Main: Caeimhe – Sylvari Ranger
Alts: Charr Guardian, Asura Elementalist, Human Thief, Norn Necromancer
I think they both have their merit.
Everyone at some point in their RP lives had wanted their character to be the super bad-A that can take anyone. But problems arise when everyone is the one that can take anyone. So dice rolls keeps it fair by letting chance decide while dueling is a good way to grow with your character rather than just starting out at the end of your characters development.
I think that OOC agreement is the only good way to resolve RP combat, though I’d take dice-rolling long, long before I’d ever consider dueling, were that to be implemented.
I honestly see dueling as one of the worst things that can happen to good RP. Using in-game mechanics to declare what our RP charas are capable of is just a bad idea. RP combat is capable of much greater, and deep, combat if done right. Also certain classes would massively dominate in combat, and the class you play should not dictate whether or not you should ‘win’ because, again, this is RP we’re talking about, not PvE.
Yeah. Lots of RP in Tarnished Coast. Just be prepared to see most all of it in Human lands and for a majority of it to be Human-centric.
Well – they could just replace the %MF find with either of the non-combat stats left, i.e. gold or karma. No combat impact and still a valid bonus.
Yes right, let’s identify an issue (non combat stat on gear and people using it instead of something else to leech parties) and do something completely meaningless to solve the issue (replace it with another non combat stat)
Yeah. If they replace the stat, which I personally think they should, it should be with a combat-useful stat. Or a small boost to the stats already given.
They are removing MF as it’s not conducive to group play. If that is their design decision, what makes you think they’d want to add another non-group play conducive stat in it’s place?
- Celestial will stay as it is minus the MF bonus on it.
Ehrm… how is this fair?
Bad question. Very little in this game is ‘fair’. Unfortunately that’s the nature of the game right now.
Not really a shame, just the ‘GW1 was the best game ever, and GW2 sucks’ crowd have really turned me off anyone who writes ‘in GW1’ now. Interesting they always write was since GW1 is still a playable game. I also did not see anything that lead to creative discussion in your OP.
Nah. It hasn’t. Not yet anyways.
And I’m not a part of that crowd. GW1 had it’s strengths and GW2 has it’s. I, personally, find combat to be a lot more dynamic in GW2, and I’ve already almost spent more time in 2 than I ever did in 1. It’s also a lot friendlier for RPers. A lot friendlier.
And one thing that that crowd always seems to forget is that GW1 isn’t an MMO. It wasn’t even advertised as one.
Not to be cynical or anything… well I guess it is, but I think it’s obvious why queen Jennah is the only pet you can get from the birthday present.
So you have to buy minis if you want them. Anet is a business after all, and the game store is the income model they chose for this game.
I can understand that. But it’s the only component of the gifts that is completely 100% useless when you have alts. Which honestly doesn’t really surprise me as many changes as of late have been quite hostile to altaholics. I’m just wondering on the why of that.
Strange, I read ‘In GW1’ and stop reading posts now.
Shame. Not all threads that say that are bashing. Some are honestly curious on why things moved away from how they were in GW1. Not that they were necessarily better in GW1, mind you.
But you can’t learn anything or have any decent discussion if you just plug your ears when people bring up GW1. Same as we can’t when people bring up things in any other MMO or game in which could improve GW2.
In GW1 we got one of a set of miniatures upon reaching the one-year anniversary of our charas, so when an alt hit that landmark we had the possibility of getting something new. Here, in GW2, we get a mini Jennah regardless of whether or not we already have her.
So the question is … what do you do with 7 extra (for now, I’ll get more later as my other alts hit one year) account-bound minis? Or I suppose the question is does ANet plan to give us any use for them? Perhaps the ability to exchange them for a random mini à la GW1?
What do all of you think? Anyone else swimming in useless Jennah minis?
If you actually read the back and forth, you’ll notice that each person trying to explain to ilr has been advocating the ability to pick another existing stat combo, so if your interpretation was true, why are they disagreeing? Context is important.
Feel free to read the latest reply, which again touches upon exceeding current stat combos offered. Not meant to sound offensive at all, but it seems like you’re the only one trying to paint ilr as saying something he’s not. =P
I did read the back-and-forth and it wasn’t until this last post that he clarified that that is indeed what he meant. Before that his responses were too vague, and I’d rather assume people are asking for things that are reasonable over asking for things that are not.
Guys it has been confirmed .Mf gear will be replaced by……………… GOLD FINDING GEAR!!!!
Cute. Really cute. X.X
so your saying if i have ascended magic find GEAR id get a choice to pick a different set of ASCENDED stats for it?
We’ve as of yet heard no details on how they are handling magifind on Ascendeds other than the fact that the stat will be removed/replaced. Probably in the same manner as the exotics, but we have no clue on how it will be done as each Ascended has a unique name etc…
what im saying is Soldier’s gear cant be crafted therefore you cant have IT as a choice. RED SMUDGE guy said only crafted stats…soldier’s isnt a crafted set
Again, the example Martin Kerstein gave was for options for a crafted staff. So for that item, Soldier’s wouldn’t be an option. That is all we know. We don’t know that that will follow for all other crafted items. We also don’t know that it will follow for karma items, for special dungeon crafted trinkets, or for item drops.
There is more that we don’t know than what we do know, and it’d be best if we only tell people for sure what has been 100% confirmed.
am I right ? if not tell me pls.
Explorer’s converted to Knight’s
Traveler’s converted to Rampager’s
Wayfarer’s converted to Soldier’sCannot do soldier, cant craft soldiers
Remember that the one example given was a crafted piece to begin with (Explorer’s Pearl Staff). We have no clue if that will follow for all other crafted equipment as well, or if it will also apply to equipment obtained in other ways.
You can read a few posts up to see the rest of the conversation that I was responding to. Here’s a quote:
You’re not an official source. What the hell do you know about it?
Martin’s post seems pretty clear on this …. double click it, pick another Stat…This is “new tech” and I’m gonna go ahead and bet all my Vicious Claws on it…
I wasn’t plannin’ on doing anything else with them.
Read it. I read ‘pick another stat’ as pick another stat combo. Not as in individual stats. Neither interpretation is the only possibility with that wording.
Like I said before, only ilr can clear up exactly what he meant.
Your opinion, which I share BTW, is the opposite of the sentiment that Anti was responding to. ilr was speculating about the ability to choose stats that exceed the available stat prefixes.
Not the impression I got from his post, but only he can clarify what he meant.
Nope… this is just like everything else. No one knows the full details until it downloads.
If someone did know for sure, they’d also know what the new Functionality is too.Nobody is going to give you stats that you can choose yourself. You’ll only choose the usual combinations.
Again people with ridiculous expectations. Then you are going to whine that they “said it was going to be any stats”.
We understand that, Anti. We’re not asking for special new stat combos. We’re wondering which specific established combinations will be available. Because from wording it does not sound like all known combinations will be available with this method.
Right, I’d wager the options available will be based on the source of the item somehow.
Hopefully the blog post goes up soon because there’s a lot to clear up.
I hope so. This is a pretty big shift-up with the gear. And as it’s all going to become account-bound, we need more details so we’re not kittened by the change.
So, for a straight forward example,
I have a full set of gear that has no MF as an original stat (I have power, toughness and vitality on the gear)….
I DO however, have 6 runes of the traveler on them.
So are you saying that runes/upgrade components with MF on them are just changing to something else completely? no choice on that what so ever?
So essentially the rune of the traveler will no longer have a total of 50% MF, but will have at total of (just for example purposes..) 50% condition damage duration?
Because, what if you were to change it to something completely worthless to my character? would I then have to shell out another few gold, getting new runes, because I dont like what they have been changed to?
I dont think that’s particularly fair… if anything, the runes should be removed, and you should have the option to re apply them, or sell them on TP (i dont mind not getting EXACT compensation for what i spent, but its gotta be at least close).
I kind of agree here. Runes that have changed effects should be auto-removed so at least we can do something with them if the changed effects are useless to us.
You’re not an official source. What the hell do you know about it?
Martin’s post seems pretty clear on this …. double click it, pick another Stat…Another crafting stat. Crafting stats are things like Rampager’s, Berserker’s, etc.
It says both ‘any other crafting stat’ and ‘will gain the ability to be double-clicked to select one of several stat options depending on the item’. So the question is what is the list for each type of item?
Maybe ‘any other crafting stat’ is only for crafted. If that is the case, what about karma items? And special dungeon craftables? And mob drops? Too much unknown. We need to know this information.
I am calm and have remained calm this entire time.
This conversation does seem to have reached it’s conclusion, though. You are not listening to any point that conflicts with your own and discard anything you don’t think is relevant, even if it is. For that reason I will bow out of this conversation as it is no longer worth my time. Brick walls make for terrible conversationalists, after all.
To everyone else,
I, like you, hope that PvE stays similar in difficulty, and that ANet does not bow to the whims of the elitists. Let us all hope that the game will remain accessible to the greatest number of players. Let us hope that the game will try more to court those that want a good game over those that want everything to be a challenge to the detriment of others.
snip for length
I didn’t agree with your example of dungeons because they are group play. That’s a completely different type of context so the example just doesn’t apply. People keep bringing dungeons into the subject but the topic is still open world pve and you cannot compare the two.
The comment that I “shouldn’t ask for something” is utterly arrogant. You do not get to decide what others ask for. I have the right to ask for it and Anet has the right to ignore it or do something with it. But don’t tell me I shouldn’t ask this. That’s entirely condescending and uncalled for. You are not my parent.
And again, I was clear in this I thought, I am not looking for places with a challenge. Of course I can find those, but what I want is to be able to go through leveling zones just like everybody else but not feel like it doesn’t matter what I do, I will win. That’s so not satisfying. So yes I am asking that they take out auto attack mobs and make my character’s skill bar have at least some meaning while leveling. It’s preposterous that one skill on automatic is enough to kill many mobs. I have the right to feel that way and the right to ask for change.
You don’t have the right to tell me what I may or may not ask, however…try as you might, that’s just the most ridiculous thing anybody said in this thread.
And again stop lying….everytime you say I demand this YOU LIE. I ask it, but I do not demand it. I already said that and here you go saying it again.
Please stop lying ok. You may have your opinion, express it, disagree with me, but don’t put words in my mouth that I did not use. That’s just dishonest.
Open-world PvE can, and often is, group play as well. Don’t forget that fact.
And your vehemence when ‘asking’ for this change and the way in which you respond to anyone with an opposing view makes your ‘request’ more akin to a demand. Thus I responded to your tone over your words.
Yes, if you single attack everything you’ll have little challenge. Take on more than one at once. Take on a group. Make your challenge. Again, if you are incapable of finding places to try this I can recommend a long list of places that will kick your kitten (self-censored) if you over-aggro, and even sometimes when you don’t.
And I’ve not lied once. Again, I’m responding to your tone, not your words. You don’t want me to think you’re being demanding then stop responding in a tone that says you are.
Even a slight change in difficulty will drive many away.
Prove it. I call bullkitten on this. I think it will improve the game and attract more players than it will lose. But I think that, I cannot prove it, that’s why I don’t make such definite statements like you just did.
My example followed that statement. Please make your rebuttals actually group the entire comment together instead of cherry-picking to make me look bad. It only makes you look bad.
Look at AC before and after the dungeon redesign. The difficulty change was not immense. It was pretty small, honestly. A skilled team can actually clear paths 1 and 3 faster than before. But it still decimated the number of players that run it. You also used to frequently see sub-80 charas run it. Now it is an extreme rarity. All that from a slight difficulty change.
Ok we are talking about OPEN WORLD PVE. Get it? Dungeons are not part of the topic especially because they are group content and that doesn’t apply. So try again.
Yes. We are. But I bring up an example of the actual aftereffects of a similiar change in the same game. If it drove people away from AC, what makes you think a similiar change won’t do the same in open-world PvE?
Now if you made a similiar slight difficulty change to open-world PvE it would affect a far, far greater number of people. And many would leave for a game more conducive to what they are looking for. And they would feel betrayed by ANet for no longer delivering on what was originally promised.
Again you do not know if many would leave. You are again presenting ASSUMPTIONS as if they were factual.
I’ve tried 3 mobs this evening for Mira. I killed all of them by auto attack only. No other skills or anything. Would it be so hard if those mobs caused you to have to use your heal skill once and maybe move out of the way once or heaven forbid, dodge?
Some are like that, yes. One-on-one most mobs are decently easy. But not all. Also, you are not always one-on-one. It’s getting hit by more than one that require you to move and evade more. Making everything challenging one-on-one would make some classes nearly impossible in PvE if they ever group up. Which they do. Frequently.
I, personally, don’t do a lot of open-world PvE these days as I’ve already done it all and it doesn’t provide a great challenge. If I want challenge, I’ll seek it in dungeons and elsewhere. As I suggest for you to try as well. But don’t ask for the only easy place to be made harder because you want a challenge.
I am not asking for a big challenge as much as I ask them to take out automatic wins with auto attack. And this “only easy place” is most of the game.
Oh and I can most certainly ask for it to be made harder. I live in a free country where I am allowed to do this. Even though I am onl asking that basic mobs require more than auto attack and can be reduced in HP as a trade off.
Open-world PvE is large, yes. But it was not designed to challenge all players. They designed the other, previously stated things to challenge players. If you want a challenge, go to the challenge. Don’t demand it come to you.
And yes, you can ask for anything. Doesn’t mean you should, though.
You want a challenge. I get that. I really do. So go seek that challenge. Don’t make things harder for other players because you aren’t willing to make/find your own challenges. Most of those players aren’t asking that all challenging content be nerfed so they can do it. So please don’t demand that their preferred content is buffed so you might feel more of a challenge.
When I want a real challenge I play other games. It’s not a problem. But what I am asking here is not a big challenge but to not fall asleep during lethal combat.
And it’s what I want, I am not demanding anything. That again is an assumption. I have the right to want something and to express it. People can have different opinions but I don’t like it when people make up stuff and then get upset about what they made up instead of what I actually said.
Some you can and some you can’t. There are places in which I can AFK, yes. Do it in others and you will always come back to a dead chara.
If you really can’t find these harder places, I can provide you with a long, long list of places in which you cannot just auto-attack ‘1’ to win. All involve multiple enemies.
(edited by SynfulChaot.3169)
For all those crying out for harder open-word PvE, you’re all forgetting something important. By significantly raising the difficulty of open-world PvE content, you’ll lose far more potential players than you’ll pick up new ones.
Before you jump on the imaginary bandwagon here. There is a difference between making open world PvE less easy and significantly raising the difficulty. Others like Mira try to do the same thing.
I hope you get that there are more numbers between 1 and 10. And if I ask for it to go from 1 to 2 I am not asking for 9 or 10. So please don’t blow up what we are saying here.
Oh and how many people you will gain as opposed to the amount lost…well, thank you for that massive ASSUMPTION, because you have absolutely no evidence to support that claim. Just your feeling, nothing more. Especially since you are also instantly exaggerating what people like myself are asking for, which is not what you fear and assume.
I’m not jumping on any bandwagon. I’m asking both sides to look at the issue from the opposing side.
Even a slight change in difficulty will drive many away. Look at AC before and after the dungeon redesign. The difficulty change was not immense. It was pretty small, honestly. A skilled team can actually clear paths 1 and 3 faster than before. But it still decimated the number of players that run it. You also used to frequently see sub-80 charas run it. Now it is an extreme rarity. All that from a slight difficulty change.
Now if you made a similiar slight difficulty change to open-world PvE it would affect a far, far greater number of people. And many would leave for a game more conducive to what they are looking for. And they would feel betrayed by ANet for no longer delivering on what was originally promised.
I, personally, don’t do a lot of open-world PvE these days as I’ve already done it all and it doesn’t provide a great challenge. If I want challenge, I’ll seek it in dungeons and elsewhere. As I suggest for you to try as well. But don’t ask for the only easy place to be made harder because you want a challenge.
You want a challenge. I get that. I really do. So go seek that challenge. Don’t make things harder for other players because you aren’t willing to make/find your own challenges. Most of those players aren’t asking that all challenging content be nerfed so they can do it. So please don’t demand that their preferred content is buffed so you might feel more of a challenge.
For all those crying out for harder open-word PvE, you’re all forgetting something important. By significantly raising the difficulty of open-world PvE content, you’ll lose far more potential players than you’ll pick up new ones. At best they might please a few of you, but most of you will still complain that it’s too easy. I think they’d rather have a larger community than try to chase after what the elitists want the game to be. Building for the masses brings in more. Building for the elitists will just cause the game to bleed players.
Now I’m not saying that there should be no content for those players. You got the Gauntlet. You have PvP and WvW. You have harder dungeon instances and high-level Fractals. You have some places for harder content. Don’t take the only place for easier content from players.
Now before some of you try to jump on this ‘casual’ (don’t lie; some of you were going to), I’ve played 7 of 8 classes to 80 and I’m working on the 8th. I’ve successfully completed all dungeons and can complete most all with any PUG. I’ve geared most of my charas almost exclusively though dungeons as well. I’ve probably clocked more hours in-game than most of you as well, though I won’t list the hours as I don’t give a kitten about that. From all my experience I’ve personally found most open-world PvE content pretty easy … on some classes. Rangers and warriors in PvE? Easy. Guardian and necro? Easyish, but takes too long. Ele and mes? A bit tricky, but fine if you know all the OS buttons. Still able to die pretty easily if you slightly overaggro, though. Engineer? Pain in the kitten to solo. Thief? Squishy and dies from a stray glance. I refuse to solo my thief in PvE. It’s just not worth the repair bill.
And this is from someone with good ping. I have an Aussie guildie that can’t play practically anything but a guardian due to abysmal ping (300+ is his minimum). He practically never touches his thief these days as it just dies too easily.
I do agree with some posters that if you want harder open-world PvE that you should make your own challenges. But please, please don’t demand that they up the difficulty on a game mode that is already challenging to many.
ok i feel that this went way off-topic..
Oops. Sry. >.<
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
Because the market should be based off of actual buy and sell offers, not flippers. Let the market normalize itself without the leeches.
But it does, if no one is willing to pay for the price that the flipper posts it simply won’t sell.
Of course that would be true … if flippers didn’t post lower than the sell offers and buy higher than the other buy offers, thus making others putting in buy offers higher than the flippers and making theirs the lowest of the sell offers. So yes, the flippers stuff almost always sells. But the guy they undercut doesn’t always sell.
Really … why do I even try using common sense …
Eh … I’m off to bed. Enjoy the rest of your discourse …
I hope it will not start in kicking people from teams to allow friens or guildies to take their place.
Ohgods. Me too.
I do think that the meaningful part of this discussion has ended long ago. I see a couple of telltale signs of this:
#1: People aren’t talking about the market, and are instead are talking about each other. When you see something like “Flippers use this to argue” or “farmers like to say this, but” then the discussion has ended. They are now talking at generalizations and arguing against the man, and not about the ideas presented within.
#2: People are simply declaring themselves right and not bothering to elaborate further. “I disproved it somewhere else” is substituted for the actual disproof. This is an attempt to dismiss arguments, considering them settled. This doesn’t work, however, since it plainly isn’t settled to the person arguing against it.
I myself do think the in-game economics are more complicated than what I liste, but I fear that I’m the only one who will actually develop meaningful information by talking about it.
I think I actually agree with you here on both points. But both sides, yourself and myself included, are guilty of both as well.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
Higher than they were before. I thought that was obvious.
And they should have remained lower because?
Because the market should be based off of actual buy and sell offers, not flippers. Let the market normalize itself without the leeches.
I don’t think it’s worth discussing it here any more LordByron. The ‘economists’ are here now to tell us we’re wrong. Logic is no longer the language of the discussion.
The unlimited tools are barely worth it for one character either.
The only appeal these things might have had to me was account bound. That wasn’t an anti-alt movement, that was just blatant money grabbing.
Nah. They do add value. And for one chara, you’ll probably end up saving in-game monies before too incredibly long. But if you alt it up it becomes financially unviable as it will take far to long to break even on the initial cost.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
As far as narrowing the price gap? Yeah. They do that. But the end result is only minutely lower sell orders and much higher buy orders.
Much higher than what exactly?
Higher than some arbitrary price that you think is fair?
Higher than they were before. I thought that was obvious.
Yes we still can if you’re talking of sell orders. Those are always instantly fulfilled. And if you’re talking of buy offers then you’ll need to wait for a seller regardless.
Sorry, Joe, but flippers are not necessary for a healthy economy. Period.
Sell orders will always get fulfilled because you can sell to flippers. Buy orders can always be fulfilled as well because you can buy off flippers. People will pay for saving time, so I do not see the problem with flippers.
Sell orders will not always get fulfilled. Nor will buy orders. Flippers both reduce how much you could possible make selling an item and raise the price of buying an item by constantly flipping items in the space in between. And they only do it on items that have a large enough delta between buy and sell offers. So basically on things that are already popular enough to sell. Aka items that would actually sell to players directly. They purely leech money from others without contributing anything. Really. Flippers are not required for the economy to operate.
And there is the predicted response.
The token wallet thing is the first step towards being nice to altaholics, but other recent history has not been so kind to us.
Such as the switch on the unlimited axes, scythes and mining picks from a/c bound to soulbound. It would be nice if the gold% gain would ramp up with each alt slot purchased. Getting alts to lvl 80 is easy but the cost of equipping them with decent gear becomes prohibitive – especially if you’re also more of a solo-ist than a group player and don’t really do dungeons & fractals.
Ah yes, the unlimited harvesting tools. Worth it for people who play one chara. Prohibitively expensive for alters. I like the idea, but I can’t afford nine of each. >.<
And yes, the cost of equipping all your alts gets expensive. Very expensive.
I’m an altaholic too; 12 toons, zero legendaries (like I’m going to grind that lot!). At least they add diversity to the player outfits since there’s usually not enough time to equip all of them with the latest living story back-piece etc. The shared wallet sounds like a much needed show of appreciation for all the alts out there. More like this please Anet (shared wvw blueprint storage maybe?)
Yeah. The shared wallet (finally sharing karma!) is the first real boon to altaholics since the game launched. Hopefully they will continue the trend with the dungeon gold reward, but I’m honestly not holding my breath.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
Umm … you do realize that you can buy and sell instantly without flippers, right? Trades do not require anyone to stay at the TP until they are fulfilled.
As far as narrowing the price gap? Yeah. They do that. But the end result is only minutely lower sell orders and much higher buy orders. So if you’re looking to save money, you’ll actually be spending more.
Not everyone will be able to buy and sell instantly without flippers… Think about it, please.
In a world without flippers.
Player A wants to sell item Z, there is buy offer from Player B. Player A sells the item to Player B but player B has had to wait.
Player A wants to sell item X, there is no buy offer from another player so player A has to wait.
See the problem here?
It cannot happen instantly without flippers.
Yes we still can if you’re talking of sell orders. Those are always instantly fulfilled. And if you’re talking of buy offers then you’ll need to wait for a seller regardless.
Sorry, Joe, but flippers are not necessary for a healthy economy. Period.
More like, people whining cause they can’t farm CoF anymore.
I don’t see whining.
I do, however, see many people trying to figure out if dungeons got rewards nerfed enough that they are no longer viable for repeated farming.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
But they are. Not only do they give others the opportunity to buy and sell instantly they also narrow price gaps between items believe it or not!
Say an item has a highest buy order of 2g and a lowest sell order of 8g. Flipper A comes in and puts an offer in for 2g 1s, then flipper B comes in and buys for 2g 2s. Then when you have hundreds and hundreds of flippers that have all noticed this enormous potential profit suddenly the margins have reduced from over/undercutting.
If there were no flippers this would not happen as quickly.
Umm … you do realize that you can buy and sell instantly without flippers, right? Trades do not require anyone to stay at the TP until they are fulfilled.
As far as narrowing the price gap? Yeah. They do that. But the end result is only minutely lower sell orders and much higher buy orders. So if you’re looking to save money, you’ll actually be spending more.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
I’m sorry. Every time I hear “flippers are beneficial” I just laugh at the sheer absurdity of the statement.
While I’m not going to argue that flipping is the easiest way to make gold I’d ask you to consider the fact that some people just aren’t willing to engage in this kind of arguably unethical behavior.
As a flipper the only contribution to the market space you make is getting between buyers and sellers and raising prices so you can benefit from the work of others. That is something you have to accept when flipping and not everybody is willing to do that.
At least you understand. I wish more were capable.
But read my post above? Flippers do give a service, they give a service of time for other players. They give everyone else the opportunity to buy and sell instantly, they have to have items on their hands for sometimes days at a time so it’s only fair for them to take a small fee.
False. Flippers are not required for that. The base framework of the TP does that just fine. Flippers just get in there and siphon money out, raising the buy orders and only slightly lowering the sell orders. Overall a net drain and not beneficial to anyone but themselves, to the detriment of any other player wanting to purchase said good.
Well I hope the carebears are happy. More time-gated, daily BS which discourages you from running the same path multiple times, yippee!
Soon you will only be able to play Guild Wars 2 for 1 hour every 24 hours.
Nah. Even us ‘carebear’ PvE players don’t like that kitten time-gated stuff. Time-gating is a cheap attempt at trying to extend content. It is bearable (barely) if you run only one chara. Run multiple charas and that time-gating goes from bearable to completely unacceptable.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
Note the politeness of people against flipping and the rudeness of those arguing for. It’s very noticeable.
Those that play multiple charas and those that think they should not get any benefit from it as those players only play one chara. Aka, I can’t have it so you shouldn’t have it either.
He’ll say that they reduce inflation by losing money with each transaction fee each time they flip an item.
thing already discussed many times…and proved wrong…
Saying the same things Always is boring :<
And that is why these threads always die when the ‘economists’ show up.
Assuming it’s a special box you get instead of the money added to the pop up screen that has the 60 tokens.
Far easier to link money to the 60 tokens and no money to subsequent lower token counts than go out and make special pop up boxes. They already have the system, just need to tweak it some.
Thus I assume you will get a gold bonus along with your 60 tokens.
Better to be pessimistic prior to seeing the implementation. That way you won’t get disappointed. You’ll either get what you expect or be pleasantly surprised.
Then suggest a solution to effectively curtain inflation of market prices. As it stands, while you deem flippers unethical, they do have the impact of reducing inflation on the market.
Maybe you should first PROVE they reduce inflation because its only a biased speculation.
He’ll say that they reduce inflation by losing money with each transaction fee each time they flip an item.
We are limited in profit we can make from all other sources in the game. Why should the TP be immune from the limitations ANet has been quite free with applying to all other money-making methods?
Say ‘hello’ to CoF p1, it has been around since game launch …
Having ideologies and principles is fine and comendable in RL, but this is a video game we are discussing here.
Furthermore, if flipping was the evil problem you are making it out to be, stealing and making other players gaming experience miserable, do you not think Anet would have done something about it by now??
No. I don’t. They let John Smith run rampant with the economy. Just as they let the PvP balance team determine game balance for PvE as well, with terrible results.
And please don’t take this as someone needlessly bashing on ANet. I’ve been a fangirl of theirs since GW1 beta. I really do like most of the game. But there are massively glaring flaws that I cannot continue blindly overlooking. No matter how much I like them, the free pass only goes so far before I need to look at the game unbiased.
And I’ll say it again. Flipping is leeching off of the system and is IMHO unethical. ‘Farmers’, aka players who are playing the kittening game, get punished and restricted while those that play the TP and siphon money away from said players get rewarded and are unrestricted.
Facerolling a keyboard on a zerker warrior isn’t really trying hard. I still like farmers :P
You assume I play one. You might want to look at my sig and see that I main a ranger. No easy-mode warrior here.
We are limited in profit we can make from all other sources in the game. Why should the TP be immune from the limitations ANet has been quite free with applying to all other money-making methods?
I’ll say it again: farming produces money from nothing, which causes inflation. Capital Gains (flipping) merely exchanges money and loses some in the trading process, which fights against inflation.
And I’ll say it again. Flipping is leeching off of the system and is IMHO unethical. ‘Farmers’, aka players who are playing the kittening game, get punished and restricted while those that play the TP and siphon money away from said players get rewarded and are unrestricted.
Nice, we buy the most expensive infusion the game got, just to throw it away after half a year. I take my hat off to you, aNet!
I´d say as long as there is no detail whatsoever known about the way they are approaching this and recompensations it is a bit early for bitter sarcasm, isn´t it?
Bitter sarcasm is from seeing constant changes that adversely affect many of us as players. I, myself, am having trouble not becoming jaded with many of these changes.
This whole thread is sounding more and more like “QQ I can’t make money on the trader as well as Uber Business Player B can…”
I don’t see that at all. I see a valid argument by people who refuse to flip on the TP for a multitude of reasons, some of those reasons being dislike of the practice. I’ve not seen a single person hinting at ‘I can’t do it so you shouldn’t be able to either’. So I’m really not sure where you’re getting that from, unless you’re just meaning to insult others. In which case, job well done.
There is absolutely nothing on the trader that one has to have. Everything necessary to play the game is available by simply playing the game. Limiting the amount of profit one can make is no more effective than it would be in the real world.
We are limited in profit we can make from all other sources in the game. Why should the TP be immune from the limitations ANet has been quite free with applying to all other money-making methods?
Making it characterbound would still introduce more profession diversity in dungeons. After all, how many players have 8 lv.80 warriors? We might actually see some necro’s and engineers in dungeons gasp
I know, right? I run nine charas and if it’s account-bound, then you’ll rarely see any of my alts as it simply won’t be worth my time to pull them out.
in Suggestions
Posted by: SynfulChaot.3169
Speculations/flipping/manipulation do harm the market in this game, it actually stops something having the correct market value and is anti competitive. Far from being “commie”, as some 1950s comment implies, I think such a change would correct the artificial prices and items would be priced at the value provided by players who actually want to use their purchase rather than those seeking to squeeze a premium out of other players.
Hit the nail on the head, there.
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