Showing Posts For Sciva.4865:

Next new playable race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Largos would be great. Tengu first though, so people finally shut up about them.

Would you Buy a Cantha-based Expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


If it makes sense to go there, sure. Right now we’re dealing with the elder dragons and the only way I see us going to Cantha is to get help in beating the rest. Other than that it doesn’t make sense and people want it because of nostalgia. I’d rather see the lands east of Tyria though.

Wings of the sunless

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I want to know if each boss week gives another pair. I want to use mine to really make my charr necro look like a demon but…

What they need to do is make these event rewards work like the achievement chest rewards.

Back Piece Ideas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865

I’d like his swords (and maybe all of his armour aswell..)

Who cares about the Queen...

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Speaking of which, if Faren turns out to be alive, we’d better save him too.

If we say that we found him dead, I’m sure people would believe that story too.

But I agree that we should save Hobo-Tron.

Cheevs says he’s alive. Thank god.

Where do I get free tournament tokens?

in PvP

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Experience scroll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I hope it isn’t the level 20 scroll, i’ve already got 3 lvl 20s and all my char slots used up.

This loot nerf...

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Theres nothing more disheartening than getting tons of greens/blue and streams of already unprofitable thick leather and silk after killing one of the bosses.

Unamed new exotics skins

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Sciva.4865


That hammer is amazing.

Disappearing Sprockets

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Check your bank, they are depositable.

The Arts District?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Get over it. You’ll have Cantha one day.

aetherized weapons.....HUZZAH!

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Was really looking forward to that rapier :/

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I looked through the patch notes and there’s still nothing about it. Hopefully it’s an undocumented change but that’s a longshot.

4 Weeks Price Reduction > Good Dungeon?

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Oh bloody hell, when are you people going to stop being so one dimensional and only thinking about the rewards. Think about how voting Evon or Kiel is going to futher the storyline. Right now the one track mind is really suiting the Evon voters and his character.

CONFIRMED MA & Aetherblade returning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


YAY! I only got to do AR one time, literally the night before it went away and it was so difficult at a low level so I cannot wait to do some of the higher level stuff.

Edit: Where exactly can I watch this “livestream”?

GW2 expansion possible new classes and races.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I’d love to have a Largos Theif, even if it would mean having 2.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Seriously, another patch and STILL no fix? What’s wrong?

Making Guild Wars Appealing For Kids ?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


What’s childish about jumping puzzles, light heartedness and non-combat activities? If anything, mindless violence deep down can be seen as childish and petty. Mature is subjective and most “mature” content/games are only around to seem hip or appeal to the less mature crowd (while most of us sit there and roll our eyes.)

Making Guild Wars Appealing For Kids ?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


One day you’ll grow up and realise that not everything needs to be dark and gritty like GoW or the latest Batman movies. Sometimes a change of pace from killing everything in sight is nice. In the end we’re Human, not some mindless monsters who deep down need a fictional killing spree to keep our bloodlust in check.

OoW set still bugged after patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Just came here to post this, i’ve reported this in game multiple times and was dissapointed that this still hasn’t been fixed. The last time there was this bug it was fixed next patch, kinda boggled how it happened again though.

Armor skins not available in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I just want Stalwart :/

I’m hoping we’ll be able to get it through cheevs next patch. I’ve got the boots and shoulders in PvP but i’d really like to wear them with my T3 Human cultral chest.

New Patch Preview! Achievement Point Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Please for the love of god let the rest of the stalwart gear be in those cheevs.

Armor skins not available in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Id give anything for the Stalwart gear in PvE, come on Anet!

Sky Pirates of Tyria revealed!

in Living World

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Oh ffs, timed content again.

What's This? New Carnival Prop?

in Living World

Posted by: Sciva.4865


That stuff has actually been there since release, it’s unrelated and part of the festival put on by Minister Caudecus.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Sciva.4865


You want everything right now, i get it. It’s your own kitten fault for being impatient, the event lasts for weeks so play the game normally, do the event stuff and no doubt you would have gotten a ticket that way.

About the Thank You Gift: Thank You

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Thanks, and its not even been a year yet!

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Sciva.4865


310 Zhaitaffy
4 to 8 of other various types of Candy
15 Fireworks

It is time we stop this. I thought maybe south sun would have been a turning point. I will be on the phone with NCSoft tomorrow after work.

Yeah, you tell it to them. It’s you’re own kitten fault for buying them when the coffers drop in the world.

Rich dragon coffers clarification pls

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Oh i can’t wait for the kittenstorms, name calling and people spending 200 quid on boxes because they want everything right now when you can get them without spending money at all.

Daily Reward for Canachs Lair

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Legit players getting screwed over again, what a suprise. You know it could be fixed by just making it a reward once a day for one character, but no, you’re not doing that for reasons i can’t fathom. Thanks again for screwing over players that actually play and enjoy your game, to be honest this is the first ever time i’ve been dissapointed in you.

Canach Lair, solo reset reward time

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I thought the same aswell. Kinda sucks if its one time only.

I encountered the Dev Squad!!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


What about us in EU? we can’t kill them

I remember seeing Chris Whiteside on Whiteside Ridge during the beta. Not sure if he’s still on there to kill though.

Decay of the Risen

in Living World

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Was wondering aswell, i saw one of the Asura undead dragging along a weapon as if he was struggling which i had never seen before.

About time for new armor sets?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Most people i see are running around in CoF armour or Duelist with a hood, which imo should spark some sort of signal for Anet, at the moment im using my heritage set with my ranger because apart from a couple of peices from different sets (whisper, vigil, ac and outlaw) every other peice of medium armour looks terrible. I’d gladly pay for some of the awesome looking ranger armour from gw1 or something new that isn’t a longcoat or chinos.

Kiss you with a speed buff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Regen, either using my Fern Hound or dropping a Healing Spring on them.

Are there any GW1 armors you'd want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Wouldn’t mind Anton’s swords as a backpeice

Awesome cities, mostly abandoned because all the action is in LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


We got these awesome cities, mostly abandoned because, well, all the action is in LA and it’s free to get there with just a five second detour through the Mists.

Why not have the option to select one of the cities as our home and have a free teleport there, if only so the obviously massive amount of work you guys put into all the cities isn’t completely wasted, as it is right now ? Alternatively, just add portals to all the cities to the central Mists hub ? Include Ebonhawke, for good measure, I love to start my morning dailies in a city full of yawning (NB. why does everybody in Ebonhawke sound like they’re either bored or very, very sleepy?)

Having free portals available in LA evidently isn’t enough to get more people to use the TP, bank etc. in the other cities, and I think it’s a real shame, if only because it robs me of more opportunities to fall to my death in Rata Sum – the little fella is clumsy like that.

I’m on Piken Squre and theres always quite a few people using the services in DR (DR seems more populated than LA at times aswell), Citadel and The Grove.

The `Remember when...` Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Remember when the Flame Shaman in the Plains of Ashford wiped out hordes of zergers during beta?

I was actually pretty miffed when they nerfed him, it was hilarious when people couldn’t realise that his shield hurt you if you attacked him.

For those unhappy with Treaharne

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


d) He steals your Personal Story and it becomes his Personal Story of how he got the Pact together and lead the charge into, and eventually cleansing, Orr. Your character is reduced to nothing but a loyal side-character. A toadie. My Norn Warrior would’ve rightfully killed him for ruining and stealing his Legend.

This a thousand times. I was doing all the work while he stood around with his face in the dirt or spent that time complaining, i didn’t mind him except that the fact that he constantly would upstage me in my own story.

Does anyone get 10 legitimate rezzes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


The only way I see this happening legitimately is in wvw.

I see maybe 2 dead players in pve exploration and one will waypoint away before I can get to them.

Rezzing an NPC feels like cheating. People are jumping off cliffs for each other at 3:30 server time to get this done.

I think 10 is far more than most players could accomplish through natural playing.

It’s easy, just go to any zone, play as you would and you’ll come across NPCs with their face in the dirt, alot.

[Video] Farming gold from Veteran Karkas!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Are you thinking of the old porn?

Commanders in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I’m amused every time a player spends 100 gold and suddenly thinks they’re a subject matter expert on all things Guild Wars.

I’ve watched a Commander repeatedly run into a camp ok Skelks and die not once, but three times while i was farming at Southsun Cove. It really boggled me how they (or their guild mates) spent 100 gold yet he couldn’t handle a few mobs and kept failing. I mean, really?

Event lag [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Lag isn’t always a game issue. Could be system or ISP on your end as well…might be a combo of all 3.

40 meg connection here, doubt it’s on my end.

Couple of tiny things in Caer Aval

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Izu Steelshrike thinks he’s Hargrove (even going as far as selling his own goods and imitating his words) and Eilye Jeyne has a typo in her text, jsut instead of just.

Sword in my eye!? No!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Is all i have to say.

"Link achievement and gearscore"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


I can’t take anyone with a peice of CoF or Arah gear seriosuly. It just screams “lololol look at me, i cheesed this gear” I’d rather take the chance of taking someone who’s never done it before than someone who takes themselves to seriously.

Map Completion and WvWvW...why force PVP on us to complete PVE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sciva.4865


Then someone who only does WvW could come along and say that doing PVE side of map completion is unfair. It’s fine anyway, it rewards people who actually enjoy all the aspects of the game.