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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Challenge: Befriend a being of darkness(be creative)

My and my new friend taking a dirt nap together. I had to include the 3rd one too, just cause it looked so cool – tar helpin me out with a fiery darkness dance.

Nice work! You surely know how to charm those of all kinds Have your bear and magitech armor, may it serve you well!

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Great. No me. I hate you.

sulk in a corner

XD sorry you’re too new

As rT former that doesn’t go for me. :c

Lorek’s challenge is way too easy, if you think about it. He could possibly consider haviz a friend.

I wanted to put you in, dub but I cant go giving people lagg as a reward. I think we can agree that it would have been the only suitable thing.

Thinking about,

This is why, after playing the game thoroughly since beta, I thought it was time to do a small tribute to those who have influenced me and the guild rT.

creating the guild & organizing most of our early state records doesn’t possibly count?


Can’t compare it to lag tho.

Will you staaaahp? XD just because you arent listed doesnt mean you arent important. That goes for everybody :P

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Oh Im not leaving, and neither is rT.

Most of our core members are still strolling around the game occasionally, and the non core members are mostly around, representing a different guild for now. As guild CDI’s are progressing Im sure lots of us will return in the nearby future.

In the meantime I will keep watch of rT, soloing random things I enjoy killing off. Even if I end up being the only person left in a one man guild, I am sure new people will come and old people will return, seeking the game’s fun and challenge.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


I almost feel bad, but you asked for this. I did #4 too. The removed commas are replaced by bold numbers in parentheses here. Not all removals are grammatically correct, but the post still makes sense without them.

Heyaaa, I really am a sucker with comma’s aren’t I? nice work you have gotten me one step further in my academic career and one step away from my comma addiction.

Have your well deserved glasses

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


This style of giveaway is a great idea.


  • imput -> input
  • sdpelling -> spelling
  • Kyrnswarden -> Kymswarden
  • ragepost -> rage post
  • uncontrolably -> uncontrollably
  • ingame -> in game

You also used “whom” where you should have used “who”, but I suppose that’s grammar and not spelling.

Haha, nice work! I just realised I didnt even mean Kymswarden, you’re getting Naegling if you get yourself bald! have your fashion kit

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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1v2 / 2v2 Competition! [Closed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Dat might! oh and sorry for stealing your money, nothing personal

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Great. No me. I hate you.

sulk in a corner

XD sorry you’re too new

As rT former that doesn’t go for me. :c

Lorek’s challenge is way too easy, if you think about it. He could possibly consider haviz a friend.

I wanted to put you in, dub but I cant go giving people lagg as a reward. I think we can agree that it would have been the only suitable thing.

As for the challenges, I would, again, like to clarify that these are for anybody who is interested. It wouldn’t make sense if I would give people their own stuff.

As for the haviz challenge, I need pics xD and I know people who are friends with haviz already. Any creature of darkness will do. Pics can be chat conversations with haviz or just ingame footage of whatever you think fits.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


How very clever, Sanderinoa, and how generous, too!

I hope the event is very successful and that those so honored appreciate your kindness. (As I am sure they will!)

Thanks for being such an awesome member of the community!

Wow, did not expect this, thank you.

I’m sure at least some of the challenges will be done, I mean come on, nr 9 was completed within the hour I posted this!

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Imbued Shaman Solo War Possible?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


With the cooldown on pets I doubt it would be possible. Like tkiller said, Using a long immobilisation on him might work, possibly combined with a racial that spawns allies. Either way, as you’re unable to reflect the grubs consistently, there is a big chance that you will die trying. Reaper of grenth could help too for the chill. Maybe at a relatively los level its a possibility.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


I’m sure kull would appreciate this alot sander, sadly he does not play anymore currently afaik, is there anyway you can assure he will read it ^^?

I can contact him privately, and just did.

EDIT: xero’s seen it

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)

A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Great. No me. I hate you.

sulk in a corner

XD sorry you’re too new

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

A small thank you giveaway

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Hey there, its me, and I thought it was time to say thanks to some people once in a while.

For those who don’t know, this is the official announcement stating that rT is currently on standby. The guild’s activity has gone down and we’ve closed recruitment until our core has enough initiative to return to the game.

This is why, after playing the game thoroughly since beta, I thought it was time to do a small tribute to those who have influenced me and the guild rT.

This is how it works: Ive made a list of the relevant people, with a challenge linked to every one of them. These challenges are very personal, and will therefore result in a reward linked closely to the characteristics of said individual as well.

Video proof will be needed for a lot of these, but I believe most of you can handle that.

Firstly –
Particlar[KING] – My primary contact in KING, he’s a good guy and helped a lot with getting to know the other guilds. While we don’t play a lot, he’s a good player and fun to be around.

Challenge: Solo Mai trin (any lvl) stuck in the earth attunement on elementalist
Reward: His characteristic Fuzzy Bear hat

2. Jerem [SC] – My previous primary contact in HC. A good french mesmer with a great personality, jerem has been around for ages and has been a mesmer friend for a really long time. Jerem helped with setting up a good alliance between rT and SC.
You all know him, so there’s not much else to say.

Challenge: Make a video of a guardian lupi solo and brag about it in 3 completely unrelated threads.
Reward: Pirate captain costume +mask of the queen from the gemstore

3. Obal[DnT]: This is a personal one, Obal was the guy who did his lupicus solo just before mine, making me very annoyed that he stole the third place in SOLO back in the day. But nontheless, we’re both in the same boat, being made fun of for making a ridulously long solo video.

Challenge: solo lupicus with a scepter on guardian but somehow take 30 min+ to do so.
Reward: Mecha Anchor, the briny deep and black fleet blungeon
Like the anchor he thought he was.

4. Zelyhn[rT]: A frenchie from rT who always felt incompetent in comparison to the rest of the guild. The house scholar in rT who helped out with a lot of the leadership
and gave me a lot of imput for new ideas.

Challenge: remove at least 15 commas out of one of my forum posts and still have it make sense. Completed by Enemycrusher
Reward: Reading glasses skin from the gemstore

5. Kull / Xero[SOLO]/[rT]: As the first member I had the pleasure of welcoming to SOLO, xero and I have been working together in SOLO as well as rT, from start to present.

Challenge: Correct my sdpelling 5 times in one post Completed by Enemycrusher
Reward: Total makeover kit to make yourself go bald. Kyrnswarden Naegling if you send me a pic of you actually having done so.

6. Haviz[SOLO]/[rT]: The Dark lord has influenced lots of things, as secondary leader in rT as well as SOLO, I had no way of avoiding the man. But he remains a really skilled individual, who has contributed loads to the guild and my own experience of the game.

Challenge: nothing funny to see here… he might hurt me. Just give me a good ragepost explaining why elementalists are underpowered. Completed by Tom something something
Reward: The red glowing eyes he probably has in real life (from the gemstore).

7. Lorek[SOLO]/[rT]: A loyal friend of the dark lord, Lorek has helped out a lot in rT being one of the more serious members. He’s still around and continues to make the guild have a positive attitude.

Challenge: Befriend a being of darkness(be creative)Won by Labjax!
Reward: A mini Brown Bear + Magitech Medium armor skin.

8. Jeremy[rT]: My replacement sandy for when Im away. Jeremy has always entertained me a lot with his character. As one of the later members to join rT he has been the perfect example of the kind of person I hoped to attract with the new trialing system. He replaces me for extensive periods of time to this day.

Challenge: Attempt to do a guild mission alone because nobody shows up to join you, fail and laugh uncontrolably.

Reward: Constantly smiling Warrior quaggan backpack set from the gemstore.

9. Funny Sunny Bunny[?]: Likely a name nobody here knows. This was a person whom went with me to fractals 80 for the first time. My pure annoyance with them was what drove me to doing my first solo, as I can not stand being looked down on.

Challenge: Call me a pile of sand extensively won by acotje
Reward: Nothing. God I hate that.

As this is only directed at the dungeon forum community, I would appreciate it if this thread stayed on this page.

rT will be around at least as long as I can keep myself busy with the random stuff I do on a regular basis, and I hope the time for a comeback won’t take too long.

Enjoy, I hope to see you around ingame.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)

Frac 50 Mai Trin 8:07 Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


requirements to be an EU soloist:

  1. owns an infinite light rather than a bolt
  2. random ugly anime chick chat cover
  3. profit

I had infinite light before it was cool :x


Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)

Frac 50 Mai Trin 8:07 Warrior Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Finally a soloer with good taste of music

What you tryin to say >_>

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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1v2 / 2v2 Competition! [Closed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Okay then! Here it is, I finished it last night but editing and such took a bit of a while.

Real time version:

Public version:

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

1v2 / 2v2 Competition! [Closed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Prepare for impact tomorrow (very slow meteor, like my internet connection).

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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1v2 / 2v2 Competition! [Closed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Jerem knows whats up :P i havent got as much time as I used to, but it shouldnt take long.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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1v2 / 2v2 Competition! [Closed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


I’m working on it >_>

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Bring back instance owner

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


The reason for my comment is that before this patch, people complained a ton about dungeon ownership. Now that it’s changed, they still get complaints. It’s the same as with the dredge fractal fix, and I can’t imagine it being motivating for ANET to fix anything if it doesn’t reduce the amount of complaining players.

If you do a bad job and become unmotivated because of complaints, that’s on you.

They shouldn’t have done just a bad job on the “fix.”

I’m actually quite happy with this, and it’s precisely what was asked for

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

Bring back instance owner

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


The reason for my comment is that before this patch, people complained a ton about dungeon ownership. Now that it’s changed, they still get complaints. It’s the same as with the dredge fractal fix, and I can’t imagine it being motivating for ANET to fix anything if it doesn’t reduce the amount of complaining players.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Gauging Interest: PUG Tournament

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


I mean its casual guys. You have no idea what kind of mess you might get yourself into including staff guardian, hammer warriors, Phantasm mesmers, MM necros or it might even be Flamethrower enginer.

Wait wut

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Bring back instance owner

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Posts like these are why we can’t have nice things

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Warrior solo?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Is ranger viable for soloing? Compared to classes like Warrior/Thief/Guardian it could take twice the effort and prob a much longer time to kill something, which is really sad how underpowered they still are, and most of the time pet is dead.

Reroll mesmer before thinking solos will take longer xD ranger should be fine

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Announcing Fall 2014 Dungeon Speed Clear Open

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


I think this tournament was a success.
Regarding the issue with DnT’s run, they clearly stopped dpsing which cost them a few seconds but in the end it was clear they had a better run.
Would have really liked to see coldsnap and rT.
But in the end NoFB took the trophy and proved they are the best guild

Maybe next time!

Either way Gz to the NoFB team, or LuPi and that one guy

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Lvl 20 fractals Imbued shaman mes solo.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Wtf Sandy, you still play?

Yes, and I see you still ask rhetorical questions

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

Lvl 20 fractals Imbued shaman mes solo.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


YO. Its been way too long since I posted a thread here, yeah I know linksville is incoming, but Im trying nontheless.

After the feature patch I thought it was time to redo one of my oldest solos, but do it a little bit better this time. So here it is, the lvl 20 grawl boss solo

Enjoy, don’t complain about the music, and have a nice day.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Mistfire Wolf confirmed to be OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Must be nice having a good connection, amiright?

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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EU - Retaliate[rT] Top PvE guild recruitment!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


I really dont get to post on this enough

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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EU - Retaliate[rT] Top PvE guild recruitment!

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Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Lorek is back!

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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[Club] CoE Story 12:58 Record Run[Restricted]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


just out of interest, why the portals? it seems like the mesmer could’ve just stealthed you instead to me :o

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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EU - Retaliate[rT] Top PvE guild recruitment!

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Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Warrior trial has been closed

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)

[Club] AC Story Mode Record Run (3:07)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Nice work! Always do mention restricted/unrestricted if you are submitting or competing with gwscr records though :o it’s confusing

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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EU - Retaliate[rT] Top PvE guild recruitment!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Purple miku is taking over warrior trials! whohoo

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

How long did it take you to solo Lupi?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


My first solo was on guardian with mace for an additional block. Took about 10 hours to kill the big bad wolf in about 15 minutes. The times when bubbles were scary without reckless dodge/evasive arcana bring old memories.

That was back when anchor was meta and no one had ever done it on anything besides warrior.

I did it :p

Sorry, I forgot about that screenshot. I think you did it on ele too at that point but there was nothing to really look at to learn from except Wethospou’s videos at the time. I know mine were inefficient as could be that I did

Inefficient 30 minute guardian solo pride!

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

How long did it take you to solo Lupi?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Such fantastic advice… thank you everyone… I truly appreciate the boost of confidence.

Quick question – Is it possible to solo the elite trash outside of Lupi’s room? I can tolerate constantly dying to Lupi, but running back to him, dodging elites is half of the frustration at the moment.

If you’re on EU, call me up for it sometime I love cleaning

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

How long did it take you to solo Lupi?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Im just going to keep quiet on this thread to keep myself from annoying people.
(actually its just to avoid cyberbullying ;_;)

BUT I am interested!

Also, please mention your class

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)

EU - Retaliate[rT] Top PvE guild recruitment!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Poor lorek will not be trialing in the nearby future anymore! Haviz timeee.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

[KING] Fractal Tournament - 4000G of Rewards!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Dude Im not even awake yet X_x

But cool!

Edit: no wait, Im awake

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)

Guess Who's Back (Need Info)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Aaaaah, right, I looked through some of your posts and I remember now guess Im not hardcore PvF enough

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Guess Who's Back (Need Info)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Hmmmm you talk as if I should remember you… Odd. Anyways yeah my dulfy guide has some fun info regarding changes and meta builds. The biggest changes that happened really is that your warden still buga, illusory leap is less useful, halting strike doesn’t proc through defiance, signet of ether is boss and trait switching on the go makes things so much easier solo. Oh n phantasmal haste works on everything now.


Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Mesmer PvE Guide by Sanderinoa

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Though ahem :x technically it’s a dungeon mesmer guide or supposed to be

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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[ION] EU based PVE/PVP guild recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Omg Phil since when?!

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Mesmer PvE Guide by Sanderinoa

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


May I add this to the stickied Mesmer handbook?

Sure, I don’t see why not

Technically dulfy owns the guide though, so limiting it to a link could be preferred for her.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)

Mesmer PvE Guide by Sanderinoa

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Thanks for the guide, Sanderinoa. You’ve got me excited about my Mesmer again, which is always a good thing.

Ka-ching! thats one in the bucket, thanks, that’s what I do it for at least ;P

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Mesmer PvE Guide by Sanderinoa

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Its there now, its there now xD and the wiki is outdated, ranger runes were updated as far as I know. Ill edit the portal exeunt now!

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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Mesmer PvE Guide by Sanderinoa

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


And thanks maxi for allowing me to use your guide as a basis :P I may have used it largely for the build section.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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EU - Retaliate[rT] Top PvE guild recruitment!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Flexing practice for the fractal tournament has begun!

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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[KING] Fractal Tournament - 4000G of Rewards!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Ill likely also stream for a second perspective and incase miku dcs yeah

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide

Rangers Useless in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Stahp it guys, you’re making me blush :$

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
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What's Life Like For a Mesmer Main?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sanderinoa.8065


Wooooow this is getting super depressing xD I personally still play my mesmer thoroughly and enjoy it for the exact reason I always have. While the mesmer may have its problems at the moment, I have a good time trying to put in extra effort, finding out new tricks to work around our own inabilities. Mesmer is fun for me because it allows me to put some thought in my play.

I have faith in that the mesmer may become viable at some point again, but am very worried about the amount of good mesmers who will be left by then after seeing the enormous pile of depression these forums have come to be.

Delvert/Sanderinoa [rT]
Retaliate is recruiting. again!
Fancy a Read? Extensive PvE Mesmer Guide