So it seems the past 2 levels that I am going to the hearts and completing the quests they give. I will then wander around the area for about 10 minutes to see if any DE will happen. Well they seem to not be happening very much.
Not quite sure why I am missing all of these DE but it is kind of irritating that I am wandering around the zone trying to find them.
Don’t say craft in the mean time, because I am having big issues with crafting atm. It seems like I never have any materials to craft with and i usually collect all loot. And I hate to keep buying stuff because its making me go broke and I am trying to save to open up my other t raining manual that cost 1 gold….
So no opinions or thoughts?
With a lot of concerns for a LFD Finder going on right now here is a suggestion that I have.
Would it be possible to make Chat Channels for each dungeon? People can utilize this to find groups to run dungeons with instead of having an automated system of grouping people together.
I believe it would also add server community as well as social aspects to the game.
Maybe the cons of having the system would be to many tips or tricks of defeating difficult dungeons. Maybe that’s not a con at all?
What are your thoughts on a system like this, and how difficult would it be to implement?
Ya but even if I study all the boons your suggestion still doesn’t apply to all my thoughts on the system. Thank you for the reply though and yes i will need to study them!
Maybe it’s just me but Is anyone else having problems identifying conditions on your target, and boons on yourself?
I feel as I am playing that I really can never pay attention to what conditions I am putting on targets and what boons I am receiving because the combat is quite fast. So I am more worried on using skills 1-5 then swapping to my other weapons set, using those skills as necessary then trying to dodge and kite etc…
So there seems to be a lot going on for me to even pay attention to boons/conditions, which almost make them seem pointless to me because I never have enough time to even utilize the icons properly.
Anyone else seem to have this issue? How about some tips? Thanks in advance
Why do the LFD supporters ignore suggestions? I keep seeing you all just repeating “spamming chat channels with lfg” as your argument.
Non lfd supporters have at least come up with options/possible solutions, but are brushed under the rug and down right ignored because it doesn’t go along with your idea. I read it all, and I am imagining a bunch of grown men, putting their fingers in there ears and going “lalalalalalala, I can’t hear you!”
I am honestly beginning to wonder why you all are so against a server only, player controlled system. Something more functional than chat channel, but not so blind hand holding do it for me system. Something in between.
We all know this kind of system holds players accountable for their actions/behavior. That you get server reps, either good or bad, and you get treated accordingly. And seeing some of the aggressive and hostile responses from certain people….It does make one wonder if that isn’t a reason they want to be anon with their cross server grouping features.
And don’t tell me, if I don’t like it don’t use it, I played WoW, I have tried forming my own groups outside of LFD and I got slammed with “shut ups” and “use LFD, stop spamming” (Which I wasn’t mind you, I wasn’t sending out messages one right after another.) Great community, over there in WoW. Great lfd feature. Get people who can’t even manage to say hi. Or they just stand there and refuse to do anything for no other reason but to grief the group. Abuse of vote kick. Just generally act like a bunch of kittens. Because they can. Because it is cross server and they know they won’t face any consequences.
If you can’t step outside of what you want to try to come up with a creative middle ground, then all I can say is, if your not part of a solution, then you are part of the problem.
Really great post I am glad you took the time to write that.
I see the argument of people being level 80 and cannot find groups, just remember that only a handful of people are level 80 right now since the game is so new.
Also, I agree to some extent of some form of dungeon finder for groups on that server.
Actually I think the idea was mentioned already, but having a chat channel for each dungeon would be a great way for people to find players, and heck even talk about the dungeon!
I mean think about it from a social aspect, you are wanting to run AC so you join the AC channel where there is 30 other people in the chat room. You can’t tell me that this wouldn’t work? It would allow for a lot of good socialization from the gamers and heck even some tips and general knowledge about the dungeon.
I am kind of appalled by the reaction of the supporters of the LFD finder. You guys have come across very brash and may I even say “mean”?
I was trying to simply give an opinion with my past experience with dungeon finders and why I believe that the WoW dungeon finding system is inferior. Ya, it may be more convenient, but that doesn’t always mean it’s better.
Thanks for the thoughtful replies on the subject, there may be a middle ground that we can come to.
100% disagree
A decent auto join lfg queue system is badly required.
It’s swtor all over again, just spam in chat and having to stand in one map if you want a group rather then be out and enjoy the world.
add in lfg and only use it if you want to, don’t restrict my offered play style because you don’t like it, if you don’t like lfg, don’t use it. We can both be happy.
That’s because SWTOR was a WoW clone, so maybe it should have had a auto dungeon finder.
This is not WoW….and who cares if you see people saying LFG AC, THAT’S HOW YOUR FORM A GROUP.
Also, join a guild, the game is scalable so if you have issues finding a PUG, then get some guildies to run some dungeons with you. I guarantee there are a lot of good guilds out there who do that for their members.
I never understood this argument. The only difference between using an LFG tool and not is that one forces you to spam chat channels with “LFG LFG OMG LFG PLEASE LFG” for hours and the other is just a click of a button for multi-server grouping goodness.
The quality of players? Never seen it change. People sucked in groups pre-WoW lfg, sucked after. People didn’t really suck in groups pre-Rift lfg, didn’t really suck after.
I never got why people love to spam “LFG” all over the place, get maybe 1 run every few hours, and say “This is so much better than getting a 10 minute queue on a multi-realm LFG tool without having to spam channels! That would be so sucky!”
You have to remember one thing though, the type of game WoW is, breeds that sort of person. Everyone is on a free for all to get a group so they can get gear, or roll on gear they would like to have as there secondary skill set.
This game already has an option to tag yourself for LFG, there doesn’t need to be something that just puts you in a queue then you just play the dungeon.
The system make work in WoW because the type of game it is, but GW2 IMO allows for more social interaction and good players. Granted you will always have people who frustrate you, but no where near the amount of frustrating people I experienced during my time playing WoW.
I feel this tears down community and peoples need to communicate. Basically its best use is so people can zerg dungeons so they can keep re-running the dungeon in chance of a getting a piece of gear they want.
Honestly I am excited to meet people or meet guild mates at dungeons, its kind of like an “adventure” if you will.
Option to:
-Filter conditions on your target so you can see just your conditions.
-Option to scale the size of your current boons.
It would be nice to be able to filter out the conditions you put on a target of only YOUR conditions. Sometimes it’s hard to see what is going on when there is a ton of them on the target.
What about an option to scale the icon size of boons for yourself? What does anyone else think?
Thanks for the replies I will def. take a better look around! Also I don’t count vistas as jump puzzles because they aren’tthe same in difficulty.
I did one when I made my first character and I went to the sylvari zone, and there was an obvious jump puzzle not hidden whatsoever, it was an obvious huge tree.
But anyway I look forward to doing some of these.
It seems like I have explored a lot of area for the chart zone and have yet been able to find any jump puzzles…is there any in the chart zones?
I agree with wanting an auto attack for kits also.
This confuses me, I strive to get a better shield and pistol with better stats, but I loose the stats anyways when I switch to my kit.
What was the thought process behind this? Is ArenaNet aware of this and have any thoughts on fixing this?
Also, why do we loose our stats when we switch to our kits?
Sorry I forgot to mention that this stat order is for a PvE support build. So in question I am trying to figure out what it means?
Also, I haven’t seen gear that gives +condition duration. Thanks for the reply.
How would someone decipher what this means? Does it mean that someone should go for Boon Duration First?
Or does it mean that you can start with either the stats on the left or right but whichever one you choose to start with make sure to either start with Boon duration or Condition Duration?
Thanks for the help!