Showing Posts For Rabbi Rick.3194:

SAB Bug - Baubles Aren't Counting Up

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

You must upgrade your In-SAB Bauble capacity. There are two upgrades to purchase — the first raises your bauble capacity to 500, the second to 750. Just google Bauble Tote and Bauble purse and you will find instructions on where to find them.

750 is the maximum loose baubles you can pick up. Baubles contained in daily chests, etc. will add to your total above your current max.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

There is nothing described in this thread that falls into the “Pay to Win” category. For those of you who are describing these things as such, “I do not think this word means what you think it means.”

Pay to win is when a company sells an item, skill, or other feature that advances one player over another for real world cash with NO OTHER WAY of obtaining said items.

The items described in this thread can not only be purchased by simply playing the game, they do not offer a unique skill or feature. A sickle that harvests a little faster, so what, does that mean players who have speed boosts have an unfair advantage running from node to node over mesmers or other classes with very low speed boosts – NO. Picks that harvest extra watchwork pieces. Well, first, then buy one with gold. Second, so what – use your gold to buy the watchwork pieces. The simple fact of the matter is that none of these things fall outside of the same range of advantage that simply allowing players to convert real money to gold in order to buy legendaries, ascended armor, etc. It is not Pay to Win. For real information on Pay to win, visit R.A. Salvatore’s Facebook page, he recently had a very interesting write up on the practice.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Issue With Ice Totem

in Living World

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

The fix that just went in for these events is PERFECT. I jumped to Frostgorge jut to see the fallout and things seem to be much smoother. Champ farmers are getting their bags, story seekers are moving forward. The vitriol that was formerly present during this change seems to have dissipated greatly. GG Anet!

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Fix the bugged Collection Achievements pls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Sorry, my bad on assuming you wanted a Dev response; more often than not, posters who bump their threads are looking for that.

I don’t know what the status of testers is, but I think Dulfy is considered “press,” and as we can see on various blogs, online rags, etc, press seems to get a 3 or so day headstart peek into upcoming feature changes, but they probably aren’t doing much in the way of testing. Also, having been a software developer, I can tell you that sometimes one thing is introduced into the system that, via ripple effect, causes a problem someplace unrelated to the area being changed/patched/fixed and the rippled upon area is not tested because no one is thinking that there is something changed there.

The best course for bugs in Live is to report the bug via the ingame “Bug” report. Anet has a “krewe” whose sole job is to monitor those reports and pass them along to the appropriate teams for fixing. Type /bug in the chat line to report a bug in game.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Fix the bugged Collection Achievements pls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


It is a violation of forum rules to bump your post
Bumping a post that is less than 25 hours old is pointless, especially when your original post is made on a Sunday, a day in which Anet programmers, etc do not work.
Additionally, do not expect a response from programmers to your bug report; after all, they are busy fixing bugs. Rest assured, they either read these forums or have pertinent details presented to them; however, they will not spend time respond as they are busy fixing.
Finally, I’m not sure where you get your information, but I’ve seen nothing from Dulfy that indicates that the host of the site or anyone affiliated with it, tests things for several weeks. My understanding is that Dulfy simply gets a little bit of “Press” exposure before a patch goes live – I could be wrong on this point, mind you.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Issue With Ice Totem

in Living World

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

When you hit this event and there are champ farmers, just go for the objective anyway. I’ve done it on more than one occasion. Just ping away at the shamans (shamen?) and they’ll eventually go down. Anyone farmer whining…The wonderful thing about an unlimited block function.

And if you ever are having problems..just send me a PM, I’ll jump up there and help if I’m online.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Ranger Sword #3 Serpent Strike failing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

1. It is against the Forum rules to continually bump a thread.
2. As your thread is just barely a day old, bumping it is pointless.
3. Anet does not “Reply” to bug report threads, they note them, put them on the schedule, and then deal with them appropriately.
4. Finally, IT IS SUNDAY, the weekend, while Arenanet customer service works 24/7, Arenanet programmers, writers, developers, etc. do not. Therefore, they will likely not even see this thread until well after the week gets underway tomorrow (in about 12 hours from the time of this message.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Contacting an Admin

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

First, you should never open more than one ticket on a single issue. This is a problem that Anet in constantly reminding players as it not only creates confusion (on both sides), but slows down a resolution.

Second, to solve the issue with your confusion, go in and close all but ONE of your tickets. You can do this by logging in and looking at the tickets or by emailing back on all but one of them and asking for the issue to be closed;

HOWEVER, keep in mind, multiple agents may respond to a single ticket because your issue may need escalating, the agent may not be familiar with that type of issue, or quite simply, the first (or second, etc.) agent may have gone home for the day but Anet still wants to help you as soon as possible.

One additional note, you should not post on the forums about a ticket you’ve created unless said ticket is more than three days old. See the red, stickied threads above.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Buying a used Game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Buying or Selling an account is a clear violation of the ToS. Beyond that, even if you were to never have the account banned just because you bought it second hand, the original purchaser, who has the original codes, emails, etc. could always seek to reclaim ownership and because he or she would have the appropriate documentation, would succeed. Even worse, an unscrupulous seller could (and it has happened) sell the account to multiple people and let them fight over the ownership which would simply result in the account being permanently disabled and everyone (except the seller) would lose.

Your best bet is to just buy a new copy from the NCSoft home page. You just missed a great 50 percent off sale, but keep an eye out as it tends to go on sale every 3-4 months. My advice (based on 35 years of gaming), avoid buying game keys, etc. from places like ebay.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Gem Purchase Error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


I’ve had a similar problem occur on Saturday. Although customer service is working on it, I thought you might want the extra information. I bought $35.00 worth of gems Saturday, and upon completing the Paypal authorization, I received the failed transaction message; however, unlike the aforementioned issues, my debit card was charged the amount, but I never received the gems. I’m happy to be patient with customer service and work with them to get the issue resolved, but I’m hesitant to purchase more gems with Paypal before the issue is resolved, and I purchased them in order to get the watchwork pick while it was available again. I do think this is an issue with Digital River (which is what I told CS.) Once again, I’m only providing this information to you, not asking for you to take your time to intervene, you’ve enough on your plate.


Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Loot = Why We Play (Stop the Nerf)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Gold sinks. Why do you think you now have to pay to start an event? Because Anet has no idea how to creatively handle gold in the economy other than “Pay me to access this content!”

This statement is blatantly false.

So, how have they creatively handled gold in the economy other than paying said gold to access content? If you know a statement is false, please provide examples showing it is false. I really would be interested to know how Anet has created a gold sink that is not “Receive content for gold.”

What Content is from the gemstore only? Am I missing something? I see lots of toys and styles and what not, but that’s not content, that’s bling as another poster put it.

Skins and items. I term this as content because Anet themselves said that endgame in GW2 is cosmetic. As the end game is content, and the end game is cosmetic, therefore content is cosmetic.

While not “blatantly false,” both of your statements are really nice logical fallacies.

1. You do not “HAVE” to pay for the Boss Blitz (I assume this is the one you are referring) to, donating does speed up the reset process. Previously, this formula was followed in LA with Heal-O-Tron and the “bard” (may he rest in peace.) Extrapolating this into whether or not Anet is using it to generate revenue via the gold exchange is a gross over-generalization.

2. Your latter statement, concluding with the statement that “content is cosmetic” is a false equivocation. The statement follows the same logic as “Penguins are black and white. Old TV Shows are black and white; therefore, Penguins are old TV shows.”

Just my two coppers worth, and because I’m a fan of proper, sound argument techniques.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Fortune Scraps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Will I be able to use all of my left over Fortune Scraps from the last Bazaar of the Four Winds on the upcoming one? Thanks

You can use them now. Just take them to the Black Lion Weaponsmith. If you have them in your inventory, he offers all of the fortune items.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Feedback: I think this was a mistake

in Living World

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

While I somewhat agree with your main thesis, your reasoning is a bit unsound.

1. You do not know the testing schedule for the content, and therefore, cannot state with assurance that 2 more weeks of testing on each release might have fixed the bugs. There are a lot of variables involved in testing – time is only one very small part of it. I won’t posit any solutions here as, like you, I do not know all of the variables of Anet’s testing process.

2 and 3. These are exact counter arguments that can be simplified to one small axiom – “If you build it, people will complain.” When releases were a month apart, people complained that they burned through the content too fast and were bored. Anet’s answer, “Let’s release every two weeks;” the result, people complain that the content releases too fast. Here, perhaps the answer is a two week release schedule with overlap so that those who don’t have time to burn through content have time to complete it, and those who want the new stuff can dive in. (i.e. each release for a 3-4 week run, every two weeks.)

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Get your act together ArenaNet.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

First, to begin your post with such a vitriolic header is not likely to prompt a friendly response (as well as being against the forum terms of service).

Second, it is clear that your account password was stolen – this probably occurred because you used the same password that you used in another game or forum. If not that, it was stolen through a keylogger, an email hack, or some other such manner. Arenanet has no idea your password is stolen, and in fact, the very reason they email you is to prevent someone from actually getting into your game with the hacked information.

Finally, there are a few things you could do to alleviate the irritation that you are feeling.

1. Authorize the log in. I guarantee you will never be bothered with such emails again as someone in China will own your account.

2. Go into the account page (Top right, “My Account.”) and change your password.

3. Just delete the email and don’t worry about it. Takes about 2 seconds to click a message that says it’s from Arenanet and just remove it.

4. Email support directly.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Zealot's Intricate Goss. Insig. not in list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Never mind this message

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

Change forum/in-game display name?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

It seems as though Smooth, Astral, and the moderator are all misunderstanding the OP’s issue.

His or her name has already been changed. This post, although at first seeming a request for an account name change, begins with a brief history of the poster’s effort to get his or her name changed (which appears to have been successful and the user’s new account name is Liberis) which led him or her to SUGGEST that there be an option (one-time or two-time) to allow a user to change his or her account name without going through all of the red tape that such a change currently suggests.

This is, therefore, a suggestions change. Liberis, it might help if you retitled your message with the word “Suggestion:” in front of the title.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

will there be individual mix and match pieces in future releases? Or will they all be complete sets?

We will continue to release mix and match armor skin pieces

Will there be any guarantee that any new pieces won’t completely change in the future so that they are completely unusable for the purposes for which they were purchased?

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Do what you will with promo items, etc., but,

Uh, no, I like my Dragon Emblem Shirt the way it is currently, thanks. Just because you most likely do not have one doesn’t mean changing our shirt to an entirely worthless tonic is cool, at all.

Just keep Town Clothing as a separate outfit. It’s fine the way it is now. It really doesn’t seem like Anet is listening. It’s like we’re just bashing our heads against a giant, obstinate wall. They’re obviously set on doing this, and they obviously don’t really care about our predicament.

Hey, by the way guys and gals, they’re adding a lot of new outfits into the gem store after the new patch! =^.^=


Actually, I do have a dragon shirt which I received when my wife and I attended the launch party at Pink in Seattle. I very much like the shirt the way it is; however, as it did not cost real money, I don’t feel that I can complain. Those items that did, on the other hand, I do feel I have some room to complain about.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

As always we ask you to try out the new system of customization and see what’s available to you. I think many people will be surprised by how many pieces have become armor compatible. We hope the benefits to the outfit system and wardrobe in terms of future support and additions will be clear, and you can look forward to more new outfits coming very soon.

One does not need to try out the new customization to know that

2. Individual clothing pieces that were purchased to mix with other individual clothing pieces that are turned into tonics that can only be used one at a time and produce an Anet decided choice of complete outfits that are not even dyable is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.

Do what you will with promo items, etc., but,

Changing the system and downgrading (no this is not a feature enhancement) these items that for the most part are bought with Real Money is your choice; however, you must be prepared to refund that money (even in gem form) to all users who ask for it.

I can guarantee you that I will not want any of the items that become all or nothing or turned into useless tonics.


Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

So with champ bag changes. . .

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

There is one, sure fire way to make gold at an alarming rate. I’m pretty sure using this method, I can outdo most TP speculators, gold farmers, and other such tedious methods.

Guaranteed minimum of at least 50 gold per hour.

It’s called “get a job.” At the current minimum rate in this state of a little more than $9 an hour (and $14 in some areas), it is by far the best use of time. Then when you play, you can just play for fun and content. (I know, some people like farming and the TP.)


Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Convert Gold to Gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

People seem to forget or just ingore the fact that you can convert gold to gems instead of buying gems for cash. If you don’t want to buy gems with cash, because of any reason you have, then you convert gold to buy gems and with those gems you can buy anything in the gem store.

If people are still going to start threads whining about the Gem Store and how ArenaNet only focuses on the gem store because of greed, when there is a way to buy stuff from gem store with in-game currency, then people really are spoiled brats.

Spoiled Brats? REALLY? The spoiled brats, imho, are those who can sit around with no job, no life, and rest on their parents income and play the game 24/7 to farm gold.

First, There is NO WAY you can earn 30-50g in 2 hours at a sustained rate, but even if you could, 25 gold at the current game rate is 270 gems or roughly 3 dollars. No thank you – I have a real job. In other words, I can work for one hour, buy more than 10 times that number of gems, and then actually play the game for its content.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Farming Stones for the feature build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Absolutely, what better use of your time than to farm a single Transmutation Crystal.

Jay, tell ‘em what they’ve one.

That’s right, you’ve won a single, all expenses paid transmutational excursion. Retail value: 50 cents.

So, run RS 4 times in an hour and you’ll get $2.00. Almost the minimum wage in Ohio. Well worth the time.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Feedback/Questions: Transmutations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Okay, for those of you who keep arguing off the point about “why did I buy the lower level transmute charges.” Quite simply, my time is worth far more than the $1.00 per 15 minutes you get paid in transmute stones to complete a map. If your time is worth only $4.00 an hour, good on you. I find it much more efficient to just buy a few stones to have my characters look the way I want them to look during their levelling up stage. I typically only change armor at level 20, 40, 60, and 80. At which point their look is, pardon the pun, set in stone. As for changing looks once they’re at 80, I don’t, I change characters. Currently working on number 32. It’s just the way I roll.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Feedback/Questions: Transmutations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

The question is not why I would buy these, as many have bought them. Not everyone has the time to play the game enough to earn 500 stones. (I do have a little over 100 on my main account, at least 50 of which were purchased when on sale.) However, to answer your question, if I have none, and I have a set of armor (phoenix) that I wanted on my new necro from the time I created her until level 80, and want to maintain the look throughout, then the stones are needed. Why I bought them, however, has absolutely no relevance to the low rate at which Anet is exchanging them.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Feedback/Questions: Transmutations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

While many players earned free stones from map completion, etc. Many players purchased those charges and the rate for purchase is NOT 3:1. The current cost of Transmutation stones, (when buying 25) is 500. The charge for crystals is 800. The ratio of price difference is approximately 1.7 to 1. Lest you think, Oh everyone has most of theirs free, on my alt account I bought 25 just a couple of weeks ago, of which, I’ve used 12. I just received 3 free ones from a map completion, meaning that I will only receive 5 crystals back (which would cost (plus the stones are good for skins on low level armor). Cost of the 13 remaining PURCHASED crystals, 250 gems. Value of the new 5 transmute charges 200. (current cost of 5 TCs on BLTC.

WILL ANET REFUND THE DIFFERENCE? If not, they just stole a value of 50 gems from my account. While I realize that this is one small scenario representing only about 75 cents, spread this out over the 100s of thousands of players that have purchased transmutation stones?

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Refund on Existing Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


The Dev Curtis Johnson just posted ..

Curtis Johnson.8456:

“Yes outfits are all or nothing.”

Meaning — No more Santa Hat with Wintersday outfit. (A regular ingame character does this)

No more Wizard hat with Witches outfit. (I absolutely HATE the male witches head gear).

And so on.

No mixing and matching outfit pieces with other random town clothes items.

So, “No,” you cannot have mixed “outfits.”

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Refund on Existing Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

The problem is, the normal process is to “delete” the item and then send a message back to support; however, once this change goes live, what will be the item to delete as it appears from the video that everything becomes a panel in the wardrobe and not an inventory item.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Refund on Existing Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

My wife and I have purchased almost every outfit for use in Guild Wars 2 across our three accounts.


What will the process be to refund our gems for the costumes that will now become simply cut and paste copies of the outfits the hundreds of thousands of other people who purchased these costumes are wearing.

These outfits were originally sold as pieces that could be mixed and match to create the look you wanted for your character, or in other words, to “play the way you want to play.” Changing their functionality in this manner amounts to little more than a bait and switch.


Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Although it’s too late to nip this thread in the bud, we should really just leave it alone already. We all know that Scarlet was a bit nuts. However, we’ll never know the root of the problems she had, only that the seeds of her insanity came from her myriad experiments and blossomed into full grown craziness.

Now enough with all the bark ing just because the responses given go against the grain of your morality.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

SPOILER: Jokes in bad taste.

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Having dealt with tragedy and death for years in one of my lines of work, some words from my other line of work seems always appropriate in these situations:

“And if I laugh at any mortal thing, ’Tis that I may not weep” – Don Juan
Canto IV – Byron

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

My view on this patch

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

I was apprehensive about this release, since I love Lion’s Arch… have from the original Guild Wars. So I log in to see the depressing cinematic of the destruction of my beloved city. Then I appear in Lion’s Arch where I had logged out… being attacked and dying to poison. I am dead in less than a minute after logging in. No story… nothing just I appear in the middle of killing madness. What kind of storytelling is that?

I have had it with these updates, you are systematically destroying all the things I have loved about this game. Good work Arenanet…. time for a long break from the game.

A very disappointed….

Amethyst Rose


I’m sorry that you had this experience; however, I believe it was a bug as all characters were supposed to be redirected and a cutscene shown (unless you were under level 30). Try with a different character or find the “crier” in the camps to view the cutscene as that provides a lot of background.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Unable to equip transmuted Staff

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


First, please be kind to those responding, they are only trying to help.

Second, I’ve never heard of this problem in over 4000 hours of playing, which makes me think it is not a bug. If it is a bug, the way to get help with it is by using the Services—>Support link above and submitting a ticket. If the ticket is not responded to in three days, then return here and post the ticket number and Gaile will try her very best to help you.

Meanwhile, there are a couple of things you can try.

1. Go to lion’s arch and see if the staff will work there. Occasionally skills etc. will bug out during active play or a player will get locked in combat (during which you cannot switch weapons). Usually logging out, dying, or waypointing will remedy this (however, you cannot waypoint while in combat.)

2. Check the staff and see what level it is. It is entirely possible that the staff you found was one or two levels higher than your character and won’t let you equip it until you catch up.

3. Take a screenshot of your character with inventory open and the cursor over the staff in question. Post your problem and screenshot in the “Players helping Players” forum You would be surprise how many intelligent, game savvy types hang out on the forums just to help others.

Finally, I’m not sure why you used a transmute stone on the staff. You can obtain unlimited “Zenith” skins of any variety that you’ve unlocked by going to the achievements tab of your hero screen and picking the skin you want and clicking “Withdraw.”

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

I forgot my Account name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

I’ve submitted a ticket, and i feel extremely stupid. I haven’t played GW2 for a while and got a new laptop and i forgot my Account Name, although i remember my password as i can long in onto the forums and the site. Was submitting a ticket the right thing to do or is there another way i can figure out my Account name?

The information to log in to the game is the exact same information you used to log into the forum.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Un-Link Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Your account is not necessarily compromised. Based on the language of your post, it seems as though you do not play GW2, but you might be playing GW1? If this is the case , and you have authentication for GW2 turned on, you will be sent an authentication email everytime you log into GW1, even though GW1 does not require the authentication.

It doesn’t hurt to double check that you haven’t been compromised, however.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Account name changed on me...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


No need to open a new ticket. Post your ticket number in the “three day” thread, and I’m sure the lovely Gaile will help you out, especially since your ticket is so old.

I’m curious, just what language do you speak that the word you used after noob means cake. You might have been better off trying to argue that you were naming your account after a tropical bird. However, No one is buying it. The word is, in its most common usage, against the ToS, and as such, you do not get the privilege of renaming your account to a name of your choice. Arenanet is far less tolerant of uncivil behavior, for which I am grateful. As Gaile says very often, “in the future, choose wisely.”

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Cannot access guild bank [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Chris.9142 … you assume too much, Anet doesn’t have a problem with people having two or more accounts at all. I know for a fact that several Anet employees do so. As for only a couple of extra character slots. You don’t really know the hardcore players, I guess. I have two accounts with 15 slots on each, most of which are level 80. On GW1, I had two accounts with 28 characters each. I’m sure I’ll hit that point with GW2 eventually; and I know that I am not numbered among the few.

Now, for Romek.

Gold sellers are a serious problem in an MMO; they destroy the integrity and the economy of the game. While Anet’s policies may seem rather tough, they were a welcome change had you seen the issues with gold sellers, guild thieves, etc. To that end, any new account must meet 1 of 2 conditions for unlimited transactions.

1. The account must be 30 days old.
2. The account must earn through “natural” means (farming, harvesting, looting, etc.) an amount of in game gold value equivalent to the amount of money/goods being transferred (either through mail or guild transfer.)

Additionally, new members to guilds cannot withdraw from the guild bank for (I believe) 72 hours.

I would suggest you pick on character and begin leveling to 80 on your secondary account just to build up your “gold buffer.” Once you get to 80, farm Orr or Southsun for rapid cash. I’m not sure if buying and selling on the TP would quickly and substantially increase your limit, but it might be worth a shot.

Just my two coppers worth,

(edited for grammar and mechanics, because I must)

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

Friend was banned for making a joke

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

This exact type of thing happened to me over the Halloween weekend back in GW 1 days. Same type of joke, banned within three minutes. It took the entire weekend to sort it out, but a message to support to examine the context, look at the joke url, and reverse the decision was handled as rapidly as one could expect (I did have to get it escalated to a senior support supervisor.)

While I was upset and disappointed that this happened, I did understand the reasoning for taking such quick action against what might be a potentially destructive force in MMO gaming and computer security. I would rather they ban and correct immediately than not ban, wait, and have some gold selling firm get the better of fellow players.

Have your friend submit a support ticket, I’m sure things will be resolved quickly.

(BTW, I never have made such a joke again.)

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Can I link 2 gw2 accounts without issues?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

I have had two accounts in both GW1 and GW2 for quite some time. I can assure you that simply sending items back and forth between the accounts is not an issue. I do it all the time (it’s a great way to get rid of inventory quickly while in the field of battle.) I also have a guild set up just for my two accounts; although it takes awhile, it’s a nice alternative way to exchange and store items for the two.

However, when I send gold between the two accounts, I always type a little note indicating that the exchange is between my own two accounts (it might help that both of my accounts have the same account name, just a different 4 digit number.)

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

didnt get mothly pvp box

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Peter, the first thing you should check is whether you received the PvE monthly reward. You are not able to receive both.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Digital Deluxe Edition Query

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Perhaps retailers in the area in which you live do not put things on “sale,” but stores in my area will commonly repackage a product to include something different for the same price. At the time that you purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition, you received exactly what you paid for. That ArenaNet repackaged the product and included different items and excluded others (the Hero’s Band) is irrelevant to your purchase months earlier.

Let me give you an example using what you describe. 2 years ago, my wife and I purchased a Chevrolet HHR. We love our little car, but the new model has better gas mileage, free Satellite radio for life, and a year’s worth of OnStar, which ours did not come with. There is no chance that if I were to drive my car back to the dealer that they would give me all of the new features at no cost, even though the car bears the same name. Why? Because it’s the 2014 version of the HHR. What you purchased was the 2013 version of the Digital Deluxe version. ArenaNet is under absolutely no obligation to provide you a 2014 version at absolutely no cost. As Gaile said, the items can be easily purchased in game, and if you’ve been playing it, you have had, or will have had the opportunity to gain those items and then some – such as the 20-slot box given when the Karka Queen event first happened (and many other things). These things can never be received by new players, but players who bought the old model had more than ample time to gain the equivalent of the rewards in game.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

WvW Environmental Abuse

in WvW

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

This flaw/bug/whatever has been around since day one. If you search threads you will see rather lengthy discussions on it. Moreover, those who have played FC often are aware of their practiced strategy of using this mechanic. On HoD, we never leave an FC mesmer inside a gate without one or more people camping them until they give up. One thing about FC mesmers though, they are patient little buggers. I’ve seen them wait more than 2 hours to get rezzed.

There are some on our server that won’t use our mesmers if they die inside the gate, saying that it’s “dishonorable.” If it is working as intended, which I glean that it is, then it’s a fair mechanic, but you have to watch the other servers carefully.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Digital Deluxe Edition Query

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

According to our Marketing Team, the items you mention are from the Heroic Edition, not the Digital Deluxe Edition.


You might want to update the Marketing team with the information that the new “Digital Deluxe” Edition includes the items mentioned by the OP (as in, it includes the Heroic Edition); however, the DD edition is about 20 more than the Heroic and includes additional items.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

My account name changed!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


When a user chooses a name that violates the ToS, an Arenanet mod will replace the users name with an anagram of the mod’s. Your original name is a slang expression for a male body part and is a clear violation of the ToS; therefore, it was changed.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


The description you linked to has multiple inaccuracies. Most notably in the following:


The items listed below cannot be moved to another character through the Bank. Once they are accepted through the in-game mail system, the items become soulbound (that is, available exclusively to that character). Therefore, please be careful to accept the item from the in-game mail system with the character that you have chosen to use that particular item. You will receive one of each item, if included in the edition you purchased.

Suit of Legacy Armor (found within the Heroic Chest)
Mithral Box
One Set of 10 Experience Boosters (found within the Heroic Chest)
Summer Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill

The Heroic Chest comes to the player account bound “when accepted through the in-game mailing system.” As indicated, the Suit of armor, Mithril Box, and 10 Experience Boosters come in the chest. However, these items are NOT soulbound. The box and the boosters are account bound and may be placed in the account bank and used by various characters. The armor comes in a chest of the variety chosen by the receiver of the heroic chest, (Krytan, Primeval, or Profane). This armor chest is also account bound until it is opened by the character of the players choosing, at which point the armor skin is delivered. This armor skin is also account bound until the skins (which are not full armor pieces) are applied to a player’s armor. At that point, the skins are soul bound (and I won’t go into how even that may be overcome with transmute stones.)

I just verified this information by examining the heroic chest on my account which I’ve not yet open because I can’t decide which of my 15 characters gets the armor skin.

Just my two coppers worth,

Addition: I just opened the armor box, deciding I’d put it on my asura thief. Upon opening the chest of armor I received not only the skin item that one normally receives when buying only the armor from the BLTC (the skin item when double clicked expands into 6 skins that you can apply to armor pieces), but I also received a full set of account bound, blue quality, level 0 armor pieces with the Krytan skin already applied. I assume this is a bug, but in effect, I received two sets of medium armor Krytan skins for my account. One set in the form of skins that must be applied to armor pieces and one set of armor usable on a new character.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

(edited by Rabbi Rick.3194)

Account upgrade and recreation of character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


As many have stated, you will receive the account bound items on the first player you log in with. You may then safely place the items in a bank (available in any major town) and they will be safe for retrieval by any other character you make.

Specifically, the Rytlock, Chalice of Glory, and Tome of Influence will come to the first character you log in with, along with the Armor Set, Mithril Box, and 10 xp boosters, which will show up in a “Heroic Chest” that is account bound. The chest can be placed in the bank and opened by the character you wish to use the armor. Once opened, the items are account bound. The armor is a small package of armor that you choose the class type for (Light, Medium, or Heavy) upon opening the chest. You will then need to “open” the armor package with the character you are using it on. The XP stones and the mithril box remain account bound.

The Golem Banker will be received by each character you create on your account, and the Mistfire wolf is not an item, but a skill that each of your characters will have access to when they reach level 30.

If you wish to play it safe, create a new character with a different name first. Receive the items and place them in the bank. Then return to your original character, double check inventory if you wish to save anything you found during the trial, and if not soulbound, place it in the bank. If items are soulbound, see if you can sell or salvage them before deleting the character as a little extra gold or materials never hurts. Once the character is clear (don’t forget the stuff the character has equipped), then delete and recreate.

Finally, alternatively, if you are really concerned, you can buy a complete makeover for only 350 gems (roughly 4 US dollars) and just redo the character without deleting it or losing even the little progress you’ve made.

I hope this is helpful,

All the best and welcome to the game!

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Jade skins npc

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

You have to have the tickets in your characters inventory. When you do, a different dialog option will be presented to you.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Achievement based Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

Thanks to all who answered, since I missed the livestream, I didn’t see the details, which as zafery explains them, make sense.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Achievement based Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

foofad, According to the language of the blog, you will get enough to get to 20 percent. Thus, my example is correct. I’m hoping a dev has time to catch this before the push on Tuesday.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Achievement based Magic Find

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

According to the blog, all players will receive enough magic find to raise them to 20. Does this mean that any player who have say 9000 achievement points and have received the associated magic find bonuses will in essence lose the value of magic find through achievements? This does not seem fair to those who’ve worked hard to get those achievement points.

For example; Player one has 9000 achievement points and has a 6 percent magic find (I don’t know the actual value). Player One receives 14 percent due to the new changes and builds MF per the new system. But – Player Two, who only has 2000 achievement points and the associated 1 percent gets 19 percent from the new system. Player Two is able to earn achievement points (much more available and many are easier to obtain) and at 9000 will have a total MF of 25 percent, whereas Player one has lost that bonus of 5 percent from achievements.

As a secondary, it also doesn’t seem right that the people who put a lot of work into building celestial equipment just get one stat completely stripped with no recompense. The MF on celestial should be replaced with boon duration just as is being done with the various traveler’s medallion (and like items).

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Petition - Unban account scuk.3751

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194


Should you get a chance to read this before this thread is deleted. Please review the Code of Conduct for these forums:

“Do not debate Customer Support decisions or actions. Threads or posts designed to announce, appeal, or contest your own or another player’s suspension or account termination—be it forum or game account—will be removed without notice.

Do not post petitions, “I demand an answer” threads, conspiracy threads, or comments about circumventing the rules.”

It is unlikely your friend and guild leader will receive any help based on your “petition” and quite possibly, posting such things may cause you to receive an infraction or at worst, a ban. As your input is valuable, please stay within the Code.

Just my two coppers worth,

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000