Showing Posts For RedBaron.6058:

After lag fest, quest chain is broken...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hello all,

After the sad lag fest of the initial event, now Noll never shows up and cant continue the quest chain. In Blacktide, around 50 players remain waiting for Noll but to no avail.

I go to sleep, this is too bad to be true…

Best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: RedBaron.6058



There was anything happening at the lighthouse?

LoL….couldnt even see the mobs attacking me…

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


I really dont know how ANet can mix such a badly managed event like this with the trial period for new players…they just lost a lot of potential new players with this very badly managed event…:(

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Ah, by the way, the 3 friends I invited to play the game are so disappointed with the event that they are laughing at my face for trying to convince them to play this game…:(

This was just unbelievable…its a pitty we work so hard to get people to play the game and ANet rewards us like this…

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hi Moderator,

I hope ANet is also friendly and constructive and replays the event on Blacktide server.
The service provided was very very sub-par.

Thanks and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Lost Shores event lag concerns & comments [Merged Threads]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hello all,

For me the event was just crap.
I had like 1 frame every 20 seconds (usually I run 60-70 fps in all areas), died several times without seing the mobs attacking me, was disconnected like 6 times…I disconnected every time the event progressed to a new phase.

Could not complete any stage of the event, did not get any drops, in sum was a complete waste of time and money because I need to repair the armor after several deaths.

If the same happened to you please reply and ask ANet the replay of the event on Blacktide server.

Thanks and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

(edited by RedBaron.6058)

Why all the fuss about Ascended gear? If...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Well, the future will show us who is right and who is wrong…just need to wait and see..:)

Best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Why all the fuss about Ascended gear? If...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


…GW2 lasts a few years, do you honestly believe that there will be no increase in characters maximum level cap or new higher gear grades will not be introduced?

It is the normal path of all MMO’s and mainly because the player base demands it to keep the interest.

What ANet needs to careful about is to not introduce many big changes in a short period of time. The community need to settle and have time to achieve the new challenges.

Best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

ANet please improve WvWvW before people go away...

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Dear ANet,

WvWvW is the best feature of GW2.
Almost everyone loves it. But it needs improvements before people give up and leave the game.

Here is “my” list of needed improvements starting with the most important:

1. Increase server maps capacity. During prime time its just impossible to get to WvWvW maps without a very long waiting delay, a lot of potential WvWvW players just give up and do any other thing during their available play time;

2. Increase the rewards. After reaching level 80 on a char WvWvW is the most fun activity but if people just do it all the time they will be broke very soon because everything is expensive in WvWvW;

3. Increase the maps size (connected with 1) but maintain the ratio of fortifications/supply camps versus distances because it already takes a lot of time and resources to fully upgrade the main fortifications;

4. Every 2 weeks you have the data of which player killed more enemies, conquered more fortifications, built more siege machines, stole more supply points from the enemy, defended more objectives and so on. Can you give a title/dedicated icon to lets say the top 3 players of each server (gold/silver/bronze icon colour) in every category (during the next 2 weeks until it is calculated again) so people gets rewarded with recognition for their deeds and we know who is the best to follow in a situation?

5. We need weekly, fortnightly, monthly WvWvW achievements with nice prizes to reward our effort in support of our server and of the inter-server wars;

6. The commander perk should be acquired with gold + minimum achievements in WvWvW (I could have bought the commander´s books after I got 100 gold by farming endlessly Orr and still have not a clue about WvWvW). It needs to be earned using both gold and achievements (something like more than 1000/2000/3000 kills in WvWvW, etc). Commanders should have a clue about what they are supposed to do..:)

7. We need more colours for the Commander´s Icon. It will help a lot to follow blindly lets say the Green Commander while other follow the Red Commander, specially in heavy fighting situations with several Commanders mixed.

There are a lot of other changes (dozens and dozens of posts about them in this forum) suggested by the player base but I think they need more thinking, tweaking and rebalancing than my 7 proposals. Anyway, something needs to be done to keep the momentum, most of us love WvWvW more than anything else so it will be the main reason to still play this game in the future.

Please keep us happy so your cash flow remains high…:)

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

did anyone else notice that rare drops decreased?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


I noticed an exotics drop rate sharp decrease to zero or nearly (I got many with MF gear in Orr) but since last 2 weeks no exotic drop anymore.

The rares drops remain more or less the same.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

WvW is the heart of GW2 - How to reward it?

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


WvWvW is the best feature of GW2.

SPvP is CS/CoD with fantasy chars. ANet wants sPvP as a top feature because of online game competitions like World Cyber Games (DOTA 2, FIFA, Starcraft 2, etc).

WvWvW is what will keep people playing GW2 after achieving everything in the game. So, in my opinion, ANet should invest more in WvWvW and make it more rewarding.

Thanks and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

What can we expect From the next patch for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Better Badge of Honor drop rate;

Better gear/silver/gold drops and increased drop rate.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

WvW worth it?

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


WvWvW is the best feature of this great game.
Could be a stand-alone game in itself.

Only problem right now is that the material rewards of it (Badges of Honor, gear drops, etc) are miser and in short time a lot of people will not play it anymore and WvWvW will suffer greatly from it because the more people plays it the more fun it gets.

If you are not careful about avoiding death, the armor repairs will take a toll on your bank account..:)

I hope ANet improves dramaticaly the rewards of WvWvW in the near future. Karma farming in Orr is a very boring and risk free activity and you can get loads of gold and drops while in WvWvW you get almost nothing. Just for your information, in my case I get in average a Badge of Honor for every 8 enemies killed which is a pretty low drop rate (and yes, I loot all bags).

Thanks and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

WvW Jumping Puzzles

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Jumping puzzles should be removed from WvWvW.

Its outrageous that people snicking at the very early hours of the day can get Badges of Honor with a less than-PvE activity.

Badges of Honor should only be given for killing enemies on the battlefield, though their drop rate needs to be increased because right now is just a waste of time.

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

How to make legendary weapon practical but not OP

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


I really hope ANET uses this idea…Then I would go for a legendary..:)

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

The Power of Creation to us, players!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Many very good MMO´s failed because of lack/renewal of end game content. To me, end game content is what makes you play every day after you achieved everything or close to everything in game…and the only thing I can see making us do it is WvWvW and other good challenges with nice appropriate rewards. Human beings need rewards (either mental/emotional/material) to keep pushing themselves a little harder, a little further.

It is easy for ANET to implement an in-game poll asking people what they want from the game next improvements (give rewards to whom answers the poll). The client base is always the best source of suggestions.

One area that is missing in almost all games (MMO´s and others) is the introduction of player designed content. Companies have millions of costumers with awesome ideas and great skills and almost none of them use that potential. Why not create ways of allowing the players to design new sets of armor, new weapons, their own housing, new guild emblem patterns, decorate cities or new areas if you own/conquered them, etc? People need to get involved, to feel the game like a part of themselves. The model of a stranger in a foreign land is completely worn out…time to move forward.

Players need to change the game world, to imprint their tastes, their dreams, their fantasies on it. Create cities in PvE maps to be build and decorated by the guild who gets them from event mobs (in the end players would be choosing skins from a long list to define buildings, flags, trees, plants, streets, walls, etc). Make WvWvW castles, keeps and towers more editable, let players build new castles, keeps, towers and supply points in pre-defined locations after they conquered the area (we need bigger maps for this by the way, let players suggest the design of new map areas too).

Let players build their own world (within certain rules and limits but with great amplitude) and players will play GW2 forever..:)

In the end, is all numbers that we need to load every time we reach a new area because all skins, shapes and colours will be already stored inside our computers.

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

How to make legendary weapon practical but not OP

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058



I will send you a PM with the text to ilustrate your idea and you can post it on the Suggestion forum.

Give me 5 minutes.

Best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

How to make legendary weapon practical but not OP

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Great idea!
Awesome idea!

Interchangeable exotic weapon stats for legendary!
ANet hire this guy!!!!

Like already suggested in this forum, I would just add a “special skill” to be used in the elite slot and to make the so called “Legendary” weapon really worth of its name.

Its either that or decrease the difficulty of getting Legendary, because right now is just not worth it.

Great idea, as I say: “The best game designers are the persons who play them…:)”

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Loving the Endgame, Anyone Else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


I smile when someone talks about WoW as if it was the first real MMO…WoW was the first MMO setting the bar low so everyone could easily get involved with MMO´s…but before and after WoW there were many MMO´s better than WoW…

Unfortunately, in my opinion, WoW influenced in a negative way millions of potencial players of the next MMO´s so it has been very hard for game companies to try different avenues.

GW2 has some very nice features and tries to be different, I even like the TP model although I think some things are overpriced and the Black Lion Chest keys are close to be a scandal considering they rarely drop and their cost versus the chest rewards.

Many very good MMO´s failed because of lack of end game content. To me, end game is what makes you play every day after you achieved everything or close to everything in game…and the only thing I can see making us do it is WvWvW and other good challenges with nice appropriate rewards. Human beings need rewards (either mental/emotional/material) to keep pushing themselves a little harder, a little further.

It is easy for ANET to implement an in-game poll asking people what they want from the game next improvements (give rewards to whom answers the poll). The client base is always the best source of suggestions.

One area that is missing in almost all games (MMO´s and others) is the introduction of player designed content. Companies have millions of costumers with awesome ideas and great skills and almost none of them use that potential. Why not create ways of allowing the players to design new sets of armor, new weapons, their own housing, new guild emblem patterns, decorate cities or new areas if you own/conquered them, etc? People need to get involved, to feel the game like a part of themselves. The model of a stranger in a foreign land is completely worn out…time to move forward.

Players need to change the game world, to imprint their tastes, their dreams, their fantasies on it. Create cities in PvE maps to be build and decorated by the guild who gets them from event mobs (in the end players would be choosing skins from a long list to define buildings, flags, trees, plants, streets, walls, etc). Make WvWvW castles, keeps and towers more editable, let players build new castles, keeps, towers and supply points in pre-defined locations after they conquered the area (we need bigger maps for this by the way, let players suggest the design of new map areas too).

Let players build their own world (within certain rules and limits but with great amplitude) and players will play GW2 forever..:)

In the end, is all numbers that we need to load every time we reach a new area because all skins, shapes and colours will be already stored inside our computers.

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

(edited by RedBaron.6058)

Loving the Endgame, Anyone Else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


To be honest I am very disappointed with GW2 endgame. I am trying not to quit the game but its more difficult every day…

Legendaries? Blehhh…unless stats are improved for legendaries is really no point in getting them, specially if we consider the gold sinker they are…

100% map? Well, not my cup of tea. Maybe if I make more characters I go for it but not my priority.

Dungeons? After you learn the mechanics they become pretty boring.

sPvP? Just like CoD/CS with fantasy characters, very artifical and not very interesting.

WvWvW? The best feature of the game, could be a stand-alone game in itself. Much more than the door beating of WAR, but the reward system is so bad that right now I consider it a waste of time. I am waiting for ANet improvements of the reward system (badges, gear and materials drops).

Karma/gear farming at chained events? Not bad, I made a lot of gold and have a lot of karma but after getting all different sets I need its becoming boring too.

Crafting? I did not tried it yet. Probably never will.

In conclusion, WvWvW is the best feature of this game, in my oppinion. ANET needs to improve the reward system, delete the jumping puzzles to get badges because that is a very artificial way of getting badges that you are supposed to get as real PvP rewards. And we need an individual WvWvW ladder to show our individual results as WvWvW warriors, creating an extra incentive. Also, WvWvW results does not have a big impact on the PvE maps so a lot of people dont even bother with it. If WvWvW have a much bigger impact on PvE maps (opening new zones, closing others, increasing/decreasing mob spawn or special bosses, giving access to special dungeons, etc) then maybe more people will get involved.

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Badges of Honor should also be earned through taking stuff too...

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058



I do not agree with you or anyone else that tries to solve the bot problem by making the game dull for the regular players.
The bot problem is resolved by having online GM’s that identify the botters (like you or me do when we see them) and block their accounts. The reporting system is open to much abuse and doubts to be effective, a GM caughting the bot redhanded is a much better system.

The game should not suffer from anti-bot policies like the Reduced Karma/Experience/Loot after a while playing the same events or any other similar measures because in the end ANet is punishing the regular players with policies intended for bots.

Bots should be caught live and properly dealed with. Of course this implies a few more guys working for ANet full time as server GM’s but in my oppinion is well worth the investment. Anyway, I bet that for 1000 euro/1000 dollars a month many people would be volunteer to be GM’s.

Get the bots but please dont hurt the regular player experience.

Thanks and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”


in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hello all,

I play on Blacktide and I have to salute our server adversaries because the WvWvW is awesome.

Last weekend I spent many hours fighting Riverside and Elona Reach and they have been tireless giving us an hard time..:)

The resilience and focus showed by our “enemies” was impressive and they never gave up even if they were defeated like 12-15 times on a keep, they always came back and try to take it once more, most of the times succeeding..:)

Definitely WvWvW is the best part of GW2, in my oppinion we only need better Badge of Honor dropping rate and better loot as reward.

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Badges of Honor should also be earned through taking stuff too...

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hello all,

The drop rate of Badges of Honor for killing enemies in WvWvW is not properly adjusted, in my oppinion BoH should drop much more frequently.

Its a sad sign about the present system that people farm BoH from jumping puzzles (with several characters) instead of fighting because the drop rate is so bad.

Badges of Honor should only be awarded as a reward for WvWvW warfare activities, jumping puzzles are good for the PvE maps and have no place in WAR.

Best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

Badges of Honor drop rate...

in WvW

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hello all,

Its just me or the drop rate of Badges of Honor needs to be increased by a lot?

Just some numbers in my case: 100 badges at 711 slain enemies, 111 badges at 835 slain enemies.

The WvWvW loot is very poor, compared to PvE world, but we can compensate at PvE. Now, the Badge of Honor drop rate is so bad that shies away people from the best part of this awesome game.

Thanks and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

The 4 most important short term changes to be implemented!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Being an awesome feature of GW2, WvWvW offers no real rewards to the players who spend a lot of time and gold (armor repair after death and siege machines are expensive) playing it. To be honest, WvWvW could be a stand alone game in itself so interesting it is but the reward system is not properly tweaked.

If the rewards are not increased in WvWvW people will stop playing it because now its a huge money sinker.

Thanks and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

The 4 most important short term changes to be implemented!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Concerning Black Lion Chest keys, just using my example, I got more than 200 chests drops and less that 15 key drops. You can use my numbers..:)

I was thinking of getting like 60 keys for every 200 chest drops..seems fair, right? Still a lot of keys to buy from TP..:)

Best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

The 4 most important short term changes to be implemented!

in Suggestions

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


Hello all,

I love this awesome game but these 4 changes are needed to make it even better:

1. Increase the drop rate of Black Lion Chests Keys at least 300%;
2. Decrease the teleport costs by 50%;
3. Increase the item drop quantity and quality in WvWvW and the drop rate of Badges of Honor by 100%;
4. Allow the Commanders to choose a different colour for their Commander Icon so we can have different teams following easily different Commanders (at least 12 different icon colours).

Thank you and best regards,


“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”