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J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I’m just frustrated that that was the highlight, because for me it’s more depressing than positive.

I think you’re forgetting that there was another change equally highlighted. One for our pets to give better party support, specifically calling out bear, moa, and fern hound, but probably including other pets as well. Better party support will only help all game modes and is a great highlight.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

So, raids?..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I’m in a guild that was donig these every week … but even that’s starting to fall apart.
I still need the commendations though so I guess that means I’ll have to find a “once a week” guild that specializes in them and hopefully doesn’t kick me just b/c I’m repping a WvW guild the other 6 days of the week… (which ironically has nothing to spend the Influence on b/c it can’t get its own member to run Guild Missions anymore)

If you want a good guild for that, I recommend Carnished Toast [Yum] on Tarnished Coast (big surprise, I know). They don’t kick you if you don’t rep ‘em and they’re quite friendly.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


It’s useful for roaming in WvW, yes. But PvP? What? How? If a player is playing perma-stealth in PvP, they aren’t contesting the point, and rangers have enough survival to be able to counter and outplay perma stealth thieves on homepoint 1v1 anyhow.

So when is this useful in PvP?

As a player that avoids PvP, I’m honestly not sure. But stealth is still used by some in PvP. It will allow some counter play, but most likely that change is solely focused at WvWers and few in PvP are likely to run it.

And pets are still going to die in WvW. How useful is destealthing 1-5 people, really? It will take an extremely coordinated group for it to be effective in, but it’s a waste for most people because they won’t be able to take advantage of the destealthing mechanic.

I don’t know about the pet still always dying thing. +70% health should do wonders for pet survivability. And I think it’s more meant for roamers rather than zergs. You know, roaming … where all the perma-stealth thieves come out to gank.

Yes, there are extremely specific situations in which it may be a tad bit useful, and maybe if BM builds ever return to a spot on the pvp meta, it would be slotted, and mostly because there’s really nothing else to use besides a trap or another stun breaker.

But honestly, it’s a much too limited improvement to be viable across the vast array of content that is in the game.

Maybe it wasn’t meant to be designed for all aspects of the game. But it is a great addition to some aspects, even if you won’t use it. Personally, I play almost exclusively PvE and am almost definitively not going to use it. But you know what? I welcome the change as it gives us more options as a class and I know that my fellow WvW rangers will be able to take advantage of it.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Yeah that’s the sort of thing I’m afraid of. Rangers and Necros and Mesmers can just solo all your camps if they buff summons to the point of surviving Arrow cart spam.

I also don’t understand why they don’t base hp and power off of the players gear. You shouldn’t be wearing Zerker gear and get tanky pets. You want tanky pets? Get tanky gear.

That’s a kinda short-sighted way of looking at it. Forcing both you and your pet to act similiar stat-wise regardless reduces options. The thing is that if the player is glassy then you take them down and take out both the ranger and their pet. But if the pet is forced to be glassy, then all power-based rangers will have nigh-useless pets around any sort of spammable AoE. And that would invalidate many, many builds.

Rangers want more non-bunker options. But forcing bunker stats for survivable pets only continues the endless pushing of rangers into bunkers.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Actually, I can assume whatever I want, because those details aren’t set in stone anywhere, therefore being left up to assumption.

And, again, woohoo, counterplaying stealth. Now, I can get into dungeon groups. Now, I can be productive in world boss/raid style fights because I can destealth the big boss that doesn’t move an inch during the fight or even stealth. Now, I can send my pet into large balls of death in WvW and it will destealth something maybe before dying.

Yay, we’re so viable now! /sarcasm

Great, it’s a new mechanics. Great, it may be an exclusive mechanic. But in the grand scheme of things, it isn’t that amazing of a feature, and if that serves as the highlight of the upcoming patch, then it is doubtful that rangers will be seeing much more utility improvement beyond that.

I could be wrong, I would love to be wrong. But right now all I can discuss is the highlight, and it’s really just a terrible excuse for a much more necessary QoL and support/utility improvement.

Not all changes need to apply to you, you know. No, that will not really affect us much/at all in PvE. But for WvW and PvP players, that is a good thing. Just as we shouldn’t get ignored in PvE in favour of balancing around PvP, WvWers shouldn’t get nothing just because we want all the attention.

And we’re getting plenty more. Unlisted weapon skill changes. Pet (and most likely spirit) health buffs in WvW and PvE.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


warrior, necro, and spirit ranger not getting nerfed :o

Please. Stop calling for endless nerfs. Yes, that ranger build may be prevalent in PvP. But it is not as OP in other areas. And the recent changes to spirits does create much counter-play. Please learn the counter mechanics rather than just call for nerfs.


Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I’m on Blackgate. I know all about fighting zergs. I would hope they could come up with something like WoW did and give them increased resistance to AoE not just buff their HP way up like they have been doing.

Even something like deprioritizing summons in the AoE 5 count would be better than just buffing HP so high that no player can kill a Ranger Elite summon.

I don’t have the answer I just hope they can be more creative than a 70% hp buff.

I recall a forum posting by ex-dungeon dev Robert Hrouda that discussed how they considered the AoE resistance then realized, through testing, that it would make the ranger class far too powerful, at least in dungeon PvE.

I’m guessing it’s just the first in a line of changes for the pet. I don’t think it’s the only change we’ll be seeing for them ever. Just the first.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I’m not normally the one to be super negative about a patch, but if that is the highlight from the upcoming patch, then just wow. Those number changes better be good, because I apparently still won’t be changing my utilities around.

It’s a highlight as it’s the first, and so far only, counterplay to stealth discussed by devs. That makes it a large highlight.

Also remember that no other details about the skill have been announced, so you shouldn’t assume that the known bugs will all be ignored.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


“Pet HP split between PvE and PvP
We wanted to make pets and summons more viable in PvE/WvW while making sure they didn’t become too strong in PvP.”

Lumping WvW in with PvE is really scary for this change. Summons that can handle PvE levels of damage in smaller scale WvW are going to be very overpowered. If for instance you buff summons to be able to stand in AoE in PvE and that strength is brought to WvW how are you supposed to kill them out in the field?

The problem here is that there are two very divergent styles of play in WvW. In zergs, this is almost necessary so your pet can actually survive and do damage. Roaming, however, it does threaten to be OP.

So what should it be balanced around? I’d edge towards zerg-based combat and the health buff as that’s where the bulk of WvW focuses around. Roaming is fun and all, or at least I hear it is, but large-scale combat is where WvW shines and is what WvW should probably be balanced around. And there, that health buff is practically necessary to run anything but a ranged pet.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


This post is useless without links…


Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Lots of quality of life stuff…. even some PvE splitting finally.

Seems like a real 180 from the direction everything was going a month ago.
Have to admit I’m really impressed and very relieved. … Even willing to take back a lot of the critical things I’ve said the past months, especially if this all holds up and doesn’t break too many other things that the game originally shipped with.

PvE splitting is nice, but I think the real takeaway here is that PvE is now finally getting considered for balance instead of ignored. And that is great.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Real underlying problem of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Yes, my apologies for using sarcasm, but didn’t think it was that hard to figure out since my point was that it IS anet’s playerbase calling for changes in the game and then when Anet listens and makes the changes all they get is QQing about the changes their customers asked for.

Actually, generally the complaining I hear is over changes that few to none ask for. Such as class balance changes across all game modes that are only (maybe) needed in PvP and solely hinder in PvE/WvW. Or changes that noone expects and few like such as fights like Liadri.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


too bad sic em is still not worth wasting a slot for

this right here is 100% of the reason they hesitate to post this kind of information. You are ungrateful, and if you offer no meaningful criticism, do not post at all.

A bit harsh, but kinda true. We don’t yet know anything about it except for that they’ll allow it to apply revealed. Without knowing the full details of how the skill will change and then using it, we can’t honestly say whether or not it will be worth using.

We shouldn’t complain just to complain. We we want to help, then we should point out the exact reasons why something is lacking. Not just that it is lacking.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

J Sharp new info: sick em reveal stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Also, don’t forget the confirmed pet health buff:

Pet HP split between PvE and PvP
We wanted to make pets and summons more viable in PvE/WvW while making sure they didn’t become too strong in PvP.

Sounds like it’ll affect us in WvW as well. Yay for more choice!

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Sword Rework Idea

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Anyone who advocates that the ranger’s sword auto-attack should ignore dodges is trying to avoid facing the obvious problem. No other auto in the game requires such micro for survivability.

Yes, it is still usable. But no, it is bad design. Simply adding in the ability to dodge from the chain would fix the primary complaint of the weapon without changing it’s effectiveness.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Real underlying problem of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


We have the power to talk. To try to contribute. But all our contributions come down to is words. Implementation or otherwise is the purview of the company. Therefore it’s the company’s responsibility, not the customers.

Ok when my wife asks me what I want for dinner, I say “steak” and she gives me steak. When I complain about getting steak, according to your logic, she’s the one to blame because ultimately, I only gave her words, she had the choice to give me steak or not.

You misquoted, BTW. That was me, not Raine. Fixed.

But that is not what I am saying. ANet is the one delivering the game. It is their game. So any changes they need to take responsibility for. Even if they take the advice of players, those changes are things they need to own up to, for better or worse.

Your little example just shows bad players. People who demand something then don’t like it when they get what they demanded. That’s not a problem with the game. That’s a problem with the customer. Like I said before, though:

But yeah. You can’t blame the customer for issues with the game. You can blame customers for issues with the community, but that’s about it.

So I guess you agree with me as well?

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

The "What If's"

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Ah I see. By the way, I think he was saying “ranger well is…” And by ‘well’ he or she meant ‘healing spring’ which is a reasonable thing to say. Many people in the community feel ele water field is better than rangers. Just ask Intigo and the rest of the gvg trolls.

Oh. I know. As rangers we’re relegated to hate by not only most of our fellow rangers, but also by most of the rest of the community as well. It’s a shame, honestly. But it’s something us good rangers gotta work around. And slowly prove that we’re not worthless, even though everyone always looks the other way when we prove it.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Real underlying problem of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


A companies problems never have to do with their customers. That is, customers can’t logically be the source of a companies problems, not if you understand the nature of the relationship within the context of doing business.

Any attempt to move the locus of responsibility for problems from company to customer is an attempt at deflection and defense of the company—obviously. In removing the responsibility for issues from the company you also remove the possibility for correcting problems. You are illogically giving customers the power to destroy a company willy-nilly. That, of course, is absurd.

If you want to see the situation improve you need to first understand who has the power to make relevant changes—it is not the customers of a company.

Perfect analysis, Raine.

But yeah. You can’t blame the customer for issues with the game. You can blame customers for issues with the community, but that’s about it.

You clearly do not own a business. I would wager customers and clients are in the top 5 sources of most business’s problems.

You also do not understand when a company like Anet gives costumers the ability to vocalize what they want from a game and then change the game based on customer feedback, yes the customer DOES have the power to make relevant changes – for good or for bad.

We have the power to talk. To try to contribute. But all our contributions come down to is words. Implementation or otherwise is the purview of the company. Therefore it’s the company’s responsibility, not the customers.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

The "What If's"

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


It may be longer, but it’s very small compared to the Ele’s water field. Most would argue theirs has always been better. Especially since it’s Ranged and not reliant on you being in the melee to use it effecitvely.

Ele’s water fields on staff are 6 seconds on a 45 second cooldown and 2 seconds on a 20 second cooldown. A skilled ranger will have more uptime on water fields if they do it right than will a staff ele.

Ranger well really is quite overstated imo.

I guess some people really can’t get past the fact that ranger is actually starting to be decently powered. *shrugs* Your loss, I guess.

I see what you’re doing but I don’t think these are “if’s” :p cat’s out of the bag, man lol

I keep phrasing it that way to try to avoid getting moderated. But yes, I believe that the unconfirmed patch notes are almost definitively accurate.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Fractal Bags Won't Allow Compacting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Fractal bags/boxes have never allowed compacting. The one downside of using them. The upside is 20-slot containers that don’t cost 10 gold each.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

The "What If's"

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


  • What if Healing Spring last shorter, but regen pulses faster?

Then we’d have 5s less for blasting/leaping/whirling/shooting in it. A combo field duration nerf by 33%. On what is probably the one single “my class does it better than yours” thing a ranger brings to a party.

If i wanted more heals faster, i’d use one of the two other healing skills. Who ever complained about HS being too slow anyway?

Even if it was shorter by 5 seconds, it’d still be the longest water field in the game. By about 4 seconds. We’d still do it better than anyone else. ^.^

And what if Vigorous Renewal no longer gives vigor on each pulse?

Rangers do way too much DPS i guess, so it makes sense that they should not be allowed to evade too often.

Eh. I’ve always seen that more as a way of giving vigor to my allies. I’ve never had a problem with dodging due to Natural Vigor, but with Vigorous Renewal I knew I could help my allies that don’t have much endurance regen. It would be more a group support nerf than a personal support nerf.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Why I think leaked patchnotes are real

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Didn’t they leave the last leaked note thread a few months ago alone?

Dunno. Maybe last time it was purposeful? This time it was most definitively not.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Frankly, if this is a simple temporary band-aid, we should have received it ages ago, seeing how long it takes them to fix those issues. But, well, better late than never.

Yeah. We should have, but prior to lately all class balance focus has been around PvP and PvP only. And in PvP pet health was not as much of an issue due to bunker/defensive builds being the ranger meta.

This potential change to focus a bit on PvE for class balance is a refreshing change. I welcome it gladly, regardless of how overdue it is.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


does the increased hp for pets mean ranger pets too , or only spirits ?

I wholeheartedly believe that it does.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Why I think leaked patchnotes are real

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Buff. Ranger used to have about .75 seconds of that protection ignored as they were evading during that time period. Rangers finally receive the full duration of the protection and the pet still receives the full duration as well.

Okay your correct on that one, its a buff then…but bugfixes or not everything else I posted is still a nerf.

Bugfixes aren’t nerfs. We all knew it wasn’t supposed to act that way. They’re just finally potentially fixing the very obvious bug.

Also, it will feel like Rangers have been NERFED because all the other classes seem to have been buffed…

Rangers would potentially be receiving several large buffs as well. Like the PvE specific one to pet and spirit health. So no. Sorry. I still see it as a net buff. And probably a pretty large one.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

(edited by SynfulChaot.3169)

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Nature’s Voice: This trait no longer carries the effects of Evasive Purity as well as the on-shout swiftness and regeneration.

What is it supposed to do then, potentially?

Just what it’s tooltip says it’s supposed to. Granting the on-shout swiftness and regeneration.

And i dont think that the increased health for pets is their solution by any means…. i think this is just a start or at least i hope so

Yeah. I think it’s just a start. Something to tide us over until the true pet fixes get found and implemented.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Why I think leaked patchnotes are real

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


All those are Ranger NERFS:-

Nature’s Voice: This trait no longer carries the effects of Evasive Purity as well as the on-shout swiftness and regeneration.

Bugfix. It was never supposed to have that functionality. You should know this.

Companion’s Defense: Protection now occurs at the end of the ranger’s dodge-roll, instead of the beginning.

Buff. Ranger used to have about .75 seconds of that protection ignored as they were evading during that time period. Rangers finally receive the full duration of the protection and the pet still receives the full duration as well.

Vigorous Renewal: This trait now grants vigor to the ranger and nearby allies when the healing spring skill is cast and not every pulse.

Ok. This one is true. It is a nerf with no upsides. Probably a big enough one to make the trait useless … unless they increase how much vigor is applied when it does get applied.

This is the AoE NERF:-

5. Aoe spells with that have a maximum number of targets will now count combatants that block or evade the attack towards that maximum

That will NERF staff Eles and effect Ranger barrage and every other weapon with AoE. Less tagging, less damage, less loot.

This doesn’t just nerf rangers. This is to all AoE. Which only barely affects the ranger as we have few things that apply to that many players. So while it affects rangers slightly, it is not a ranger specific nerf.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Why I think leaked patchnotes are real

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Going by the comment left by a moderator, I reckon they were 90% true.

Based on the actual reason the threads were deleted (I have it in email), I’ll up my guess to 100%.

EDIT: Uh-oh. Threads are getting deleted again…

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

The "What If's"

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Also interesting to see ANET over all the profession forums squashing threads.

I sent a polite email to as the Code of Conduct advises me to if I have questions/concerns regarding forum moderation and I got a response from the CC in question that closed the threads as to the actual reason for the threads being closed. Said reason practically confirms the unconfirmed patch notes as being accurate. Let’s just say it’s attempted damage control.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Why I think leaked patchnotes are real

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169



Rangers, if these unconfirmed patch notes are correct, are getting a net buff. Please read all of them. Just because one thing is getting a slight nerf doesn’t mean that everything else is bad as well.

Seriously. Maul damage and vuln increase. More spirit and pet health in PvE. Companion’s Defense alteration/buff. Healing Spring may possibly be getting a duration decrease but it will not lose any of it’s heal, regen, or condi clearing, nor will it stop being the longest lasting water field in the game.

So can we stop, as rangers, overreacting whenever we see the slightest possible nerf? Please?

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

So, raids?..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


yeah no i agree with you on that. Just pointing out that guild missions sort of fit what Op was looking for.
anyways its funny that the dev posted a 2 liner as a response. Normally they do a whole paragraph on how theyre working on it.

Maybe that means there’s more in the works they can’t talk about yet?

Gotta be hopeful, ya know?

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

So, raids?..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


OP did ask for any pve event which requires more than 5 people. Also yes there are problems with guild missions but i find them to be very fun especially puzzle and rush.

I also see why devs dont post here that much.

Oh. I love the puzzles myself. And the rushes. But guild missions have their own faults. Like insane unlock costs. And the fact that a guild large enough to unlock them is also large enough to trivialize them. And the smaller guilds for which they would be a challenge for are almost entirely gated out of them.

Also, even guild missions don’t equate to a ‘raid’. They are content for groups, yes, but they are not quite ‘raid’ material. That’s all I was calling out.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Guild runs with fury? Well in that case go for it. I thought we were talking PUGs. I slum it man. All I do is PuG. Lol trust me I see some awful, terrible play, usually from people with bad builds, bad gear, poor understanding of game mechanics.

Partial guild runs. Myself, one or two guildies, and two or three randoms. Lots of my guildies like boon stacking. So they often take care of the fury.

And yes, I’ve seen my fair share of terribad players as well. I think we all have.

Correction: knocked back then 1 shotted. But really spirit ranger isnt too bad in a zerg. Of course, the community hates it so it wont get played.

Community decided to hate on rangers long ago and they still haven’t gotten over that. Silly community.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Eh. Maybe I’ll try a red moa. Maybe not. What guildies I do bring tend to bring enough fury, so it’s not an essential for me. Regardless, it will allow me to consider more pets as even moa’s are a bit on the squishy side right now.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Eh. I’m referring mostly to explorable dungeon paths and levels 20 and below in FotM. I don’t bother with higher. And when pulling in people into a group, I’ll take anyone that wants to join. I don’t exclude based on class or gear. So yes, these potential changes will make a big difference for me. I’ll feel safe enough to bring a cat instead of my drakes and canines.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I only see 70% more health on spirits and pets mattering in wvw. If yoy play a dungeon right, you should be stacking so many boons that stuff dies before the spirit. It’s not going to stop a 1 shot in fractals from the boss after cast. I can live without companion’s defense in PvE: that’s overated. I take natural vigor and am smart with pet. In some fights though it just dies. I’m not sure that issue will ever go away.

Nah. It’ll be important in PvE dungeons as well. Not all parties are guilds and min-maxed. Most PUGs don’t have that kind of party comp that will down bosses in seconds. So for a majority of non-guilded dungeon runners, or ones who can’t rely on their guilds (like small or RP guilds), that potential extra health for spirits will work miracles. That potential extra health will also allow more rangers to run the squishier, more DPS heavy pets. Meaning an increase in our effective DPS.

As for Companion’s Defense? Quite useful to try to help your pet. And to help yourself, as well. And it doesn’t even take a major slot, so any buff to that is good.

I mean, I could build survivability into the pet but that’s inefficient. All I can do is stack companion’s might and hope it does something. I mean, moa isn’t bad for fury and healing. But really it’s not an issue so long as the team doesn’t completely suck. Unfortunately, few pve PUGS can even blast a field. All they can do is drop banners apparently.

Hopefully this unconfirmed (but highly likely, IMHO) change will help the appearance of the ranger and allow us to do better in dungeons.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Support viability of ranger would actually be greater in PvE now if these unconfirmed changes were to occur. Yes, we’ll lose 5 seconds of a water field. We still will have the water field up 1/3 of the time if we do it right. And don’t forget the unconfirmed, and quite large, health increase on spirits and pets. That should do wonders for us. It should allow us to run a greater variety of pets, like the ones that do more damage. It should also allow our spirits to live and provide their significant benefits for longer.

Allowing us to run cats without points in Beast Master without the risk of constant insta-death? Allowing us to run spirits to boost the party damage output without losing the spirits instantly? Those are both supporting and building to kill. Perfect for PvE.

Now in WvW and PvP, I don’t know. I don’t play those much or at all respectively. But for PvE, this is only good.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Why I think leaked patchnotes are real

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


No, they tend to close all inflammatory BS threads fairly quickly, it doesn’t make them legitimate.

Not only were the “leaked notes” filled with misspellings, broken sentences and hard to believe nerfs/bugs… they also included many references to game states which are no longer valid.

No. Most of the threads were neither inflammatory nor filled with BS. They were a listing of the unconfirmed changes and players reactions/discussions over them. Nothing more.

I sent a polite email to as the Code of Conduct advises me to if I have questions/concerns regarding forum moderation and I got a response from the CC in question that closed the threads as to the actual reason for the threads being closed. Said reason practically confirms the unconfirmed patch notes as being accurate.

So please don’t accuse the threads of being inflammatory without looking into it. Thanks.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

So, raids?..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Hopefully with the in game LFG tool it will make it much easier to form these unofficial alliances. Especially for a few smaller guilds who were left in the cold because of this content.

I’m in one of those smaller guilds. Our only option was to temporarily join a large and welcoming PvE guild for the content. A guild that doesn’t mind temporary members. That’s honestly the only option for the small guilds out there.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I think the (potential) changes in these (unconfirmed) patch notes are a pretty large net gain for the ranger in PvE. I hope (and believe near 100%) that they are and that I’ll feel like I’m contributing more soon.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

So, raids?..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


The only guild missions that can be zerged are Bounties, and even then if you don’t know the boss mechanics you’ll have a bad a time. Guild Challenges and Puzzles are both challenging and fun if you like do things in group, especially if you dont go running online to look for a guide to will simplify it.

They are, yes. But I wouldn’t call puzzles or challenges anything akin to a ‘raid’ either. And with a sufficiently large guild, both are trivial to complete.

And if you say that what if you’re not running in a sufficiently large guild? Well, then you’d most likely not even have access to most of the guild missions as they require a pretty large active guild to amass the influence and merit needed to unlock them.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


— snip —

If we weren’t wanted for support before, then does it matter that we still wouldn’t be if those changes get implemented? Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like the (potential) change on the vigour. But I completely understand and agree with the (potential) change on Healing Spring. It is, without a doubt IMHO, the most powerful heal in the game. If they gave it to guardians or eles people would have called OP months ago. It’s only that it’s on the ranger that has allowed it to remain unscathed for so long. And even after the (possible) nerf, it’s still just as effective at healing and condi clearing as it was before.

I think the reason people prefer eles for the water fields is that eles can drop them at range. Rangers gotta be at point to drop the field. That, I think, is why the ele is preferred. Well, that and that the ele can provide a lot more support than the ranger can in addition to the water field.

I think it’s too early to predict how the (possible, mind you) health increasing of spirits and pets will affect the ranger in PvE and WvW. I think we’ll need to see how it increases viability around AoEs and if it will even affect the ranger’s ‘minions’ in WvW at all.

And I wholeheartedly agree with the (potential) prot on dodge change. Remember that it applies the prot to us as well, so most of that prot was wasted during our dodge leaving us with less than a second of usable protection. If we want it to help our pet, then we need to dodge a tad bit earlier now. So I don’t see that one as a nerf, but as a buff.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

So, raids?..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


In Guild Wars 2, the monsters raid you.

Also, check out Guild Missions

Ah. Guild Missions. The once-a-week guild-only zerg that takes scant minutes and only a cursory knowledge of the ‘boss’. Don’t forget you’ve gotta be in a guild to get any credit worth your while. Because the pittance you get when you’re not in that guild is kinda an insult.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Why I think leaked patchnotes are real

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


I’m nearly 100% sure that the notes are close to what we’ll be seeing when the next balance patch goes live. And I won’t link the reddit/pastebin to try to prevent this thread from being locked/deleted like all the others.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Question is I have a way to play fully new content or not. I’m not a war with a bow. And I hope for those patch notes to be fake

I’m nearly 100% sure that they are accurate for three seperate reasons.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

While new tequatl 1shot our pet

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


The duration of the water field was long. The heal will be the same, as will the regen and the condi clearing. Just the duration will decrease. Please note that Healing Spring, even after the possible change, will still be the longest duration water field in the game. A 1/3 reduction in duration and it will still be the longest duration water field.

Now the nerf to melee vigor is a bit much, unless of course the duration of the the vigor provided by the trait is increased. If it isn’t then I predict that that trait will become unused, like most ranger traits are.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

The "What If's"

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Heh. I’ll play.

I would love it were spirits, and pets too, to gain more health. It will mean that occasionally those nasty AoE rings that your pet won’t get out of (even when commanded to and you’re F4 is on cooldown) may not kill your pets/spirits.

I do wonder on whether or not WvW will be considered a ‘PvE’ map as we have the same issues in zergs that we do in PvE dungeons when it comes to AoE.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

"Leaked" patch notes for us rangers.

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


All duration stacking boons(Aegis, Fury, protection, Regeneration, Retaliation, Swiftness, and Vigor) and conditions(Blind, Burning, Chilled, Cripple, immobilze(now stacks duration), and Poison) now stack to a maximum of 5 times.

5 Stacks of Poison/Blind.

You didn’t quite get what that means.

It means that their duration stacks maximum of 5 times not intensity.

I’m personally wondering what that means. Maximum of 5 seconds? 5 increases? Is there now enforced downtime between applications? Is perma-uptime no longer possible?

So many questions on that particular line…

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

"Leaked" patch notes for us rangers.

in Ranger

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Pet improvement is in the base health increase they will receive. Spirits will receive the same. That portion was listed in the general section as it affects more than just rangers.

All player controlled minions. excluding Mesmer phantasm and clones because they were already increased in a previous patch, now have 71.43% more hit points in a PvE map.

Based on my conversation with Sharp at PAX, I’m pretty sure that this is most likely official.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer

Who started the nightmare court

in Lore

Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169


Cadeyrn, first of the second-born.

Tarnished Coast – Wayfarer’s Accord [Way]
Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer