Showing Posts For Saelune.5316:

Wraith Masque

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Well, wouldnt mind being able to dye the green around the eyes. Might make less green colored necros running around.

Do you or do you not want us to grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


GW2 doesnt require grinding. ALL grinding in this game is optional. If you want a legendary, you might need to grind, but you dont need a legendary. If you want ascended gear, you might need to grind, but you dont need ascended gear. Grinding is only an issue if you need to grind to advance, which you dont.

That argument is becoming tiresome. And yeah OP I agree – it’s very annoying trying to do Jormag when like 90% of the people there are farming for lodestones with magic find gear and boosts on instead of actually fighting the dragon.

People complaining about things that arent wrong is also tiresome.

Do you or do you not want us to grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


GW2 doesnt require grinding. ALL grinding in this game is optional. If you want a legendary, you might need to grind, but you dont need a legendary. If you want ascended gear, you might need to grind, but you dont need ascended gear. Grinding is only an issue if you need to grind to advance, which you dont.

corection: if u want a legendary you MUST grind. no other option.

“we don’t want you to grind”… yeah, right.

If you want a legendary tomorrow maybe. I aspire to make my own legendary one day, but I am in no rush. I expect to be playing this game for years. I am doing things to get the parts for a legendary, but Im not focusing all my time and effort into it. Sure, this means I wont get one for awhile, but it doesnt mean I wont get one. And if I never get one, then so be it. Id rather have fun, than have a legendary.

Complaining on inventory and bank space

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I have a private guild with a private guild bank, which I use for stuff like zhaitafy, sigils, and unused armor. Had to work to get the renown by myself, but Im grateful for that bank.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I like WvW, since its somewhat social, and is constantly happening. For a long period I completly forgot about PvE, though now I try to do both each day. I dont like PvP, but maybe its cause Im not good at it, but if you prefer more direct competition, I guess it would be more for you.

Taking features for granted...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I guessed it was Angry Joe, and I was right. I love Joe cause hes honest.

I do agree people who complain tend to complain for poor reasons. Im all for complaining, just when it is about an actual problem. People who want GW2 to be more like WoW should just go play WoW. Many of us like thakittens not that.

People who also complain that not every little thing is geared to them need to understand this is a game for everyone, not just them. (People who complain about PvP items in achievement chests for example)

Most of what GW2 does that I love though is how full and streamlined it feels to me, compaired to all the other F2P MMOs, since my reason for playing at the start was not having to pay a sub. Ive been playing since Febuary, so thats almost $90 in subs I DIDNT pay, which easily makes up for the initial cost of buying.

PvE'ers: What would it take...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I got into WvW when someone brought me in, and I ended up having a good time. We won alot, which helped. Had I gotten beaten alot, Id be less inclined to stay. Sure its hard to guarentee any success, but it helps. I think it just helps to bring in people directly. Might not be a way to get masses at once, but its one method. Now I play WvW daily, though I still PvE a ton too.

How would you create a Living Story...

in Living World

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I would make it have permenant content. I get the whole “make it seem alive” but as one person who left and came back months later “Nothing seems different”. Doesnt really make the world seem so alive, does it? I hate the feeling that if you miss a segment, you’re missing the story. A big complaint in Southsun was that, since apparently it was built on a much earlier event, so for all us who missed it, it was alot of “Who is this, why is this happening and why should I even care?”

LS needs to enact actual lasting change, and make us care about whats going on. And maybe let us feel more important, since I just feel like some creepy stalker of Kiel.

What about the people who like the game ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Your points are good, I could not agree more. But, everyone is different. When I was working on my previous job (like a customer service, only it’s tech support), complaints > recognition. It’s alot easier to complain about something than to praise what is done. After all, it’s human nature to see the mistakes first, because they are not part of the plan/design. Here are some of the reasons I observed:

—> Because people don’t like to “put in effort”. They like to be entitled to something like “I did this, I want that”.
—> Because people don’t know the difference between “need” and “want”.
—> Because people get bored of “empty/repetitive” content. Sure there are like 1000+ events out there – but not everyone has a taste for them – see the “effort” part.
—> Because some people think there really is no major impact on what we do. “Okay, I did the event, what now? I got some greens, a few coppers, an exp, some karma… okay… now what? Oooh a new event!”

See? GW2 is a great game – but we can all admit that it’s pretty repetitive. And doing easy, repetitive things leads to what? Burnout.

I think the point of this thread is to add some positive to this sea of negative.

Unlimited Zenith screwing up weapon system?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I like the zenith weapons for when I get a better but generic looking new weapon. Im currently happy with my Ebon Hawke staff, but if I get a new staff thats better, but looks boring, I will likely use my Zenith Staff skin, instead of my transmutation crystal, since I only have like 5.

What about the people who like the game ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I love how this game is a full game. It doesnt feel cluttured, I dont feel lost, like I do in many “free to play” games.
I like that exploring is encouraged, its fun. I like JPs, when done right. Unlike some people I dont mind jumping across platforms in an MMO.
I like that I can casually play it. I lose and gain interest almost weekly. Im back in full swing, but 2 weeks ago I barely logged in. I like that I always feel like I have something to do, and I like the variety in classes and races.
I like that the game is one for all, as opposed to all for one. That is, there is something for everyone, as opposed to trying to make everything for one guy, despite what all the people here say. (Most people complaining on the forums dont understand this game was not designed JUST for their pleasure)

And I like gems for gold. Its nice to know I can earn shop items without actually having to spend real money, the big flaw of other supposed free MMOs.

Running out of goals: Achievements.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Go for the WvW achievements then. They are so rediculously over-sized, you will always have a goal :P

Do you or do you not want us to grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


GW2 doesnt require grinding. ALL grinding in this game is optional. If you want a legendary, you might need to grind, but you dont need a legendary. If you want ascended gear, you might need to grind, but you dont need ascended gear. Grinding is only an issue if you need to grind to advance, which you dont.

I’m just having a really hard time understanding something here. For instance: have you seen the list of materials a legendary weapon needs? I understand that they are all optional, but I can’t seem to figure out why someone spend two hours fighting the same mobs to work towards that. I wanna play the RPG that ArenaNet made, not FarmVille. Like, the actual method of obtaining a legendary is the complete antithesis of what they said in the manifesto video. It’s like the shining example of what grinding is.
It’s boggling my mind.

I hear quite often that there are tons of better equipment than legendaries anyways that dont require the grind. Just because there is something in the game that gears towards grinding, doesnt mean the whole game has a grinding issue. People here have a hard time accepting that the whole game is not designed solely for that one person. (Apparent by all the complaints about WvW, achievement chests, team oriented dungeons, etc) I like collecting achievements. To actually get them all is rather grindy, but I dont have to get them. I certainly dont have to get them all, as there are tons of choices. In the end though, people need to realize even if they never get a legendary, or all the achievements, or something, they can still have a good time in the game. I think the real issue is people dont try to have fun in this game, or they think “if I have that sword, I will have fun” but its not.

Guild Wars 2 New Player Review

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I wouldnt mind if there was something in game to help facilitate social interaction better for people so painfully awkardly shy, aka me. I keep trying guilds, but only reason anyone in them talks to me is to yell at me for not ONLY repping them in a game that lets you be in 5 guilds. Hell, half the reason I go out of my way to help other players is in hopes of either friendship, or atleast a temporary teammate. (The other half is people should just help eachother). Main reason I love WvW is because I atleast feel part of a group.

Do you or do you not want us to grind?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


GW2 doesnt require grinding. ALL grinding in this game is optional. If you want a legendary, you might need to grind, but you dont need a legendary. If you want ascended gear, you might need to grind, but you dont need ascended gear. Grinding is only an issue if you need to grind to advance, which you dont.

Can you still get Jade Weapon tickets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


If you got the coffers, you got the opportunity. Would make no sense to alter a unopened event box.

Please turn down the ambient chatter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316



Your face looks funny…all squished and weeird…
No. YOUR face is funny. Its like a little raisin.

Make dungeons soloable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I think they just need to make it so finding people to do dungeons with is easier, since though I am mainly a solo player, I understand and accept dungeons as a team thing. I just hate finding a group.

How many characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I have 8. Getting close to my 9th, but I might stop there, and then go for more bank space.
One of each proffession, and one of each race, but I have a second Asura, Norn, and Charr. 4 Male, 4 female.

A question about future zones.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I welcome new areas that are like the previous with hearts and map completion, but it should not, and likely would not add to the current requirement for 100% map completion of the main game. If it was just one or two areas, it would likely just have the bonus completion chest, or a better one. If it is part of a larger expansion, likely it would be a second world completion to do, offering its own seperate rewards.

For those with more than 8 toons...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Glad to see other people more neurotic and varied than even me. I still get baffled by people who stay at just 5 slots and repeat races or classes, thus missing out.

Omit 'first place' achievements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Well, people could always try earning them. I am mixed though. I EARNED all my crab toss achievements. I won my second game ever, I got crabtacular (by luck I admit) on my 4th. After that I just needed the oens for points and stuff, but I had gotten good, and won many times…to the point I was often yelled at to “give others a turn”. Though sometimes I even did try to not win…and won.

On the otherhand, I feel bad when people keep trying but just cant get it, same if it were to happen to me. I get frustratced loss after loss, which happened in Dragon Bash with Dragon Ball, that I did not earn all of those.

Sick of having to run to wps for each new alt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


hyperbole, la la la hyper bolleeeee, la la la hyperbole

are you people saying you never use items on alts that you got on your main? because I do. also that any currency that isn’t soulbound, laurels and gold shouldn’t be used unless that specific char acquired it? But but but they didn’t earn that currency themselves, shaaammmmeee on youuuu

also the majority of my alts are leveled by crafting 1-80 then gear is got from playing wvw and getting gold

Most games dont even allow that much though. I was surprised when I made my first alt and found the banks were connected. It should be clear by now though, that despite that, each character is ultimatly seperate.

(Doubt) Cultural and Transmutation crystal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Well, weapons are usable by any race, but if you can use that to wear race armor, it would be a bug, and likely would not look right on races that were not designed to wear that armor.

Griefing WvW JPs

in WvW

Posted by: Saelune.5316


“Its a WvW area” is a dumb excuse. It shouldnt be a WvW area is my response. Its such a big annoying JP, that the added element of enemy players is a real jerk move. Thankfully more people seem to help/ignore eachother than grief eachother, but just one jerk can ruin someone’s day. Worse yet they keep using Obsidian Sanctum to house Living Story content. I had hoped to not have any reason to finish it more than once after the first time.

Dude there’s a million JP’s in this game, only a handful are in WvW. And only one is hard enough that everyone is QQ’ing about it.

You are being overly dramatic about a pvp area….

Again, I wouldnt care so much if they didnt suddenly put focus on it with Aetherblades and now this new LS update. I managed to do it once when no one was around. After that I literally said to myself “Glad I dont ever have to do that again”.

"Nearly Completed" Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


absolutely not. because those achievements that are offered there are two i will probably never complete. The HOM, and the Tooltip one. i think there should be a way to “remove” Achievements you dont plan to complete. For the rest, it is really nice

It shows whatever 3 are closest to completion. Get closer to completing different achievements and they will replace them.

In my opinion GW2 is turning into a C rated platformer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I like JPs, but only when balanced well between risk/reward/fun. Long ones that make you start all the way over no matter where you fail suck. Goemm’s Lab used to be like that, but I think that was fixed, and now its not so bad if you fall. I just hate when theres alot of enemies in annoying places, or unforgiving falls.

Which is fine, but the problem atm is gw2 is jumping focused, i want a mmorpg,
perhaps a-net devs should return to blizzard and relearn what it was that made gw1 the huge success it was, if this current direction on platform jumping continues i can see gw2 turning into nothing more than a cliche game.

EDIT: Sorry for being so blunt, but this platform direction is frustrating to a long time a-net customer…

I never played GW1, so I dont have that mentality. But JPs are something I dont see in other MMOs, and honestly, GW2’s appeal seems to be alot from being the different MMO. From what I do know of the first though, GW2 seems way different from the get go anyways though.

Sick of having to run to wps for each new alt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Just because you are too boring to play multiple characters doesnt mean everyone is. If you can complain of being level 80 on one character, and having to relevel, then maybe I should complain that Im not just given level 80. My characters total over 200 levels after all. People need to learn to earn their stuff, instead of expecting hand outs.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe he is solely frustrated with dungeon access. He never mentioned getting handouts.

Well, I mean handouts in just being given something unearned, be it items, or waypoints or anything else you would otherwise have to get yourself on a new character.

Ah, I see what you’re saying. Do you get frustrated at all with having to get the waypoints for joining dungeons? Just curious haha…

No. But also dungeons arent something you can even do until you reach level 35 anyway. So it is not like you are trying to do SF at level 1 and have 0 map completion.

Sick of having to run to wps for each new alt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Just because you are too boring to play multiple characters doesnt mean everyone is. If you can complain of being level 80 on one character, and having to relevel, then maybe I should complain that Im not just given level 80. My characters total over 200 levels after all. People need to learn to earn their stuff, instead of expecting hand outs.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe he is solely frustrated with dungeon access. He never mentioned getting handouts.

Well, I mean handouts in just being given something unearned, be it items, or waypoints or anything else you would otherwise have to get yourself on a new character.

Sick of having to run to wps for each new alt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Just because you are too boring to play multiple characters doesnt mean everyone is. If you can complain of being level 80 on one character, and having to relevel, then maybe I should complain that Im not just given level 80. My characters total over 200 levels after all. People need to learn to earn their stuff, instead of expecting hand outs.

"Nearly Completed" Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I am. Im close to my 1000th skill point thing apparently. (SP challanes/level up after 80)

For those with more than 8 toons...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I want a 9th slot too. My intent for it is likely to do the stories I havent…then delete and start again. So I would switch depending on ones I havent had for that race.

In my opinion GW2 is turning into a C rated platformer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I like JPs, but only when balanced well between risk/reward/fun. Long ones that make you start all the way over no matter where you fail suck. Goemm’s Lab used to be like that, but I think that was fixed, and now its not so bad if you fall. I just hate when theres alot of enemies in annoying places, or unforgiving falls.

Didn't Anet say GW 2 would be solo friendly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I solo most of the time. Just because not every single thing is soloable, doesnt mean the game isnt solo friendly.

I'm now grinding dailies without noticing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


- Doing a dungeon story again where I’d have preferred an explorable.

Bad design there. Sooner or later any person will get to a point where all the story dungeons are done – and they are not designed with repeating in mind. That daily should allow for any path (whether story or explore).

If you do everything, you will get dailies done regardless.

…yes, by definition, since “everything” includes “all dailies”. Your point was?

Im sure they mean “everything” to just playing all aspects of the game, instead of JUST playing dungeons, or just fractals, or just WvW.
And there is a reason Dailies need 5 but have more than 5 to beat. Because not everyone wants to do all of them, so there is usually an alternative to undesirable challanges. I rarely do dungeons, and Ive never done one just to complete a daily.

WvW Obsidian Sanctum,

in WvW

Posted by: Saelune.5316


A better fix would make it NOT in WvW.

Griefing WvW JPs

in WvW

Posted by: Saelune.5316


“Its a WvW area” is a dumb excuse. It shouldnt be a WvW area is my response. Its such a big annoying JP, that the added element of enemy players is a real jerk move. Thankfully more people seem to help/ignore eachother than grief eachother, but just one jerk can ruin someone’s day. Worse yet they keep using Obsidian Sanctum to house Living Story content. I had hoped to not have any reason to finish it more than once after the first time.

Congrats Anet, you have killed RoF

in WvW

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Atleast you arent one of the two smallest WvW servers who are just cycling between big servers that bully us around.

Am I the only one who feels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I get annoyed at the people who complain about bonus stuff that is for things they dont do, aka PvP. I dont do PvP, but its not that I wont, and I like that when/if I do start, I will have some other gear to start with. Plus there is tons of other cool stuff part of the reward, like permenant account buffs and skins, and some extra coin.

I'm now grinding dailies without noticing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


You got to make it not a grind. If there are area kill/event/vet ones, I do those on a character in those regions, or as a character that has things to do in those regions. If I have to gather, I prefer to do it in an area I havent 100% yet, so its multiple birds with one stone.

Easiest/hardest professions to level?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I find guardian boring, but Ive managed to get it to level 41. My elementalist is stuck cause I die all the time. Mesmer sucks, atleast in my hands.

Disappointed at AP rewards.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


You’re getting free stuff. Dont like it? Click destroy.

what to do with PVP skins ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Like minis and materials, you can deposit collectables and all your PvP gear goes to your PvP locker. And if you ever down the road DO get into PvP, you will be glad to get this advantage. People complain about FREE stuff too much. Perhaps there are people who PvP and are happy to get some more stuff.

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I dont see any issue with the achievement points for dailies and stuff. They fit teh bill of an “achievement”, and achievements in GW2 are fairly free form anyways. I dont see why people are bothered by this. And if someone were theoretically to get every standard achievement in the game, would it be so bad if their continued gameplay awarded them some credit? Its not even like they add tons of points. You have to earn them just like anything else.

Obsidian Sanctum again?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Obisdian Sactum sucks because of the potential of enemy players. THAT is why I hate that they are putting LS stuff in it…worse yet twice in a row. Its not so bad for the dominant server, but if that server wants to run the other 2’s time, they easily can. I got lucky during Aetherblades. The whole JP was filled with Gate of Madness people, but most of them let me go through, some even partied me and helped. But one guy kept knocing me off with range attacks. Had others also wanted to, I would have never gotten through. Either OS needs to be non pvp, or they need to not put LS content in it.

Sylvari Centric?

in Living World

Posted by: Saelune.5316


People like humans. Every fantasy game with many races available to play, the humans are always the most played. Norn are big humans which is why they are also numerous. shrug I prefer being different when presented the opportunity myself. (My main is an Asura)

Living Story- Where are the Dragons?

in Living World

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Fighting the Dragons would be terrible for Living Story. If they made an Elder Dragon as temporary content, alot more people would be kitten ed. Its easier for people to feel ok losing temporary content when it feels less significant, or repeated, but not a major foe of Tyria.

Do the freq LS updates keep you playing?

in Living World

Posted by: Saelune.5316


It gets me playing in a trudging kind of way. Yesterday I played alot just cause I wanted to finish all the cache stuff, and some Dragon Bash stuff, but it wasnt very fun since it was like a speed run. I prefer taking my time. Its why Im still only a bit past halfway done with the main story.

Orr Restoration: Good for a LW Update

in Living World

Posted by: Saelune.5316


Orr will be restored, if it does, in Guild Wars 3, should they make it. The world is not really going to acknowledge the story as completed as a whole, since it will never be fully completed by everyone.

Level cap: if increased, what are the impacts?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saelune.5316


I dont care either way, as long as it serves some good purpose. Im a level addict though, so I wont pretend I wouldnt enjoy more level ups for my main. I just hope if they do it, they do it right…not sure what the right way would be however…