A human/norn hybrid would be plausable Im sure…but it would just look like either a tall human, or short norn. The rest of the races though are too different so the lack of interracial babies isnt so far fetched. Sylvari dont breed though, and the way they work, all Sylvari players are children really.
Personally, I think each race should have custom appearance to their things. The point of the engineer to me was inventor, that all my gadgets and gizmos were my own making, would be nice if it was reflected like that.
Cause they are just vengeful hate mongering ghosts. Good or not in life, Adelbern was a stubborn man who murdered his own people, essentially binding them to an eternity of war. If I was one of his victims of that, Id be mad too. They arent the people they were when they were alive though.
1. I wish I knew about WvW so I didnt end up in FC… (Though Im honor bound at this point to stay there)
2. Not really. People shouldnt limit themselves. Ive tried basically everything cept Fractals…..yet. Avoid being a jerk maybe? :P
3. Fun. If not having it, why play?
4. Dunno, I joined late. Alot Im betting.
5. Nope. Nothing I know of you can buy that tips any scales
Racism and fantasy games go hand in hand, but I think this is actually a weird good thing, since we as players generally find it silly in the long run. Charr and Humans hate eachother, Dunmer and Nords hate eachother, Dwarves and Elves hate eachother, etc, but we as real people see how silly it is. If these worlds were reality, yeah, would be messed up, and Id be fighting agaisnt the bigotry there as I do here, but its a game, and most normal gamers can differentiate games from reality, despite what the media says.
So we’re fighting against SF and HOD this time. Does Anet hate ET?
On another note – I’m going to miss the Fergs. We fought against you guys so long I grew to love you. Good luck wherever you land.
I wont lie, FC and ET kinda had a brother’s love going on. Rough housing and what not, but in the end, we shared the same bedroom forever. Now we’re both off to different colleges….and both getting beat up by the Frat houses ;n ;
No and not to troll becasue I know whakittens like to be the underdog. Were not going to penalize people for wining. If your server isnt strong enough to win you don’t deserve to win. Find another way to win legit like the other servers do.
You clearly dont know what an unbalanced population in WvW is like.
I dunno. I got into WvW just to get map completion. But I did it by participating. I finally got all of WvW map stuff done…but now I end up playing WvW anyways instead of getting the 30% of the rest of map completion I am missing. :P
Short of it is, if you want to get map completion, earn it. You have to earn the rest of it. Most SPs require a fight anyways. Map completion essentially requires you “to do everything” so you dont really deserve it if you wont do everything, but thats just how I see it.
Ive tasted victory. Ive tasted the green side…not looking forward to losing it. Maybe you guys could have paced your return? ^-^;;
From how I see it, traps were added to balance out thief. Adding a trap for everyone doesnt actually balance out the whole game. Reminds me of a picture about equality. Giving 3 people of different heights the same step stool to reach something doesnt mean everyone can reach it. (Was origionally people looking over a fence at a baseball game, but I like mine better :P ) Not saying the traps do what they are supposed to, but the idea of just adding a trap for everyone when thieves certainly are notably annoying doesnt really create balance. (And I hate the idea of just nerfing everything directly, since eventually everyone will be using foam bats that way)
Glad to know people who like to take their time are shafted. I only did Rox, now I am stuck with half an achievement? Lame. Seasonal events I get, but this long prelude was around forever, just for them to shoot through some little story?
They are on strike? Is that why they are so far behind? I wont pretend Im not a bit glad, cause being green, for enough time to finish WvW map completion would be nice, but honestly, as a FC player, I have enjoyed HoD being here. Even if we arent in first, having a more balanced match up is nice. When SF was around, it was just about hiding in our BL until they started poking us, but now EB is the center of attention, and Stone Mist is not guaranteed to be owned by any one team anymore. Im having more fun in WvW than I could have hoped, even before the winning.