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please allow us to sell bloodstone dust

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Toxic maintanence oil, sharpening stone, crystal are in trade post. They are getting limited and expensive (8g if memory serves). However every time you make 5 of them (it’s made per 5) you make a little profit. There is no garantee this profit will sustain though.

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Boost the Inflation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

All you did so far is use the word flawed, on other posters. Maybe you should watch the definition of ‘flawed’. You clearly don’t know it either.

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Before posting about inflation, read this

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I’ll edit all my posts with inflation, so that the word inflation is replaced by ‘price increase’. Good right? I just did a very simple action, my posts still mean the same, but inflation definition cannot be used anymore to counterdebate the post. Now you gonna have to go in true debate, rather then find mistakes in an opinion. I haven’t seen a single good argument in the other thread from the inflation definition protector’s. If they are so masterfull why is their lack of arguments to small? To scared to be picked at also?

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Boost the Inflation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437


Inflation is based on general goods. It’s however hard to say when a general good goes into luxury good. Is t3 luxury yet? T4? Maybe t5? Or is it t6? Maybe t7? Is t1 even a general good anymore? No easy conclusions here, and AT LEAST UP FOR DEBATE, something wich seems really hard for you to understand. Inflation may be well defined, but one of the sources (general good), is already flawed in it’s definition and generally perceived status, making your point mood. Even economy masters cant say exactly what is luxury, what is basic sometimes.

IF the economy master wanna keep being stubborn: here is a case for you. There is white bread (clearly general wood, most basic food out there), and there’s special brown breads, that are more healthy (like 10 seed bread). Is 10 seed bread luxury because it’s better for health, harder to make, and as such ‘a luxury’ item or is it still baseline cause the whole world eats it and accepts it? I’m pretty sure even master economist have no clear answer to this. Even if they resort to math, the math is designed by humans who in the first place had a bias when they created the formula (otherwise they wouldnt have finished the formula).

It’s a rant, but i’m tired of people using the inflation argument for themself, when even THEY don’t know the clear definition of it (or it’s problems in definition).

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Boost the Inflation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Nothing in the original post makes any sense.

It kinda makes some sense.

Let’s establish three things before I go on. A perfect world doenst exist. Most mmo’s have worse inflation then gw2. However gw2 still has inflation.

And lately (compared to first years evolution) it’s becoming really really fast. Purely and only looking at gw2 economy, the inflation is reaching higher grounds then ever, on luxury goods (and don’t give me the fake reason, luxury ain’t inflation, the only reason veterans play is to get luxury goods, otherwise we left the game, so the true ‘goal’ of players (and thus the main thing to look at for gw2 – not real life – inflation personally is luxury goods). You can disagree, but you cannot say it’s not true John smith. I’ve seen you to often crush arguments like this with a ’doesn’t make sense’ post. You enlightened me a lot. A lot of fairy tailes, i no longer believe in.

However it hurts me to see you still deny there’s inflation (and lately pretty bad one at that), when there is. You once used the excuses Velocity is everywhere and not to be mistaken with inflation. For certain materials (especially cooking ones). I fully agree. T6 mats? Nope not at all they never spikes down. Not even shortly, they only go up up up up up. That’s bad, and needs a fix. Let’s face it, in a perfect world, Anet wouldnt have to mind botters, and honest farmers would have their freedom, thus t6 would be supplied. But you disabled bot farming, and simultaneously disabled ‘honest t6’ farming.

A best example to augment this is Foxfire clusters. Some people buy them on TP. But loads and loads of people find them to expensive, and resort to manual farming. Since foxfire clusters have total freedom in farming, no diminishing return, no cap, no hidding blocking code, it’s very easy to farm. If you farm enough wood, you will get em eventually. And wood doenst run out so easely if you change maps. See people want to farm rather then pay their way to luxury item (mawdrey). And if possible they do.

Conclusion t6 would be farmed. But isn’t atm. So it’s rising. John smith fails to calculate over enthousiastic anti bot features, into the ‘yes it’s inflation, no it’s not inflation’-discussion. He thinks it’s a byproduct of our ‘psychological player’ way of thinking, that creates this demand/supply ‘situation’, and as such it cannot be described as problem/and or inflation.

Don’t get me wrong John smith, I like and respect you a lot. I used to have my doubts about your capabilities, but tbh your economical skills surpass that of almost anybody I know. That being said everyone makes mistakes. So do you. You are so proud of the ‘better then most mmo’ gw2 setup, that you think any small change, is negligable to the grand design and as such disqualifies as big issue (like inflation). But they are there. I’m a photographer. While i take good pictures, i’m not perfect myself either. Sometimes i rely to much on the equipment (a good camera, rather then good photographer), or I don’t listen enough to feedback. Sometimes I think my picture is perfect, because it was it fits my Idea. While this is very subjective, there are always ways to improve a picture. I think the same can be said about you. You have a very good economy setup to be proud of. But please stop dying problems that might actually exist. Denial prevents learning from mistake and in the end becoming better.

To put this in perspective: Basic materials haven’t inflated much. I agree on that. As a new player i used those quite a bit (crafting etc). I now finished almost all of those goals. I play a lot, do almost anything, and even for non ‘ultra luxury’ (legendary) things: the only thing that matters is t5+ but mostly t6. I think we reached a time where the only thing to move forward for even remotely veteran players = luxury goods. And all of those become vastly more expensive: t6, mini’s, etc. Or in a politically/economically 100% correct sentence (learned that from you JS): The newer player economy is not inflating at all or not much. The global economy is inflating a little bit. The veteran focused economy is inflating badly. These sub economies exist. You should look at the last one.

PS for all the inflation definition passionate people: Replace inflation in my text by ‘price increase’, and your point becomes moot. Ye ye ye inflation in only general good. But who are you to say t6 isnt a general good? It’s used in litteraly every endgame. That’s your problem for not being open enough, not our problem Ayrilana, supposed inflation master. Inflation is based on general goods. General goods have no clear definition when they exactly flow into luxury. There is a grey zone. That means the source of inflation is not 100% defined, by by that inflation is not 100% defined.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

My First Precursor Drop - 2+ Years

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Then you are lucky. 2+ years, more playtime then you i think (6600 hours – some afk of course), 0 precursors.

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Frost spirit might have taken the nerfbat.

in Ranger

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Hahaha good one but sadly close to the truth. Either they love the pain ultra nerfing causes, or there is some ignorance in the dev team. Take your pick. There is no argument to protect current frost spirit in any way.

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Please buff Heal as one

in Ranger

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Agree. Especially the cast time is misplaced. It’s the weakest heal skill of all the 1,25 sec cast time skills. Having a good burst heal on other professions safed me a lot, but on ranger, (and necro, but on necro the extra cast time is offset by removing conditions/bonus heal) i got interrupted a lot. It seems that 1 sec, need an almost perfect interrupt skill timing, to interrupt it, while 1,25 cast time, you will get 33% more often interrupted against a profession who has access to a fast interrupt. So yes it needs to be more reliable.

Heal 1 sec cast time + any of the above mentioned bonusses. Survival skill is probably the best balanced, and would give a lot of builds ‘more synergy’ without being more overpowered, as they require investment in traits.

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Frost spirit might have taken the nerfbat.

in Ranger

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Sad, this crushed my ‘ranger excitement’ quite a bit. Dunno what to think now.

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"Trading 2.0"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

@ faster trading post: Honestly it’s nice but i don’t need it. Most of time it’s instant. And the time it isn’t instant, there is a server issue. Server issues will still delay future Tp I think. If that’s case, barely improvement for me.

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Trading Post 2.0 (Last Feature pack Arcticle)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Wait until you try it. You may even find it more efficient.

I don’t need to try it to know it. Windows 8 for me (taskbar, start button) is less efficient then windows 7 in every way. Could I get past this issue? sure. But every single time i use taskbar, i need more time (more clicks or more mouse movement) to do the same. That is not efficient. At my work i gotta sometimes copy paste 100’s of files manually. You think i’m gonna right click every one, right click paste? Trust me even for you that would be a pain. No, I used ctrl + C, and ctrl V much easier. In the same way tp atm allows me to very fast move from all the tabs cause it’s only 0,5 cm mouse movement needed. I dont even need to think hard about it ‘1 sell listings, 2 buy listings’ etc’. It’s not gonna make me quit the game or hate anet for it. But i had to voice my opinion that in the end, for me as veteran player, this patch took 100’s of hours to work on, and didnt make it any better (if anything they made it worse, for me specifically). I suspect tons of ppl will like this update. I gotta admit i like the profession filtering too. But overall this udpate is bad, and i feel like i had to voice that to Anet. Not to cry, or stop it even (i know it is done as it is now), but to make them think twice about future UI change.

Don’t fix what ain’t broke. You just did that. Only good feature i see is armor filtering, wich could have been building into current tp. Nothing else is of interest to me.

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Trading Post 2.0 (Last Feature pack Arcticle)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

For me this change is unncessary. If anything it makes my gameplay soon worse. There’s a lot of (minor but important) things I like about current tp, and Anet is removed 90% of it. It’s clear from the screenshots alone, that certain things will be much harder to reach in the future.

The new Sell/Buy huge square buttons for instance. Bad bad bad. Sorrie, it may be good for new players but it isn’t for vets. In a split second, i can now without a doubt go from buy listing, sell listing, selling and back again. With new box, misclicking is more warranted if you want to speedclear some actions. And if that happens you gonna have to drag your mouse all to the left and right again to fix it to go to right window. This may sound as crying, but It just baffles me that something that was ‘efficient to use’ will now be ‘less efficient to use’. Taking a step back is never good, and this is going there. You should give player the option to use old trading post, or something similar. I hate the huge new sell/buy tabs.

Trade post is something, i’d like to go tru as fast as possible. New trade post UI will prevent that.

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"Trading 2.0"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Ultra dissapointed. TP is perfect as it is for me. Nothing is unclear about it. Honestly the new UI is more complex, and it will slow down certain things i’m doing ultra fast now. The pickup box is a step back (very unclear, and harder to reach list of what you are getting). No no no. Bad call. Putting all these resources on this? No thanks

If feature patch 3,0 has similar update (UI change, QoL for veterans not improved, only for new players), then i’m gonna be really really really dissapointed. This ‘change to the UI’ just for the sake of changing them and feeling good has to stop.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Watchwork Pick: Hope it will be on BLT again!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Lol it was on sale not so long before this sale as well. It’s funny you missed it both times.

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Cheapest ascended back

in Crafting

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

You are very lucky on the charged/week. For me it’s more like 1/14 days (although at the start i had way more luck, one time even 2 from one strike, however last months almost nothing. Luckely one this week, to shortcut the timegate to mawdrey. I think i’m going to charge it every day now. I got enough quartz and in home instance i meet the sp anyway (barely time loss). I had 32 backups, but i used up 20 for resell (not knowing i had to make cultivated backpiece), so now i’m making the last 8 (down to 2) for cultivated seed (i have what i need for mawdrey itself).

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Cheapest ascended back

in Crafting

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Two days (time gated Quartz) and my Mawdrey should be ready, if i’ve done everything correctly.

One of the ‘plates’ cost litteraly nothing if you craft it yourself (some stupid 4 silver mats like t4 bones). Buying on tp is foolish unless you can’t wait. You loose like more then a gold per item. Firefox cluster one is slightly less worse, but still not as bad. I bought some at start, but then started farming them myself. Got some lucky streaks, enough to sustain. I also didnt ‘progress’ mawdrey at start. I made money with the timegated mats then (wich was a lot). Taking the ‘profit’ into account the payoff in the end is really low. Very low tbh. After the spinal blades (really cheap if you got the blade sharts), i would consider this one the cheapest, (if you totally understand how it works, how to efficiently gather all those items etc). If that’s not the case, or you gotta boost the price to bypass timegates, then it gets expensive indeed.

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Feature patch, week3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Dissapointed. Sure the mini wardrobe is cool, but i’m not a mini collector, and mini’s lag zergs, so they basically will tamper with bandwich.

Finisher own window? please that 6-tab (now it’s only 3) is to cluttered. Finisher should remain at bottom, with preview or not. If i want to preview, i use youtube. You have at least surroundings there, and camera movement during the preview. Bad update. Useless resource by anet spend on it.

Outfits different tab? Meh this is gonna slow me down, and i dont want that. A single open, of hero tab, and i can activate/deactivate current outfit. It’s a great feature that just got taken away. No thanks. Bad update. This is one of those updates ‘we update, just to update, just for the sake of updating, but it’s kinda not good’. Please stop this kinda of updates. they are not good.

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No Essences of Luck in Black Lion Chests

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

@ Astral yes it’s greatly improved and my experience with it, is only after they updated it. I stacked them in my bank before before i never had a good moment to ‘kill mobs non stop without downtime’ But in wvw (eotm and normal wvw) i used it, and the champs vets, with exploration bonus give tons of exp (2000-5000 exp, on lvl 80, at lvl 40 about half of that wich is still a lot). Also once you meet zerg, you easely get the 10 stack bonus (full double exp, compared to base). And that lasts for 10 min!

It used to be worse then EXP booster, but now imo it’s better.

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No Essences of Luck in Black Lion Chests

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I used that booster to level one of my chars (together with exp/birthday booster). Trust me on ‘exploration exp’ mobs (mobs wich nobody kills), you get craploads of experience, expecially with new system. Tbh I like that booster more then armor/speed/rejuv booster.

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Week 3: should I be scared?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I mean the last minute changes they are doing atm, must be important to them for delaying it so much. (didnt mean the update is important, I learned to keep low expectations Xd)

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Week 3: should I be scared?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Still nothing. Must be important if it takes longer then last week to put it online.

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Swapping between staff and other weapons

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Buy exotic fractal 20 slot bag. Place the bag in your LAST inventory slot. Place all weapons armor pieces there. If you got more then 20 buy two exotics (place both as last bags). Then when you switch weapons/armor, they go straight back to the ‘last part’ of you inventory, not mixing up with the rest. I’ve gotten so used to it that it’s a piece of cake. If i vendor noone of my exotics show in the first part of list cause they are safely at the end.

I can switch very fast with this method too, because the weapons stay in the same slots most of time, so you find them easely.

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Got 2 Rampager Ascended Gear, dunno for what

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Ranger sb, and axe both have hybrid components. Especially SB seems favored towards hybrid.

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Body Blocking on Opponents

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

No. Because yet again you are trying to force us to have the standard trinity.

There’s 0 need for body blocking.

If you play something other then guardian, warrior, guardian, your opinion has merrit. Otherwise just some BS to defend your profession choice.

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Watchwork Pick: Why No Response?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Eric, Trust me I farmed 1000’s of ore, your jewel chance is the same, sprocket is just bonus. One time i remember 3x ore, 3x jewel (same one lol, what a coincidance) and 3x sprocket from one node. Anything is possible withing the statistical chance you have for each item.

I have a lot of playtime (more then you i think francois), but atm it yields 4-5g a day for me (about 100-120 sprockets) (wich means around 500-600 total node farms). That sould mean 30 days to pay itself atm or a bit longer.

The biggest rick tbh is that to much ppl jump on sprocket bandwagon (or demand diminishes), so that the current bonus is no longer profitable. But atm it’s still stable enough.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Downlevelling should be more harsh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Hannelore you are using the wrong skills clearly. Try using Engineer pistol on low lvl mob. Trust me you will need multiple shots to kill the mob.

Or make a new char, and use that char only to play with your friends. Char slot is on sale for reason. If friend levels slower then you, delete your char, and start over.

Lvl 80’s can wear from white to ascended armor. If they nerf ascended owners to ‘your required difficulty’ scenario, then white gear owners will be severly underpowered.

Another thing wich is a bit sad from your part is, that it seems you purely focus on lvl 1-9 mobs (and the squishy ones at that, there are tanky mobs like icy wurms (not the hatchlings). Or dolyaks!!! I urge you Hannah. Try to one shot a dolyak, with a normal auto attack (and not super good ones like eviscerate or warrior general melee auto attacks. Use something like staff guardians. Press nr 1. You won’t 1 shot the dolly in waywarer foothills. No way.

The moment you go out of the lvl 1-15 zone, it immediately scales up. You can still burst the mobs, but you still have to rely on eviscerate like skills or even more to speed kill the mobs.

Last point, you don’t mention lvl 80. I know lvl 80 mobs i can kill pretty fast (100 blade + a bit more) is enough. To fix your problem they would have to nerf currently existing lvl 80 mobs as well. And is that a good thing? not at all. Especially knowing most mobs (especially lowbie mobs) are not worthwhile to be farmed overall. Making them ultra hard to kill (5 auto attacks at least on exotic lvl 80), will make noob area’s even clearer.

Like someone suggested above, power is in YOUR HANDS. You got traits at lvl 80 a newbies does get but you CAN RESET THEM. Keep traits at 0 for sense of challenge). You have exotic (or ascended) gear, but you can buy WHITE GEAR. You have utilities. Disable them, especially signets with power stat. Disable sigils (buy weapon without it). No runes (lowbies don’t have it either. Do all of these things and you’ll suddenly feel exactly what you need.

‘But but i think this should be default and not just possible by messinge up my lvl 80’. An mmo cannot make everyone happy. Your idea would kitten of other players. The right balance is hard. And since the option exists, to play like the op Hannah wants, spending resources on this, is pretty much a waste. Endgame content is WAY more important. I know for op low lvl ‘friendly’ partying matters. But we told you how to do it. You have been ‘given’ the possibility.

With free, on the move, trait reset, the devs basically listend to you, and you didn’t even realize it. Play your endgame content? activate traits. Play with your friends? Disable them.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Which logging axe is better?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

So Am I the only one who got the Frost Wasp because of the animation? :P

I have plenty of chop-it-all-logging axes, and wanted something different, and after seeing all those malchor leaps farmers (so plenty of chopping item variations), i kinda started to like animation of frost wasp and bought one. However the bugs annoy me. If you interrupt the cast right after 3rd wood, you are good to go for 80% of time, now that i tested it more often. 10% of times, the chain will lag (delaying it all), 10% of time you will get a 1-2 sec freeze after receiving third wood. Luckely it’s rather rare, and i use lightning flash in attempts to remove the freeze faster.

I’m not so into the necro theme but it seems dreamcleaver atm has best animation (of the 100% fine working axes). But since the 3ple chop animation is so similar, i think it will still bore me fast. Not sure if i should buy one. Especially with living story probably producing new permanent harvesting items soon.

Btw at above poster: are you sure consortium sickle is faster then clown? I know clown for sure isn’t faster but it may be as fast, since you just don’t go true your knees (wich is what slows the normal one down), and you just hold your hand over the plant, summoning the clown.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

RIP keyfarming [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Not sure why people are kittened at Anet. Key farming was here a lot longer than it was supposed to be. Anet was shooting themselves in the foot by having it in game for so long.

It’s about time we have weapon prices that are now in line with the risk of gambling on buying keys. It was a market inefficiency that had to be corrected.

If anybody else said it, i would agree. But not coming from you, sorry. You are richer then most people. You are more addicted to rare skins then most people. And you hardcore farm (wich kinda equals keyfarming in some ways – wanting best efficiency income). If you would give up all kinds of hardcore farming you are doing now, your response would be fair. (meaning every income that was substantially better then the average like blix farming, instantaneously nerfed). But it isn’t since you are hardcore farming Orr or something else atm, and you just can’t stand it, that other people got usefull stuff with keyfarming. And that’s the source of your post. Not anything else. And that’s dissapointing, using that as an argument. You just want your legendaries/personal skin to be more rare. And that’s a selfish thing. If devs would make a game around those incentives, it would quickly get toxic.

Anyhow i rarely keyfarmed. But having the option to do it sometimes was fun. Removing it, isn’t much fun. Especially having 4 scraps, it NOT fun. Because that means with inc nerfs, i will most certainly never ever find 6 more ticket scraps for a full ticket. So they essentially nerfed my existing 4 ones. Ah well chaos skins are ugly to me, and i got my stock of ley line skins.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Market Implications of Profession Loot

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Finally a downside to Vol op guardian who has more loot then others, and now he doens’t like to loose his advantage.

On a more serious note, is this panic thread really necessary? The post implies it’s only for lowbies, wich would make this by far not so bad.

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Which logging axe is better?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

It’s random. 33% op the time, frost wasp is as fast as the others. 33% of time it’s slightly slower (the time before you start getting wood is longer, so all 3 chops are delayd). 22% of time, it lags a bit (not sure if this slows you down or not). 10% of time you get a freeze at the end wich is quite annoying.

Sometimes it’s normal rate, but for sure not always. To bad cause it has the best effect. I urge Anet to fix it.

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Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

If i read it correctly, this is only the case for LOWBIES. Not lvl 80’s. So stop panicking, please man. All the loot addicts like Vol panick way to fast.

Secondly, i sometimes play a newb char, like ranger, and sometimes i kill non stop mobs in hope to get a quick longbow. Guess what, i get lots of weapons but no bow. So i can relate with arenanets decision. But it has to remain for lowbies (below lvl 40 where weapon variety is small anyway). Above that, it would mean to much farm advantage for light armor.

Then again for ascended armor light armor is ultra punished compared to heavy armor like you Vol. If we have to pay more, why not get more loot (well it ain’t even loot, it’s just necessary item in the form of silk)? No disbalance there tbh.

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Pet Seed?

in Living World

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

@Mauricio: Here’s my situation i can’t fix. I did 100% what dulfy said to do. Except a friend told me ‘omg i hate this so much, pet seedling is epic fail bug, i urge you to trade it for cultivated see or you gonna be very mad, do it now friend’. I did do that. I can’t trade it back. Result? Dulfy guide NEEDS PET SEED. PET SEED DOENST EXIST FOR ME. I can’t go forward. This is so lame. How the hell did you complete it with either bugged pet seed or no pet seed? Seems impossible to me tbh.

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2nd birthday experience scroll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

One finally turned age of 728. Most say you need 730 days to get birthday blaster but this video (see chat log ingame) indicates 729 days is enough, wich would indicate tomorrow my mesmer gets it. Anyhow dissapointing. I thought I understood it works next to food, but it doesn’t And most of my true mains are 60-180 days younger then the birthday blaster. Kinda lame i gotta play chars now that I like less if i want to test the boost.

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2nd birthday experience scroll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

My birthday booster is to late. 3 of my chars are ‘headstart’ made chars, but are 6 days younger then the (still have to wait somehow 3 days), weird thing is, account show true date (the one my chars would need for birthday gifts).

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I'm all for Balance but not like this!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

- Tornado is now completely useless. In Pvp/WvW/PvE people will just range you to death while you do your ballet spins. Even Engineer’s Tornado got a better buff then us.

Engineer and Ele Tornado are the same.

Read upcoming patch notes. Engi elite is getting improvments. Whirl finishers, further going damage bolts if i heard correctly, and lightning field.

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Dhuumfire Deja Vu

in Mesmer

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Bleeds are on quite a lot of auto attacks (Pistol thief, scepter necro, Engie + trigger traits (bomb/nades 15 sec bleeds). These last 5-8 sec (Engie 15 sec, but has lower trigger rate ,wich balances it out).

7 bleeds easely do 1050 damage in condi build. Torment is barely strong and only if target moves. Most torments have superior short duration (like these new scepter torment). 2 sec. oh please. If he doenst move it’s barely anything. It wont even do 200 damage if target doenst move, second windup 400 damage if target doesnt move. However I do agree, with PU/Perplexity (and the inherent existing torment + confusion), this might be a bit over the top. However, purely auto attack speaking this is hardly game breaking. If anything, auto attack wise it’s underpowered.

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40% Off Char expansion slot!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I’m set too, i had 5k backup gems Either way they gems go up. If you want anything new you’re screwed to the new price (wich is extreme atm). And with the sale continuing, price only gonna get worse.

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40% Off Char expansion slot!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

The 40% off is almost completely nulified by the gem price increase. That is if you buy them with gold. So funny. At least i have backup gems.

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Cheapest ascended back

in Crafting

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

96 foxfire cluster is cheap to you? *60 silver, so 50g about.

And yes i’m purely talking about +10 infusion backpacks, (2x +5) NOT normal backpacks as i have like 9 plus normal ascended backpacks now. I’m purely talking about cheapest way to get as much +10 as possible. And blade shard recipe from +5 to +10 (if u understand dulfy correct), only costs gift of ascension (no prob to farm this for me), 10 DUST (ultra cheap compared to ecto upgrades), coagulated mist i think and the elonian wine.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Also where is Danicia btw? With Allie’s absense, it would be nice to have the other two CC’s left show their face sometimes. Only one i (very rarely) see, is Mark. And leaving him alone for CC is a bit to much to ask i’d think.

To many absenses maybe escalated the problem?

Temporary absense: Chris Whiteside
Unknown absense: Danicia
Permanent Absense: Allie
90% Occupied with other stuff absense: Mark

Not that I want to play your boss or so, but it’s an observation. This might be leading to even more frustration and the escalation that resulted in this thread.

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Sell Halloween Skins now!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Vol has succesfully resold chaos of lyssa for 1500g. Why would this halloween shield, not be part if his resell plan? 50/50 i’d say. Sometimes he’s completley honest, And i think i believe him this time. But he loves reselling, so be carefull.

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Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Another example: I doubt much devs farm Legendaries. The 20 hours a week, from the pvp dev is a good example. I doubt most Anet ppl have more playtime. With that amount of time, and the current prices, you would to purely hardcore farm legendary (mostly the t6 mats) and do nothing else in game. I doubt it’s anyones goal atm. So they just ignore it and play the game casual. That makes the devs have lower awareness of how huge the step to a legendary is these days with 1400g precursors, and 50 silver t6 mats (2000 needed). Perhaps they are working on solutoin. Or not. Like from economical point of view i finally understand why John smith doenst interferre the precursor market with a change. And as economist, he did a good job. As a player he did a bad job. The end result should be more a coordination between players and Anet. I’m also not saying these improvements are needed now. I can wait, i got patience. But we need a sign of this cooperation, and not ’it’s my view, and that’s the only law’ kind of personality.

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Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

On the subject of communication, the “Community team” seem to pick and choose, another example being the “Mesmer bug” thread where it lists 40 issues and nothing from anyone about any progress, that is a whole profession basically unplayable the way it is supposed to be right there and no communication on an important subject yet someone jumped right on the Fix for the Orr fail champ train !

I think the problem lies in the fact, they tried to identify mesmer bugs, but it takes so huge amount of time, and no road to victory in sight yet, that they delayed it. You can question if that’s a good thing, but hard to solve bugs are a pain in the kitten for any developper. And there comes the (wich is in Mikes post btw): "we don’t announce before we are ready to say it is’. If they say ANYTHING at all about mesmer now, you only gonna be more mad. Cause the fix is not closely underway at all, but they are working as best as they can on this. There is ofc the possibility they don’t care at all for mesmer bugs atm, but I highly doubt it. It’s probably more like, the bugs are so painfully hard to solve, they don’t have the resources to fix it, and saying that up front, would cause uproar even more then the silence now. So they choose silence. Look at the scavenger hunt, QQ thread (that is is to late). Filled with lots of complaints, but if they never promised that, and they come, like it would have been destinied, with it in 2015, few people would have complained. The problem is, mmo community coordinators have a hard job. Not communicating is frustrating, IT IS. But is communicating better? The answer is not as simple as it sounds. Cause complaint-storms easely arrise, when negative news arrives. And by not talking about it, fewer complaints are loaded on the forums and more people keep busy. I’m not saying it’s the best way to go.

For pve content (stories) i understand total confidance, players cant help making it, or it would be spoiled. It’s their product, that we can’t interrupt. We can only make suggestions for the next one. For pvp/wvw content (and balancing for sure!) We need an early stage ‘product’ that’s not ready, but great enough to be shown. Alpha stage kinda. Show it to us, we communicate. You improve, go to beta stage, improve more, fix bugs, etc, then release it. Atm though it’s more like ‘alpha stage: sorry top secret’, ‘beta stage: ’sorrie top secret’, almost complete stage ‘maybe we relaese something to you now (eotm beta). It’s to late to fix, big things, for the community when things are at stage 2,5 (after beta, stage 3,0 is complete, ready for release). Like balance updates, should be discussed like NOW before patch. And if needed they should be change accordingly (wich won’t happen this time i’m afraid.)- Same for pvp maps. I’m sure you are working on new things other then conquest. But hiding the alpha stage of us, prevents us to improve it. Like i remember working 80 hours on something, but because of complaints afterwards i had to change stuff. Because it was complex document, i needed 20-30 hours to change the stuff again. Imo 30 hours wasted. If i talked earlier about it, in alpha stage, i could have included the wanted changes already, and cut of 10-20 hours time. Wouldn’t this benefit Anet too? Or is the scare for to much complaints and ‘they showed it and it still sucks’-threads, to big?

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Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

I hope you guys realize who this is. If he posts this, it means all the ‘does Anet care?’ threads, have ring a bell up at Anet.

And tbh i understand them. Clearly (from data mining) they have something in the works for scavenger hunt. But i think it needs something big around it, to make it truly shine. First of all the economy must be prepared for the new items, the old items, and the market shift. Secondly, perhaps new legendaries are in order. Thirdly, owners of current legendaries might be ultra kittened (say precursor then may cost only 100g, hypothetical, removing all the ‘i did something great’ feel, of the current ppl paying 1300g for precursor. Thirdly, ‘Legendary’ is a big word. It’s a word, that has to be earned. Perhaps a deep story (seperate or living story part), has to be made around it.

If only ONE of these things fail, the setup of scavenger hunt might fail (because otherwise they would release a half baked cookie and kitten of ppl anyway). So the ultra silence about ‘thing in progress’, i totally understand. It’s to prevent ‘you promised precursor, but you didn’t do it’ comments.

However I feel the balance team sits to much on a throne. They listen to mass QQ (whine), but they don’t listen to ‘this could use a boost, this is underpowered’ kind of stuff. I also feel no matter what we say, they nerf what they want. So imo, balance team, communication (or just player data gathering) has to be increased. A pvp dev mentioned, with his job + hobbies + familie, he has only 20 hours a week personal time to play gw2. All ok in my book. But that restricts his vision of gw2 quite a lot. some ppl like me (6k hours in gw2) have lot of experience of all professions in all game modes. The cumulative of having played all professions in all gamemodes, in a lot of situations, gives you a certain feel of the game, that cannot be reproduced. And a such, i think Anet devs rely to few on it. I’m not saying my opinion matters more then others. Casual players matter also. If you play necro shortly or casually, it feels fine cause it has some strong skills. If you play it a lot, next to other professions, you know it misses something. Auto attacks (except elites nr 1 and Deathshroud, maybe dagger 1) are not engaging. Other professions auto attacks are way more satisfactory. Knowing you spam them all day, they are important. But i got the feeling, because anet devs play necro shortly, they don’t think it’s a problem. And here lies the problem: veteren players identify a problem Anet doesn’t, and as such doesn’t arrive on their radar. I hope this improves.

But ty for this message. And gw2 is still the best mmo out their for me. Especially price/fun you get. But also small things like loot share, heart quest over text balloon quests, dynamic events, karma, etc, just better worked out in gw2 imo. When i play other games im like ‘omg this is boring, i miss gw2’. So the game is an achievement. Keep going for new achievements please! That’s why most complaints threads appear: people care about the game.

Signs like ‘Allie murdock’ not being replaced is a bit dissapointing also. It seems like Mark Katzback (sorrie if backname is written wrong), is doing a lot of work now. And no offence, but he’s a pretty serious guy. Wich means, he writes what is needed to be written (like in wvw tournement ticket thread), but he rarely engages in threads, like Josh davis does, or Allie did. And i miss that. I’m sure he has other qualities (all people do, and he definitely works hard), but I think we need a vocal community coordinator to replace Allie.

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(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)

Stop these DDOS already!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Tequatl now. DDos interrupt.

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Another DDOS attack?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

DDOS attack during middle of Tequatl, yay. 2x DDOS in 4 hours.

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Suggestion: Level by monster grinding

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

@ Traveller the heart quests are optional. Every time you pass there and by coincidance kill a mob, the progress goes up. Quite easy. And there is no single way, that more dynamic events, would make you more happy. So far this is the best implementation i saw to ‘have a grind, that’s not a grind’. Cause all mmo’s have a grind. It’s how you present them, that makes the difference. If you want text balloon quests go TES online. If not, you won’t find much better then gw2 quest system.

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World vs. World Fall Tournament 2014

in WvW

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

if you win x4 you get 800 tickets. Not underwhelming. Although if you are often second/third, it’s really a bit low.

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Another DDOS attack?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

DDOsing what? everything connected to gw2? or just wvw, pve or pvp. I just got kicked out of game (and forums) for 10 min. (internet worked fine). Is that result of DDOS attack?

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FGS controversy

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

FGs is nerfed because it’s pve dps meta. Nothing beats it. And they want to get rid of this meta. So what you think is gonna happen next? new meta. New nerf. 100b will be on the list (that is if Anet stops their bias towards it). If we already consider FGS nerfed (not worth to use anymore in speedruns), what do you think will be the dps meta? Anything other then 100b/axe warrior? Doubt it. Wich basically confirms it will be head and shoulder (like FGS is now) about rest of dps spectrum. Wich calls for a nerf (by Anet logic, not mine, i’m just following their logic, if something is a lot better then rest it has to be nerfed at all cost).

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