Showing Posts For Sneakier.9460:

The unlogical logic behind balancing Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Hey there, i have been playing ranger since guild wars 1 and started at gw2 beta with Ranger and belive me!

Rangers at beta were good!

Greatsword+LB was amazing!

The mystical Double Bow build was great and a safe option

Tons of builds you could pick for, but most of then got hammered down so hard into useless.

Right now, anything going glassy/power/zerky is doomed to fail in pvp/WvW, and what is the excuse for the massive nerf that has been going on since beta?

“-You can’t deal the same amount of damage with your weapons like the other classes do because the pet also deals damage.”


Our condition still do the same damage has other classes and infact, the only decent builds for pvp are condibunkers and hybrids…

So…. i guess we kinda gota nerf condition builds now, they are kinda OP for a “Ranger Standart”

PS: I did not make this thread to nerf condition builds, i just wan’t Power/Crit Ranger to get their damage back… it was the only thing we had since our survival was bellow average at best.
Am one of the few players moving from Ranger to other classes that aren’t broken like thief/mesmer but saddens me that am puting my ranger in a shelf for god know how long.

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Stop sulking and pick another class.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Am doing the same right now, my ranger is going to the shelf…

After trying so many Power Ranger builds i gave up, if i cant be a power ranger i won’t play ranger!

My Power Thief and Power Mesmer and so good and deadly….
All my potencial was being lost in my ranger, i still like him, great for farming in pve but wont get full ascended gear for the ranger, waste of time.

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Guardian vs Warrior vs Necromancer: Best Bunker?

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Warrior is a awfull bunker, but a “bunker” warrior build gives great support wierdly

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

NE one else get reported for killing to fast?

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I got a final warning for making ppl unistal gw2 with my thief, thats about it

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

I tough that glass cannon thiefs were OP

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


From my understanding they are all long CD skills, you can always go in stealth and make them guess if you are running away or trying to stay aggressive, those skills provide 5-6 sec protection, if you dont over commit and used all your stuff on 1st few sec you are still in positive situation than they do.

This is why i have 2 panic buttons

If they dont get the first hit on me, am in a better position cuz they just wasted a stealth skill

Cuz if becomes a DPS run vs my builds, my builds will most likely win a glass cannon thief due to my higher skill per minute and not having to choose between damage and defense

But i can still be outplayed or caught off guard, that can always happen

But unless that happens, my panic button will give me a huge vantage vs glassy thiefs that rely on killing me faster then i kill then

You would be amazed by the ammount of times my wolf dies due to a thief burst vs my Protect Me

By the time they realize that they arent doing any damage to me they have already wasted 6/9 initiative if they are good players, nub tend to waste all initiative for nothing

Its a big disvantage, i know cuz i have a thief and i go into “escape” mode after i use couple tools for nothing, happens alot vs those dam clones…

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

I tough that glass cannon thiefs were OP

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I have never, ever been killed by a Thief on my Warrior and Guardian.
Maybe the day will come, but until the class is based on gibbing and I’m a player that equips anti-gib tools on any character, I will continue to laugh at gib Thieves. No offense.

Same here, i like to play bursty glassy builds in all my MMORPG

From experience i learn that am not the only one, and having 1 panic button can get me the kill and live to fight another day

Thats why i run 2 Panic buttons in all my glassy bursty builds in Gw2 even in my thief that so needs it

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Dilemma of a pistol/pistol thief

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Another is to go 30 trick, 20 acro and 20 critical but the lack of damage may not make up for it :<

But u sure get tons of initiative and tons of condition damage aka LDB spam ftw ;D

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Dilemma of a pistol/pistol thief

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


15 points in trickery gets you 15 point initiative bud. You start with 12 and get +3.

The Conundrum of Instant initiative vs Sustained Initiative

If u want to spam unload get the Infiltrator signet and 20 in acrobatics Quick Recovery

30 in critical and get leet executioner and any that boosts ur damage

put the rest in power and traits that boost ur damage

Laugh at the enemy team being pew pewed by ur OPload

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Dilemma of a pistol/pistol thief

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


If ur unload isnt making ppl cry its due to your low power or low crit damage

My unload kitten ppl appart

I done 8k unload in a warrior

With the correct build i can spam unload till the target dies and do massive ranged damage

I wonder how awfull they will feel when they see i did 16k damage with unload has top damaging ability

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

I tough that glass cannon thiefs were OP

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I started using Panic buttons like:

Endure Pain
Protect Me
Mist Form

now i lol at thiefs all day long

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Rune backstab damage statistics

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Divinity all the way since beta

Best physical dps rune while giving HP and toughness

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Stab does too much damage

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Cleary the OP part of this thief build was the over 9000 AP

Otherwise it would be balance

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Allow ppl to teleport to conquest points and that will fix WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


It does not, but how many times you seen the spawn camp in AV fall either?

The only diference is that one ends whe boss dies, the other after 2 weeks

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Allow ppl to teleport to conquest points and that will fix WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


But isnt WvWvW a 2 weeks long Alterac Valey of ppl trying to cap the most of the map?

The only diference is that the game will end in 2 weeks and that who has more points wins instead of killing the boss

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Allow ppl to teleport to conquest points and that will fix WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Even with forward deployed waypoints for attackers taking a keep would than take ages. It’s just a very, very, very, very bad idea.

Epic battles dont last 10min

A perfect example would be WoW vanila Alterac Valey

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Siege Weapons in Jumping Puzzles

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


cool tip

An Error Prevented Saving:
Message Body length must at least be 15.

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Allow ppl to teleport to conquest points and that will fix WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


If reinforcement didn’t have traveltime, but arrived instantly at the spot, invaders would have no chance whatsoever to take anything – the whole map would just hop to defend within a minute, while invaders would still have to lug their kittens from the nearest point they own and have a waypoint purchased at, if not their initial entry point.

And the attackers would do the same making tactics more important.

What i missed was:
-Invaders would also have a closer way point most likely from a sentry or a Supply camp

This would nulify the “zerg” mentality and make battles become more tactic

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Allow ppl to teleport to conquest points and that will fix WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460




When my berseker thief unload spammer teams up with another berseker thief unload spammer

The targets disagree with your statement.

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

So, the higher the elevation, the further a treb can fire...

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


If arrows worked like that, Longbow Ranger would party up and camp high spots just to snipe targets

I hit 5k-6k Longshots in WvWvW

With +3 ranger and propper timing we could kill a target in 3s or less

Snipers team

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Allow ppl to teleport to conquest points and that will fix WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Like the tittle says, this is how anet could fix WvWvW.

Right now there no skill/tactics going on in WvWvW, its all about Zerg vs Zerg vs 3 players going comando and capping supply camps.


This is what WvWvW comes all up to.

This happens cuz once a zerg holds its position at a castle/keep/tower only a bigger zerg will defend it.

This does not show up the “Server” skill.

My suggestion will fix this problem, since player can teleport back to the frontline, this will happen:

-Unless a Server outplays the few defenders, they wont be able to capture it
-This will encourage better team work and actualy make “siege camps” in order to take down a well defended point.
-This will encourage epic battles since a server even if outnumber, can resuply their forces with players asap.

To prevent invencibel key points, a player should lose his supply when traveling to a conquested way point.

Am actualy tired of the endless zerg and want epic siege battles

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

GW2 in its current state is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Ergo Proxy.. The difference is there isnt 4 elementalists in every game trying to mist form auto kill me and my team every time someone gets downed and succeeding like 80% of the time.. I agree – Its a stupid mechanic in any case..

Sonho – Man… I love it when people make rediculous claims.. If you mean by play smart make em fight in your own little mini arena that it takes you 15 seconds to erect.. then yes.. Play “smart” and they die easily.. Going down in history as the worst players ever..

Wolfe – I dont have the patience to deal with you.. Anyone with half a brain can see you likely didnt pass 3rd grade.. You quote me quoting others like 4 times in a row.. Saying "yeah thief downed mechanic is broken’’… then in the very next repeated quote yer like “god! when will people stop complaining about every aspect of thieves!!”

so funny since you had just complained yourself one reply up….

my exasperation is in regards to the myriad of nerf thief for reasons x, y and z.

i maintain that thief downed state is out of line, as well as its underwater spear #5 skill. the fact that you cant figure this out that im trying to be unbiased in my arguments means at this moment your the pot calling the kettle black.

i loled so hard, your just bad, your probably used to having a healer to support you

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Long Bow or Short Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The best way to use both weapons is to unload all cd’s> swap to the other> unload all cd’s>swap again, nothing can survive your amazing SPM (Skills per Minute)
Yes, Longbow makes a great secondary weapon to Shortbow, but what is when you want e.g. Warhorn for the speed boost? Which bow will you use in the other weapon set?

I just change it asap from any bow while out of combat > get the buff> change it again, no need to keep the warhorn equiped

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

What's the point with using a Longbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


3k with longbow rapid fire?!


I get that with 3 critics with shortbow

My longbow rapid fire reachs 8k on heavy golem

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

imo best spvp weapon set is...

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


meh I prefer Dagger/Pistol for even backstab setup. Cloak and Dagger is a joke and requires you to be kissing the target not to mention if the target moves even 1 stupid inch it misses.
Even though technically it is more initiative cost I find blackpowder and heartseeker 100x more reliable and you can actually do it on a target well out of normal melee range.

I also find dagger/dagger to be the best for condition damage not pistol but thats just me. Love dropping caltrops in a group then spamming DB.

But probably fight ppl of inferior skill,

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Post Your Build Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Dual Bow sPvP build

20 MM
30 Skirmish
5 WS
15 NM

Faster utility variation

20 MM
30 Skirmish
10 WS
10 NW

Change 1 Rune of Divinity for a +25 Vitality rune for 20k hp

-Lots of Dodge
-2 Panic Buttons
-1 Condition removal
-Tons of tools to pick from
-Burst damage
-Amazing sustained damage
-Amazing Survival overall

-Very squishy only having 1k toughness
-Very dodge dependent
-Very utility dependent
-If you get out played, you won’t win


-The Longbow aka “The Tactical Master” or “The Sniper’s Choice”

The Longbow is a long range weapon perfect for holding key positions like high ground by example.

You should always start a fight by using “Barrage” to “Cover” a tactical position, this will support your team by preventing the enemy from going that way unless they want to be crippled and be a easy target.

Hunter’s Shot is actualy the first skill to be used when actualy starting a fight, this gives Swiftness to your pet and a 10% damage boost.

Rapid Fire should always follow Hunter’s Shoot, if you find it worth it, you should use Quickning Zephyr with this combo, its a amazing burst coming from a Ranger plus your pet.

You can also use QZ with Barrage if you find that will be a key to winning the encounter.

After this or before this, use Point Blank Shot, this is a very key skill to gain vantage in a battle, use it wisely since this single skill can make the diference between a useless Longbow user and a player that changed the outcome of the fight.

In some maps like:

-Battle of Kyhlo Clock Tower and Trebuchet

-Forest of Niflhel Keep or throwing players against the Bosses

-Raid on the Capricorn throwing players into the sharks

There are more spots and creativity is the limit.

If the target gets close and personal or you are out of tools with your Longbow, change to the other weapon.

-The Shortbow aka “The Skirmisher”

The shortbow is your go to close combat weapon, perfect for close combat skirmish giving you more survival and DPS at close range.
With “Quick Draw” trait, you can easy keep you target poison all the time, this weapon is awfull at long range combat.

The Shortbow has a perfect synergy with the Longbow since both benefit from the “Quick Draw”, i use Sigil of Leeching with this weapon since i tend to use it has a Burst weapon after i get in combat.

I tend to stay with the Shortbow until i get into one of this situations:

-Am out of tools with the Shortbow

-Weapon Swap is off cd meaning that Longbow tools are also rdy( 2,3 and 4 skills)

-I could realy use Longbow skills and Shortbow doesnt fit my situation atm


In sPvP, i tend to go for canine pets, their CC is unmatched by any other family.

KD Leap
Cripple Leap

Makes the canines perfect for the kitting/ranged machine that is the Dual bow Ranger plus, Leap is one of the best Combo finishers for melee.

-Drakehound- Imobilize on F2
-Wolf- Fear on F2
-Hyena- Dual Pet on F2

Have fun and enjoy the “Dual Bow Ranger” aka “DB Ranger” aka “2B Ranger”

Tip: Have a Warhorn in the backpack for the handy Horn buff

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

(edited by Sneakier.9460)

What's the point with using a Longbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


If you dont know how to use the Longbow, dont use it

Longbow= Tactical Weapon
Shortbow= Skirmish Weapon

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

imo best spvp weapon set is...

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I like Dagger/Pistol ALOT

Nothing comes close to the burst and utility you get from this

Pistol/Pistol is also insanely good! When traited for it

Pistol/Dagger is probably the best condition damage setup

Dagger/dagger seems kinda useless unless you go for Backstab build

Sword/Pistol seems a bit gimmick with PW

Shortbow is a must have to all this setups in my opinion

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Long Bow or Short Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Both are good in opossite situations

Shortbow is for close combat skirmish
Longbow is for longe range combat

Shortbow benefits alot from condition damage
Longbow does not

Both weapons get the same benefits from Power/Crit while the longbow gets a bit more (vunerability on Hunter shot is a 10% damage boost)

I got 300 hours on my ranger and been playing Shortbow/Longbow since i had 80 hours.

Play the weapons to their strenghts

Most ppl say that Shortbow>Longbow cuz they use the Longbow in close combat.
Typical nubs, of course the shortbow willkittenthe longbow.

The best way to use both weapons is to unload all cd’s> swap to the other> unload all cd’s>swap again, nothing can survive your amazing SPM (Skills per Minute)

Plus with “Quick Draw” trait from skirmishing, makes this combo insanely good, so many tools to pick from.

Its more about the player then the weapon, a good player will be good with any weapon focusing on its strong points

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

(edited by Sneakier.9460)

Longbow recommendations

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Berseker/Valkyre weapons,armour and Jewels

20/30 MM

30 Skirmish

Whats left between the rest and what fits ur play style

Its pretty funny doing 5k-7k damage on Longshot

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Dear ArenaNet: Zhaitan (SPOILERS)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I actualy tough we were going to fight zhaitan in a epic battle, after the uber lazer “miss” him and cut his tail i actualy tough:

“- epic fight incoming!!!!”
“-His going to get mad and destroy the ship and we will have a epic battle full of triggers and a big kitten boss chasing us around the ship while we try to recover the cannon to actualy hit him and take him down.”

When i found out that i was going to press “2” to kill him, i was very disapointed

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

State of CoF Exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The so called exploits aren’t actualy exploits since most of the game was built around jumping puzzles and event triggers.

If i do a jump puzzle and trigger a event, is that a exploit?

Am just playing the game they built

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Give me a option to shut up npc's or reduce their lines

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sneakier.9460



“-We have capture the citadel of flame!”

10s later

“-We have capture the citadel of flame!”

Same to the other dungeons.

I can’t tell you how many times i heard magg and after having to deal with hiskitten npc IQ, the last thing i want is to hear his voice.

Story mode of CoF was probably the most anoying thing i ever did in any MMO.


repeat each time in a 40min run

it gets pretty stressfull

There are also complains about npc talking all the time from other players, they get repetive way to fast…

“-More violets i say… less violence…”

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Longbow ranger.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


2,225 Power
20k hp
40% crit chance 86 critical damage bonus
1200 toughness

Am still missing 4 pieces of exotic and superior runes/sigils and get better raw stats

I love both longbow and Shortbow

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

My Take on Thief Balances

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


thief is more then fine after this tweaks, Pistol 1 wont have its fire rate increased due to how strong Stealth 1 skill is.

The superior rate of fire was given to the ranger shortbow that deals the same damage per shot and bleed when flanking

See the relation/diference betewen the 2?

Superior rate of fire in pistol would mean= nerf to unload + nerf to Stealth 1 pistol skill when using it with off hand dagger

Many thiefs dont want that, mostly phisical damage pistol users like me

About Pistol Whip with haste:
Like most haste combos, they rely on CC you then burst, a CC breaker is a most, if u dont have one, u deserve taking the full burst.

(Ranger Shortbow/Rapid Fire is the only Quickness combo that doesnt rely on a CC but doesnt get close to 100blades nor Pistol Whip in terms of burst)

I dont see how changing the rate of fire on your 1 key would hurt the rest of the skills as they have completely different rate of fires

PW+Haste CC breaker.Because how the skill is designed the only good CC breaker is one that put you at a distance.

I understand the deal with the ranger. Which I agree. Hate + rapid fire usually only one skill use before haste is gone and doesnt require a CC to avoid.

It would hurt because anet would balance the increase DPS that skill 1 would be doing
And having at a stun breaker/condition removal is slowy becoming the meta game, i been saying this since beta 1

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

My Take on Thief Balances

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


thief is more then fine after this tweaks, Pistol 1 wont have its fire rate increased due to how strong Stealth 1 skill is.

The superior rate of fire was given to the ranger shortbow that deals the same damage per shot and bleed when flanking

See the relation/diference betewen the 2?

Superior rate of fire in pistol would mean= nerf to unload + nerf to Stealth 1 pistol skill when using it with off hand dagger

Many thiefs dont want that, mostly phisical damage pistol users like me

About Pistol Whip with haste:
Like most haste combos, they rely on CC you then burst, a CC breaker is a most, if u dont have one, u deserve taking the full burst.

(Ranger Shortbow/Rapid Fire is the only Quickness combo that doesnt rely on a CC but doesnt get close to 100blades nor Pistol Whip in terms of burst)

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

(edited by Sneakier.9460)

What is your level 80 Thief like?

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

What is your level 80 Thief like?

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


>Berseker/Valkyre set



>boost unload to hell!
>Quick Recovery

10k unloads almost all the time thanks to the extra +3 initiative per 10s

IRL example of my thief owning:

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

P/P Thieves, use your CC abilities!

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


But if i use mah CC i cant unload has much :<

anyone that runs p/p is to spam unload all day

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Trait "Assassin's Reward"

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Hide in Shadows clears burning, poison, and bleed. That is three conditions. That is not all conditions.

maybe ur doing it wrong

to best way to prevent something is avoid it aka dodging

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land


in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460



Mistake #1 A ranger doesn’t specialize in ranged combat, that’s a misnomer generated by the name. The ranger is someone who ranges far and wide, essentially meaning someone who travels great distances.

Have you read the class description?

“Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows”

It isn’t a misnomer. If you want to argue that, Warriors are better (a lot better) with melee weapons, too.

What’s up with that anyway?
I was so happy in the beta weekends when we were awsome in melee and now everyone is using bows.
For me, rangers have been synonymous with lightly armored, outdoorsy, survavalist warriors like Aragon, Minsc etc… fantasy Bear Grylls basicly.
How did rangers=robin hood?

Anyway, i have a warrior and a ranger that i’m leveling evenly and the longbow is purely for aoe and utility(only combofield,blind and root) and rangers haven’t been “outbowed”.
Rifle on the other hand…..

And if you picked the wrong class? Well, if you’re only ambition is to deal alot of ranged damage i dunno, we rely heavily on out pets and if they can’t get into melee or we don’t use a dps pet, our damage isn’t all that great.
If you like playing a versetile pet class with alot of ranged weapon options and like the utilies, i’d say no, stick around and things will be tweaked eventually.

Greatsword damage got nerfed>bye bye>do not want

Longbow barrage is so strong and Rapid Fire is probably the best burst skill in the ranger arsenal, Hunter Shot is a 10% dps increase basicly and point black shot is fun has hell, the Longshot is the only bad thing about the longbow but my longshot is hitting 5k on WvWvW and 3k in sPvP, its “okay” for a crit

Shortbow is the best single target close combat skirmish weapon with a amazing DPS only beaten by the Rapid Fire on the Longbow

Axe/any is the best setup to have has a weapon swap no mather how u build u character and a very good AoE auto attack

Sword can’t be looped on skill 1 unless you like be rooted

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Pets Got Stupid

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Pets have always beenkitten /p>

Learn to control using the comands they gave it

I walk with my pet on stow and passive most of the time, and control with with F1/F3

Allows me to have more control over my pet, they arekitten learn to live with it instead of QQ

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Bows in general - models

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The legendary bows are girly has hell

My favourite longbow is the Kryta looking one, simple but elegant

My favourite shortbow is the Inquest one

Shaped has a blade

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

S/P discussion

in Thief

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


U wont kill me with that

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


ppl are loving the assasins creed look
i may go for it

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

I fear for this games future

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Most of these “I really hope ANet doesn’t listen to the whiners” threads are just thinly veiled “don’t nerf me, bro” posts.
I have a feeling they’re paying attention to what’s actually going on in game and not just listening to the “whiners” on the forums (i.e., players providing valid feedback).
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that there may be an issue when 75% of every sPvP match is either a Mesmer or a Thief with the occasional Short Bow + Zephyr Ranger tossed in there.

That’s wierd, in tourments all classes have their place

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Yo anet, you gota be kitten me about legendary bows

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

8 proffesions in 1 character, or 2 per character...?

in Crafting

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


gifts arent soulbond

therefore you dont need max professions

some ingredients for the gifts may be soulbond tough and require certain farming

Like deadly bloom from TA for gift of nature

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

My best class in PvP is ... trebuchet

in PvP

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Am usefull no mather what proffesion i play included siege master

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


Here is me

And that feathered hat is just to good to say no


Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Thieves and what am I doing wrong? Not a qq thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460


I use 2 canines


The trick is having lightning reflexes rdy for their HS or PW burst and keep your distance

Thief Shortbow< Any Ranger ranged weapon without taking into account the pet

Its pretty much the old story of the Hunter vs Rogue

Who wins?

Will the Rogue be kited?

Will the hunter prey the Rogue without mercy?

My tips:

-keep your distance the best u can, 2 canine pets help alot with their CC

-have at least a stun breaker and a condition removal

-Dodge to win terrain and dodge his attack skills, any waste of initiative is very bad for the thief

-If his using Pistol/Pistol save ur dodge for the unload

-If he uses Haste, throw a interrup ASAP and get rdy to dodge, after this dangerous 4s the thief will either run for his life or die

Ranger vs Thief
Hunter vs Rogue
Marksman vs Assasin

This problem has been here since ever, trust me there are plenty of thiefs right now asking the same thing about rangers

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land