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Engineer vs Ranger...who is better for 1v1 PvP?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Depends on Terrain

I killed many engineers easy mode thanks to terrain help aka “There they go” if u know what i mean

I still havent been killed by engineers in any terrain wierdly

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Shortbow/longbow is probably the best combo ever

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The only benefit you get from this combo is the AOE and the knockback on the longbow. Maybe 1500 range if you trait it. Not exactly sure it is worth giving up the chill and fury/might/swiftness of the Axe/Warhorn.
The vulnerability on the longbow isn’t worth switching from the shortbow because you lose more dps than you gain because of the cooldown on the weapon swapping.”

The trait piercing arrows changes all that pve wise
All your arrows attacks become AoE> axe/horn

And the Longbow gives you better damage at max range than a Axe/horn will ever give, that also means safety but by no means i stay at max range, i often go “skirmish” my target and flank him with shortbow>throw some traps>change longbow>unload hell>change to shortbow now again at “skirmish range”>unload more hell repeat.

Sometimes i change Snake trap for Quickning Zephyr cuz there to much poison stacking with my Murellow

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Shortbow/longbow is probably the best combo ever

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I’m running this power/crit build now, with LB/SB combo, now i have a full set of armor and weapons, but i TOTALLY have no idea what to rune/sigil it with. And i am a full trap-based ranger, if that is important. I always neglect my pet, since they die first thing in HoTW or Arah. Well unless it’s two bears, which i don’t really like.
I have 2200 power, and 45% crit chance, 80% crit damage. i personally think that 45% crit chance is good enough, i get 7/10 crits, hence i’m thinking of striking out any major precision-based runes (eagle, ranger, etc). I was thinking of the +10 power for my bow, since i am not looking into precision at all.
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.”

Rune of Divinity is my choice for most phisical DPS, +60 all stats and 15% critical damage bonus is from my POW to good to say nay.

why would you be trapped based without +con dmg?”

The ranger doesn’t have much utility to boost dps, 30 skirmishing makes with both traps traits makes traps a wierdly powerfull boost to the dps plus combo fields and therefore support for the team with Flame trap +Snake trap +Spike trap.

They dont perform so well like condition damage builds, but the mix between the 2 makes phisical dps ranger outperform condition ones

On my ranger I usually use shortbow + axe/horn.
Axe is pretty good aoe and the horn has the buff. Generally in mobs I’ll use axe/warhorn. This is for a couple reasons. One is obviously because the axe is decent aoe. Also because when I’m in a situation where I’m attacking a group of enemies I’m usually with a group and I like to keep the horn buff up as much as possible. There is usually a veteran around in group situations so I use the veteran as an anchor for my skill 1 axe attack and use the bird move on it. I also like using the drake as my pet that has the lightning attack because the lightning attack functions in the same manner as the axe and does a lot of damage. The downside though is that it has a long cast time.
Shortbow I tend to use on more of a single-target basis. The exception being if I want to switch to it to use it’s poison arrow in an AoE setting. Shortbow is nice because of poison + bleeds (although the jump back move also works as an evade which is also nice). Having the pet means that normal mobs can attack the pet which gives you the opportunity to attack it from the side or back. In a group setting where there is a boss you can also attack them from the side or back because of the other players.
Although I’ve rarely used the longbow. So I’m not sure about it’s effectiveness. I’ve just grown so accustomed to shortbow + axe/horn that I haven’t really used it yet. I should probably also mention that I pretty much just PvE, since I don’t really like arena style PvP in MMOs and WvWvW is too much for my computer to handle.”

I don’t separate my weapon based on AoE, both do tons of damage.

I use the tier 2 trait of MM called Piercing Arrows for pve plus traps with trap traits, my aoe is insane with both weapons, i tend to swap around then to get the skirmish fury/swift boons wich i can keep up for quite some time (i equip/unequip a Warhorn for the buff+Rampage has One+10% boon duration from my 10 points in nature magic)

All this joined together boost my dps over the top, dunno how much it gets but i see numbers flying around all mobs head followed by big crits from both weapons (rapid fire with piercing arrows is so insane!)

I use 2 bears, they are bukly enough to compensate their low dps vs other pets, not a big dps increase when ur pet dies in 1 hit right?

Murelow plus other, Murelow is just to good…

Power/crit build
Eagle Eye and Quick Draw
So versatil while deliving top notch ranged DPS, at long range or close range
Anyone loving this combo has much has i do?
Can you post your build please?”


or PvE?

Copy/paste the links or wont work.
This is my personal choice
I use a mix of Berseker/Valkyre>Knight to get the stats i want with rune of divinity

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Shortbow/longbow is probably the best combo ever

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


For some odd reason i can’t quote so lets do like this:

First time poster here.
My ranger is about level 30 and I have been heavily thinking of going into this combo. I have horn/axe but I rarely switch to that when solo anyways. I mainly wanted the axe for aoe purposes since Shortbow virtually has none.
Anyways, just a couple of questions about this setup if anyone would care to answer:
1. Is it only Longbow’s auto attack that’s effected by range or does Barrage and Rapid Fire do more damage at max range than up close?
2. What kind of traits would you use for this kind of set up? Currently I have 10 in might and 10 in wilderness survival (the toughness one), and I’m starting up the precision line. Is this a good way to go?
For a little more information on the second question, my main focus is PvE right now. I don’t usually start PvP until max level.
Thank you!”

1. Long relys on range for damage for auto shot only making it great to swap> unload all cd’s at any range> swap back to shortbow

2. I can post lots of variation of builds but all of then go:

20/25/30 on Markmanship
25/30 on Skirmishing
5/10/15 on Wilderness Survival
0/5/10 Nature Magic

Make the build that best fits your play style, going Shortbow/Longbow is going phisical with condition Support.

30 MM fits signet utilitys if u are into that, but u can go 30 MM and ignore it and get the extra power/condition duration

30 Skirmishing fits traps but like MM, u can just go for crit and precision and DPS traits

15 Wilderness Survival is in case you like to get the most of your dodge

10 Nature magic if u want some of the first tier 1 traits like 5% of ur vitality becomes Power

I will post my personal choice bellow.

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Are we fighting players or pets?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


None of this changes the fact that with all of these on the field at once, its virtually impossible to have any clue what’s going on – and this is coming from a StarCraft player who is perfectly capable of taking in a lot of information with a quick look.

Nor does it change the fact that, however small, these items introduce computer AI into the outcomes of PvP battles – something which is so contrary to what PvPers want that it’s shocking that they even considered this stuff for the game, let alone actually implemented it.

SC2 player here

I dont know wich race you played more, but myself player protoss, the ilussion of a army to scare my enemy and confuse is valid tactic

That’s why i used sentrys to summon mass colossus while going for pure blink stalker with couple sentry to throw some fear

The same logic applys here in GW2

If a tourney team decides to make the battle 25 vs 5, it a legit tactic if they can pull it off

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Heavy Water Filter (Aquatic Helm) and Guild Backpacks

in Crafting

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


backpack is WvWvW

Aqua helm is at cursed shore near the water WP
just search near the beach

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Seems like you didn’t dodge

I can burst that warrior down faster then he can press his endure pain

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Are we fighting players or pets?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The game is new and FoTM will exist in any MMORPG

About this topic:

Ranger- Their pet is their class mechanic deal with it
Guardian- Spirit weapon army is a build with lack of utilitys
Ranger- Spirit Ranger is the same has the guardian with spirit army
Necro- Same has last 2
Ele- It’s a elite and a utility
Mesmer- Clones are so weak, phantasmal are the dmg dealers and at tops there are only 2
Thief- It’s a elite, should be good

Rune of the Ogre- Hello Mr nerf hammer

And don’t forget, they are all npc and all npc are dumb, predictable andkitten /p>

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Any map showing orichaclum farm spots?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sneakier.9460



5 nodes in 80 zone and 4 ancient wood
5 nodes in 75-80 zone and 3/4 ancient wood
2nodes in 70-80 norn zone and 1 ancient wood

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

superior runes of "insert class"

in Crafting

Posted by: Sneakier.9460



The thing i read

I bet you put one in aqua helm

You get 6/6 above water


6/6 Underwater

Thats why it says 7/6

tested and proved to be right

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

I think every class is OP

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Fighting a Necro is like using a physical fighting move against Blissey.

Yeah, so much hp for nothing

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Any map showing orichaclum farm spots?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I wana confirm the 80 orr zone, 75-80 zone and find where the 70-80 norn zone are.

Thank you ahead

Ancient wood would also be nice, only know 2 spot now

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

How to avoid the anti-farming code big time

in Crafting

Posted by: Sneakier.9460



I found the perfect way to avoid the anti farming code easy mode.

Massive events with ton of ppl defending and tons of mobs incoming, each mob drops at least 1 bag.

I farmed 90 large bones with alot of extra from the bag from the recapture the citadel of flame gates.

There were tons of ppl theree, you just need to aoe pick the loot

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I play as a Support Ranger in dungeons and I usually end up with 3-4 dps chars on the team that charge in like there is no tmrw and die in 2-3-4 boss major hits. I can manage to keep them alive or ressurect them well enough so they can go crazy all the way till the end, but I do agree that instagibbing and damage over all should be reduced a bit.

On the other side of the coin… Thoughness and tanky builds should receive considerable buffs as this stat and builds are heavily overshadowed by DPS (glass cannons) in PvE, WvW and PvP. They are only decent in dungeons and that is as far as they go.

The way they built GW2 is around that.

Extreme toughness build in sPvP reduces overall damage by 50%

Extreme DPS build aka glass cannon aka full berseker raises your dps way 2x

Am not tanking in consideration skill of the player, play style and builds weakness/strong points.

Its just Raw stats

In pve and WvWvW this gap is alot bigger, i belive a full valkyre/berseker player can reach 100% critical damage bonus wich is not the way to go (i like some toughness, not much, just 300/400 toughness to take a big hit and live to tell the story)

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Exotic: Condition Damage > Precision = Toughness?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


You realy think anyone gona do all the research for you?

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Only 1% of Game can Play WvWvW :(

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Log in at night

Way cooler

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

ETA on Deathmatch?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Aliance battles were fun

RA and HA were way cooler

I hope you understand this refence

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Best type of Ranger

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Shortbow/longbow with horn in the bag

Go ranger go!

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

SB/LB Signet Build vs. Condition Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


full berseker is suicide
get some valkyre in that, you dont need MAX precision, but you do need a nice hp pool to take couple hits and diminuish condition pressure
the only diference between the 2 is one gives precision, the other gives vitality

same for rampager, get some carrion in that

signet build arent that good for pve, its not decent to trait for it, yes its nice and funny, but thats it, way to long cd and while on cd, useless

The condition build:
Lightning Reflexes on pve? lol, is it for steady focus bonus? :P
Change that for something usefull that actualy helps your team like Muddy Terrain

And sword for pve? for Condition damage, you crazy

SB& Axe/Torch is the way to go

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Hello my Bow user friends, read this if you want better bows

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The 1 skill of bows is just a shot because it’s… they’re bows. It’s a shot. Nothing special about it.

All shots are just shots

Like all sword swings are the same, yet they get a cool chain

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Hello my Bow user friends, read this if you want better bows

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The Shortbow Skill 1 for the Thief is amazing. it hits every target for the same damage, bringing all of them down so quickly. Don’t know about the other professions though.

I love it to, but the there should be a skill chain that rewards multiple followed hits,

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Hello my Bow user friends, read this if you want better bows

in Warrior

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Right now, the skill of 1 all bows are boring auto attacks
For that i made this topic in the purpose of brain storming ideas
Plz feel free to post your there.
If that topic or other that you do doesn’t get enough attention of anet, nothing will be done:
Thank you ahead

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Hello my Bow user friends, read this if you want better bows

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Right now, the skill of 1 all bows are boring auto attacks
For that i made this topic in the purpose of brain storming ideas
Plz feel free to post your there.
If that topic or other that you do doesn’t get enough attention of anet, nothing will be done:
Thank you ahead

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Hello my Bow user friends, read this if you want better bows

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Right now, the skill of 1 all bows are boring auto attacks

For that i made this topic in the purpose of brain storming ideas

Plz feel free to post your there.

If that topic or other that you do doesn’t get enough attention of anet, nothing will be done:

Thank you ahead

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

The Ranger and the Longbow

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Just building on some of the ideas here – adding secondary effects to Long Shot would be awesome:

Max Range Long Shot – Cripple the target
Mid Range Long Shot – Add a stack of vulnerability
Close Range Long Shot – Knock back?

Post it here or make a new one at this topic

Thats also a great idea, but would fit more, max range shot to add vulnerability and mid range to add cripple

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Skill chain for Bows skill 1 ranger/thief/warrior wise(Suggetion)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The skill 1 of bows is so boring…

I suggest improvement!

My suggestion for Ranger Longbow/shortbow

Long shot- like we have it now

Power shot- a long shot with only the last 2 range damage where the third damage requires less range

Melandru’s Shot- Deal the third damage without range requirement and IF hits a moving target, that target gets Knock Back

Now for the shortbow:

Crossfire- like we have it now

Hunter shot- adds 2x bleeds of 3s if it hits a moving target (change the name of Longbow to Body Shot, makes WAY more sense if you guys remenber gw1), same damage has Crossfire

Burning Arrow- Same damage of the others, 1s burning

Same rate of fire

Warrior Longbow:

Dual Shot- Same has now

Tripple Shot- pretty explanatory

Forked Arrow- Same has Dual shot but deals extra damage dependent of your adrenaline

Thief Shortbow:

Trick Shot- same

Called Shot- Can’t be dodged/blocked Trick shot basicly

3rd skill i have no idea

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Banners Kidnapped!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Its not my fault they look so nice and have a speed buff

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

The Ranger and the Longbow

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Just big sky thinking here but might there be another aspect of the Longbow that could help shine skill #1 aside from damage/speed?

If the LB is meant to be a “heavier caliber” so to speak (flies farther, hits harder) – what about something like a decent chance for a tiny knockback or a momentary cripple that would give a smart Ranger a little better ability to keep distant targets at a distance? (or at least slow the rate at which a distant target can close the gap…)

That tiny chance is way to RNG based to be part of gw2

A skill chain for the Longbow like this would be more skillfull:

Long shot- like we have it now

Power shot- a long shot with only the last 2 range damage where the third damage requires less range

Melandru’s Shot- Deal the third damage without range requirement and IF hits a moving target, that target gets Knock Back

This would make the longbow much more

PS: i used GW1 skills names

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

The Ranger and the Longbow

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The longbow deals way more damage then the shortbow

At max range, my auto attack crits for 3k easy with my gear
Am 80 btw

The the longbow should be played is to swap to the longbow>deliver all Cd’s>swap back to axe/horn or shortbow or whatever you use.

To be 100% longbow you gotta be 100% at max range.

Trust me, when you see a 3k hit from the Longshot you will say:
Wow, what was that.

And Hunter Shot>Rapid Fire
Omfg, so much damage

Lets not forget about Point Black Shot
There he goes ;D
Try it with piercing Arrows, i love it in pve

And Barrage is great to cover positions both in sPvP, WvWvW and PvE

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Rangers: What combos do you use?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I manly use the Murrelow

Its a bear with a combo field

Bear>spider all the way

I wish there was a second bear with such a great pve F2

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Is my pet dead? I think my pet might be dead. Is it?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Is it attacking?

If no
It’s either dead/passive/bugged

Is it not on passive?
Its either dead/bugged

Click F1
Did it attack?

If no then its dead

Detuctive reasoning

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

What should a leveling Ranger gear for?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Since you you use shortbow and longbow, it a phisical damage combo
Carrion Gear is out of here same has rampager

I suggest to pick wathever Knight/Soldier/Berseker/Valkyre gear you get has this are the one that boost phisical dps (knight/soldier/valkyre have defensive stats)

Have fun i love shortbow/longbow

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Lightning Reflexes and Break Stun

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


And this i why i run with Lightning Reflexes and Signet of Renewal
In a classe that relys on movement to survive, there is no such thing has to much break stuns

I run with Shared Anguish and Hide in Plain Sight to help deal with stuns – more so in SPVP – in WvW I don’t feel I need both of those.

Hell I run a pure survival build sometimes in team play that had the above, Emphatic Bond, Signet of Renewal and Brown Bear. My damage suffered, but I am usually able to hold off 2on1, 3on1 for awhile until backup can arrive.

If you go condition damage, a survival build works very nice.
In sPvP i run one with Singet of Renewal, lightning reflexes, zephyr and all defensive trait in wilderness trait line, i still deliver top notch condition damage with 121 bleed ticks coupled with my amazing survival

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Shortbow/longbow is probably the best combo ever

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Power/crit build

Eagle Eye and Quick Draw

So versatil while deliving top notch ranged DPS, at long range or close range

Anyone loving this combo has much has i do?

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Greatsword/Longbow, The Ultimate Barrage

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


And then conditions

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Ranger Update - I feel it's bad

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I really hate the change. Let US decide if/when to revive our pets. We don’t need you to decide for us.

Actualy we don’t decide, we jut want then alive without doing nothing.
I like this way, i found it funky when i saw my pet alive, tough:
“-Does signet of the Wild heal that much so fast?”

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Pets and a Lack of F2 Responsiveness

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


My best pet do not act like a total morron is actualy my shark
The F2 activates instantly and i almost always use it coupled with Quickning Zephyr

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Lightning Reflexes and Break Stun

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


And this i why i run with Lightning Reflexes and Signet of Renewal
In a classe that relys on movement to survive, there is no such thing has to much break stuns

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Best Burst Build? PVP burst build with rotation.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


now what amulet to you run with?

It cleary berseker ammulet

And this “burst” build is more of a one trick pony
Probably work in WvWvW vs a zerg

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Team DKR vs Team Paradigm

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Your hp is way to low for how much survival you have
That thief was PW for 5k
Not that much considering could be alot more vs your charr

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

is it always a zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


group of 20 guildies well organized will beat the zerg anyday people are so bad at this game its amazing.

This is true

No one zerg can take down a organized of 50 ppl defending a well fortified keep/tower
The only way is by using tons of siege, manly trebuchets

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Raid of Capricon remake?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


just make a full map underwater

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Quit using heatseeker as a crutch for losing

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Your calc doesn’t work for crap here at work, here’s this one:;TsAA1Cnouycl4K7VurkXtAZAyWEA

Was testing this out last night, trying to have a balance of offense/defense but with the Hammer/Mace/Mace I need a team to take advantage of the CC I give out. I don’t have a 5 man team I run with so I have good games and I have crap games. I change builds and weapon sets pretty much everyday, yesterday I was having fun with a glass cannon Axe/Axe/Rifle.

You got to copy paste, anet seems to be blocking then.

With that build you have aproblems with thiefs? o.O

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Quit using heatseeker as a crutch for losing

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


A class that can go invis to avoid a 4 second window of damage explosion doesn’t have issues killing them? Well that’s surprising…

Brb..teaching my giant Norn Warrior how to go invis at will.

Use Endure pain
Use dodges
Use CC

You refuse to have any of that in a Warrior
You are either a bad player or don’t take pvp srs enough.

Can you link your build?
I wondering wich build in gw2 doesn’t have a single CC for warrior

I actually just went back to a Hammer/Mace/Mace build that I used waaaay back. I use stability stance on all builds. I haven’t used endure pain in ages, CD was too long for my taste.

Are you saying that theifs speccing glass cannon HS are taking PvP more seriously than a Warrior that doesn’t take endure pain or a weapon with a CC?

Here is a calculator
Please post your build or i just gona dismiss you has a troll and report

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Raid of Capricon remake?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


thats why you have sharks

Its danger/reward map

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Quit using heatseeker as a crutch for losing

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


A class that can go invis to avoid a 4 second window of damage explosion doesn’t have issues killing them? Well that’s surprising…

Brb..teaching my giant Norn Warrior how to go invis at will.

Use Endure pain
Use dodges
Use CC

You refuse to have any of that in a Warrior
You are either a bad player or don’t take pvp srs enough.

Can you link your build?
I wondering wich build in gw2 doesn’t have a single CC for warrior

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

And then you learn to dodge, a stop the QQ thread

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The bottom line to this whole argument is that if ANY class can kill you in less than 5 seconds it needs fixed. I want tactical skilled gameplay and insta-gib builds are anything but. The entire idea that if you don’t dodge 1 attack you die is stupid, plain and simple. Dodge should be used to gain the upper hand in a battle of attrition. You dodge the big hitting attacks enough then you’re going to win the battle. If you don’t dodge then you take damage. The one that can mitigate the most damage through dodging, CC, healing, etc while damaging the opponent wins.

Well, I guess that’s /thread then, huh? Now that you’ve drawn the line in the sand the developers will read your post and suddenly have a glorious revelation about game design.

“Guild Wars 2, according to Distaste: No one can die quickly! Everyone will die slowly! Battles should not have any element which requires sub-second reactions! Quick-thinking is for losers! Also, what are stun-breakers?”

But we already have that

Just remove Berseker Jewel and Berseker Amulet plus Rune of Divinity from sPvP and enjoy your brand new pvp system where takes 3min to kill a equal skilled player

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

And then you learn to dodge, a stop the QQ thread

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


What is SPAMMABLE on any of those aformentioned classes that will hit for 4.5k a hit and will LEAP YOU to target?

Thats what thief were build around.

You just discover how thiefs were built.

Around Initiative, you can acess and deliver your most powerfull at a cost, that cost is Initiative.

Atm thiefs have less Skills per Minute than any other class unless they trait heavy for it.

Please, find a better excuse

This is exactly why initiative is the worst mechanic in the game. Every single beta I and many others posted about why initiative was a terrible mechanic. It is far too hard to balance. Keep in mind that I was also someone showing that initiative leaves thieves behind in skills per minute.

If the skills hit too hard and are spammable then we have way too much burst. If we regen initiative too fast then we have way too much sustain. If the skills don’t hit hard enough then we have no burst, which many builds need to survive. If the skills don’t hit hard and we don’t have fast regen we have no sustainability, meaning in a group fight we are less than optimal. Now factor in all traits and gear builds; it quickly becomes a case of either being OP or UP.

The bottom line to this whole argument is that if ANY class can kill you in less than 5 seconds it needs fixed. I want tactical skilled gameplay and insta-gib builds are anything but. The entire idea that if you don’t dodge 1 attack you die is stupid, plain and simple. Dodge should be used to gain the upper hand in a battle of attrition. You dodge the big hitting attacks enough then you’re going to win the battle. If you don’t dodge then you take damage. The one that can mitigate the most damage through dodging, CC, healing, etc while damaging the opponent wins.

The gameplay in sPvP is to “chaotic” to assume that but atm i can say that no prof with Soldier amulet and at least 18k hp can be instant gibbed by HS or PW if you have at least 1 Panic button utility.

All builds i go for sPvP i have 1 break stun panic button and never got instant gibbed since BW1

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Am I the only one who thinks Quickness needs to be removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


There was no Quickness in GW1!

Herein lies the problem, you don’t need a full team to spike someone down in GW2, not with Quickness, just one person, that’s all it takes.

burst of aggression, frenzy, tiger stance, etc

as to your second point, stop running around with 16k hp

look i know you’re a pro that wins ‘most of your games’ with your guardian, but people such as myself who win 80% of their tourney games as multiple classes are doing fine playing against 100 blade warriors and heartseeker thieves. yes we get caught and yes the first few times it happened we were like what the hell just happened, but we didnt have the attitude of “this needs to be removed from the game omfg”. instead we learned how to beat it.

they can nerf it or remove it for all I care. I’ll adapt. but people like you, its not going to satisfy you because the 100b warriors will just start throwing bolas and doing the same combo over 4 seconds to you instead of 2 seconds, and then you’ll be back here whining about 100b or bolas or whatever is killing you after quickness is removed.

at some point you should look in the mirror and ask if maybe, just maybe its you.

Touche, QQ’ers will QQ

Even in gw1 they QQ’ed about how bad pvp was

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Am I the only one who thinks Quickness needs to be removed?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I don’t know why people come here and post their super awesome counters to these builds in ideal controlled 1v1 setups. You act like I haven’t already had to use my 2 rolls and my stability to stop something else. There are 4/7 other players to deal with at any given time.

Not everyone is running a build with CC weapons/utility either.

Do not worry…every game forum is full of these people who come and call other people noos…learn to dodge…learn to kite and similar stuff.

These people believe that there is a 1vs1 sPvP mode where you don’t need to face 7 more people or that when a 1vs1 fight occur the other players will sit on the sideline cheering for each side….

If you face more then 7 people at the same time, where is your team to help you?
Its pretty easy to rally a teamate in teams with 4 members.
Its also pretty easy with 4 players to burst a key target of the other team

If unorganized team of hot join pvp make cookie cuter builds OP, that i can agree

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land