Showing Posts For Orikx.9671:

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


base from my personal opinion, JQ fights harder than SoS but don’t have the proper coverage. So i’ll say you need to grab that spot from SoS. They do not deserve it.

JQ doesn’t have the proper coverage? You are in for a real surprise. Basing coverage off the weekend is well…a big mistake and horribly inaccurate. If anything you need to be cheering for JQ to not get second. Because we need to hold them to as low of points now as possible if we want to have any shot of winning this week.
JQ is going to be ticking 400+ during the day for 5 of the 7 days of the competition. We are going to have to fight HARD during NA Prime to hold onto first. It’s definitely still anyone’s game but we won’t know how the rest of the week might look until after tonight.

Sanctum of Rall

Stealth and auto attacks / AoE

in Thief

Posted by: Orikx.9671


If you hit a thief with auto attacks you’ll start doing you melee combo instead of the first hit. Another trick is to have your chat set to combat log as it’ll update if you hit. The rest comes down to instinct and common sense.

Exactly this. I down thieves in stealth all the time. I love it when they wait until the last minute and try to stealth to run away, I know that means I just need to hang out to finish them once they appear. Once you learn to predict peoples movements they are sitting ducks. The hard ones are the unpredictable thieves and they should be rewarded for their smart play not nerfed because the opponent isn’t playing smart.

Oh and this is coming from a thief alt not main so I’m not trying to protect my beloved class. I have around 800 hours played and maybe 50 of that on my thief at most. Probably even less since I leveled it with crafting in about 10 hours.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I was going to permanently stop posting on the official forums, but I guess it can’t be helped.

I would like to ask all those who post about the 2v1 to stop, as usual it’s part of the game, you should learn how to deal with it by now. I would recommend strategies that you should formulate to hinder these situations. Einstein said that doing the same thing over and over is a sign of insanity right? Well..there’s no need to drive yourselves insane, that’s pointed at all servers. I somehow end up with a 2v1 situation against me every day, I say screw that, I’m going to 1v2 these ppl It’s a game, enjoy yourselves and not be so negative please.

As for the boasting of, “oh just wait till JQ’s ::insert some kitten comment here::” Please refrain from doing so, it’s bad mannered and it makes those of us who are pulling your weight while you forum warrior your way out of a bag look bad. Also, if said actions that ppl speak of doesn’t happen, you look like that much more of an kitten when it doesn’t work out to your liking.

Are we reading the same thread? I haven’t seen one person complain about a 2v1 yet. Unless I just missed it.

I’ve actually been really quiet impressed with how civil the thread has been so far. Of course people tend to troll more during the week because they do so while at work so that could change pretty fast.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I know Millenium isn’t accurate but if it was. Right now it shows Borlis Pass going against both SoS and JQ next week. That poor server.

At least in most of the unbalanced matchups the little guys will only have to face one T1 ready server. To make them face 2 is just mean.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Yeah queue is super buggy. People reporting they are waiting in queue for the same map for an hour + while multiple others get into that map in less then 10 mins.

It has been buggy like this from launch though. It just seems way worse now like they’ve added another bug to it. Have a BL that has a 30+ min queue but only seeing 30ish on map and unable to find any others.

The inconsistent queue times I remember back as long as release though. We just had pops spread out enough for a long time people kind of forgot about it. Now that servers are stacked huge again because of free transfers ending people are seeing the buggy queue times again.

i can remember from my days on JQ months ago that I would queue with guildies on TS at the same time. Even though we’d queue at the exact same time the time frames would be spread out huge. Some getting in in 15 mins while others waited as much as 2 hours. All while on TS the whole time so you know they didn’t miss a popup message.

I tend to re-queue every 5 mins if I haven’t gotten in. While it doesn’t guarantee me a quick pop it seems to consistently get me in faster then others that do not.

As for coverage gaps. If you didn’t know we were still lacking in some time zones prior to us coming to T1 then you weren’t paying attention. We knew we were still light at times. We have enough to hold a few fortified keeps during our week times so we don’t have to start over everyday. Then we will let our NA presence where we have excellent coverage and organization do work. At the end of the week we hope that our times of 300 ptt make up for our times of 100. If they don’t. Well we tried and had some great fights while doing so. Great fights are all that matter. As long as we have enough coverage to be competitive in T1 we can stick around and enjoy those fights. Not all servers can possibly be matched up perfectly with coverage.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Sounds like your mad since Indo didn’t stay with you

haha Not.Even.Close.

Yes, I know all about him trying to organize the guilds on JQ and form some kinda uber alliance that blew up in his face (no fault of his own). So then, he just said in Cartman fashion “Screw you guys. I’m going home.” and went to another server. I still have friends in his guild. Like I said, I do still miss running with him. But also like I said, he and a LOT of other “commanders” on all servers take this GAME wayyyyyy too seriously. Maybe he has calmed down since moving servers. Sure hope so!

Indo was against any alliance and advocated against any sort many times. Maybe you are mixing him up with Menaace who did just what you said…

10 gold says that guy is Menaance.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


This match has all ready been decided. We all now that BG is going to win. TC or FA doesn’t have the coverage BG has. Primetime will be fun but its a shame the winner has been decided before the match even starts.

This may have been true for Fort Aspenwood of old, but there’s a reason people sometimes call it “Fort Janthir” these days. With the 10+ guilds FA gained from IoJ, this server is a force to be reckoned with. They’ve got the people, the time zone coverage, and the morale to make this a serious fight.

They still have a very serious time zone gap. Picking up IoJ guilds only fills in an Oceanic need. Now that may be enough for T2 and T3 but it’s not enough for T1. BG is a T1 ready server they don’t have a gaping coverage gap.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Score Update:

JQ: 0
SoS: 0
SoR: 0

Look forward to great fights. See you all at 6:00pm CST

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Blackgate has shown they Deserve to Be in Tier 1… I hope they are back up soon too bad Kaineng wasn’t going to T2 this next week that would have been a great matchup… SoR T1? We’ll see how that goes for ya Good Luck….

BG will likely make it to T1 before any of us 3 do. If we have a close match this week we’ll all be in T3 or below and BG will probably be in T1 next week coming off a big win against TC and FA.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


And I predict that SoR will keep comming to our thread just like BG kept going on theirs when it was SBI/SoR/TC.

Maybe you missed this part of my earlier post.

I’m excited to see how this match up plays out though. I really like TC’s attitude.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Interesting analysis, but I don’t agree. From a pure math standpoint, the biggest (and easiest) gains to be had are targeting the third place server. Particularly one new to the tier. Take emotions out of the equation and it’s the logical move. I highly doubt BG will ignore FA in favour of TC. But I’m sure they’ll give us plenty of love, too

I don’t think they will ignore them all week. But for most of the reset weekend as long as they can gain points off you guys.
They did it to us big time when IoJ would focus us at reset. Note: I’m not saying anything bad about it. It’s a smart tactic if you are playing for points.

I honestly think FA may have the coverage to beat TC now in a 1v1. But TC should have the much stronger NA if this week proves anything. You guys have been fighting at a very difficult skill level for a while now and grown a ton. I don’t think FA has had to face that kind of organization and T1 tactics yet. Since BG should be there to stomp FA for you in your coverage gaps they won’t be able to get many points on you during those times. So your NA should be able to beat FA in the long run.

I’m excited to see how this match up plays out though. I really like TC’s attitude.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Any server new to a tier will supply the highest yield of rating. We experienced that when we entered T2. Both SoR and BG came after us because it meant they’d get better ratings .. it wasn’t personal (in most cases), it was just what needed to be done.

FA coming into T2 will likely experience this same thing. Not because it’s personal, but because math-wise, hitting the third place server will yield the greater results.

…except ratings are being reset at the start of this match.

Yep. But you’re still new to tier, the same principle applies.

All servers will be worth the same points. BG isn’t going to be looking to hit FA anymore then they are TC. Their server strat is usually very opportunistic. So if TC or FA have a grudge BG will piggy back on that. BG wants to get the most points possible out of this match as it’s a building point for the race to T1.

From what I have noticed of the forums(not always a good representation) so far FA seems to have something to prove so I expect them to come out hard after TC. Which means BG will likely do the same and ignore FA until there are no points left to gain from TC.

TC expect to fight a 2v1 most of the night. It might not happen but I would bet a fair amount on it based on what I have seen.

FA I know you got better coverage from some IoJ guilds but that won’t be enough against BG. You need big 24/7 coverage to be able to compete at a T1 level right now. From what I can tell you still have some coverage gaps since DB was able to out PPT you during parts of the day earlier in the week. 18/7 coverage won’t cut it, you simply can’t recover for getting 500+ PTT against you for a few hours a day.

Who knows though, no one has seen FA at this level. Maybe they will surprise me.

Sanctum of Rall

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


BG will win hands down.
TC is probably going to get smacked around pretty hard. BG is going to be looking to get huge points gains to slingshot into T1. FA is going to have tunnel vision against TC so BG will take advantage and take as many points from TC as possible.
BG has does a good job of knowing who has tunnel vision and hitting the server they are after. They did it a lot in our IoJ match ups. They’d see IoJ focused on us for a while so they’d take the opportunity to get points from us. Call it what you want, I call it good strategy.

FA doesn’t have the coverage or experience to compete against a T1 server yet. They’ve gotten transfers but not enough or their matchup this week would be a blow out because neither Mag or DB have T1 coverage either.
Top that off with BG has gotten more guilds so they have even better coverage then when they faced SoR and TC last time.

BG will run away with this match. TC will stay strong and fight till the end. The new FA hasn’t had to face drastically over whelming numbers yet that I am aware of so it will be interesting to see if they continue to fight.

Either way TC is going to get a better matchup then they had the last 2 weeks so good for them. BG is getting exactly what they wanted which is big points to jump to T1 while SoR, JQ and SoS slowly climb their way back up the ladder.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Why people have been placing Siege in any of the BL’s up 100k is kinda funny to me but hey whatever… Anyway should be a fun weekend…

Just because you’re down by points doesn’t mean you should stop fighting.
If you are playing for the epic fights then siege helps create epic fights.

Hell if you don’t place siege because you know you are going to lose then SoR should have never used a single piece of siege for 12 weeks straight while we faced SoS and BG and knew we didn’t have the coverage to compete.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Gratz to JQ.

Words can’t describe how much I am looking forward to the reset tonight. It’s going to be awesome fights.

We haven’t seen SoS in a long time. Hope they are just as good of people as when we faced them the other times. Lots of open field fights, good strats and mutual respect from both servers.
I know JQ is a completely different JQ then before I transferred to SoR so I’m excited to face them. Sounds like they have bolstered their NA Prime time presence so it’s going to be 3 NA Giants facing off after reset.

Now lets just hope our newborn cooperates so I’m not AFK all night tending to her.

Sanctum of Rall

Will they bring back the orbs?

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Will they? Probably not. They quickly fix exploit type things but don’t really make many meaningful changes or fixes to WvW. The no reward from escorting Dolyaks has been removed since beta I believe and that was supposed to be a temp fix to the problem.

Should they bring them back? Yes Definitely. The old form made them to powerful to an already steamrolling server so maybe tone them down some but they have to be good enough they are worth fighting over. And make it so they can’t be glitched like before.
They were a great objective that made for interesting strategies at the start of the match and kept things interesting throughout the match in close fights. Until it became common practice to just glitch to steal the orb.

Sanctum of Rall

Who do u really want to face after the reset

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


SoS. Of all the servers we have faced I had the most fun against them. Was great open field fights during NA prime. I don’t know how much they have changed since then though it’s been a few months.

Preposterous… A SoR choosing SoS over BG! I’ll take that as an insult!

I don’t know why some of the BG forum warriors think BG had that great of an impact on SoR. We faced two or 3 weeks of loses to SoS before BG and we never had any hard feelings towards them. So it’s not like we weren’t used to losing because of lack of coverage.

We knew we needed more coverage and until we got it we enjoyed fights during our NA Prime because that was all we could control. As far as I’m concerned BG was just another server. Since SoS was the server to challenge our NA the most I had the most fun then and look forward to more great open field fights against them.

Again much could have changed though since then. JQ seems to be a beast now though during all time frames so that could be fun too. BG’s gotten a lot more players since we saw them last also so there could be some great fights there as well. When asked who I look forward to most though, SoS.

Sanctum of Rall

Who do u really want to face after the reset

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


SoS. Of all the servers we have faced I had the most fun against them. Was great open field fights during NA prime. I don’t know how much they have changed since then though it’s been a few months.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


TC exploiting the invulnerable spots. This guy would hang around lowlands kill people and then run back to the spot when he got in any danger. I made sure to emote at him a lot since they like it so much.

This happens all the time all over the place. This doesn’t need to be in this thread.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


As a member of SoR, I just want to commend the fight TC has put up in the face of overwhelming forces. Peak NA time is really a nice place to play right now. TC has learned how to retake keeps very well and how to keep the zerg at bay long enough to take towers. Even if a tower is flipped, that’s still a loss of all upgrades to the defending team.

Some people would say that the battles would be boring due to the score and it can be demoralizing but I think every keep retake and every tower retake, no matter how short lived, is a victory because you are taking on a larger force. I remember that from when BG was in T2. Your strategies are coming together and I think it will help you for who ever you fight from now on.

Have fun guys. You are doing great and for the next 24 hours, I will enjoy our fights and wish you the best in taking us on.

Don’t patronize them before their tears flood this thread again.

Hey, stop being condescending. It’s very offending and you are hurting my feelings.

Don’t attack him for being condescending. It is not very honorable of you to attack someone like that from your own server. Does SoR have no honor?

EDIT: We cover it all now? Patronizing, Condescending, No Honor….yep, we got them all.

I have a very strong ego. If you disagree with me, I’ll dance on your corpse and stuff so that you get really angry.



Sanctum of Rall

Servers Transfers price - big fail.

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


ArenaNet gave many days of warning about the paid server transfers and existing players and guilds had ample time to prepare for it.

Active players and guilds that wanted to transfer have already done so to avoid the fees.

ArenaNet already told us the transfer fees would be based on server populations.

Sounds like someone is unhappy to pay the fees to transfer off their server. Well you should have listened to ArenaNet’s announcements.

All of this is true and I agree. Unfortunately the reason I left your first sentence off is because none of this has anything to do with the OP.

2 or 3 or even 9 months down the road server pops are going to be much different. The recent transfers will have nothing to do with that. OP’s statement will still be just as valid then but your statements have nothing to do with the pops at that point.

Sanctum of Rall

Servers Transfers price - big fail.

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


You have that backwards, paid transfers were meant to be in the game from the start, but delays in implementing Guesting lead them to keep the transfers free.. which did lead to the problems you mentioned.

So paid transfers are not an answer created/designed to solve a problem, the delay in activating them was the cause of the problems in the first place.

True that is a good point. Server cap still has nothing to do with paid transfers as there setup prevents servers from flooding a zone. Within reason. The within reason part can be seen when WvW reset happens on Fri nights and tons of people on all servers are kicked to Lions Arch. It sometimes takes forever to load presumably because their servers are trying to create a ton of overflows. But that has nothing to do with any one server but ALL servers merging at once.

Will this ever change though? No. Ultimately it’s about making money and they probably aren’t going to spend a ton of time developing a complicated way of determining which servers should cost more to transfer to because it won’t equal any more revenue.

Sanctum of Rall

Servers Transfers price - big fail.

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


TL:DR Edit because of wall of test. Server Cap argument doesn’t apply to GW2. See below for explanation.

I’ll be honest here because. I didn’t take the time to read all the posts because it was to many people saying the exact same thing. So if this has been said already I apologize.

GW2 servers do not have a “player cap” like traditional MMO’s. They created the Overflow system to avoid that. So they don’t have to worry about 3K people on one server overflowing Lions Arch and crashing it. The only part of the game were server cap matters is WvW. There isn’t an overflow so servers could flood a zone. So they created pop caps on the zone its self.

So the “server cap” argument is invalid.

This is also why they were able to raise the pop caps last week. They did that in anticipation of guilds transferring before the paid transfers. They weren’t worried about servers getting “flooded” because they have overflow to handle PvE and WvW is capped.

The paid transfers were an answer to people complaining for a VERY long time about bandwagons transfers screwing up the ratings and preventing close fights at all tiers. They are reseting the WvW rankings next week to further prove that paid transfers were about WvW.

So the OP has a very valid point. Servers with a large PvE population but little WvW have little hope of being competitive at WvW because people won’t want to pay 1800 gems to transfer.

On the flip side. Is a server can manage to have their WvW pop chase off the PvE pop they stand a better chance of being competitive because it would be easier to fill coverage gaps with transfers at a cost of 500 gems(likely still not easy though).

So what have we learned? Servers need transfers to be competitive at WvW need to start trolling all their RP’res and PvE’rs to force them to leave. If for some reason they need to do a dugeon later it won’t matter becuase they can use

Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Orikx.9671)

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Fair enough. Perhaps I just didn’t understand the consequences/effects of the reset. It just seemed pretty funny from where I was sitting.

Oddly enough the servers that get screwed by the reset the most are the ones in the middle of the ladder. Not only have they been facing weeks of blow outs from the new up and coming servers but after the reset they will be facing current top tier servers for a few weeks until the dust settles.

If Next weeks JQ/SoR/BG or SoS match is close. Then we are all going to get hammered by the points gain. We will be facing the other servers that were in close amtches which will likely only be the current T6 and 7 servers because of the way all the other tiers still have one side match ups. That means the current T1 servers are going to be bouncing around the middle for a while.
The interesting match up will me the “T2” matchup. If that is a blow out by BG or SoS(we don’t know how strong FA is yet but I don’t think they are T1 ready) Then the winner of that matchup is going to be up there at the top with Kaineng. If T2 matchup is close then Kaineng is going to be all alone as the #1 ranked server for a while destroying other servers with little coverage until the current T1’s work their way back up, likely 3 or 4 weeks. That is if they don’t implode before the reset this week.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I know. Makes me sad =(

My point was that right as everyone moved to new servers, they announce rating resets right as no one could go back to any server they may have originally felt loyalty to. People are now pretty much stuck where they moved to. Kinda feels like either bad communication or a really slick practical joke on Anet’s part.

People that switched servers to the top servers did so because they wanted to be fighting at the top level. Same reason servers were recruiting in their weak times, because they wanted to compete at the top level and you can’t do it without coverage.

Reset the ratings has no impact on that. You will still have to have 24/7 coverage to get to T1. All the servers that would have been fighting at the top level will continue to do so after the ratings reset. It will just take a couple weeks for the top tier to get decided again.
Servers like SBI that were on their way down, because they lost their coverage would have still been on their way down after the reset. Granted it would have happened much slower had they not announced paid transfers but the ratings reset means nothing.

So no, no one should feel like they got screwed because they will still be fighting where they wanted to fight. They may just have a couple of matches where they blow out a couple of T7 servers first.

Sanctum of Rall

Remove the Swords, Stop the Zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I completely agree with this. My guild runs in small groups hitting supply camps and defending enemy reinforcement routes. It’s STUPID that the orange swords show up when there are “a total of 5 people” fighting each other. That means that if a party of 5 attacks a single person the orange swords show up on the map and the enemies 30 man zerg shows up immediately.

Yesterday, our group of 5 were demolishing enemy groups that were double our size but then all the enemies in the area start showing up because of the stupid swords. So the bad players get demolished but end up winning in the long run due to huge zergs showing up.

Please remove these swords or raise the player count required to trigger them to about 15-20. Leave the white contested swords, though.

IMO zerging is the point of WvW. If you dont like that, there’s pvp


If only they had a setting that would make it so a party of 5 could play against equal numbers and not be run over by a zerg.
/rolls eyes

This is a horrible idea. It would make it so zergs would now be able to ninja cap stuff, Towers, Keeps nothing would be safe. Fights would never happen because all 3 zergs would be running in circles capping stuff behind each other.

The swords bring the forces together to fight. That is the point of WvW. That is why arrow carts and Trebs and such can hit 50 people.

Are small fights fun also? Yes. They can still be had and small groups still have a purpose. Holding/flipping camps and ninja’ing towers. As well as disrupting the enemy zerg. sPvP is for small groups to fight fair numbers. WvW is for big battles to be waged and small groups to skirt around the outside causing problems.

Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Orikx.9671)

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Well I guess everyone has their own opinion, but lets say I was in that position and my server had a chance to become the #1 server. Then right before we had a chance to prove ourselves in T1 there is a ladder reset which would take my server around two months or so(maybe sooner?) to get back to the top because of how the rating system works. I would see it as a slap to my face. I hope I explained it good for you. I have no doubt SoR and their many transfers will make it back to the top though! So don’t sweat it your a great server.

Well I obviously can’t speak for everyone on the server but I would say for the most part we weren’t trying to get to T1 for the ranking. It was more about fighting at that level against the top servers.
We are still going to get that and probably a lot more of it since everyone will likely get bounced around for a while. What will be interesting is the combination of fights. Instead of it always being JQ(They have a massive force now), 2nd place server, and the 3rd and 4th place server taking turns in T1 it will be combination of different fights while ratings settle. Most likely with JQ, SoS, BG, SoR, FA, Kain, possibly TC. It will probably be a month or more before any of us make it to T1 again because we will be slugging out close matches at the bottom of the ladder. The only wild card will be if BG dominates their matchup next week. Then they will be sitting pretty in T1 for a while while all the competition fights each other 3 or 4 tiers down.

Personally I think the reset was a bad idea. It’s going to cause a lot of servers that were in their right tiers to get stomped by much larger servers again. Fortunately the shake up should me more crazy fights for SoR then we may have had.

Sanctum of Rall

Please nerf swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


this is just beyond stupid.

IF you’re blocking treb shots for over 10 minutes your server is doing something wrong. There isn’t a spot you can put a treb that you can’t take down. Stone Mist second floor can be trebbed, and ballista’d

IF you’re server can’t organize after 10 minutes then they are doing something wrong and you’re just wasting time sitting there defending a tower that will still be lost.

the Swirling skill is great for counter trebbing and protecting siege to -take down- their siege. If you need quick protection for a minute or two it’s great other than that, I would never sit an ele by a wall for defense.

Not true. An organized defense can make it extremely difficult to take down some trebs. Going back to my previous post. We trebed Bay from Garison for 5+ hours while they had Ele’s protecting it. They sent attempt after attempt from all different angles/approaches trying to take down our trebs but were pushed back every time by smart defensive siege placement that would give our main force time to come take them out.

Though using that as an example. A superior force working together defending was needed to protect those trebs so why nerf a skill that is just one more counter to many different ways of doing things.

@ drtpoh -
Yes it is easy to get random pugs organized enough to block a few treb shots. Where the organization comes into play is having people dedicated enough to do it for extended periods of time. Your average run of the mill pug would not do it. It takes an organized server to defend against trebs for that long. Yes it might be 3 pugs on the server doing it but they are part of a server organized enough to work together as one unit.

Still I hate that it does essentially force one class into a roll but a good commander is going to recognize the benefits of having good Ele’s in their group.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Not really lol. Where people were genuinely trying to be nice, you somehow perpetuated this idea that we were in fact being condescending.

This sounds familiar.

It does. I’m a little embarrassed. It makes us look like FA. Oops, did I just say that?

It’s a vocal minority on both sides. There is still a lot of respect to be had from both sides to those out there fighting.

Sanctum of Rall

Please nerf swirling winds

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


As an Ele, I feel your pain but i also don’t know that I want it nerfed. I like that there is a way to stop treb shots if you have an organized enough force to have people dedicated to stopping it.
At the same time I don’t like something that can essentially take us out of the fight for hours on end. Reset night we were trebbing a TC held bay for easily 5+ hours. While it’s great that they had people dedicated enough to keep protecting the wall I feel bad for those Ele’s.
At least with the Treb we can have any class switch out to fire so it’s not keeping a single class busy for those 5 hours.

I’d hate to see it made so you have no way to defend against those treb shots though so there isn’t an easy answer. I suspect that ANet never intended for skills like this to block siege though to begin with so it will probably get nerfed. They made the amount you repair a wall with supply for a reason so it takes a coordinated effort to keep a from going down.
They probably didn’t intend for a 3 or 4 Ele’s to essentially make a wall of trebs useless. Even if you space out your treb shots they wait until the shot is about to hit to pop their skill so it only takes a few to protect a wall against several trebs. Easy answer though, send a force to roll the Ele’s so i can see it going either way.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Not really lol. Where people were genuinely trying to be nice, you somehow perpetuated this idea that we were in fact being condescending.

This sounds familiar.

Sanctum of Rall

Engy Buffs Celebration Orgy Time!

in Engineer

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I predict that I will not be dusting off my Engi after this patch. I hope that I am wrong.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 25-Feb 1 | SBI, TC, SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


 Blackgate to date is the ONLY server to survive a drop from T1 to T2 without completely destroying itself. For us to maintain our goal we will need to lean on each other when times get tough and not start blaming one another. Use defeat as lesson and grow from it united.

JQ and SBI both spent a considerable amount of time in T2 and did fine. SBI just recently died and it was T1 not T2 that got them. The were losing alot of guilds before coming to T2.
Plus IoJ and CD both danced in and out of T1 with SBI and JQ back in the HoD days.

Surviving a time in T2 is nothing specific to BG. Plus many of SoR guilds have come from those servers that spent time in T2. If we get bounced back and forth between T1 and T2 for awhile I don’t worry about us clap collapsing.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I would like to point out that they endured 7 weeks of 2nd place finishes and 2 weeks of 3rd, as the glorious Isle of Janthir reigned supreme and unchallenged for second place twice in the Long Battle.

Lol, I stand corrected. Its too bad IoJ and TC never got to battle. At one time we we’re probably pretty comparable on wvw population.

IoJ had a much stronger oceanic population then SoR, and SoRhad the stronger NA population. It actually made for close looking fights score wise but not as fun as you would think. Reset night was always fun.

During the week though their strongest timezone wouldn’t face ours but it helped keep things close against BG. They kept BG from ticking 500+ when we were offline and we kept BG occupied the most during NA Prime.

Was very fun weeks though.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I would like to point out that they endured 7 weeks of 2nd place finishes and 2 weeks of 3rd, as the glorious Isle of Janthir reigned supreme and unchallenged for second place twice in the Long Battle.

Not to split hairs but IoJ only ever beat us once and it was after 4 weeks of us taking 2nd in T2. 2 Weeks against SoS then 2 week against BG. IoJ made an excellent come back right at the end of the week to edge us out by about 1500 points. Showed great heart by IoJ that week.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Let them have Tier 1. They may come to find it not to such a great prize after all. Look at the effect it had on SBI. We could flaunt our community then as well as SoR does now, but in the end it didnt have a lasting effect. I dont know the rivalry between TC and SoR but it seemed good natured up until this week. The score is more lopsided due to a server struck with a mass exodus, and a number of new guild’s flooding SoR for Tier 1 glory.

I suspect that the paid transfers has a lot more to do with people leaving SBI then the getting moved to T2. SBI has been in T2 before several times. JQ and SBI used to bounce back and fourth regularly between T1 and T2 and it didn’t hurt SBI much.

Problem was SBI was starting to lose numbers which is what dropped them into T2 to begin with. They would have been able to rebuild but it would have been a long road since they were losing to SoR and TC pre-max exodus. As soon as ANet announced the paid transfers guilds from many servers had to make tough decisions.

It will be VERY hard to rebuild a server after paid transfers if you want to compete at the top level. I suspect SBI would have fallen to T3 before they could rebuild. They had similar coverage to TC, SoR had already gotten a few needed transfers and with Kaineng coming up there would have been 4 servers with T2 coverage and only room for 3. Trying to get an Oceanic or EU server to pay to switch to a T3 would have been near impossible.

So all these guilds that want to compete at the top level are now faced with hard truth that rebuilding is probably no longer and option. So they looked for homes of like minded people and found them spread all over the place. Many of these guilds I’m sure had been getting approached by servers for a long time trying to recruit them.

I don’t for a second feel like any of the guilds that came to SoR are bandwagon guilds that will jump ship if we lose. These aren’t the guilds that are known for joining the top ranked server, the ones that joined HoD then switched to JQ then where ever next. These are guilds that have been fighting at a competitive level for a long time and enjoy that experience. When faced with the reality that they probably/possibly wouldn’t be able to in the future if they didn’t find a new home make a tough choice to find a place that they would be welcomed.

So to all of our new SoR brethren know that for every 1 person that will say you bandwagon-ed. There are 10 more that know that you were welcomed and invited with open arms.

Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Orikx.9671)

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Since we’ve not had one of these ina while.. Score update.

Haha, we own a tent…one kitten tent

I bet it’s the best tent out of all the entire four maps though. (yeah I know, not helping .. guess I was trying to spin a positive out of that somewhere).

I still want you to repost that Asura Defiant pix. Best thing ever.

Our tent is probably pretty awesome. Mosquito net, double zipper doors, water repellent, you know…classy…and large enough for our entire WvW force to rest comfortably (sleeps 8…)

It would be funny(but costly) to siege cap the zone with just the one camp. Let the arrow carts bot out the sun.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I presume based on my experience in wvw (which i’m sortof not doing much until you sor leaves) and these forums and some other stuff. So I feel a bit confident in my presumptions, if you don’t mind.

It is too bad your presumptions are baseless and outright incorrect. I invite you to research the history of SoR and see for yourself. I know you wont, because you are either trolling or you are actually this bitter and angry ….and are lashing out.

He is actually this bitter and angry. A quick look at his post history actually shows him giving SoR some props saying “We have a good thing going” and talking about great fights and having a completely different tone just a short time ago.

I guess as much as he likes to try to front like he only cares about community and score means nothing to him. As soon as it’s a blowout (regardless of the reason being coverage) he get’s super bitter and angry.

I’m sure we had many members like that on SoR at one point but all of them probably left months ago when we were destined to 5th place week after week so we are left and it’s just hard to remember them now. I can specifically think of 3 trolls that were in a guild I was in that left for BG back when we were losing to SoS.

Maybe this will help get rid of some of the trash on TC and leave them with just the great community and fighting spirit.

Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Orikx.9671)

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Since we’ve not had one of these ina while.. Score update.

Haha, we own a tent…one kitten tent

The good thing is with all of the recent shakeup in lower tiers it shouldn’t take long for you guys to get to a tier where you have the numbers to compete and can begin rebuilding your WvW community.

So many blow outs going on servers are gaining huge numbers of points and other losing huge amount of points in all tiers.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


The only collusion I know of in regards to moving servers was that my old guild and TW decided to go to the same place from JQ as we had a long history of gaming together (well against each other actually). I am not personally aware of anyone else involved in that. Of course, my guild at the time had like 6 active players in this game and TW was much smaller than it is now. So it definitely wasn’t a mass of people, heh.

Edit: I dont know how many actives Indo had at the time, but if I were to guess combined it was probably around 30 players total that moved at the same time.

Were you in Irony? Fate also came over at the time. I believe they had similar numbers to TW. There were also a few odd JQ militia like myself that enjoyed fighting with Tw that came with. Definitely not a huge alliance though probably about 70 actives. Enough to have good coverage of an additional BL during NA Prime.

SoR already had a great community and heart at the time. The transfers were enough to help them trend up the tiers and we picked up some numbers along the way as we kept climbing. It wasn’t an easy path to T2 though. I believe we faced SoS twice on the way to T2 and again for 2-3 weeks when we first got to T2. Then obviously once we hit T2 we had 11 weeks of losing because of lack of coverage

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


well in reality it is basically same thing just different wording.

BG “hey guys look at the score you guys suck”

SOR “hey guys we are beating you so bad we are not even going to try the rest the week, but hey we really feel for you

these are just 2 different ways of saying the same thing. i have to agree with Dirtyold goat, I would rather put up with chest thumping than be patronized.

Good point, can’t say I disagree

If this is what both of you have gotten out of this thread then you need to go back and re-read.

There have been countless posts from SoR saying how they empathize with you about getting beat by coverage. Again remember we had 11 straight weeks of losing with no hope of winning because of coverage.
Also countless posts mention respect for the players that continue to fight despite fighting an uphill battle. That makes a server community stronger because people get to see those that have heart.

In fact the only people I have noticed flaming TC in this thread is other TC players.

Simple fact is coverage wins in matches that everyone doesn’t have it. Coverage alone won’t get us a win in T1 so we need to strength relationships with our new members and get used to fighting along side each other. It is what’s best for our server.
It comes at no cost to your server because you will face the same thing against BG as your opponent instead of SoR. Except were SoR gives your server respect BG will flame your server and your players claiming they suck because of the score forgetting about the +500 PTT they tick during the day.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I only speak for me.
…. and I would rather be fighting BG tooth and nail as they fight their way back into T1 than house sitting with SOR as it eats grapes and drinks wine while running tactics in what now is a completely lopsided T2. (see point 2).

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

The only difference with BG in this tier will be forum trolls telling you how much you suck because of the PTT.

People seem to think we are the only server that got transfers and that BG is the same BG of 3 weeks ago. The top 4 servers and some lower tier servers all got big numbers of transfers. BG is putting up a solid fight against both JQ and SoS that both had more coverage before the shake up then we do now.
Hell SoS used to be known as a power house with tons of coverage before this shakeup and they have even more guilds now but are not blowing away BG.

BG stomped us all in points their last week in T2 and they had to fight 2 strong servers. They’ve since gained more players. Do we have equal numbers or more then BG now? Perhaps. Does TC have anywhere near the numbers to compete with either server? No. It will be just as bad of a blow out with BG in this tier.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


There is a lot to be gained from staying in T2 for another week.

There are still good fights to be had in some corners of the map. That helps the new SoR guilds get to know the old. Not just the players but also their fighting styles and to work on communication.
It gives guilds time to finish their transfers that haven’t had a chance to get everyone over yet.
It gets people new to WvW that just joined our server time to learn not to take supply from keeps and proper siege placement, etc…

To all those that are in such a hurry to get SoR out of T2. You do realize that just means you get to deal with BG instead right? It won’t be any better. It will be just as much of a blow out. They had just as good of coverage their last week in T2 as we do now. The difference was they were fighting two strong servers so it wasn’t as big a blow out.

Since most of SBI is no longer on SBI it’s made it a 1v1 and TC doesn’t have the numbers or coverage to compete. The scores and fights will be the same against BG.
The only difference is BG will have their forum trolls spamming the thread with “TC sucks look at the score” crap like they did last time they were in T2.

Sanctum of Rall

Jan 18-25 SoR-TC-SBI

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


The bitternesss and malice has to stop. Yes, the matchup is skewed, yes you are out coveraged.

No one knows how you feel more than SoR, we went through 9 weeks of it. If it makes you feel better to vent, then by all means. But quite frankly, you are making your server look bad while preaching to the choir.

Not only did we face this for 9 weeks against BG but we faced it for 2 weeks before that against SoS before they went to T1.

For 11 weeks we were in a tier that we knew we couldn’t win. We simply did not have the coverage to get first. Yet what did we do? We fought hard day after day. Not many servers can say they would be able to face a losing battle for 11 straight weeks and continue to fight just as strong on Wed/Thur as they did reset night.

Many servers have colapsed much quicker in the face of a losing battle.

TC/SBI, TC more so since SBI lost a lot of people they will fall a few teirs before they stablize, we know what you are going through. We’ve been there. Take this as an building oppurtunity. See who your guilds, players and commanders that are on the field day after day fighting the good fight. They are the ones you want to follow and want by your side. They are the ones that will not give up when things get tough and will make your server stronger. Give those commanders the support they need to be able to fight in these situations and watch as they grow and your server gets stronger.

Stop looking at the score as it will only make you sick. The only thing you can control is what happens when you are online. Enjoy the fights while you are on and forget about stuff getting flipped over night. There is nothing you can do to control it. That is what we did day after day and it kept the fight in our Rallians as well as our big guilds. If your militia see people complain about the score or night capping they will discourage and leave the field.

As long as people aren’t bragging about the score and I don’t see anyone in SoR doing that there is no reason to let it bother you.

Sanctum of Rall

4th Jan: BG/SoR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Orikx.9671


I kind of want TC to win so that SOR can have a different color and spot in EB. Is that wrong?

SOR would still stay the same color. Color is based on standing not place the week before. If TC takes second in a close match they would remain in 3rd place. Hell even if they managed 1st they would still probably remain in 3rd on the standings.

Sanctum of Rall

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Firstly, I wish to thank daphoenix for your in-depth guide. My D/D Elementalist is my first and only character and have been playing for a week :p level 30 ATM.

As I love to plan in ahead, I would like to have some advise for these points:

1. Is it better to use 6 x Rune of Divinity or 2 x Rune of Water/Monk/Divinity? Correct me if I am wrong, 6 x Rune means each armor would have +60 to All Stats and 12% Critical Damage. Compared that to 2 x Rune of Water/Monk/Divinity, is the 15% boon duration stacked on top of each other getting 60% increase in boon duration?

2. Can 2 x Superior sigil of battle be used on both daggers, getting 6 Might instead of 3 during weapon swap?

3. In your opinion, 10/10/0/20/30 compared to 0/10/0/30/30 (your build) is the 3 might stack gain from cantrip worth the sacrifice of 10 points from water? Since eventually, I will be mainly WvW and PvP in a 3 man party. Water 11 or 12 worth the sacrifice?

4. My final point :p I read somewhere in Elementalist section where we can do this combo, Earth 5 then when the Earth 5 is almost completed casting, RTL to the target. I have been practicing this combo but never once pull it off. Have this combo been patched or I am just simply too lousy to execute the timing?

Answering from my phone at the hospital so excuse the typos.

1. One of the strengths of this build is the huge amount of boons going at all times because of the duration from runes. You get prema fury from air #1 trait. Without the duration you wouldn’t keep that up. 20% chance to crit is huge. Ecause of the low perception. Also might stacks last about 30 seconds because of ruins. Giving you a steady 10-15 stacks of might. That’s 350+ power/con dmg. Which is way better then 60 to all stats.
12% crit dmg isn’t that great when you crit chance is only 10% because of loss of premades fury.
Is spvp some run 2*divinity for the other 2 ruins.

2. No. Battle has an internal cool down of 9seconds. So once it process on one dagger it can’t price again for 9seconds regardless of how many you equip. They also share a cool down with on crit sigils. So do.t use those either or it will cost you a lot of might. That is why he suggests the force sigil.

3. Some people run 10/10/0/20/30. I run phenoixs build and have tried both though I didn’t do 10fire long. I noticed the loss of condition removal and love switching to aura share trait for my small WvW group. Plus at 25water you get the 2% dmg per boon. Another reason. For the ruins. You have 6 active boons most of the time.

4. It’s not RTL you use with earth 5. It’s lightning flash. You can start the cast of #5 then prepaid the utility to teleport to the enemy pack at the last second. This allows you to sit back avoiding interupt until the last possible moment.

Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Orikx.9671)

Powerful auras?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Yes staff has great support capability and in some situations is better for support. I didn’t say it didn’t.
Doesn’t change the fact that D/D also has great utility and in some situations is better.
You said D/D is not support and is only burst DPS. This is just plain wrong and your posts prove you know little about D/D.
Furthermore your in your reasons for D/D not being good for support you blaim use an aura that can’t stun a champ often enough while then mention staff being superior because it has 3ccs on Air. One of which is the very cc you claim makes d/d bad….
Also, this game has a very big PvP element. Just because you don’t play it doesn’t mean all abilities should be based around dungeons.

Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Orikx.9671)

Powerful auras?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orikx.9671


The people I run with in WvW would disagree with you OP. The boons I provide are huge and increase my guard friends DPS a lot.

Dagger/Dagger isn’t a support weaponset though, you have less fields and boons, powerful auras is pretty much the only support a dagger/dagger ele can give. Speccing deep in water as dagger/dagger seems a bit backwards as dagger/dagger is a burst dps set.

This is wrong. D/D is a melee weapon set but it can still be great support. Supper comes in many forms in GW2.

Two auras available to be shared. Shocking aura. Stun on hit applied to team is huge PvP. Chill from frost aura is also great. Another chill also.
We get access to 1 aoe knockdown and 1 blowout. Both amazing support abilities. A third if you use tornado.
We get weakness, cripples and immobolize.
Combine all that with several AOE heals some from the weapon set and some depending on traits.
Tons of boons being shared including premades fury(yes please!).
If you can’t be amazing support with all of that you should be playing a game that has a cleric, druid, or barn because the combat style of this game doesn’t suit you.

Sanctum of Rall

Powerful auras?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orikx.9671


The people I run with in WvW would disagree with you OP. The boons I provide are huge and increase my guard friends DPS a lot.

Sanctum of Rall

[Guide] Mastering the D/D ele 7/15/13

in Elementalist

Posted by: Orikx.9671


Question i had after running around in WvW with some guildies last night.

Is Aura share also effected by the max 5 target limit? When I run with a party I use Water 12 instead of 11 to give them huge amounts Fury and Swiftness. I noticed at times when we’d meet up with a few other people that it appeared as though they didn’t all get the visual effect of the aura if I’d use one. So I’m guessing it’s 5 max also.
I thought they were supposed to prioritize party first but at one point standing at the portal keep near the WP I was trying to stack Fury and Swiftness before we all ran off and it didn’t appear that my other 2 party members would always get the boon effects even though they were right next to me. There were quiet a few other people AFK at the WP but they should be second priority in theory.

In addition do attunement swaps have a 5 target limit. When with a zerg on the front lines I wasn’t sure who all benefits from my attunements. It’s my understanding that everyone in the Fire field gets the Area Might though.

Sanctum of Rall