Showing Posts For Solesaver.8764:

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Fractals should remain as challenging content for smaller groups with less time commitment than raids.

Statistically speaking you will not get better gear from raids. However, the only way to acquire Legendary Armor will be from raiding. So there will definitely be that aspect.

We intend for raiding to be the most difficult PvE content in the game requiring very high levels of skill both in group organization and personal skill levels. If you are using a sub-optimal build, it is quite likely that you will be unable to complete the content. We can hope that an elitist attitude from this doesn’t bleed over into less challenging content, but that is really up to you, our community. That said, I believe it is our intention that you may need to mix up your build for different raids and different encounters, so perhaps that will dampen the effects of anyone insisting that you use 1 particular build all the time.

We do hope you get the opportunity to try and enjoy the new raiding content. We’ve been playing it a lot internally and having a lot of fun with it.

New WvW progress, character or account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I personally feel that nothing should be soulbound, but that is tied to the way I play the game. I don’t think of my alts as separate entities. They are all me…

Are MM necros actually viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Fractals – Fine until rank 10

Yeah, they really need to either give them your agony resist or something. Cliffside opening boss is a pain when he starts spamming agony wells everywhere; they don’t stand a chance. :’(

Any Non-shatter condition “legion” builds?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


If you are asking for what I think you are, it sounds a lot like my build. I have a precision + condition damage build. I use sharper images (illusions bleed on crit) as well as any of the ‘on illusion death’ traits that I could get. Lots of clone generation (on dodge, decoy, mirror images). I run greatsword at range (most often attacks means more chances for clones to crit) and scepter/sword if they close to me (2 blocks).

The "Reanimator" should be modified, right?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


1) They are not in the same place since Last refuge doesnt hurt any build nor does it stop the users from using Shadow Arts because it would leave you directly weaker in comparison.

2) Its not about changing the game to meet builds, its changing the game to remove build limits, big difference since it affects class balance (being unable to use a entire trait line because it makes you weaker in comparison of using another). And yes that is how MMO games work, they remove flaws that reduce the fun. I mean did you ever see how much Dota/LoL, Planetside (in its original times and already with 2), PoE and pretty much every other game that has at least little care about a fair environment (hell even WoW counts with its countless changes to skill trees).

3) Every line of traits has 2 or more options for specialization with with minior traits being universal, not the case with DM. I could actually take this to false advertising since its one of the “features” on most promotional and commercial lists of what GW2 has.

Whether or not you think Reanimator hurts a build is beside this particular point. If you want to discuss the merits and flaws of the trait I’m pretty sure I have a discussion about that going on in a different thread. You are right, having a minor trait shouldn’t be a bad thing. No one would ever make that claim, you have repeatedly beat that straw-man so many times it transformed into a horse for your pleasure.

The actual point of comparing Last Refuge to Reanimator is that they both are adept minor traits that are specific to one class feature. I get it, you actively don’t want the jagged horror because there is this rampant perception that it is actively harming your build. However, it occupies the same design space as automatically stealthing you at 25% health just for wanting to spec toughness with your traits.

Last Refuge is not a ‘universal’ trait any more than Reanimator. You don’t have to take a single other minion trait or skill to have the jagged horror show up and attack stuff. You can get more utility out of it by speccing increased minion health or damage or whatever else. In the exact same way, you can improve Last Refuge by speccing regain initiative on stealth, or remove conditions or heal while in stealth.

To address your labeled points specifically: 1)This is an argument for buffing/continuing to bug fix Reanimator, not replacing it. The concept of summoning a minion upon killing something is not bad. 2)Again, your build is not being limited by summoning a minion when you kill something. There is an argument out there for buffing the trait, not for removing it. 3)Being given a minion related minor trait does not detract from there being other aspects to the trait line.

Hmm, looks like all three points were the same thing over and over again, and the answer is the same: There is nothing wrong with having a minion specific adept minor trait; it is self-consistent with the design of the game and does not inherently detract from other builds; the only reason to change its core principle (summoning a minion upon kill) is in an effort to make it better support your build(s) as opposed to the build it currently supports (minion master) which would be a case of modifying the game to match your theory-crafting (a mark of poor design principles).

No need to be rude. I didn’t bother reading the necro stuff in the patchnotes because I don’t play one. As for the WvW thing, we got in a fight with a Necro yesterday and one ally right next to me rallied as soon as the little undead trait-rodent exploded and there was nothing else around. Maybe it was because of something different but I didn’t see anything else around.

I haven’t seen a Necro in Arah for ages, so I didn’t know if they fixed the bug, but the last time we had a Necro with us, he fed Lupi stacks every time we killed a grub or locust swarm because of a forced talent and that was no fun at all.

Doesn’t change the fact that this talent is worth jack, still.

Another reply responded pretty well for me. For my part, you’re right, I could have tried to word my point more politely, but I hope you can understand my frustration at someone coming into my discussion and tearing into my arguments with out-dated info when they haven’t even given me the respect of researching the published facts that they are using against me. It completely derails the discussion and distracts from my core point. It is an effective debating tool when being judged on image because it forces me to spread my efforts addressing every single point (even irrelevant ones) brought against me. The only way to deal with it is to make the opponent appear ridiculous for even considering that argument rather than waste time addressing the points; the downside to that approach is it makes me appear rude and unsympathetic.

(edited by Solesaver.8764)

The "Reanimator" should be modified, right?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Right. Either you’re doing this out of ignorance or stubbornness. Either ways, whatever shred of legitimacy you might have had in this argument has flown out the window the second you tried to deny demonstrable facts.

And that’s “GG”.

I’m not denying demonstratable facts. Yes, there were bugs with the minions and jagged horrors, they were fixed, because they were bugs. Any bugs that you find in the future need to be fixed.

You can continue to live in this land of denial thinking that one day ANet will “listen to you” and “fix” the trait, or you can realize that they have listened to and addressed/continue to address problems that arise, but they will not “fix” a trait that isn’t broken.

Sorry what now? Last refuge is a piece of kitten cake with cookies and jelly beans over it all served on naked woman if you compare it to reanimator no matter the build, it saved the kitten of my theif countless times when going for lifetime survivor without crafting. Also not all necromancers use minions, in fact 4/5 options dont have anything to do with em (random mixed up traits that should be replaced with the staff ones pushed into DM after the Press demo in end 2011), while the only thief build that doesnt is evasion spam tank, there are even 2 stealths options in the weapons.
If you look at every (and with that i mean every other class) the only trait except reanimation that people would be justified to kitten about since it doesnt do anything for them in pretty much every build is the Tactics warrior line (filled with really nice traits), but that line actually helps your allies and by a nice chunk thus you wouldnt shy away from it.
The whole DM line for a necro is right now blocked, imagine for a theif having ricochet instead of serpents touch in the deadly arts line or warriors with powerful banners instead of fast hands, making no reason and forcing you down a build (note i had to use major optional traits for the comparison because there are no objectively bad minior ones you get and cannot chose if going down a line in any other class).

I insist on comparing reanimator to last refuge because while you consider one to be clearly superior to the other they live in the same place, putting a single aspect of the class into an adept minor trait slot. Sure, most thief builds use stealth in some way because it has been deemed “good” (demonstrably or otherwise), minions on the other hand have been deemed “bad”.

You are forgetting that people came up with these builds where they are “forced” to take reanimator long after the class was designed. A good design team is not going to change the design of the class to meet the needs of the builds. That is not how games work.

In this line of discussion, comparing reanimator to last refuge, I’m not trying to make the point that reanimator is good. All I’m trying to show is that it makes perfect sense to be where it is, a minion trait in the minion trait line.

I think you do not understand the problem. The issue is not that this talent is not only utterly worthless, it’s that it is forced upon you when you specc for toughness, it helps enemies to rally in WvW and is absolutely detrimental in PvE as well (Giganticus Lupicus in Arah). This abomination of a fail trait should be hotfixed immediately.

If Anet wants to keep that trait, make the minion invulnerable for its duration and make it explode automatically when it ends, so that it doesn’t count as killed.

You know all those ways you keep saying it hurts you/helps your enemies. I understand perfectly well what you THINK the problem is. What you don’t understand is that ANet has addressed all of the “problems” you mentioned. They don’t exist anymore; they have been fixed.

It’s a surprise ANet even bothers trying to fix Necro bugs with all the crap you give them. Do you not know how to read? You say the trait should be hotfixed, but if it was you wouldn’t even notice, you would continue to whine about problems that don’t exist anymore because they were fixed months ago (like rallying off of them) in announced patches (like Giganticus).

If you are using Reanimator (you know, because you absolutely have to) and you notice an actual problem with it (like you continue to claim there are) report it as a bug and ANet will address it. Then, continue living your life assuming they have fixed it. If you notice the bug again after the next patch report it again (unless you notice an announcement that they are looking into the problem, which I doubt you would even notice since you haven’t noticed any of the other ones talking about problems they have fixed).

Orichalcum tools returning 'ruined ore/logs'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I don’t know if DR has any affect on gathering materials but they did confirm that being in combat mode gives you a chance to get ruined ore/log. However, I have never seen or heard anyone with such high % of ruined logs/ore.

It must be the combat mode thing. I’ll often ignore the enemies attacking me because I can take a few hits as well as the fact that I’ll often have my minions distract the enemy while I gather. That’s pretty dumb IMO, but I guess I’ll just have to clear the area before I start gathering in the future.

Prioritize my sounds

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


In large battles chaos reigns on the visual front and it can be difficult to make out exactly what is going on. Often, then, I rely on sounds to make sure that I am being effective. For example, with my necro’s axe I get a sound effect if I successfully hit. Unfortunately if there are too many sound effects going on, my sound effect doesn’t trigger though. I understand you only have so many channels for sound effects, but it would be best if you prioritized which ones got played giving my personal sound effects a high priority as well as other important things like enemy tells and giving lower priority to sound effects like ally attacks, somewhere in between would be sound effects notifying me that an ally has done an aoe buff. Lowest priority would probably be notification that some other random ally got a swiftness buff.

Orichalcum tools returning 'ruined ore/logs'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Just wanted to update that this happened to me again, with a Cypress tree. 1st hit Elder Wood Log, next 2 hits, ruined logs. Still using Orichalcum tools. Though it happened before DR this time, so that theory is mostly shot.

The "Reanimator" should be modified, right?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Yes, I compare it to Last Refuge because it is the same thing. It is a specific utility that, if it isn’t a part of your build, is minimally useful, slightly more useful if you do focus on building for it, and makes sense where it is because it is highly relevant to the trait line that it is in. Stealth is no more or less an inherent property of thieves than Minions are for necros. They are each class abilities that are available as a rather defining characteristic of their class but aren’t necessary for every build.

No, they are in no way, shape or form anywhere near similar.

Last Refuge is one of the most clutch life-saving traits in the game for PvP and I hate all thieves who have it.

Reanimator does less then nothing.

Ok, now we’re talking. So what I’m hearing is that reanimator needs a buff. I’m not here claiming that Reanimator is as good a trait as Last Refuge (though a separate discussion/argument could be had over that). What I am saying is that they are in the same vein. It is just as legitimate for them to put a minion specific minor trait at the beginning of the Death Magic tree as it is to put a stealth specific trait at the beginning of the Shadow Arts tree. Stealth:Thief::Minion:Necromancer.

And no, reanimator does not do less than nothing. If you are still trying to make that point your are running on fumes. Yes, initially there were many bugs with reanimator, but they have fixed them. Any remaining bugs with the trait need to be addressed as such, bugs, not reasons that the trait should be removed.

If I have convinced any of the audience the slightest bit (especially ANet) that it is perfectly legitimate for there to be ‘build specific’ adept minor traits I have succeeded. The rest of you stubborn minion haters can come to terms with that fact, or you continue to bring up this tired old complaint and wait for ANet’s designers to change their character designs to match your theoretical build (which I hope to God ANet’s designers are good enough of designers that this waiting period is FOREVER).

Death Magic Traits: Move them.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I can take a step back and concede that I understand why you wish you could go into Death Magic without taking the minion specific traits, and I appreciate your recognition of why it wouldn’t be fair to try to move those minor traits to major traits.

You say that thieves is more attuned to stealth because of their weapon skills. I would ignore the dagger/pistol combo as just that, a combo, not a stealth move. So thieves have one weapon choice that gives them stealth. To be facetious I could complain that the thieves have it worse, they are getting stealth forced on them in more places than the necro. The only reason that doesn’t fly is because no one has come up with a list of myths about why being stealthed is a bad thing.

The point is, you can be a thief without wanting stealth; it is one aspect of the class. In the same way you can be a necro without wanting minions; I understand that. However, in both cases sometimes you have that aspect of the class thrust upon you whether you want it or not, even if you would have preferred something more useful to what you are trying to accomplish with your build.

Any potential downsides of summoning a jagged horror when killing something need to be addressed as problems with the jagged horror, not as a reason to change the trait itself. The sooner necromancers start understanding that minions are a major (but not defining) characteristic of their class, the sooner they can work on maximizing their builds with the tools given to them.

The "Reanimator" should be modified, right?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


ProxyDamage does pay attention to how jagged horrors interact with the environment. That’s why they have a list of ways in which it is a liability. You might do better to try and refute the listed behaviors.

I didn’t refute the listed behaviors because if he had paid attention to how the jagged horrors behave he would see that it doesn’t do any of those things.

I do consider Jagged Horror a liability though not a big enough one to get angry over but did I just see you compare a Jagged Horror with the utility of Last Refuge in an attempt to salvage your point? Because that is anger-inducing levels of sheer stupid.

Yes, I compare it to Last Refuge because it is the same thing. It is a specific utility that, if it isn’t a part of your build, is minimally useful, slightly more useful if you do focus on building for it, and makes sense where it is because it is highly relevant to the trait line that it is in. Stealth is no more or less an inherent property of thieves than Minions are for necros. They are each class abilities that are available as a rather defining characteristic of their class but aren’t necessary for every build.

Orichalcum tools returning 'ruined ore/logs'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m not quite sure what to think here. It has happened a few times now where I’m getting ruined materials while gathering with Orichalcum gathering equips. First happened a while ago, I gathered 3 ruined ore from a mithril node using an Orichalcum Mining Pick. Then today I gathered on an Orichalcum node with an Orichalcum Mining Pick and got 1 orichalcum ore followed by 2 ruined ore. About a minute later I gather from a an Orrian Sapling and get 1 ancient wood log followed by 2 ruined logs.

My only theory is that I think in all cases I had been on the same map for a while and was starting to get bad drops from mobs. I don’t really have enough data on this bug to build much more of a theory than that.

Has anyone else had this problem of getting ruined materials using orichalcum equipment.

The "Reanimator" should be modified, right?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


There is no reason that the adept minor trait of the Death Magic line shouldn’t be inherently linked to, you know, Death Magic (you know, summoning minions).

I’ll say it again, in simpler terms so you can understand it:

Minor traits, such as Reanimator, should be at least a little relevant to any build who’d want to put points into that tree.

Contrary to what you think, Death Magic is focused on minions, not exclusive to minion builds. It’s actually absolutely necessary to any build that uses staves. It can also be important for most generally defensive builds.

Also contrary to what you think, Reanimator isn’t just useless. “Protection of the Horde” is simply useless to non minion-using builds: It simply does not give you anything. Reanimator is an actual liability:

Serves little to no purpose while it is alive if you’re not a minion-based build

  • Adds an uncontrollable element to your attacks.
  • Pathing choices are not controllable. Can cause random aggro-pulling by running up to a target to attack.
  • Removes the ability to manage aggro (how far you want to pull them) by getting in the way – potentially forcing a fight in the wrong place.
  • Is an additional, poorly controllable, hitbox for the purposes of forcing you into combat.
  • Once you attack something you can’t just tell it to stop attacking it.
  • Can give you away when you’re trying to sneak around or hide.

Is this simple enough for you or should I whip out MS Paint?

Even if you have don’t have dedicated minion build you can get some value out of your jagged horrors. Therefore it is at least a little relevant to any build. In the same way that a thief who wants toughness traits might go in to the Shadow Arts trait line, even if they don’t have a stealth based build, so too can a necromancer choose to constantly whine about the Death Magic minor traits, ignore their effect, or learn to maximize the effectiveness of what they are given.

All I can recommend to you is that you actually pay attention to how your jagged minions interact with you and the environment, then cease spreading myths about it.

Death Magic Traits: Move them.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


If you cannot see the inconsistency in the traits and how worthless they are, then speaking to you about it in a discussion is kind of pointless, the traits that benefit one thing should be removed, and this is one, if not the biggest complaint of the necromancer class itself.

If you cannot see how the traits are just as consistent as they are in other places, how they make sense, and their arrangement can be very valuable when making builds based on the actual options (rather than theory-crafting impossible builds because they don’t actually exist), then speaking to you about it in a discussion is kind of pointless.

The only reason I even bothered coming here to argue about it is to make sure ArenaNet doesn’t just see people whining about it, but rather they can read how some people (though noticeably less vocal) understand what is going on and have some picture of how the trait system works. In seeing this they might avoid making the bad decision of messing with these perfectly fine traits just because some people don’t understand that the Death Magic trait line is all about minions.

Death Magic Traits: Move them.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Minions are not what necromancer should be amount, necromancers are a master of poison/chill/death, Minions are basicly death, and the tree should not favor one over the other.

To my build, it provides little to no benefit, and some times helps the enemy more then me. Therefore it is a detriment.

I added to it things that would help all necromancers equally, but your speaking to one who HATES minions, and almost all necromancers are forced into the toughness tree.

I would say that necros are about Spite, Curses, Death Magic, Blood Magic, and Soul Reaping. That is why there are 5 different trait lines, one dedicated to each. The Death Magic trait line, naturally, is all about the Death Magic, which in the Guild Wars Universe means Minions.

If minions provide little to no benefit to your build, consider not using death magic. Or maybe do use death magic and find a way that the minions can help your build. Instead of trying to figure out how ArenaNet can change the options to make your build better, change your build to be as good as can be with the options given. And no, there is not a single way that you having an extra minion out helps your enemy. It just doesn’t happen. If it does happen any more (which it doesn’t) then it is a bug that should be addressed as such.

Not all necromancers are forced into the death magic tree. There are 5 trees, all of them pretty good. 1 of them is about Death Magic and therefore minions. There are 4 other trees with different stats and different traits. If you HATE minions so much, don’t make a build that involves using the trait line dedicated to minions.

I personally am opposed to people messing with the Death Magic trait line because I LOVE minions. I chose to go with a tanky build because the Death Magic trait line is the toughness trait line. See how I shaped my build around the options presented to me. If Death Magic had been the Power trait line that is what I would have done. I don’t want the trait line to change because putting in those ‘helps everyone’ traits does not help me. I am helped by traits that help my minions. Because the trait line is the way it is I am able to take Reanimator, Minion Master, Protection of the Horde, Flesh of the Master, Deadly Strength (look a minor trait I don’t prefer but I worked into my build by focusing on power for my damage), and Death Nova.

The game of theory-crafting and character building is not about thinking of the limitless possible combinations of things you could do; it is about taking the options presented to you and finding the best combinations. Learn to build with what you have, not what you wish you had.

The "Reanimator" should be modified, right?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


There are way to many myths going on about reanimator. It does not let people rally, it does not run off and attack things you aren’t targeting. It literally does not hurt anything (except maybe your fine sensibility at witnessing its horrificness).

There are plenty of minor traits in plenty of classes that are build specific. Look at the elementalists. The first 4 Adept minor traits only proc if you are in their given attunement. They help a little if you aren’t focusing on them, they can help more if you do focus on them.

There is no reason that the adept minor trait of the Death Magic line shouldn’t be inherently linked to, you know, Death Magic (you know, summoning minions).

Death Magic Traits: Move them.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Not unlike necros, thieves get bonuses from stealth. Necros get bonuses from minions. Minions are minions and they do stuff (damage and bleed and distraction/blocking) Protection of the Horde and Reanimator work together to basically give you temporary bonus toughness every time you kill something. You can take more advantage of it by also taking minion utilities, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. Just like even if you don’t particularly care for stealth on your thief, you might not want your first shadow arts minor trait Last Refuge, and you certainly wouldn’t care for extending stealth duration with the master level Meld with Shadows or the grandmaster Hidden Master, but the first one is improved by the other two in case you ever choose to utilize it. Thieves don’t get any significant bonuses from stealth without traits; they get 1 attack modified the first time as they leave stealth (they don’t even get that if one of their other attacks lands as they are getting stealthed). Using that as the example why Shadow Arts is justified is ridiculous. Hey guess what, Jagged horrors die and give you Life Force, Necros get bonuses for having minions. Problem solved?

Sure, elementalists can swap to earth to utilize their traits, but they shouldn’t have to if it isn’t part of their build right? All of the element specific Adept minor traits are only while attuned to their respective element. How dare they make sit in elemental attunement that I don’t want just to utilize my otherwise useless trait? Or you could admit that the minor trait doesn’t always match exactly how you want to play, but it provides a nominal benefit in the right circumstance, even if you don’t center your build around it.

Death Magic Traits: Move them.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


NO a million bajillion times. Reanimator and Protection of the Horde stay exactly where they are. So you don’t have a build that specializes around minions. Not every minor traits has to be condusive to your picture of a necromancer.

That’s like saying thieves shouldn’t have all these stealth minor traits in Shadow Arts, or the Elementalists shouldn’t have minor traits that only buff them when they’re attuned to earth in their freaking EARTH MAGIC trait line. It is the DEATH MAGIC trait line; it has MINIONS, because it is DEATH MAGIC. If you don’t want death magic traits, don’t spec death magic. Simple enough?

The "Reanimator" should be modified, right?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I think people need to stop whining about Reanimator. Not every minor trait is useful to every build. The death magic trait line is focused on minions, staves, and toughness. So, the minor traits are related to minions. It doesn’t hurt. You can’t rally off of jagged horrors; they just patched the minions to be less unnecessarily aggressive so they won’t grab aggro any more.

I’m just tired of this same old complaint coming up over and over again. Deal with it. Please?

I am just curious abt who uses minions

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I use minions, it works well for me. I don’t know what else you are getting at…

Reforging Orr with WvW mechanics.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I like a lot of your ideas. Your change to loot will never happen though. They explicitly do not want a way to effectively convert karma into gold. Period. Another Period. Discussion over. Period.

Maybe if they introduced yet ANOTHER currency for helping with the sieges they could use that, but Karma =/= Gold. Period. Do you get the point? Period Period Period.

Preview Weapons Out

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Probably been suggested before, but I just had a thought. I would be nice if when using the preview panel, especially when previewing weapons, it would use the idle with weapons out animation. This would make it soo much easier to actually see and examine the weapon.

Petition to disable Reanimator

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


-1 Anti-signed. I use it. I would miss it if it were gone. It gives me bonus toughness and an aoe poison when I kill stuff.

Selling Halloween Tonic Bug + Workaround

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


So, at some point they made the crafted Haloween Tonics no longer account bound. At least for me, even though they said they were no longer account bound, the tonics that I had previously crafted acted like they still were account bound (couldn’t deposit into guild bank, couldn’t sell on tp, couldn’t mail to people).

I did a little experiment today. I bought, off of the trading post, one Concentrating Halloween Tonic. It joined my stack of Concentrating Halloween Tonic that I had previously crafted, and then the entire stack behaved correctly.

Jumping Puzzle Feedback [Merged]

in Wintersday

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I 100% approve of the permanent swiftness. Good solution.

Auto attacks for clones have an effect?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


:P Scepter clone should do its full combo and generate another clone with the 3rd hit. /wishful thinking

It’d be even more fun and broken if it had it’s own 3 clones that it would summon, then it dying would cause its entire tree of clones to die…

I want an Elite Mantra

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Well, I want an elite Clone generator. And an elite stealth would be nice for my thief too…

Tired of seeing P/P in groups

in Thief

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I read OP’s post as. Stop trying to have FUN playing a GAME. Get faster at being DONE with playing so I can get back to Lion’s Arch and wait to find more people to grind this dungeon with me.

I run P/P because I enjoy the playstyle of it. I have fun using P/P. Which is kinda the point of me playing the game…

Sure I’d love a buff to P/P because it is a weaker combination, but it’s not like I’m not contributing at all…

Asura: Total War

in Asura

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I would like to add that the distance between the nations definitely favors the Asura. People keep mentioning the trouble the charr would have with a supply train. Not only is it a ridiculously long, it would have to go straight through Tyria. The Charr would have to commit genocide on the Humans before they could even consider pushing a war effort through to Rata Sum.

The flip side of that being, I doubt the Humans would be much opposed to the Asura setting up a gate near Divinity’s reach as a front to their war.

(edited by Solesaver.8764)

Favorite/Most used utility skills

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Decoy, Mirror Images, and Signet of Illusions(? the extra clone health one). Yeah…

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Yay! I’m nowhere near my legendary, but I’m slowly working my way there. For those who are maintaining that getting a legendary should be nigh impossible for most people… If that is the intent, it really shouldn’t be one of the 7 achievements displayed on the character select screen. You’ve got explore, make alts, play WvW, play PvP, and get a legendary advertised and things that players should try to accomplish waved in their face every time the log in…

Escape Binding Roots with stealth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Is this a known issue? Is it intended? Has anyone else tried it out against other binding roots moves such as the sylvari racial utility? Anything?

Lack of good Elite Skills

in Thief

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


So I’ve made a thief as my 3rd character, after a necro and a mesmer. I’m getting to the level where I’m starting to think about what elite I want, and I honestly can’t say I like any of them. I’m going with dual pistol crit build with lots of stealth for the pistol’s stealth breaker 5 shot thing.

None of the elites really synergize with what I’m trying to do. I’ll probably do the spin to win one as an “oh crap gtfo” thing, and I guess it does do a lot of hits to proc crits off of. Unless someone has a better suggestion. It mostly doesn’t match my conceptualization of my character with the whirling daggers… It would be neat if having pistols equipped caused it to shoot bullets instead. :P

The really weird thing to me is, why Theives guild? The spawning of extra thieves doesn’t really seem like much of a class defining thing, it would almost make more sense to have something like that as a mesmer skill (well, it is basically Mirror Image). At the same time, why no stealthing elite? I would suggest stealing Mesmer’s Mass Invis, except we kinda already have that with the sanctuary T3 utility thing…

Pardon the rambling, but I’m curious if people agree that the thieves elites are rather lackluster, or if there are other classes that are even worse. For my MM necro Flesh Golem was a no-brainer, and while I initially had trouble choosing my mesmer’s I went with Time Warp because it is so powerful, and it helped me get scepter clones out really fast.

(edited by Solesaver.8764)

Escape Binding Roots with stealth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I was caught by a veteran oakheart’s binding roots, but I was able to escape the snare by using stealth. I was able to repro it twice. I’m pretty sure that it is because the binding root object that you have to break is unable to target you to repeatedly give you the immobilized condition.

I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I disagree. It should definitely be improved, but I do use it. It gives me a temporary toughness boost as well as death nova when it dies. Sorry that it interferes with everyone else’s builds :’(, but some people do use it.

Alone in the clocktower?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I travelled to the main shard last night and it was SOO much nicer. Only 2 or 3 other people actually running it at the time. A couple of afk characters. Me and another asura that was hooked chatted and complained to each other. It was a great opportunity to figure out how to do the starting part without the hordes of people. I went on to use that knowledge today when it was more crowded but I finally beat it. So yeah, definitely easier for me with a smaller group (of smaller characters :P). Usually a faster turn around time too.

Beating the zerg... with a post-it note.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Unfortunately for me, if the camera hits a platform it zooms in. I would have appreciated a no clip camera, but w/e. I got it eventually.

Jumping is old

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


If you aren’t making it down to the chest without dying in the dungeon, ask one of your party members to wait and rez you. There is a crack in the middle of the middle level that you can fall down to land on the bottom level. You’ll die, but a kind soul can rez you there and you can loot the chest.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Yay me. Asura Necromancer.
No speedboost of course ^^

A couple of notes. I felt like there is actually plenty of time. Also, even though I beat it as an Asura, I was only every really successful when I did well enough on the first part to get ahead of the group. I didn’t watch any videos of it (well, just one, but I wasn’t really paying attention), but I did manage to get into the main shard last night, which was mostly empty, and about half the people there were afk anyway. That really helped me map out how to do the first section without my screen being overcrowded much. It also helped when I zoomed in my camera a bit, I don’t know why it helped, but it did (maybe because the camera seizures weren’t as severe when it didn’t have to go in as far).

I'm disappointed by this five second cutscene

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I don’t think you can honestly deny that the cutscene was very cool. I am glad that I got to see it in game. It’s like, I was there when the mad King burst through the fountain in Lion’s arch, and then I jumped down into the pit to beat him back to hell.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Actually, in dugeons minion builds work pretty fine, unless you have to carefully pull a mob.
Cause, you mostly kill everything, and not to worry about it running wild. Depends how your party plays though. Play smart of course.
Boss fights, alike, Golem is good, else.. not so.

Traits im using seem to work fine, but I noticed some others being.. less good.

Yea, for sure. Some fixes with traits, skills, damage, and it’s all good. But overall is ok.

Accidentally pulling extra mobs is sometimes a problem. The bigger problem for me running MM in dungeons is that, depending on the dungeon, strong AOEs can wipe your entire group of minions faster than you can get them back out.

Disable "Magic Find"(-gear) in dungeons.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I think a better solution would be to average your magic find with everyone in your party’s magic find and give that magic find to everyone in your party. Everybody wins!

Account Bound Items and 'Hand me downs'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m pretty sure the soulbound over account bound on many items is intentionally a money sink. The more stuff they can pull out of the economy the more stable it stays. Still makes me qq a little bit to destroy the Master Steel level harvesting sickles that my main received when he was 80. (Obviously not enough to just not destroy them, but you know…)

Different voice for 'Not' me

in Suggestions

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I’m pretty sure this is way beyond the budget for the game right now, but it would be great if they could get another set of recordings for each race+gender for all the exclamations that happen on the map. (e.g ‘I feel six feet tall’, ‘For great justice!’, etc.). These would be used when someone who is not you, but the same race+gender says something on the map.

I would like this because it is very disconcerting hearing what I consider to be my voice say something in response to a buff, but then not having the buff. Another set of voices would make it much easier to tell the difference between me and not me.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


The problem is with people staring at their character models, when they should be “feeling” their hitboxes. Once you manage to do this you don’t even really need to see your character, i bet i could do the puzzle without having a character model(Sure, it would be harder.) at all since i know how big it is and that it is always at the center of my screen.

Pretty much this. Since your character is always in the same place on your screen (assuming your camera doesn’t start having a seizure), it’s just a matter of feeling your character position, rather than keeping an exact eye on your character avatar.

Also, I plan on doing this puzzle again tomorrow on my asura thief, and I’ll be happy to come back and tell everybody how it went when I’m done.

Of course if you are an Asura your camera is always having a siezure. :P Not really, but you know how it is sometimes. Oh you’re standing in front of a fence post? Bet you want to look at the inside of your face!

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


You are annoyed now. But once you complete it. It will be rewarding.

No, once you complete it you will feel relieved. There’s a difference.

Completing the Clock Tower, at this point, is more a matter of luck in terms of group composition and race selection than a demonstration of skill.

If you’re a human in a group of asuras, you’ll probably complete it >50% of the times. If you’re an asura in a group of norn and / or charr, you’ll probably complete it <5% of the times.

That is evidence of bad design and poor testing.

And it would be easily solved by making it a solo / party instance. People should be “fighting” the jumps and the timer, not fighting the blocked view and buggy camera.

I ran through this on my female norn, who uses the smallest body size. My group was regularly made up of about 50% char/norn who were all bigger than my character, about 40% humans, and one or two asura.

After about the first three runs, I had zero problem keeping track of my character. So, instead of complaining that the puzzle is bad, maybe you need to work out a way to suppress your ADD and keep your eyes focused on your character’s position for more than 20 seconds.

Since, you know, after about 20 seconds, there’s rarely more than a handful of characters left on the screen anyway.

Really? Imagine that, being able to pick out your Norn in a crowd. I don’t care if you are as small as a Norn can be; you are still bigger than most other races. It isn’t the ADD distracting me from my character’s postion. It is my Asura literally consumed by everyone else’s model’s from the very start of the puzzle. The only way I can actually see my character is to hang back a little bit, but that isn’t exactly helping me stay ahead of the the vortex…

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I stopped after not too long because I couldn’t see myself at all (Asura). I would spend literally the entire time inside a mass of other characters. I’d like it to be a bit easier so I can actually do it. As it is, too hard for me; I guess I don’t get the prize. It’s not like there isn’t a bunch of other things to do, so I move on.

Is it abusing an 'exploit'?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


I noticed that going to different overflows of a map and/or the main shard resets all the carving pumpkins, and more importantly (to me) the candy corn mining nodes. I entered different overflows a couple different times to mine out all of the nodes there. I stopped though because I realized that could be considered an exploit and I didn’t want to get tagged…

Unrelated sidenote, anyone else notice they weren’t rolling in the ancient bones (a T6 mat) anymore after the patch this evening? :P Nice catch ANet. And here I was thinking the labyrinth would be a great place to farm those :’(.

Gaze for a thematic focus

in Necromancer

Posted by: Solesaver.8764


Yeah, you need 50. I bought the rest on the Trading Post because they were so cheap. 42 copper each at the time.