Showing Posts For Thaddeus.4891:

Chrono CDs still aren't reduced.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I don’t see that as an unintended consequence. The wells were balanced around this actual cooldown and the nerf to alacrity affect them as much as every other profession.

It’s a balance issue, it’s not a bug or anything like that.

So according to your logic every other profession is balanced around alacrity too?

No. I didn’t said that and never remotely talked about that. All i’m saying is that, it’s not because they nerfed alacrity that they necessarily HAVE to reduce the cool down of wells.

Whether or not they decrease the cd of wells is a totally different balance decision.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

A couple of suggestions/fixes for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I agree with most of what you talked about (especially the fixes to bugs) and a few of them, I just don’t care. But here some of my point of view.

1A) I can agree, but I think that there is no real way to do so. Or at least I didn’t hear good solution yet. I think that a proper queue system for map and fixing issue with memory overload would do a better job at fixing that situation.

2G) Yes it’s really important that they fix that. In VB the best incentive is to run around opening airship cargo and not to do the meta. There is several ways to achieve that, some are better than other depending on everybody’s preferences. I don’t really care which one they choose, as long as they change that.

4B) Fix the achivement is really the only option. Even if they buff it, you can still have a lot more people in one lane and kill him in 2 shots and making is invulnerale at 33% would make it very very hard to complete because not all lane have the right amount of ppl. Some lane need to be able to finish early to help other lane. Especially if you buff it. If they make him invulnerable at 33% then they shouldn’t buff him at all.

4D) Sexist. Lol joke. I agree that the Queen is kind of op in that place, but it’ was a nice fight when you have ppl with you.

4E) I disagree that it’s not need on all maps. I think that all the maps should be progression driven, not time gated. But it’s true that it’s especially a problem at TD.

5C) Yup DS would also be especially improve with that system. Right now you get into the map during the first 10-20min or you wait 2 hours to get into the next round. You need to be able to enter a map at anytime and taxi ppl in to complete the meta. It’s the basic game design principle of entry and exist points. I can’t believe Anet kitten it up so badly on DS (and HoT in general).

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Chrono CDs still aren't reduced.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I don’t see that as an unintended consequence. The wells were balanced around this actual cooldown and the nerf to alacrity affect them as much as every other profession.

It’s a balance issue, it’s not a bug or anything like that.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Best PvE Profession (Class) For Raiding?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Could a D/D Elementalist have a role in a raid?

Because I am the most skilled as playing D/D; is it alot worse than a D/W? I don’t mind rolling a tempest.

So heralds should always be in a raid? Cause my guild doesn’t have a herald yet, so I would probably take on that role then !

Tyvm for the responses.

No reason to bring a D/D over D/W. That said, the lost in dps isn’t that big. I would still suggest that you take train a big with D/W, but if you really prefer D/D, you will still have a good dps.

As for Herald, they are not obligatory, but the 50% Boon duration for the Mesmer quickness is pretty awesome. A lot of squad are using an Herald and a Mesmer into their own seperate sub-squad to provide quickness to the whole squad. Which i doudt you can do without an Herald, but I could be wrong. That said, you can complete the raid with no herald at all with no problems. If you have no Mesmer, your mesmer is not using the quickness build or he is just bad at it, then you are problably better off without any herald.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Best PvE Profession (Class) For Raiding?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Best PvE Profession (Class) For Raiding?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Best profession right now for raids in no particular order.

First the best profession are

Tempest : The best dps right now, it also very good at mechanics for Gorseval and Sabetha (Staff for orbs at Gorseval and Lighting Flash for platform at Sabetha). D/W Fresh air and Staff are both very powerful build. He can also make a good healer, but not much group use it in that role since you miss all the offensive Druid can provide. It’s a bit squishy.

Thief : Pretty much the same role as Tempest. The 2nd best dps and a bit squishy.

Guardian : 3rd best dps, but it provide a bit more support than the first 2 and he’s more tanky than the first 2. He’s especially good for average skill group and pugs since he boost the survivability of his sub-squad and have one of the easiest rotation. He provide perma protection, and a bit of fury and quickness.

Mesmer : One of the 3 best offensive support profession. He provide perma quickness for his sub-squad, and with the expensive concentration sigil can provide near perma quickness for the whole squad. He also provide alacrity, boosting even more the dps of the squad. But it have very limited dps himself and can be hard to master. Pretty much all raid squad want one, but rarely 2.

PS Warrior : Another of the 3 best offensive buffer. You usually want 1 at VG (some group want 2) and 2 for Gorseval and Sabetha. His role is simple, give 25 might, banners and EA to his sub-squad.

Druid : He have two role. It’s the best healer of the game and one of the 3 best offensive buffer with Frost Spirit, Spotter and Grace of the Land (Sun Spirit if heavy condi team). The build itself can change a lot, but those 2 core role remain. You can go full healer to healer to help your team, you can go more dps in direct or in condi damage. You can bring 1 full healer or 2 more dps healer to bring buff to both sub-squad or some good group just bring 1 Druid in more dps setup because they don’t need as much healing. It really depend on your group.

Tank : The tank is only for Gorseval and VB and almost anything can work well here. The goal here is to bring a build with the highest toughness of your group (it can range from 1200 to 1800 depending on your group) and enough surviability to not die. But a good tank will also bring something else to the fight than just tanking. Like a chronotank that bring his offensive buff or a engineer that bring his op cc for gorseval. But really, almost all profession can find a way to fill that role.

Then you have still good profession, but not as good as the one I listed.

Reaper : The condi build can be the 4-5th best dps, but it need a ramp up time for double horrors, your healer need to keep your horrors alive and you need 2 reaper to double Epidemic on boss with alts (so only Gorseval and Sabetha). It can be powerful, but need specific situation for that. But his ability of pulling down players to him can be live saver for new groups.

Engineer : The condi build is 4-5th best dps, but he have the hardest rotation to master. He still bring a lot of support like CC, heals, etc so it’s always a nice quality of life to have for a group, but most people have a bad dps with it because of the hard rotation.

Herald : It used to be one of the best profession with good dps, powerful cc and high support. But the recent update changed that. It’s still a very good professions, but not as essential as before. Most group still have at least 1 of them but mostly just for the 50% boon duration for the Mesmer. Don’t get me wrong, he can do other things, but not as good as other profession now.

As you can see most profession have a role in raid.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Ascended boxes in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


The droprate for Champion is about the same at pre HoT level 50, witch is around 11-12%. Of course, with the sample size we have the information isn’t perfect.

With 771 Champion chest and a confidence level of 95%, we still have a confidence interval of about 3.5%. Meaning that the actual droprate for champion can be anywhere between 7.9 and 14.9%. So ya, Champion fractal could have a smaller droprate than pre-HoT. The numbers we have for pre-hot level 50 drop is a sample size of 2918 chest so for a condidence level of 95% we have a interval of 1.8%. Meaning the the old drop rate was between 10.1 and 13.7%.

So ya, the droprate for Champion could be a little smaller than it used to be at level 50, but not by much. We’ll have to wait about 3 more months to have more precise information of that droprate.

That said, what is clear is the droprate of veteran and adept. So far we have a droprate of 1.2% in Veteran and 0% in Adept (I know we can drop armor chest in adept, but the actual % might be very low).

Compare that to the drop rate pre-hot of level 40 = 6.9%, 30 = 4.2% and 20=3.7%

Someone that was doing all 4 daily pre-hot could on average get about 1 armor chest per 4 days. Now, someone doing champion, veteran and adept will on average get only 1 chest per 8 days.

Of course those are just RNG numbers with too low sample size, but it give you a clear picture. Champion might have a smaller chance than pre-hot level 50 or not, but the lower level where affected much much more.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Do people still do the VB meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Ya the reward system for VB isn’t really good. The bladed cost box is only a incentive for 3 runs. After that it’s just a exotic that you can salvage for maybe some ectos. It shouldn’t even be a bladed box that you can choose whatever gear you want because in 1 year, noboby will care about that anyway.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Swampland Fractal Tree exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Pug would have already learn how to do the Mosman properly if there wasn’t underwater, pole and tree to cheese it for the last year or so.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

if quickness / slow shouldn't affect reviving

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I find it funny that people try to find a logical explanation to that. It’s really simple.

Poison was there since the beginning of the game and it was a good mechanics. Quickness too, but it was accessible in such a limited way that it didn’t created any problem.

Now we have a lot of quickness, and slow was added. That was just too much powerful and so anet decided to nerf those two. It’s all about balance. For now Anet don’t think poison is a balance issue (so do I) so they didn’t nerf it. If a some point poison become a balance issue, they will nerf it. Simple as that.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Do people still do the VB meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I always try to push maps to get Tier 4. If I get into VB early enough like 20min before the night, I taxi as much as I can and give direction on the map chat (just to make the map appear alive so people stay in the map). It usually work, but not always. There is several way why it doesn’t work.

I’m alone taxing so I can’t taxi enough ppl to full the map before the night. Or I can’t get 1 person to stay in my party so my LFG keep removing itself and soon enough I get block for putting more LFG. Or people don’t spread enough at night so we lose like half the camp while you have like 2-3 mini zerg of 10 peoples.

It’s hard because most people are just lazy. Taxi is the most important thing, but most of the time we just have 2-4 ppl trying to taxi in the map.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Swampland Fractal Tree exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Sick and tired of people referring to Line of Sight (LoS) as bad usage. By using objects in the game to your advantage you are using a method called LoS that has been around since the earliest of games. This is not an exploit and most games promote the idea of using LoS to your advantage.
By hopping up onto the tree, you are only using a strategy that has been used in many other games, because Mossman “looses sight” of you and cannot reach you with his melee skills. This is why he tries to run around the tree multiple times to reposition himself and find kitten that he can melee in. He still can throw his axe at you. Guild wars, unlike most games uses a dodge mechanism, so most people rely on dodges before LoS, and this may explain the aloofness that LoS is a game strategy.

LoS is a strategy not an exploit, but that’s not what people are complaining about here.

People are complaining that the game have a code when mobs become invulnerable when they can’t hit you back, but when you go on the three Mosman it can’t hit you, while not being invulnerable. It’s harder to do than with the pole next to the house of underwater Mosman, but it’s still there.

Anet always fix those things in fractal. The main problem is that they are so freaking bad with the speed they do it. That’s always the same bullkitten with them. Oh we’ll fix it when we do the next big fractal update in 6 months.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Looking For Group Window Idea (Raid) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


They addressed this like a month ago. They don’t have the means to change the LFG at the moment to be 10 man capable. They don’t want to put resources into developing raid LFG when it could only do 5 man because it wouldn’t be able to function properly as really you need 10 man capability.

I tend to disagree but that is their reasoning.

Well I agree with their reasoning about the difficulty to transform the LFG from a 5 man party setup, to a 10man squad setup.

Where I think they make themselves looks like fools, is that nobody is asking for that immediately. Most people know that changing that much the lfg can be long and hard. We simply ask for like 2 additional tab one for HoT maps and 1 for raid, just so the Open World tab stop being so crowded that you can’t find anything.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Looking For Group Window Idea (Raid) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


They addressed this like a month ago. They don’t have the means to change the LFG at the moment to be 10 man capable. They don’t want to put resources into developing raid LFG when it could only do 5 man because it wouldn’t be able to function properly as really you need 10 man capability.

I tend to disagree but that is their reasoning.

Well I agree with their reasoning about the difficulty to transform the LFG from a 5 man party setup, to a 10man squad setup.

Where I think they make themselves looks like fools, is that nobody is asking for that immediately. Most people know that changing that much the lfg can be long and hard. We simply ask for like 2 additional tab one for HoT maps and 1 for raid, just so the Open World tab stop being so crowded that you can’t find anything.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

[Dungeons] Idea how to make them work

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Well, we already know that Anet won’t tough dungeon. But if they ever had to change dungeon, I don’t like your idea at all.

For me the problem with dungeon is mostly because it’s super easy and boring. Open world in HoT and Silverwaste is like 10 times more difficult than dungeon. So dropping even more the difficult will just make thing worst. Even if at that point, making them easier won’t change much.

There is also several minor problem like just bad mechanics that just make you wait like AC or SE. The reward doesn’t scale with the difficulty with some of the easiest path give more gold than harder one. Dungeon armor doesn’t mean anything anymore because of sPvP, etc.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Why can't we trade players face-to-face?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


The reason you trade ONLY through the TP is because it is the only way to 100% prevent scams. P2P trading doesnt stop scamming, and “mailtrades” certainly have no hope of it either. The “tax” isnt a penalty either, nor is Anet “out to get your money” as some people like to make it seem. That tax is to help control inflation. Think about it. If there wasnt something in place to control inflation (besides consumables which can be made with net gain anyways), an item that costs 10g today, would have cost 100 or 1000g+ if there was no inflation mitigation.

That being said, anet’s said they arent ever going to add, or entertain suggestions of, another trading method. Sorry, but use the system currently in place.

The 15% fee is a penalty, you can not argue otherwise. Either I make less money or the buyer pays more or both.

Inflation still happens whether or not a fee is charged. Have you checked the price of Legendaries at all? The main reason Anet charges a fee is to keep people poor motivating them to spend real money for Gems to exchange for Gold.

Player to Player trades only need a confirm option much like the one that existed in GW1. Mail trades could do exactly the same thing be it over longer periods of time or they could have a set price for the items or the items are returned. The reason this does not exist is to force people to use the TP.

There are many ways to control inflation in the game: Account binding, Soul binding, Currency exchange, Consumables (as you mentioned), Wardrobe Unlocking, the Mystic Forge, Crafting, and I am sure I am missing some things. Any of the previous things can be altered to soak up any excesses or shortages. The act of taking money out of the game as I mentioned is just to keep people poor to motivate them to spend real money…so yes Anet is out to get your money…they are a business after all.

Is never hurts to ask and nothing is set in stone. Programs are some of the most flexible things in existence the rest is will and effort. If Anet felt the lack of this feature was hurting their bottom line it could show up in next weeks patch.

Wow you are cynical. And I just don’t see how the fee is pushing me toward gem at all. I think you have a problem if the reason why you buy gems is because of the TP fee.

Anyway, there is only two ways to keep inflation in check. Limit the source of pure gold or add gold sink. All the methods you talked are all about limiting the source of pure gold. That’s the difference between for exemple Silverwaste, which give almost no gold, but several items instead and Fractal, which give you a lot of direct gold.

The problem with your ideas is that it doesn’t remove any of the gold the game currently give us. If they would remove the TP fee, they would still have to remove gold source or add a new gold sink. And we know how people reacted when they changed the reward of dungeon from direct gold to more valuable material. Dungeon give more reward than ever, but everybody snob them because of the gold nerf.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dps guard now viable in raids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I was one that highly doudt that 3rd best dps position for the Hammer build, but after testing myself and checking more video I have to admit defeat.

The Guardian hammer really have the 3rd best dps behind Thief and Tempest. Of course we are talking about a dps with full buff, but we compare it to the dps of other profession with full buff too, so it’s a not really important. Yes some buff could improve the Guardian dps than other profession, but we usually talk about that for alacrity and this buff almost doesn’t affect at al the guardian.

And yes, there is some weakness to that dps because bosses can move out of symbol and a dodge at the wrong time can interrupt the auto-attack chain, dropping the dps significantly. But the length of the fight drop the importance of this factor. Interrupting 4 or 5 auto-attack over 8-9 min isn’t the same as interrupting 1 auto-chain in a 30sec fight like it was in dungeon.

We also have to think about the problem other profession have. In 4th and 5th position in term of dps, we have the condi engineer and reaper. The first one have obviously the hardest rotation of the game so it’s easy to drop in dps with that one. The Reaper have an easy rotation, not really affected as much as the guardian by a dodge at the wrong time, but it need a second reaper to bounce off epidemic on alts, it also need a 2min ramp up time to get a second bunch of Horror from lichs and enough heals to keep those horrors alive.

So in the end, even without all buffs and with some problem with symbol and dodge, i can’t see how the engineer and reaper can have bigger dps in the same situation.

Two other advance of the guardian is the perma protection, which the Herald can’t provide anymore without dropping his dps a bit more than before and the CC it can provide on his first weapon set.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


The TL;DR i’m making here if you will is neither solution is healthy, but i’d rather if given the option take the power creep as the content is already trivial for most raiders / raiding guilds in the short term.

In the long term i’d like to see a shift away from the current raid design, and more emphasis be put on player/mob interaction (similar to what thad said above) and less on the traditionally hit it harder till its dead approach. A refresh on the mechanics that allow from more distinct play patterns to emerge is always the better option for any content imo.

Again see, you talk about another issue completely. We were talking about power creep and you talk about increasing the complexity of mechanics. Those are two different issues.

You are right that the game will always need more complex players/mobs interaction. But that doesn’t change the fact that continuing to increase the power creep will continue to make the game easier and easier and make content obsolete.

A good design would to keep the power creep in check as much as possible AND to increase the complexity of the mechanics or interaction between players and mobs to modulate the difficulty of content. Less mechanics = easier content, More mechanics = challenging content. We pretty much agreeing here I think.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Why can't we trade players face-to-face?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


It’s also because MMOs need gold sinks to counter the gold that’s constantly being created when players kill enemies and complete events, and the TP fee is one of the most effective gold sinks, especially because it scales to the value of the items (and therefore approximately to the amount of gold) you have.

But as mentioned scamming is also a major concern. GW1 had an excellent face to face trading system: you open a trade window, put up your gold and/or items, can see the other persons gold and items exactly as they’ll appear in your inventory and the trade only goes through when both people have confirmed they’re happy with it. It even warns you if the other person changes their offer.

Here’s a short list of the most commonly encountered scams which occured in spite of (or sometimes because of) those precautions. Even now new ones appear from time to time which aren’t always documented:

Best answer. The TP is the one of the best way to fight inflation and it’s the safest way to trade item.

I would add another reason. It’s the easiest way to do so. You have access to everybody at the same time at one place. You don’t need to wait for someone to sell an item next to you or to set a time for you and them to meet and exchange. You can buy what you need as you craft at any time, and you can sell at any time.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid Timers lazy way to increase diffuclty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Well I don’t know.

For VG I think the Timer is very important. Otherwise you could take a team of 4 tank, self sustaining dude for the Circle team and that would make the fight so much easier. The timer is also very lose and if you have any decent group, it shouldn’t be a problem anyway. So that timer is really good if you ask me.

For gorseval, the timer isn’t that necessary. You would still need to have enough dps to kill him before the last updraft. But the timer put pressure on your not for the dps but for the Orbs. Without a timer, you could just almost never take care of the orbs until the Souls appear, then soft cc the crap out of them, while you destroy all the orbs, taking your time to kill the soul after and getting back to the boss. TBH I don’t think that’s it’s a big deal. They could remove the timer if they want, it would change much if you ask me. It wouldn’t make the boss that much easier really. But I don’t find it lazy design either.

For Sabetha, it would change a lot of thing to not have a timer. Yes the platform would eventually get killed, but then people could just go in advance on the cannons and kill them when they appear, taking their time. It would make that fight a lot easier. They could still remove the timer, but they would need to make the platform more easier to kill if you ask me.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


That just further proves my point that it isn’t the classes being OP, its the content being too easy.
If a fight allows you to have a 100% uptime of spamming your most powerful attacks that just means the fight is designed bad.
I think the problem with raids currently is that they allow you to take whatever class you want and still be able to beat it, there are no interesting class-specific mechanics that require you to take certain classes and not have access to all boons at all times,
something we did saw in dungeons where there was a 5 man cap

Well you have two different points here. I’ll first start by posting that if you never saw it. I could never explain how bad power creep as better as they do. Not only for you to see, but for people in general. It’s always a nice video to show people

1) You are saying that professions aren’t OP, it’s the content that is too easy. I would say that it’s both. Take for exemple dungeons. Dungeon actually have a lot of mechanics. I remember that we used to hard time at Kholer and pugs were using the Troll so they fought each other instead of fighting them ourselves. Kholer was hard because he’s able to one shot us. We had to make sure to dodge his pull or to bring a break stun otherwise we were dead meat. Right now? He barely have time to do 1 attack and we explose him. Same with Alpha at CoE. It used to be hard, but now we just explode him. The worst is Lupi. Soloing him used to something special and several group used to have a hard time, now we just kill him so quickly that he doesn’t do that much damage back. So ya maybe some content is too easy, you are probably right. But the power creep just make things easier and easier. Just to give you some numbers. My Guardian used to have a max dps of around 8k dps at launch with full buff and exotic gear. Now it’s 23K, but the old content is still the same, with enemies having still the same HP, the same toughness.

2) I only partially agree with you. I disagree on the profession specific mechanics. I think that’s it’s more healthy if you can bring different composition to beat a boss and are not obligated to bring specific profession. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying all composition can success like in dungeon. I’m saying, as long as you create a intelligent composition, it should work. Some being more efficient than other.

That said, you are right that raid left too much players just dpsing with nothing else to do. I absolutely LOVE sabetha when I do canons. I always have something else than dps to think about and each 2min I need to take care of my canon, etc. But when I’m not on the canon, it’s a bit less entertaining. At VG i’m on the Circle team, i’m the tank at Gorseval and i’m on the cannons at Sabetha, so personnally, I don’t have that problem. I always have something else to do than just DPS, so I find the raid perfect. But I don’t think that pushing all 10 person in the raid to do mechanics is the right thing.

I think that a better approach would be to bring more counter. I don’t want the dps gorup to just dps. I want them to counter the boss while doing it. What I’m talking about? I want bosses to have boons on a regular timer that you need to remove (not something stupid like in fractal where you boons get back faster that you can remove them). I want the boss to launch projectile so that we need to time reflect. I want more attack for the whole fight like the Blue Aoe at VG, the eggs at Gorseval and the debris at Sabetha that force people to dodge and get out of the way. I want more conditions so that we need condition removal. I think that’s the kind of stuff that an hard mode of the raid could have. I hope for a easy, normal and hardcore more of raid for everybody, but I doubt it will ever happen.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Again though at what point during those 3 years of balance did we not have “Power Creep”. It’s about the only way outside of gutting classes that Anet knows how to address balance. It’s never small numerical tweaks to bring all the roles in line with a desired base performance standard.

This is what i’m getting at here, you can say it’s bad and i’ll agree it’s bad but it’s what we have as far as balance goes. Take your pick something that’s ultimately fun for players, or a bunch of more of what’s going down in the mesmer subforum of complaints about how their class specialization got gutted and left for not.

Well there was 3 major power creep update in the past. One was slow with the introduction of ascended gear. That was spread over about a year. The second one was the specialisation update a couple of months before HoT and the last was the Elite Specialisation with HoT.

Honestly the power creep wasn’t bad at all during the first 2 years of the game. It was there, but not that big. Before the specialisation update for exemple, Guardian used to do what maybe 12k dps at max. Now we talk about 23K. There was more power creep in the last 6months than the first 30 months of the game.

The older power creep is there we can’t nerfed everything back to what it was before I know that. But I just hope that anet stop that nonsense, pick a power curve and stick with it for the future update.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

ascended stuff is a mess

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Look, I am not a statistician, but I DO KNOW that any number like % droprate has error bars, and that 12% number has error bars much larger than 1%. The ONLY thing one can definitively say about that data is champ chest have a better chance of dropping ascended armor and weapons, the 12% part is essentially meaningless at that sample size.

A sample of 771 with a confidence level of 95% with give you a confidence interval of +/- 3.5%.

So basically, 95% of the time, you gonna have between 15.5% and 8.5% droprate in fractal 51+.

If you want your confidence interval to drop to 2% we will need a sample of 2 400 chests.

And if you want your confidence interval to drop to 1% we will need a sample of 9 600 chests.

So I was a bit too confident in Kings numbers and you are a little bit too sceptical about it.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


If you honestly believe the game was balanced for 3 years prior to HoT, you are as delusional as they come.

I fully well know power creep, is bad. Yet, we have nothing but power creep to get due to the course the game has laid out with specializations.

I wrote : ‘’3 years of balance down the drain’’

You read : ‘’3 years of a balanced game’’

Good job.

It’s not because Anet continue to put Power Creep in the game that’ll stop complaining about it. The day I stop complaining about will be either because I stopped playing the game and to come on the forum or the day they will stop doing it. I know that the first one will probably happen before, but well it’s life, nothing I can do about it.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


This is just not true though. Revs aren’t a must at all and “optimal” is most likely stacking eles again.

So what would be the ideal composition now then?

1) PS Warrior, Chronomancer, Druid Buffer, Tempest/Thief, Tempest/Thief
2) PS Warrior, Chronomancer, Druid Buffer, Tempest/Thief, Tempest/Thief

With a tank replacing on of the Tempest/Thief for Gorseval?

Or maybe

1) PS Warrior, Druid Buffer, Tempest/Thief, Tempest/Thief, Tempest Thief
2) PS Warrior, Tempest/Thief, Tempest/Thief
3) Herald, Chronomancer

With a tank replacing on of the Tempest/Thief for Gorseval?

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Power Creep is more fun for players than nerf bats.

Power Creep is an cheap and easy way to balance things out while giving unaware players something to cheer up. Power Creep is one the worst thing game designer can do, especially since most player will be happy with it when they introduce it until it destroy part of their game. But players ain’t able to see the correlation so game design can get away with it.

Nerf bats is also a bad design decision. It essentially mean that they did a very bad balance decision and they need to fix it. In theory it’s as bad as a power creep, but it’s so unpopular that game designer try to use it as little as possible, meaning that it never really affect as much negativaly a game as power creep.

Good game designer should know their power curse and balance things around that power curse. Buffing when it’s below it and nerfing when it’s over it. Ideally, not doing some huge swing around it like they did with Thief. From the highest dps with support to almost no role, to one of the highest dps against but with no support. All of that in the span of a couple of months. And why is that? Mostly because of the huge power creep from HoT with debalanced everything and got 3 years of balance down the drain.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

ascended stuff is a mess

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


how do you explain my guildie who is essentially zero for 20, according to Kings numbers he should have 2 ascended armors or weapons from the champ chest?

What you just complained that 771 isn’t a big enough sample size to draw conclusion, but then you talk about your friend with 20 as a sample size.

Anyway, there is two things here.

1) Does the kings numbers are precise enough. With 771 chest i believe it is, but otherwise we can wait 3-6 more months to have even more precision on the numbers. I doudt that the percentage of 12% could vary form 6% to 17% tbh. 771 chests is a decent sample size. Not the best, but decent enough to think that at worst the percentage will only vary of maybe 1%, not much more.

2) In the end of the day it’s still just probability. Even if the droprate is 12%, you could still get no chest in 1000 daily in a row. It’s just that the chance of that happening is pretty low.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Waiting for raids is making the game boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Current raid is easy to medium difficulty. It is what I expected dungeons to be before release. Our guild is neither hardcore nor super elitist but we clear the raid several times per week in around 60-90min per run.
I hope wing 2 will become harder and not go into farm mode this fast.

That’s the problem. The difficulty of a fight is different for everybody. When I do the raid with my core team we complete all 3 bosses in 1h30 while having fun and joking. But something with just 2-3 people less skilled or less experimented it take us 3 hours and we don’t always kill all 3 bosses. There is a huge variance in the level of skill and experience in the player base and so imo, the game should reflect that.

Raid are suppose to be hard content, but hard content for who? Because it sure seem easy to medium content to me when i’m with my team, but it sure seem freaking hard for other people.

That’s why scaling was always part of my wish list since they first announced challenging group content. I want something harder now, but plenty of people can’t complete the current raid. So where is the cut?

Be honest here. If raid would have been harder than they currently are. Hard enough that you current group can’t complete it on a regular basis and that would create tension in your group would you have the same opinions?

The hard part is to create different level of difficulty that feel well done and not just cheap mob attack/defence scaling. And to create a meaningful reward system for all difficulty level.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Instead of asking other professions to be nerfed, how about asking your profession to be buffed?

Anybody? No? Oh well…

Because if you only buff, it’s just a big power creep. GW2 is already plague with power creep, we don’t want more of it.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

ascended stuff is a mess

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


This is the real problem with very small population data sets like the King data, which is basically less than 1000 chests. To be really representitive it needs to be something like 10,000 or more, all from the same account ideally.

771 chest is pretty good if you ask me. Sure it’s not perfect, 2-3k would be ideal if you ask me. But at the same time it’s the best source of data by far. And asking for 10 000 chest from one account is just stupid. That’s 27 years of fractal dude.

In two months there were able to get 771 chest result. So it probably gonna take another 3-6 months to get 2-3k chests. But even then, I don’t think the % will change that much tbh.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Perma fury rly isn’t that much of an issue tho. I will agree on the CC. But I think we established that rev is taken for ez mode rather than optimisation. In any case, DH isn’t that bad a choice between classes and shouldn’t have gotten the leper stamp like necro had pre-HoT.

Well. Perma fury isn’t that easy tbh. Tempest doesn’t have any blast to give fury, without Facet of Nature Guardian can only give 22% uptime, Thief only 33% uptime, Druid can reach near perma fury but you usually have just one.

I’m not saying it’s hard to do, but you need to think about your composition if you want perma fury without a Herald.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Waiting for raids is making the game boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Ya scaling in the difficulty of raid should have been a priority for Anet. You can’t make a content that will be challenging for everybody.

Too hard and it leave out a portion of the player base. Too easy and it’s become boring like Dungeon became. It’s not even that hard to create an easy mode for raids. Just remove the timers, decrease the numbers needed in the green circle at VG to like 2, add 2 more updraft at Gorseval and make canon fire each minute instead of each 30min at Sabetha and you are a still challenging raid, but easier for players not good enough for the current raid. Rebalance the reward so easy mode isn’t as rewarding as the normal mode and you have something that pugs will have an easier time to do.

It will also allow new players to raid to gain experience with the mechanics before going into the harder raid.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Will they nerf Thief AA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Well, hope you are happy now: rev is out of the raid meta now. And I am sorry but rev was not a “just aa class”.

Revs are still Raid meta they are still Boon bots. They just don’t get the best of both worlds.


See what? Someone have a opinion about Herald, why should we care?

Hammer guard isn’t the 3rd best dps because Reaper and Engineer can do better than that. True enough it’s easy to reach that kind of dps on a Guardian, but it’s not the 3rd best dps.

Revenant still bring some of the best CC, have the easiest way to keep perma fury, and the facet of nature allow PS Warrior to remplace boon duration food with dps food. For mesmer, perma quickness without a facet of nature is pretty hard except if you have sigil of concentration, which cost a lot of gold.

Guardian have some strength and Revenant have some strength. In the end of the day both are decent in raid.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Well if you have the Sigil of Concentration, there is very little reason to bring more than one Herald. That said, Herald make it so easier to keep perma fury and allow PS warrior to bring dps food. Their CC is also so good.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Help With Ascended Crafting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Here the difference between each method.

If you are crafting Viper directly. It will cost you 18 Fulgurites, 1 Yassir Recipe that cost 600 Aurillium and about 1.2 Gold for 6 Recipe for the armor.

While crafting a cheaper recipe and transferring them to Viper will cost you 6 Cheap exotic insignia, 18 gold + 30 Laurel for 6 Recipe for the armor and 6 Ectos.

Basically, if you craft for exemple a zerker armor that you transform into Viper after, it will cost you about 40 more gold, but you will save on Account bound material like Fulgurite and aurillium.

If you buy the Jeweler Damask Patch inteasd of crafting your fulgurite, then the first option is now about 200 gold more than the second one, so that’s never worth it.

Of course if you decide to craft a zerker armor and then transfer it into viper, you gonna already have the recipe if you want to make a second Zerker armor for another character. Saving you more gold.

It really depend on your situation. I wanted to craft HOPE so I didn’t have fulgurite to waste and I already had made a zerker armor for my thief and I had 2 ascended armor box, so for me it was crearly the second option the best. But if you will never use fulgurite, you plan on only crafting this ascended armor and you like doing AB so aurillium isn’t a problem then the first option might be better for you.

For Gold. Gathering Iron, Flax, Platinum and Potatoes are a good way to make gold. Crafting ascended material and selling them is also a good way.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Waiting for raids is making the game boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Nowadays, at the start of each week, I just don’t feel like doing anything at all, in case I miss a raid from my guild or LFG. Eventually, it’s making the game boring.

I feel that this can be solved by just making raids fully puggable by a “decent” LFG group, instead of an “elite-only” group. Just make mechanics simpler. Now, I know that many elite players will be complaining, but everyone will eventually want to try raids.

Raids in their current state are just out of reach of the majority of the playerbase. Why not make them a content that everyone can enjoy, instead of only the hardcore players enjoying it, while the majority of the playerbase suffers?

PS: Just a note that I’m not complaining that raids are too hard for me. I have The Eternal title and 7 raid bosses kills on my name. Finding a group is the hard thing for me, and I don’t want to join statics where I have to commit to a certain timing every week without flexibility (also, statics look out for players with 20+ insights, which will take at least 7 weeks). This is just an opinion from me.

NO NO NO. Raid is suppose to be the hardest content in the game. It’s the only freaking hard content so they should never nerf them.

That said. Everything else around the raid could get some improve to help people get into it.

- Add a raid lobby. The problem of people waiting to enter raid in VB is way less important than it used to. Now people form the squad and then go directly into the raid. But still, having a place like Heart of the Mist with vendor, repair, trading post and bank to get what you need when you are in raid and to talk with other raider would be nice.

- The LFG should work with the squad.

- The LFG should have a tab for raids

- We should have more ways to get ascended gear. Not easier way, just a bunch of different ways. Only a small quantity of world boss drop ascended chest and their drop rate is abysmal. WvW drop rate is also super low. The new HoT maps give you pretty much zero ways to get ascended. Let’s face it, most people have a hard time getting in 51+ Fractal and Raid without already having their ascended gear. Meaning that their only chance is to craft it. That’s very limited if you ask me. Again, more different ways to get ascended gear, not easier ways.

- A huge disparity in price/effort for different ascended stats. Compare Viper/Sinister to Zerker and you will understand.

- Several of the foods and sigil popular in raid have artificially high price. Things like Toxic Focusing Crystal and Bowl of Sweet and Spicy Butternut Squash Soup have high price only because their recipe doesn’t drop anymore. The butternut squash recipe is 120 gold right now. It’s especially an obstacle for new players that will wipe for hours without reward, but still having to pay for the food. The problem is mainly that if you have the right profession foods will cost you 30 silvers per hour, while other profession will have to pay 2 gold per hour on food only because their recipe don’t drop anymore.

- Continue to balance. Not every profession are on par and some profession have only one good option in raid. I hope that anet will rebalance some of them so that we see more diversity.

Of course. All of that won’t magically make everything easy for people to start raid, but it will make them easier to into a raid. I also think that over time, more and more people will get better at the current raid and will introduce more and more people into them.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Hype doesn’t mean that it’s OP. So whats the point of nerfing burnzerker, herald and chro. They are not OP as we think. Anet should bring back what they had.

Burnzerker was OP. Tempest, Reaper and Thief all finish Gorseval and sabetha with around 19-21K dps as average for the whole fight. Only Burnzerker was able to get to 23-24k and i’m not even talking about their peak dps which was really high. I don’t know the current dps of a Burnzerker, but I think it’s lower than 19-20k on average in raid. They might have overnerfed them, but that’s another story.

The Mesmer nerf was a good thing too IMO. 66% CD reduction was just too powerful both for PvE and PvP, while the invulnerability well allowed the Mesmer to skip the circle at VG.

The Herald nerf, was just handle poorly. I think the intention was to improve the complexity of the Herald rotation, which was a good idea. But the sword #2 work so weirdly and can screw up so much that now it’s not a reblancing of the rotation, it’s just a nerf. If they change how Sword #2 work, then I would say it’s a good thing and I hope they do something similar for the thief. Rebalancing the rotation so it’s involve more than just pressing 1, not nerfing the total dps of the profession.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


For the fact that some people kinda misunderstand the reason why we put guardian to “meta”.
It is of course not the best thing you would take for raids. If you want really fast kills, stack eles.
But, if you want to bring a guardian for raids, you should bring this one. It offers the best support of all offensive guardian builds while doing pretty good damage.

In theory condi reaper+engi might outdps the guardian, but dont forget that current raid bosses have invuln phases. Hammer guard doesn’t have to restack his conditions. Another thing is, you cant really mess up your “rotation”. It is super simple and for that, your DPS should be pretty consistent while some condi builds could have variations for the fact, that you can mess up your rotation, getting interrupted or whatever.

So yeah, hammer guard is prolly the easiest high dps build which offers quite some support as well. And yes, thief does more dps while just auto attacking but doesn’t bring anything else to the party.

See, I’m good with that. But my problem was with that ‘’Another thing is, at the current state of the game, this build “only” gets out DPS’d by Eles and Thiefs.’’

That sentence is saying that Ele and Thief have the highest dps, then it’s guardian, then it’s engineer and reaper. That’s very different than saying that Guardian have the 5th best dps, but that in-game the guardian have an easier time than Reaper and Engineer to reach their dps. Reaper need a second reaper and to not lose horrors, while engineer have a complex rotation and that both suffer from invulnerability phase on boss, which force you to re stack your conditions.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Please add a LFG tier for raids ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


All those single person LFR slots in the LFG tool strike me as the weirdest thing. Do none of them think to look through the list themselves and start merging parties to get a raid team up? If there are thirty of you all searching for a raid, chances are you can find what you’re looking for.

It’s because you can’t use the LFG from your squad. So usually, 1 person from the squad leave it and search for more in a party. You could see only 1 person in a party, but usually he also have a squad with a bunch of people waiting for him to find the last 2-3 players to complete the squad. Those LFG are rarely just one guys waiting to find 9 other players.

As for the LFG. It really need a section for Raid and in Living World 2 tab, one Core Tyria and one Magguma Waste.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

(edited by Thaddeus.4891)

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Ah sorry guys I still don’t get it why is it so important for you to cross some DPS line. In my opinion, any damage that is above 20K per second is so freaking high it doesn’t really matter if someone can dish out 3K more (or less).

We all know it, but people just like to push things to the limits.

Well it matter because we are not sure what is the situation to reach 23K dps. Is is the theorical max, the in-game peak or the average dps of a fight. For exemple, Reaper have a in-game peak of about 25K and an average of 19k for Gorseval. What is the situation for a DH? Is it 23K theorical max, 21-22k in-game peak and an average of 16K for Gorseval? That change the situation a lot don’t you think? We need to compare orange with orange. Because if the average difference at gorseval is 3K it’s big.


Despite the “new” findings regarding DH DPS, I still don’t see it’s value (/PersonalOpinion). As in, I don’t see the unique contribution that a DH brings to the team.

I’m still not sure about that these are new findings. I find that these number are pretty much in line with the number we used to see at the beginning of HoT if you add a Druid and Chronomancer buffer and that’s it.

I still want to compare orange to orange and I still have a hard time beliving that the Guardian outdps a Reaper or a Engineer. If 23K is the max in-game then Reaper can go higher than that if there is 2 Reaper. And Engineer, it probably depend on the skill of the engineer.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


At least perma quickness should be a given in every serious raid group. Also cripple is basically permanent on the boss. The only thing that you maybe dont have always, depending of your squadcomposition, are the ranger buffs.

Ya of course. I was just pointing out that 23K isn’t abnormal if you talk about theorical max because at the beginning of HoT we used to talk about DH doing around 16-17k theorical dps without counting a Chronomancer and Druid in the equation. Now that they are more popular it’s normal that the DH dps increase. It’s not because the DH is better, but only because now we count 2 additionals buffer.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Ok I did some math on the Guardian Hammer and here my result.

You can reach up to 23k, even near 24K with this build. BUT and it’s a big but. You need everything to reach that point.

You need ALL of your dps modifier to be up all the time. This include Seaweed Salad, cripple on target, the taget always on your symbol, max F1 teather, Scholar, etc. Not too bad, probably won’t happen in reality.

You also need all max buff. This include Grace of Land, Perma Quickness, Alacrity (affect only the trap, but still), Frost Spirit, Sun Spirit, Assassin’s Presence, Spotter, EA, etc. So basically, it’s true only if you are in 1 party.

PS Warrior, Druids, Chronomancer, Herald and DH.

If for exemple, you drop the Druid only and everything else is maxed, then your dps drop to 19k. If you remove the Chronomancer then you drop to about 15K, which was pretty much what we used to assign to the DH Hammer before since we usually didn’t took into consideration a Chronomancer and Druids into the party.

So far I have a really hard time to get onboard with DH is the 3rd best dps of the game. What about the Engineer, which could reach about 20K without chrono or grace of the land pre HoT? How much dps would he reach with both of those thing, even with a hard to achieve rotation? How about Reaper? Here in that video he reached 25k at about 1min16sec with all buffs.

I’m can see Guardian having a better dps than Ranger, Chronomancer and Warrior (but I would be curious to see the actual dps of the Burnzerker or a DPS Warrior). I can also understand the Guardian having a better dps than Herald, which as far as I know does around 21k dps right now. But that place Guardian 5th behind engineer, thief, tempest and Reaper, not 3rd.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Guardians in Raids

in Guardian

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


It doesn’t matter, whether you upkeep fury might or fury protection gives you exactly the same thing as a rev. Remember you are hopping back and forth between legends.

If you upkeep protection and nature you will find protection last just about the entire time you are in dwarf.

Your rotations will be the same;! I don’t see how it’s lower than guard tbh

In theory yes but Sword #2 don’t work well at all. In theory you should always be able to hit the 3 projectiles on the boss, but you can’t really stay inside the boss at all time. Gorseval and yourself will move a lot too much for that, while Sabetha will give you a very short window on the flame wall to get the hell out. The canons will also hit the middle of Sabetha, meaning that it,s really hard for an herald to stay alive if he try to stay inside Sabetha for the whole fight. Even when there is no alts near you, the sword #2 can bug. Sometime at Gorseval a projectile will go at the wall on the other side of the arena and you will have a message of out of range, dropping you dps.

There is also the problem of energy. With Protection, Fury, Facet of Nature and Regen (because no herald would put himself in a situation where he can’t use his heal skill), you will empty your energy in about 11 second, so you can swap your legend with no problem. But if you need to add the Sword #2 which also cost energy, then you end up with an energy problem. You run out of energy before you can swap your legend, which drop your dps and your buffing capability.

That’s why most herald now can’t keep all of that like they could before. They need to sacrifice something. Either their protection or their dps.

From what I know, you do around 21k dps as an Herald as a theorical maximum. I don’t know what is the dps in-game, but it’s less than 21k for sure. So ya for sure if they are right and DH reach 23k as peak dps, then Herald does less than DH.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


@ Cyninja

1) I didn’t shaved off or add any damage. You need to interpret the damage you see and know how Jaxnx meter work. It doesn’t calculate the dps at each second, it calculate the damage and divide it be the time since the start of the fight. For exemple, when you see in the middle of the fight the dps of the Tempest drop to 17K, it’s usually because he stopped dps altogether. Doing zero dps for a couple of second before restarting the dps. The numbers I provide on my post are the number at the end of each fight because they are the total damage output for the whole fight, divided by the time needed to complete the fight. So they are really the average dps of the profession while doing the fight. A second numbers that is interesting is the peak dps of the profession. For exemple, the Reaper have a peak dps of 25k, but his average dps for the whole fight is about 19k. So no I didn’t shave or added any dps. I just took the dps at the end of the fight, which is the average dps of the profession during that fight. The 17k dps you see at the tempest have no value, absolutely none. It’s just because he did almost no damage while doing the canon.

‘’Repear at Gore: 19-24k depending on if they are moving, on adds, evading ground aoe’’ that sentence prove that you don’t know how the dps of Jaxnx is calculated. And don’t get it as an insult or anything. If you didn’t use Jaxnx how could you know. The dps of the Reaper is probably between 27k and 15k. We can’t know because Jaxnx don’t give us the current dps, it only give us the Average dps since the start of the fight. That’s why, when the reaper glide and do zero damage, the dps meter don’t show us zero, it keep the total damage and the dps start to drop because the time continue to accumulate.

2) I would love too mate because I don’t have access to that many videos. I try to push my raid team to use the dps meter so I can have more data at least, but even me never really think about making a video when we raid. So the only thing I can do is to link video that other people did, and there isn’t a ton of those. I would really love that the community would try to make a small list of each profession in each fight, but well reality and time get in the way lol. Not a lot of people can make videos and not that much people know about Jaxnx.

3) Oh my post wasn,t about how the rotation of each profession is complex. And true enough thief have a super easy rotation just like Herald had before. The difference is that thief doesn’t bring support at all in raid, while Herald have a LOT of support to bring.

4) If you look at the video you will see that the tempest isn’t in the same party as the Chronomancer and they don’t use the 3rd subgroup with 1 herald and 1 Chrono. You can see that the tempest have zero alacrity and have near, but not perma quickness. So actually the real dps of the Tempest would be higher. Like I said, I don’t have access to enough data to put a 100% precise image of the dps of each profession. I was just poiting out that Reaper and Daredevil don’t have OP dps and that their dps is more in line with other profession.


Why a red flag? I have a video of EG doing a no updrag Gorseval kill with all 9 professions. Post 26th patch.

Does this should have peoples red flags go up?? OMG all professions are too op? Daredevil and Reaper are just the lastest current hype so people show them in video. It doesn’t mean that it’s op. There is talk currently that Guardian with the right buff have about 23K peak dps. If we see a bunch of video with a lot of guardian in them, shoud that have people red flags go up? Hype doesn’t mean that it’s OP.

I don’t have the pretension to know what Anet will do in the future. Honestly they kittened up Herald a bit because of the skill 2 that freak out. The initial idea of Anet seemed to be to nerf auto-attack and push people to use skill 2. But the sword #2 have problem and it doesn’t seem to be working as intented, dropping the dps of herald by a lot.

Will anet nerf Reaper and Thief? I don’t know. Personnaly, I wouldn’t mind them putting a limit to Horrors. Maybe you can’t have more than 5 or they die automatically after a certain time period. That wouldn’t be too bad honestly.

And thief could probably get a rebalance between auto-attack and other skill so it’s not that easy to play.

But my point was that those two profession ain’t OP. They have good dps, and some minor balance could be done, but they don’t need a major nerf in 3 months.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Guys you are pretty cranky if somebody touches your stuff….sorry for being a poor guardian wanting to have fun with you.

We are not cranky. And my main is guardian so if it was in a good place I would be very happy.

It just come from nowhere and it surprise us. Pre 26th patch the dps of the guardin in theory was about 16-17k with Hammer a little tiny bit below GS/Lb at least for the first 30sec. And it was theorical max dps in a vaccum. So for all we know, the dps of a guardian in raid would be around 14-15k. At least that the kind of numbers I had. If you compare that to the 20k in raid for profession like Tempest, Reaper and Daredevil, it’s come as a surprise that someone like Thor are saying that Guardian Hammer now is the 3rd best dps.

It’s easy to proove. Just make a video at gorseval or sabetha with a Guardian using Jaxnx. If he have around 19k dps, then we’ll believe him.

And just to be clear. I’m talking about dps at the end of the fight. Peak dps isn’t the same thing. For exemple. Most of the time a Reaper will do around 19k average dps at Gorseval, but peak dps will be around 25k. I consider the average dps for the whole fight to be more important than the peak dps, but maybe that’s me.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

(edited by Thaddeus.4891)

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


And who exactly is this person responsible for the build and why would everything he say automatically be true?

Well it seem that it’s Thor the leader of Snow Crow, which is a know speed running guild and on of the first guild to achieve no updraft gorseval. That said, I would still want to see the tests and not just believe him without proof like mister Mortifer.

I know who Thor is, but that doesn’t mean that everything he says is true

And that’s what I said too. But I answered the question. You asked ‘’And who exactly is this person’’ so I answered and say that he’s credible, but I would still want proof.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


And who exactly is this person responsible for the build and why would everything he say automatically be true?

Well it seem that it’s Thor the leader of Snow Crow, which is a know speed running guild and on of the first guild to achieve no updraft gorseval. That said, I would still want to see the tests and not just believe him without proof like mister Mortifer.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Dear raiders - a question

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


It wouldn’t get into metabattle meta section if it wasn’t ….


You are funny. Do you know how many people are working on these build and voting on them? Maybe like 20-30 people. And do you know them? What make them qualified to decide what is meta or not?

I’m not saying that they do a bad job, but it’s not because it’s on meta battle that it will change anything. Let’s see their dps and then it will mean something. And, I’m not saying that Guardian should be excluded from raid. Tbh I like Guardian hammer at Sabetha, but i wouldn’t bring one in Gorseval (unless I’m really wrong about their dps).

I want to see those test Thor say he did, not just his word.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

(edited by Thaddeus.4891)

Raid : Condi reaper and Daredevil too OP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


I don’t know Dahkeus. I stopped playing pvp since the end of the first league. Mostly because a bug preventing me from completing HOPE was fixed so i rushed to finish it. But Thief wasn’t in a really nice place in PvP pre 26th.

I can’t believe that a buff to backstab would have made them OP. IMO backstab is already hard to achieve and since HOT so much profession have huge active defense, sustain healing that backstab is not even a treat anymore like it used to.

To me it seem that backstab should receive a buff to compete in PvP. They could have improve the AA a little less and boost the back stab a bit.

But I can agree with your CS damage modifier. It could do a similar job.

For Leeching Venom giving condi damage. Are you talking about something that stack in intensity like Grace of the Land? Or something that doesn’t stack like Arcane Lightning? Or are you talking about a permanent buff like EA or Spotter?

One idea for condi thief would also to give a trait that make weakness made damage. Thief have a lot of it, especially in a condi build. It would be similar to chill for the reaper.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

(edited by Thaddeus.4891)

Unable to complete Mistward Armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Do you have the Exalted Acceptance mastery? It’s the second mastery in the exalted line. You need it to see the item and buy it.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD