Showing Posts For Serkit.7836:

Do WvW guards cause white swords

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Ah ok thanks, Charak. Do swords appear if a wall is getting hit by catapult too?


Need NOTE: Karma armor set NOT Salvagable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Old news. You can still put it in the forge for the possibility of getting something salvageable.

List The Best Commander or Your Favorite

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Gates Of Madness:


Wurmical Maniac achievement, how to do it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Serkit.7836


“Successfully decapitate the great jungle wurm in Bloodtide Coast and defeat all three of its heads (does not count toward Triple Trouble meta-achievement). "

“One you have killed Amber, Crimson, and Cobalt Wurms within 1 minute of each other, their heads come off and they regen back to full health. Now you begin the final phase of the fight where you must kill the three wurm heads within 2 minutes.”

WXP not adding up?

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


I had 6 characters with ranks 676, 115, 70, 26, 31, and 6. Each with some amount of sub-rank (0-5000) XP. I used a spreadsheet to keep track of the ranks and predict the account rank. The predicted rank was 906, and the rank that was given after the patch was 906. No problems here.

Vendor Location

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Serkit.7836


The only ways to get that skin in particular is from the mentioned karma NPC, as a drop in the Shiverpeaks, or from the Trading Post. It is only available as a weapon, not as a skin. It might be available as a skin in PvP as well, but it would have to have been acquired as a reward or from the Mystic Forge.

Exciting News Coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Tribulation of the Tentaquil

Find a Zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Type “/team Where is the zerg?” into your chat thing.

Account bound WXP

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


For those trying to figure out how the account-bound WXP should work. to my understanding:

Consider character A to be rank 50. Ranks 1-4 will only be considered as full ranks for this character.
Character B is rank 20. B’s ranks 1-4 will add 2 ranks to the account total, while ranks 5-20 will count as 16. So, the total rank is now 50 + (2 + 16) = 68.

Character n is rank q, where q > 4. n will add (q – 2) ranks to the account total.
Character p is rank r, where r < 5. This should be easily computable with a simple calculator, when you consider an additional rank to be 5000 WXP.

Some characters, when you factor in their sub-rank WXP (0-4999), might advance the rank counter when you add it to the account. I imagine this will grant you a rank-up chest, but it might not.

Unhappy with your server? Try AR

in Looking for...

Posted by: Serkit.7836


I’m never leaving GoM. However, if I did, AR would be my first choice.

Map Completion Tips

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Serkit.7836


For some of the POIs and vistas, you need to enter the structure. If your server currently owns the structure, you can do this easily by going through a rectangular portal, usually by a gate. If your server does not own the structure, and there isn’t a mesmer to portal you inside, you need to either destroy a gate or a wall to get inside. Depending on your server, it could take a long time before you gain access inside every structure on every map. If your server likes to have massive zergs that take objectives in quick succession, find out when they tend to that and follow the zerg around. Every week, server matchups are reassigned. There are three servers in each matchup: red, green, and blue. Each color has a different starting area on each map. Depending on how well your server is at defending things or how bad your opponents are at attacking things or even the active times of your server and opponents, you should be able to just walk around getting your completion on your Borderland and your section of EB.

Cap Supply Camp, or just kill dolyaks?

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Holding a camp at the time of a tick (a moment occurring every 15 minutes) adds 5 points to your team’s score. Killing a yak adds 3 points to your team’s score, at the moment the yak is killed. Camps can only be flipped every five minutes, due to righteous indignation. To maximize the points from a camp: you flip it just before the tick, other team takes it back, you let them hold it until just before the next tick, kill every yak that comes out of it while it is held by the enemy.

World Place and tickets past 9th spot?

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


It has to do with your server’s position in your league. NA is being split into 3 leagues: two with 9 servers and one with 6 servers.

Best place to farm blades?

in Living World

Posted by: Serkit.7836


probably Lion’s Arch

What should i spend my karma on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Serkit.7836


You can max the Thirst Slayer achievement with 700,000 karma. Specifically, the option requiring the least amount of clicks is 25,000 Stein of Golden Ale. All of them have to be bought one-by-one. Otherwise, you could spend 80 gold on 6,250 of various 16-point alcohols. Again, all of which must be bought and consumed one-by-one.

Calculating preset profit

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Serkit.7836


sell_price = investment*(percent_profit + 1)*(1/0.85)

[Season 2] Acc Wide Ranks & Reset?

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


If I remember correctly, ranks were reset at the beginning of Season 1. So, the same thing is likely to happen again. With respect to account-wide ranks, only ArenaNet knows.

Hiding in Keeps w/ Black Quaggan Tonics...

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Some other options I have used are the kitten forms from the Endless Mystery Cat Tonic and the Endless Plush Griffon Tonic.

Stuck on 14/15?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Serkit.7836


There are specific things you must do to advance the counter.

Karma food, other than ice creams?

in Crafting

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Other than the variations of ice cream, the only other karma buff food is Kralkachocolate Bar.

What class/build do you find most fun?

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Mesmer when not having to serve others.

Deal with the hacks

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Until the accuser provides tangible proof, this matter will remain unresolved.

Active WvW guilds? Help me with this list

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836



There’s a few other large guilds with many WvW players, but I personally don’t consider them to be WvW guilds.

rezzing through gates

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


I think it should have the same regulations as being able to use skills through a gate. As an example: if you are allowed to damage an enemy ram through a gate using your weapon skills, your enemy should be allowed to res one of their own through the gate, regardless of the resurrectee’s class.

Wvw Ranks?

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


I need account bound WxP so my alts can stop being useless.

Gift of Battle rank requirement update

in WvW

Posted by: Serkit.7836


I consider rank 200 to be sufficiently high to show mastery of WvW for the purposes of acquiring a Gift of Battle.

Dec 27th, KN/GoM/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Happy New Year, everybody.

Few commanders looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Serkit.7836


GoM definitely fits all three of those points.

Dec 20th, KN/GoM/DR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Serkit.7836


Merry Christmas, Devona’s Rest and Kaineng!

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Serkit.7836


I think GoM’s main problems are that people don’t pay attention and general infighting. I don’t know if there’s any infighting, but both DR and ET seem to be more organized than GoM at times.