take much longer, but we can do it just fine. However, I would rather make clever use of a mesmer’s portal or a thief’s stealth. I would rather combine the utilities of various professions in such a way as to yield a positive result that doesn’t necessarily involve combat efficiency.
I have always enjoyed the idea of using alternative methods to succeed in dungeons, and Guild Wars 2 is one of the few current MMOs with that ability. Dungeons in other games bored the hell out of me, forcing me to just farm out the proper gear in order to sit there and spam my skills on each mob then move on to the next. It is MUCH more entertaining to pull together all of the party’s utilities and find another method. At least, for me.
And that’s the point. It’s more entertaining for me. No one is forcing you to play with groups that want to skip some of the trash. YOU are trying to force THEM to play a certain way, not the other way around.
So, rather than posting what I’m snacking on at the moment (primarily because I am on campus and hungry)…
Why do people care so much about all of this? I mean, it’s obvious that a noteworthy amount of people posting here (particularly from FA) seem so stuck on something that is honestly beyond me, causing them to make very hateful and childish posts taunting other guilds. Likewise, those other guilds are bothering to respond, suggesting they, for some reason, actually care what these people think.
Is it an inferiority complex of some sort? Is there some reason to ACTUALLY care that some random, angry person on the other side of the internet might think that their guild has more bragging rights? Better yet, is there some reason to take the bait that people such as Loken post? Also, is there a points system for Forum Wars 2?
Hungry, inquiring minds want to know.
It’s quite forward if you actually think about it.
First, I was responding to a post from a guy in DIS. He was claiming to have wiped some of our guilds on FA, by name, so I thought perhaps one of TC’s new guilds was interested in GvG. Turned out to be a guy in an existing TC guild that’s not interested in testing his skills in a controlled environment.
Next, GvG in general and our interest – WvW points are a reflection of population. With TC’s new transfers, there is no point in competing in a population game (and many guilds on FA were not interested in the first place). Instead, we’ll have fun doing things that don’t require population – setting up loot farms and GvG. We’ll look at PPT enough to try and stay in T2, but there’s little value in pursuing a goal that’s completely out of our control, is heavily weighted against us, and less entertaining than combat.
I completely understand why GvG is entertaining and I would probably enjoy it. I was more referencing the angry posts that are nothing but “lol ur bad, gvg us” or the responses to those posts.
And fair enough, Whitebeard. If you actively enjoy the trollfests on the thread, then maybe a points system for FW2 really should be developed! =o
So, rather than posting what I’m snacking on at the moment (primarily because I am on campus and hungry)…
Why do people care so much about all of this? I mean, it’s obvious that a noteworthy amount of people posting here (particularly from FA) seem so stuck on something that is honestly beyond me, causing them to make very hateful and childish posts taunting other guilds. Likewise, those other guilds are bothering to respond, suggesting they, for some reason, actually care what these people think.
Is it an inferiority complex of some sort? Is there some reason to ACTUALLY care that some random, angry person on the other side of the internet might think that their guild has more bragging rights? Better yet, is there some reason to take the bait that people such as Loken post? Also, is there a points system for Forum Wars 2?
Hungry, inquiring minds want to know.
(edited by Oolune.4357)
^The community is only ever ruined for those who read the forums and actually care about all the silliness.
Well, and I suppose those who get “end of the world” rants by crazies that come from the forums. =P
This thread is always a silly read. =D
(edited by Oolune.4357)
Back on HoD during launch, I remember my old guild (ULTD) was often paired up with one of our fellow Titan Alliance guilds, Condemned, on a reset night. I have never seen such a huge amount of players as Condemned.
That was until tonight. I have never ever seen so many players from one guild: PiNK. Crazy amount of you.
edit note: But why does your leader use the ghost tonic? It’s very easy to spot. Not trying to troll, just saying it’s easy to spot with the culling fix. When I am panning to see where your zerg is moving, the ghost form sticks out like a black dot on a white wall. There is no guessing on our end to see where you are adjusting mid fight. It’s very easy for an organized opponent to spot where you intend to go and counter it.
Kind of wish I hadn’t missed the huge group. Guess I came in too late for that. =(
As for the ghost tonic, he was commanding with no icon and it was used to stand out (I assume for those not in mumble).
I just ate some strawberry licorice while watching Gunslinger Girls.
Green tea seems to go well with the pie, actually.
I’m eating key lime pie and watching The Hobbit.
Mmmm I miss real key lime pie!
I’m originally from Florida and used to make it from the key lime tree in my back yard.
say Oolune? Why don’t we open a pie stand right here on this beach? We could also rent rakes for ummm.. those here that seem to need one. Yanno? ~grins~
Sounds like a dream I could strive for.
I enjoyed it the first time. Will find out tonight if it holds enough interest for a rewatch, but so far I’m enjoying watching it the second time as well. =D
I’m eating key lime pie and watching The Hobbit.
I’m baffled why so many people who don’t care about PPT or who care more about PPT than anything else (this is referencing both sides of this silly forum drama, for the record) are posting with such disdain for each other.
If you don’t care, why does it all bother you so much?
Post bashing opposing server for being a unified force.
Continuation of post bashing opposing server for running away from a fight.
Post insulting opposing server for not being able to unify.
Post about how my server’s preferred style of WvW play is superior and how opposing server is stupid and/or incapable of enjoying themselves.
Post something with no context and thus makes no sense.
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