Showing Posts For Rifter.6591:

Remove rangers, necros, and engies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Well imagine how fun this game would be to play if there were only 2 classes…guard and warriors since those are the only ones really useful for a pure speed run. Sure you can argue thieves for SR but still i think 4 zerker warriors and 1 tank/dupport guard would do it better.

they would be the fastest, my guild when we run is 2 warr 2 guard and a elementalist or thielf. We can rip through them pretty fast that way. And if we are lucky me and the other warrior(both zerk glass cannons) might even live the whole time

Well see, there’s some inefficency in your group!!! Now if you ditched the thief/ele and 1 guard and got either 2 warriors or a TW mesmer, you would clear it faster since you would have 2 more hundred blades!!!

This is true and i agree, but my girlfriend runs a elementalist, and one of her best friends runs a thief. And my guild is all RL friends.

I actually agree with you and think the absolut fastest would be 4 zerk warriors and one guardian That guardian would have to be working overtime to keep us all upright but if he was skilled could pull it off and the boss would be dead in 30 seconds with 4 zerk warriors on his kitten lol.

Remove rangers, necros, and engies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Well imagine how fun this game would be to play if there were only 2 classes…guard and warriors since those are the only ones really useful for a pure speed run. Sure you can argue thieves for SR but still i think 4 zerker warriors and 1 tank/dupport guard would do it better.

they would be the fastest, my guild when we run is 2 warr 2 guard and a elementalist or thielf. We can rip through them pretty fast that way. And if we are lucky me and the other warrior(both zerk glass cannons) might even live the whole time

Remove rangers, necros, and engies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Don’t know but i’ve run with every classe in the game and only problems i have are with the player failing, not the class. I’ve been with guards who can’t stay alive, warriors who can’t stay alive, thieves who spend more time downed than dpsing. For me, people like that have my runs hell and slow.

And as for dungeons not being fun and people only wanting to do em for gold and speed, that’s more of a problem with the game itself over the classes. ANet had turned this game into a “grind as fast as possible so i can actually get my legendary” game. I agree tho that dungeons aren’t that fun anymore but this is after getting my ranger, necro, guard to 80 and getting em all 4 different dungeon sets and almost finishing my 2nd legendary.

Im already bored of them and ony have one lvl 80 and three mid level characters. Personally i was boared of them after a few runs of each one, i would much rather spend my time in WvW(if they ever fix the culling that is) or open world PvE but none of these offer the rewards of dungeons in the same timeframe.

Remove rangers, necros, and engies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


If it can be fixed why haven’t they in about half a year..

The answers are pretty obvious..

1) Cool skill or trait mechanics that made a certain class to be a little more fun to play, ANet is super efficient in swinging the nerf bat

2) Broken mechanics or glitches that caused a certain class to be underpowered, you will be lucky if ANet ever decide to fix them at all, otherwise, it will be broken as intended

3) Fixing and balancing classes is never their priorty. They are only interested in pushing forward new events that make them earn more $$.

If you believe this is correct then the OP is also correct and the classes should be removed if they cannot/will not be fixed.

Remove rangers, necros, and engies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


This game has no DPS race fights except Arah P4 or maybe COF P1 unless you put poison on the boss.

@Rifter. If you feel that you need to blow your load on a boss that fast to try and down him and then have no defense left, that’s your issue since like i said, no boss is a mandatory DPS race like other MMOs where bosses would go invuln and 1 shot or AOE the whole raid in X amount of minutes. Also warrior is arguably the easiest class to play and is hands down the top dps already.

Its not that you need to but everyone wants to, no one runs dungeons because they are fun(they arnt) they run them because they are farming for gold/items. Therefor everyone is looking to do it as fast as absolutly possible to maxamize rewards vs time spent.

And i only have the problem of going down and then getting wiped with a few weak classes in the group, if we are running 2 warrior a guadian and a few elementals/thiefs its not a issue. Just me with 2 enenieers and a few rangers can be a problem though.

Remove rangers, necros, and engies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


My engineer and my necro are my favorite characters. Just because they don’t hold up to the DPS of other classes doesn’t make them superfluous. I find them fun as kitten to play.

Efficiency isn’t everything.

In this game DPS really is everything, especially in dungeons.

I cant count the number of times ive been in a boos fight with my glass cannon warrior and get the boss down below a quarter health mostly by myself then run out of endurence to dodge or finally make a mistake and forget to dodge the boss’s power attack and go down just for the rest of my team to be unable to finish the last 25% of health between the 4 of them and we get wiped.

You really need the DPS output to carry your weight in this game in dungeons, normal PvE not so much, but any group events DPS is king.

They REALLY need to buff the ranger and engineer as far as DPS goes, like double it for a start.

Exotic drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Why did I have to open this thread!

You broke my fantasy world where I believe exotics don’t drop because it makes me feel better about my luck… Exotics are made not found!

Yeah like the DR thread i started yesterday about farming for armored scales, ive got 4 in 40 hours of farming and a guy posted who got over 20 in his first 2 hours…..

Why not make dungeons scale per # of players?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Sure i would not mind that but make loot apply to how many toons are in the dungeon.

I have to question which way you think the scaling should go. My guess is you think a full group of 5 people should get better loot than a solo player.

My question is, why?

Doing content with a group is easier for each individual than it is doing it solo. If you are in a group there is someone there to cover for your mistakes. If you are solo and screw up you pay for that mistake. There is no one there to save you. There is no good argument for why a group of 5 should get better loot than an individual assuming proper difficulty scaling.

While I personally would like to see soloable dungeon modes I’m not sure it’s in the best interests of the game as a whole. People hate PUGs. If you make PUGs unnecessary then there are no PUGs. No PUGs no social contact with new people. The fact is when people aren’t forced to group with strangers they don’t (generally). This has significant effects on any possibility for a community.

Except you could still group with smaller parties, i cant count how many times my guild(small guild of RL friends) has had 3 or 4 of us that wanted to do a dungeon but we all hate pugs/randoms so didnt bother and just farmed orr.

Also the loot should scale by number of players and not be better/worse for groups or solo’s. This would not reward solo’s for having a much harder time to go it alone and that alone i think would stop everyone from soloing, because if you dont get better rewards for solo and its much harder people will still group just because its easier, you just wuldnt need a full group.

Why not make dungeons scale per # of players?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rifter.6591


My first time in a dungeon was a solo effort and I couldn’t even scratch the health of the first low level enemy while I got 2 hit…

I managed to kill the first 2-3 mobs but as soon as i got to the point where i had to agro more than one at a time it was over i couldnt handle 2 normal mobs at a time. Didnt matter though i would never have been able to solo a boss not in a million years.

Movement Speed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


My warrior feels dead slow at times.. Even with the boosted trait I feel like a slug, even worse when I got into battle whether or not I’m getting hit doesn’t seem to matter. I even tried putting down a guild banner for speed and still.. just so slow.

This is why i use the elite banner, pick it up, and use the 3 slot skill to give swiftness for 30-45 seconds at a time(cant remember length). Banner last long enough to do this three times and then you have a 30 second cooldown till you can cast banner again.

Sure its hard to fight with the banner but i mostly use this for quick transport and dont bother figting the mobs, they cant catch you anyways. And you can always put it down and then pick it up again.

It applies to party as well so useful in dungeons for skipping mobs on way to boss fights.

Ori nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I have been having trouble finding them over the last week not just today.

Why not make dungeons scale per # of players?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I soloed (with heroes and henchies, that is) most of the dungeons in Eye of the North. Would sure like to be able to do that here, as well. I’ve tried a few – all spectacularly unsuccessful, with the exceptions of the Mad King’s dungeon and the Wintersday dungeon. Both took a looooong time and were more frustrating than fun.

Yeah i know how you feel, i tried to solo AC in my glass cannon lvl 80 beserker warrior.

Lets just say that was not my brightest idea……..

Exotic drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


You can get a exotic drop from a regular mob?

Ive been playing for almost 2 months now and have never seen one drop from mob, ever. Only ones i have ever got are either from jumping puzzle chests or map completion.

Never even got one from dragon chests.

Why not make dungeons scale per # of players?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Sure i would not mind that but make loot apply to how many toons are in the dungeon.

obviously everything would have to scale including loot.

I mean really this would be a win win situation as everyone would be happy. Want to run MF gear and no one will group with you? then go it alone if you can handle it in MF gear. Dont like pugs and only 2 guildies online? great go with three.

Really i dont see a downside to this and see it ending alot of the dungeon complaint threads.

Why not make dungeons scale per # of players?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Why can we not make dungeons soloable via scaling?

I see constant complaints about having to carry a MF player though the dungeon so he can get more rewards while rest of party suffers, and this IMO is a 100% valid complaint and the main reason i try and avoid pug groups like the plauge.

Or having to carry a crap class like ranger or engineer thorugh a dungeon(i personally dont think these are crap classes but ALOT of people do and dont want them in their groups)

So why not just make them scale to player number so if you only have a single friend or two online you can solo it or go at it with one or two friends?

And yes i realize you can exploit win most dungeons solo but im talking no exploit/rush runs but actually being able to do a normal run with fewer players.


Losing track of cursor + terrible tab targeting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


This is a huge issue for me as well, constantly loosing the cursor.

The main complaint about the game in my guild is actually the horrible UI in general for this game.

Somoene want to explain how such a widespread issue is being ignored by the devs for 3+ months? This would be a very simple fix to allow size and color changes of the cursor.

And dont even get me started on the tab targetting of this game its the worst i have seen in any game ever.

I was fighting the dragon in forstgorge the other day and it auto targeted a kittening moa i couldnt even see on the screen in the middle of the dragon fight.

Confused about DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I did a test starting the other day in the Lost Shore map killing the Barracuda, Turtles and those big Scorpian fish or whatever they are as I was specifically hunting for armoured scales myself. Here is what I noted:

Test 1 – 2 hours without ANY kind of Magic Find gear but using a +50% Magic Find Booster + omnomberry bars:

Armoured Scales – 19
Large Scales – 67
Rares – 2
Greens – 7
Blues – 8
Whites – 7

Test 2 – 2 hours with different char with FULL Magic Find gear with +50% Magic Find booster + Omnomberry bar:

Armoured Scales – 7
Large Scales – 80
Rares – 1
Greens – 9
Blues – 4
Whites – 13

I know it looks odd as it seems I did better WITHOUT Magic Find gear but that’s what my drops were for each test being 2 hours on 2 seperate days with 2 sepearate chars.

Hope that helps in someway somehow.

It sure helped me get convinced im getting absolutly kitten by the RNG and DR since ive got 4 armored scaled in 40 hours of farming and zero rares dropped in almost 2 weeks now.

Sad to say but if your results are what most players are getting and what i stated in my first post is what my game is going to look like from now on then its time for me to find another game to play, which is sad because i like this one but im sure not going to keep playing if im getting kitten that bad, there is no point.

Should Orr c change come next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Player VS Arenanet employees in swat team skins? I’m open to ideas.

Best suggestion ever, bonus points if they give us a tinfoil hat skin to do it in.

Confused about DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


One more thing now that i have a few things to try for the mat drops lets talk about the rare drops specifically, anyone know how to reset the DR as far as rare drops goes?

Confused about DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


The dredge loot bags drop t6 mats including scales… you can find them in the fractals, and in frostgorge. Maybe sorrows embrace… although I haven’t run explore on that one enough to know (or remember) I got any t6 ther.

Blood and scales drop from mobs in southsun cove too.

Don’t concentrate on just “killing things repeatedly” to get your mats… they drop rarely because they are rare mats… your best bet is to collect things from various sources and convert. Gold to mats on the tp… lower level mats to higher level mats from the mystic forge…. laurels to mats…. loot bags to mats… in addition to killing. You’ll find the game a lot less frustrating when you don’t focus into a single thing and pound away at it relentlessly…

Thats just it though i have specific goals so i need specific materials, its not like im after any t6 mat im after blood/scales specifically. Never occured to me about the dredge and those mining bags though, ill give that a shot for sure.

Also havent discovered southsun i dont think so ill go there and try farming there as well.

Confused about DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Vary your gameplay. Don’t sit in one zone all the time, don’t sit in one spot all the time, don’t kill the same mobs all the time.

You can get t6 mats from various sources, and unless you have been struck by the perma dr bug your best bet is to move around the world not concentrating on anything to a ridiculous degree. You can buy t6 mats with laurels, you can get them from loot bags both in world and dungeons, you can make them by transmogrifying lower level mats in the mystic forge… use the various sources to your gain instead of sitting in one spot.

Also… you aren’t going to find any “real” information about DR on this forum or any other… only speculation and hyperbole. Nobody outside Arenanet knows how DR works, because they have specifically not told us anything about it… we can only speculate about how it works and what it does. Some of us more level headed about it than others… but none of us informed.

Well i did try going to orr to get heavy moldy bags but found that this was a waste of time and usualy just got silk scraps from them. I have started just selling them on the TP its more worthwhile IMO.

Where are some good spots to farm for armored scales and blood?

Im only at 50% map completion so am missing alot of areas to explore is there another level 80 frozen zone like frostgorge i should be looking for as well that might have what i need?

Confused about DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


So i have been reading up on DR since i think it is now somehow effecting me. I know Anet has gone on record saying it will never effect normal players and only bots and that no one else will notice it. I believe this is a false statement. They have also gone on record saying:

“While we need a safety net to stop unanticipated economy-breaking exploits and botting, we have no desire to stop farming. Farmers are a part every online economy and when they are doing normal game activity they do not cause any harm. If a player finds a normal game activity fun and would like to keep doing it, that’s fine with us.”

So having read all this info one would think that DR is something not to be worried about, howerver…..

Ive been playing for about 1-1.5 months now, first character lvl 80 for just over a week now. So obviously now that im lvl 80 im farming for exotic ingrediants as im only wearing rare lvl 80 crafted gear currently. Im trying to get armored scaled and tier 6 blood for 2 sets of armor, one for my lvl 80 warrior one for my guardian who im still leveling.

For my armored scales im farming frostgorge sound and killing lvl 78+ jellyfish and ice sharks. This went well for the first 2 hours and i got 4 armored scales as drops. I have since spent over 30 hours of gameplay farming these same mobs(never more than 3 hours a day) and have recieved ZERO more armored scales. If this isnt DR i dont know what is.

As for blood i also farm in frostgorge killing minators and trolls. Like above i did well for my first few hours and got 6 drops. Since then ive put in another 10 hours and recieved zero drops of blood.

As far as rare drops which as you all know are needed for the ecto ive been getting kitten on those as well. The whole time leveling my warrior i would get a single yellow drop per day on average(i play 2 hours a day on work days and 10-12 hours a day on the weekends) I am totally 100% ok with this as that works out to a yellow every 3-4 hours of gametime which i think is totally acceptable. However since hitting level 80 and i think triggering DR i have yet to recieve a single yellow at all from any chest or drop. The only high level yellows i have obtained to harvest for ecto have come from the mystic toilet when i put in 4 high level greens.

I think its very suspect i went from one rare a day to none in the least few weeks, this is to long of a gap to be chalked up to RNG it is very obviously DR.

So my question is how do i disable DR? do i not log in for a whole 24 hour period?(because i have been logging in every day for dailies so if i need to not do this to disable it i need to know so i can skip a few days)

Also how do i reset DR for farming, in my above quote it clearly states they have no issue with farming, so why am i getting screwed so much just trying to obtain 30 tier 6 ingrediants for a set of armor? its not like im trying to even make money on the TP im doing this to get a set of exotic armor because as far as im concerned thats the end game, im not going to grind for legendary thats just a ridiculas grind that would easaly take 6-12 months and im not that hardcore.

So why am i getting kitten by DR when every piece of material i have read about it says it will not effect normal players and that they are ok with farming.

Also worth noting im getting the no chest for dragon glitch, i do the dragon in frostgorge all the time since im there alot and twice now have recieved no chest out of maybe 20 runs at it, so 10% of the time im getting screwed there too.

This game is not making sense to me!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


so go WvW i dont see the issue, pleanty of GvG going on in WvW.

How is Jewel inappropriate?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I would submit a ticket over this, thats just kitten

From "perceived" to proved...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I do think a public apology is in order here, post haste sirs! Also, a return to good old listening to your players as they know what’s best for gaming, as we are gaming! We’re gamers, it’s what we do! You may be developers and bring this fine product all together but we know something you don’t… what works and what does not! So cut the arrogance and get back to putting out a bug-free and exciting game world.

/tinfoil ON

You know, listening to the players is a sticky proposition. Who do they listen to? The umpteen suggestions for mounts? The people who like Ascended gear, the people who want it patched out completely? The people who want more content, the people who want more content now, or the people who don’t want content until everything is 100% fixed but can’t seem to completely agree on everything that’s broken?

I’d like them to listen to their players. I’d also like to know they’re listening but not bowing to the will of the players.

This is why you only listen to the actual facts not any particular group of players.

Had they provided the ability for us to data log not only would more people have participated in the gathering of that data by a large margin(seriously, maybe 1% at the very most are going to spend the time to find/buy a program to record gameplay and encode and upload the footage, if we had a ingame option many more people would submit data) they would have found out about the issue much sooner, and avoided this PR blunder.

They won’t provide the ability for players to data log unless they also prevent the players from seeing that data or knowing they’re being logged. Otherwise the data may be faulty by being skewed (“I turn on my logging tool for the periods where I know it will support me, and turn it off when I do my real farming.”) or that log in itself could be data-mined to feed into bot programs.

These are extreme examples, but we have seen that people do go to such lengths if they want an edge.

The program is running on the client PC anyways it would not be hard to record every line of code being processed if you have the knowlege, it only takes hackers hours/days to crack a program, and once cracked you can data mine it all you want and anet would have no idea so i dont see it as being a huge deal if they players see the data, they can anyways with little effort. Anet could verify the submitted data against their own server logs easy enough to detect any tampering with the data itself.

Data mining isnt going to hurt anyone, its just going to bring the facts into light.

From "perceived" to proved...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I do think a public apology is in order here, post haste sirs! Also, a return to good old listening to your players as they know what’s best for gaming, as we are gaming! We’re gamers, it’s what we do! You may be developers and bring this fine product all together but we know something you don’t… what works and what does not! So cut the arrogance and get back to putting out a bug-free and exciting game world.

/tinfoil ON

You know, listening to the players is a sticky proposition. Who do they listen to? The umpteen suggestions for mounts? The people who like Ascended gear, the people who want it patched out completely? The people who want more content, the people who want more content now, or the people who don’t want content until everything is 100% fixed but can’t seem to completely agree on everything that’s broken?

I’d like them to listen to their players. I’d also like to know they’re listening but not bowing to the will of the players.

This is why you only listen to the actual facts not any particular group of players.

Had they provided the ability for us to data log not only would more people have participated in the gathering of that data by a large margin(seriously, maybe 1% at the very most are going to spend the time to find/buy a program to record gameplay and encode and upload the footage, if we had a ingame option many more people would submit data) they would have found out about the issue much sooner, and avoided this PR blunder.

From "perceived" to proved...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Sensitive much? Perceived was the right word to use. If you don’t know there IS a problem, you can’t acknowledge it AS a problem, and therefore, it’s a perceived problem until they know more.

They can’t call it a problem because people (I know this is hard for you to believe), sometimes lie on the internet. Or exaagerate. So until they have hard date, it’s a perceived problem. That’s the right thing to call it. I don’t acknowedge things my kids say as problems until I know they’re problems, because half the time they’re not.

Have you ever seen this community over-react to anything that wasn’t a problem (gem store coughs). There were pages and pages of people talking about P2W and all sorts of stuff. For days. Weeks even. And it all went away and that was that.

Anet has no reason to believe a bunch of people saying stuff until it’s backed up by actual data. People should stop being so sensitive.

Actual data was provided at every step along this issue by many players, and was ignored untill months later. As stated above a few posts up they clearly state they looked BACK into this, they wernt looking into it the whole time they had given up after their first obviously lacking look into this matter, i mean after all they thought we were all tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists why take us seriously.

Also if they really wanted data why did not allow log files to be recorded, or any other method of data collection? They have the means to do this it was a option during beta code is already written for data logging. The truth is they did nothing to aid us in submitting data because they didnt believe us, thats not going to help their credability any because we are right and have been the whole time.

For every time the community is right about something, there’s another time that they’ve been wrong about something. It happens all the time. Instead of people picking on a single word, perceived, and making it an insult, they should just take it for what the word means.

It’s like when someone’s charged with a crime, it’s always an alleged crime. It doesn’t mean the guy didn’t do the crime, it means it hasn’t been proven.

I still maintain people are too sensitive about the word itself. Because that’s what most people picked up on.

I agree most of the time on forums people are crying wolf, that in no way changes the fact that they made zero effort to help us provide the info that they themselves asked for.

Which is especially stupid of them to do because if they thought we were nuts which they obviously did after the xfiles comment providing us with the means to data log would do nothing but help prove them right in their minds, as they thought we couldnt be right.

Providing data logging could only benifit the situation no matter who was right, and its not like it wasnt brought up dozens of times in that thread so they cant play the kitten derp we didnt think fo that card here…

From "perceived" to proved...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Sensitive much? Perceived was the right word to use. If you don’t know there IS a problem, you can’t acknowledge it AS a problem, and therefore, it’s a perceived problem until they know more.

They can’t call it a problem because people (I know this is hard for you to believe), sometimes lie on the internet. Or exaagerate. So until they have hard date, it’s a perceived problem. That’s the right thing to call it. I don’t acknowedge things my kids say as problems until I know they’re problems, because half the time they’re not.

Have you ever seen this community over-react to anything that wasn’t a problem (gem store coughs). There were pages and pages of people talking about P2W and all sorts of stuff. For days. Weeks even. And it all went away and that was that.

Anet has no reason to believe a bunch of people saying stuff until it’s backed up by actual data. People should stop being so sensitive.

Actual data was provided at every step along this issue by many players, and was ignored untill months later. As stated above a few posts up they clearly state they looked BACK into this, they wernt looking into it the whole time they had given up after their first obviously lacking look into this matter, i mean after all they thought we were all tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists why take us seriously.

Also if they really wanted data why did not allow log files to be recorded, or any other method of data collection? They have the means to do this it was a option during beta code is already written for data logging. The truth is they did nothing to aid us in submitting data because they didnt believe us, thats not going to help their credability any because we are right and have been the whole time.

From "perceived" to proved...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Personally i didnt see an issue untill the x-files conspiracy comment, thets when it went from being handled professionally to being handled like a grade school name calling match.

If they would have left out insults and just done their job quietly and found and fixed the issue i think they would be getting a much better response from the playerbase. Like i said above what did they expect the response to be to this after they called the playerbase a bunch of x-files conspiracy theorists, its obviously not going to be a good response at that point once the insults are flying, its going to be even worse because we are right and they are wrong.

I took it as a lighter comment with a twist of sarcasm, which was born of someone tired of fielding the same comments over and over. Again, yes unprofessional, but seeing the tone of some posts which get snuffed here on the forums? NOT undeserved for some posters.

Thats just part of the job though, ANY internet game forum that has ever exsisted in the history of this planet has people who cry/insult the devs and are never happy no matter what. These people will always exsist and come with the territory so to speak there is nothing anyone can do about that.

The second you sink to their level you have lost the fight tough, as devs they need to NOT sink to their level and always act in a professional matter no matter how hard that might be.

From a human standpoint i totally understand getting upset/aggrivated over the comments they see on a daily basis, however that doesnt change the fact that its thier job to act as professionals. There are many people who work customer service that get kitten on every day by people and im sure would like nothing more than to tell them to kitten off and die but most dont, most handle themselves as professionals and keep doing their jobs. Just imagine how much crap the IRS first level phone reps must take on a daily basis, or even cops yet they manage to bite the bullet and do their jobs. If anet doesnt have people on staff that can handle the heat they need to spend some time to find some that can.

From "perceived" to proved...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Yeah they really handled this situation about as bad as they could have, which is why they are getting this negative response to it.

Handle something in a poor unprofessional manner and expect the same in return, this is just common sense. Anet brought this negative response totally upon themselves.

Well they could have done worse, they could have simply kept bringing out the old phrase “working as intended” while fixing it, then dropped a fix quietly into a patch with no notes and no sign anything was changed while going “see, we told you it worked properly” when someone comments on a change.

I would call it the Verant method of problem resolution.

Honestly, I think at this point every MMO developer has seen the common “my drops are bugged” “stealth nerf to drops this patch” nonsense so much in other threads, it became “The Players That Cried Nerf” and it became a defense mechanism for their sanity to just go:

“Not this again.”

Is it wrong? Yeah, of course it’s wrong, what did you expect me to say? It’s a mistaken attitude born of complacency and too much familiarity with players of MMOs. About the best way to handle it once you find out something is wrong is to fix it, own up it was broken, and move on. Apologize if you aren’t completely fed up with the grief, otherwise just let it go because otherwise people will be using it as a club to beat you over the head with for the rest of your game’s lifespan.

And I fully anticipate that myself. Any time someone puts up something else and a representative says “I’m not seeing it…” someone is going to drag this tired old event out and go “yeah, you said that before, you clearly don’t know what you’re doing”.

Personally i didnt see an issue untill the x-files conspiracy comment, thets when it went from being handled professionally to being handled like a grade school name calling match.

If they would have left out insults and just done their job quietly and found and fixed the issue i think they would be getting a much better response from the playerbase. Like i said above what did they expect the response to be to this after they called the playerbase a bunch of x-files conspiracy theorists, its obviously not going to be a good response at that point once the insults are flying, its going to be even worse because we are right and they are wrong.

From "perceived" to proved...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Yeah they really handled this situation about as bad as they could have, which is why they are getting this negative response to it.

Handle something in a poor unprofessional manner and expect the same in return, this is just common sense. Anet brought this negative response totally upon themselves.

All Hail Colin Johanson and Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


for making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside about the loot fix!

I would gladly “hail” them if they didn’t for a long time deny it completly, not to mention they let people freely bash people for being conspiracy theorists for simply bringing up the subject of bad rng.

Arena net deserves no “props” in this case, they did theyr job, and they took theyr sweet time doing so.

yeah this, no props given considering if they had taken us seriously they would have found this months ago, instead they call us tinfoild hat comspiracy theorists even though we were right.

The forums are good in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


“After reading reports in this thread, we spent more time investigating our rewards system. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we verified that all loot tables are indeed working correctly in the game.”

“Since then, we continued receiving reports that there seemed to be an issue, so we extended our search to all systems that created opportunities for you to get items from loot tables. Here we found an issue that we were able to verify was consistent across everyone who reported problems:
The rules by which you qualify for credit for an event or for experience when killing a mob are different rules than those used to help determine if you qualify for loot. Some of these were set up to be unintentionally restrictive, and as such you could kill a creature with a lot of health (this was most noticeable on champions) and not qualify for loot, despite qualifying for all other credit.”

So really they did say that they hadn’t changed anything, but there is an internal issue that they are working on fixing. People were mostly making outlandish claims that arenanet nerfed drops and DR, as if a company would purposely try to lose all credibility and large sums of money. This I think is why their comment was made. Again, perhaps I take things less serious than others. I did contribute to that thread with over an hour of HD footage and several pics to help see the issue. But at the same time I had patience and didn’t resort to what some players have and become rude and callous towards the members of the Arenanet team.

Oh i read that whole thread, took me a week but i did it. So im well aware that some posters were less than happy with anet and said so in many cases and were not nice about it. As anet is the devs though its there job to respond in a professional manner and not stoop down to the level of some people in that post and lower themselves to namecalling right along with some of the forum posters in that thread.

Also what you need to remember is most of those posters who lost it and made rude remarks did so knowing that they were right and after anet made the paranoid conspiracy theorist comments. So really anet brought most of those comments on themselves by both not doing there job to look into the issue well enough to find the issue and by going down to the level of namecalling. I think there would have been alot less blowback directed at anet had they been more professional in the handling of that situation.

The forums are good in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Any post worth its salt usually vanishes into the 4th dimension. So mysterious.

Or is so mysterious to them that they call it perceived an xfiles experiment or act like they just now heard about it 5 months later. :/

yeah that particular issue and how it was handled in a very un-professional way i think left a bad taste in alot of people mouths.

Pretty much any way to handle that situation would have been better than what they said, hell they could have denied the whole thing and said it was working as intended and they found no issues(which they did say and should have left it at that minus the insults) and that would have been worlds better than calling your playerbase paranoid conspiracy theorists.

The forums are good in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


“Your infraction was changed from a warning with 0 points to 3 points. Infraction points may cause loss of privileges, including forum suspension.
You have been permanently banned from the forums.
This is an automated message generated by an infraction given by a human moderator. If you believe you have received this infraction in error or wish to make an appeal, please send an e-mail to”

I sent an email, 6 hours later I was back on forums over a small misunderstanding. I took it with a grain of salt, we all make mistakes. After all we are only human.

It is indeed good to know that the appeal system actually gets to humans, thats a good sign.

The forums are good in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


These are by far some of the worst forums ive ever seen, due to censorship. I realize forums need to be moderated but there is a line between needed moderation and nazi dictatorship style moderation, and these forums fall into the latter.

Perhaps its because i spend alot of time here during the night because im infront of a comp with not much to do so i noticed the threads when they are posted and then 10 min later poof gone and most users just dont notice this happening on a regular basis but just because most dont notice doesnt mean it isnt happening.

Im sure most of you saw one of the 5-6 threads that were posted over the past few days about the user trying to find a not dead server to transfer to, none of which contained anything against the rules yet all were locked for no reason. When simple things like trying to find a populated server to play on is being locked then you have a serious issue with moderation. I realize you dont want people knowing your servers are dead because people are leaving the game in large numbers, but the answer to this is fixing the game and fix the reasons that you are lossing players not brushing it under the rug and hoping no one notices.

There are enough bugs and issues with this game that you are going to have negative posts, thats just the way forums work, brushing them all under the rug is not the solution.

Also, calling us all tinfoil hat x-files conspiracy theorists was a VERY POOR AND OUTRIGHT RUDE was to handle that loot situation, especially considering WE WERE RIGHT THE WHOLE TIME.

This is why i view these forums as a joke and only post serious threads about gw2 at other non-anet controlled MMO forums where you are actually allowed to talk about the whole game and not just the good aspects.

The sad thing is all excessive moderation does is turn the forums into a bunch of yes men white knight posters which offer no feedback to the devs and if anything actually hurt the further development of the game, but hey if anet wants a forums full of white knights they are off to a good start.

Server query.

Complaints about virtually every aspect of the game. Uncensored.

As for the comment which I did not take as a personal attack on my intelligence:

When things get so absurd and so stupid and so ridiculous that you just can’t bear it, you cannot help but turn everything into a joke.
~David Byrne

I was referring to this user

Of which i did see the first few threads and none of which broke the posted rules.

And thats far from the first post locked which broke no known posted rules, you just have to camp on the main page and refresh every 5 min to catch most of them before they dissapear.

But the key point is that you are allowed to appeal. Which in most cases on the net is not possible. A simple print-screen button press and an email could resolve any issue, or simply doing as they stated and emailing an appeal. Things are done democratically, and give chances to appeal any decision made on your account or post. Whereas in other MMO’s I’ve played depending on the severity of what you have done you are banned, no warning, no goodbye, no appeals, just done.

You of course are assuming you actually do have a chance to appeal and that all e-mail going to that adress doesnt just get a autoreponse and filed in the delete folder.

Having never delt with anet forums appeals im not sure if thats the case or not, but i know of other devs in which that is exactly what happens and judging by the censorship going on here it wouldnt surprise me if that was the case here as well.

As you said alot of MMO’s dont offer appeals, wouldnt surprise me if anet was the same way just trying to save face by saying they do.

Either way the fact that the post got locked in the first place is the issue, not what happens after.

Awesome cities, mostly abandoned because all the action is in LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I disagree, transport costs arnt really a issue once you hit lvl 80 and can farm orr for easy cash. And i still spend alot of time in my home city the black citadel just because im familer with it and love the artwork.

That’s you and a small amount of others. Gets lonely in the Grove without all my little Treebros around. Still, it makes no sense because as I’ve said; you can already teleport to any city for free, but you have go through 3 loading screens instead of 1. Why not just give us a portal stone that goes directly to it?

Racial cities need more life.

Yeah thats why i never use LA to fast travel, easier to just pay the silver and go straight to where you want to go.

I would be on board for a free fast travel to home city.

The forums are good in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


These are by far some of the worst forums ive ever seen, due to censorship. I realize forums need to be moderated but there is a line between needed moderation and nazi dictatorship style moderation, and these forums fall into the latter.

Perhaps its because i spend alot of time here during the night because im infront of a comp with not much to do so i noticed the threads when they are posted and then 10 min later poof gone and most users just dont notice this happening on a regular basis but just because most dont notice doesnt mean it isnt happening.

Im sure most of you saw one of the 5-6 threads that were posted over the past few days about the user trying to find a not dead server to transfer to, none of which contained anything against the rules yet all were locked for no reason. When simple things like trying to find a populated server to play on is being locked then you have a serious issue with moderation. I realize you dont want people knowing your servers are dead because people are leaving the game in large numbers, but the answer to this is fixing the game and fix the reasons that you are lossing players not brushing it under the rug and hoping no one notices.

There are enough bugs and issues with this game that you are going to have negative posts, thats just the way forums work, brushing them all under the rug is not the solution.

Also, calling us all tinfoil hat x-files conspiracy theorists was a VERY POOR AND OUTRIGHT RUDE was to handle that loot situation, especially considering WE WERE RIGHT THE WHOLE TIME.

This is why i view these forums as a joke and only post serious threads about gw2 at other non-anet controlled MMO forums where you are actually allowed to talk about the whole game and not just the good aspects.

The sad thing is all excessive moderation does is turn the forums into a bunch of yes men white knight posters which offer no feedback to the devs and if anything actually hurt the further development of the game, but hey if anet wants a forums full of white knights they are off to a good start.

Server query.

Complaints about virtually every aspect of the game. Uncensored.

As for the comment which I did not take as a personal attack on my intelligence:

When things get so absurd and so stupid and so ridiculous that you just can’t bear it, you cannot help but turn everything into a joke.
~David Byrne

I was referring to this user

Of which i did see the first few threads and none of which broke the posted rules.

And thats far from the first post locked which broke no known posted rules, you just have to camp on the main page and refresh every 5 min to catch most of them before they dissapear.

Awesome cities, mostly abandoned because all the action is in LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I disagree, transport costs arnt really a issue once you hit lvl 80 and can farm orr for easy cash. And i still spend alot of time in my home city the black citadel just because im familer with it and love the artwork.

The forums are good in this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


These are by far some of the worst forums ive ever seen, due to censorship. I realize forums need to be moderated but there is a line between needed moderation and nazi dictatorship style moderation, and these forums fall into the latter.

Perhaps its because i spend alot of time here during the night because im infront of a comp with not much to do so i noticed the threads when they are posted and then 10 min later poof gone and most users just dont notice this happening on a regular basis but just because most dont notice doesnt mean it isnt happening.

Im sure most of you saw one of the 5-6 threads that were posted over the past few days about the user trying to find a not dead server to transfer to, none of which contained anything against the rules yet all were locked for no reason. When simple things like trying to find a populated server to play on is being locked then you have a serious issue with moderation. I realize you dont want people knowing your servers are dead because people are leaving the game in large numbers, but the answer to this is fixing the game and fix the reasons that you are lossing players not brushing it under the rug and hoping no one notices.

There are enough bugs and issues with this game that you are going to have negative posts, thats just the way forums work, brushing them all under the rug is not the solution.

Also, calling us all tinfoil hat x-files conspiracy theorists was a VERY POOR AND OUTRIGHT RUDE was to handle that loot situation, especially considering WE WERE RIGHT THE WHOLE TIME.

This is why i view these forums as a joke and only post serious threads about gw2 at other non-anet controlled MMO forums where you are actually allowed to talk about the whole game and not just the good aspects.

The sad thing is all excessive moderation does is turn the forums into a bunch of yes men white knight posters which offer no feedback to the devs and if anything actually hurt the further development of the game, but hey if anet wants a forums full of white knights they are off to a good start.

Promoting MF and GF

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


This is actually one of the main things keeping me out of dungeons. I just recently got to level 80 and dont have a huge guild so usualy run with randoms for dungeons and cant help but think that the guys who die/go down 50+ times per run(im not super good and i only die 10-20 times a run) are running MF gear and just leeching off the rest of us. This is exact opposite of what should be happening in a team game.

I honestly cant believe that MF doesnt effect whole party, this is a MMO it is ment to be played as a team/teamwork required game is it not? you need 5 players for a dungeon do you not? so why the kitten isnt MF group shared?

keyboard lag since last matinence ...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I have not noticed this with jumping puzzles but have noticed it in combat. I would hit a key for a weapon skill and my character would just stand there for 1-3 seconds and then would launch into whatever skill i had hit.

I never noticed this before the last patch.

Doesnt happen often but have noticed it maybe a dozen times since patch.

Game feels incredibly anti-melee.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


While i am fairly new i just leveled a warrior to level 80 last week and am now working on a thief i have some comments about this.

My warrior is a GS beserker(glass cannon) and i do very well with him in a melee role IF(and this is a huge IF) i am in a group on voice comms and can call when im about 3 seconds from going down and the team can res me right away. If this is not the case well im less than effective lets just put it that way. Glass cannons are more of a group build IMO not a solo build.

What i do find is just poor programming/game design is the ease in which ranged character have it vs melee characters.

Playing my warrior if im in a high level area like CS or frostgorge i have to be on my toes for all veteran or champion mobs, constantly looking for signs of the powerfeul attacks coming so i can effectivly dodge and kite when needed to regain health. Im constantly moving and changing the angle of my attacks and always have a escape route planned, ive been on the edge of my seat many battle fighting for my life with less than 1000hp left and all skills in recharge and just trying to keep kiting and out of the way of any attacks.

Compare this to my thief which i prefer a shortbow build for and its night and day as far as difficulty of combat. Admittingly theif is only low level right now but when i do world events with a few other players all thats needed is standing usually completly still near max range and running through my skills over and over. Throw up a combo field shoot mob a few tims and repeat. Its completly brain dead combat with zero risk of dieing, i have rearely had to even repair armor before finding better armor to replace it with and i was constantly repairing the armor on my warrior, i can telly you the location of every armor repair vendoe in the Charr lands because i was there so much i should have got on some reward points armor repair program.

Hell with my thielf i could beat most world events i have come across so far(only low 30’s level wise) on auto attack and just stand in the back and not have to worry about it and could make a coffe while figting a boss, if i tried that with my warr i would be down in the first 10 seconds, and dead in 15.

Since starting my thief i have actually started to feel ripped off as my warrior, for the amount of skill, time, planning/tactics and aggrivation that goes into playing a melee warrior compared to a ranged class there is ZERO additional rewards. Makes me wonder why anyone would bother, i can tell you one thing for sure im sure not ever going to make a minaly melee based character in this game ever again there is no point other than to give yourself a wall in which to beat your head against while the whole time you could be using a ranaged weapon doing just a good with no skill other than hitting the 2-5 keys every time a cooldown is up.

Professions lacking any kind of depth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


P.s. Unless you are top 100 Qualifying Points I don’t think you can claim about how easy the game is to master. Otherwise, if it’s so easy, why are you not up there?

I agree with what you posted except what I quoted. Easy and Time are two different things. Something can be really really easy so that anyone could master it, but require 300 hours to climb up the rankings. So while most people could do it and get to the top not everyone has the time to do so.

Get rid of DR -Diminishing Returns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


It’s a free-to-play game. They find ways of nickel-and-diming people. There’s nothing else to expect.

No it really isnt, I dont know about you but i paid $60 for this game.

The best rebreather

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


How do you craft them? there should be yellows available through crafting or is this the one item they left out of crafting?

This Game Is So Amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


I just got my first character to lvl 80 last weekend, and am advancing my second now.

What grabs me the most about this game is the artwork, this world is beautiful and very detailed. The art team really outdid themselves on this game. I could and will spend hundreds of hours running around enjoying the art/graphics of all the maps.

I just with the rest of the dev team was of the same level as the art department there are many bugs and the devs response seems to be either indifference or working as intended even when its not working as intended and is in direct contradiction to their own patch notes.

But i think that eventually most of the bugs will be worked out.

What do you want in the Gem Shop?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Anyone notice how the OP is the only person who claims to want game content locked up in the cash shop?

Guess what, its not sitting well. No. Tell your boss that.

I dont see the issue with this, afterall thats exactly what expansions are, paid content only available to the people who choose to pay for it.

poss loot drop fix, check your clocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


Wait… my drops depend on my… windows clock???
I’m not really sure I want to set my clock to server time, I use my PC clock to look at the time.

I think we could really use an official answer on this.

Well i have a response from support i will post screenshot of soon, if thats not official i dont know what is.

poss loot drop fix, check your clocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rifter.6591


ok guys, when i get home in a few hours ill post a screenshot, I just tried from my work comp but apparantly the draconian sytem admin doesnt allow it via the conventional method and the vista snipping tool is even disabled by group policy….

Im not screwing with you guys though this is for real, will have evidence up in less than 120 min.