Yeah, that was the part I went “this will be awesome if they can pull it off” and then I remembered this was to be an MMO. I probably wasn’t going to see it to the super-hyped-up extent people were drooling over.
. . . mostly because this isn’t my tabletop group, and I really don’t expect it to be possible short of doing that.
The thing is they should have realized that without seperate instanced events for each character that what they said in that video was literally impossible, you cant have permanent changes to the world and dynamic world events at the same time, its just not possible. This obviously gave alot of people false hope, which i think is exactly what the video was designed to do, give false hope and generate sales. The sad thing is the game is more than good enough to do that without stooping to the level of lieing about it.
Also as mentioned above as explained later about the grind line, which is often taken way out of context, they could have explained what colin was talking about a lot better and it would have saved them ALOT of backlash.
It would probably be pointless to point out (again, because this is just a repeat thread) that after this was made, there was a clarification posted. Due to editing it can be a bit confusing. Ree is talking about the personal story and Colin is talking about the dynamic events. Of course, context means nothing to people who make these kinds of posts.
That’s why the part about grind is so often taken out of context. Colin is saying there are fun things to do right away, as opposed to other games. You don’t have to wait till you’re geared up at max level to fight giant bosses, and that’s completely true. The Shadow Behemoth is in a starter zone and it’s one of the coolest bosses in the game.
Not to mention the fact that a manifesto isn’t an advertisement, but a statement of intent, before something happens. kitten changes all the time. That’s why the constitution has amendments. MMOs change all the time. This game keeps changing, often for the better
Anyway, after watching this again, I think it’s pretty much spot on. I think that Anet did, within the boundaries of existing technology, pretty much what they set out to do.
Some people can’t see it, because they’re taking individual words out of context, or simply not understanding the context surrounding the words in the first place.
Got a link? ive seen the clarification about what colin said but nothing on the story/permanent changes mentioned by Ree.
Combine that with Revolution’s tendency to beat dead horses, I think this thread is simply for attention because we all saw how much attention the other one got.
Its almosy like he’s trying to organize a…… Revolution!
Well it is, because what is said in that trailer simply is not the game.
I don’t hate the game, I just don’t being told I’m getting a banana cream pie to be suddently given a hershy’s kiss instead.
Yeah, that’s reaching with that analogy.
Didn’t this post already come around before? I mean, I even left messages on it any everything. Please tell me it’s not the meds again.
No you arnt nuts i posted in the last one too, they keep deleting them though. Apparantly they cant live with the fact that they lied in the video and its being brought up on the forums. Easy solution would be not to have lied in the first place.
. . . “lied” is what went on with WarZ. This is more “making promises they didn’t keep”, if you choose to see it that way. I saw it as ambitious, but ultimately doomed to fall short.
But then, I also like the game so I’m not qualified to talk about it
To tell you the truth ill give colin a pass for that video as he explained later the grind he was talking about was the combat mechanics. So most of what he said in that context was mostly correct, perhaps the game fell short of what he was talking about but in that context i can give out a pass.
But the chick talking about permanent changes to the world, people remembering your character etc, is just outright lies. When was the last time you did a event and saved a town then came back a hour later and someone remembered you? After you come back a hour later its going to be on its third or fourth re-take town event by then.
And obviously the artowrk is downright amazing so that part was also true.
Well it is, because what is said in that trailer simply is not the game.
I don’t hate the game, I just don’t being told I’m getting a banana cream pie to be suddently given a hershy’s kiss instead.
Yeah, that’s reaching with that analogy.
Didn’t this post already come around before? I mean, I even left messages on it any everything. Please tell me it’s not the meds again.
No you arnt nuts i posted in the last one too, they keep deleting them though. Apparantly they cant live with the fact that they lied in the video and its being brought up on the forums. Easy solution would be not to have lied in the first place.
dont get me wrong, i like this game..instead is the only game i play atm since is free after all and is good time silk, but dude: that colin johanson or wtv hes name is, is no to be trusted anymore. i hate when they use marketing ploy to cheat on me.
The chick isnt any better, i mean seriously she talked about changing the world, lasting effects, people remembering you helped their village?
Its all complete load of kitten. You rescue a village and 10 min later its under attack again, you save someone farm and 10 min later its under attack again, there is ZERO permanent changes like she is talking about in this game.
Yeah i would say iots obvious at this point that the Manifesto was nothing more than a marketing ploy to try and gather intrest and get people to prepurchase the game.
Its filled with lies, i mean seriously no gear treadmill and it took them what like 2 months to add ascended gear? LOL
Im not saying this is a bad game, i do enjoy it, but Anet is definatly not to be trusted to keep there word.
Sometimes you just get kitten by the game. DR is a kitten. I farmed CS for hours and hours and hours in my warrior must have put in 80 hours in a 2 week period and got zero rare drops.
Then i started leveling a thief and didnt touch warrior for weeks, finally played him again and got 2 rare drops in first 30 min farming CS.
So my advice is if you think you have triggered DR to not play that character for a few weeks and then go back to him.
Also FYI i have been playing my warrior very rarely now no more than 60 min a day at most and never more than 30 min in same map zone and i havent been hit with DR again, still get a rare drop a hour on average when farming CS now.
Is there some reason isn’t working for you? I don’t see any reason for the devs to waste time and effort on something that has already been perfectly and successfully implemented. They have many other important things they are working on and bugs they are fixing. This would just be a redundant waste of time.
Whether or not someone think is successful or not is all relative. You clearly feel that it is a good tool and don’t want to “waste” dev time and energy on an in-game LFG tool. I, however feel that an in-game LFG tool is very much needed and very much worth dev time & energy. I can’t stand and is a waste IMO. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
why can’t you stand it? i know a lot of EU people have trouble with the tabs but beyond that it seems pretty simple to use.
The fact that is has ZERO tools to protect you from abuse as i and Dante mentioned above is more than enough reason to never use it IMO.
how could an ingame system stop them from putting your name up on a 3rd party site and doing the same thing?
If there was a in game system no one would use the third party site and it wouldnt exsist.
EDIT: I have never, ever had that problem with a charged up swing, the ones that use that greyish “power attack” animation. What DOES kitten me off is that there is one type of mob… Ettins I think… that have an AoE on that attack that reaches BEHIND them.
I’m not talking about the ground targeted attacks like the Ettin one you refer to. There are some attacks, that also take 1-2 seconds to charge up like the Ettin one, but are single targeted and continue to target you when you go in stealth. One example is the pirates in Kryta that sometimes kneel down and do an aimed shot.
The channeled attacks following you in stealth problem has been here since release. This second problem I’ve noticed since the last patch.
This is also what i was talking about in the OP when i mentioned ranged attacks that track after stealth.
And it is broken and i hope they fix it, but considering we have been waiting for them to fix the ranger class for 7 months im not holding my breath.
Is there some reason isn’t working for you? I don’t see any reason for the devs to waste time and effort on something that has already been perfectly and successfully implemented. They have many other important things they are working on and bugs they are fixing. This would just be a redundant waste of time.
Whether or not someone think is successful or not is all relative. You clearly feel that it is a good tool and don’t want to “waste” dev time and energy on an in-game LFG tool. I, however feel that an in-game LFG tool is very much needed and very much worth dev time & energy. I can’t stand and is a waste IMO. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
why can’t you stand it? i know a lot of EU people have trouble with the tabs but beyond that it seems pretty simple to use.
The fact that is has ZERO tools to protect you from abuse as i and Dante mentioned above is more than enough reason to never use it IMO.
Horrible idea, say you are there first then mention in guild chat the maw is up but by the time the rest of your guild shows up they get put in overflow and you cant even do the event together?
That would kitten off alot of people if they couldnt even do world events with their freinds since you know the whole point of a MMO and group events is to you know…. do them as a group.
Which is something I mentioned in the original post. There could be a way to remedy this. Say if the guild group that wants to do it is large enough they could create their own instance of the boss. Not whenever they want of course, but it would spawn exactly the same as the boss does now.
I’m just throwing out ideas, there has to be something to fix the system as it is now. Or are you guys actually enjoying the larger world events?
Unless they come up with a good way to keep friends together its not going to work. Really they just need to up the scaling and fix the culling and they will be alot better. Supposedly the culling is getting fixed in the patch this month so that should be a big help as far as lag goes.
I commend you on your confidence that culling is getting fixed.. the improvements they have supposedly implemented so far have only served to make things worse.
Add to that the way guesting is simply a quick way to exploit event chests and then throw in the increasing number of guild events taking place… ts gunna be a soup bowl for some time yet me thinks.
Its taken some serious dedication by the game devs to get all these poorly thought out things working in harmony in order to kill the experience. Like their madate vidio said they dont think the “kill 5, mobs, kill 10 more mobs is what makes an MMO appealing”.
There idea is to have 1 boss event spawn, egg timer sounds to signal the next, then the next… then rinse repeat for each toon, then when your bored of running the egg timer circle on your own server you can go rinse repeat across others until your ready to hit LA and stock up on Ecto’s… ooh somewhere in amongst that spend 20mins to grab your daily/monthly.
Knee jerk reactive patching to silence the masses who repeatedly cried they hate the grind and loot "RNG is unfair, must have guaranteed bestest loot drops – was just another bad idea…
Still maybe when everyone has all they need and begin to grow restless, bored of running the same events over and over for things they no longer need they will drift away or worse start crying the game is too grindy again, now the egg timers are worthless.
Thats why is said Supposedly they will fix culling. Honestly i do not think they will, they have told us to many lies so far to be believed. But that doesnt change the fact that according to Anet culling will be eliminated in march, so they have 2 weeks left to get culling out of the game according to their own announcment.
And that on its own will make the chest events ALOT more bearable.
The really stupid thisng about this is it cant be that hard to program the mobs so that if they are doing damage then they cant be invulnerable, i mean this is such a basic concept it cant be that hard to fix. I can see recoding the whole pathfinding to take a while but a simple flag to disable invulnerability if the mob is dealing damage is very simple and fast fix.
I don’t understand why people get so worked up about this,the lfg site is perfectly functional,so I don’t see why the devs should devote resources to making something that can already be gotten…..
And besides,if they do make one and it’s not as good as the lfg site,then it will actually hurt the dungeon finding as people will just be usin that one.Actually this Website can actually be used to abuse in game players, i was abused this way…
Basically i had a disagreement with some players in game and they put my name into this website and i was harassed for hours by poor players trying to get a party, i didn’t even know until someone said i’d been trolled, i went to this site (i’d never even been too before) and sure enough my characters name was there asking for a cof group, this should not be allowed to happen and shows how uncontrolled 3rd party sites are suspect.
This is not the first time i have seen this posted, this has happened to 2 of my RL freinds that play as well. This is also why i refuse to use the site because it has no block feature you can use to stop this type of abuse.
For those of you saying just use the website and we dont need it in game you guys are missing the point, a built in feature would automatically put together the parties and not require a third part site that is wide open to abuse, it would also be alot faster and much more convienant.
The fact that this game has made it 7 months without this feature is just sad.
from the gem store? i have always got them in a mail through the mail system.
It’s been this way since launch.
That makes it a worse thing not better that its been broken that long.
It happens only when you manage to hit the mob and he can’t hit back.
Just make sure that you hit stuff that can fight back, this system is in place to prevent people from abusing the environment for free kills.
Sure you can keep telling yourself that sittint on a cliff and farming stuff that can’t reach you is “strategy” but it really isn’t for intellectually honest people.No, it happens ALL THE TIME, as the AI has major pathing issues with ridgy terrain. (This affects pets just as often, with them standing adjacent to enemies on slightly different elevations, and they don’t engage.) Fight on anything other than flat or smooth, rolling terrain, and MOBs go invulnerable incredibly often if you’re using ranged attacks. This happens so much in Orr, it’s not even worth doing anything other than running past most MOBs.
Yeah exactly, break the mold of only fighting on flat ground and then get back to us. Someone who plays warrior/guardian will never notice this because they are always on flat tarrian right beside the mobs. I leveled a warrior to 80 and could count the number of times i ran into this issue on one hand, i could run into it on purpose if i used my rifle and tried to find it but just playing normall with my GS its almost a non-issue. My thief on the other hand is only level 62 and i run into this issue dozens of times a week, hell dozens of times in a single day if its a weekend and im on for 6+ hours that day.
please remove invulnerable mobs.
the original guild wars one never had it.. . . yes it did. Though it would take the form of them being “friendly allies” until they attacked, they were still invulnerable until they gave their spiel. Or sometimes when the line of sight would be blocked on bridges . . .
Which would be a much better idea than what we have now because at least if they were friendly untill the fight they wouldnt be able to shoot at us while we are unable to shoot back and do damage.
It happens only when you manage to hit the mob and he can’t hit back.
Just make sure that you hit stuff that can fight back, this system is in place to prevent people from abusing the environment for free kills.
Sure you can keep telling yourself that sittint on a cliff and farming stuff that can’t reach you is “strategy” but it really isn’t for intellectually honest people.
Yeah except for the fact that you have it backwards, while sitting on ledge with my thief(a ledge ANY NPC could get to btw not one i used any movement skills/traits to get to) i CANT HIT THEM because they are invunerable and they CAN HIT ME.
Ok after some more testing it seems guild mate was correct. If ranged attack is launched at you it will hit you not matter what 100%. Even if you stealth .01 sec after attack is launched and move 100-200 feet from where you were when arrow was launched while it is in the air before it lands it will still hit you. This is completly kitten how the hell do the mobs know where to aim when they cant see you move.
Starting to think about dropping stealth and going with another build now or dropping thief entirely, not much point when the main ability is broken.
I know pre patch range attack would miss after you stealth because it would also remove all agro and take enemy out of combat(most that is i never enounterd the flamethrower mentioned above)
This just is broken when enemies can see the future and know where to aim there bow and arrow seconds into the future at a target they cant friggen see.
Yeah i notice this ALOT with my thief, because i always try and use terrain to my advantage as i dont have the toughness/power to brute for encounters all the time like warriors and guardians can.
So i often try and attack with my shortbow from a ledge or use crates/walls in town to stand on and provide me some cover from the melee mobs. But usualy it doesnt work because ill end up standing on a ledge unable to hurt anyone below(they are all invulnerable to me) yet they can still hit me with ranged attacks just fine.
Its just very poor code for them to be able to hurt you when you cant hurt them, i mean seriously its like basic logic we are talking about here and why i dont bother with mobs much in my thief, i just use map completion to level and stealth/speed to avoid all mobs now, makes it very boring to play but the mobility i think when i hit 80 will make my thief a worthwhile farmer for gathering ingrediants at least thats what i keep telling myself to force myself to level the thief. Hes level 62 now i think i stopped killing regular mobs when i hit level 20 and dont even bother with the questline story anymore either.
I mean it isnt rocket science i go around back of a hill and climb it then drop down onto a ledge without using any skills/traits/speed boost to get there yet anything i shoot at is invunerable because the AI is to dumb to drop down onto a ledge? Yet can still harm me? this is just ridiculas.
Also the Frostgorge JP is a PRIME example of bad code for the AI and this issue. Im talking about the JP near ice flow waypoint where you need to go underwater to access it. When you are almost near the end and you need to make a jump onto a platform where there is a veteran ooze and then a chain you need to walk across to another platform. Before making that jump onto the platform with the ooze it is well within range of any range attack with 600 or greater range, well within the 1200 of my warriors rifle, however when i shoot at it i do damge it its not invunerable but it IS not registering as being in combat so heals faster than i can damage it making it have unlimited hitpoints and impossible to kill. However that doesnt stop it from shooting back at me and i am in combat so dont heal and it will down you EVERY SINGLE TIME you try and engage it from range. Your only option is to jump onto its platform and either try and fight it there and hope it downt knock you off the edge or try and tightrope walk the chain while in combat with a veteran oze shooting at you.
I hope they realize just how bad their code is and put some serious time into rewriting it to fix this issue where mobs can hit you but you cant hit them.
You see this really is going to depend on how the devs adjust the world events. If they fix them to make them worthwhile to a max level character then more people will be willing to do them, if they dont then you are going to see reactions like whats described in the OP.
Really though think about this, as it stands right now if you are logged in as a level 80 character there is literally ZERO point in doing a world event that doesnt drop a chest. This is for a number of reasons such as:
1. EXP is useless to a level 80, karma too(karma mostly useless for anyone)
2. Rewards in silver dont even cover armor repair/waypoint costs(going to need to raise rewards in silver to at least 15 per event, to cover WP cost and armor repairs of exotic armor)
3. No chest means no loot worth getting 99% of the time, as loot drop off mobs is still ridiculasly low
So as a level 80 you are much better off timewise just farming the chest events.
Now if im logged in as a lower level character then i try and do any world event in the map zone im in because they are a great way to earn EXP, i help people all the time and try and organize people together for the larger group events, and will go out of my way to res dead players and help them with the event/mob that killed them.
Fact of the matter is though for max level guys any non-chest dropping world event that isnt in a level 80 zone is a total waste of time, and that needs to be adressed if Anet wants people back in the lower level zones for anything other than shadow behemoth or the frozen maw.
I heard the world is going to end with the Mayan Calendar . .. when is that again?
3 months ago, dec 2012, i think the 21st was the exact day.
That’s interesting Blackwolfe, but unless ArenaNet make it easy for people to report bots, people simply won’t do it. Taking a screenshot then mailing it is too much work for most people out there.
Always design game features around the central tenet that your players will ALWAYS take the path of least resistance.
Also to add to this a screenshot alone proves nothing, i mean so what you got a pic of some guy mining, whoopi.
Im assuming the report bot tool they have also includes a battle/movement log of the person being reported to help the support staff to ban the boters, a screenshot does not provide any additional info. And if they could obtain this additional info without us then they wouldnt need us reporting bots to begin with.
Dont worry they are going to lock this thread just like all the others and try and shove this under the rug while telling us to use the in game reporting tool, which is impossible 99% of the time because they teleport so fast you are unable to click on them most of the time.
There are other ways of reporting. You could, if fast enough, take a screenshot of the bot. Then write a support ticket (and include the screenshot if you managed to take one), put down as much details as possible about the incident, like where it happened, when it happened, the name of the bot etc, just like they said you should if you werent able to report using the ingame option.
There have been several of these threads popping up, there have been several answers but guess what, posting multiple threads on the very same issue does not help them to get rid of the problem at all. Chances are they are already aware of the botting issues and are working on it.
I have never seen a response to these threads other that the generic canned “use the tool” response.
If they have a official response to the teleporting farmer bots they should add it to the sticky bots thread at the top of this forum, but it hasnt been updated in months, So obviously they do not have a response.
It’s like going to KFC and telling the immigrant to bugger off because you’re a citizen and have priority in line.
You mean everyone doesnt do this?
I hear its going to be 1999 and come with a Prince townclothes skin.
I try and switch it up, im partial to ashford plains as my first toon is a charr. Although i have been playing my human thief alot and must admit i do like queensdale alot, as well as kessex hills.
What really conserns me about this is the fact that its super obvious Anet has ZERO reality checks going on with the server, so there is nothing stopping anyone from writing a program to allow players to teleport anywhere on the map with zero cooldown or costs involved as the bots are doing it already so we know its possible and it works.
This could really ruin WvW and PvP once insta teleport anywhere trainer is released. I would consider it a very unfair advantage if my opponent could teleport anywhere they point with a simple button press.
Dont worry they are going to lock this thread just like all the others and try and shove this under the rug while telling us to use the in game reporting tool, which is impossible 99% of the time because they teleport so fast you are unable to click on them most of the time.
Warrior – Whip out the Wang shout, any NPC with smaller wang insta dies
Guardian – CYA shout, takes no damage from rear attacks for 20 seconds
The issue with this game in general is they are trying more and more to tell people how to play their game instead of letting people play how they want.
This thread is a great example of that.
I dont think anyone will disagree that if player 1 and player 2 both put in 30 hours a month that they should be rewarded the same amount, that however is not the case as outlined in the OP. Player 1 who plays a hour a day will end up with 40 laurels at the end of the month assuming he does his monthly which he probably will just doing his dailies every day, and player 2 who plays 30 hours but only during one week will get 17 laurels only. This is a issue that needs to be adressed.
Not only that but with DR in effect after 60 min in the same map zone that player who logs in only a day or two a week but players for 10 hours a day when he does log in is punished by DR if he farms the same zone(which is common if looking for a specific ingridient).
So basically what we have now is Anet trying to force us into only playing a hour or two a day and giving those people full rewards, and if you chose to play in larger chunks of time but less often you get punished by DR and not earning as many laurels as players who play how Anet wants them to.
IMO the devs should let us play how we want as we can, not try and force us into a specific play pattern.
Note how im not saying dailies/laurels should be handed to players or automatically given just that equal playtime should see equal rewards.
P.S. To OP on a personal note i totally get where you are coming from, while i dont work out of town i do work 12 hour shifts, and if any overtime or delays in my commute occur i dont have time to log in and do my dailes so i often miss out on them. Even though i play for 20-30 hours each weekend(i have a 4 day weekend). So i can play 30 hours a week and sometimes only get 4 laurels, doesnt really seem fair considering the guy who logs in just 5-7 hours a week but once a day can get 7.
(edited by Rifter.6591)
Sorry – two points in my post, only vaguely related.
Point one of both our posts doesn’t apply to you (apparently), don’t stress it.
Point two of yours – the majority of the player base scattering out like that may have occured, but it may not have been intent – perhaps they have a very intense focus on big guilds with in-dev content and figured you can have your cake (tiny guild) and eat it too (big guild) so resistance would be illogical…
Early posts in this thread counters your point three – you can play a different way and still get access, it is just inefficient. Choose.
The issue with both being in a large and small guild(having cake and eating it to as you put it) is most large guilds now require you to represent 100% of the time, meaning there is no point in even keeping the small guild. Thats not really a great option for the people who prefer the community/freindship of being in a smaller guild.
Personally i have no issue with any of my guild members(im the leader of my small guild) representing a large guild for when they are logged in playing with the large guild and then representing us when they play with us, the issue is this doesnt seem to be a two way street anymore with the large guilds requiring 100% rep.
And i would also like to mention i dont blame the large guilds for this, its not their fault but a flaw in the way Anet has set up the guild system. The way it is now you have a set number of slots, and can only rep one guild at a time. So If im the leader of a large guild and i see people logged in but not reping me i would view that as lost rep and could fill that spot with someone who would rep 100%. And now that the content/items are gated behind large guilds its not like it would be a issue filling slots.
Anet really should fix this so that your re kitten pread across all guilds you are part of evenly, or so that you have a primary guild which gets say 75% of your rep and the other guild gets %25.
They are obviously trying to kill small guilds and force all players into the larger 100+ member guilds. This is very obvious.
And if they keep it up like this gating all the gear/content behind large guilds then im going to leave the game, and im sure im not alone.
I like many of you im sure prefer the community/freindship of a small guild, im in one with a few real life freinds and am not giving that up just to be another face in the crowd or a number not even a real person to a larger guild.
And its not like you can join 2 guilds anymore most if not all large guilds on my server now have a 100% represent policy because they can hold the gear/content over your head, so its either disband small guild and join large guild, stay in small guild and dont get ascended items/content, or quit the game. Unfortunatly for Anet i think many small guild members are going to pick the third option and just move onto games where they can have the sense of community of playing with close freinds in small guilds without being excluded from high tier content/items.
I often call all the people who don’t use the gem store free loaders, one argument I hear against this is that all the cheap kiddies are in fact somehow generating content and emergent gameplay… The above would make that closer to true.
Balancing a ranked/rewarded guild system for all sizes and types cannot be done, since GW2 is about all types of people they sacrificed balance on size. Social will mean getting out there with a hunded of more people – not JUST your girlfriend, brofriend and cousin (Diablo is meant for that).
Few things wrong with this line of thinking, one is every member of my guild including myself has bought gems for bank/bag slot’s, 2 is according to that website that lists all guilds on the servers my server has only 8 guilds with more than 100 members and more than 200 with fewer than 25, placing the majority of the playerbase in smaller guilds not larger guilds. Third the game was marketed as being able to be played how you want, not being forced into a large guild to get access to all the content/items.
They are obviously trying to kill small guilds and force all players into the larger 100+ member guilds. This is very obvious.
And if they keep it up like this gating all the gear/content behind large guilds then im going to leave the game, and im sure im not alone.
I like many of you im sure prefer the community/freindship of a small guild, im in one with a few real life freinds and am not giving that up just to be another face in the crowd or a number not even a real person to a larger guild.
And its not like you can join 2 guilds anymore most if not all large guilds on my server now have a 100% represent policy because they can hold the gear/content over your head, so its either disband small guild and join large guild, stay in small guild and dont get ascended items/content, or quit the game. Unfortunatly for Anet i think many small guild members are going to pick the third option and just move onto games where they can have the sense of community of playing with close freinds in small guilds without being excluded from high tier content/items.
Oh im aware of the patch notes and the changes to stealth, and i like them, now when im fighting a skill point alone with my thief and i hit stealth to heal/change posistions the kitten boss doesnt heal while im right beside him still but stealthed.
Changes are a step in the right direction IMO.
But what i was referring to in the OP is getting hit while in stealth by regular mobs that shouldnt be able to see you.
One of my guild mates had a great idea about this though, since i noticed this with ranged attacks only his theory was that any range attacks launched while not stealthed but not yet landed when you are stealthed will still hit you after you stealth. I know for a fact that they would miss pre patch but perhaps this is a bug/glitch added with the new stealth rules.
I will do some more testing over my days off and will update this post with my findings.
I wonder when the devs are going to wake up and realize that guesting isnt the issue, clogged events arnt the issue.
The real issue is this game is so unrewarding for loot in any other location that people who want exotics are forced into these events just to get the ecto’s, and gold farmers are here because this is the fastest way to get ecto’s to sell for gold.
If they boosted open world mob loot tables and JP chest loot tables to drop a rare a hour or every 30 min then people wouldnt all be running the maw/dragons/insert chest event here all day every day with each character they would be out in the world doing there thing if the loot was equal there, the issue is it just isnt as rewarding to run around in the open world as it is to farm the dragons.
Also what do old games have to do with GW2? Thats just another strawman.
I think it’s not a strawman, it’s just a misdirection.
True that
I spent some time playing my thief over the weekend and noticed multiple enemies will ignore stealth and still atacck and hit you while in stealth. Fire imps being one of these creatures but i noticed it in a few other range attack enemies including some skill point enemies.
So i have to ask, whats the point of having stealth when you arnt really stealth and some mobs can still hit you?
Yeah i always do mine in ashford plains as well.
I would feel bad for you but my main is a full size charr so i really dont, Norns have it easy compared to full size charr’s.
They do seriously need to fix the camera angle though it is completly broken for some of the JP’s/Vista’s.
They should either fix it or just automatically give the broken vistas’s to Charr/Norn players when they create their character untill a fix is released for the camera.
Well to be honest you can play WvW without any problems at all if you see 1-15 people around you.
But if you follow a commander in the higher tier servers the groups are bound to be 20-50 people clashing into the enemies commander with 20-50 people.
Then the skill lag jumps in and that will make it unplayable for me.
Hope March will make it better! No idea how they are going to do that lol because if they remove all the culling.. you see more players on the screen = more lag in my eyes.
Again end of month
bah, long wait time
This was probably my issue as i went to the largest groups of players i could find and tried to hang with them, then i realized the lag made that a waste of time and decided to wait for a fix, luckily its comeing this month.
I just wish the rest of the dev team was of the same quality as the graphics guys, the artwork in this game is second to none, the rest of the game not so much.
Ignore the naysayers and doom whisperers. They are just bent cause of pointless reasons, so they claim Anet is out to get them now.
Every game company does the exact same thing. Not just Anet. They will never tell you if disciplinary action is taken against the offenders. It is not your business to know that information any ways. And pretty much all of them will tell you they will not give you free loot cause a group kicked you before the boss died. If they did, people would claim it all the time and abuse it. No company gives you free loot because of jerk players.
All you can do is provide a screenshot and report them. Give names, time, and incident as clearly as you can. Then move on with your life and hope they get what is coming to them. Don’t let one little group of children ruin your whole experience.
I like how you say dont listen to the naysayers, then go on to say they(anet) arnt going to do anything about it or bother to compensate you, and then even go on to say you should still waste your time reporting them.
Why on earth waste even more time on the matter to report them when by your own admission nothing is going to get done to them and nothing is going to get done to compensate you.
Reporting them is nothing more than a waste of time, your time would be better spent finding a guild to play with.
I never said Anet would do nothing. I said they won’t tell you what they will do to the offenders, and every game company will not compensate you just cause you were kicked from a group. I’m sorry, but that is how all game companies work. They will not give you free loot just cause some meanies decided to kick you from a group at the last boss. They will however look into the issue if you send them a detailed report about what happened, and if it is genuinely all the offender’s fault, then they will take action.
You act like this is only Anet that does this. Every gaming company does this. So you can either send in a detailed report and move on afterwards, or do absolutely nothing and know that nothing will be done about it cause you didn’t report it.
Oh im well aware Anet isnt the only one that does this, they all do thats a well known fact. All im saying is it is also well known that nothing gets done to these people, the OP provided undisputeable proof in the form of screenshots and even cyber stalked the offender through the friends list to confirm if any type of ban was put in place and it was not.
So all im saying is reporting them is just as big of a waste of time as doing the dungeon run in the first place and getting kicked at the end, why waste more time than you have to.
The definition of insanity according to Einstien is “doing something over and over expecting different results”
This is what reporting stuff like this to anet(or whatever other company) is, insanity. The results arnt going to change they are going to keep getting away with it no matter what anyone reports.
Ignore the naysayers and doom whisperers. They are just bent cause of pointless reasons, so they claim Anet is out to get them now.
Every game company does the exact same thing. Not just Anet. They will never tell you if disciplinary action is taken against the offenders. It is not your business to know that information any ways. And pretty much all of them will tell you they will not give you free loot cause a group kicked you before the boss died. If they did, people would claim it all the time and abuse it. No company gives you free loot because of jerk players.
All you can do is provide a screenshot and report them. Give names, time, and incident as clearly as you can. Then move on with your life and hope they get what is coming to them. Don’t let one little group of children ruin your whole experience.
I like how you say dont listen to the naysayers, then go on to say they(anet) arnt going to do anything about it or bother to compensate you, and then even go on to say you should still waste your time reporting them.
Why on earth waste even more time on the matter to report them when by your own admission nothing is going to get done to them and nothing is going to get done to compensate you.
Reporting them is nothing more than a waste of time, your time would be better spent finding a guild to play with.
Horrible idea, say you are there first then mention in guild chat the maw is up but by the time the rest of your guild shows up they get put in overflow and you cant even do the event together?
That would kitten off alot of people if they couldnt even do world events with their freinds since you know the whole point of a MMO and group events is to you know…. do them as a group.
Which is something I mentioned in the original post. There could be a way to remedy this. Say if the guild group that wants to do it is large enough they could create their own instance of the boss. Not whenever they want of course, but it would spawn exactly the same as the boss does now.
I’m just throwing out ideas, there has to be something to fix the system as it is now. Or are you guys actually enjoying the larger world events?
Unless they come up with a good way to keep friends together its not going to work. Really they just need to up the scaling and fix the culling and they will be alot better. Supposedly the culling is getting fixed in the patch this month so that should be a big help as far as lag goes.
Me to, sorrows furnace server has been HORRIBLE since patch, hard to stay online for even a hour without a crash or disconnect.
Well i got infracted for my first reply so lets try this again.
I agree with OP Anet has lied to many times now to be trusted, they are not making the game they marketed to us and i would go as far as to say they are making a good effort of making the exact opposite of what was promised with every patch added.