Showing Posts For Plutonium.1308:


in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


And the excuses started a long slide to the eventual thread lock.. glad i was here to see it.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Kaineng shouldn't skip T3...

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Congrats to you, now stay in your proper tier…. or is fergeson next?

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Funny how a more even set of servers can improve things so much:) Great fights and fun had by all. See you out there.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/25 CD / YB / Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


A bit of fun you guys can have(Yak and CD). Take something.. chew up the pugs who pour in.. but at the first sign of the WM zerg switch lands. Rinse repeat. They get to sit in ques while you get to have fun all night.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Jan. 25th - DR vs EB vs IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Looks like this whole week will be fun!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Been a fun week, Us purgies have been having a blast running around out there. When your side doesn’t take anything you can just run around and harrass folks all day, been a nice change from our normal defense stuff. Almost feels dirty to say it.. but i see what Magumamemumama sees in this roaming thing.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Kaineng Tier 1 quality WvW server of NA

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


They will rise up until they hit a challenge, then 20-30% of their server will stop coming out to wvw almost instantly because steamrolling the karma train around the map is the most efficient karma making method. Once it’s no longer a matter of log in join zerg get karma and xp.. those folks will go back to something else.

That said, if the other 80-70% is large enough and organized enough they will keep on going up the ranks. Still to be seen. They will have a small advantage that the bandwagon guilds will have to pay to leave so they’ll likely stay even if the server loses once. I predict a fast rise to tier 3.. a tough fight there and a final position of somewhere in tier 2 before they melt like butter on a grill.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

The T5 Wall: 2-0. Will it go 3-0.

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Not withering, it’s more like a borderland, we sit on the edge of zergville and emptytown.

Sometimes a bus comes flying down from zergtown with a few folks on it screaming about something called a “que”, and sometimes a bus full of goofballs drives up from emptytown beating their chests and screaming how they rolled us while we slept or worked, and how we should just get more coverage and we could move up too.

I think Ehmry is good where it is, and i look forward to waving at the buses as you kooky kids drive by.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Ehmry Bay: a tale about T4 and true community

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Long story short, we’d like some more folks.. but not too many, and don’t expect to come here and win your way to tier 1, come here because you enjoy fighting and want to do it in an organized but not neurotic environment.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


eBay I hate you guys you know that , but I don’t want to see you guys lose to T5 servers pick up your game ladies and if not join maguuma

Join you on your zerg ride to the land of eternal ques? Not a chance in kitten, and i suggest SM come back before they get stuck there too. When the feb wvw update comes out you guys will have 4 hour ques… good luck having fun in that. We’ll be down here enjoying wvw and watching other servers plummet down or rocket up to the lands of no fun.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Was a fun first night, if devona could have held something in their homeland it could have been closer, but the night coverage thing would have resulted in the same morning look. If you don’t hit a wall i think kain will rise to tier 2. I was amazed how many underleveled folks you had, we were looking for guild tags to see if it was going to be a good fight or not. There were roaving groups of CO you had to watch out for.. and groups of up arrows you could crush under your boots. Wild first day.

You’ll find ehmry doesn’t give up though.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Derby of 2013 Kaineng vs Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Lol, see you guys out there, don’t beat on us too badly! rolleyes

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/11/13 - Dragonbrand / Yaks Bend / Ehmry Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


A mini-zerg is any group of 2 or more roaming in wvw.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Hoping for a quick in-and-out. Never got it. =(

~ Kovu

Ahhh married life.

Anyhow great matchup this week guys, been a blast so far!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Squeaky wheel gets the grease! You guys squeak on the forums a lot more so they go for you. Just a theory.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


I don’t care about what is Tier 4 coverage or not but I know one thing for certain. Yak and EBay guys don’t mesmer sweep at all. You guys sweep like a Tier 7 server. Again I ninjaed back a tower right under your noes right after the 5 minute lord buff was gone which eventually lead to the return of our garrison.

Skap “The Portal Ninja” – 3 Towers and 1 Hills Keep and counting
Yak – 0
EBay – 0 minus 3 Golems

I like the Scoreboard Idea :O

DB BL, 5 hrs ago the fight for Garrison!!!

DB – 80+ failed garrison attempts.
Yaks – 10+ failed garrison attempts.
EBay – Counting badges.

Oh looks like I hit a sore spot. I am sorry you guys don’t know how to mesmer sweep, I know personally that Maguuma taught you better then this. It’s ok to be a Tier 7 Mesmer sweeping server. By the end of this week I’ll have you guys back up to maybe Tier 5 or 6 in mesmer sweeping. Maybe.

1. I’m not the entire server.
2. It was a joke reply.
3. Lol

Looked at match ups for next week.
Seems it’s gonna be Yak v DB v EB for awhile.

Come on man he posted that same thing twice trying to get a response, he’s trying really hard to bunzy up the thread, don’t crush his dreams.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Warning to Devona’s Rest, there be dragons in the tiers above. Magumma is by far the gentlest among them.

LOL at the above, perfect.

waves to bunzy Hey transfer to Ehmry for a week, we’ve got plenty of people up here need killing.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Hmm so yak and ehmry are going to be dueling during the day and db will show up at night. Game on yaks.. let the better server win, it’s a 2 horse race for 2nd to stay in the tier!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Ehmry is in the lead by about 1000, next is yak then about 500 below them is Dragonbrand. Close tough fighting going on.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

1/4 DB v Yaks v EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Good start to what could be a fun week, have to see how it looks in the morning to be sure.

Welcome to t4 again dragonbrand, looks like our day crews are fairly even.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Update on Culling?

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Issue #2 is a little harder. We need to ensure that folks with a min-spec network connection won’t be overwhelmed by the data we send them and we obviously can’t just buy a better connection for all of our players. So we put our heads together and came up with a plan to reduce the bandwidth required for WvW (and Gw2 in general) as much as possible. Those changes are in testing now and will be rolled out as soon as we’re convinced that they’re solid. Assuming we’re able to get everything working the way we’d like (and I’m fairly confident that we will) then this will address issue #2.

So that leaves us with issue #3: client performance. Some time ago the WvW team acquired an engine programmer who is focused 100% on this issue (and he is being assisted by another engine programmer who isn’t officially on the WvW team). They’re working on some really fantastic optimizations and engine modifications which we hope will allow even min-spec clients to render all the players on a WvW map. We’ll be talking in more detail about the specific changes they’re making when things get just a little more nailed down, but I can say right now that I’m very impressed with the work they’ve done already.

Question: why not temporarily solve both problems by allowing an option for wvwvw… super low res graphics with no culling. I’d choose that in a heartbeat.. i don’t care what the enemy looks like as long as i can tell that they are not my team and i can see them. Stick figures even. I’m in it for the fighting not the wizbang effects.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


With the monthly involving jumping puzzles there will be a lot more pve people wandering into wvw to try and get their achievments. Anyone caught killing these poor innocent folks will get a free high five from me. Again if anyone sees a member of [PURG] not attacking the enemy in a jumping puzzle please report them to an officer.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Mag.. you guys sound irked.. are you mad? We didn’t mean to recruit better than you this week.. honest. We were just trying to get numbers like yak has to stay competitive but we stubbed your toe in the process i see. Apologies.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

(edited by Plutonium.1308)

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


With all of the “to the so and so who was at this place last night” and “what were you wearing, I might remember you”, this thread is turning out to be a bit awkward and uncomfortable.

mag is a roleplaying server?

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Who were the 2 OG we fought last night on the center island of mag bl? It was a norn warrior and a necro(sylvari or human, not sure), vs our 3 random pugs.. i was a lowbie hammer guardian and we had a thief and necro. That was some fun fights, you guys kept coming back over and over.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Here’s footage of the ehmry bay player who was using a speed hack.. Wksim [Nevr]:

I already sent a link to, tho wouldn’t hurt for others to report him.

Will do as well.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


See at least from the players I know on Mag, we seem to have fun no matter who we are facing.. the fact that you guys are the only ones in here not having fun when we are around kind of supports my statement. Thanks?


Not gonna feed the troll. You’re welcome and good luck in the next tier.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Apparently everything is about Ehmry Bay.. in the minds of ehmry bay players

Is that the going gossip on Maguuma’s almighty mumble server?

No, I have not been in game so far this match up .. as I said on page 1 I think it was, I’m sick and have been sleeping and browsing forums and matchup page.
I think this again is a good example of what Ebay thinks of mag in general.

Ebay pretty much would like you guys to move on down so we can get back to the fun matchups we’ve been having. Next week will be great fun win or lose.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


score update:
yaks – 69,300
ehmry – 51,000
mag’s – third

Good matchup so far!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Yeah i saw you guys got some of the few organized guilds on darkhaven in transfers. Too bad for them they’ll prolly start tumbling down the ranks now.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/28 DH/DB/BP

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Wow sorry to hear that Darkhaven.. you guys were always a good match while Ehmry was climbing up from the bottom. Sucks to get snaked by a server you are currently playing.. but the game as a whole is contracting slowly, and folks who like to play in an organized fashion with large numbers are going to have to consolidate on less and less servers. Hopefully you guys don’t fall too far after this.

ON another note, hurry up and move back up DB so you can play us and yak.. our new asian guilds would like some competition for sure.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Grand Theft Golem

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


now they need to fix /dance for golems

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

28/12 YB V EB V MAG

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Lots and lots of comedy gold in this thread guys.. keep at it!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Next week all 3 scores are very close… how about we team up and knock yak down a tier.. get the week after that to be ebay mag and dragonbrand? That would be a fun one.

*Sniff sniff,

I smell….. fear.

my mind is boggling.. you know this is a video game right?

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Next week all 3 scores are very close… how about we team up and knock yak down a tier.. get the week after that to be ebay mag and dragonbrand? That would be a fun one.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/21 BP vs EB vs DH vs Xmas

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


It would seem to me that they wanted to provoke a post on the forums about it. You gave them a wonderful christmas gift.

Don’t take pvp personally, you’ll enjoy it more. Live, die, get taunted.. whatever just enjoy the fighting!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Go dragonbrand go! Here’s to a fun next week!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/21 Yak's Bend/Maguuma/Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Go Dragonbrand go!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/21 BP vs EB vs DH vs Xmas

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Good fights so far this week!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/14 : YB vs Mag vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Too funny reading yak and mag talk in here while us on ebay just play the game and enjoy ourselves. Carry on!

If we get moved down we get away from maguuma, i’d say that is a blessing. Maybe next week after borlis and yak double team the mags.. we’ll swap places with em and they go to tier 5 while we come back up. If not who cares.. it being a video game and all, we’re here for the fighting. A new set of opponents would be awesome.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


I guess see you in two weeks Emry! \o.o

That is the plan.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/14 - YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Why is thread filled with a bunch of people trying to go hard in da paint

Not sure… seems that mag is mad at yak for something, the Ebay abides.

Welcome to the server [HIRE], our lack of a large enough overnight presence has been the only thing holding us back thus far.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Here comes another page of long e-book posts explaining how a gank group works and why my particular one is pure awesomeness and vital to the war effort. Badges! Awesome mumble coordination! Group composition!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

12/7 YB vs MG vs EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Hi Yak see you out there.
Hey mag see more of the normal from you I’m sure.

Am i doing it right? This forum pvp thing is so new and fresh!

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Where are we for score maguumans?

Third place.. read up a few posts.


Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

11/23 - Crystal v. Ehmry v. Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Sounds like EBay and CD have an alliance against mag? Discuss.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

Jumping puzzle in EB

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Just a hint. but the range on trebuchet’s is much more than 2000, one built.. say.. at the entrance could bomb the top of the arena dome and clear it off completely. Get some friends, get some supply, and give it a go.

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


Seriously DB and HoD, stop teaming up against Ebay. The worst is at around 9pm. Literally the only server you guys attack is us…

You own the entire map. What else do you expect? Anything that DB ever has is too far away from spawn to keep defended.

message got deleted for lack of content, so here’s a better more constructive post.

Definition of SARCASM
: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
b : the use or language of sarcasm

Origin of SARCASM
French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar?s- to cut
First Known Use: 1550

I think he was being sarcastic in his post by the way, which is a tricky thing, as it’s hard to tell from the written word on a forum.

ps. is that better mr. mod?

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte

11/16 Ehmry v. Henge v. Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Plutonium.1308


I wish you guys had skipped the PVE event and come to wvw earlier in the week:(

Observe Adapt Overcome
[FTF]Danke Bitte