Showing Posts For Rabbi Rick.3194:

Requesting Ticket Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


So what you’re saying is that because your friend purchased an illegal key, ArenaNet is responsible for issuing a legal key to your friend at their expense?

If you buy a used car from the shady guy on the corner and the car turns out to be stolen, do you expect Ford to send you a new car when the police confiscate the one you purchase? No.

Although the game is only 39 dollars, it is the same principle. Unfortunately, there are “shady dealers on the corner,” stealing keys through various nefarious means and selling them. Given that ArenaNet sells the product directly and there are many authorized retailers, the buyer who goes elsewhere falls victim to the old adage “Caveat emptor”, “Let the buyer beware.”

That ArenaNet is willing to let your friend keep their current account, characters, etc. seems more than reasonable to me.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

No answer account ranger lvl 1

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


Posting a new thread about a problem that should be addressed via a support ticket is not likely to accomplish much. Look in the stickied threads above and read about posting a support ticket through the support page “ask a question” function. If your account has been compromised (usually the reason for character deviations), you will need to change your password and request an account rollback.

Best of luck,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Multiple Accounts, Single Client

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

There is absolutely no problem having multiple accounts but running the same client files. Each son will need to have their own email address and password, etc. However, you will have to figure out how to break up the sibling rivalry over who has access to the computer to play each day

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


You’ve posted your query in the wrong forum. This forum is for account issues, not for makitten ues. Might I suggest “Players helping players” as there are several threads about this issue already in that forum. (Which is where I went to find my solution just a couple of days ago and was able to get enough info to find the elusive #175.)

Just my two coppers worth,

I thought they had fixed the forum’s filter ignoring spaces – or did something reverse on it?

Hah… didn’t even notice that.

Ok Mr. Forum Censor…Cartography Conundrums

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Shiverpeak Explorer 174/175

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


You’ve posted your query in the wrong forum. This forum is for account issues, not for makitten ues (Cartography Conundrums). Might I suggest “Players helping players” as there are several threads about this issue already in that forum. (Which is where I went to find my solution just a couple of days ago and was able to get enough info to find the elusive #175.)

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

Didn't Receive Large Achievement Chest

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

I don’t post often, but from the posts on this thread it is clear that some of the players are not understanding how the achievement rewards and accompanying chests work. So,

First and foremost, if there is a problem with receiving a chest, Account Issues is not the correct forum for your issue. Report your issue under “Bugs” so that it has a better chance of being seen by the appropriate Anet people.

Second, if you see a chest listed under your achievements panel, it means you have not yet received that chest. Once you receive a reward for your achievement points, that reward scrolls of the list and the chest displayed on the far left of your achievement screen is the NEXT chest you will receive, not the one you just received.

Third, you will only receive one achievement reward each day. If you’ve received a chest in the last period between “Daily” resets, you’ll need to wait until the dailies reset again to receive your next chest. You will continue to receive a daily achievement chest until the value of the chest on the left of your achievement screen exceeds the achievement points you’ve accumulated. From that point forward, you will be rewarded a new chest each time you gain the number of points indicated by the chest on the left of the row in your achievement panel.

Finally, it is certainly possible that there is a bug when it comes to having a full inventory and having the achievement chest portion of the reward not showing and, as a result, getting lost in the ether. While it will be great if this bug is found and resolved, I would suggest not opening the achievement reward with a character that has fewer than 3 open inventory slots. For one thing, opening a chest, once in your inventory, will give you 5-8 items, including another PvP chest containing an additional 5+ items. Might I suggest you have a designated character that manages your daily retroactive achievement reward and that that character have 10 to 20 open inventory slots. You could open your chest(s), deal with the “fallout” and be ready for the next day.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

griefing with the horns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Might I suggest a new item for the gem store.


The Cone of Silence

Skill 1 – Sets down field of silence with range of x for 5 minutes.
Skills 2-5 – Leave it to your imagination.

That being said, this message is in the wrong area as this is not an account issue. Expect it to be either closed, or moved, in the very near future.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Black Citadel Instances not giving exit.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

4/15/2013 – 7:00 am Server Time

I decided to finally get the BC covered on my main. All of the instances in the Black Citadel were not allowing exit. The only ways to return to the BC were to die, pay, go to HoM, relog, or where possible (two instances) run into the border edge and get “kicked.”

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Please enlighten those of us who’ve only been dealing with computers and account security for two decades as to how forcing a password change increases the hack risk if users follow the guidelines?

Part of the new password change is that you will not be allowed to use any password that you have used previously (a common practice). Moreover, from what I understand, you will not even be able to use a password that another has previously used.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


Which is why I said a “Handwritten Journal.” If you keep a little black book, you are far less likely to lose it (although I’ve misplaced mine in the clutter of my desk occasionally, it’s a book, so more readily found.)

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

On a more serious note,

To all concerned -

Account security is never JUST the user’s problem. Rare is the user, especially a player in a game that demands a great deal of time, attention, and in some cases, capital, who does not demand that the company fix or restore their account after said account has been hacked, whether by brute force or user error.

I’ve been involved in the computer and Internet industry for more than two decades. Whenever the security of a user account relies solely on a password, it is not uncommon for the administrators to require a mandatory password change. Furthermore, it is also not uncommon for said change to have strict guidelines about the reuse of an already expired password. Kudos to Anet for taking it a step further and also banning the use of commonly known or tried passwords. (You would not believe the number of people who, over the years, actually use “password.”) Currently, I work at a major University that REQUIRES a password change every 90 days. There are many methods by which a person can make such changes effortlessly. While I myself do not use outside program generators, they do work for some. You can use the book method I describe above. You can use a Base password with some random additions (Kim Kommando has an article on this method). Whatever your method, in my considerable experience, the effort to change a password and remember it is far less of an inconvenience than recovering an account, losing credit, or opening other accounts to possible hacks because your effort simply involved adding a “1,” “2,” or “3” to the end of the word you use on every site/game/account you’ve ever owned.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

On the Mandatory Password Change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Well GJ Anet! Since I already had a unique password that was different from the others I have, now I’ll have to put one I use on another game/site. Great way to make me less secure!

Well, after reading through this travesty of a thread, I feel I could help some of you who find it too difficult to create a new “unique” password. My wife made me promise to compose this in a way that is least likely to get me infracted. I’ll do my best. Whatever you do, do not reuse passwords.

Easy ways to create a new “Unique Password.”

Method 1.
a. Look around the room you are sitting in.
b. Find a thing that looks like a stack of paper that is surrounded by two thicker
pieces of paper (sometimes these are hard). Pick this up. It is called a “book.”
If you don’t see a book anywhere near you, get out of your chair and look
around. You may actually have to look in another room.
c. Open the book anywhere observing that the letters look like the language
you’ve been taught to read. If they don’t, you have the book upside down
(or you’ve picked up an instruction manual in multiple languages; in this event,
find the section in your language and reopen to a page in that section.)
d. Find the first word on the page – write it down.
e. Find the page number – write it down.
f. Find the last word on the page – write it down.
NOTE: for even more randomness, use the word that matches your birthday.
i.e. if you were born on the 5th, use the 5th word and the 5th word from the
g. Make your password firstwordpage#lastword. Capitalize some of the letters.
h. You now have a random password. Keep a private HANDWRITTEN journal
somewhere that tracks your password. To be even more secretive just write
the site/game name and the name of the book and the page number.

If you are unable to locate a book in your entire house, go to a library. (I’ll avoid snarky comments about learning to read, getting off of your computer and out of your basement, etc.)

Method 2 – If Method 1 is too confusing or too complicated for you.

a. Place your right hand (or left hand, if left-handed) with the palm firmly against
the back of your head.
b. Lean in real close to your keyboard so that you can clearly see the keys.
c. With a rapid movement pull your head down until your face makes full contact with your keyboard. Hint: The more times you repeat this step, the more secure your password will be.
d. Write down the sequence you see on your screen once your vision has cleared.
e. See step h above.

I hope this helps some of you password-challenged individuals.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

Merry Christmas! [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Merry Christmas to all. May the Arenanet team enjoy a well-deserved Christmas and New Year’s break.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

[Bug] Ranger Trait - Nature's Bounty

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Although this trait does seem to increase the regeneration time applied by healing fountain, it is not affecting the skill Troll Ungent, which should increase from 10 to 13 seconds.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

[Bug] Mesmer Mirror Blade not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

I have noticed that my mirror blade greatsword skill seldom hits multiple targets or “bounces between targets.” I have targeted mops in straight lines, small close groups, and other configurations, but only one target gets hit. The only time multiple targets get hit seems to be if they are occupying, even in a small way, the same exact space. First world problem, so please deal with it when you can.

Thanks for listening,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

Don't kick me when I am typing!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

I presume you are reading the chat coming back at you in the chat window. In this window, where you are sending and receiving messages, you will get a bright yellow countdown of being kicked for being idle. Additionally, at your logout, when it returns you to the character select screen, you will receive a message that says that you were logged out for idleness. If you are seeing neither of these, then you are not getting kicked for being idle; rather, you are experience some sort of network disconnect. Just a hint, everytime you are disconnected, you receive a box that gives a code number. It would probably help you with your problem if you posted that code and message here for support.

E. Rick Hutchins Jr.
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Bug? Harvesting tools

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Since I did not see this change in the update notes, I am presuming there is a bug related to old code being triggered.

During the first BWE, tools were soulbound. After much discussion, I assume, the tools were finally change to only become soulbound when they were used; however, the required level for the tools was not being displayed. Recently, since launch, and I believe it to have happened in the Sept. 6 update, tools reverted to being soulbound on acquire – but the required level is being displayed as it was during first BWE. If this is a bug, please, when you have time for such a first-world problem, could the tools be fixed to once again be soulbound on use, not acquire. If this was an intentional change due to some exploitation, I wouldn’t mind knowing why, but more importantly, I would at least like to see them account bound rather than soul bound.

Thanks for listening,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)