Showing Posts For Solesaver.8764:

Gaze for a thematic focus

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I got my second Large Skull and decided to find out what it could possibly be used for. I was pleasantly surprised when I put it into the Mystic Forge and got Gaze. It is definately a good thematic focus for the necro, or just getting into the Halloween spirit with an alt. No special particles or anything, but it IS a skull. A mini skull for me because I’m an Asura, but I’m sure the Norn’s are pretty intimidating.


(edited by Solesaver.8764)

Pets not attacking

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


since a picture is worth a thousand words ill state my case in a small movie

this should answer all your questions about pet ai ^^

use the pet charge ability thats what i have to do. i useually get sceptor/dagger ready use 0 when targets down i dump 5 then 2, switch back to staff using my oversized marks

:P I’ve used the golem’s charge thinking something similar only to have it run up, charge through my target, then run back to the enemy it was working on by itself before I distracted it with my petty commands… :’(

Elite Skills Fixed!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


While I get the feeling that this was an attempt to dodge a bug they don’t know how to fix, there’s not a lot of point in a minion build if you’re not going to use the flesh golem anyway.

Moa Form is ridiculous, though.

Except that Flesh Golem doesn’t know how to swim. I jump in the water and he gets and tense and starts sinking. Finally the anxiety gets to him and puffs out of existence leaving a little bit of Life Force behind. As such, it’s all about Plague form underwater.

I can't think of a name!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m pretty happy with ‘Gorblax’, but of course that is mine…

Why push people away?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


The people they are pushing away aren’t the ones who they are particularly worried about. They have a different target with the gambling… *cough*whales*/cough*

The new build is up!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


FINALLY. Patching now…

Righteous Indignation bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m pretty sure it is a bug. I guess what I’m trying to get across to all the naysayers is that if it is the intent that it is supposed to be really difficult, but still possible, especially with condition damage, then that idea isn’t communicated very well, and is also rather silly (the condition damage only part is sill). What were you guys thinking, this makes up for condition being no-go on all the objects in the rest of the map?

I understand the point of the buff. That part is clearly communicated. The part that is messed up is that it is difficult, but not impossible, and that only condition damage is particularly effective.

Righteous Indignation bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


From what I was seeing last night she is immune to vulnerability. I was attacking attacking her with necro axe 1 It said 0/Immune, 0/Immune. The zero was my attack doinkittenage to her, and the Immune was being immune to the vulnerability.

If the boon really is supposed to mean that it is really difficult to kill except with condition damage then I’d appreciate the tool tip being updated to say such. It was difficult to read the entire thing with all the conditions getting added and removed, but I’m pretty sure the tool-tip currently reads something along the lines of immune to damage and conditions, extra damage, and refuses to die.

My solution to the zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


No, I’m not saying that team-wise zerging is the best tactic. I’m saying it is the best individual tactic. There is no incentive for individual players to try group up any differently. As such there is no incentive for individual players to break this trend. If a group of players is steamrolling objectives, there is no reason for me not to hop in and start reaping the benefits, even if I am completely unnecessary. I want incentivize individual players to form up into groups appropriate for what they are trying to accomplish. Large groups in WvW act like gravity. The bigger it is the more people join it because it is the safe bet for good rewards. Why would I go off and try to find a smaller group that is struggling to complete their objective when I have sure shot at steamrolling over multiple objectives with the biggest zerg of a group. 4 people at a tower trying to hold off a massive attack while the rest of the server is off in a giant group capping a tower somewhere else? Why would I bother trying to help when we will probably lose that tower anyway, likely dying in the process, when I can join the giant group and easily reap the benefits?

No I’m not suggesting capping numbers at an objective. I was talking about capping more along the lines of when everyone who could possibly be there already is. Obviously you can’t throw more people at the problem anymore. Only at that point do people starting thinking about how they could be utilizing the players more effectively.

My solution to the zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


The rest of my team was off trying to cap Cragtop and Sunnyhill, even though we didn’t have a secure hold on Titanpaw at all. Why? Because capping objectives is more rewarding to individuals than defending objectives that have already been taken.

and @tagnut and ThyOwnage
THAT is the problem with the zerg. The rewards for individual contributors does not line up with what makes for strategic play for your team. We will never be able to reclaim the map if we are unable to hold on to what we have taken. Without Titanpaw, Cragtop and Sunnyhill are ultimately indefensible.

I agree awesomeness in WvW can be found in giant battles between hundreds of people. That wouldn’t be affected by my solution because the more people defending a point the more people are needed and rewarded for attacking it. In that sense we aren’t even talking about a zerg any more. More like a clashing of armies. Clashing of armies is good and entertaining. The problem is when a large group of players does their little circuit of capturing objectives and then leaves/dies as the other team’s large group of players can take them back and repeat the process.

I’m trying to fix the problem where everything is a nail. If you ever fail an objective in WvW it is because your hammer wasn’t big enough. Until you cap the number of players possible at a given objective, the solution is almost always throw more people at it.

I don’t think it is unreasonable or game-changing. I want the mechanics of the game to encourage the intelligent allocation of human resources. A well organized guild can manage people on a map very well, but not everyone is in a well organized guild. The mechanics of the game should still encourage players to go to where they are needed. Also the internal competition, if contribution is calculated correctly would encourage players to improve their game to actually be useful to their team.

Righteous Indignation bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


No, the RI on the claimer is what is SUPPOSED to make it IMPOSSIBLE to recap. If it is supposed to be difficult to recap, then make it difficult to recap. Don’t make it theoretically impossible to recap but actually possible if you apply conditions a bunch of times.

Just try hitting a claimer when its RI is up, you do 0 damage to it because it is invulnerable to damage. The tool-tip actually says, ‘and cannot be killed’ alas, it is possible to kill it because the boon is bugged.

This isn’t a QQ it is a bug report. While not the most important problem with WvW right now, it is still bad and ought to be fixed. I’m guessing that most people don’t even know that you aren’t supposed to be able to recap right away because you can, because the thing that is supposed to be preventing you from doing so is bugged.

Please can we have hammers? Please!?

in Engineer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


By giving engi hammer do they mean/would be ok with adding mace to our weapon choice. I ask because it would be silly (IMO) to make a weapon to be used by only one class, and many of the mace skins ARE hammers.

Righteous Indignation bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


So, the Supervisor is supposed to be unable to be killed for the first 5 minutes after a camp has been captured. Except that you can still very slowly kill it with the first tick from conditions… I’d be just as happy with being unable to reclaim camps within 5 minutes as a design decision. It is just really frustrating watching my team even trying to kill the stupid supervisor during this time. They see its health going down slowly and just assume that whatever they are doing is working so they keep wailing away.

If you want the camp to be unable to be captured, make it so. If you want to the supervisor to be really difficult, but still possible during this time, do that. But I think this really needs to be fixed. As it is right now, it is really difficult, but possible because of a bug… And only possible in a very limited sense (fast application of high condition damage, but not condition duration).

My solution to the zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Sure, through extreme organization and a decent number of players you can stop a zerg run, but as someone who has been on both sides, that is not the way it ends up happening.

When I was in the zerg. We were green on eternal battleground, the huge group of players swept north taking every camp and tower in our path until enough people died that it fell apart, and the stuff that we captured was quickly reclaimed. Then we regrouped and did it again. And it was worth it too, because in the process we took 5 or so objectives really fast earning more than enough money to pay for the repair costs from the one death (definitely better money flow than when I was off by myself taking small objectives).

On the other hand, I’m currently on HoD in that current disastrous matchup. Last night I was playing on our home borderlands. We took titan paw started investing in siege (ballistas and arrow carts) and camp upgrades. The 10 or so of us that were there held off against the initial attempt of 20 or so Blackgaters trying to take it. They left, we rebuilt and expanded our defenses. It is quiet for a bit and a couple of the less committed defenders get bored and wander off. Then, as expected 50+ invaders arrive and wipe the 6 or 7 of us that remained.

Of course zerging is a problem. There is only so much organization you can put together to hold of against vastly superior numbers. It should not be worthwile for a team to send way more players than they need to take objectives. They need to encourage people, rather than take a lap with the zerg, to stick around and actually attempt to hold the things that they capture.

My solution to the zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


The silver is actually the biggest part imo. If you are running with the zerg and dying without getting any resources for completing objectives, you are hemorrhaging resources. It just isn’t worth it any more.

My solution to the zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


:( So the only discussion my idea generates is joking about someone else’s solution. :P Any thoughts on my idea?

My solution to the zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


So, we all know that the zerg always wins. And when it comes to a contests of the zergs, usually victory goes to the zerg with the zergiest zerg. I was thinking about this problem the other night when I came this epiphany. I will walk through the thought process.

My first thought was to debuff zerg members and/or buff small defending parties. The problem with this is it would be lame, and there is no way you could fairly buff and debuff and have it be enough to make up for the sheer number of people. So we have to find some other way to distinctivize people from grouping up like that.

I think it would help if only the top contributors got rewarded well for the offensive DEs in WvW. The number of people rewarded would scale based on the difficulty of the objective. For stopping a dolyak, which can easily be done with just one person, give gold level rewards to the 1+(max number of defenders during the event) players that ‘contributed’ the most, and an equal number of silver rewards. At the other end of the spectrum, taking the castle would probably reward 100+maxdef players.

With this change you can still bring forth your servers best efforts at primary objectives, but fewer players would clump on to the zerg if they aren’t getting rewarded for it.

Of course the way they calculate contributions would have to be completely revamped to properly account for contributions other than just damage.

At the same time as this the defender rewards would remain the same in order to encourage players to actually work on defending what they’ve taken.

One last unrelated side change I would do is change the defend the dolyak DE to not be an escort. That is, defenders should get rewarded for each attack that they save the dolyak from. If 2 invaders attack, and you hold them off, get rewarded for that, not when the dolyak does or does not reach its destination.

World Ratings update for October 12

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Well, I don’t know what to think of server hoppers. They can be useful, they can be bad. Maybe place a limit of 3 days or something before anyone can WvW in their new server? Since the domination usually goes on during the last 3 days before a reset.

I have been with my guild in JQ since most of us began on Headstart… People are accusing HoD of being offline lol.. The way they’re going. Or that they’ve switched over to Stormbluff. Whatever.

Not just offline, not switched servers, just done with the game. Our biggest WvW guild, Titan’s Alliance, on HoD disbanded. As such things quickly went crap. People on HoD really aren’t going to bother much with WvW until we are at a more appropriate rating. Unless some other major WvW guild wants to come fill the void and get things going again. No queues on HoD anymore, the place is deserted.

If you want to rub it in to us for being dethroned go for it, just know that most of the people who were crushing you aren’t actually playing anymore.

Are all of the Legendary recipes discovered?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


It seems to me that there are 210 combinations of those pre ‘gift of the <legendary>’ recipes, times many, many sigils. And that is IF all of the legendaries follow that pattern. What is the reasoning that the community is so sure that the exhaustive list is posted on the wiki? Has someone taken every single pre ‘gift of the <legendary>’ recipe gifts and statues and seen which ones of them can combine in the Mystic Forge, and THEN seen which among ALL of the superior runes can be added to those recipes? (I suppose it may be faster to start with the runes and see which gifts/statues can be added to those).

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Work in progress. I do have some exotic gear under the lower level skins. I just thought they looked so cool.


In Depth Guide to the Minion Master [In Progress]

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I run a tanky MM necro everywhere. Traits are 0/0/30/30/10. Blood Fiend, Bone Minions, Shadow Fiend, Flesh Wurm, and Flesh Golem. Axe/Focus primarily, Staff for range when I need it (not usually very effective ranged).
With all the crap I see referencing various parts of my build (especially the Axe) I did surprisingly very well in my Rabbit level PvP matches. Surprisingly as I have put 0 effort into ‘perfecting’ my build in any way. I will say I’ve done very well in almost all of my 1v1 matchups as well as many 2v1s.

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Shadow Trap, if triggered in the middle of an attack instantly un-stealths you. I see a couple of viable alternatives of varying favor for the thief player. 1) Instantly stealth, and cancel the current attack, cooldown can reset or not reset or some compromise; 2) Instantly stealth, and continue the current attack; 3)Stealth immediately upon finishing the current attack, the teleport can happen at time of trigger or at time of stealth. All are viable alternatives because in all of them I actually get to attempt to utilize the stealth without having it instantly broken…

Crafting Bank

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I would totally spend moneys on a bank that could hold stacks of any craftable material. They could even separate banks for each profession.

I’m not talking about the collections bank. There are many in between stage crafting items that it doesn’t hold. I’m talking insignia, inscription, straps and strings, and the pleasant assortment of cooking in between stages. It should hold ANYTHING that is usable in a crafting recipe.

[Mesmer] Clones not proper "copies"

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’ve mentioned this before but got little traction. I don’t mind the clones behaving stupidly, there should be tells. But it should at least be possible for you to put effort into mimicking your clones. The explorer star and offhand weapons are major problems for this. Additionally, it is impossible to behave the same as the scepter clones because they repeatedly auto-attack with the first of a 3 hit combo before your combo resets. It is impossible to match their behavior…

What legendary fits the necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m working toward the minstrel. But I suppose that only really matches my necro…

Axe / Dag MH

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


an easy change for axe would be to make its auto attack a 3 hit combo like many others with the 3rd hit applying vulnerability. this would allow for increased dps at the cost of vunl stacking (which lets face it, may not be important to you as you have otherways to stack this condition) then we’d have a power build option (like the axe was obviously intended for guessing by where its master trait is) and the world will be a better place.

I disagree. That is the whole point of the Axe to me. I use it with a focus in my tanky build to stack vulnerability and build life force (1/4 for vuln, 2/4 for life force). If I wanted it for the damage I would just use dagger, or maybe scepter for the ranged damage.

Flesh golem should work underwater.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I vaguely recall being able to use the Flesh Golem underwater during the first beta weekend. Anyone else? Makes me wonder why they would make such a seemingly arbitrary change to the skill.

They never actually implemented an underwater Flesh Golem though. He didn’t have an animation, he just kinda hung there like he does now before he despawns. Also keep in mind you also used to be able to use Flesh Wurm underwater and he would follow you around everywhere. Those were the days. I now, almost regret reporting that bug saying that my ‘immobile’ Flesh Wurm was following me around. He should at least tunnel to keep up with you…

Flesh golem should work underwater.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Yes please… The only underwater epic kills all my minions.

Superior Rune of Holding too expensive

in Crafting

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Buying extra character slots is also fairly efficient for getting extra storage space.

The point would be to get extra inventory space on your character running around, so that wouldn’t quite meet the same need. Bank slots are also well under 10 gold.

Superior Rune of Holding too expensive

in Crafting

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Did the math and it doesn’t make any sense to me. A superior rune of holding costs 10g and is required to craft a 20 slot bag. 4 gold will easily get you 400 gems (closer to 800) which is enough to get an extra bag slot. That leaves another 6 gold to craft 2 10-slot bags. You could even get 2 18 slot bags and 2 extra bag slots for less than it would cost to make 1 20 slot bag.

That means that the only point in getting a 20 slot bag is for the novelty of it, but you can’t even really show it off. I suppose if you bought all of the bag slot upgrades and then wanted to fill them with 20 slot bags… but I don’t even know what the max number of bag slots you can buy is, and that is a lot of inventory spaces.

Sub Forum for Exploration and Locales

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


There should be a sub-forum here to talk about the explorable world of Tyria. The whole world is so big, but also so detailed. There would be discussion about vistas and POIs, as well as fun, unmarked details. It might have some overlap with both Lore and Dynamic Events, but I think that there would be enough unifying and unique discussion possibility to warrant the addition.

Anyway, I thought of this when I got on and wanted to talk about my favorite locale being Jetsam Island, as well as ask about other people’s favorite.

Minion Build: Amazing in solo PVE

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


There is a trait in the Soul Reaping trait line that lets you heal nearby allies when you use life transfer (Death Shroud 4). This helps, but its cooldown is ridiculously long.

TP as Co-Op and not PvP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


The only way that the price is going to get driven back up is by removing the surplus from the economy. If you are going to make more value by selling to a vendor (or salvaging it), do so. If people wanted your item they would have purchased one of the underpriced ones. It therefore is rather clear that there isn’t actually a demand for your item. Just get it out of circulation, it will drop for sombody else…

Pulled off wall, working as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I don’t think there is anything wrong in theory with aoeing the walls. The biggest problem that comes up for me is if I get downed on top of a wall that is constantly getting hit by aoe spells. Unless you are a class that has a downed teleport you are screwed, you can’t use your 4 because you are constantly getting hit, but you can’t actually target any of the players because they are out of range/obstructed.
Basically, being on top of a wall should be an advantage, why does it then feel like it is easier to hit people on top of a wall then to get people down at the bottom of it?

Are Asurans a hyper violent race?

in Asura

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


The Inquest is no more or less evil than the Human bandits, the Sons of Svarnir, the Nightmare Court, or the Flame Legion. They all do horrible things and are reviled by the rest of their race, but they are all about on even footing.

Anybody do no offhand?

in Thief

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Oh yeah, I forgot about the downside of lower stats. They should fix that. Why even make it an option…

Anybody do no offhand?

in Thief

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m just starting with a thief and I was wondering if anybody had messed around with a no off-hand weapon build. I’m running around right now with just a Main Hand Pistol, it’s pretty cool. For thief I was thinking this might actually be viable because: 1) You have a unique third move for not having an off-hand, and 2) You are limited by your initiative shared between any number of your weapons skills, not cooldowns.

Any thoughts?

(edited by Solesaver.8764)

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Scepter bug. Clones with the scepter out only do the first part of the 3 hit combo repeatedly. This makes them impossible to mimic, and really obviously the clones. The MH-Sword clones do a full cycle leading me to believe this is a bug.

Clones should do full auto attack cycle

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Only the Scepter Clone doesn’t do a full auto-attack cycle. MH-Sword Clones do all three attacks of the 1-H Sword Chain, though they don’t move once they start their first attack rather then the “root” on the third strike. Staff and G.Sword Clones don’t have chains, so their use of the auto-attack can be called a full auto-attack cycle.

And it comes to no surprise that its the Scepter Clones I hate the most, along with the Scepter as a weapon. I only end up taking it, when I absolutely know my MH-Sword won’t cut it and I want an Off-hand weapon available instead of going G.Sword and Staff for pure Range.

I really like the scepter for its consistent clone generation; I just really wish they weren’t so obviously clones with their auto-attack cycles. If MH-Sword does it properly, is this maybe a bug? I’ll bring it up in the bug thread.

Clones should do full auto attack cycle

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Even if they attack slower you could put conscious effort into attacking at their speed (removing the auto-attack). With the scepter, they repeat the first part of your 1 attack at a rate that, while slow, is faster than you can possibly do it because the attack itself doesn’t reset in that time. The clones, which are supposed to be a copy of you, are doing something that you are actually incapable of doing. This seems like a huge oversight on one of the most clone-centric weapons at your disposal.

Clones should do full auto attack cycle

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Maybe it isn’t really the full point of the clones but I find it disappointing that clones don’t do the animation for a full auto attack cycle. What it means is that I can’t actually mimic my clones (as a scepter user) to mislead my opponent. The clones only cast the first attack of the 3-part auto-attack, and they do so at a rate faster than my auto-attack resets to the first attack. I understand that they shouldn’t do the effect (2nd hit is a confuse, 3rd hit makes another clone), but if I make a clone I should at least be able to copy them and have my opponent have to guess which copy was actually the source of the confuse and the new clone.

As a completely separate question, does anybody else use sword scepter? I’m having a lot of fun with the double counter (2 and 4). It probably isn’t that strong of a combo, but I’m actively enjoying playing it in PvE.

Practice/Overflow WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


It would be great if there were overflow WvW server that didn’t impact buffs or ranking/matchmaking and were generally unimportant compared to the main one.

A couple reasons I want this: 1) Queue times to get in to WvW on my server are ridiculous. I just want to check it out. Actually, I mostly want to work on that one monthly achievement. 2) I’ve been on HoD since the moment the game went live. I want to get in to WvW and practice without stealing a slot from someone that actually knows what they are doing.

Things that would need to be considered: 1) Can WvW achievement progress still be made here? As per my first reason I hope so, but I can see why not. 2) Purchasing upgrades for forts and siege equipment. No one will want to invest in a match that doesn’t matter. Some way of allowing these things to be purchased with minimal cost without allowing them to be completely spammed would be necessary. 3) As an overflow, not all servers would have the population to support 2 WvW. Possibly combine servers like happened with PvE overflow servers. 4) Since it doesn’t matter, one server could quickly gain full control and then no one wants to participate because it isn’t balanced. More frequent resets?

Other reasons this would be good: 1) Squads can practice maneuvers and such while the queue is full. 2) People can just explore the map and see what’s there without taking a slot. 3) People who care can set up training camps and teach newbies good strategies.

An easy fix to the "transfer issue"?

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’d appreciate if the time limit was not time between another transfer, but rather time until you can WvW on your new server. I’m pretty much just doing PvE right now. Legitimate reasons for me to transfer are an event is bugged on my server or I want to quest with friends on a different server. It was irritating to get stuck on the wrong server when I transferred to find a server that didn’t have a broken cattlepult.

No problems getting gold in dynamic events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m a Minion Master Necromancer focusing on tanking stats. Yesterday I had a couple surreal moments concerning dynamic events.

The first happened as I was taking a food break. I noticed a dynamic event start up just as I was getting up to get some food. I was standing at the edge of it so I figured I’d be safe enough. I walk across the street and eat my meal, by the time I get back there is a notification that not only did we win the event, but that I had gotten gold for participation. I got gold on a dynamic event for standing there with my minions out.

The second happened later after I had left my Flesh Wurm in the middle of an outpost that sometimes has a dynamic event (the moot). I had forgotten about it and moved on to a different area (same region so it didn’t desummon). Some time later I get a notification that I won a dynamic event with gold. I got gold in an event that I wasn’t even present for. It wasn’t even showing up on my map!

My question is, if my single, unmonitered Flesh Wurm can earn gold in an event for me, how are other people having so much trouble? The biggest complaint I see is from people building condition damage and not being able to apply stacks. I think that if there are so many people applying stacks to the enemy that you can’t get enough damage in to be considered a gold level contributor, perhaps you should find a different way to contribute. You have abilities that deal direct damage, use them. It really doesn’t take that much damage to get gold, you just have to make decisions that are actually contributing. I’m pretty sure that if your condition damage isn’t earning you Gold, you will actually do more damage to the enemy by swinging with the direct damage that you do have. Or just go somewhere else and stop wasting your time. Obviously if you are only earning copper the people there don’t actually need your help.

I know the comparison with my Flesh Wurm isn’t a direct parallel. Most people have trouble with the big boss events with tons of people. I still think the point stands, it isn’t that hard to earn Gold. Just make decisions that are actually contributing, your condition damage literally isn’t.

Necromancer bugs compilation. (discontinued)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Can I claim underwater sucking for Minion Masters sucking as a bug? 3rd tier underwater minion, and the only epic level spell usable underwater actually kills all the minions I currently have active. Why do they even bother forbidding certain utility spells from being used underwater?